Japan Today

Tokyo reports 920 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 2,191


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Wednesday reported 920 new coronavirus cases, up 327 from Tuesday.

The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 631.7.

People in their 20s (265 cases), their 30s (191) and their 40s (181) accounted for the highest numbers.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 62, down one from Tuesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 480, down one from Tuesday.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 2,191. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (250), Saitama (157), Osaka (151), Chiba (139), Aichi (85), Hokkaido (67), Okinawa (58), Fukuoka (43), Hyogo (36) and Shizuoka (33).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 14.

© Japan Today

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Extremely troubling numbers. Clearly the Tokyo govt has lost control of the situation.

Cancel the trainwreck Olympics!

39 ( +52 / -13 )

Where on earth is the TMG obtaining the information from???

-5 ( +5 / -10 )


14 ( +19 / -5 )

this is crazy - 206 more than week prior

closing fast at magic 1000/day number

Tomorrow King Bach is arriving in Japan - so I guess our PM has to consult and get his permission before announcing spectators to attend Olyimpics

As Coates said - still there is no Armageddon - so its a go for Olympics...

Does not matter if this number is 920 or 1500 or 2000...

33 ( +38 / -5 )

And the Delta variant is out and loose. This is going to be a train wreck when the unvaccinated volunteers mingle with the infected athletes and then take the public transportation home.

34 ( +43 / -9 )

Are we on stage 4 yet?

20 ( +22 / -2 )

@GdTokyo The volunteers I know have all been vaccinated. It's pretty much part of the deal.

920 is a bad number, but the bad numbers seem to be confined to Kanto. Ehime now 5 days in a row with no cases for example. Vaccinations now over 50 million doses.

-22 ( +11 / -33 )

Government doesn't have any idea, at all, what they are doing or trying to achieve here.

Stage 4, the Japan's highest level:

"Theoretically, it's the period when a state of emergency should be declared,"-Omi.

Well, acording the Government we were under Stage 4 conditions when they REDUCED the semi-SOE to a Quasi SOE, and lots of other Mambo-Jumbo.

Please. Get out and vote at the upcoming election. We simply must remove the leech Suga, who was not voted into office.

23 ( +26 / -3 )

Any chance the trains, subways, and workplaces might be contributing to the spread as opposed to lawless zones in Kabukicho?

20 ( +28 / -8 )

Quick, stop the testing. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

34 ( +38 / -4 )

Any chance the trains, subways, and workplaces might be contributing to the spread as opposed to lawless zones in Kabukicho?

Yes, in general you are of course right, commodore. But…in your specific example it’s slightly different and even influencing each other. They wear it to the girls and bring or distribute it from them into commuting and workplaces.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Most here with half a brain saw this coming weeks ago.

I am not even fazed in the slightest.

What is more disturbing is our ward opened vaccination to those over 30 on Monday, it is out of Pfizer was offering only Moderna and as if today they are out of both!

So it seems no more appointments can be booked until they know if or when they will be receiving more vaccine.

This is really going to be a party of the smelly kind.

27 ( +31 / -4 )

920 is a bad number, but the bad numbers seem to be confined to Kanto. Ehime now 5 days in a row with no cases for example.

Whew! That's a relief1 Thank goodness the Olympics are being held in Ehime and not in the Kanto area.

19 ( +23 / -4 )

Bach and Coates

Your number floats

So take advice

And finalize

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Either they accidentally tested more people, or it was even fewer people and it didn't matter. The latter is even worse

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Am going straight home and staying there!

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

”the numbers confined to Kanto”

Japan is not Australia with locked down travel across the nation, and there is frequent travel of people from Tokyo to all corners of the country. When Tokyo numbers go up the rest of the country follows, particularly when the Olympics and the summer holidays will see more movement of people nationwide. No cases in Ehime for 5 days does not mean the virus is eradicated. They only do a handful of tests if any, so the number of asymptomatic is unknown, and even if it was really eradicated, it will not be long before someone from Tokyo or wherever brings it back- business man on trip , Olympic athlete after the games, student visiting hometown and so on.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Number of people with Serious Symptoms. Stable.

England vs Denmark tonight. 4am - Whose going out, and where to watch?

-19 ( +10 / -29 )

That’s a major increase!

it’s odd that the Japanese news (thus site) does not mention the two Olympic village workers who were diagnosed with Covid.

27 ( +28 / -1 )


On the net over a mug of sake. That's what I am doing. Work tomorrow or not be damned!

To keep this on topic: the numbers are appalling! (Don't care anymore).

11 ( +14 / -3 )

@Zoroto: my infirmation is that only some of the volunteers were offered a special chance to go ahead of their age group for the vaccine. There are a very large number if volunteers. Only those who will be working in the same space with the athletes have been provided special early access to both doses -- I guess with the assumption that there is no community infection risk in Japan (ludicrous!). It has also been reported that many temp workers have been hired to assist the Olympics volunteers. (through Heizo Takanaka firm Pasona, at great cost to taxpayers). I've seen no reporting about their special access to vaccination, and will assume none as a consequence. What could possibly go wrong with these preparations in a pandemic?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

@Tora - I am of course (for a change), joking. Home too. Come on England!

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

The volunteers I know (4) if will be getting their second doses on Thursday and Friday - therefore as per @Zorotos accurate information they will be vaccinated in time.

-16 ( +4 / -20 )

...sorry to disappoint you Zoroto.

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Testing positive for the PCR test doesn’t automatically mean you are infected with COVID-19. It simply means you tested positive for a test with dismal accuracy records.

-20 ( +4 / -24 )

I anticipate a stagnation in the numbers now while the positive percentage will sky rocket. That's how it went the last 3 times.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Preparing pop corn to watch the "welcome" party for bach tomorrow. Kisha club, branch of government, will underestimate the number of infection saying all is safe and under control..

12 ( +13 / -1 )

The Pandemic Olympics-it will go down in history...

15 ( +15 / -0 )

As earlier posters have mentioned the anticipation of IOC President Bach's arrival in Tokyo will be a great influence in the smoothness of the Olympic and Covid19 numbers.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

It was always mentioned by 'experts' that the virus will die out during summer time as it is very vulnerable against hot and humid weather. However I am not sure if this is true.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Now where is the test count?

Less than 5.000?

Well if we follow the pattern, the 5th (Monday) was just over 10,000 same as most weeks and from that point they start doing between 10% and 15% fewer working there way to about 2,000 on Sunday.

So expect it to be between 8,000 and 9,000 which would be consistent with the 10% infection rates we have been seeing this past week.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

wow! Crazy numbers!

Are there protests planned for when Bach arrives? I would presume so.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

One fallout of increasing numbers in Tokyo - in latest news Vanuatu now pulls out of Paralympics due to concern of increasing numbers - link below


8 ( +9 / -1 )

It was always mentioned by 'experts' that the virus will die out during summer time as it is very vulnerable against hot and humid weather. However I am not sure if this is true.

Which is hilarious considering one of the favourite Japanese experts the anti vaxxers love to use ( unfortunately misrepresenting what he said), publicly came out saying that hot/warm weather will not affect covid and it will not be seasonal in the same way influenza is and we will see surges year round.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I previously mentioned that my daughter's friend works for one of the private labs doing covid testing.

She was told that because of the Olympics the lab will be reducing testing the public because the Government has contracted them to do some of the daily testing needed for the Olympic Athletes and the rest.

This was what I was predicting.

Tokyo with all public and private labs has barely been able to test over 10,000 a day, so how were they planning on testing 15,000 Athletes daily plus the rest at least every 3 days?

So the testing resources will shift from the Japanese people to the Olympics.

There really isn't any other option.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Cases rise but severe cases do not,

Fall back and retrench, wise move.

When they do rise, and they will, just play the ‘underlying conditions’ card. But you need to time it right.

But since Japan has already beaten the virus {again), why are cases rising (again)?

8 ( +10 / -2 )


Excellent points, well made. It’s obviously what’s happening if common sense is used looking at the numbers.However the majority that post here believe we are in a first situation, in fact the opposite is true.

-24 ( +4 / -28 )

Cases rise but severe cases do not, they actually fall. 

If you can still say this in 3 weeks I'd say things are looking good. Until then, I think you're trying to call victory too early.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

OLYMPICS must stop.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

So, while actual cases are up, they predominantly involve people at extremely low risk of dying -- and the number of severe cases is dropping.

Now look up "long haul covid"!

This affects all age groups with about 25% suffering mid to long term effects, ranging from something as minimal as loss of smell to servere pain in their limbs and lung damage.

This is even affecting healthy teens.

Sometimes death isn't the only thing and as we know vaccines haven't reached a large portion of society yet and won't for some time now with a shortage of vaccine available at this time.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

The useless Nishimura and Tamura should have been fired months ago -- they are totally out of their depth.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Common sense says the propaganda machine that is the media is trying to keep everybody confused and afraid.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

They wear it to the girls and bring or distribute it from them into commuting and workplaces.

There is no transmission when commuting otherwise it would be thousands everyday.

People do not interact with each others. The workplace is dangerous as we tend to trust people we know.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

There is no transmission when commuting otherwise it would be thousands everyday.

Delta & Lambda variants will change that

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Cases rise but severe cases do not

The more cases there are, severe or not, the greater chance of a mutation giving birth to a stronger, more dangerous variant.

And yes, 'long covid' can wreak havoc with the lives of people who initially had mild symptoms.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

OMG! We are going to get infected at this rate it’s a matter of when. Stay safe

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for my vaccine.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Woo hoo! This is the most exciting roller coaster ride I have been on in my entire life! Up, down, up, down, uuuuuuup!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It’s always convenient to blame numbers on things like Olympics and foreigners.

However, I see tons of Japanese all bunched together in smoking rooms and izakaya,. They are unmasked smoking, drinking and chatting away. There is your problem.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Both Pfizer and Moderna show around 50% efficacy two weeks after the first shot. 


Not against the Delta variant, they don't. Please update your info.

New data from Israel puts the effectiveness of Pfizer at about 64% against the Delta variant

(but its over 90% in preventing severe Covid illness... then again, its also over 90% for unvaccinated people to not have severe Covid illness)

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Just FYI, deaths this week compared to last week:

28th June = 38 deaths

29th June = 30 deaths

5th July = 19 deaths

6th July = 22 deaths

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Cases might be up but deaths and hospitalization are not.

The Delta variant is not that deadly it seems

However, why are cases up in Tokyo?

The virus is taking advantage of the lower temperatures enjoyed by Tokyoites with their ubiquitous air con-there you go!

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

didouToday  06:43 pm JST

They wear it to the girls and bring or distribute it from them into commuting and workplaces.

There is no transmission when commuting otherwise it would be thousands everyday.

People do not interact with each others. The workplace is dangerous as we tend to trust people we know.

3.5 million people pass through Shinjuku station everyday on average.

What's your theory based upon? Delta Variant not able to buy a Pasmo?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Ah well, hopefully this will prove vaccinations keep hospital admissions and deaths down. And we can get on with life

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

New data from Israel puts the effectiveness of Pfizer at about 64% against the Delta variant

Canada and UK studies have Pfizer at 87-88% effective against delta variant.

These studies are not completely controlled and accurate. I definitely do not trust Israel for most matters regarding the truth though.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Cases might be up but deaths and hospitalization are not.

Might be due the fact 69% of those over 65 have had their first shot.

Israel data is based on quite small numbers, compared to UK or USA. In addition, Israel contact traces like crazy, so their testing is probably more accurate in real world, but does not necessarily mean you will get more sick or die. It just means you can pass it on, and your PCR test is positive.

Well 1 more year of masks I guess.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

14 died severe cases only dropped by 1.

So that means 13 new server cases!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The volunteers I know have all been vaccinated. It's pretty much part of the deal.

That's not correct.


When 2020 Tokyo Olympics volunteers have in recent weeks asked officials how they'll be protected from Covid-19, given the foreign athletes pouring into Japan for the event and the country's low vaccination rate, the answer has been simple.

They'll be given a small bottle of hand sanitizer and two masks each.

"They don't talk about vaccines, they don't even talk about us being tested," said German volunteer Barbara Holthus, who is director of Sophia University's German Institute for Japanese Studies, in Tokyo.

...One volunteer, who attended an 80-minute lecture on infectious disease control for Games volunteers, said a top Japanese expert in infectious diseases told them they shouldn't count on being vaccinated ahead of the event.

Since then, the organisers flip flopped in the face of protests, and announced

Some of the 70,000 volunteers will also be included, if they are expected to have regular close contact with athletes.


But the problem is not just 'contaminated foreigners'. The problem is the massive increase in intermixing of people, ie community spread, so the majority of the volunteers are at risk of participating in the spread, getting infected and infecting. Remember that the government doesn't even include the so -called "Olympic family" in their calculations of spectators. This could be 10,000 at the opening and closing ceremonies.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Testing numbers posted for Tokyo

7,900 that makes nearly 12% infection rate

6 ( +10 / -4 )

My elderly neighbor (~97) passed away over the weekend (a week after the 2nd vaccine shot) after developing a fever. He had heart failure, but the doctor claimed that it was Covid-19 even though he had a negative PCR test.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Aren’t the number of beds for the seriously ill limited, and the number of patients admitted regulated? My understanding is people are told to go home and wait it out if they are not deathly ill, and hope they don’t become a statistic.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Aren’t the number of beds for the seriously ill limited, and the number of patients admitted regulated? My understanding is people are told to go home and wait it out if they are not deathly ill, and hope they don’t become a statistic.

Also that 70% of the bed are in the private medical sector and, like for tests, the government can only recommend to report the numbers, not force ...

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Those going on about deaths down, etc...

Look up Long haul covid.

Read these 2 articles

It may open your eyes




Older and Yong

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are highly effective against the delta variant. A study published this month in Nature found that Pfizer's vaccine was able to neutralize variants including delta.

Pfizer's shot demonstrated 95 percent efficacy in clinical trials, Moderna's was 94 percent effective.

Variants of SARS-CoV-2, including the B.1.1.7 and the 501Y.V2, do not alter the effectiveness of the Moderna mRNA vaccine.

A Japanese study involving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine found evidence it is 90% effective against variants. The study was carried out at Yokohama City University.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Hervé L'EisaToday  07:55 pm JST

My elderly neighbor (~97) passed away over the weekend (a week after the 2nd vaccine shot) after developing a fever. He had heart failure, but the doctor claimed that it was Covid-19 even though he had a negative PCR test.

Sorry to hear that.

I am surprised that a doctor can override a PCR test result.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Canada and UK studies have Pfizer at 87-88% effective against delta variant.

These studies are not completely controlled and accurate. I definitely do not trust Israel for most matters regarding the truth though.

Actually the Israeli data is that the Pfizer vaccination is 64% effective against contracting the virus, BUT 90% effective against severe illness.

And aside from weird bigotry there is no reason to prefer the UK or Canadian data.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

The DELTA Effect I say.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Continue public awareness and communication to the public that social distancing, mask wearing, and vaccination are still important to reducing the Covid-19 threat . . . .

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It kind of what is expected...the vaccine rate is low...and is taking time...the numbers are going to stay relatively high until the vaccine rate hits about 30%....I can't believe people are surprised...

The Olympics are like 2 weeks away...a lot of the athletes are here and coming every day...

it's too late to cancel them. that's idiotic

2 ( +5 / -3 )

According to the JT of June 11, far fewer than 18,000 volunteers out of a total 70,000 volunteers will have received both vaccinations by two weeks before the start of the Olympics, with some volunteers starting to work already on July 1 (airports). Only volunteers who would have duties that placed them in frequent, close contact with athletes were invited to be vaccinated at the special venue. Sooner or later, these volunteers are going to become vectors of transmission. Heaven forbid they come down with symptoms and show up for work anyway, as many are used to doing ....


3 ( +4 / -1 )

@Akula The volunteers I know have all been vaccinated. It's pretty much part of the deal.

That is very far from the truth. As a volunteer, I can tell you that vaccinations specifically for volunteers started last week (June 28th). The vaccination site for the volunteers is at the old Tsukiji market.

Given that it takes 4 weeks between the two injections and 2 more weeks before the vaccine is fully effective (so 6 weeks total), no a single volunteer will be fully vaccinated before the start of the Olympics, under that scheme (if they were vaccinated with their respective local municipality, it might be different).

In my case, I am only volunteering for the Paralympics so I will be fully vaccinated at that time.

With that said, the vaccination is volontary and not compulsory. Which means a lot of volunteers won't have any kind of immunity, which is worrying.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Ouch! You can’t make this stuff up.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Based on the facts that it’s possible to be asymptomatic; not all symptomatic people will go see a doctor for fear of losing their jobs or being stigmatised; and a percentage of people will be misdiagnosed as having something other than COVID - just imagine what the numbers would be if Japan tested say 50,000 people a day.

ie the numbers are, have always been, X times lower than in reality.

Why does this matter? Where are all the bodies? etc etc.

The more people who are infected, the more the virus spreads, and the more chance there is for mutations. The more the virus spreads, the more people get it (duh). Eventually some people with weaker immune systems, or preexisting conditions, will become infected and suffer / possibly die.

These people needn’t catch the virus at all if Japan were taking things seriously, testing adequate numbers of people to catch the asymptomatics and prevent them from unknowingly spreading the virus more.

But Olympic greed and ignorance has trumped the well-being of Japan’s own citizens and all of us who live here.

it’s a disgrace that things are still going on like this.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

it’s odd that the Japanese news (thus site) does not mention the two Olympic village workers who were diagnosed with Covid.

Let me guess, they are Japanese it would run counter to the narrative that it is the incoming aliens who are heavily infected and need to be tested daily and their movement restricted.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It's not surprising in the least. The behaviour of people outside is shocking at times. Who thinks it's ok to go out for dinner and drinks during a pandemic?

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

@livvy Right I forgot a few might have been given early shots from June 18th. But that's still too late, since it takes 6 weeks from the first vaccination to be fully vaccinated. And June 18th + 6 weeks gives July 30th which is one week the start of the competition.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It was decided on emergency situation for Tokyo until late August.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

 just imagine what the numbers would be if Japan tested say 50,000 people a day.

FYI, a quick google search shows Japan is averaging 55,000 tests per day.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

The athletes will have a hard time staying uninfected and if they are comparing Japan's numbers with their country's it would be a grave mistake,Anyway it will be difficult to assess the situation here with tests numbers conveniently left out of all reporting. Of the two worries, doping and the virus, the virus will be the most difficult for the athletes and I forecast there will be lots of testing related controversies.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Breaking news - Suga announced Tokyo and Okinawa to be under full on emergency till 22 Aug

saitama, chiba, kanagawa and Osaka under manbo/quasi soe till 22 Aug

this will go down in history and am sure books will be written and remembered for a long long time - only country which had the host city under emergency, during pandemic times to bring in more than 200 country athletes, media and VIPs of more than 70,000 people, get them into Tokyo without any quarantine

What can go wrong? This is what Japan mindo and model is to deliver a safe and secure olympics to the world - making a laughing stock of yourself!!!!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

There is no transmission when commuting otherwise it would be thousands everyday.

People do not interact with each others. The workplace is dangerous as we tend to trust people we know.

You seem to be assuming the number of tests carried out daily are running into the tens of thousands.if you didn't know the number of infections is relative to the number of tests, Have you ever thought what it would be like if Tokyo performed about 90-100 thousand tests a day a number which is befitting of Tokyos population and congestion.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

FYI, a quick google search shows Japan is averaging 55,000 tests per day.

Yes true.

But Japan is a country of 126 million.

Tokyo alone should be doing 50,000 a day. Canada at 37 million people is doing 4 times the number of tests than Japan. South Korea at 51 million is doing roughly the same number of tests as Japan.

Makes it pretty clear Japan is really on the low end of the testing.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Another state of emergency is being planned until 22August.

I can say I understand a little as to how things work here, coz I have been saying for the past few months that the Olympics would be conducted as Tokyo goes into a strict emergency, with us all holed up in our houses. I guess the 'strict' part would follow sooner or later.

That's the only way they can ensure any little degree of safety...

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Makes it pretty clear Japan is really on the low end of the testing.

Any bad number needs to be kept low not good for the clean squeeky image people abroad have of Japan.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

To those who still believe in the conspiracy theory that the government is manipulating numbers, how can they hide severe cases and deaths? We can see the numbers daily!

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

People in their 20s (265 cases), their 30s (191) and their 40s (181) accounted for the highest numbers.

Are the age group of the remaining 283 people not more important or it is deemed that they are not vulnerable age group ?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Very high positivity rate in Tokyo!

Stay home.

Why risk going on trains, subways, to the office, to restaurants?

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Just a matter of time before a nasty J-variant is borne into global circulation?

2 ( +7 / -5 )


Theres minuscule danger for the average person from going out. Most of Japan is on a daily basis. Bars were packed in Umeda today, people were living home they should. If Covid was so dangerous, hundreds of thousands or millions of non seniors would have died in Japan by now. It’s unhealthy to live in fear and also make children feel that way too.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

Pfizer's shot demonstrated 95 percent efficacy in clinical trials, Moderna's was 94 percent effective.

That probably explains why Japan is so generous in donating away millions of AstraZeneca.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Deaths are down deaths are low if covid was dangerous deaths would be higher, blah blah blah blah blah!

But boy will these same people repeating the same garbage every day refuse to acknowledge that 25% of all age groups whether on great health or not end up with long haul covid problems many of which are permanent and debilitating.

And I will repeat this part ALL AGE GROUPS!

0 ( +8 / -8 )

livvyToday  08:26 pm JST

According to the JT of June 11, far fewer than 18,000 volunteers out of a total 70,000 volunteers will have received both vaccinations by two weeks before the start of the Olympics, with some volunteers starting to work already on July 1 (airports). Only volunteers who would have duties that placed them in frequent, close contact with athletes were invited to be vaccinated at the special venue. Sooner or later, these volunteers are going to become vectors of transmission. Heaven forbid they come down with symptoms and show up for work anyway, as many are used to doing

By this do you mean they will catch it from the athletes, or pass onto the athletes?

As the athletes will have been vaccinated and tested daily, I'd say they are more likely to catch it from someone already in Japan.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

@Commodore Perry

Here is a question, well sort of.

If yesterday there were 481 people in hospital with severe covid.

And 14 people died since yesterday, then logical we would be left with only 467 people with severe covid.

But we actually have 480.

So how did we get from 467 to 480?

The logical answer is 13 more became severe cases.

As we have been seeing the number of new severe cases is growing closer to the number of people dying but by only giving the results of total sever cases it makes it look like severe cases are dropping and no new ones are being added, but as far as I can tell, all we are really seeing is the dying are for now out pacing those being added to the severe cases list.

I may be wrong but simple logic is if 14 died but severe cases only dropped by 1 that means news cases were added to the severe list.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

AntiquesavingToday  11:21 pm JST

Here is a question, well sort of.

If yesterday there were 481 people in hospital with severe covid.

And 14 people died since yesterday, then logical we would be left with only 467 people with severe covid.

But we actually have 480.

So how did we get from 467 to 480?

The logical answer is 13 more became severe cases.

As we have been seeing the number of new severe cases is growing closer to the number of people dying but by only giving the results of total sever cases it makes it look like severe cases are dropping and no new ones are being added, but as far as I can tell, all we are really seeing is the dying are for now out pacing those being added to the severe cases list.

I may be wrong but simple logic is if 14 died but severe cases only dropped by 1 that means news cases were added to the severe list.

I absolutely agree with that. Can't think of another way that number would be derived.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Clearly bankrupting small businesses with very little regard for their well being is totally the way to go I totally agree with elected officials who will continue to collect a paycheck and are well off to make ill informed decisions based on the olympics being held in this country as a baseline to shut it down hope the rich Koike is doing well from her zoom meetings

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Olympics, here we come, says Suga as everything looks good, moneywise.

Japanese people's health and safety, we'll talk about it after the Olympics. SAD

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Hate to be captain obvious here, but everyone will eventually deal with it sooner or later. You will either get vaccinated, or you will eventually get COVID. A or B, black or white, one of those two things will happen to nearly every human, eventually. That's because it's not going away on it's own, it's been found in every corner of the globe, and it's mutating. I caught COVID and recovered from it in a small rural town in N.E. Japan. Look at Australia now, they managed to avoid it for a long time but eventually it hit and now it's blowing up there. Cases are blowing up in S. Korea again. This country, being one of the least vaccinated in the world, is especially vulnerable and it will most likely blow up here again within the next few weeks.

Unfortunately it's still very difficult for those under age 65 to get vaccinated here even if you want it. If you have an opportunity to be vaccinated and refuse, what happens afterwards is totally on you. Don't want a vaccine? Don't get one, no sweat off my back.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

extreme cases in hospital....62......surely the Tokyo area has many more emergency ward beds than 62?

Deaths.....nationwide 14........is that bad?! I know....any death is horrible, and for the families involved it's heartbreaking....but people die. It's a horrible fact of life. Is this number such that it warrants crazy restrictions?

The vaccine is here, extreme cases seem to be lessening.....death rate isn't climbing exponentially.....just let people be and stop all this crap. Get the vaccine rolled out quicker to people and lets get on with our lives.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yeh, they don't need the SOE at this point, but God forbid we get a few more cases and no deaths, people will still blame the gaijin athletes and vaccinated VIPs.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

All those who tested positive said that after the regular 12 hours at the office they went straight to a bar and had loud boisterous high fiving drinking sessions with people they had never met before,

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Jind: "Japanese people's health and safety, we'll talk about it after the Olympics. SAD"

Not only that, but he'll IMMEDIATELY have a snap election of the lower house after the Olympics and say he's going to start taking things seriously (won't use the word "start", of course), and suddenly issues like lockdowns will become more serious panel-forming for discussion, etc. And he'll say they had no choice, could not have seen it coming, that it was due to people in the former cabinet, that they will be transparent from now on, etc.

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