Japan Today

Tokyo reports 5,386 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally hits record 23,917


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Wednesday reported 5,386 new coronavirus cases, up 1,009 from Tuesday, and 1,186 more than last Wednesday.

The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 4.696.6.

People in their 20s (1,661 cases), their 30s (1,137) and their 40s (892) accounted for the highest numbers, while 757 cases were aged under 19.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo was 275, one down from Tuesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 1,716, up 70 from Tuesday.

The number of cases reported nationwide was a record high 23,917. Prefectures with record high numbers were Osaka (2,296), Fukuoka (1,253), Aichi (1,227), Hyogo (1,088), Okinawa (761), Shizuoka (590), Gifu (338), Gunma (314), Okayama (307), Hiroshima (302), Mie (276), Oita (162), Nagano (152), Miyazaki (125), Toyama (121), Yamaguchi (105) and Yamanashi (93).

Elsewhere, Kanagawa had 2,021 cases, Chiba (1,692), Saitama (1,451), Hokkaido (595), Kyoto (421), Ibaraki (345), Miyagi (271), Kumamoto (264), Shiga (207), Kagoshima (202), Tochigi (200), Saga (182), Nara (162), Fukushima (117), Ehime (91), Ishikawa (90), Nagasaki (89), Kagawa (65), Wakayama (64), Kochi (64) and Aomori (58).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 29.

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Today number at 5,386 - this number is 1,186 more than last week (last week number was 4200).

All across many places reporting record high numbers since the start of pandemic today - Hyogo reports record high number number of 1088, crossing 1000 for first time, Osaka reports record high number crossing 2000 first time, Aichi reports record high number of 1227 crossing 1000 for first time, Fukuoka reports a record high number at 1253 - national reported number today is going to be very high for sure

17 ( +25 / -8 )

Still despite the constant 4-5k case for weeks in Tokyo the serious cases decreased by one today.

We will probably need to look out for the number of deaths. Hope we didn’t enter a cycle where new serious cases replace equivalent amount of deceased cases.

-10 ( +8 / -18 )

It would be nice to know the true numbers.

12 ( +23 / -11 )


Bach scheduled to enter Tokyo on 23 Aug

Where did he go? Did he have to deposit the brown envelopes in his Swiss bank account?

Got deleted again my original post - "not relevant" - anything against Bach is not acceptable??

I thought this was very relevant as these actions by govt shows discrimination and why residents dont take SOEs seriously anymore - but thats just me - what do I know...

24 ( +30 / -6 )

It’s getting at the point where the disabled man in the basement accidentally shredded paperwork (Abe san said it not me) just can’t keep up and the numbers skyrocket. Things are unraveling for the LDP but it’s most concerning for the tax paying people of Japan. Could YOU have mismanaged anything this badly? If so don’t worry job performance is not a requirement for a government job in Japan.

25 ( +26 / -1 )

It would be nice to know the true numbers.

Why ?

-18 ( +10 / -28 )

Stay home

-1 ( +16 / -17 )

CrickyToday  05:08 pm JST

job performance is not a requirement for a government job in Japan.

...or anywhere else as far as I can see....

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

It would be nice to know the true numbers.

what number would be high enough to satisfy you ?

-17 ( +8 / -25 )

I am fully vaccinated and it takes full effect on the 21st. I was planning a trip to Fukuoka this weekend, but my wife and I decided that even though we are protected, it sets a not so great example to take a non-essential trip during an SOE, so we are going to put it off.

19 ( +28 / -9 )

Serious symptoms down 1 from yesterday. That is big news, no?

No! Not until we see the number of deaths.

Simply put if as we know they had 276 severe cases yesterday and for example 5 died but we now 275 severe cases that actually means severe cases increased by 4.

The only ways we are truely down 1 is if only one died or no one died which would mean someone got taken off ventilator but isn't dead.

Remember in Tokyo those in ICU not on ventilator are not counted as severe.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

AntiquesavingToday  05:19 pm JST

Serious symptoms down 1 from yesterday. That is big news, no?

No! Not until we see the number of deaths.

Simply put if as we know they had 276 severe cases yesterday and for example 5 died but we now 275 severe cases that actually means severe cases increased by 4.

The only ways we are truely down 1 is if only one died or no one died which would mean someone got taken off ventilator but isn't dead.

Remember in Tokyo those in ICU not on ventilator are not counted as severe.

I thought they were "hiding the bodies"? Now deaths are the key statistic? I can't keep up.

-14 ( +8 / -22 )

A broken record. You have been saying this for months. Are you hoping the deaths go up so you can be right for once?

Well at least I give logical information unlike some.

The facts are they do not provide the actual number of new severe cases, if any recovered or how many died from the previous day's severe cases.

So if we have 276 severe cases and 100 deaths but still have 276 severe cases the simple questions are:

Did any of those 100 deaths come from the 276 severe cases?

Did anyone get better? if so why do we still have 276 severe cases?

If you use logic then it is clear just saying one less than yesterday without contexts means nothing unless you provide what happened to bring that number down by one?

As it is now the only information we will eventually get are how many died, we will not get any information on if anyone got better or how many news cases were moved to the severe ICU section.

I know this bothers those that like to go "look severe cases down" the idea that they are down because someone may have died ruins their narrative.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

n1k1Today  05:09 pm JST

It would be nice to know the true numbers.

Why ?

Why do you ask?

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

The numbers are out of control.

15 ( +22 / -7 )

And the guy in the photo has his mask on his chin. Omedetougozaimasu

7 ( +14 / -7 )

Getting my second jab tomorrow, wife's at the weekend. The end is in sight for us, hope everyone gets offered theirs soon so we can all get back to normal. For the people choosing not to get jabbed we won't wait for you, masks off and bars full as soon as everyone who wants one has been given the opportunity.

4 ( +17 / -13 )

No, that’s a typical logical fallacy. The very most vulnerable have already died once, so they won’t do that for you again to prove whatever theory you prefer, comparing the danger level of former original variant, alpha or delta.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

As it is now the only information we will eventually get are how many died, we will not get any information on if anyone got better or how many news cases were moved to the severe ICU section.

6 died in Tokyo according to Yahoo News.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

GdTokyo - I am fully vaccinated and it takes full effect on the 21st. I was planning a trip to Fukuoka this weekend, but my wife and I decided that even though we are protected, it sets a not so great example to take a non-essential trip during an SOE, so we are going to put it off.

Being vaccinated does not mean you are protected. You ‘might’ be protected from the more serious symptoms, but you can still contract and spread the virus. The vaccine is not a silver bullet. Stay home!

13 ( +24 / -11 )

JTLurkerToday  05:37 pm JST

6 died in Tokyo according to Yahoo News

If that is so then the questions are:

Were these 6 counted in yesterday's 276 severe cases?

If yes, then all or just some?

If no, then did the one no longer in the severe cases today hey moved to a lower level of severity?

If yes all 6 or just some came from yesterday's severe cases, then how many were actually added today?

Just giving up 1 down 1 means nothing without the rest of the information.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Being vaccinated does not mean you are protected. You ‘might’ be protected from the more serious symptoms, but you can still contract and spread the virus. The vaccine is not a silver bullet. Stay home!

So you want fully vaccinated people to continue staying home until when?. If half the population don't accept the vaccine chance they are given there's no reason to continue staying home if all the people who want to be vaccinated have been.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )


Yet again, the vast majority of cases (83% this time) are people in their 50s or younger

Couldn't be because the old folk have been vaccinated could it?

Masks don't work.

No, the science is in on this one. Not perfect, but a effective way to prevent virus transmission.

23 ( +24 / -1 )

Masks don't work.

No, the myth of the japanese population following the rules doesn't work.

20 ( +22 / -2 )

5,386 cases? That now means just Tokyo alone this month has just reached 25.32% of all cases there since the beginning.

Why can't JapanToday post the full figures for Japan?

If they know Tokyo's and some other prefectures, why not the lot?

Just saying it, for what it's worth!

7 ( +11 / -4 )

It would be nice to know the true numbers.

Why ?

Why not?

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Fard Today 05:05 pm JST

It would be nice to know the true numbers.

Nobody can know because their test numbers are so pathetic, but multiply it by 10 and that should corresponds more to reality ... Why am I saying that? Because the outbreak is so massive and the positivity rate is sky high!

7 ( +13 / -6 )

@Leighton Rutt


You're welcome!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The numbers are super low compared to XXX

Surely the most annoying sentence here when using a country which does a ridiculous amount of tests as a reference.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

161,876 hospitalizations nationwide for Covid (+3,920), far more than USA had at worst time.

Also, plenty of ill people recovering at home, in hotels; and many waiting for a bed in a hospital.

1,716 severe cases (+70) not including the severe ones (non intubated) that Tokyo ignores just to keep the number low.

Just get your jab if you can and be cautious.

And do not react to antivax, news fakers, trolls. They will get frustrated.

14 ( +20 / -6 )

Being vaccinated does not mean you are protected. You ‘might’ be protected from the more serious symptoms, but you can still contract and spread the virus. The vaccine is not a silver bullet. Stay home!

Point taken. That’s why we canceled the trip. However, Moderna seems to be the most effective against infections (especially in masked groups, which is the only kind I join) and the risk of needing hospitalization is almost infinitesimals small.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Osaka number well up over 2000 today. Weather improved this afternoon so local supermarkets and parks were a little busier.

The usual several maskless oyajis were able to enjoy a few cup sakes and no name beers at the "Eat in space" again in the Aeon supermarket.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Alfie Noakes. Thank you, however, it doesn't show total numbers, and as I'm new to this comments bit here, I don't know how to tag anyone.

I can be located on social media, with a message.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The national government lies about everything, who knows what the real numbers are when the daily testing is capped at around 10,000?

Lies about vaccine access no access to vaccines, only a few thousand appointment opening per week to be filled within 10 seconds for propaganda.

Lies about access to antibody treatments needs to be dosed within 7 days after symptoms, but it usually takes MORE than 7 days for them to assess you for disease state and therefore treatment qualifications, by the time you finish assessment for qualification for treatment, you are already outside the 7 day timeframe. Outside of propaganda news pieces, no one will be receiving the antibody treatment.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Everybody's wearing masks. So, few if any people should be getting the COVID.

Masks don't work.

Yes, because people have their masks glued to their faces 24/7. They never take them off at restaurants or to eat/drink at the office, so clearly masks don’t work. /s

Come on now, people. Life is not black and white. Use your brain.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

All across many places reporting record high numbers since the start of pandemic today - Hyogo reports record high number number of 1088, crossing 1000 for first time, Osaka reports record high number crossing 2000 first time, Aichi reports record high number of 1227 crossing 1000 for first time, Fukuoka reports a record high number at 1253 - national reported number today is going to be very high for sure

Just the tip of the iceberg

The scary part is that all the record numbers and the other numbers are all based on small number of tests.

This will go on indefinitely due to being a system without check and balances, where is the J-media when

they are needed most ?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Did I miss anything?

The virus mutations. You missed that bit

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Kochi (64)

A third jab Friday.

And the possibility of boosters twice yearly for all employees who get on board.

Assuming the mutations allow.

The health insurance company has been on top form, worth every yen/penny.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

where is the J-media when they are needed most ?

Probably doing vital investigative work into the favourite Japanese food of paralympic athletes from gaikoku.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

If the country does 500K tests I am sure the number of infections will be more than 50K. The infection

is out of control especially at home. A private company offering ambulance service in Tokyo mentioned

that they carried siblings aged 4 and less than 1 to the hospital yesterday. Both of their parents had already

tested positive. Everybody continues to pretend the situation is not that bad. Large cluster 199 person in Uruma memorial Hospital in Okinawa from mid July 64 patients have died.

Don't get deceived with the released numbers it is a stark contrast with the reality.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Time for the government to start more restrictions because somehow Japanese adults can’t be responsible for their own actions and need to be told explicitly how to behave.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I guy tells me that people on the trains act like the virus is nonexistent and go about business or they think they are immune to its

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Over 5,000 new 'cases'? And, the public has still not been informed of changes of meanings in the English language during this narrative. Sapir-Whorf is alive and well.

As of 2018, Merriam Webster was motivated to change their definition of 'anti-vaxxer' to include anyone against mandatory vaccinations by the state ... despite the post WWII Nuremberg Laws prohibiting medical procedures on an individual's body without informed consent. Business patents currently insure that we have no idea of what, exactly, is in the current mRNA treatments.

'Cases' used to mean 'instances of sickness'. Prior to the pandemic ... people used to FIRST feel sick, THEN go to the doctor, get tested, diagnosed, and treated.

Now 'cases' refers to detection of a genetic fragment which may, or may not, be associated with an active virus. 'Asymptomatic Carriers' used to be known as 'healthy'. Although probably long since scrubbed from the net, prior to the pandemic, there was a demonstration of PCR's capacity to detect a huge amount of dangerous viruses among a sample of otherwise healthy people in New York. As a baseline, a gram of dental plaque can contain 100 billion bacteria, and about 10 times that many viruses. Non romantic roomates share about the same percentage of viruses as romantic counterparts. (Scientific American, Dec. 2020). Imagine the 'effectiveness' of disposable masks on those Chuo line rush hours.

Now, the official public health procedures are FIRST be tested and diagnosed, and THEN be treated, regardless of whether one is sick or not, followed by booster shots ... the 'no-option software upgrade plan'. Corporate Capitalism, hand in hand with the Nanny State, at its corrupt finest.

As of Dec. 14, WHO finally admitted the PCR tests were 'problematic' with a hit or miss probability of detecting false positives, and today's NHK news showing a politician calling for more testing to prove there are more 'cases' than officially reported ... and conveniently omitting the number of cycles leading to exponential numbers, have not been standardized ... artificially high at 40 cycles for detecting a fragment, and then goalposts moved to normal-to-low (28 cycles ... for 'proving' the efficacy of the experimental gene treatments.

On the positive side, as of today, Aug 18, with NHK news officially mentioning the word 'ivermectin', I guess mentioning that optional treatment will no longer be censured.

As a bonus, immediately after today's official 7:00 pm NHK 'news' ... a info-documentary history of war time propaganda is being shown as I write this comment. Ironic? Synchronicity? Narratives falling apart? Will leave it to the reader to decide, should this post not be scrubbed.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Prefectures reporting record high numbers were Fukuoka (1,253), Aichi (1,227), Hyogo (1,088), Okinawa (761), Shizuoka (590), Gifu (338), Gunma (314), Okayama (307), Hiroshima (302), Mie (276), Oita (162), Nagano (152), Miyazaki (125), Toyama (121), Yamaguchi (105) and Yamanashi (93). 

Elsewhere, Osaka reported 2,296 cases, ....

Notice how the positive spin is created here - one there is no mention of nationwide cases today - which I am sure is another record high but conveniently missing today - usually this is covered here on JT by this time.

Second the above sentence mentions record high numbers for various prefectures but conveniently misses out including Osaka 2296 number in that sentence but as an afterthought in next sentence club Osaka along with other places as if there is nothing here to see??? Osaka today number of 2296 is first time crossing 2000 mark and by far the highest number there since start of pandemic....

Just for ready reference, yahoo Japan reports (link below) today national total will exceed 23,000 number


This total of 23,000 is far higher than last highest in Japan of 20,632 reported on 13 Aug - increase of more than 2500 today....

0 ( +5 / -5 )

I should run for government.

I think even communicating in solely English, I could have accomplished more in 18 months than the current regime has.

How can they STILL be planning for every single thing as if they had no idea it was possible? Does no one at all understand forethought?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

How can they STILL be planning for every single thing as if they had no idea it was possible? Does no one at all understand forethought?

If they’re anything like the Japanese company I work for, they get upset at the one person pointing out all the problems with their plan and brand them as a “troublemaker” who needs to “communicate better.” Only yesmen get promoted while those who actually care about the outcome are considered black sheep. And then they wonder why so many things go wrong and the same problems occur over and over...

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Bubonam Justin KayceToday  08:11 pm JST

Oooohhh Brace yourselves for a 6k Thursday? Thursdays always seem to be high days.

That is a slim possibility but seeing they already lowered testing by over 3,000 for today and if they do the usual lowering for tomorrow ( at least down 3,000 from today) it will make going over the 6,000 quite difficult.

This lowering testing every day starting Monday is what has kept 6,000 away every other time.

7 ( +9 / -2 )


Getting my second jab tomorrow, wife's at the weekend. The end is in sight for us, hope everyone gets offered theirs soon so we can all get back to normal. For the people choosing not to get jabbed we won't wait for you, masks off and bars full as soon as everyone who wants one has been given the opportunity.

As you surely know by now, the jabbed can both get and spread the virus, so what in your mind is the difference between you and the non-jabbed?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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