The Tokyo metropolitan government on Saturday reported 950 new coronavirus cases, up 128 from Friday.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 720.1.
People in their 20s (301 cases), their 30s (186) and their 40s (172) accounted for the highest numbers.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 63, up one from Friday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 428, down 13 from Friday.
Nationwide, the number of cases reported as of 6:30 p.m. was 2,458. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (310), Chiba (204), Osaka (200), Saitama (147), Hokkaido (64), Okinawa (64), Aichi (64), Fukuoka (54), Hyogo (45), Shizuoka (37), Ibaraki (37) and Miyagi (26).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 11.
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Derek Grebe
Well this certainly looks safe and secure to me.
Just another day and Bach is free from quarantine. That special quarantine only available to people we Tokyo taxpayers are paying $10,000 a night for.
Good luck with this, folks. It's going to be carnage.
This is looking pretty bad now -today number is 234 more than previous week (link below)
For one whole week last week number was 3942 versus this week it ends at 5041 - this is a whopping 28% increase in one week.
Three weeks continuous higher than previous week number - next week for sure it will cross 1000 landmark.
Add to this close to 80,000 foreigners entering (no quarantine required) Tokyo it will only go in one direction - upwards. Govt is aware and worried hence the other article where they ask tax free stores to report foreigners shopping prior to their quarantine time is up - shows how much confidence they themselves have in their bubble!!!!
Brace yourself - its going to be a bumpy ride next few weeks. All this while the King Bach and Lord Coates etc enjoy their high end VIP life at the expense of us residents here….
Extremely troubling number.
Lucky a whole slew of officials and "VIPs" arent entering Tokyo now to move around for an event or anything.
I'd worry less about the 80,000 "scary foreigners" who have all been vaccinated and are tested daily, and worry more about 3,500,000 unvaccinated and untested people that pass through Shinjuku station if I were you.
The danger is not at the Olympics. These 950 cases are not from the Olympics.
The danger is at the packed trains and train stations, the offices, the schools, the shopping malls, the movie theatres, the cafes, the restaurants. That's where the cases are from, that's where the virus is spreading.
@Tokyoite: You got us on that one. The comedy value will be something to remember. Thanks for reminding us. Might even look that up on the tube, but since non-Japanese probably only Japanese Olympiads will be shown.
These numbers keep rolling than the lottery numbers.
Some dude
From: Bach, T
To: Suga, Y
cc: Koike, Y
Subject: today’s numbers.
While I am in Japan, case numbers do not exceed 1000 per day. Is that understood?
From: Suga, Y
To: Bach, T
cc: Koike, Y
Subject: today’s numbers
Of course, sir.
I anticipate Wednesday next week
Sven Asai
They are not all completely vaccinated, the athletes and the accompanying entourage. It’s probably meant, that they have received two vaccination shots, but that is quite a difference. The vaccines have an efficacy of 64% after two jabs at maximum, as it was empirically detected and published, for example in Israel. So let’s assume 80000 people coming in and then going into their oh so safe olympic bubble as it is called , then you have in calculated values only 32.768 fully vaccinated, but of course also not completely immune, 36.864 partly vaccinated with immunity of under 50% and 10.368 like not vaccinated at all, although they received two vaccination jabs. That’s only the theory, of course. For reality refer to hospitals and cemeteries in the weeks to come.
Klaus & Zoroto
The ever decreasing severe cases prove my point, unless you know of any other reasons.The vaccinations are rolling out well, however fast or slow, the more vaccinated especially the elderly, the less severe cases in proportion to cases will be. This is based on fact as we have seen from UK and USA for example.
As always plenty of speculation on here from the Google experts.
No one knows really, but stretching it to blame an event that's not even happened yet is an interesting idea.
In the meantime, let's remind ourselves where we were a month ago:
4th June = 86 deaths
5th June = 64 deaths
6th June = 50 deaths
7th June = 75 deaths
8th June = 99 deaths
9th June = 96 deaths
4th July = 6 deaths
5th July = 19 deaths
6th July = 22 deaths
7th July = 14 deaths
8th July = 17 deaths
9th July = 20 deaths
I'm no expert, but deaths are just over 20% what they were this time last month.
Good post and the figures speak for themselves.
Klaus, also you know that the case figureshave gone up about tenfold in UK and the deaths haven’t.
I will like to know what the reasoning is behind mentioning only these age groups ? and what is the insignificance of not mentioning the age groups of the remaining 291 infected cases. ?
Moderator: If you click on the live link, you can see the complete breakdown of cases.
Good job, the dreaded 1,000 barrier cannot be allowed to be broken
while great leader Don Bach is in town.
Some dude
drluciferToday 06:36 pm JST
I will like to know what the reasoning is behind mentioning only these age groups ? and what is the insignificance of not mentioning the age groups of the remaining 291 infected cases. ?
At a guess:
20s is a combination of “being young, reckless and stupid” (you should see the yankis and their girlfriends around certain areas of Tokyo, strutting around maskless and pretending that they are being rebellious) and people going to work.
30s and 40s is mainly people going to work.
Then there is the issue of going out drinking without paying enough attention to preventative measures, which likely affects all the above age groups.
Do you even know the criteria Tokyo uses to classify serious cases ? Why should we
believe the numbers when the criteria can easily be changed to achieve what ever results
they want.
Some dude
Good post and the figures speak for themselves.
Klaus, also you know that the case figureshave gone up about tenfold in UK and the deaths haven’t.
Steve, aren’t you looking at this rather one-dimensionally?
More cases means more strain on the medical profession. Sure, many, and even most, people will not be majorly affected by Covid, but some will. And the more cases there are, the higher that some rises, leading to various knock-on effects.
The other point is that a hugely inept government is allowing a lot of people into the country - into Tokyo, specifically - and trusting them to behave, all while Tokyo’s cases are rising. It will surely be a miracle if cases do not increase sharply at some point.
Even if we take your point about serious cases, that doesn’t mean that more cases are a good thing.
It doesn't mean that the vaccinated don't get infected. Go check out the British or even the Isreali numbers.
Except testing ban of those who are already vaccinated will be instituted. When You call the Hokenjo,
Hokenjo : Have you been Vaccinated Ans: Yes Hokenjo : You don't qualify for a test, go home and relax.
As I understand it, it is not a member of the team but a staff from the city. Seems she was in charge of giving guidance like taking the bus.
So first the media, second some staff at the village (fortunately closed), third a city staff. Do not forget to sign your waver, ne.
Testing numbers posted on stopcovid Tokyo's government website.
That makes 15.8% infection rate.
Tokyo's website claims a 7 day average of 6.6% positivity/infection rate.
Full numbers from Tokyo government own website are:
Total tests for the past 7 days 55,104
Total cases for the past 7 days 5,041
That makes a rate of 9,14%
How do they come up with 6.6%?
Some Dude
I am looking at it realistically. I’m not celebrating higher cases but pleased to see from other countries that the vaccine is working. We are unlikely to be able to remove Covid completely from our lives. It can be managed though without putting health services under strain. The longer we live with it the better we can deal with it. It’s not going to cause major issues now unless it mutates to a far more deadly strain or evades the vaccines.
It’s not going to cause major issues now unless it mutates to a far more deadly strain or evades the vaccines
ummm, it’s already doing that
Do you have any evidence of that please?
As my daughter and her company found out.
Q: did you have close contact with someone infected? A: yes
Q: Do you have A,B,C symptoms A:no
Reply sorry you don't qualify to be tested.
This was after 2 members of a team of 20 working in a closed security IT room tested positive with one in Hospital.
So the company paid to have the 8 others tested reveling 2 more infected. The project was shut down as the remaining 6 self quarantined.
Had the company not been proactive the probability that all 10 would have been infected and their family members is extremely high.
Any variant should be less deadly than the original, not more so-that is the way these things go…
It is strange to see people that have previously claimed that they are not getting vaccinated and that the Vaccines are not tested, experimental, dangerous.
But now use the vaccination in order to say everything is getting better because vaccinations are working and more people are vaccinated.
Simply mind boggling.
Where did you get that from?
The 1918 influenza's variants were far more deadly than the original.
7.46 poster
im one of those who said they are not getting vaccinated but never said they are dangerous, just using my own free will. I doubted how effective they may be, yet they are working fairly well, though maybe slightly less than we were led to believe originally. .
I base my views and comments on the evidence I see. Is it strange for me to see the vaccines working and being pleased ? I’m not sure I really understand your mindset at all.
Having an open mind to these things is seeing what develops and basing my views on the evidence. As Covid is new to us, knowledge of it, it’s preventions and treatments change rapidly. We need a flexible mind with these matters.
Ffs ever heard of the Delta variant?
more transmissible, more deadly.
vaccine effectiveness to be determined but initial data not very good
"Should" is wrong, there are many ways for a parasitic disease and a host to reach balance, and this happens in evolutionary scales, not in a year or two. There would be nothing strange with the disease not becoming less severe for generations.
Delta is more transmissible, not more deadly, maybe slightly less so and has been described as not a game changer by the experts.
Just as we thought we were close to turning the table on COVID - 19, it turned around and Mutated, LOL
The data out of India, Indonesia and South Africa for example seems to show how much of a “game changer” the delta variant is on low-vaccinated populations. Has Japan done enough? Only time will tell
Was she really British, or was she a Japanese member welcoming the GB team? If the latter, that's even worse, because she is in contact with both worlds.
You pick 3 countries with dreadful health systems, low standards of living and high rates of poverty. Would be better to compare with Western nations. Yes, Delta is more contagious but NOT more deadly. The countries situations you chose have nothing in common with Japan’s.
Delta running rampant. 20’s falsely believing g they’re invulnerable and spreading it. The government insisting on a super spreading event, and a few loud anti-Vader’s/COVID denialists.
The perfect storm of stupidity.
stay home. Stay safe. Get vaccinated ASAP. I got my first jab today. Both way late and long overdue.
The 20’s practically are invulnerable to it. Haven’t seen any Super Spreader events being held or planned in Japan.
I merely point out the impact the delta variant can have on unvaccinated populations. Whether appropriate or not, even experts in the US are raising concerns about the delta variant among the subset of the population that isn’t vaccinated.
Japan has no good peers because the rest of the developed world is either more further along with their vaccination campaigns or completely locked down (ex. Australia)
Derek Grebe
And my imbecile of a boss will start demanding we come to the office again by Wednesday, I have no doubt.
Commodore Perry
TokyoiteToday 06:22 pm JST
But the number of cases are up this month. And the delta variant is more prevalent in July than in June, where you provided numbers of deaths unlikely to have been caused by that variant.
What about figures on the long-term effects of covid? It's not like 950 catch Covid, 15-20 die, and the remaining 930-935 go on with their lives after two weeks. More cases, the higher likelihood of more cases with long-term effects.
Great that deaths are down--but that is not evidence that catching Covid is safe. Or that the situation is getting better.