Japan Today
A man stands beside a display of air cleaners at an electronics retailer in Tokyo on Tuesday. The banner at the bottom reads: "Antivirus." Image: AP/Koji Sasahara)

Tokyo reports 970 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 4,535


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Tuesday reported 970 new cases of the coronavirus, down 249 from Monday. The tally brought Tokyo's cumulative total to 77,133.

The number is the result of 8,554 tests conducted on Jan 9.

By age group, the most number of cases were people in their 20s (249), followed by 184 in their 30s, 128 in their 40s, 138 in their 50s, 76 in their 60s and 70 in their 70s. Also, 77 cases were younger than 20 (23 younger than 10), health officials said.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 144, up 13 from Monday, health officials said. The number nationwide is 881.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 4,535. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (906), Chiba (415), Osaka (374), Saitama (261), Fukuoka (199), Hyogo (161), Hokkaido (145), Aichi (13), Kyoto (108), Tochigi (83), Ibaraki (70), Kumamoto (63), Nagano (51), Gunma (40) and Shizuoka (39).

Sixty-four coronavirus-related deaths were reported.

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With a smile on my face, and a spring in my step, i welcome these new low figures. The japan model is beating this virus!

-45 ( +14 / -59 )

All the "Japan model" needs to get better numbers is to reduce testing.

Seems like the plan is working, the much of the posters here seems to be convinced already. I see mass mask-less parties in Tokyo tonight to celebrate.

26 ( +30 / -4 )

Before commenting, we surely have to remember;

This decrease - though welcome - is from weekend testing JT will surely post the number of tests later, so we can gauge better either progress, or lack thereof
10 ( +12 / -2 )

You're just being prepared for Thursday ~ Friday figures.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Time to lift the state of emergency!!

-8 ( +12 / -20 )

The doomsayers aren’t posting, but judging by the downvotes, they’re around

-8 ( +16 / -24 )

Out of how many tests? That is missing from the report.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Is 970 a lot?

Depends on the context.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

On a serious note - we WILL see high numbers later in the week that will shatter all previous positives. 2 weeks post New Year..same effect that Thanksgiving in the US and Christmas had in Europe. Let's just get that out the way now.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

tests are also down 275 from monday as per the source link ... not much change in the positivity rate

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Hard to know if this is a good or bad result without the number of cases.


Toyo Keizai's graphs help to better understand trends, and you can see the results for each prefecture, not just Tokyo.

This is a one-day drop, however, not a trend. According to other news sites, this is the 9th consecutive day of an increase in critically hospitalized covid patients (i.e. people who may tragically not be here much longer):

This is inevitable, and the rise in hospitalisations follows cases. If the government (here and elsewhere) had allowed early intervention treatments instead of banning them to keep the drug companies happy ahead of the vaccines, there'd be fewer people hospitalised and dying.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Good..the SoE seems to be working... numbers are decreasing already. May be we can lift the SoE sooner than Feb 7th. And start the prep for Olympics in full swing then onwards...

In other news, Gates wants the Olympics too.

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

When test numbers are low, that means there less people with possible Covid symptons. Easy to understand..Right?

They don't randomly go out on the street and test people for no reason.

Heard one ambulance today during my long 9.6 kilometer walk. Stopped near me. An old woman fell off her bike.

-15 ( +7 / -22 )

First of all, how many tests were done?

Second, I would like to believe we’re on a downtrend, however based on what? Some magical wind that just took the virus away ONLY from Japan?

All countries in the world are having an uptrend due to Christmas and NYE.

Japan is no different - sorry to disappoint you with a hit of reality.

Or actually it might be in a way... while other countries are under strict measures to ensure social distancing at the moment, while Japan is living its normal life.

Lets hope the numbers will decrease someday, knowing that measures will be needed for it to happen sustainably...

But for now lets be realistic and face the fact that by now this virus is everywhere around you, and if you are not careful, you might be the next one getting it, and suffering from it, or passing it to someone more vulnerable around you.

Be responsible and be considerate!

Numbers are not transparent here and will never be, until testing is allowed to anyone, anytime, and all positives including private institutions reported.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

testing is allowed to anyone, anytime

It is. You just need to pay.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

970 is up over the January 4th report of 884 new cases. January 4th was the first day back after the New Year holiday.

Still, the number of 970 would have more meaning if the context of the number of cases was available.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

If the government (here and elsewhere) had allowed early intervention treatments instead of banning them to keep the drug companies happy ahead of the vaccines, there'd be fewer people hospitalised and dying.

There is not a single effective early treatment that is banned in Japan, only those that have been demonstrated as useless because only unethical people would want patients to run unnecessary risks from treatments that bring no advantages to them. Also the conspiracy theory of big pharma hiding treatments is still illogical, since perfectly useful, effective and dirt cheap medication is well recognized and used around the world to treat COVID-19 patients, something that should be impossible if the conspiracy were true.

When test numbers are low, that means there less people with possible Covid symptons. Easy to understand..Right?

No, not necessarily because irrationally the japanese system makes it much more difficult to be tested on holidays, it is expected that people with not so severe symptoms and those that are asymptomatic contacts wait (or are even told to wait) to be tested on a working day, when they can go to a very accesible place instead of traveling to a very inconvenient place that is open on the weekend or holiday.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

SOE is already working, no doubt.

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

 Also the conspiracy theory of big pharma hiding treatments is still illogical, since perfectly useful, effective and dirt cheap medication is well recognized and used around the world to treat COVID-19 patients, something that should be impossible if the conspiracy were true.

And what, pray tell, are these dirt-cheap medications you speak of?

-7 ( +4 / -11 )


Aye, that peak (dependent on number of tests conducted, after all) would not likely be reflected until JT's figures published Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. If we get higher figures before then (in light of the three-day lag), we are in the poop and I will be in with the doom-mongers rather than my usual balanced self!

0 ( +3 / -3 )


It is. You just need to pay.

PCR noseswabs are at 30,000/40,000¥ at private clinics.

The healthcare line keeps refusing people even with very obvious covid symptoms.

Most other developed countries’ governments provided free testing from the very beginning, or most health insurances there cover it.

While I am happy you live in an expat bubble and can easily spend that amount of money on a PCR noseswab test, I can assure you that the common salarymen cannot.

With this, plenty of assymptomatics or light symptomatic people will keep roam around, making this a never ending problem.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

When test numbers are low, that means there less people with possible Covid symptons. Easy to understand..Right?

They don't randomly go out on the street and test people for no reason.

Wrong, you do not get testing even if you have symptoms in most cases. You have to have severe symptoms requiring hospitalization to even qualify to be a candidate to be offered a free test. If you are not almost dying, your chances of getting a free test is next to none. Even after paying for a private expensive test (30k-40k yen), positive results are not reported, and to get treatment, you need to then contact the health center to get request their official test. The reported positive cases are only from the tests which are approved by the government. Currently, the health office line is constantly busy, you may need to wait for days to get a test even if you apply with all the criteria satisfied.

The only other way to get tested is to be a "close contact" of someone with a confirmed covid case; however, "close contact" is very strictly defined. You must prove that you are within 2m, without a mask, for at least 15 min to qualify.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

i predict. tomorrow will be 2891人。

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Keep wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing. Thank you Suga-san!

Please it hurts to laugh. Rarely is soap provided at public restrooms. No one here social distances unless there's big stickers telling them where to stand or sit. Masks? Most do the right thing I grant you, its the morons who don't wear them properly that ruins it for everyone else.

14 ( +15 / -1 )


Please it hurts to laugh. Rarely is soap provided at public restrooms. No one here social distances unless there's big stickers telling them where to stand or sit. Masks? Most do the right thing I grant you, its the morons who don't wear them properly that ruins it for everyone else.

Yup, like the man in the picture. COVER YOUR NOSE!!

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Nationwide figures comment.

A few times Osaka(fu-) had higher cases than Tokyo(to-) (and that caught out the Japantoday reporting template a few times, sorry guys!) but never can I recollect Kanagawa-ken getting figures near those of Tokyo-to...anybody?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

4500 on a low day. We're going 10,000-11,000 in the next three days, then.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Ok ... reading the "positive" comments today, especially from some readers, who only show up if their narration is supported. I have bad news for you, you who deny reality! AG is absolutely correct ... her is the link:


I also assume that tomorrow's test-numbers, on the coming of age day, will also be down. And to those who are saying "SOE is already working" ... get out of here, you have no idea what you are talking about .... sorry!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

And what, pray tell, are these dirt-cheap medications you speak of?

Most steroids, the first to be found to be extremely effective is dexamethasone, and it is also one of the cheapest and easiest to get anywhere in the world. Since the dosage was optimized it has been in use in every hospital that tends to COVID patients giving a huge improvement in the treatment. Any person that follows even remotely how the disease is treated would know at least about it.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Is marketing these air cleaners as 'for viruses' 'anti viruses' etc. vague enough as to not officially be misleading? I mean, they don't state specifically that the products are anti-COVID, but that's what they are hoping everyone infers.

"Buy a new anti-virus front door. Just stay in your new house and keep your front door closed and you won't catch the virus"

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Please it hurts to laugh. Rarely is soap provided at public restrooms. No one here social distances unless there's big stickers telling them where to stand or sit. Masks? Most do the right thing I grant you, its the morons who don't wear them properly that ruins it for everyone else.

> Yup, like the man in the picture. COVER YOUR NOSE!!

The best laugh I had today! For the few moments at least I forgot the pandemic.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

virusrexToday  07:14 pm JST

And what, pray tell, are these dirt-cheap medications you speak of?

Most steroids, the first to be found to be extremely effective is dexamethasone, and it is also one of the cheapest and easiest to get anywhere in the world. Since the dosage was optimized it has been in use in every hospital that tends to COVID patients giving a huge improvement in the treatment. Any person that follows even remotely how the disease is treated would know at least about it.

But the steroids are only useful for treating the infection once it has started, whereas hydroxychloroquine can act as a prophylactic if taken with zinc to prevent the disease from developing or for treating it in the early stages. Taking hydroxychloroquine with zinc could negate the need for a vaccine, which is a key reason why your friends are so dead set against it. No free money train subsidised by the taxpayers of the world. I'm not against pharma companies developing vaccines for this disease. They can do whatever they like with their own money, and if people want to take the vaccines if they think they need it, fine with me. If I were in a high-risk group, I'd take it if it's safe and effective. I'm not an anti-vaxxer.

But to con the population into believing that everyone needs to be vaccinated or they'll never get back to something akin to normal is blackmail.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

If he can't wear a mask properly why was he allowed into the store??

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I personally am getting very very worried especially at people saying that everything is ok .... um no it’s not ....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

NipponGlory: "With a smile on my face, and a spring in my step, i welcome these new low figures. The japan model is beating this virus!"

Hey, man... I've got a unicorn to sell you! And the best part is that when the unicorn's horn touches you, it's an automatic vaccination! Better than the virus-busting humidifiers in the pic!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 144, up 13 from Monday, health officials said. The number nationwide is 881.

So how do we interpret this ?

Sixty-four coronavirus-related deaths were reported.

Is there a way to find more details about the deaths ? Were they hospitalised ?

Today we have 70 in their 70s and 64 died ( perhaps around 54 in Tokyo)

So yesterday is 144-13 = 133 severe cases .

Today 54 die so 133-54= 79 left severe cases

So 79 + 70 in their seventies = 149 (very close to 144)

Is that it ?

If you are old you are very likely to develop into a severe case and if you are unlucky and no one dies that day you are doomed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

That bloke in the photo isn’t wearing his mask properly, if it’s not covering your nose you are wasting your time.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@virusex - you have a far-better picture/avatar than me. I wish you the best for being it the same in person too :-D

As cases increase, I wouldn't want to go get tested... for fear of being near to people who may really have the virus. So I suspect we will see these peaks and troughs continue for a while to come.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

As cases increase, I wouldn't want to go get tested... for fear of being near to people who may really have the virus

One reason I don't go to hospitals and clinics in general unless really necessary.

And when I do i try to visit offhours

3 ( +3 / -0 )

But the steroids are only useful for treating the infection once it has started

So what? steroids are still very effective and extremely cheap, if the conspiracy were real it would be completely meaningless where they drugs are used, they would still mean huge losses for "big pharma" so they would also be "hidden" and never used. The fact they are well recognized and used commonly all around the world prove the argument is just nonsense.

whereas hydroxychloroquine can act as a prophylactic if taken with zinc to prevent the disease from developing or for treating it in the early stages. 

No, that is false, HCQ has absolutely no positive effect no matter when it is used or in combination with anything, it only appeared to have one because the people more likely to be affected (with preexisting conditions that more frequently complicate and cause death of the patients) were systematically put in the "no HCQ" group, that obviously make the groups completely unbalanced and made it appear as if the treatment were helping when in reality the only important factor were the preexisting conditions.

Taking hydroxychloroquine with zinc could negate the need for a vaccine,

Even if the effects of HCQ were real (already demonstrated as false) that would not negate the need for a vaccine, you may want to imagine HCQ was a superdrug with 100% efficacy, but even in the low quality studies where it supposed had an effect it could not protect people from serious disease and death, the argument makes no sense.

But to con the population into believing that everyone needs to be vaccinated or they'll never get back to something akin to normal is blackmail.

Sure, then prove scientifically that anything can replace the vaccine right now. Using completely debunked old "science" is not valid. That is like saying there is no point in using antibiotics because the so called infections are caused by miasma.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

When test numbers are low, that means there less people with possible Covid symptons. Easy to understand..Right?

Unfortunately most posters here don't understand that.

They believe numbers of tests are deliberately set low to keep cases low.

Which means even if there are tens of thousands with symptoms requesting for tests they won't be tested anymore if quota for the day has been reached.

They must be utterly puzzled why the govt is increasing number of tests now, at a time when the precious olympics is nearing

3 ( +3 / -0 )

So what? steroids are still very effective and extremely cheap, if the conspiracy were real it

Yeah, but steroids are used in the later stages of Covid, not in the early infection stage or prior to infection.

No, that is false, HCQ has absolutely no positive effect...

...if you deny science. There is plenty of evidence demonstrating its effectiveness if used early and properly. It seems that those studies that show no effect were done by people who wanted negative results.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Yeah, but steroids are used in the later stages of Covid, not in the early infection stage or prior to infection.

For the conspiracy theory this is irrelevant, steroids are terribly cheap and mean a huge loss of profit, so if the conspiracy were real they would be much more likely to be ignored than HCQ, because they still save a huge lot of money in the treatment, and they are much more effective than any study mistakenly assumed HCQ was.

...if you deny science.

On the contrary, science is the one that demonstrated that HCQ has no value in the treatment of COVID-19, the evidence has been debunked as simple bias in the selection of patients, no matter the timing of the treatment, if patients are properly randomized the HCQ effects completely disappear. This is done by people that try to find out what drugs are actually useful instead of unethical scientist that try to manipulate and change the data so their favorite drug shows some effect, even when in reality it has none.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Virusrex simply tries to dismiss anything he/she disagrees with as a conspiracy theory, regardless of the evidence available to the contrary.

I give a perfectly coherent argument, the conspiracy is nonsense the moment it is proved that cheap and effective drugs are available and regularly used for the treatment of COVID, something that is supposed to be impossible according to the theory. If you cannot do anything against an argument that proves you wrong the intellectually honest position is to accept this. What is not valid is just to dismiss this argument as if it was never used without proving it faulty in any way. This would betray an interest different from being truthful.

Also, It is not me who proved that HCQ is worthless, that is the consensus reached by science according to multiple sources of evidence around the world, every single scientific and health professional association of the world defend this consensus, thinking that they are all bought and are letting their own families and friends die just to let someone else become rich is even a bigger nonsense.

So, you need to prove that a regular doctor is more interested in money than saving lives AND that a supposed conspiracy that hides cheap drugs makes sense, even when cheap drugs are routinely used very effectively to cure patients, something that supposedly should be impossible.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I don't want to get into the middle of this discussion as I haven't read much about hcq but a question just popped into mind right now so migjt as well pose it I guess.

My question is why would governments which have the resources to easily verify effectiveness of said drug don't do so and if they did why don't they use the drug?

Some of these governments go to extreme measures to contain the virus, effective hamstringing their economies, and some to no avail, countless lives have been lost and continue to be lost.

Why wouldn't they use a demonstrably effective and inexpensive drug and do away with economy gutting measures?

It's hard for me to believe that the big pharmacies have such a hold on the health advisers and decision makers of these counties that these advisers and decision makers are willing to sacrifice countless lives and livelihoods.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Anyway, just now , i searched for studies on covid19 mortality differences between hcq users and general population. Hcq users being those who have been using the drug for other ailments, so hopefully act as prophylaxis for severe outcomes when infected with covid.

Here's one hope it helps the discussion:


3 ( +3 / -0 )

They must be utterly puzzled why the govt is increasing number of tests now, at a time when the precious olympics is nearing

And the number of tests has increased from what number to what ?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

My question is why would governments which have the resources to easily verify effectiveness of said drug don't do so and if they did why don't they use the drug?

I am more familiar with the situation in France, but I suspect things are not so different elsewhere. Many of those who are involved in deciding which drugs are used or forbidden are connected with big pharma, e.g. receiving considerable funding. That is why France initially prohibited doctors from using HCQ while approving and recommending Gilead’s crappy drug remdesivir. Those who brought up this conflict of interest were attacked….

Because many doctors vigorously complained, they finally allowed administration of HCQ (off label). The media also receive massive funds from big pharma; that is why we never hear anything good about HCQ (but we did get a few articles praising remdesevir!).

The Swiss government, on the other hand, apparently hand out HCQ for free! Just like a few countries hand out vitamin D for free. There are cheap solutions to this "pandemic"; vaccinations is not the only way out; it's not the best way out...

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

it's making sure resources aren't wasted. As I have said before, from my experience in Tokyo tests are offered on insurance if you have had close contact with a positive case, was not asked about 2 metres or masks.

What resources ? tell us something we don't know. Abenomask, free money for GOTOs are not Resources, Right ? Tell me how colleagues of an elementary school teacher who test positive are not deemed as being in close contact since they wear mask in the staff room, despite all sharing copier and restroom and other things, how brilliant that they don't consider that the virus can be contracted through touch, contact

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The last 3 days, the number if tested way below 50,000. The four days before that, the number if tested was above 60,000 peaking close to 90,000 a few times. The news should always report how many people were tested.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Here's one hope it helps the discussion: 

It should be useful, but in the end for people that desperately want to believe conspiracies there is never evidence that would prove them wrong, they will find excuses (that study is false, not enough zinc was used, too much zinc was used, the wrong kind of zinc was used, etc.) But on the other hand they will accept as completely trustful what convicted fraudsters tell, even without any evidence.

If someone is rational enough to understand the evidence you present they would not believe the self contradicting conspiracy in the first place, and if they believe it they will never be able to accept they are wrong, no matter how much evidence you bring.

. Many of those who are involved in deciding which drugs are used or forbidden are connected with big pharma, e.g. receiving considerable funding.

The media also receive massive funds from big pharma; that is why we never hear anything good about HCQ (but we did get a few articles praising remdesevir!)

See this example, when proved wrong it all is reduced to the impossible to prove conspiracy that has infinite money. Unfortunately they are very frequently people that only care about monetary profit, so for them is natural to believe that everybody else could let their own family and friends die without a very useful drug as long as they get money for it.

Since they would do this, then they think everybody else is the same.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The Swiss government, on the other hand, apparently hand out HCQ for free!

Even if hcq is deemed effective or necessary bythem I don't believe that and I certainly hope there is not a sliver of truth in it

Hcq is a prescription drug and could have very adverse effects if not used properly.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Hcq is a prescription drug and could have very adverse effects if not used properly.

HCQ is one of the most used drug world wide, it has been used for decades and has been sold over the counter in several countries. People with certain heart problems should not take it, but it is otherwise considered very safe.

There was a "study" that showed it to be toxic when given in very high doses to late stage covid patients, but that faulty study was quickly retracted. The timing of that study was also suspicious, just before remdesvir was approved.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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