Japan Today

Tokyo reports record high 3,865 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 10,699


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Thursday reported a record high 3,865 new coronavirus cases, up 688 from Wednesday.

The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 2224.1.

People in their 20s (1,417 cases), their 30s (782) and their 40s (612) accounted for the highest numbers, while 443 cases were aged under 19.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 81, up one from Wednesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 539, up 17 from Wednesday.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 10,699. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (1,164), Osaka (932), Saitama (864), Chiba (576), Okinawa (392), Fukuoka (366), Hyogo (280), Hokkaido (260), Aichi (250), Ibaraki (166), Kyoto (164), Tochigi (142), Shizuoka (108), Gunma (103), Ishikawa (94), Fukushima (88), Hiroshima (65), Kumamoto (63), Okayama (59), Nara (58), Niigata (53) and Wakayama (43).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported was 14.

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Well, at least it wasn't 4000.

8 ( +19 / -11 )


The gold medal for crass stupidly holding the olympics during the pandemic

37 ( +45 / -8 )

Today number at 3865 - this number is 1886 more than last week (last week number was 1979). 

This also becomes the highest number ever in Tokyo since last year - the rate of growth is also increasing 

Another highest number in Okinawa at 392 today 

But our PM Suga said in yesterday to press that he dont see any reason to change the status on Olympics front as there is reduction in people movement outside - which world do these folks live in?

26 ( +31 / -5 )

Would be also interesting to see the whole country number to come in later today - sure to cross 10,000 mark - another milestone and record?

14 ( +15 / -1 )

This is getting ridiculous…..and all the government can do is put Chiba, Kanagawa and Saitama under a state of emergency. What the hell does this even do anymore? Koike blaming the youth when it’s not only their fault. Suga telling people to stay home when he and his mates are lording it at the Olympics. All about the Olympics and how many medals they are winning - priorities all wrong, just all wrong!

24 ( +29 / -5 )

I have to say that my disgust is now such that I've started to think that Tokyo, or more specifically the local government in collaboration with the IOC, has brought this on itself. And I live here.

While I'm sure our regular cadre will be along to tell us that it's fine to go out and drink until 4am, I'm going to continue with my general policy of avoiding people as much as possible.

I can't even imagine what the figures are going to be up to in a few weeks from now.

19 ( +24 / -5 )

We should rename Tokyo in Atlantis or Titanic….

5 ( +9 / -4 )

This is more than 1,000 more than two days ago.

It's out of control.

Never mind - look at the shiny medals! Look at the shiny!

19 ( +24 / -5 )

Unfortunately you can’t even whip them their stupidity out of those empty brains. lol

4 ( +9 / -5 )


This also becomes the highest number ever in Tokyo since last year - the rate of growth is also increasing 

Wrong, it's the highest number ever, as was yesterday, and the day before. Previous record high was around 2500.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Shut the superspreader event down. NOW.

0 ( +20 / -20 )

Well, at least it wasn't 4000.

Well seeing they again lowered testing that isn't surprising.

3,000 fewer test than yesterday.

Tomorrow will be even lower as usual.

The Tokyo testing chart is amazing in how every single week it follows the exact same up and down pattern without fail.

If the Tokyo data was given in for peer review it would be rejected on this one point as unreliable.

Monday testing high gradually lowered each day to arrive on Sunday at around 3,000 tests.

It is a far to perfect pattern to be random.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

I what surprised that infections in Tokyo are close to 4,000. However, NHK said last night that deaths are continuing to decline. This is probably because most people over 65 are now vaccinated in Japan.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Thomas GoodtimeToday  05:06 pm JST

Shut the superspreader event down. NOW

It's nothing to do with the Olympics. It's always been like this.

I agree that it is not directly related to the Olympics.

But by the government saying on one hand "stay home" to the locals then on the other hand saying it is safe enough to have 100,000 come to the country and pull them in contact with between 40,000 and 80,000 local workers and volunteers and to top it all off permit



What kind of mixed signals are the Japanese getting especially the youth.

By canceling the Olympics it would send a clear signal that things are not OK and then people will sit up and listen.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Two more days as yet to close out this week - but already this week number (including todays no of 3865) comes to total of 13,082 - this itself is 39% more than whole of last week number of 9,420.

Even if you assume they reduce testing and next two days numbers are same as last week numbers then this week number is likely to end up at 15,569 - this would be a whopping 65% increase over last week - see the numbers at link below -


I dont think we will see any new ideas/action plans from the so called decision makers and it will continue to be in terms of "urging residents to stay at home", make decision "as early as 30 Jul", switch ON the button for emergency for Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa and Osaka - repeat same things again and again and hope for the best

Lastly of course it will be a clusterfxxx with everyone trying to point fingers at all possible culprits - Olympics, foreigners, young people etc etc and it will continue for next one month at lease!!!!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

More like the first ever platinum medal of the Olympics for their incompetence of handling this pandemic. After today, I will not be surprised anymore. It seems like a lack of intelligence is the next disease for the government. I wish everyone to be safe. No one deserves this.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

The Tokyo testing chart is amazing in how every single week it follows the exact same up and down pattern without fail.

If the Tokyo data was given in for peer review it would be rejected on this one point as unreliable.

Monday testing high gradually lowered each day to arrive on Sunday at around 3,000 tests.

It is a far to perfect pattern to be random.

I should not be random. This pattern is a reflection of the cycle of testing, much lower at the weekend, especially Sunday, correspondingly more then beginning of week, and that test results take a few days to aggregate. If it was random it would be a lot more suspect.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

*It should not be random

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

I wish we could understand the threshold to get tested. I mean are these people in their 20's largely healthy but got tested just in case, or do they have pretty severe symptoms and thus get tested.

How often must it be be explained.

The reason testing is so low in Japan is because to be tested one has to present with quite a list of symptoms and provide a good reason as to having come into close contact with someone else that has covid.

The government refused to test the remaining 8 people from a group of 10 coworkers ( including my daughter) when 2 got sick and tested positive for covid.

Her company had to find a private lab and paid for the 8 to be tested and 2 more came back positive.

So the chance that people are just getting tested "just in case" is highly unlikely.

15 ( +20 / -5 )


Really ok then explain every other major country that none have such a clean orderly testing chart.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

I truly believe the numbers are tampered with and have been raised on purpose since the Olympics started just to make people believe it's the fault of foreigners coming in.

Perfect example of how consipracy theorists will continually 'reframe' reality (and constantly contradict themselves in the process) to fit their pre-decided agenda.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

More people tested postitive in Tokyo yesterday just in their 20s than all people testing postive (all age groups) a week ago !

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Des anyone have the positivity rate for this day ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Really ok then explain every other major country that none have such a clean orderly testing chart.

I don't know about other countries as I haven't poured over the details as I do here. However, ASFAIK most countries aren't (stupidly) relying on small private clinics to do the bulk of the testing, its more centralised and done at big hospitals and test centers. As a result more constant test flow.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

11,260 tests 3,865 cases

34.3% positive/infection rate.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

But anyway @antiquesaving what is your point exactly? If the government is massaging the numbers what possible motivation or benefit would there be for having a repeating pattern of lower number on Sunday/Monday and higher numbers on Wed/Thursday? That makes absolutely no sense.

So tired of reading utterly dumb conspiracy theories.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Although FWIW I generally agree with your posts (just not that one..)

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

In another breaking news on Yahoo Japan - our dynamic leader Suga has said that he is considering extending emergency for Tokyo and Okinawa beyond 22 Aug - he has to show to the public that how proactive and decisive he is right?

Link below for the article -


5 ( +6 / -1 )

NO worries the weekend is coming and there will the usual big drop in numbers. The usual JT comments will be out in force how everything is good and the numbers are going down. Until next week after the weekend of course when they will go back up ( and those comments dry up) . However with the limited number of tests there are at anytime, there has to soon be an upper limit to how high the numbers can ever go, so Japan will be saved by that.

6 ( +10 / -4 )


Or maybe they are actually sick enough to pass the testing requirements.

Go look for yourself the requirements to get tested in Tokyo, it is quite an eye opener.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Japan should shut down schools in Tokyo. I teach in Tokyo, and we’re still open during summer for classes and club activities. All teachers have to work.

If schools close, parents would also have to work from home and look after their kids, which will limit people’s movements. However, there are so many schools that were unable to move classes online that they threw the idea out after the first lockdown.

But don’t worry! the virus only comes out at night after 8PM, and kids can’t catch it! :(

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Whose betting some draconian measures will be urged just in time for Obon. The workers don't need holidays, just keep getting in those packed trains everyday though and be good and skutle off home to sleep once you've finished earning those tax yen, don't go for a drink to relax after.

7 ( +10 / -3 )


It is not any conspiracy.

It is fact.

Japan just doesn't test, plain and simple.

This has been pointed out by most major medical associations , journals even the WHO.

At one point just the province of Ontario with 14 million people was testing more per day than all of Japan ( that was just as Japan was trying to decide certain things concerning the Olympics like who, how many and spectators).

Japan daily testing rate is not even close to any other developed country

16 ( +18 / -2 )

I could care less of numbers at this stage. carry on living as responsibly as possible.

To be honest, I think you might be right, at least in a sense.

Focusing on the numbers from here on in is just going to be depressing.

We should instead use them as a reminder to be vigilant.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Well said Michael. Sums it up very well.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

How does the number of hospitalized only increase by ONE after 3000 cases yesterday and nearly 4000 today?

@joffy It just takes some days until you feel really that bad, that the virus load in your body has multiplied to a level that going to a hospital is the last resort. Also, the lower age groups that have a much better immune system and body condition are currently the biggest part of that data. They might feel not so severely sick or even have to continue to work for their bills even when feeling quite bad. So they have the same big multiplied virus load, and that is further distributed, because they don’t need to go to hospital although they should, just to isolate and to avoid LongCovid with preemptive medication. I don’t know your age, but you surely also felt unbeatable and always healthy while in that age group cluster and if sick you downplayed it.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Would be also interesting to see the whole country number to come in later today - sure to cross 10,000 mark - another milestone and record?

Latest news update from Yahoo Japan - total for Japan as of 5.30pm today the count is 10,110 - first time ever crossing the 10,000 mark...

Link below -


1 ( +4 / -3 )

AntiquesavingToday  05:33 pm JST

11,260 tests 3,865 cases

34.3% positive/infection rate.

Ås a point of reference the state of NY will have public schools go remote if the positivity rate reaches 5%.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

I don't get it. How does the number of hospitalized only increase by ONE after 3000 cases yesterday and nearly 4000 today? Can someone explain that?

Simple Japanese government bureaucracy and insane system.

The government only counts those in "official covid beds/wards" everyone else isn't counted yet.

Tokyo officially has 5,967 covid beds, 2,915 occupied and get this 4,172 Awaiting guidance on hospital/admission.

Does that answer your question?

5 ( +9 / -4 )


How often must it be be explained.

The reason testing is so low in Japan is because to be tested one has to present with quite a list of symptoms and provide a good reason as to having come into close contact with someone else that has covid.

Well said.

The fact of the matter is, even those of us who had all the symptoms and got dreadfully sick after using a confirmed cluster infection spot were refused testing.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

But, IOC official says the jumping corona infections and Olympic has nothing to do since Olympic players and officials are completely isolated from citizens.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

vanityofvanitiesToday  06:03 pm JST

But, IOC official says the jumping corona infections and Olympic has nothing to do since Olympic players and officials are completely isolated from citizens.

On the airplane I took here from the States last week there were 8 people associated with the Olympics. Talked to them on the plane, in the quarantine lines, and at baggage.

I also used a toilet at the airport that was for Olympic athletes only.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Well said Michael. Sums it up very well.

Don't misunderstand me, it's not really optimism. It's nearer to making the best of a bad situation!

I find that while righteous indignation at the responsible parties has its place, you know that nothing's going to change, so you just buckle down and do what you can...

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I just walked out of the house to get some groceries.

The local Temple is having a Matsuri complete with street closure and police presence.

Tokyo SOE!???

13 ( +16 / -3 )

 just walked out of the house to get some groceries.

The local Temple is having a Matsuri complete with street closure and police presence.

Tokyo SOE!???

I'm sure the various deities will protect them. Bet they're doing a roaring trade in amulets.

(straight face, straight face).

12 ( +14 / -2 )

sky is the limit

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Wow, when I said 5000 by next week I didn't know the situation would one-up me to this weekend!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Wow, when I said 5000 by next week I didn't know the situation would one-up me to this weekend!

Not going to happen!

Testing was reduced by 3,000 today to 11,000

By tomorrow that will be reduced again by about 3,000

By Saturday they will test 6,000 and by Sunday 3,000.

So yes probably next week on Tuesday.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

It’s always had been out of control since day one here in Japan. Now that the Olympics has been started the government has no reason to hide numbers anymore. There you have it.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Truly world- beating figures. Give us a shiny shiny medal!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The latest from NHK. The infection rate has reached 10,000. That's Ten thousand.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I am going to get Japanese nationality so I can vote for the LDP to continue with their fabulous governorship.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Does everyone remember this?


Two weeks ago, when the cases were 1/3 of where we are now, the parasite Bach left his 3M-per night hotel suite (which we are paying for) to say how safe the anti-virus protocols were.

I wonder if we will hear an update on his evaluation?

Not a chance. He will sit, counting his millions, in the luxury we are paying for until it's time for him to leave for his next victim.

This is organised crime.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Soon to be 4000 and does anyone really care?

The government is starting to blame the youth but failed to recognize it's own mismanagement of the pandemic.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

jeancolmarToday  07:21 pm JST

The latest from NHK. The infection rate has reached 10,000. That's Ten thousand.

If by "infection rate" you mean the nationwide total then it is 10,699 according to the headline of this article. That's ten thousand, six hundred and ninety-nine.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Notice how the number of people in hospital barely goes up but the number waiting for admission has gone from 2,000 last week to over 4,000 today and Tokyo bjas about 3,000 unoccupied covid beds.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The vaccines are being rolled out daily giving more protection to the vulnerable, we will not see huge rises like earlier in the year. Normality is needed now, with precautions. Covid does not vanish so we have to live with it. It’s up to each individual to take the precautions they feel they need.

Precautions such as wearing a mask are for what other people need rather than what the wearer thinks he or she needs.

It’s a question of being unselfish.

By the way, any links to medical professionals backing up your claims about the exaggerated severity of long Covid?

This question is even more pertinent seeing we have a large increase in the number of cases.

Thanks in advance.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Although it was stupid to do the olympics, I don't think the spike in cases has anything to do with that. There's basically no spectators there anyway and all the athletes are tested daily. This would still be occurring even if there were no olympics.

The real reason is that Japan just hasn't taken COVID seriously, comparatively speaking. Japan is in last place among the G7 nations for vaccination. They were pushing travel campaigns early this year. Several Japanese people I know told me they refused the vaccine when they had the chance to take it, they said they want to wait for the Japanese vaccine to come out, how ridiculous. Then what about the four day holiday last week? That was completely irresponsible and was a result of the government adjusting the holiday schedule. Last week was basically Golden Week part II in July and now that it has been incubating over the last week, we're seeing huge spikes. My shock-o-meter is not moving.

I guess Japan will just have to learn this the hard way.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

On related news article (link below) -

"Doctor in charge of Olympic venue keeps asking: Why now?"


Interesting reading as to how Dr Yagi who is in charge of taking care of Corona positive cases related to Olympics....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The Government has no more bullets, apart from expanding the SOE through to the End of the Paralymics countrywide. The ban on Alcohol remaining etc. To force Department stores etc to close would be losing too much face now whilst the IOC are in town and the Worlds press is aimed at Japan right now.

Expect higher numbers for sure, but it is literally is a case now of buckling down and staying safe.

I know I'll be down voted many times but the only Ray of Light is that vaccines ARE getting in arms quicker than most expected, even though the distribution is poor and too many are still waiting whilst Pfizer shots are stored in the wrong places.

The 'stay home' message is not going to work when Restaurants are not being paid properly to close and can still attract customers if they serve alcohol, which is happening more and more as they cannot pay rent. Very easy to compare to cities that went into a hard lockdown, but the aid granted to pay staff, rent, bills has not been actioned properly and only extended the Pandemic. After 18 months, people are tired of being told what to do and don't care anymore. Its not in human nature to do so.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

I know I'll be down voted many times but the only Ray of Light is that vaccines ARE getting in arms quicker than most expected,

Depends on how you qualify "quicker than most expected".

I personally have little hope of getting a shot until this autumn and probably not even then.

I check the website several times a day, but it has become fairly clear that there's no real point doing so.

So I'm not going to downvote you, but I think you overestimate the patience and goodwill of people when faced with gross bureaucratic incompetence.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

O'Brien: Sadly it has become a zip code lottery. That is very true. I do believe (and yes, it's not good enough) that you will get done by the Autumn though.

There is a point in calling your closest clinics though and trying to get a cancelation though. I am of course hoping you've got your bloody ticket.

Best of luck.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Resident, thanks. We got our tickets here about a month back at a guess.

I'm in a position where I can afford to wait a while, much as I'd rather not.

I work at home, and even on my days off I don't go out between about 10 AM and 5 PM, because I'm not a masochist and I don't much like being caked in sweat within ten seconds of stepping out the door.

Don't go out drinking either. Glass of wine at home is fine.

Doesn't mean I'm not thoroughly cheesed off about how badly it's being handled, but I feel worse for people who need a shot badly and can't get one...

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I like how NHK news is shorter as well. Just don't talk about it

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I would suspect the numbers have always been that high, but the pathetic amount of testing was designed to hide the numbers to protect the games.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Deaths were 14. U.S. had over 4,000 a day at its peak. Case counts make for great headlines, but are meaningless without more context. Delta is a lot less harmful than original COVID. So we will likely continue to see big cases counts with limited impact, as we have seen in other places.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Japanese logic.

Near full capacity baseball stadiums. OK, cuz it's japanese baseball fans. No problem.

Olympics. No fans allowed, cuz well, you know, they will be in attendance too and eww, they are diseased you know.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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