The Tokyo metropolitan government on Friday reported a record high 9,699 new coronavirus cases, up 1,061 from Thursday and up 5,641 from last Friday.
By age group, 2,973 cases were in their 20s, 1,835 in their 30s and 1,333 in their 40s, while 1,078 were aged between 10 and 19, and 880 younger than 10.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 11, up two from Thursday, health officials said. The nationwide figure soared to 414, up 117 from Thursday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 49,854. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (6,254), Kanagawa (3,412), Aichi (3,187), Fukuoka (2,668), Saitama (2,405), Chiba (2,215), Hokkaido (1,644), Hiroshima (1,532), Okinawa (1,236 plus 211 cases among U.S. military personnel), Shizuoka (1,156), Gunma (645), Kumamoto (644), Ibaraki (595), Nara (577), Gifu (577), Okayama (549), Nara (488), Nagasaki (485), Niigata (470), Shiga (445), Nagano (435), Tochigi (350), Miyazaki (339), Mie (325), Yamaguchi (307), Saga (293), Oita (287), Wakayama (275), Ehime (260), Ishikawa (229), Miyagi (217), Shimane (190), Aomori (183), Kagawa (171), Yamanashi (159), and Fukushima (116).
Nine coronavirus-related deaths were reported nationwide.
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I think it's a comparison with yesterday, not last week.
My home country now has every day 130.000 cases...
And the people don't care!
No masks, no social distance, no restrictions...
Why should anybody be worried about 10000 cases in a city of 14.000.000...
out of interest, which country is that?
Cheradenine Zakalwe
Cue the voices who return with regularity saying: It is just a cold. There are so many more infections in other countries. If you are not obese or immune compromised there is nothing to worry about.
The number of deaths seem to be lowering. But there are many at risk, people are getting sick, and some are having long term consequences.
Sven Asai
Living with the viruses? Come on, you know that this not an option, and not only for bar or restaurant owners who have to surf from one wave top to the next. ZeroCovid and extinguishing the viruses, that’s what is necessary and hasn’t been done for two years now. How long do you think you can stand such doing nothing, LongCovid and other negative effects in education, economy and society as a whole?
Records keep on breaking every day!!
So what?? It's simple... you get what you give.
Lack of sufficient preparations during the month of the holidays is the result of the number.
by popular demand,
I'm posting the Test count for visibility:
Total tests in Tokyo on 1/18: 20,407 people.
Sadly, there will be more people going to the ICU. Many (but not all) of them could have avoided that with a booster shot. Is anyone surprised that the ministry of health has dropped the ball on this one again? Look at how quickly the U.K. got their booster campaign up and running. Why is Japan always so slow? Always!
Because Japanese folk are largely reactive, and not proactive.
Remember to get fully vaccinated, 二回
Those fully vaccinated should get booster after 6 months, ブースター
For Those Seeking Vaccination Sites in Japan,
コロナワクチン ナビ
Surprise, the number of people with serious symptoms is proportional to the number of total infections. What makes the Jgov think that their shoddy health care system that left people dying at home with 2,000 cases a day, will be able to sustain 20,000 a day?
Zero deaths in Tokyo, those that fear monger, really should look at that. Average age of death is over 80 with various medical issues. No deaths in under 10’s since the pandemic began.
“Why is Japan always so slow? Always!”
you meant in terms of catching up
with the number of deaths out there?
Jonathan Prin
Funny that Tokyo still reports fantasy figures. Like if Tokyo people was a different species compare to elsewhere even in Japan
Tokyo is more than 10 % of population so people in critical conditions should be far more.
Simple maths.
Conclusion : can't trust Japanese figures at all from the start.
I guess we need to stay out of the ramen shops and izakaya eateries a bit longer.
The 117 increase in severe case count included over 100 cases in Osaka (which tallied weekly count of severe cases, not daily)
Oh i read the article of people dead at home because of covid without any governemental support & counting.
Having it right now, as per PCR test. No symptoms, but I am putting myself under house arrest for a week, following the promise made at the testing station. Silly charade.
Given how infectious and mild this thing is, it safe to assume millions have it right now without knowing.
What about those who had the virus? Natural immunity has always been considered the best immunity, before this new narrative came along. Also, I had plenty of vaccines in my life, but have never heard of endless "boosters" several times a year.
A "vaccine" used to an artificial infection, stimulating an a natural response, preventing the disease..... not something that at best "lowers the chance of hospitalization for a few months". That sort of thing used to be called a treatment.
Correct. And in Okinawa, the prefecture with the least vaccinations (64% on two shots), there have been no covid related deaths since November. This is despite their surge in omicron cases.
FYI, I'm all for vaccinations but I think the fact that there have been no deaths here show how pointless this quasi-state of emergency is.
If there is anyone who thinks these restrictions are a good idea, please explain your reasoning.
There certainly are more deaths now even though most of the cases are presumably omicron
I don't even know the restrictions (measures) being implemented but if they proved to be effective in the past then that's a good reason.
Have they or have they not?
Restrictions could be a significant factor why zero deaths so would actually be the opposite of pointless.
If theyre lifted and there still are no deaths then probably pointless
"This rock keeps tigers away"
It's beginning to look like these vaccines aren't very good captain.
I don't get why we even need booster shot. is not like it can prevent the omicron from infecting you anyway. We are already vaccinated which was suppose to prevent us from develop sever symptoms. i say we should just weather it out like any other country.
Looks like they are doing a good job keeping lots of people out of the ICU, and the death rate low.
The booster should boost immunity to levels that significantly prevents infection but yes I agree that the double vax already protects us significantly from sever symptoms.
I also agree we should weather this out and the booster makes that less difficult
Case numbers shouldn't be published anymore either. All it does is wind up those who are prone to anxiety.
A case of coronavirus in Japan in 2022 is not the same as one in 2021.
I don't think it's responsible to declare that this is "a record high" without also saying omicron is significantly less likely to result in death than previous variants.
I see this type of comment here often. It presumes that the writer is cool, calm and getting on with life whilst everyone else is panicking, hysterical and locked in their basements. Rather patronizing and quite far from reality.
People are well aware of the differences between the variants. Give the people the numbers and allow them to decide their own level of anxiety.
The reality is that this isn't resulting in the kind of deaths we saw from alpha or delta variants.
That's what the numbers indicate both here in Japan and overseas.
You're right, however, when you say I am cool, calm and getting on with life. I hope you are the same also.
I don't see many people on this board discussing the fact that there have been no deaths in Tokyo or in Okinawa from omicron. So allow me to add that to your data related discussions.