Japan Today

Tokyo reports record 2,848 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 7,629


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Tuesday reported 2,848 new coronavirus cases, up 1,419 from Monday. It was the highest number since 2,520 cases were reported on Jan 7.

The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 1,762.6.

People in their 20s (951 cases), their 30s (610) and their 40s (466) accounted for the highest numbers, while 372 cases were aged under 19.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 82, up four from Monday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 514, up 48 from Monday.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 7,629. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (758), Osaka (741), Saitama (593), Chiba (405), Okinawa (354), Hyogo (260), Fukuoka (236), Aichi (174), Hokkaido (138), Tochigi (108), Shizuoka (99), Kyoto (96), Ibaraki (96), Ishikawa (72), Gunma (52), Nara (45), Kumamoto (44), Niigata (41), Fukushima (41), Hiroshima (35) and Okayam (35).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 12.

© Japan Today

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Sunday was 3061 tests so 93% positive rate? Is that believable?

28 ( +38 / -10 )

I think most of us, whatever our views on this situation will be blown away by 2848.

22 ( +36 / -14 )

Pretty low considering the 100,000 undocumented people arriving for the Olympics, wandering outside their hotels maskless without a care in the world. Should have seen the beach yesterday. Terrible.

-40 ( +19 / -59 )

i would like to see how many tests comparatively - seems almost convenient numbers have gone up since the Olympics have started. A few out there that didn't want it to go ahead maybe ....

-14 ( +8 / -22 )

Today number at 2848 - This is not going to end well - this number is 1461 more than last week and more than double from last week (last week number was 1387). The highest number till date in Tokyo was 2520 recorded on 7 Jan 2021….

Funny enough initial reports on NHK and Yahoo Japan was showing a number of 3000 which looks like has been brought down magically to 2848 number - lower physiologically than 3000 number? Omi had predicted this 3000 number to be hit first week of Aug month - but its happening one week prior - not good sign!!!

Another highest number in Okinawa at 354 today and more than double from last week number.

Still every news and TV channel only focus and show Olympics news - so Japan residents have stopped worrying/caring about Corono cases and prevention measures

Govt should be more focused on communicating more on Corona front but all the attention and energy is diverted towards Olympics - sad state of affairs!!! We are living in parallel universe here!!!

28 ( +36 / -8 )

This is a perfect storm of the most contagious corona variant meeting a largely unvaccinated population during a super spreader event known as the Olympics.

21 ( +34 / -13 )

To be honest, a little higher than even I had expected. And im an absolute pessimist.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

not a sports lover obviously Zoroto ... its been a treat this first few days. Glad it's on!

-33 ( +9 / -42 )

There is no need to panic obviously, now we have Olympics so the numbers slightly increased.

So how do you explain the doubling of the number of cases down here in Okinawa? We dont have any Olympic events, and we are still in the "State of Emergency", until at least August 22nd.

Oh right, this is where everyone who could go to watch the games in person, came to have some fun over the long 4 day weekend!

I am surprised the number isnt higher here, but then we had a typhoon sitting around for a week that helped keep numbers down! (Sarcasm...)

22 ( +26 / -4 )

Just calm down the numbers are transitory.

death isn't though.

10 ( +20 / -10 )

Daily infections heading the wrong way fast and in a couple of weeks people will be travelling to there home towns. Time to stock up the freezer, not been able to get an appointment for the jab yet.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

Wow! What a HUGE surprise.

NOBODY saw this coming.

16 ( +25 / -9 )

the numbers are transitory.

I think you’re right. They are likely to be far higher than this very soon.

24 ( +26 / -2 )

“Yes it must be the fault of the crowd-less Olympics! That's what we should focus on.”

Did you see how many idiots were gathered outside the stadium (for literally no reason) on Friday?

They wouldn’t be gathered like that if the Olympics were canceled would they?

15 ( +21 / -6 )

It is impossible, and somewhat irrelevant already, to track down how many of these cases are directly or indirectly related to the Games. Obviously, delta variant is gaining ground everywhere, Olympics or not. There’s one thing undisputable though: it was the most stupid idea to have them in the middle of the pandemic. Except for those with financial skin in the game.

Hope this shocking number, not so much in absolute terms but rather the doubling in number of cases, will help Koike and Suga to sober up a bit after their disguting self congratulation moment yesterday.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Very little to do with the Olympics. Just like some other countries, a premature, post-corona mood is setting in.

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

Sunday was 3061 tests so 93% positive rate? Is that believable?

No. You are getting the numbers mixed up.

3061 was the tests done for yesterday's 1,429 cases that was 46% rate.

Today's testing ( yesterday's tests) is 14,890 resulting in 2,848 cases.

Still an incredible 19% positive/infection rate.

22 ( +23 / -1 )

and what we are doing now Ms Koike????

15 ( +18 / -3 )

Koike-Troublemaker must be removed from office.

-25 ( +3 / -28 )

Cannot possibly be the packed trains with 3.5 million passing through Shinjuku every day, right?

Exactly! It also cannot possibly be the ram packed starbucks, department stores malls and supermarkets. Nor offices full of office workers who came on the ram packed trains. Because as we all know, it only transmits in small private izakayas in the evenings, and as they have all been politely requested to close, I think its fair to say the J-gov has done everything it could. It's also Pfizers fault that there is no vaccine. So now its just time for a big collective しょうがないね.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

and what we are doing now Ms Koike????

Let's see she may require testing to be cut back down to 6,000 or so or the same thing she has been doing for months, stick her head in the sand and claim every is under control.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

The "reported" numbers will soon peak. Since the # of tests is capped at around 8000 average weekly. I highly doubt the reported numbers will ever go above 4000. So we are looking at a peak in 1 or 2 weeks time. The government can lower the covid numbers at any time by lowering the daily testing quota, and the majority of people will come to support that decision too.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Koike-Troublemaker must be removed from office.

what if, in proportion, nationwide numbers are bad as well ?

Suga should be removed ?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

It's also Pfizers fault that there is no vaccine

it is only fault of stupid japanese government who prior Olympics!

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Let's see she may require testing to be cut back down to 6,000 or so or the same thing she has been doing for months, stick her head in the sand and claim every is under control.

Or check herself into a hospital so she can recuperate from "exhaustion."

10 ( +11 / -1 )


4 ( +6 / -2 )

Tokyo reports record 2,848 new coronavirus cases

Guess its ok to let the official numbers increase a bit, now that there is no risk of cancelling the Olympics.

Its all about timing... it always was!

12 ( +15 / -3 )

it is only fault of stupid japanese government who prior Olympics!

It was sarcasm

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

What is more frightening is that in order to be tested one has to meet a considerable set of conditions.

Tokyo is highly restrictive on testing.

So for Tokyo to reach 14,890 tests yesterday that means there are that many who presented with enough symphony and verifiable possible close contact with covid.

That does not look good for the future.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

The "reported" numbers will soon peak. Since the # of tests is capped at around 8000 average weekly. I highly doubt the reported numbers will ever go above 4000.

I think we’ll see a change in policy very soon and a lot more testing. Nothing will stop the Olympics now.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Very little to do with the Olympics. Just like some other countries, a premature, post-corona mood is setting in.


The latest record-setting numbers actually have a LOT to do with the Olympics. If our dear leaders hadn't been so focused on holding the Olympics, they could instead have focused on prevention, vaccination, and reopening.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

It's also Pfizers fault that there is no vaccine

No it is not, that is just pure propaganda. Pfizer delivered all the vaccines Japanese gov. have ordered. It is the Japanese national government that is holding tens of millions of the vaccine in storage instead of distributing them. It seems that the distribution of vaccines is purposely sabotaged so that more people can use the domestic vaccines next year.

22 ( +24 / -2 )

10% increase in severe cases nationwide from yesterday. Let’s pray that trend doesn’t continue.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Explosive. Reduce the testing even more! Now!

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Ay chihuahua! A new record.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Same doubling of number in Osaka too it seems :


Seems among the prefecture listed in omatomesan and updated only Hokkaido seems as of now not going for around double :


And I do not understand what is going on in Fukuoka :


Whose number for Monday where 4 times higher than the previous one.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

No one seems to acknowledge the numbers are not from Sunday's testing alone but retrocatively added from previous days or weeks. Will this continue is the next question.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

What a sledgehammer, but so what… Censorship of what I say instead of listening to proposals and arguments is of course an option too. Freedom also means it’s free to get sick and to die, of course.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Tokyo is under SOE. But the Tokyoites do not listen to Koike san anymore.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

High cases but not a dramatic rise in severe cases or deaths, the vaccines are doing their job. Delta is more contagious but no more deadly than other variants, possibly even a little less.

aboslutely nothing of concern if you are a non senior, good health and not obese. Take precautions, eat well, exercise and stay positive.

-22 ( +10 / -32 )

@ Elvis is here

Anyone can get tested. Whenever they want.

Just have to choose in between test or eating.

The basic antigen test in places which offer it (so quite possibly only big cities) cost from more than 2 times to more than 3 times the hourly minimum salary depending of the prefecture. So obviously not anyone can get tested.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Delta is more contagious but no more deadly than other variants, possibly even a little less.

Is there any point whatsoever in asking you to provide a single reliable citation to back that up?

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Hopefully those who want their vaccines will be able to get them quickly.

We all know that won’t happen. No need to be hopeful.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

It's kind of a pity that we didn't have at least one day at a symbolic 2021 on the way up, but maybe we can hit it on the way back down at some point.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Why are people surprised when there is no vaccine available?

5 ( +7 / -2 )


No idea what you are going on about the PDF is included in the Article.

Look for yourself

3061 was the tests done for yesterday's 1,429 cases

Today's testing ( yesterday's tests) is 14,890 resulting in 2,848 cases.

We are Tuesday

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Delta is seeded in the general population now. We are heading into the exponential part of the curve. Anyone who isn't seriously concerned is either delusional or is just not paying attention.

3 ( +8 / -5 )


Yes, it’s common knowledge and scientific fact that the obese, seniors and those with serious underlying health issues are the ones that COVID is likely to create problems for.

Delta variant is more contagious but there is no evidence it’s more deadly, possibly even less so than previous variants, the jury is still out on this one.

-20 ( +5 / -25 )

WobotToday  06:02 pm JST

Oops sorry about 0.02% of the population tested positive

Oops 0.1% of the population was tested.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

It’s unfortunate but i still see many bars open after hours, and yes i do stay out drinking late into the night with my friends.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )


High cases but not a dramatic rise in severe cases or deaths

For my reference, what would constitute a dramatic increase in severe cases in your book? Also, I’m not saying today’s death toll will be high enough to warrant your concern but it hasn’t even been released yet.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

No need to panic, people. Yes, cases are rising, but that just means more testing. Vaccines are rolling out like clockwork. We're almost out of the woods. Let's just head down to the Winchester, have a pint, and wait for this whole thing to blow over.

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Wow! Nearly 3,000 cases in one city in one day. And, what are they doing about it? Nothing! The Olympics must go on!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

aboslutely nothing of concern if you are a non senior, good health and not obese. Take precautions, eat well, exercise and stay positive.

I wish I had the benefit of being deluded too.

3 ( +10 / -7 )




You are both right and wrong.

The Japanese government is not withholding millions of doses.

It is delivering them as needed to the prefectures as they require but remember two thing, they need to be kept frozen at -80C° and they need to be delivered equally.

Pfizer is not behind in its delivery.

The Japanese government planned in using a lot of AstraZeneca 90 million doses but has shelved that idea for now, so it asked Pfizer to deliver it's fall order early which Pfizer said it cannot do but did agree to deliver 1/3 of the Fall order during late July August and early September.

All of this was in previous articles l.

So don't go off making thing up either way.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

SuperheroToday  05:27 pm JST

It's also Pfizers fault that there is no vaccine

it is only fault of stupid japanese government who prior Olympics!

If anything, the Olympics made them speed up in a hope to be ready. Didn't work as they are inept.

Or do you really think it's the same people are planning the Skateboarding Street competition and the vaccine rollout?

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

They need to be testing Japanese people the same way they are treating and testing the athletes!

4 ( +7 / -3 )


Don't know how many times we have asked you to provide proof that Delta may be less deadly than the other versions of the virus.....gotta be close to ten times. And each time, you provide no evidence to back your claim.


Delta variant is more contagious but there is no evidence it’s more deadly, possibly even less so than previous variants, the jury is still out on this one.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

The propaganda is working well,the naive and docile local population is now bombarded with the holy Olympics 24/7 in order to distract them from the crude reality.

Also I find amazing how magically the number or tests are increasing compared to the past,is it maybe because now the world is watching and tell lies to the outsiders won’t suffice?

Doesn’t look good.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

“Tokyo has reported its highest-ever increase of new Covid-19 cases since the pandemic began, adding 2,848 new cases on Tuesday.”

since the pandemic BEGAN. Not just since January.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

@Zoroto: No problem getting in the Okura. Had lunch there today. Security Scan INSIDE the Hotel only.

Plenty of Security surrounding but wasn't challenged at all.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Kinda saw this coming a mile away. Told my wife yesterday it would be this high and she nearly divorced me. She kinda sums up a lot of folk right now. Gold fever and denial.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Delta variant is more contagious but there is no evidence it’s more deadly, possibly even less so than previous variants, the jury is still out on this one.

You have been challenged by two or three posters to back up this claim, and you have not done so.

Why not?

10 ( +14 / -4 )

48 additional severe cases added in a single say is a jump of more than 10%.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Good time NOT to be living in Tokyo tbh!!

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Delta variant is more contagious but there is no evidence it’s more deadly, possibly even less so than previous variants, the jury is still out on this one.

ok let's get this out of the way, Delta is not more deadly but also not less deadly ( though some newer data is starting to show a possible slightly higher death rate.


But this is important to note

Other reports link Delta to more serious symptoms, including hearing impairment, severe gastrointestinal issues and blood clots leading to tissue death and gangrene

So if only dying is what you worry about well great for you but permanent lung damage isn't fun trust me I have that from pneumonia as a young strong 20s.

But gangrene doesn't sound any better.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Not very long ago I was downvoted by about 20 points when I said that it might not be a good idea to go out drinking.

You wanted corona? You got it.

1 ( +15 / -14 )

I'm just going to throw this one out there. No prediction, but I think it is quite possible that, in a couple of weeks, those who were promising "safe" Olympics and are taking all the undeserved credit now are going to blame (very subtly, of course) the high numbers on the influx of "foreigners" during the very games they insisted on holding. Politicians rely on their constituents having very short memories.

I suggested that a while ago and my post got removed.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Delta variant is more contagious but there is no evidence it’s more deadly, possibly even less so than previous variants, the jury is still out on this one.

ok let's get this out of the way, Delta is not more deadly but also not less deadly ( though some newer data is starting to show a possible slightly higher death rate.


But this is important to note

*Other reports link Delta to more serious symptoms, including hearing impairment, severe gastrointestinal issues and blood clots leading to tissue death and gangrene. *

Mr Antiquesaving,

Thank you for providing those. I figured that the guy making the claim would not.

I always figured that if you claim something and are called out on it, you back it up or retract it.

Guess that concept is alien to trolls.

8 ( +12 / -4 )


Usually I don't agree with you but when was this 20 down votes.

Been here a long time and a certain person that keeps going on about going out drinking get the down voted.

Must have been something more.

Or just a bad luck day.

Anyway where were you on the beach volleyball thing could have used your help.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Social distancing, mask wearing especially, should be a requirement of all foreign visitors including Olympians . . . young people should continue to receive vaccinations . . . .

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

@Tokyoite “Or do you really think it's the same people are planning the Skateboarding Street competition and the vaccine rollout?”.

You made my day.

Crazy numbers, oh I just wish people would take the right elevator…

1 ( +4 / -3 )

To those going on about deaths being low.

I recommend reading these, I know you won't but it is worth a try.



Here are some highlights.

Long-hauler coronavirus symptoms in children and teens

Diabetes after COVID-19

Autonomic nervous system symptoms after COVID-19

Neurologic Problems in Long COVID

Kidney damage from COVID-19

Heart problems after COVID-19

Breathing issues after COVID-19

Now doesn't that all sound like fun?

Death isn't the only issue.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

Abe-san is coronated, return of the king.

To the tune, as Suga slinks out, of "Strawberry Fields Forever".

7 ( +8 / -1 )

The lack of responsibility and ineptness is at an all time high. Wow. Saying that things will get worse is an understatement since they can’t control this pandemic.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Yes, it’s common knowledge and scientific fact that the obese, seniors and those with serious underlying health issues are the ones that COVID is likely to create problems for. 

You just described at least one third of the population of Japan. Hardly an insignificant risk.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

At what number is overshooto?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

@ girl_in_tokyo

Not very long ago I was downvoted by about 20 points when I said that it might not be a good idea to go out drinking.

Can you prove that statement ? Did every people which downvoted you, wrote it was because you said it was not a good idea to go out drinking ? Or was it because you went around putting word in other people month and making them look like d... . You transformed someone just talking in the street with coworker when interviewed and criticizing the government (illogical decision, no communication, inconsistency) as stupid and egoist. Then continued with creating some imaginary respondent being fine with killing their grandmother. Further posts were no better with insults. You even attacked ice cream.

I have quite a lot of doubt your downvote come from saying "that it might not be a good idea to go out drinking" which you actually did not say.

0 ( +4 / -4 )


Roll out them vaccines

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Good time NOT to be living in Tokyo tbh!!

With high summer upon us, the people of Tokyo and other cities are going to be flocking to the mountains, beaches, rivers and possibly your town to cool off, and there is nothing that the govt. seems to be able to do to stop it.

I'm surprised they haven't thought of closing the expressways to all private cars for a few weeks. People might not be so eager to get out of town if they had to spend all day in traffic on route 20.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Directly or indirectly or both, Olympics has caused infection spreading clearly.

Authorities and PM Suga deny relatedness between Olympics and infection to avoid their responsibility.

But Hospitals at capital area reach to limit, and un-hospitalizable patients are increasing day by day.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

How many people are tested? The number of test have always been low, therefore the number of infections have been limited. If suddenly the number of tests are increased then obviously the rate goes up.

On the other hand it clearly shows that the State of Emergency and no alcohol policy is successful -- NOT.

It is all so predictable but foremost, the roll out of the vaccines is an embarrassment for Japan, should have been well prepared with Japans logistic system.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Deaths are low, yet you have to change the subject to something else to justify yourself, it’s tiresome.

You are something! What I am not sure.

But for a fact know very well I have been pointing out long Covid and the health issues for months and you and I have gone back and forth on the subject many times.

Suddenly you have memory loss!

5 ( +11 / -6 )

My 10yr old son had a high fever today so we brought him to a hospital in Chiba. They rejected to see him. We went to two other hospitals and got rejected too. Disgusting hospital behavior why? Fear? they just want the easy money with no risk. We escalated to city office and tomorrow he will get checked and tested at their facility. So disappointed in Japan this happens all the time!

18 ( +20 / -2 )

How dare anyone to blame it on the Olympics.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The following link seems to show the number of tests performed each day.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

"A US study of essential workers found that a single dose of Pfizer or Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines were 80% effective against all coronavirus infections from 14 days."

Got my moderna 2 weeks ago. Let's all get vaccinated. The sooner the better.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Why are people downvoting math?

I didn't even do any "fearmongering".

I just thought a 10% increase in severe cases in a single day was notable!

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Getting the vaccine will have zero impact on the number of positive cases. It will only help to limit serious illness, hospitalization and death in the at risk groups. You can still get the virus and allow it to mutate and spread it. It is not a sterilizing vaccine. The numbers will never change and the mutations will continue. Enjoy the summer games!

-19 ( +4 / -23 )


Please stop spreading misinformation. The data is still very much being debated and there is very little proof of what you're claiming. If you feel so relieved that there are vaccines available and in trial, that's fine but don't try and convince others of your dogmatic views. We are still very much in the middle of a global vaccine trial program. Let's wait a bit longer before praising the experts for their miracles.

-19 ( +2 / -21 )

@jeffb: No. You stop spreading fear and stories of great conspiracies.

Get yourself jabbed sharpish mate. Shouldn't even be a choice (unless it's for a valid medical reason) in my opinion.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

I heard vaccines would have helped.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Long Covid is a term open to abuse by the fear mongers. 

You mean fear mongers like the CDC, John Hopkins, The Lancet, New England journal of medicine, The BJM, the Mayo clinic, The NHS UK, etc...

You mean these terrible places? (Sarcasm for those who didn't get it)

Well everyone we need to now listen to the great JT covid expert as apparently he knows far better and far more than the above mentioned institutions.

10 ( +15 / -5 )


I raised 2 on my own in Japan learned early on.

Take young children to a university hospital always!

Tokyo women's university Yachiyo Medical Center Chiba

Or some other universities hospital.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Ask yourself Why now ? Could it be that the whole world is watching the game’s. You could not ask for a better platform to Scare people. I’m just asking no agenda here.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

DcToday  08:31 pm JST

Ask yourself Why now 

Because the Delta variant got into Japan not long ago!

Are you really asking that question?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Wonder how many of these infections are the delta variant... It should be the dominant type by now correct ? If so doesn't this mean that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are holding okay against it.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

the vaccines are doing their job.

but, two-three weeks ago (July 10) said

im one of those who said they are not getting vaccinated but never said they are dangerous, just using my own free will. 

Someone who believes they’re above it all because they believe they had the virus in early 2020. No evidence provided, though…as usual.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Wonder how many of these infections are the delta variant.

Well on July 2 the government experts said at that time Delta accounted for 30%.

So seeing it if far more contagious by this point we can estimate the vast majority of new cases are Delta

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Why do we never hear the survival rate from the people in charge and from are Honest (sarcasm) media. because they don’t want you to know. .. 99.7 is the survive rate under age 70 in Healthy people and under 50 survival rate 99.9.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

While I totally agree that it was a mistake to hold the Olympics, I think the overall numbers are indicative of just people in Japan ignoring what they should be doing which is staying inside.

Looking at the age groups that are infected the most, this totally coincides with those who are going out the most.

It’s hard to blame the foreigners of the Olympics, when even the Olympic related Covid numbers are overwhelmingly due to people from Japan

1 ( +3 / -2 )

All I have to say is enjoy the jab … Hope to see you in three years… I will never never take the jab.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

While I totally agree that it was a mistake to hold the Olympics, I think the overall numbers are indicative of just people in Japan ignoring what they should be doing which is staying inside.

Now think how the Japanese see this.

Government says stay home SOE.

Then has 100,000 people come here they on top through tens of thousands of Japanese volunteers and Olympic workers into the mix.

But still tell the local population to stay home.

With contradiction information and action like that, is it any wonder why they aren't taking the SOE seriously.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

And how many of those cases are on Death’s Doorstep?

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

The data is still very much being debated

No it's not.

and there is very little proof of what you're claiming. If you feel so relieved that there are vaccines available and in trial,

They're not in trial. There are no vaccine "trials" on the entirely of earth's population, that doesn't exist.

that's fine but don't try and convince others of your dogmatic views. We are still very much in the middle of a global vaccine trial program.

No we're not.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Actually yes the vaccines are in clinical trials still. Wanna see one?


-12 ( +2 / -14 )

What is the govt going to do about this ???

1 ( +4 / -3 )


News flash nearly every vaccine being used today for just about everything are continuously involved in some trial.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Tell that news flash to the person who said the vaccines are not in trial?

who are the rest subjects in the trial who are being evaluated? All the people who took an unapproved vaccine so that the trial can observe and gather data on what happens to them.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Tell that news flash to the person who said the vaccines are not in trial.

The vaccines are not in trial in the ominous sense some ignorant doofuses are trying to make them out to be. They are not "unapproved" either. The world is not currently being used as guinea pigs for a few pharmaceutical companies.

I know you enjoy consistently splitting hairs on the subject because you think it's somehow relevant, but apart from a volley of downvotes, it will get you absolutely nothing.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Why cry NOW?? - YOU and your fellow citizens voted for them so,…

- @TARA TAN KITAOKA 9:17pm: “What is the govt going to do about this ???”

… perhaps it’s You AND your fellow citizens who should do something about it?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

@ Dc

All I have to say is enjoy the jab … Hope to see you in three years… I will never never take the jab.

Was not it within 2 years ? Did you need to extend the life expectancy as it is already more than 1 year since the first tests subjects get inoculated and they are still not starting to die ?

And what is the life expectancy for the nonvaccinated one ? As people start dying nobody will be there to do there job. What do you think happen to nuclear plant when nobody is there anymore to manage these ?

Or do you think it is some kind of big plan so workers were secured ? How do you think they will feel about having to continue to work when knowing lot of people were exterminated ?

And what will happen to the people which survived the extermination plan ? Are they going to be welcomed as some kind of elite ? And be happy with that or the exterminator will see a bunch of people which when asked to act for common interest choose to not as worthless if not dangerous. Thus choose to launch a new extermination plan ?

Will not the people surviving the extermination be pretty upset and war will upfold ?

And how will be the world after since if there is a winner it will be : people which choose to exterminate or people which choose to not care about other ?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

One wonders what it’s like to be wrong on the facts and the predictions.

If I were this wrong this often, I would rethink my positions, but that’s just me.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The vaccines are not in trial in the ominous sense

just in the factual sense. But at least it’s not “ominous” fact. I think the website of clinicaltrials.gov kinda proves they are in...government....clinical trials. Fact.

They are not "unapproved" either.

no, not “unapproved” at all. they are just not approved. Totally different thing right?

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

I think the website of clinicaltrials.gov kinda proves they are in...government....clinical trials. Fact.

no, not “unapproved” at all. they are just not approved. Totally different thing right?

Yup, like I said, I know you enjoy consistently splitting hairs on the subject because you think it's somehow relevant, but apart from a volley of downvotes, it will get you absolutely nothing.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The numbers doesn't surprise me at all! I predicted this and said that after GW the number would rise. Now just think of all the newly reported cases and the people who they may have passed the virus on to unknowingly. This is like playing hide and go seek, or tag you are it. Up up and away. You can kill this virus it will simply jump on to the next person and the next!!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Connection to vaccine is “unclear”.

just as the 6000+ reported vaccine deaths are. Just not really “clear”. So....Is anyone planning to clarify it?

Man dies in west Japan after receiving COVID-19 vaccine; connection 'unclear' 

A man in his 60s collapsed at a COVID-19 vaccination venue in the western Japan prefecture of Kochi on July 4 after receiving the Pfizer vaccine and was confirmed dead in hospital soon afterward, it has been learned.


-17 ( +0 / -17 )

Yeah you said that already.

doesn’t change the fact that the unapproved vaccine is in clinical trials.

Yup, like I said, I know you enjoy consistently splitting hairs on the subject because you think it's somehow relevant, but apart from a volley of downvotes, it will get you absolutely nothing.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

My husband and I feel that they won’t try to suppress the testing as much now that the Olympics have started. Instead, they’ll let the numbers creep up and up closer to the real figures and try to blame them on the foreigners who came for the Olympics. Most of the Japanese public will likely fall for that because the media has continuously acted like Covid-19 is something brought in from abroad, not something that’s been going around the country largely unchecked for the past year.

I just hope they don’t try to lock down the border even for foreign residents again like they did last year. Several politicians admitted that was just to make the Japanese public feel safer, and I can see them pulling that shitty move again after the Olympics end. My mom just lost her husband of 45 years, and I don’t want to leave her alone at Christmas. I’m already vaccinated (got it in the US during my trip for my dad’s memorial service) and am happy to comply with quarantines if need be.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

No logical person cares about the number of infections. An infection that doesn't lead to death is as insignificant as a stubbed toe. Does the government report the number of stubbed toes each day? No - the only number that matters is the number of deaths. And that was just 12. In the whole country. The number is so microscopically small that you would have to be pretty weird to actually be worried about it.

Chill, grab a beer and let's get life back to normal.

-13 ( +6 / -19 )

High number of cases equals potential for a high number of people affected long-term; it is too early to know the death rate for those people, but likely to be high.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Don't worry too much.

Today's death toll is 8. Comparing with USA and UK, it isn't big number.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Don't worry too much. Today's death toll is 8. Comparing with USA and UK, it isn't big number.

Still, 8 people who would have preferred to live longer, and not become a statistic.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Wasn't this the plan all along?

Vaccinate the elderly early to keep deaths low, then not worry too much about daily numbers. With 80.000.000 millions given out and at 1.200.000 million a day this is only going to continue for another couple of months.

The majorty of people don't want to stay home and s.o.e no longer have any meaning so either accept the next two/three months numbers are going to increase and do whatever measures you see fit, (once your vaccinated you don't have to worry) or stay home for until the fall. No point complaining everyday. Of the 150 posts not one gives an alternative solution.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

The main reasons why Covid is not so fatal here is low obesity and less physical contact in day to day interactions compared to the West

So again you go to the obesity and again have absolutely Zero I will repeat that ZERO to back up anything you say other than you were out drinking and bars are full.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Can you see hospitals full

Since when does a debilitating illness necessarily require being hospitalized?

high deaths

The people with long Covid obviously survived. Otherwise there would be no ‘long Covid’.

thousands suffering debilitating symptoms from long covid?

Yes, there are reports from medical professionals of thousands of people suffering from long Covid.

Once again, how bad do you think it is and what are your sources?

You are currently is at the level of a former poster who counted cases based on the number of ambulance sirens he heard.

Not up to scratch, mate. Nowhere near it.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Scientific study last year said if 4 were infected = 6 will be infected

If 9 were infected = 14 more will be infected and so on.

That is why the count jumped today! And the jump will be bigger. It is worrisome.

Be stricter with people and masks. Wear better masks and stay away from the crowd. It’s only 3 more weeks.

Mother Nature is already sending a typhoon.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

We just had a government promoted four day holiday weekend which was basically party party party and treated like Golden Week part II, what could possibly go wrong? Incubation is about a week, let's see what it looks like by about next Monday or Tuesday.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Pretty low considering the 100,000 undocumented people arriving for the Olympics, wandering outside their hotels maskless without a care in the world.

oh man NFI ever person coming into the country is being tested, how many Japanese are being tested.

thats right blame it on the group with the highest level of covid scrutiny, when the fact is it just Japanese getting lax with their covid responsibilities

7 ( +8 / -1 )

What is the break down of these reports made? Such as how many people required hospitalization? How many already had a vaccine shot? Age? Have these issues been made public? What setting is being used to detect a positive result 40 or 20? The inventor of the PCR has made statements that his invention was never to be used to find a single virus and that by design it can not, so what, if any improvements were made to his PCR invention that now can do what is wasn't designed to do?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Why am I not surprised. Funny how the young groups are now the center of attention. And, an infographic indicating the variant cases will be nice.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

How can you trust the figures when it has been proved they are depending on the Olympic games current stage.

Number of deaths by covid are conveniently limited by limited testing and autopsies.

Of course vast majority who suffer are those with previous illnessed and the seniors.

Do they deserve to die or suffer the most ?

And long symptoms xrom covid are relatively unknow. Does one you wish to partake in the testing of those symptoms by voluntarily catching several variants of coronavirus ?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

A South Australian, now residing in Tokyo, since the pandemic started I have myself been keeping records. This month alone Japan's number of cases is standing at, (all figures according to my records) 82,814. Overall cases 883,766. Therefore representing 9.37% of all cases. Similarly Tokyo this month 29,674 cases. Overall cases 203,568. Therefore representing 14.58% of all cases, and 23.03% overall cases in total. In fact, Tokyo's cases this month represent 35.83% of Japan's. Clearly, the State of Emergency isn't working properly, and this also can be seen, especially looking at the scramble crossing anytime from lunchtime through to mid-evening.


I would like to visit my hometown very soon

Rant over

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I agree that all the numbers are accurate.

The manipulation by the government is in the form of the low number of tests allowed. Fewer tests means fewer positive cases.

The headlines should focus on the positivity rates.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

14,890 resulting in 2,848 cases.

higher tests not a surprise. They were probably pressured into it.

imagine if they tested 40,000 like other countries? Unlikely to happen given the panic that would induce.

However now it is time to do it under the cover of 'gaijin's fault' so it'll be interesting if they just let go of all the canards

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Thanks for the top tip Leighton.

Can't stay home, have to go to office. Have to take train as Tokyo have decided to add 1000 yen to the road tolls during the Olympics / Paralymics.

Any other pearls of wisdom to share?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I'm impressed that you have the foresight that even the vaccine manufacturers don't have. They admit themselves the long term consequences, side effects, and efficacy are all still unknown. When the EUA ends and the data is available and all those who are at risk have been able to get a vaccine, then I'll be making my own medical decisions still. But I do appreciate your advice, unsolicited as it may be.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )


The inventor of the PCR has made statements that his invention was never to be used to find a single virus and that by design it can not, so what, if any improvements were made to his PCR invention that now can do what is wasn't designed to do?

Again this one!!!

First the inventor passed away before covid-19.

Second that statement was made way back in the 1990's and is not at all what he said.

He was referring to one just one virus and that was HIV stating PCR (the basic original version) couldn't be used for HIV because HIV had no unique protein that was not found elsewhere.

Covid has unique protein markers and therefore the PCR is perfect for use on such a virus.

Now please stop your fake information.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Japan was slow to roll out vaccinations. Can't help thinking that if it hadn't been for the Olympics, it would probably have been even slower. In the meantime, Delta would have arrived and we'd be in even bigger trouble.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

jeffbToday  08:30 am JST

I'm impressed that you have the foresight that even the vaccine manufacturers don't have. They admit themselves the long term consequences, side effects, and efficacy are all still unknown.

You do realise that all vaccines have that same thing, Right?

That is why every country has a vaccine adverse effects reporting system and verification system and if someone is confirmed to have had some adverse effect from a vaccine the governments have a compensation system.

This applies to every single Vaccine not just covid and up to now 99% + of all reported adverse effects reported on the covid vaccines have been found to be unrelated to the vaccine.

As for the efficacy, yes we know very well the efficacy. Over 96% of those in the UK and USA that are now catching Covid are in vaccinated, we also know the approximate length of the protection 6 to 12 months depending on the individual's own immune system and we have known for a long time that booster shot would eventually be needed.

So pretty much everything you wrote is incorrect or a moot point.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

efficacy, yes we know very well the efficacy. Over 96% of those in the UK and USA that are now catching Covid are in vaccinated,

That should read

efficacy, yes we know very well the efficacy. Over 96% of those in the UK and USA that are now catching Covid are unvaccinated!

we need an edit option.

5 ( +6 / -1 )


You should read what some people in these comment sections have said about VAERS, which is largely unverifiable. In a non EUA regulatory setting the VAERS is used to track self reported side affects agaisnt those published by manufacturers to track statistical data.

Yes, vaccines have side effects and typically part of FDA approval is for manufacturers to comply with reporting standards. That reporting is not currently upheld under the current EUA. So what I'm saying is not moot. It matters very much that people have a choice whether to participate in this vaccine trial given the very limited data. I'm not going to attack your typo, but the 96% metric has a lot more to do with hospital regulation changes around testing and reporting vaccinated individuals covid status than objective vaccine efficacy. Also

The main point I'm making is that the case number has nothing to do with vaccine efficacy if A) vaccinated can spread the virus and B) the testing rules are changed based on vaccine status.

People on this site like to attack me for saying these things as if I'm an "anti-vaxxer" LOL! That's golden.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )


You do realise that the USA isn't the only developed country in the world, right?

The UK same as the USA, France, Germany, Canada, etc.. all the same all have their own independent reporting system and all have the same 99%+ reported adverse effects reported are not connected to the vaccine.

Now unless you are going to say the entire world every major country are involved in some sort of cover up even countries that don't even agree on the calendar, the facts are simple not major danger no major problems and the Vaccines are effective.

People on this site like to attack me for saying these things as if I'm an "anti-vaxxer" 

Despite your denials you clearly are and also a Covid denier/conspiracy believer.

All one has to do is read your own comments, all are some form of attempt to discredit, the vaccine, discredit the testeing, claim the vaccine is dangerous, etc .. your claim you are not anti vaxxer or covid denier is not backed up by your comments.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@jeffb wrote

Yes, vaccines have side effects and typically part of FDA approval is for manufacturers to comply with reporting standards. That reporting is not currently upheld under the current EUA.

From the CDC website:

As a condition of a vaccine’s use under Emergency Use Authorization, the FDA requires healthcare professionals to report to VAERS certain adverse events that occur after COVID-19 vaccination.

So again you are saying false information.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Pfizer = American company. Moderna = American company. Which vaccines are available in Japan? Pfizer and Moderna. Those are my and others' options here in Japan. That's what I'm focused on understanding better. And again, in context to this article, vaccine efficacy and positive test results aren't strongly correlated yet due to a huge amount of differences in counting methods. What a dangerous 'conspiracy theory'!

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Pfizer = American company. Moderna = American company. Which vaccines are available in Japan? Pfizer and Moderna. Those are my and others' options here in Japan.

So is it something to do with the USA?

You do realise that Japan did all it's own testing something many here point out as the reason for the delay in vaccine rollout.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

the FDA requires healthcare professionals to report to VAERS

I'm pretty certain that the CDC is referring to those who administer the vaccine as "healthcare providers". I'm saying the regulations on the actual makers of the vaccine are not being held to a high enough standard to make the VAERS reporting as useful as it should be.


The vaccine providers are responsible for reporting.

Adverse reactions reported in a clinical trial following administration of the Moderna COVID-19

Vaccine include pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, myalgia, arthralgia, chills,

nausea/vomiting, axillary swelling/tenderness, fever, swelling at the injection site, and erythema

at the injection site. (See Full EUA Prescribing Information)

Severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, have been reported following administration of

the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine during mass vaccination outside of clinical trials.

Myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported following administration of the Moderna

COVID-19 Vaccine during mass vaccination outside of clinical trials.

Additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.

This is a direct quote from the FDA but watch it get downvoted and treated as "misinformation" and a "conspiracy theory"! The science is settled, the vaccine is safe!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

I'm pretty certain that the CDC is referring to those who administer the vaccine as "healthcare providers". I'm saying the regulations on the actual makers of the vaccine are not being held to a high enough standard to make the VAERS reporting as useful as it should be.

"health care providers" is not the same as "vaccine providers", and the vaccine manufacturers are not supposed to report anything to VAERS because they are not vaccinating the people, they sell the vaccine to the governments and then the governments are the ones that decide the way to report the adverse effects in the way they consider best for appropriate vigilance.

Vaccine manufacturers report the results of the clinical trials, then organizations like the PMDA evaluate the vaccines and decide if they are going to approve them or not, if the vaccines are used in the population then the manufacturers no longer are involved in how the vaccines are distributed and obviously can't report anything. That responsibility resides in the vaccine providers according to the laws and regulations of each country.

This is a direct quote from the FDA but watch it get downvoted and treated as "misinformation" and a "conspiracy theory"! The science is settled, the vaccine is safe!

Saying that additional adverse reactions may appear in the future is not misinformation, but arguing that this makes the risks from vaccines higher than the risks from COVID (that also can be related with further problems in the future, as many other viral infections are) is the part that is misinformation, saying for example that these adverse effects are being hidden for a variety of imaginary purposes is what constitutes the conspiracy theories that antivaxxers like to promote as if they were facts.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

So Jeffb, what exactly are you scared of?

3 ( +4 / -1 )



Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection is determined by

seroconversion due to infection assessed by bAb levels against SARS-

CoV-2 as measured by a ligand-binding assay specific to the SARS-

CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein and a negative NP swab sample for SARS-

CoV-2 at Day 1.

This is the trial data from Moderna. You can see that they are classifying covid cases to measure efficacy via a combination of positive PCR test and symptoms. Asymptomatic cases do not count unless they show the presence of antibodies meaning they had actually been infected with SARSCoV2. Knowing that the PCR test alone does not accurately measure infection or antibody presence, thus the case count in stories like this do not equate the measurement used to determine vaccine efficacy.

My entire point is to express that taking ANY VACCINE during EUA is a potentially dangerous thing to do and should be done with supervision from your primary care provider. I have no reason to assume that Moderna and Pfizer want to kill people. I'm sure they are working as hard as they can to SAVE people. However, the social pressure many are putting on people to "get the jab" is wrong and fear based. Not taking the vaccine is not contributing to the number of positive PCR cases.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


Fear itself.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Knowing that the PCR test alone does not accurately measure infection or antibody presence, thus the case count in stories like this do not equate the measurement used to determine vaccine efficacy.

You are terribly confused about what is used for which purpose.

PCR is the gold standard to determine infection, it is the most accurate method to do it and has the best sensitivity and specificity. It obviously has absolutely nothing to do with the determination of antibody presence so it makes no sense to expect this test to be used for that purpose. For that very different purpose it is necessary to do serologic tests.

Now, you need to understand the huge difference between infection cases and disease cases, the PCR is completely adequate to detect infection (without infection it could not detect the viral RNA) but for disease cases there is a need for a clinical evaluation, you are confusing as if both terms were the same, they obviously are not.

Vaccine efficacy can be judged according to the ability to reduce infections, disease, complications and deaths, so for each parameter a different test is necessary, evaluating efficacy to prevent infection by using PCR results is still the best way to do it, and for evaluating efficacy reducing symptoms, complications, etc. a clinical evaluation is necessary.

My entire point is to express that taking ANY VACCINE during EUA is a potentially dangerous thing to do and should be done with supervision from your primary care provider.

And that is till completely wrong, for anybody without specific contraindication the risk of complications from being vaccinated is lower than from being infected without the protection of the vaccine, and that applies with or without full approval, the whole point of applying to an EUA is to reduce the risk for the people being vaccinated which is true even now, clinical trials are perfectly adequate to judge if the risk from the vaccines is low enough for the vaccines to be used in the population, and that includes unknown risks on the future, both from the vaccine and from COVID.

Every recognized institution of science or medicine in the world coincides that your point is false, that recommending the vaccine as the best choice for anybody is not about fear but about objective scientific results that prove so.

Not taking the vaccine DO contribute to the number of infections, disease cases, complications and deaths.

Fear itself.

Rejecting the recommendations from the best experts on the fiel because of much minor risks from the vaccine compared with the infection is much more validly characterized as "fear", precisely because it runs contrary to he scientific consensus. You are free to do it, but it is still taking the irrational choice, sometimes this comes from terrible mistakes, like thinking the PCR is not adequate to detect infections.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Knowing that the PCR test alone does not accurately measure infection or antibody presence, thus the case count in stories like this do not equate the measurement used to determine vaccine efficacy.

Yeah, and what is really dishonest is how they abuse the PCR test by using different Ct for vaccinated and unvaccinated people!

I'm sure they are working as hard as they can to SAVE people.

I'm sure they are working as hard as they can to make money. If they can save people, or at least generate some data that makes it look like they are saving people, it helps them sell more vaccines.

However, the social pressure many are putting on people to "get the jab" is wrong and fear based. Not taking the vaccine is not contributing to the number of positive PCR cases.

Very wrong indeed!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

eah, and what is really dishonest is how they abuse the PCR test by using different Ct for vaccinated and unvaccinated people!

Imaginary conspiracies are not a valid argument to criticize something, each detection kit has their own recommendations and that includes the number of cycles, if they are approved to be used in the population that means they are above the threshold of sensitivity and specificity to be a reliable test, completely independent to the specifics of each test.

I'm sure they are working as hard as they can to make money. If they can save people, or at least generate some data that makes it look like they are saving people, it helps them sell more vaccines.

For regular people this conspiracy theory that depends completely on all doctors, scientists, nurses, etc. to lie and expose their own friends and family to a supposedly dangerous vaccine for money (even if they are not even the ones that will get it!) makes absolutely no sense.

Only people that actually consider sacrificing their loved ones for money can believe this could be common, but fortunately most people are not like this is very easy to understand as false.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


Thank you for bestowing your infinite wisdom upon me. Unfortunately PCR is not a gold standard as it only detects genetic material. In this case a specific sequence of RNA. But you know that already. Also, the number of cycles required to attain replication matters. That hasn't been consistently reported under EUA. Also, the regulation is regards to the good manufacturing processes for PCR test are waived under EUA. So you can make decisions based on your own understanding and assumption that it is the gold standard.

the whole point of applying to an EUA is to reduce the risk for the people being vaccinated

So utterly wrong. The point of an EUA to allow for rushing through temporary approval for a procedure, medicine, or device when no other course of action exists. It means the normal regulatory process can be waived in favor of public safety. Along with EUA many other standards get waived as well so it's a bold statement to insist everyone should just go get vaccinated willy-nilly.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

For regular people this conspiracy theory that depends completely on all doctors, scientists, nurses, etc. to lie and expose their own friends and family to a supposedly dangerous vaccine for money (even if they are not even the ones that will get it!) makes absolutely no sense.

Only people that actually consider sacrificing their loved ones for money can believe this could be common, but fortunately most people are not like this is very easy to understand as false.

Many doctors are not taking the vaccine and are not giving it to their loved ones. Didn't you see the protests throughout France (and in other countries) because they want to force health care providers to get the vaccine.

Many doctors want to give those safe and effective medicines, but they are forbidden to...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


You either currently work for a pharmaceutical company or you never have before. Your understanding of the need for rigorous regulation of these for profit drug companies is wrong to the point of deception, whether intentional or not. I have worked with them. Many of them. So excuse me when my first hand experience makes me very uncomfortable with the leeway they've been given. That mixed with the fear that's been promoted by the media (like reporting the number of cases everyday, twice a day) is a dangerous mix, IMHO.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Thank you for bestowing your infinite wisdom upon me. Unfortunately PCR is not a gold standard as it only detects genetic material.

That is irrelevant, the PCR is the gold standard for the detection of infection, even if you mistakenly believe the contrary, you can easily find references that say it. There is no other realistic possibility to obtain enough of the genetic material than having an active infection, which is the corroborated principle for the test to work,

The number of cycles do not matter as long as the instructions of the manufacturer of the kit are followed, this is a well debunked myth from anti-scientific propaganda that depends on ignoring completely what is the technique and how it works, all kits (and their cycle numbers) are validated to be sensitive AND specific enough to be used for the reliable detection of the infection, you thinking differently makes no difference.

Each kit have many different characteristics, so it is irrational to think the number of cycles should be consisten between them, its as irrational as thinking they should all have the same price no matter the kind of chemistry, primer purification method, number of genomic regions detected, etc.

So utterly wrong. The point of an EUA to allow for rushing through temporary approval for a procedure, medicine, or device when no other course of action exists.

Your explanation is precisely the method followed to reduce the risk, you are actually supporting the reason exposed. All vaccines under EUA (in the US and Japan) adequately reduce the risk from COVID very efficiently, and the "rush" did not affect the safety testing, that was done in the same time and even much higher scale than previous vaccines that are already under full approval without problem.

My point is not that everybody should be vaccinated willy-nilly, but that for anybody without specific contraindications being vaccinated is still the safest option corroborated scientifically. Do you want to choose irrationally? you are free to do it, but what you can't do is pretend this choice is rational to mislead others.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

you either currently work for a pharmaceutical company or you never have before.

A very easy way to see when someone runs out of arguments to defend their mistakes is abandoning the effort to discuss the argument and try to discuss the people, as if this in any way could make their mistakes magically correct or the arguments that prove them wrong disappear, neither thing happens, your faulty arguments are still invalid the same no matter who I may be or what would be my occupation.

Also your situation makes no sense, what if a person worked before on a pharmaceutical company? that would make both of your conditions false.

And it may surprise you but trying to appeal that you supported efforts to deceive people do not actually make your comments more trustable, on the opposite, if you considered economic compensation a valid reason to help deceiving people (else why would you work doing it) that would mean you could be doing it here also.

Blaming the media for simply repeating what the experts say about the pandemic is another thing that can be characterized as misinformation. Why trying to misrepresent the expert advice and warnings as if they came from from the media? The number of cases is a very important piece of information to decide the measures and amount of care to have, and the scientific community coincides that having as much information about it as possible is the best way to do it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I don't understand people saying that the vaccine is unsafe and yet telling people they are safe because the death rate is 0.1%? You have a massively higher chance to catch the Covid and die from it than having a life-threatening side effect from the vaccine. Also if you develop a life-threatening side-effect (the average number is 3 cases per million people) with the vaccine, it probably means you would potentially die from the virus itself.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Many doctors are not taking the vaccine and are not giving it to their loved ones. Didn't you see the protests throughout France (and in other countries) because they want to force health care providers to get the vaccine.

Many doctors want to give those safe and effective medicines, but they are forbidden to..

So this tiny minority somehow proves the vas majority of the professionals are willing to sacrifice their loved ones for you? sorry but that is still unbelievable nonsense. Specially when the people that do it have no data to support their decision, just irrational fears.

30% of the antibiotics are given for things where there is no benefit from using them, in the same way as the discredited and debunked fake treatments for COVID they are given in spite of evidence of being useless, and likely byt the same kind of doctors. making an appeal to the worst representatives of the profession to support your point only make it more obvious that it is mistaken.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

You have a massively higher chance to catch the Covid and die from it than having a life-threatening side effect from the vaccine.

Not if you are young and healthy. For example, in Japan in the under 20yrs, nobody has died or gotten seriously ill from Covid19 after almost confirmed 94,000 infections.

Also, I am very upset that some extremely safe and very effective drugs have been intentionally forbidden for the sole purpose of getting the vaccines out. There is something very rotten in the health regulators in Japan and elsewhere.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Not if you are young and healthy. For example, in Japan in the under 20yrs, nobody has died or gotten seriously ill from Covid19 after almost confirmed 94,000 infections.

And again, nobody has been recorded to die from COVID, a very important distinction in countries like Japan with an active effort to avoid detecting cases and even deaths. And since no data has been reported about long lasting or even permanent problems from COVID in Japan you can't even say these problems have not been detected, at much you can say they have not been reported. On the other hand absolutely nobody has died or either from vaccination related effects on this age group.

And no, there is no effective drugs that have been forbidden, only completely unneffective ones like HCQ, that has been demonstrated as completely useless, and this is extremely desirable because giving risk to patients without any benefit to outweight those risks is just medical malpractice.

So you are only upset because of your personal beliefs that run contrary to the scientific evidence, the solution is not to ignore science to make you feel better but you changing your beliefs to be more coherent with reality.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Not if you are young and healthy. For example, in Japan in the under 20yrs, nobody has died or gotten seriously ill from Covid19 after almost confirmed 94,000 infections.

And again, nobody has been recorded to die from COVID, a very important distinction in countries like Japan with an active effort to avoid detecting cases and even deaths.

Speaking of personal beliefs, do you have any actual evidence to support your personal belief that Japan actively avoids detecting deaths?

You're always telling us to look at the data, but whenever you don't like the data you simply arbitrarily reject it. Not very scientific...

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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