The Tokyo metropolitan government on Thursday reported 4,989 new coronavirus cases, up 789 from Wednesday.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 3,976.
People in their 20s (1,490 cases), their 30s (1,031) and their 40s (865) accounted for the highest numbers, while 708 cases were aged under 19.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo was a record high 218, up 21 from Wednesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 1,404, up 72 from Wednesday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was a record high 18,822. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (1,807), Osaka (1,654), Saitama (1,528), Fukuoka (1,040), Chiba (1,038), Okinawa (732), Hyogo (728), Aichi (703), Hokkaido (480), Kyoto (372), Shizuoka (354), Ibaraki (274), Okayama (217), Kumamoto (189), Tochigi (171), Gunma (166), Shiga (164), Hiroshima (161), Miyagi (220), Fukushima (210), Kagoshima (154), Mie (131), Gifu (122), Nara (114), Niigata (104), Ishikawa (98), Saga (89), Nagano (84), Oita (83), Toyama (71) and Ehime (69).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 24.
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*'my son's school had to close for a few days'*
Haha, well, there's part of the problem right there. But at least they closed, schools usually just have the student stay home for 2 weeks and carry on with a don't ask don't tell policy.
This is not accurate, we are a long way away from the "last gasp".
Also see this article on Asahi (link below) - “Tokyo doctors fear surge in deaths of virus patients at home”
Nationwide as of 4 Aug total of 45,269 patients recovering at home - this has increased 11.3 times from four weeks earlier and grown more than 2.4 times within one week
Within Tokyo as of 11 Aug total of 19,000 patients are asked to recover at home which is a ten times growth over four week
Of course not all patients recovering at home will be in need of hospital bed immediately but the way Covid works is patient situation takes a turn for the worse suddenly - in these cases if the patient is already in hospital chances of saving that patient is much higher than if the patient is at home - more so if the patient is living alone….
I have a friend who is a teacher and he said exactly the same thing.
Today number at 4989 - this number is 53 less than last week (last week number was 5042).
Last week Tue number of tests conducted was 15,854 for positive number of 5042 for Wed, a positivity ratio of 31.8%
Today number of 4989 is as a result of number of tests done yesterday at 12,862 - this works out to a positivity rate of 38.7% - very surprising why media is not highlighting this important fact to authorities….
The number of tests has been reduced by 2,992 from last week - both being working days and also after olympics is over there is no reason why the number of tests should be reduced??
Looks like this will be the way forward to reduce/control number of tests so that it can be showed how great our SOE measures are and cases are reducing already - as always media will not question about low testing or increased positivity rates….
This is not going to resolve itself well.
The LDP can raise the tax rate to 90%, take everyone's property, and leave 99% of the population starving on the streets and will still win a 2/3 supermajority. If you were in LDP's position, would you care about the people? Most voters can be on the streets and you still cannot get them to vote for anyone else but the LDP.
Maybe more, gotta keep it under the 5000 threshold as not to create a panic.
Ahh…that’s a lot day after day. The numbers are bizarre, as are the vaccinated numbers. I was ok with that, but now people around me are infected. My wife and I are dropping foods to friends on their door step. As they can’t be admitted to hospital? That’s weird. But we call every morning and call every night. Someone has to collect the bodies after all.
If we look at thing in a different way some here may realise how poorly things have/are being handled by the government.
Let's call Covid and invading enemy, the government the generals and military logistics.
So on Mondays ( non holiday only) the generals send out the troops and observations forces ( medical staff, testing, vaccine delivery and administering) the data in the "enemy" is collected and forces committed to the battle, on Tuesday the generals reduce the troops and intelligence gathering, do the same on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and on the weekend and holidays barely do any intelligence gathering on the "enemy".
In the meantime the "enemy" keeps advancing, the troops that haven't abandoned their post ( hospital staff) are left to fend for fend for themselves blind to what is coming next or from where the "enemy" will attack from next.
This is the situation in Japan, on working days for the government they start off mildly strong then do basically nothing on weekends.
Testing is sporadic at best even data collection is only partially continued on weekends and holidays, Vaccination reduced on weekends, etc...
Japan is fighting a week day war but the enemy (virus) is advancing and attacking 24 hours a day 7 days a week no weekends off no holidays off.
Dose anyone really believe that on Monday and Tuesday Tokyo only had 2,884 and 2,612 cases and suddenly the virus goes up to 4989 in 2 days?
This national delusion needs to stop and the perpetrators of that delusion the government and its supporters needs to realise if we are to end this in any reasonable time they have to commit the forces 24/7 no holidays no weekend.
The government knows the real numbers which is why they are calling for a 50% decline in foot traffic in Tokyo. The hospital beds are full and people are getting sent out of Tokyo (sometimes hours away) just to find an open bed. It's going to get really bad.
Luckily the hospitals and clinics are shutting down for a week so the numbers look low.
Space Cochonne
Looking at what is happening in Israel, vaccination efficacy decrease significantly after 6 months hence the reason why they start seeing serious case even with people that were vaccinated in January.
we are in for a long fight and several booster shots so Japon better get prepared and have the logistics ready otherwise we will still have unvaccinated younger group while elder will need to have their booster.
One dose of vaccine does not make a person vaccinated against delta. It has been shown that two doses are necessary against this variant, so providing the total number of administered doses is not useful at all.
what is needed is the number of people who have received two doses with the last being administered more than 14 days ago.
Other numbers concerning the vaccine are totally irrelevant.
The ldp doesn’t care how high the numbers get I bet. Nothing can be done to help the situation. We’re all stuck at a dead end thanks to Suga and Olympic
How many people live in Hyogo? How many people live in Tokyo? Try to think beyond yourself for once.
AkulaToday 05:13 pm JST
Where do you get your numbers
106 million doses given out of which as of this week nearly 50 million were given out by corporations and universities under the special 50 million doses for students and corporate employees few of which are over 65.
So 25 million people most under 2
The numbers I can find are:
47% of Japanese have received at least one dose.
35% are fully vaccinated.
So yes it is conceivable 60 million people have had at least one dose and 45 million are fully vaccinated.
The problem is 25 million of the fully vaccinated are corporation employees and university students
And Unless the remaining 35 million are all elderly we have some gaps in the government's claims.
And then we come to the fact that now that corporations are finished they 50 million doses ( in faster time than the government) how much will Vaccination slow down at this point?
Good job, Japan! So glad we hosted those Olympics and allowed people to gather outside of venues, or at bars to watch events late in the evening, etc.
There is but one plus about this, and that's that returning to the "Test no Covid, see no Covid" has done nothing for the government but to make the positivity rate for said scant testing upwards of 50% the other day alone.
Excerpt from Yomiuri news! Read the last sentence....Unbelievable "Not Ready" excuse!
Ambulances increasingly have difficulty finding hospitals for COVID-19 patients in Japan
1:38 pm, August 12, 2021
The Yomiuri Shimbun An increasing number of ambulances are having difficulty finding hospitals accepting COVID-19 patients in need of emergency treatment, with such incidents reaching nearly 2,900 in one week, according to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.
The agency said 2,897 incidents across 52 fire department headquarters nationwide occurred during the week of Aug. 2-8.
With coronavirus infections surging, the figure reached its second-highest amount. A total of 3,317 incidents were reported from Jan. 11-17 during the peak of the third wave of the pandemic.
“Hospitals are refusing a growing number of patients as they are not ready to accept them,” said an agency official.
oh, that sucks as I was hoping to get back there (and Australia) early next year without a 2 week quarantine. My parents will be very disappointed.
Seriously? Are we thinking of the same Japan, because the one I live in has doggedly done its level best NOT to prepare, instead favouring burying its head in the sand.
And to top it off, sequestering hospitals to all but the (Govt.) select few.
smartacusToday 06:13 pm JST
When the government finally throws it hands up surrenders and gives all the available vaccine to the private corporations to get the Job done as they clearly did for their own employees.
My ward was so slow in getting the vouchers out that my daughter's company gave her first dose 3 weeks before she even got her vouchers, they on the spot printed a temporary information paper and told her when she finally got her vouchers they would fill them in later. ( Which they did when she got her second dose even before our ward opened vaccination for my age group over 50).
Tristis QuepeToday 06:38 pm JST
Same situation here with my son that has chronic health issue.
Ward has no Vaccine available no appointments, and we tried the 24 hour thing for Otemachi it ends up kicking you off just before they reopen again.
My son's surgeons have tried everything to get him vaccinated they called other doctors the ward office, hospitals no go.
Anyone says that Japanese doctors don't care or work hard haven't met my son's doctors a team of 3 they have been going non stop trying to get their vulnerable patients vaccinated not just my son but the incompetence of the governments on all levels is beyond their capabilities.
What a stroke of "Luck"; Almost as if it were planned that way.
If deaths are anywhere near as bad as the doom mongers on here would have use believe, then having someone copy/paste their comment from JT will be the least of their worries.
I can't speak for the poster who does this (posts other posters' posts...did I just use "post" three times?), but there's nothing wrong with keeping people honest. If they claim that "we've got the virus beat" or "cases going down from here on out", and then it can be demonstrated that they are wrong while continuing to make such claims, I think it's justifiable to point it out.
And I really don't understand this obsession you have with deaths. Still, takes all sorts.
RobToday 07:19 pm JST
Nice try!
That is 8,000 taken to hospital not hospitalised.
14 died of heatstroke in a week.
12 died on Monday, 19 on Tuesday etc.. from covid.
See any difference?
Only one week until I can hopefully get my first but I am having a hard time grasping the stats given on the percentage of vaccinated people just because I am self employed and deal with several clients across Saitama and Tokyo (total employees over all in the 4 digit range) and the percentage in my circle is more like 20% one shot 10% two. These will be higher by the end of September since a bunch I know have reservations by then for their first, but it still feels very low.
One of my clients (their staff) still largely does not have their vouchers yet. To make matters worse one of them phoned earlier saying they had a confirmed case and the rest of the staff are being tested so now I may need to be tested myself (though it has been a couple weeks since I was there).
This has not been a good year for me, but I trust others are finding more success.
just slightly below 5000 - I wonder if the j govt has set a ceiling of 5000 and the cases must not breach this... reminds me of corporate accountants smoothing earnings and moving things into "off balance-sheet" to report lower numbers.... my guess tomorrow's number will be 4998 cases.. great job J-govt!
Why don't they ever give out vaccinated and unvaccinated statistics in the infection rate. All the major outlets that I have checked don't report this data. Are they trying to hide the embarassing low numbers of vaccinated?
When are we going to start seeing some effects of the vaccine rollout?
Also, I' m starting to think the spike in cases over the past few weeks really isn't due to the Olympics. At first, I thought they might be, but how would the Olympics be responsible for skyrocketing infections in places like Fukuoka, Okinawa, Aichi, Osaka and Hyogo? I know some of those prefectures hosted training camps for some athletes but surely the athletes were supposedly fully vaccinated and being tested every day, and did not have much contact with locals. So why the high numbers? I'm baffled.
Exactly right? but yet there's still all those government propagandists spreading the fake information regarding there's actually having access to the vaccines for the general population.
I also have never been able to get past the busy screen before the appointments all filled.
I wonder who actually can obtain those spots??
There are no vaccine distribution and access for the general population. I highly suspect that the announced vaccination numbers are true, as I have yet to find anyone in my circle of friends who are below age of 39 able to book an appointment.
Japan's national government is clearly doing everything in their power to suppress vaccinations and block access for the general population.
Not for covid tho. covid is I think capped at 300 or so. And very likely not because there is a lack of equipment.
There are another 12K that are yet to be decided. I don't know why they don't count them from the onset as stay at home as that is what their fate will be. So in reality there are more than 32K in Tokyo alone that are waiting at home.
You live in Osaka and voucher is sent from Hyogo ?
The rise in numbers doesn't surprise me at all. My thought was this virus will not go away and you can not kill a virus. If you could we would have gotten rid of the common cold a years ago. My thought was as soon as Golden Week was over the number would rise rise rise and I mentioned it several times in my posts here and now all I am reading is the increase in cases. I am not surprised at all.
And they still want to hold the paralympics?
Today I saw a dancing studio full with old people taking dance lessons. Indoor , no masks no nothing. These pensioner activities (yeah probably many more ) shops should be compensated and closed.
The experts, media, bureaucrats, politicians ruling and opposition, everybody knows, how do
you expect them to say something that will disprove the narrative that Japan is doing fine compared to other countries.
Remember these numbers 218 and 1,404 when we inevitably get the number of deaths and the "only x deaths" crowd show up.
Tokyo only counts those in assisted breathing machines as severe the rest of Japan anyone in covid ICU.
The mortality rate for those on assisted breathing in Japan is no different from the rates in other developed countries, between 26% and 40% why the wide range? Because it depends on the type of assistance, those that are on intubation have a higher mortality rate than those on other forms of breathing assistance devices,
So as the number of severe cases climb sadly we are soon going to see death go up and as we know these are only those "officially" designated as in covid ICU the rest don't get counted.
Could that be part of the problem?
Anyway, for those trying to book online try to stay logged in well before the time of opening of new slots.
Your browser must already be at the calendar page where you choose the day.
Keep a few similar tabs of ths page open so when you click a day and it's full just change tabs and click another day.
Good luck!
Okay maybe a small semantic problem there in the post. Please replace "full" with "operating at maximum capacity".
For people who haven't been able to reserve a vaccine yet, even if your ward says they're fully booked for vaccines, people can and do cancel. I was able to reserve my shots by sitting on the ward's portal and hammering refresh for an hour (it does sound like other wards' pages wouldn't cope with that though...)
I'm lucky enough that of my group of friends, only one isn't either vaccinated or got one reserved so I was feeling optimistic. Sad to hear my optimism was misplaced
We need someone or something new,
Something else to get us through….
I think they are starting AZ vaccination from Monday !
For Those Seeking Vaccination Sites in Japan,
Find an inoculation venue| Corona Vaccine Navi | Ministry of Health, (
JtsnoseToday 06:02 pm JST
For Those Seeking Vaccination Sites in Japan,
Find an inoculation venue| Corona Vaccine Navi | Ministry of Health, (
Great link. I tested it. The problem is that it just tells that there is nothing in my area, distant Chiba. I should go to Otemachi. That seems to be the nearest place, and from what people say it is difficult to get a reservation there these days.
Anyway, I am glad I got a tip-off from my doctor and got in early at Otemachi assuming my city would not do any better than it did back in May when it filled all reservations in 6 minutes and then the server crashed.
Still no mention of the packed Tokyo trains cramming in 7 million per day.
What will you blame now the Olympics is over?
i think you get your math wrong as you started from a wrong base.
50millions is not the number of doses given to corporations and universities, it is the number of Moderna doses bought by Japan. These are not only used by private sector but also by the government at least in the mass vaccination center : the JSDF ones, Osaka prefectoral one, ... and these 50millions are most likely not yet being receive as the order is for delivery by the end of September.
Japan isn't fake , hospitals, icus, builders, furniture makers you name it they have it. I think there is some medical "doctors" lobby here that dictates the pace of the response. I think they want to squeeze every singe p out of covid.
Yeah that was the plan and it was a sound plan buuut for whatever reason the hospitals are still full.
Half-full according to Tokyo government data. Where do you get your information from?
Plenty of virologists and biologists (Vendenbosh, Montagnier, Malone, the list is long, just look for all the scientist suppressed by the "fact checkers" at Big Tech social media) did warn that a gradual, slow vaccination with a non-sterilizing vaccine while the infection is still rising is precisely the wrong thing to do, as it encourages ADE and will create stronger versions of the virus.... which is exactly what we are seeing now.
But the media, politicians, and CCP-dependent WHO just know what the scientific "truth" is and had to suppress all criticism.
3 words I hate are. Choganai. Daijobu. Ganmbatte. Tanoshimini. Even the situation is getting worst. They keep saying daijobu and choganai. So please nobody should care about this pandemic. Japan is a unique country. So don't try to understand. Around the world there was no lockdown for restaurant till 20:00. No one was walking outside or...etc. 1+1=2 . Just lock it down or open it. It's toooooooooo late. Hope this pandemic leaves soon. For alcohol drinker please drink at home. Alcohol is alcohol.
Now at over 107m vaccination doses in total. Closing in on half the population having had one dose.
If deaths are anywhere near as bad as the doom mongers on here would have use believe, then having someone copy/paste their comment from JT will be the least of their worries.
Ok, I’ll take your word for it. Didn’t say anyone one was lying, just seems a tad strange to me.
Plenty of people exaggerate and make up stories I think, not all but certainly a few. I’m sure they will all be fin and vaxxed soon enough.
The vaccines are preventing deaths but also fail to stop transmissions. The vaccines stop working effectively after a while which is a shame.Anyway, ignore the fear mongers, If are a healthy adult, non obese without underlying health issues, you are in little danger.
At the moment I’m on holiday in a prefecture without SOE, people carrying on as normal, eateries and bars open until late. Very low cases here.
The pandora's box has already been opened. Do yourself a favour and do the proper things to, take good care of your family, as I believe vaccinations will not help this wave, maybe the next.
Yeah but need to bear in mind that jump would be people who caught it around 1-2 weeks ago.
Too early to say for sure, things could worsen for a variety of reasons, but it does look like this wave might have peaked.
I’m finding it hard to believe so many people unable to get vaccinated. My vouchers were sent from Hyogo prefecture and I could have had first jab by now, I am not elderly, sick or obese. My old neighbours have had theirs.
At least, it was not 5,000!
And seasons go round and round. We are on a carbazole.
It's just the 20's and 30-somethings. This isn't going to change so why care.
Please disperse. Nothing to see here.
You are seriously pushing on with the, by this point, delusion any of the vaccines in use in Japan are effective? They aren't. It's only a question of whether they help prevent severe illness. Still too early to say.
Over 60 million people have had the first dose of the vaccine, and over 45 million people in Japan are fully vaccinated. Over 82% of over 65s are vaccinated. These infection numbers, as high as they are, represent the last gasp of this virus in Japan.