The Tokyo metropolitan government on Tuesday reported 46 new coronavirus cases, up 11 from Monday and eight more than last Tuesday.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is two, unchanged from Monday, health officials said.
The nationwide figure is 46, up two from Monday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases rose to 387. Osaka prefecture had the most cases with 51, followed by Tokyo, Okinawa (29), Tochigi (23), Gunma (20) and Hokkaido (20).
Two coronavirus-related deaths were reported.
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Kev James
Unless it’s over a few hundred, then I wouldn’t bother reporting this anymore. Most of the population are vaccinated and masked up. There will always be a couple of cases but that’s to be expected. Surely we can’t keep reporting these low numbers forever?
I have been highly critical of the government for a long time but I’m not sure, apart from getting boosters out there, what more they can do?
These figures are only based on the number of people who show up at hospital and get diagnosed. Tokyo and Japan does not do mass testing so the actual number of those infected could be much higher.
Rob Nads
Yeah, but who cares?
there is long line in front of free testing spot today. i think many people do the testing before going home town, because of safety for their grandmother and grandfather.
...and THAT is the story here.
Do you notice that reporting about hospital occupancy rates and deaths have completely disappeared from the news, being replaced with "cases", which is a meaningless parameter? Talk about shifting the goal posts.
Omicron has been shown to only infect the upper airways like a cold or flu. Hence the MUCH lower hospitalisation rate and serious illness! Asymptomatic to mild!
Enough with the hysteria! This variant is what the world has been waiting for!
Carl N Jpn Gcjp
Numbers increasing.... AGAIN.
“Do you notice that reporting about hospital occupancy rates and deaths have completely disappeared from the news?”
Do you notice that hospital rate info et al can be viewed at the link below among others?
And 71 today at airports on Int'l arrivals.
Yep, way more than any prefecture, with only 3500 maximum are allowed in per day, making Japanese airports one of the most infectious per capita places on earth.
And don't forget, all 71 were tested within 72 hours before getting on their planes to Japan.
Sure, but do you notice that you have to search for that yourself, while the media headlines are now only about "cases"?
Time to close the borders completely for everyone, and give the immigration and airport health careworkers a long deserved break.
well, that searching perhaps applies to a few here on this forum… locals have access and see info in greater details
Alan Bogglesworth
I’d never get tested, you get shoved off to some weird hospital if you test positive like a leper.
Not worth the trouble.
Rob Nads
You could just as easily say "time to eliminate pointless testing and border restrictions, and give the immigration and airport health careworkers a long deserved break."
The number are slowly creeping up. The best medicine is to stay home and stay away from the trains and work from home guys.
You do know that not everyone can work from home.
If I don’t GO to work, BY train, I don’t get paid.
I’ve been doing this for the whole two years of this pandemic, & haven’t had any trouble.
And I’ve had no stress, because I don’t care about tests or numbers
Believe “to each, their own” dealing with CoVid @AshleyShiba 10:49pm but your post prompted me to read up: - Oct 19, 2009 -
You may also want to consider the active ingredient, Dextromethorphan‘, has been reported to have been ‘abused’ in the past and was restricted in some areas:
Sep 25, 2020 -
“Dextromethorphan abuse has been an ongoing problem in Japan and South Korea for at least the past two decades. Restrictions were put in place in Okinawa in 2008. Armstrong said that once past restrictions were lifted, abuse returned, which is why he is seeking more permanent remedies.” -Perhaps to also be careful with mail orders of certain items and quantities for personal use sent/brought to Japan ? - Best to You, Ashley.
Rob Nads
You'll be stuck in your cave (armed with your gunz and tazers, of course) for ever, with that attitude. The virus is here to stay - the sooner people realize this and get back to their normal lives, the better.
Peter Neil
Half of common colds are corona viruses.
Omicron is an upper respiratory infection also. It doesn’t replicate in the lungs efficiently and there are little to no effects on the lungs.
No reported loss of smell or taste has been reported with omicron.
Yes, it spreads faster than Delta.
Christopher J. Thomas
The sad truth is UNICEF has more facts or what is known about Omicron. Then the CDC. That is sad. The COVID19 SARS Pathogen uses your body like a gym to improve its self. Its takes a little piece of everyone in comes into contact with and adds another chinch in to its armor. It reaches a certain level and its morphs itself to defend its self. Its evolution. The pathogen only wants to live and survive.
The focus on strict measures is not only to prevent transmission, The measures are put in place to stop the this gain of function pathogen from mutating again. The pathogens designation is to survive and out last what drug companies throw at it. The battle field is our bodies.
The real question is. Masking, washing hands, inoculations, pills, all the weapons we have to secure public health seem to be working. Or seem to be slowing down the inventible?
Where would the pathogen be today had we let run its course and did nothing to combat its spread and mutating ways? What was the purpose of this pathogen? Why all gain of function research on this SARS strain?
Why was COVID#19 even getting a gain of function designation in laboratories? So when the scientists decided and when ahead and thought. Lets play around with COVID#19 strain. Lets enhance it.
What was the reason for this research? Common sense would seem to indicate. Weaponization. Ah yes, that word no one wants to face. Weaponization.
Alas no proof, No proof of lab leak. No proof of animal to human jump in patient 1.
These are the questions we should be asking. Yes the symptoms seem to be mild and transmission is more volatile, But to what end?
klausdorthDec. 28 06:56 pm JST
No one needs to end up in the ICU if given the right treatments, eg. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine . However, governments around the world have capitulated to the drug companies demands as to the condition of supplying these so called vaccines, that other forms of treatments are not to be used. The Phizer agreement which was leaked out has been posted on various news platforms in the past.
People, before you take your jabs, don't you want to know what ingredients are in these jabs ? Don't you want to know what the adverse effects are ? They are listed by Phizer . Last time I showed the list of adverse effects and vaccine ingredients, they were removed.
Wrong. The Japanese press is also all about "cases" (kansen kakudai) these days. They are not interested in hospitalization and death rates, which have pretty much disappeared.
Christopher J. Thomas
Peter Daszak has been quite open about his Corona research in Wuhan in the past (before the outbreak). The interest was about public healt (i.e. learning about the virus). Weaponization if of course always of interest for some (including the Chinese military).
There is no "end". Viruses always evolve to be more infectious and less lethal, because that is the way to survive (killing all victims is counterproductive for the virus). This is the way pandemics always end, it is not a mystery.