The Tokyo metropolitan government on Wednesday reported 76 new coronavirus cases, up 30 from Tuesday and 36 more than last Wednesday. It was the highest number since Oct 16.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is one, down one from Tuesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 49, up three from Tuesday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 501. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (61), Kyoto (36), Okinawa (27), Hokkaido (26) and Hyogo (22).
In Yamaguchi Prefecture, the U.S. Marine Corps said that 80 people at its Iwakuni base had tested positive for the coronavirus.
Four coronavirus-related deaths were reported nationwide.
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To be expected as the colder weather has come and all the crowds out at Christmas in the capital.
Michael Machida
The storm is coming.
Rocket Lees
Excellent question. Remember when we were told it was going to be 30,000 free tests a day?
In fact, today's results are based on approximately 4,000, which is half as many as were tested the prior day.
Half the tests, double the number of new cases.
It's a good news.
Omicron is here.
That is what the headline should be. But as usual, the headline refers to the meaningless "cases".
The Japanese government will need to maintain a certain number as to not alarm the public. How can they exclude people from being counted with the omicron variant?
Does everyone here realize that most of the tests being counted are coming from the airports both coming and going?
They are free for travelers. The general population has to pay. Another reason the official count is misleading.
Fact-check it, for many are done outside airports.
All arrivals into Japan must carry a negative test cirtificate with doctor's underwriting, all cost about 30000-35000 yen.
Also notice that tests are NOT free or courtesy, for they are coverd by public money, covered by our social security payments. "Free" is a very misleading construct amid this pandemic. Better use another term.
It’s a shame, I had been genuinely enjoying the consistently low numbers for the last couple of months. Seems inevitable that the number of cases will skyrocket here like they already are everywhere else. On the plus side though while cases might spike the number hospitalized or dying likely won’t, at least not to the same degree as with previous waves. Omicron might even herald the end of the worst phase of the pandemic that we’ve been going through for two years.
Iron Lad
Virus is coming back.
Be very careful, people.
The spread is starting again it seems. Just as I'm starting to see more and more people without masks. I wonder if it's omicron.
do they not count the newly(?) tested positive 80 at the US base in the Japan total?
Now, keep in mind, that's 70 when you normally can't get tested without jumping through hoops on regular days -- and the count always miraculously goes down on weekends and the following Monday and Tuesday. Now factor in a times five because it's the year-end and ZERO private clinics will be open and pretty much no hospitals will be testing, and you can bet it's at least 25 times higher, if not several hundred times higher.
Tom Doley
Nope, Japan will use any tactic to distort numbers. That's why I have no respect for the jgov.
@Norah........Those same people entering in Japan has quarantine at least 3 days up to 14 days upon arrival. Each person will be tested multiple times during quarantine. Even more times if someone on their flight was found to be infected with omicron. You get those tests done at the hotels (outside the airports).
@Norah......Yes, before they go abroad (outside the airports).
Someone has to be quite ill to get a PCR at a hospital in Japan. For the average person not traveling outside of Japan, they will not spend large sums of money to get tested because they are uncertain.
All travelers leaving and arriving to Japan must get tested.
No one who arrived in Japan gets tested only once. Especially not now.
Richard Gallagher
The rise in cases - coincides with holidays and warmer weather. Expect another rise second & third week of January. That's without the omicron variant.
The proposed third inoculation of the vaccine aka booster shot, in January, would tamp it down.
It’s Coming!!
And 103 of the 501 total were at the airports in international arrivals, by far a new one day record.
That's more than 20% of the national total, and only 3500 maximum people are allow in per day.
And somehow all these people tested negative before departing to Japan.
Omicron is here. It’s too late for booster shots.
“Omicron is here. It’s too late for booster shots”
I haven’t had my first…
I'll take anyways, not being a whiney little baby who can't handle needles.