The Tokyo metropolitan government on Wednesday reported 6,430 new coronavirus cases, up 2,897 from Tuesday and down 3,791 from last Wednesday.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 44, one down from Tuesday, health officials said. The nationwide number is 916, down 21 from Tuesday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 41,038. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (4,790), Aichi (3,158), Kanagawa (2,831), Saitama (2,114), Hyogo (2,104), Chiba (2,061), Fukuoka (1,696), Hokkaido (1,224), Okinawa (913), Shizuoka (879), Hiroshima (697), Gunma (696), Tochigi (680), Ibaraki (621), Gifu (603), Shiga (588), Nagano (553), Miyagi (530), Aomori (512), Kagoshima (493), Kagawa (425), Fukushima (376), Okayama (374), Niigata (341), Mie (325), Ehime (318), Saga (291), Akita (286), Miyazaki (281), Nagasaki (275), Oita (255), Toyama (247), Iwate (224), Yamaguchi (242), Yamanashi (226), Nara (178) and Kochi (174).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 122.
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Numbers continuing to fall. Good to see. Where are our doom and gloom merchants now?
Steven Mccarthy
90% increase in the country of Tokyo since yesterday. Who would’ve thought a holiday weekend would give us artificially lower numbers ? Hopefully all that rain and snow yesterday wiped out a bunch of fake cherry blossoms. Too many people flouting basic common sense ways to mitigate this again. However, it is nice to see a minor decrease in Tokyo. That country is full of spoiled brats . As for Japan , in my area we had a dramatic increase. Doesn’t help knowing that omicron is the deadliest variant of Covid in Japan to date. Are people ever going to just do the right thing? We made it through 2 years with near zero restrictions. Got through Alpha and Delta with fewer deaths than omicron combined.
El Rata
Excellent, wen zero?
Michiel van Meeuwen
Reading Steven's comments every day is annoying and tiresome. Unfortunately you can't block or hide comments
The important thing are the numbers from last Wednesday. And those were higher. Meaning the cases are dropping, something that is a good thing
So if yesterday’s numbers were artificially low does that mean your 90% increase today is artificially high?
I gave you a thumbs up for the comedy of it btw
”I gave you a thumbs up for the comedy of it”
brilliant! Made my day.
Cheradenine Zakalwe
I like Steven's comments as they offer some balance to the bye bye covid/when zero monotony
Agreed. Neighboring countries are undergoing rapidly rising cases of COVID.
Recommending caution is useful as well as mentioning that in Japan's case lockdowns would have been more constructive and beneficial to the populace than paying eateries to close at 8.
Rather than reposts of stories of maskless garden parties and how COVID is inconsequential to the posters and their friends and families powerful immune systems so all COVID precautions should be thrown out the window.
El RataToday 05:18 pm JST
Excellent, wen zero?
LOL! Never dude. There will never be a time when we have zero cases.
If you are concerned or at risk, invest in N95s and limit your activities. “Normies” around the world are fatigued with the restrictions and barrage of statistics.
Bored of it now .
Haaa Nemui
Had a very light cough start on Sunday. Next morning temperature was at 38, and 39 by late Monday. Had a headache and light body aches most of Tuesday, felt like I’d been hit by a truck this morning, and now a slight cough almost not worth mentioning and temperature hovering around 37. It’s incredible how fast this thing is.
Steven Mccarthy
Fact checked: I’m only referring to Japan . I’m only scared of highly irresponsible adults who are anti everything in relation to Covid. While is correctly spelled is W H I L E. Irrational? Only those who spread patently false information daily are irrational. Whine on and on about restrictions and we’ve never had any meaningful restrictions. So what’s the next excuse why all these businesses supposedly closed ? Hotels , Onsens …. The got their welfare. Bars ? They charge too much in good times and must’ve blown all their cash and if they couldn’t make it through Covid like the general public, boohoo….
Omicron is not the deadliest variant by any sensible measure. It is the most infectious variant, but you are much less likely to die from infection than the earlier widespread variants - especially if you factor in vaccination as well which wasn’t a possibility in the early days.
Haaa Nemui
And further to my post above, I’m aware that people are suffering in many varying degrees, and even my own situation could change, so I just want to say take care everybody.
Pretty sure that's not true.
*"An analysis of the causes of death revealed that COVID-19 resulted in 14,563 more fatalities during the period between January and September [2021] compared with the same period of the previous year."
Japan's total coronavirus death count from 2020-2022 is 27,251.
Also… saying there have never been any restrictions in Japan when it is still largely impractical for international travel is a pretty ignorant statement.
Lift all quarantine requirements on residents
Steven Mccarthy
Basic math …. Dec plus Jan plus Feb. = 9,231. We’re not through March yet so add that in next week. Omicron is bar far and away the deadliest variant of Covid in Japan to date. Also , in Japan It is more deadly than Alpha and Delta combined. Let me help those of you in denial or fantasy land , 27 months of Covid. 3 months alone account for just over 34% of total Covid deaths . Also , Omicron has been killing children this year as well .
Steven Mccarthy
Steven Mccarthy
Please hold , I’m having my wife getting me the links of the 3 yr old and 9 yr old who also died in Feb from OMICRON.
That won't be necessary.
@Steve your insistence that omicron is the deadliest variant is based on your definition of deadliest. You are looking at the absolute number of deaths. Most people assess personal risk. On a personal risk basis, omicrom is the least deadly variant. Fact. Perhaps you should try framing it in your mind that way, then you might feel less panicked than you do.
Steve Mccarthy … basic mathematics indeed…
Deaths to 11/1/2021: 18,276
Deaths since (let’s presume all are omicron): 8,892
Infections to 11/1/2021: 1,716,909
Infections since: 4,218,518
So firstly the number of omicron deaths is lower than the previous variants. Just by the official MHLW data, Omicron is five times less deadly by infections. I suspect the number of actual omicron infections is far higher as it is so mild in most people.
You seem to have little understanding of statistics and data. I would suggest you are not in denial but just a little slow.
Steven Mccarthy
Common sense: I’m using daily death rates to factually state that Omicron is the deadliest variant of Covid in Japan to date. I generally don’t talk about what’s going on around the world but for those that insist on death based on infection rates , it’s because the responsible majority are vaccinated. Not just because someone is lucky .
Yes the measure is number of deaths. I myself don't know how many have died due to each variant but if omicron killed the most people then it can be said to be the most deadly
Boring. I recovered in just 3 days and had to go back to work on the 4th. The amount of work waiting for me at my desk was not a pretty sight.
Amazes me to this day.
People actually disregard number of deaths as measure of a deadly disease.
True @Reckless.
Unfortunately, despite all the advances and the knowledged gained, far more people are dying daily in this wave compared to the waves before.
Rob Nads
Luckily I didn't need to take any time off work. I was sensible enough to get a rapid test and not disclose the results.