The Tokyo metropolitan government on Tuesday reported 542 new coronavirus cases, up 202 from Monday.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 611.
People in their 20s (144 cases) and their 30s (123) accounted for the highest numbers, while 76 cases were aged 60 and over.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 71, up three from Monday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 1,294, down six from Monday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 3,903. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Hokkaido (459), Aichi (327), Osaka (327), Okinawa (a record high 256), Kanagawa (200), Fukuoka (199), Hyogo (139), Hiroshima (131), Saitama (128), Ishikawa ( a record high 101, which included a cluster of 53), Chiba (99), Gifu (84), Shizuoka (62), Kyoto (62), Okayama (58), Ibaraki (51), Kumamoto (51), Shiga (41), Nagano (36) and Oita (36).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 105 (27 of which were in Osaka).
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raw numbers / comparison with previous day are useless without test numbers ...
Some real news please- how many were vaccinated in Japan today?
Numbers are slowly trending down, but it concerns me to see numbers such as the ones coming out of Ishikawa.
I generally believe the government's numbers unlike many on this site, but although we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we are still going to see some setbacks along the way.
Anyway, my prediction of 50m vaccinations pre Olympics still stands.
That is incredibly optimistic. Aren't we not even at 3M fully vaccinated (second shot complete two weeks ago)? I would be floored if Japan could get that to 5M pre-Olympics, nevermind 50.
Just checked, and fully vaccinated we are at...2%. A bit higher on first doses (7% I believe).
I got vaccination 1 in Noshiro yesterday. Got a letter made a phone call got the appointment for a month later and given a date for vaccine 2. Of course I am embarrassed that many Japanese older than my 70 years have heard nothing in parts of Japan. I am no longer interested in hearing what J gov want me to believe about Tokyo.
By Paris 2024, maybe.
In Osaka around 300-330 for today, down from the previous Monday at 508, and the declining trend has continued since last week.
Congratulations! I am a little bit jealous. Good luck on the 2nd shot.
Correction: (X) the previous Monday: (O) the previous Tuesday on May 18th.
327 confirmed.
To do 50M in 1K days you need to maintain steady 50K inoculations per day .
Maybe ? Maybe for the Mars Olympics in 2220
The sad truth is even if the government posts the vaccination number, nobody will believe it. There was only 7% partially or fully vaccinated until this week. Every town and city is jabbing arms this week so that number will climb exponentially. The worst seems to be behind us.
The current estimate for Japan's total cases stands at 5.5 million people. That's because Japan is only testing symptomatic cases.
Luckily no new variants because we are an isolated island with closed borders.
Well let's wait and see the number of tests done.
As we already have seen every weekend the number of tests drop drastically over 8,000 on Friday in Tokyo right down to just over 2,000 on Sunday then as the week progresses the testing ramps up again, not the tiny percentage the government does but private lab testing as people get desperate and pay high prices to be tested.
As the week goes on the numbers rise both in tests and in positive cases.
My daughter's friend cares for his disabled bother who has been sick with fever all last week and he to is now sick.
He tried without luck all last week to get his brother tested through the public health centres and on Friday finally paid for a private lab the results came late yesterday and his brother has covid which means he probably is also positive but cannot afford to pay for another private test for himself.
Now he is trying without luck to find a hospital to take his brother but none will, this is a disabled man with limited mobility and no hospital in Tokyo will accept him.
Over 700k vaccinations yesterday - some good signs.
Is this a typing mistake ? You mean 7K right ?
Thank you GdTokyo. No problems 32 hours later. Perhaps high temp and headaches with 2nd shot. No problems for my Japanese wife’s vaccination so feeling very lucky
By April 20: Total# vaccinated 1,389,913
By April 24: Total# vaccinated 6,610,869
4 days total: 5,220,956
Daily average for the period: 1,305,239
Correction above: April - May
Completely meaningless numbers. This is getting so tiring.
No, May 20th is 5,528,513. May 24th is 6,610,864.
That's 270,587 per day.
Japan has administered at least 9,466,923 doses of COVID vaccines so far. Assuming every person needs 2 doses, that’s enough to have vaccinated about 3.7% of the country’s population.
During the last week reported, Japan averaged about 353,125 doses administered each day. At that rate, it will take a further 72 days to administer enough doses for another 10% of the population.
Kyle Bluestone
Let’s cut through the never ending bureaucracy and get vaccines in people’s arms!!! As in the USA, nurses and pharmacists along with physicians should be vaccinating people. The Japanese medical societies who are more interested in protecting their turf than public health need to be called on the carpet if they oppose the above.
Yes, a good sign. In Japan everything takes a long time - too much talk before something is done, because Japanese people - including all politicians - can work only within a group, not able or willing to make individual decisions.
However when they all agree after a while and are convinced that is the best way to go, all of them will work day and night to achieve a certain target. That's the way Japanese people work - always together in a group.
Kostas Yannakopoulos
There are 423 days left until herd immunity is reached in Japan
That's just plain wrong though. The data released shows that 228,004 doses administered to the elderly and 330,589 to medical staff for the 24th. That means 558,593 doses if you ignore the fact that the number for the medical staff includes the numbers for the weekend since the doses administered to medical staff during weekends and holidays is added to the following weekday. Why it is impossible to record the numbers day by day like they are able to do for the elderly is beyond me though.
And? 6,610,864 of those were first doses. It doesn't change that only 2.26% in Japan are fully vaccinated which is slightly better than places like Myanmar (2.25%) but worse than Bangladesh (2.41%), Bolivia (2.59%) and Belize (2.62%). Sure, unlike Bangladesh, Bolivia and Belize have a far smaller population than Japan but there are enough places that have a bigger population and still do a far better job (Mexico 9.15%, Brazil 8.86%, Indonesia 3.62%, India 3.03%). In Japan 2.97% are partly vaccinated which is actually better than Bangladesh (1.13%) and Indonesia (1.83%) which seem to focus more on providing the second dose to those that have already received their first one. But the other places are again doing a better job (Brazil 9.84%, Mexico 5.07%, India 8.01%). The number of fully vaccinated people in Mexico is actually higher than the number of people in Japan that are partly and fully vaccinated (11.79 million vs 9.5 million).
Derek Grebe
Fewer than 6,000 tests again. What is it - 6 months since Koike 60,000 tests a day?
Shameful. Criminal negligence.
Oh how I wish what you state was true. If you look past the spin and hear from those on the front line, you will get a different story. Here's an article from this very newspaper just 2 days ago:
"Osaka hospitals buckle under COVID-19 onslaught
Hospitals in Japan's second largest city of Osaka are buckling under a huge wave of new coronavirus infections, running out of beds and ventilators as exhausted doctors warn of a "system collapse", and advise against holding the Olympics this summer.
Japan's western region, home to 9 million people, is suffering the brunt of the fourth wave of the pandemic, accounting for a third of the nation's death toll in May, although it constitutes just 7% of its population."