Japan on Saturday reported 39,218 new coronavirus cases.
The Tokyo metropolitan government reported 4,855 new cases down 2,704 from Friday.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 15, down one from Friday, health officials said. The nationwide number is 238, down 24 from Friday.
Other prefectures reporting high numbers were Kanagawa (3,794), Saitama (2,772), Osaka (2,306), Hokkaido (2,207) and Chiba (2,194).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths was 68.
© Japan Today
Wilkins King
The Covid pandemic is over in Japan.
68 people would disagree with your comment, but they can't anymore.
Steven Mccarthy
Drastically way too high for a holiday…. Keep safe people…. Mask up! Get your mRNA jabs! If you’re eligible:) follow the 3 C’s! Avoid closed or crowded places!
Good low numbers, we see the ghastly shadow of this wave disappearing from our shores. This is time for change, not only the sensible one of starting a new travel campaign for those of us who support local businesses but a new mindset for the people. PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) is what we need to flourish amongst young and old. Tear off the masks, remove the temperature checks and live like before.
I'm in Japan with my family for a couple weeks to visit my wife's folks in Tohoku, and to travel around a bit as we are on vacation. We always come every year, or at least we did until about 3 years ago.
Other than the obsessive-compulsive mask situation here, I was pleasantly surprised to see that most Japanese people do seem to be treating this more as an endemic scenario rather than some big emergency pandemic. We took our little son to Disneyland yesterday, Shibuya the day before that, and everything seemed pretty normal in terms of crowds (though the Shibuya scramble crossing seemed to be less of a swarm than I remembered it). Old friends were all fine with unmasked visits and rides in cars together and whatnot, save for one friend whose disabled child has a tracheotomy and is rightfully very cautious.
I just hope that people come to give the masks a rest. It's awkward to speak to people without seeing their faces, and I'm one who likes to have friendly chats with strangers so perhaps it's extra-awkward for me. It's silly to be such sticklers about masks nearly everywhere, and them suddenly not worrying about exposure whatsoever in onsen in restaurants. It seems that people aren't so worried about Covid as they are afraid to be the 'first guy' to not wear one. Some people are brave enough to shed the mask though, but I really don't see the mask thing truly ending here anytime within the next several years, unfortunately.
Yesterday, 63,871 cases were ‘Good low numbers.’
Today, 39,218 cases are ‘Good low numbers.’
I think these inconsistencies are immature and regressive, a symptom of those who are prone to persistenly mistaken assessments.
Steven Mccarthy
But for Covid, 68 more people wouldn’t have had their deaths hastened…. I won’t speculate as to ages or any possible health issues….. Covid kills completely healthy and young people too …. And none of these deaths are acceptable as some think ….
Death is part of life, going on about it if you care more than others, doesn’t bring them back. The world has realized that we will all catch Covid multiple times. If in at risk group, take vaccines and more precautions. Otherwise, take vaccines if you feel safer, exercise regularly, eat healthy and do not be obese.
welcome and enjoy your visit.
Strangely, I have a funny feeling these figures are going to get lower and lower as we approach, say, October 11th... Just a date off the top of my head.
What's about the other 3000 who do pass away every day as a result of age and disease. Covid is now endemic, impacts old people, and part of the life cycle.
The “every death is one too many” narrative is so disingenuous it’s not even funny. People die everyday of a multitude of causes, Covid being a tiny drop in that bucket. But those promoting this narrative keep advocating that everything should be done to avoid every single one of these deaths, regardless of other consequences.
This narrative holds the belief that Covid is the only cause of death that matters. Kinda like what’s happening in China… who cares how many people die from the draconian policies themselves? As long as we can prevent 1 death from Covid, doesn’t matter how many people suffer or die due to the policies themselves.
Kishida opening up Japan's borders without visa filtering will reverse the declining coronavirus numbers......not a good strategy both from a health point of view nor for the main bloc of LDP voters who are elderly. It is shameful.
Great post - deserving of a hundred upvotes, which you’ll never get here where common sense is frowned upon.
Hervé L'Eisa
"Most, if not all, of them were elderly and already sick. They almost certainly died of something else as the prime cause of death."
A good friend of mine recently passed away after having battled cancer for ~ 3 years and steadily declining. Her husband is quite upset that her death was included as "COVID - related" though she never had it, nor was tested positive. Can't trust falsified data.
The most interesting anecdotes I heard were far better than this.
One poster claimed to have consulted 3 doctors who all told him/her to refuse vaccination. These odds are astonishing.
There was a blizzard of people who had relatives working in healthcare. I remember one whose relative saw people collapsing en masse after the vaccination. The cover-up was astounding in its efficiency.
Another claimed to have seen fleets of ambulances parked secretly outside vaccination centres.
These people themselves are painfully uninteresting, but the interesting thing was they had remarkably similar views on completely unrelated matters such as climate change and the integrity of the 2020 election.
Unbelievably predictable.
Set you watch by them.
I'd bet money the majority if not all those people were vaccinated. So, they were supposedly more protected against severe symptoms, why did they pass then? I'd also bet, the reality is that vast majority, if not all were very old with comorbidities and COVID was the tipping point. Very common for people with compromised immune systems to pass with flu, pneumonia, or bacterial infections.
Japan reports 39,218 new coronavirus cases
Some of the highest numbers in a year!
Positivity rates one of the highest in the world.
Far from over here.
Thankfully Japan listened to the experts at the beginning and used masks, contrary to the WHO's advice.
It is expected end of October,,Japan will once again begin VISA FREE ENTRY 90 days stay....NO travel agency, NO covid test, NO anything....HOPE so...Japan is sooo backward compared to all other countries...OPEN freely again...
You keep repeating this, and then only showing the experts saying the same thing as the WHO, which is not surprising because that is what the evidence showed.