Japan Today

Tokyo reports record 293 new COVID-19 cases


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Stay home for 6 weeks.

-9 ( +14 / -23 )

It has been this number for a couple of months. They are just testing more people.

20 ( +27 / -7 )

They will soon need more colors to light up the Tokyo warning landmarks. If the numbers get to 400 by next week, then it’s got to be shut down time again.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Covid? COVID! Quickly boys!

An ecstasy of fumbling.

(with apologies to Wilfred Owen)

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

It's to the point where most of my Japanese friends are pretty much tired of hearing about the news. They'll mask up and practice social distancing at the stores and stuff but it's evident to me that anything the government says or does will fall on deaf ears at this point. Therefore we really should be focusing our attention on scientific conclusions and medical advancements instead of further trying to restrict citizens. Yes, close the bars and poorly ventilated spaces, however, as that's a pretty solid scientific consensus at this point.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

What Tigers said.

Would it be too much trouble to give the numbers for surrounding prefectures? Maybe just a number in brackets after each one?

10 ( +11 / -1 )

These numbers are going to keep going up and up unless people change their behavior back to State of Emergency levels. But people are fatigued [and government coffers closed], so they're less likely to respond to lockdown "requests" and "urgings". Oh, and there's a nation-wide holiday week coming up where people traditionally travel from the city back to their hometowns in the countryside.

Sorry, it's just hard to stay positive about this right now.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Koike has said the rise in confirmed cases reflects an increase in virus tests being conducted in the capital, now at over 4,000 a day.

When the number shoots above 200 the public is reminded that Testing has been increased thus the high number of infections and when it is a hundred there is no mention of number of test.

Strangely the number is like breaking the 300 threshold but for some mysterious reason it doesn't. Is it because the cut of time has recently been hastened to noon.?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

How could this be? I was under the impression that Japan had higher "cultural standards" than other countries, right Mr. Taro Aso?

If lives werent at stake here, I would laugh about this guys arrogance.

17 ( +24 / -7 )

Well, the state of emergency is at its highest level and the virus is at its highest level but I guess all it means is that the people at the top of the government just sit on their hands even harder than usual and worry about the Olympics being held next year. Just stating the obvious here but they have no cognitive plan. We are on our own here.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Koike admitted herself that it's because they are testing more. It means the numbers have been false.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Person who cannot get PCR test despite symptoms has increased again like February〜May in Tokyo.

Somehow, Japan cannot increase PCR test yet despite its economic power.

"Anti-PCR test" scholars at Govt's expert panel seem to hinder to increase scale or number of virus test. therefore it is more difficult to find and isolate latent patients in Japan, Infected and mortal will increase more and more unless self-lock down.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Is this oba shooto?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@HAMBURGER: For the third day in a row, please tell us your plan.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

“Is this oba shooto?”

オーバーシュート !!!

Where is Abe hiding?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Sana Hamaya, they have also made private PCR tests economically out of reach. Y33,000.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Interesting to see how the numbers have been reported to keep the total just below 300.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Again no information about the number of people who have died. I have a runny nose today. Add me to the figure.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

People are not dying. And they are testing more than ever before. Koike just wants to shut everything down again to trash Japans economy even further and turn it into a communist country based of the CCP model. She's a snake. Part of the Soros team.

-15 ( +10 / -25 )


I'm not that much worried we have Abe, and Koike in charge we will be fine. Soon they will come with a plan or a solution to the situation. We need to be patient in the meantime lets plan where to go for Go To Campaign.

You got me! I have been laughing at this since about 4:42pm when you crafted this masterpiece.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

In the US we have a not so smart president and his followers who dismiss the virus.

Here we have people who extrapolate the impact on random scales.

Both of them do it without a sliver of reason or a shred of evidence.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Unless they test 10,000 a day they're not going to know where the number drops off

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Increased testing will detect more infections. Imagine that...

Raw numbers don't tell the whole story, though, do they.

The number of severe cases remains very low.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

This is still just the first wave.

It hasn't even begun to crest yet!

look at the 1917-20 flu pandemic.

2nd wave killed more than double first wave.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

My comment is not about panic mongering or trying to start a panic, But why is the world not talking about whats is really important about this Virus. Many answers lie right with SARS research. The tings that keep swirling around my head are these.

The Doctor that defected from China to the USA. Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a scientist at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, feared she would be killed for speaking out in China and chose to escape to the United States, where she is hiding at an undisclosed location.*defection plain and simple. And how many other doctors have vanished and disappeared with out a trace in China? Or silenced ?

According to the researcher, the Chinese Communist Party and senior university staff suppressed evidence that coronavirus could be transmitted between humans as early as last December. Dr. Yan, who grew up in mainland China, said she was among the first scientists asked to investigate a small number of cases in Wuhan. If I take a step back at this and look deeply. Look at China's history. Look at the timeline of the Virus or were told in the media. I can not help to think this virus is an early development bio-weapon that Virologists really have no idea about. Such and adaptive and stamina driven virus and viral nuclei hell bent on survival like the cock roach. Cells nucleus, a central organelle of a eukaryotic cell, containing most of the cell's It kinda o reminds of the movie Prometheus. Big things have small beginnings. So, why? Why isn't anyone talking about the mutation factor of this virus and easily it can adapt? No one at all want to talk about Whats Dr. Yan has to say? Really? I bet Dr, Yan meant when she said we do not have much time. I could see her sincerity in her eyes. Is that she knows clearly knows what this virus is, I don't want to even write out here what I think it is.

Ill just say Infections are not going to stop unless we stop the virus dead in it its tracks (somehow). Zack had a great comment. Yeah maybe past the point of no return for the Japanese. They are tired of Virus hitting them in the pockets. As if the economy was booing?? Which its not. No where is. Its a weapon and in the movie it tuned on them. Lets just hope we can stop it. Stay safe! Use the mask! Wash hands. Were all in this together (world) like it or not.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I was replying to another article (Go To travel campaign) but somehow it got added to this article instead.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

My comment is not about panic mongering or trying to start a panic, But why is the world not talking about whats is really important about this Virus.

Whats really important is that people wear masks and social distance as much as possible until there is a vaccine, herd immunity, or like you said, the virus is dead in its tracks. The stuff about Covid-19 being a bioweapon is not helpful, although its probably true. Doesn't make any difference at the moment.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The wife had her antibody test results back today and they were negative.

As we are pretty close,I guess that I am too.

There has to be something in this stay home lark...

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

It seems to me it is time to declare the state of emergency again and "stay home" as much as they can for 4 weeks. Infections are surely going down soon.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Unless they test 10,000 a day they're not going to know where the number drops off

It is still too small for a highly and densily populated city like Tokyo.

New York is doing 65,000 per day.

Wuhan tested the entire population of 10M in a week,

7 ( +7 / -0 )

More cases because of more testing! That is a joke right. How can Kioke say that with a straight face!

All Australia does around 60,000 tests a day. That is for a population around the size of Tokyo and they are finding a similar number of cases as Japan..

You do not need tp be much of a genius or a mathematician to work out the hit rate in Japan or guess what might be the number of cases if Tokyo did 60,000 tests in one day. The 1000s of cases they would find then that could be called finding more cases from more testing. Not the finely capped 4000 test they do in Tokyo in fear they might even find over 300 cases in one day which would look bad and spoil the narrative that Japan has beat the virus and lets have an Olympics.

And as for Japan's miracle contact tracing. Australia also does extensive genome testing of the virus to assist in their contact tracing of the spread of the virus to map its spread ( and found the recent outbreaks in Sydney come from Melbourne) backed up by their thousands of contact tracing tests. Is any of this going on in Japan? Do they even do any contact tracing of all the cases they have found in Shinjuku night life ? Do they test cases found in different parts of Japan to do they genome testing to match what other part of Japan it came from and check the spread? Perhaps they wouldn't want to do that as it might hinder the travel campaign.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

In my province of Ontario in Canada they do 20,000 a day. The number of cases has been falling so they are confident that this level of testing is giving a good snapshot of the situation. Population around 15 million.

Totally doable in Tokyo. You can't know the situation if blind to it. For the Americans who say blahblahblah look at Canada's curve then look at the USA.

Science wins

7 ( +9 / -2 )

New York is doing 65,000 per day.

Yeah for the density that would be better for Tokyo, agree

6 ( +7 / -1 )

“It has been this number for a couple of months. They are just testing more people.”

Many if them nightlife workers. Can’t have Japan inc brought to a stop by testing office staff

5 ( +6 / -1 )

And how many deaths? 1 or 2 everyday for weeks. Wear masks, avoid unnecessarily large gatherings, and let people get on with their lives.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

For those of you looking for some Covid-19 statistics ~




Those are the best I've been able to find.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

pretty high numbers.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Alot of speculation. Alot of assumptions. Alot of fear mongering.

Is it necessary? Has it done any good? No

Have people done the same few weeks ago, few months ago? Yes

This is just another repeat of what you said then.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Testing is being done -don’t believe that it isn’t....

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

On nightlife workers. Gives the impression of more testing and doesn’t slow the economy, with a convenient scape goat.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Hospitals managing still ?

Where are all the sick patients being sent ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This month to date 5000 recorded cases and 8 deaths

Thats a 0.2% death rate

I also know another virus with a similar death rate but of course I must be wrong.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Isn't it strange that after she was Re-elected as governor the numbers skyrocketed? Methinks someone was fudging numbers somehow.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

What about not caring anymore and just accept that illness and death have always been a part of human life. What's with the irrational fear of death? I honestly don't care if I get it and die of it. Life will always entail risks.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

4000 a tests a day. Pathetic. And with a 5% infection rate. There is no more of this "only testing serious symptom" BS excuse anymore either, because we know that a decent percentage of these are asymptomatic bar workers. And lets get some postmortem testing whilst we are at it, a topic that was raised in May and shortly forgotten.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Why not report deaths or no. of complications (and what those complications are/severity)!?

Using rates is pointless...

The rates of regular flu are astronomical, but deaths? Hmm?

Stop pushing a narrative

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

In my home Canadian province of Quebec, we are having a new spike because young people have been attending bars and night clubs with disregard for social distancing. Considering how all countries screwed up with elderly care homes, that is dangerous. Here's the thing: people who go to bars are among the most undisciplined ones in all of society. In Japan, I guess some of the most indisciplined people are those who attend those adult establishments.

In both cases, the risk should have been assessed better and thus such estbalishments should have been the very last to be allowed to open, which would be only when we would have enough countermeasures and very limited spread.

For those who are obsessed with reopening at all costs, you seem to be OK with enjoying of a drink rather than think about your older and more vulnerable relatives. If so, you need to get checked because you are failing as human beings.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I honestly don't care if I get it and die of it.

Most of us don't. But it's not about 'me'. I could pass the virus on to someone else who might be more susceptible to it, and then they to another.

We're 6 months into this and people need this explaining to them still.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

July 16, at the Diet,

A certain expert expressed strong sense of crisis that ”Tokyo is about to be new epicenter of Covid19” ”If politics did nothing, situation like that you want to divert your eyes will come to Japan”.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Not only Tokyo.A total lock down is necessary and a must.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It's not the dying that scares me - I've set up my family to be ok if/when I'm gone. It's living through covid with scarred lungs and/or a damaged body that scares me.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Zach KuhnJuly 17  04:14 pm JST

It's to the point where most of my Japanese friends are pretty much tired of hearing about the news. They'll mask up and practice social distancing at the stores and stuff but it's evident to me that anything the government says or does will fall on deaf ears at this point. Therefore we really should be focusing our attention on scientific conclusions and medical advancements instead of further trying to restrict citizens. Yes, close the bars and poorly ventilated spaces, however, as that's a pretty solid scientific consensus at this point.

Spot on.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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