Japan Today

Japan reports 52,918 new coronavirus cases


Japan on Monday reported 52,918 new coronavirus cases.

The Tokyo metropolitan government reported 5,654 new cases, down 2,096 from Sunday.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 32, unchanged from Sunday, health officials said. The nationwide number is 412, down seven from Sunday.

Other prefectures reporting high numbers were Kanagawa (4,476), Saitama (3,689), Chiba (2,881), Osaka (2,634), Fukuoka (2,542), Aichi (2,512), Hyogo (2,277), Hokkaido (2,147) and Hiroshima (1,811).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths was 145.

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Tokyo reports 5,654 new coronavirus cases

Still huge numbers compared to one year ago!

And another wave will be on the horizon.

-22 ( +6 / -28 )

Still huge numbers compared to one year ago!

What "numbers"? according to the official information the people hospitalized with severe symptoms is 32, one year ago it was 233, a seven times reduction is a very positive thing and the whole purpose of the measures recommended by the experts around the world, preventing infections is no longer the objective, preventing severe cases, hospitalizations and death to the point the infection stops being a risk above background levels is.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Sunday numbers admittedly, but the trend is our friend.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Is it fair game to mention that free testing programs have been stopped by end of August? (At least here in Osaka

Of course, that info is very important.

Could you point us to a good source, I'm sure many would like to know the details

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Our latest covid bed use rates published today show decreases in bed use in Tokyo, Saitama, and Fukuoka. More beds occupied in Osaka than last week and it's gone from 70% to 90% of beds filled in Okinawa.

Again, I feel like this is the only information that really matters at this stage. Case numbers haven't been a good measure for pandemic severity for a long time now.


0 ( +3 / -3 )

It's over. Stop the daily reports of miniscule numbers - numbers that were always going to fall despite waning vaccines with much lower efficacy, redundant masking and a loosening of restrictions. The fear and hysteria didn't materialize. I feel the pain of a few on here.

However, it's time to lose the masks and move back to normality like they have done elsewhere. There is no need to perpetuate the fear or harm given the damage already done.

3 ( +10 / -7 )


The info you linked to was for data from a meeting on August 24.

The current bed usage for Okinawa has fallen to 43%.


3 ( +4 / -1 )


Cheers. Didn't know we had up to date figures.

Really significant decreases across all of Japan. Especially Okinawa. Most places at or under the 50% level.

Except Aichi and Shiga for whatever reason.

Can we call a wrap to this wave then? And no state of emergency was needed.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Really significant decreases across all of Japan. Especially Okinawa. Most places at or under the 50% level.

Sounds good.

For those who prefer traditional metrics you can look at the graphs for cases and deaths for clear visuals of the trends


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Natural immunity in action nothing to do with the vaccines made for the long extinct alpha variant!

Open up, move on, stop traumatising the kiddies!

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Case numbers haven't been a good measure for pandemic severity for a long time now.

Case numbers help understanding how the pandemic is behaving long before complications and hospitalizations follow. The problem is thinking the situation and variants have no effect and cases will always be reflected in the same proportion of problems, that is obviously not the case and by now people are well aware that 2022 is not the same as 2021.

It's over. Stop the daily reports of miniscule numbers 

According to the science deniers it has been over a dozen times, which does not stop them from saying it again and again. The main reason why the risk has been reduced so importantly is because most of the population has not listened to these false arguments and instead persist with sensible measures and get vaccinated. There is no fear here except from the people that fear science and knowledge when it proves something they don't want to believe.

Natural immunity in action nothing to do with the vaccines made for the long extinct alpha variant!

Any evidence of this? or just something you like to believe and push as if proved? Vaccines have been demonstrated to help making the disease much less risky and provide enough immunity to even reduce transmission, just pretending this is not the case without presenting any evidence that proves the scientific consensus false is not an argument, it is just wishful thinking.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

“Is it fair game to mention that free testing programs have been stopped by end of August? (At least here in Osaka, don't know about other prefectures.) Or does that put me into some weird conspiratorial corner?”

As I mentioned on here before, I know someone who works in a hospital and vouched for this fact by mentioning a memo that was doing the rounds a while back. I wish I had a copy, but it basically confirmed that testing has lessened and what is recorded as a case depends on things like the persons age, underlying conditions and etc. So, yes - fair game.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Stop the masks for kids for God sake! This is madness.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Good low numbers.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

What "numbers"? 

Kind of like the numbers being reported in the headline of the article. If you read the article.

And which numbers are at least ten times those of one year ago. Simple.

Elvis is hereSep. 12  05:54 pm JST

I saw free PCR tests in Kokubunji, Tokyo yesterday. The place was empty with a few bored staff holding placards.

Because testing has decreased, And thus, positivity results are extremely high, even compared to three months ago.

Japan is handling the crisis well in line with allowing tourists in---lower the number of infections, lower any unease foreigners might have about visiting a country that has one of the highest infection rates in the world.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@Roy Sophveason


Late reply, sorry, but here is the announcement of the ending of the free test program in Osaka prefecture as of August 31:


Thanks a lot!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Kind of like the numbers being reported in the headline of the article. If you read the article.

One one number is in the headline, meanwhile the most important ones (hospitalizations and deaths) are decreasing as it was easy to demonstrate, so no. The numbers are not huge compared to one year ago, only the least important one is, the rest are decreasing.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


So mRNA vaccines released in Dec 2020. Daily deaths in Japan didn't really shift until the feb 2022 wave and the current wave where death rates have more than tripled...Who was that saying vaccines are the solution...???

Vaccines made for the Alpha variant have had little to no effect against the omicron waves. Now the bivalent vaccines which have been tested on 8 mice are the next saviour?? Don't think so.

Natural immunity is what is leading this and with the actual numbers being forecast at 5 to 10 times the reported numbers there is a lot of natural immunity out there.

Open up, move on, masks off & vaccines very optional!

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

So mRNA vaccines released in Dec 2020. Daily deaths in Japan didn't really shift until the feb 2022 wave and the current wave where death rates have more than tripled...Who was that saying vaccines are the solution...???

The experts said the vaccines are part of the solution, which is still completely true, they help preventing countless deaths as anybody can compare the rates of death by thousand infections and compare between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

Pretending there has been no variant and the changes they bring do not exist obviously disqualifies your argument.

Natural immunity is what is leading this and with the actual numbers being forecast at 5 to 10 times the reported numbers there is a lot of natural immunity out there.

Again, making up something you would like to believe and pretend it is a fact do not make it so, most of the population is already vaccinated, and the clear evidence how this reduces rates of hospitalizations and death clearly demonstrate it is much better than immunity gotten by the infection, because it does not come with the full risks that you are trying to prevent with the immunity in the first place.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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