The Tokyo metropolitan government on Wednesday reported 501 new coronavirus cases, up 164 from Tuesday.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 384.6.
People in their 20s (152 cases), their 40s (95) and their 30s (88) accounted for the highest numbers.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 45, unchanged from Tuesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 803, down 24 from Tuesday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 1,703. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (210), Okinawa (115), Chiba (113), Osaka (108), Hokkaido (88), Saitama (87), Fukuoka (40) and Hyogo (34).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 78.
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Great news, severe cases falling fast and the nationwide case numbers are also on a downward trend.
Michael Machida
Looks like its going back up like a kind of increase.
If they admit to an increase of 164 - I wonder what the real number is !
How many of those are the delta variant? I truly hope someone is checking that.
Of course no word on how many tests...
Not so great news if it means people stop being severe cases because they're dead.
67 covid patients died yesterday, which could mean there were around 43 new severe cases nationwide.
Falling numbers is always great and it has been doing so far a while. Vaccines are rolling out fast, the numbers will fall further, there is no reason to be negative now.
The first thing they teach at Stats 101 is how the story people want to tell us is what pushes them to publish certain numbers, and not viceversa.
The number of tests has been removed. The net number of new severe cases is not compared against the deaths of the previous day, which makes it look like everything is going rather well.
which obviously isn’t the case. One would expect more intellectual honesty from the publishers. But hey, this is why the New York Times was founded in New York and not in Tokyo. Sad.
You mean they publish different stats/data here each day depending on what story they want to tell us?
Michael Machida
After thinking about this for an entire day, it still seems to be an increase. I am not good at numbers, but when the numbers go higher, its called an increase.
This is a big and constant problem. As the world slowly opens up, Japan will be forced to lock down the country after the “super spreader ‘ Olympics. It will create a completely new form of virus that will make all the old vaccinations obsolete. Good luck Japan and. thanks JGOV for your vision and hospitality.
Bubble Bobble
Shows the daily numbers in Tokyo per month.
A yellow highlighted number means it’s an increase from the week before,
Cancel the Olympics!! Shut the entire city down!! Make everyone sty home!!! Ban all travel!! Eliminate the virus!!!
It's the only way as has been proven time and again all over the world.
Well what did people expect?
This yo-yo has been going on for months now.
The public testing is near non existent in Tokyo so private labs are the only choice for most and closed on weekends.
So every weekend the numbers drop like a rock every Tuesday the number jump by Wednesday they take a bigger jump then as the weekend approaches the numbers drop slowly until the big weekend drop again.
You see Japan has a unique Corona virus it takes every weekend off!
PCR Tests in Tokyo 6/13: 1,827
*27.4% of positives
1 of every 3 people you meet is infected?!
Shouldn't we be in stage-4 ?
someone get this person the number of tests, & quickly !
let’s slash our wrists while we’re at it
But how can any same, logical person believe that in a metropolitan region the size of Tokyo public testing of 2,000 people and joint testing of just over 6,000 of which the vast majority are citizens that had to pay out of pocket to be tested is even possibly realistic or normal?
Other countries test tens of thousands daily in similar size populations but we are supposed to believe that densely populated Tokyo only needs to test 2,000 a day on Sunday and 6,000 on Monday.
Anyone that truly believe these numbers, I again offer to sell them Rainbow Bridge trust me I really can sell you the bridge, what I say is a truthful as the Tokyo government covid numbers.
501 still not contained….. unleash the covidlympics
Do the hustle
It’s pretty clear that Tokyo and the rest of Japan are not winning against the virus with their ‘quasi’ SOEs. After more than a year of Covid restrictions there are still 3,000+ new cases weekly in Tokyo and 10,000+ new cases weekly in Japan.
Numbers won’t go very high because of vaccinations and people taking precautions, please don’t be afraid. Just be cautious, like I am when I’m out.
I’m at shimbashi people drinking in the corner after work and train are packed…….covid gonna spread
People seem to blame the low number of tests on the government, but that does not seem to be the case, at least where I am in Miyagi. The problem is with the GPs. You can't get a PCR without being referred by a GP. I and many acquaintances have been to the GPs with covid-like symptoms but the doctors refuse to recommend a PCR as, in their all-powerful wisdom, they tell you it's just a cold. Can't call in sick because of a cold. So we have to commute and work and possibly spread the virus.
or even better get out of here while you can
Oh my goodness...
WTF??? Why aren't you reporting numbers tested any more? Testing numbers are pitifully low and the only way to make it look like COVID is under control when it is actually spreading like wildfire.
Not long ago it was about 50 deaths a day in Japan but recently it seems to be in the 60s or 70s. We can assume it is the elderly who are dying but it would be useful knowing who is actually dying and what age they are.
Commodore Perry
Wow--positive cases shooting way up. Deaths caused by covid going up.
And positivity rate still too high.
Because the government has stopped giving them out daily.
Toyo Keizai noted this some time back.
Now the only information available is total tests done usually on the Tokyo site and usually between one and be days later.
Tokyo now refuses to say how many test the public testing centres did won't give out how many tests were from private labs, etc...
We can guess based on Sunday's numbers being around 2,000 that by mid week when testing hits 8,000 that 6,000 are private Labs.
The folk in Tokyo will surely be right on track for quasi-lives after the predictable Olympic clusters come spreading their way, courtesy of the IOC and sponsors. Stop the madness!
Full safety measures have been implemented to ensure that will not occur. Please don’t worry and remember the games have been declared safe by the G7 and WHO.
Lets all lighten up and enjoy the events.
As Europe and Asia are running for cover for the Corona virus, Japan is opening up ???.
Yes, isn’t it wonderful how it has been dealt with here, yet only opening up for the Olympics for now. They will be very strictly monitored to ensure safety. The IOC has stated that they would not proceed unless they are sure there is no danger.
Yeah right - "full safety measures have been implemented" - third version of rule playbook announced yesterday with a great mother of all riders - any athlete not following the rules will be sternly warned or else (and something in between)
See this latest news -
Uganda Olympic team - both olympic and paralympic team was supposed to land at Kansai airport today - due to major increase in positive cases in Uganda their flight got cancelled - begs few important questions -
Why Paralympic team is entering Japan so early when their event only start on 24 Aug - why do we need these folks more than two months prior?
Countries like India/Uganda where cases are on rise will send their delegations - not only Athletes but also support staff plus media - are we really sure they will follow the "full safety measures" and remain in the bubble??Expect a major cluserfxxk and shxt to hit the fan after 8 Aug when main Olympic gets over and 24 Aug when Paralympics are scheduled to start - brace up everyone. Take care and stay safe.
Havent you see the news the last few days? Details have been given showing how the public will remain safe. There is no way the games would go ahead if they were not considered safe.
Suga attempt failed in this value back from UK crystal clear!!
The virus make permanent even much vaccinations hurriedly !!
Coming up shortly the Tokyo variant spreads out to world - wide during the term of the Olympics would be a mandatory !!
Time to be positive, eh? I know some who thought the walls were closing in after Woy left. Nice to see you are in good spirits.
Yes that is hilarious!
Was that before they said "barring Armageddon" the games would be held?
I mean let's be serious if only "Armageddon" will stop the games then their promise of "would not proceed unless they are sure there is no danger." Is basically pure lip service and of zero value!
Remember Suga was the FIRST at the trough to get vaccinated. Like all the Olympic pigs.
I see the doom and gloom merchants have popped up again. At least we are being spared the conspiracy theories at the moment.
My guess is how it works is this. The health centres are the gatekeepers for the public PCR tests, and they make it very clear to any GP who rocks the boat and starts referring lots of suspected cases to them that they have not been applying the criteria for testing 'properly'. Remember that here you have to pass a 'test - test' to qualify, and the criteria will exclude many possible Covid cases. The doctors get blowback if they start referring more than others are, and so turn off the tap at source. In my case, the doctor insisted that I didn't have Covid as I didn't fit their criteria closely enough, but said I could have a TB test if I wanted. No conspiracy is needed. The health centres are chronically understaffed, so like any bureaucratic organisation, they put up filters to manage their workload. They virtually stopped testing and tracing too, because there are just not the staff.
It has been clearly recognised in other countries that Covid symptoms vary widely, and now it appears that the Delta variant presents more like the common cold. So if you have a lot of phlegm but don't lose your sense of taste and smell, you will be told to get on your bike.
So what happened? Did you get covid?
The link to ALL the stats is at the bottom of the article... 7000 people were tested in Tokyo yesterday.
Gee there are some hypochondriacs on here! How many people do you think die on a daily basis in japan???
50 people Japan wide is nothing! While it is sad for the families of those people there were most likely comorbidities involved.
The problem with the corrupted system of testing in japan is that for asymptomatic and mild cases you can't get tested unless you are willing to pay 30000yen or can get a GP cert and GPs aren't giving out these certs easily.
What is needed is a quick antibody test to see who has already had the virus. I guarantee there would be a very large part of the population who have already been infected and gotten over it.
Other than that it is just fear mongering by those wanting everyone to get vaccinated on forums like this and in the media. If people are in a high risk group they should get vaccinated..all others should just move on and get out and about
Very good points made, I agree with you entirely.