Japan Today

Tokyo reports 6,502 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 39,659


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Sunday reported 6,502 new coronavirus cases, down 942 from Saturday and down 1,629 from last Sunday.

By age group, 1,044 cases were in their 20s, 1,147 in their 30s and 1,054 in their 40s, while 996 were aged between 10 and 19, and 1,284 younger than 10.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 46, up one from Saturday, health officials said. The nationwide number is 955, down 38 from Saturday.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 39,659. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (4,371), Saitama (3,323), Osaka (2,908), Chiba (2,588), Aichi (2,037), Fukuoka (1,762), Hyogo (1,680), Hokkaido (1,519), Ibaraki (1,282), Shizuoka (895), Kyoto (761), Okinawa (677), Hiroshima (660), Niigata (492), Miyagi (489), Nagano (446), Shiga (445), Gunma (441), Tochigi (433), Aomori (415), Okayama (373), Fukushima (361), Nara (331), Kagoshima (321), Kagawa (301), Toyama (259), Ishikawa (253), Kumamoto (250), Gifu (239), Ehime (216), Iwate (205) and Yamaguchi (202).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 66.

© Japan Today

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It being the Sunday of a three-day weekend, and already no places to get tested on a Sunday (especially if you have symptoms), it's no wonder the reported rate is down. But with ACTUAL rates going up everywhere in the world with the new variant, I have my doubts it is going down here at all.

-10 ( +13 / -23 )

I know or three places in Tokyo where you can get a free pcr test any day of the week.

if you go online and do some research you can find places so I don’t get this argument that you can’t get tested. That’s info that is about a year old.

13 ( +23 / -10 )

Some people just aren’t happy unless the news is bad

11 ( +23 / -12 )

There are countries in the world now that fully comprehend the realities of Covid and do not have any restrictions.

Unfortunately, Japan is not one of them.

12 ( +21 / -9 )

You’re right …. Japan has never understood the realities of Covid and never had adequate restrictions.

-14 ( +8 / -22 )

Wen zero?

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Every country that has imposed a hard lockdown, the type of zero Covid nonsense that you are calling for, has failed. Hong King, China. I am so glad I don’t live in those countries as here in Japan I have been able to maintain my livelihood without a single interruption. And I suspect despite your dire predictions you are in the same boat.

5 ( +13 / -8 )


Yws he has but he complains a lot that he hasn’t been paid to stay home and that business were paid for closing which he thinks is unfair

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Still a high rate in Okinawa. The next wave is around the corner.

A full-lockdown China-style should be implemented.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

letsberealisticToday  08:21 pm JST

China has done far better than most nations at controlling COVID. 

China has done an incredible job.

All the countries that did not implement full-lockdowns, China-style, in addition to suffering from a high number of Covid cases and Covid-related deaths, also suffered highly from economic loss associated with their Covid strategy.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Numbers continue to fall as we see the end of this wave approaching. Possibility of Japan opening up to tourists in the Summer? Let’s see! Have a few chums who had to cancel plans who wish to visit at first opportunity.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Where did I say there should be no restrictions? Some reasonable restrictions are acceptable but restrictions in some countries border on the absurd. Japan has done a reasonable job of balancing the health of citizens while maintaining its economy.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

The number of new cases is falling, which is a good news for all of us who live in Japan.

Now, have you guys noted that Omicron has have more negative efect among Asian nations than Western nations?

While Japan, South Korea and Vietnam the number of cases increase too much, in Western nations the number of cases is falling.

Why so?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

While Japan, South Korea and Vietnam the number of cases increase too much, in Western nations the number of cases is falling.

> Why so?

I think it's due to higher levels of personal hygiene in the west compared to Asia?

That's the sort of nonsense I heard in reverse during the first variants of the virus.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Once again …. Patently false statements.

falseflagsteveToday  07:51 pm JST


Yws he has but he complains a lot that he hasn’t been paid to stay home and that business were paid for closing which he thinks is unfair

I’ve never said anything about being paid to stay home . I’ve stated I personally have not missed a day of work because of Covid. And “businesses were paid for closing which I think is unfair.” Is a lie . Click on my name , read my comments. You will not find those words anywhere or anything even remotely suggested as such . FFS always criticizes others and brags about “supporting local businesses.” What I have said is that I have zero sympathy for businesses that have been paid 100% to be closed and shame on those who spent every yen the ever earned while grossly overcharging the general public for years , and had to go out of business. Tax dollars should not be spent so some bar owner can pay his bills . The dude literally has zero credibility and constantly makes it up as he goes …

Lastly , numbers cont to fall …. Rise …. Fall… stay flat …. In the past week , there are 298000 new cases. Japan only test symptomatic people. So where are these sick people? Not in the hospitals where they should be . Why ? Because the healthcare system is on the brink of collapse. Omicron is the deadliest variant of Covid in Japan to date and by far and away more deadly than most predicted. Tourism can wait . Those businesses collect their monthly welfare benefits so they aren’t hurting.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 66.

Lowest number I've seen in a while, hope not a fluke, I better check the graphs

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Numbers indeed declining but very very slow, average daily deaths still top high compared to past waves Hopefully boosters will have a big impact when inoculations reachsome critical mass.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

For those who haven't seen the graphical representation of the daily deaths yet here it is.

The curve on the right, the sixth, the one that towers above all the others before it, is the current wave.

Omicron, to put it mildly, is very deadly.

Continue to exercise caution and precautions.


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

China has done an incredible job.

According to those who believe their media.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Now, have you guys noted that Omicron has have more negative efect among Asian nations than Western nations?

No. Do you have something to show that Omicron has been a "more negative effect" on Asian countries than western?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I think it's due to higher levels of personal hygiene in the west compared to Asia?

That's the sort of nonsense I heard in reverse during the first variants of the virus.

Are you trying to claim that Japanese people didn't watch their hands, and wear masks, more than western countries pre-virus? You just called it nonsense...

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Reading some of these comments i have to wonder how some become so brainwashed. Japan does selective testing so i have to question the accuracy of these statistics as they seem to follow whatever agenda the government has at that time; just like here in America. As a American that is married to a Japanese citizen and lives part of the year in Japan when Covid isn't a factor i am puzzled as to why a country so used to masking and awareness of those around them have such a high rate of "infections"! Maybe crowding into trains like sardines in a can has something to do with it. Here in America many states { including Georgia where i live) have said enough of this foolishness and returned to normalcy. Yes, Covid is real but so is the Flu, Sinuses, Pneumonia, and at least a dozen other diseases that affect people each year.Quit being scared of your shadows people and get a life regardless of what the doomsday Sayers on here say!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Mr Steven

Numbers have been on a downward trend for a month as I correctly predicted, now we see severe cases and deaths falling shortly after as I also predicted. Businesses are essential for the economy and public health, we don’t want to end up in the society you wish for when we all stay in and shop online at Amazon.

Omicron was a lucky variant, highly contagious and mild, also provides excellent immunity


No, Omicron is not the most deadly variant, it’s the mildest, yet the most contagious, scientifically proven.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

No, Omicron is not the most deadly variant, it’s the mildest, yet the most contagious

The Omicron wave and subsequent deaths in many (most?) countries caused more deaths than any other strain. So it depends on how you define 'most deadly'. It wasn't the most deadly as far as deaths by number of cases, but it does appear to have had the most deaths.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

I truly don't understand why the headlines continue to focus on case numbers instead of ICU admittance and death numbers. Also, of course Omnicron is going to have a higher aggregate death total -- it is far more transmissible. What matters is the percentage of deaths relative to the number of cases. This disease is endemic and zero Covid will never, ever be sustainable. Better to simply learn to live with it and get life back to normal.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Numbers have been on a downward trend for a month as I correctly predicted

Predicting that something aptly described as a ‘wave’ will go down?


2 ( +6 / -4 )


Not really, I predicted the time of the peak in January and when it would fall and when deaths and severe cases would follow by analysing data from countries that were affected by Omicron earlier. Though my predictions were mocked by the usual suspects here, they were proven correct.

Trust the data and the science Jimizo, not use your sarcasm and preconceived ideas about those who hold some views opposing to yourself.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

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