Japan Today

Tokyo reports single-day record of 366 new coronavirus infections


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And these are just confirmed cases -- not the ones that take days to confirm, and not the likely thousands who cannot get tested. But hey, it's safe to go to work crowded trains (not bars or restaurants), and schools, and definitely unthinkable to cancel the Olympics.

39 ( +51 / -12 )

Koike's putting her serious face on.

25 ( +26 / -1 )

Anyone want to make bets?

I think once all the schools are officially closed for summer break (August 1), we'll see a small "surge" and they'll lock down the city.

Feels about right, doesn't it...

22 ( +26 / -4 )

Perfect timing for a four day weekend with the Go To campaign. It needs to be, Go To the hospital and get tested.

35 ( +40 / -5 )

Yesterday in Ginza I witnessed a packed restaurant of salary men elbow to elbow eating and drinking like Corona meant beer. WTF?

33 ( +38 / -5 )

PCR tests have at least 6-9% of false positives, meaning you just need to test 6000 people to get these figures.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Deaths and numbers of people in serious condition are still lower than at the start of the outbreak months ago, but these numbers are scary, so let's scream and hide.

-14 ( +12 / -26 )

It is a sobering situation. I hope everyone will be safe and well.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

If there were large numbers of deaths then perhaps we could be more worried. It's clear looking at the stats that the virus is still contagious, but weakening in its intensity.

-15 ( +11 / -26 )

Larr FlintToday  04:08 pm JST

Impose the lockdown right away!

They can't impose any form of lock-down or compel people to do anything. They would need to change the Constitution for this to occur.

This is why Corona is going to be an absolute disaster in Japan. They have no effective way of fighting this apart from asking people to do things. Even the demands to the nightclubs to close were only an Official Request.


18 ( +23 / -5 )

After observing Japanese for over 50 years I long ago came to the conclusion that Japanese are not the scream and hide types. Earthquakes and other disasters have not caused them to panic. I do not think this will cause it either.

7 ( +16 / -9 )

Still a lot less than Europe and the US.

-15 ( +10 / -25 )

Cases have not been rising nationwide.

Prefectures such as Shimane with low populations have had around 25 cases and little if any change-the major urban centers are the problem.

Tokyo and Osaka have millions and even though the majority do their best to follow the steps, it is the few that do not and those are the ones spreading the infection.

I also noticed that in the early days that JR stations were providing alcohol at the barriers-no more!

Instead of wasted travel vouchers the government should be subsidizing alcohol production....

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Larr Flynt: "Impose the lockdown right away!"

Here's the problem: While it is worse now than when they imposed the last lip-service lock-down, with Japan's extreme mis-management of tax money (see the Go To campaign and Abenomasks for just a small sampling) there is absolutely no money they have left to give for assistance. So, they cannot have a lock-down. If they impost a lock-down, they have to pay out. If they just starve you out and force you to close yourself, it is "not their fault" and they don't have to pay. That is what they are banking on -- asking people not to go out, but still hoping they spend from home. Asking bars and restaurants to close, but not offering assistance (except in ridiculous cases paying hostess bars 500,000 to close), and saying they are not eligible for any if they do. And there is no way they would ever lock down besides because that would mean not donning your suit and tie at 6:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. to work yourself to death at a company office with its fax machines and phones that can only be operated there, and schools could not provide free babysitting.

18 ( +24 / -6 )

Maybe if they did something like... say... decide not to spend BILLIONS of dollars on fighter jets Japan doesn't need, they could afford to help the nation through this crisis and manage it effectively, but nope.

21 ( +28 / -7 )

It's herd immunity. This is a good thing. Hospitals are not being overrun. There is no need to lockdown. Those who feel the need to self-isolate may do so. The rest of us ned to get back to living. The show must go on.

-22 ( +8 / -30 )

Is anyone here, apart from the apologists, surprised?

Seems like increased testing is leading to increased cases.

Just proves that all the propaganda by Jgov is fake, you know the 'Japan model' or world class etiquette, culture, virus beating cuisine, and non-spitting language.

It's too late to contain it in Japan. 70% of transmissions cannot be traced. Stay safe everyone.

6 ( +15 / -9 )

Larr Flint: The only good thing we have Shinzō Abe in charge, as an experienced politician he knows what he is doing. 

What have you been smoking? If you had been following how this situation developed you would recognize his last-ditch efforts to save the Olympics are what led us here.

24 ( +26 / -2 )

I have a theory if you die but were not tested before it does not count, but if you were tested and die it can be counted. A Bueuracrat thing is my guess. Thus the lack of testing.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

I’m just as concerned as everybody else about the spike in infections but I really wish people would stop calling for a lockdown. For one thing, how do you define lockdown? A city with a population of Tokyo cannot be locked down. Tens of thousands of people from neighboring prefectures need to come to Tokyo daily for work, medical or other reasons.

Have lockdowns really worked in other countries besides New Zealand where the population is little more than that of Yokohama. Australia tried it successfully at first but as we are seeing now in Melbourne and Sydney, has not proved effective. It hasn't worked in any big U.S. city, has it?

Also, most of the workforce in the Tokyo area cannot telework. I could name at least 30 industries or professions where teleworking is impossible and people would still have to use trains.

I’d like to ask those calling for a lockdown if their incomes would be affected. Because mine would. I have to be at the office, though fortunately I can ride a bike or even walk if I have to.

Finally, I do wish these stories would include how many had to be hospitalized because that is of more concern to me.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

There are WHO guidelines how to determine corona deaths. For example if you have a car accident and you die within 2 days and you test positive for the virus you don't count, but if you die after 3 days or later you do count.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

How many have recovered fully?

How many have died?

How many were recovered the first time and then got it again?

Does anyone have this information and are the numbers only in Tokyo rising?

4 ( +10 / -6 )

And even so, you want to open the borders and let anyone in?

Let anyone in and bring more and more cases to Japan from overseas?


But don’t panic:

1. Please follow your best personal prevention.

Wear mask, wash hands, use sanitizer and keep social distance as much as possible.

Wear Mask is prevention Number One.

Even in foreign countries now, the governments start to force the people to wear mask. They even have to pay a punishment if they don’t wear a mask.

I know, foreigners don’t like to wear a mask. I see that hundreds of times in Tokyo that foreigners do not wear a mask. I understand, it is uncomfortable and very hot in Tokyo.

But believe it, Mask is the Number One prevention.

2. Don’t wait for the government to do something for you.

You are responsible for your life, not the government. So do your personal prevention by YOURSELF! Don’t wait for action from the government, and if there is nothing start to complain.

Here comes an important point:

The Japanese government can not force the citizen to do this or that. In Japan there is no law-background for that.

Everything here is volunteer.

So let us all be good volunteers and let us all do our personal possible best prevention!


I have no idea, how these 336 people in Tokyo behaved during their daily life, but my opinion is, as long as you follow the upper explained basic personal prevention rule, the possibility that you can get infected is probably Zero.

-14 ( +7 / -21 )

Have Abe and Aso completely disappeared?

15 ( +18 / -3 )

'Have Abe and Aso disappeared?'

It is really like Koike has become the de facto prime minister of this country!

10 ( +15 / -5 )

How many have recovered fully?

Almost everyone

How many have died?

Nobody is dying.

How many were recovered the first time and then got it again?

Hmmm.. in Japan I think only 1 case the tour bus woman from Nara. Recovered twice ? False positive the first time ? Nobody knows.

Does anyone have this information and are the numbers only in Tokyo rising?

Probably . Tokyo is majority

-10 ( +8 / -18 )

When I read the article this morning urging people from Tokyo to stay home over the holiday I thought to myself, I bet we see the number break the 300 mark today. And here it is. The government news releases are

6 ( +8 / -2 )

so predictable. Always try to soften the news before delivering it.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

But don't worry. We're on holiday for 4 days now, so testing and confirmed cases will drop until Wednesday next week. Before unexpectedly 'surging' again.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Deaths and numbers of people in serious condition are still lower than at the start of the outbreak months ago, but these numbers are scary, so let's scream and hide.

@ Luis David Yanez - you continue to downplay the virus and ignore the emerging evidence.

For example, on July 8 you protested that the trend in deaths is down in the USA on a 7-day moving avearge so there was nothing to worry about.

In response I stated:

Seven day moving averages are very poor at identifying a recent change in direction. We are expecting an increase in deaths because of the spike in infections over the past few weeks which are expected to become apparent in death rates. If in a week's time the evidence does not reflect this, I will admit to being wrong - and I hope vice versa.


I was absolutely correct and you were wrong - deaths have increased sharply in the US and the trend is now up. Like in thread above regarding the US, you are not connecting a current surge in cases with a future surge in death rates.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Positive population is increasing however toxic level is weakening it appears. This might mean many are acquiring immunity.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

I’m just as concerned as everybody else about the spike in infections but I really wish people would stop calling for a lockdown. For one thing, how do you define lockdown? A city with a population of Tokyo cannot be locked down. Tens of thousands of people from neighboring prefectures need to come to Tokyo daily for work, medical or other reasons.

Have lockdowns really worked in other countries besides New Zealand where the population is little more than that of Yokohama. Australia tried it successfully at first but as we are seeing now in Melbourne and Sydney, has not proved effective. It hasn't worked in any big U.S. city, has it?

@smartacus - Surprised that you have forgotten the very effective lockdowns in Italy and Spain. Spain went from a thousand daily deaths to none now. Italy was pretty much the same. These were pretty hardcore lockdowns. And there was the lockdown in Wuhan. You can use that as your definition of lockdown.

Despite these large countries effectively stopping the spread of the virus through lockdowns, you can only remember New Zealand.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Monty ‘I know, foreigners don’t like to wear a mask’

It’s really insulting. Avoid generalizations. ‘We’ foreigners are not one. Be better.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Tom Doley: "Seems like increased testing is leading to increased cases."

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant it leads to an increase in confirmation of existing infection, not that testing actually increases cases.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Koike's putting her serious face on.

She needs two masks. One for each face. Same for that useless person called PM. Can't remember his name because I haven't seen him for such a long time. Hiding in the bunker too?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I was absolutely correct and you were wrong - deaths have increased sharply in the US and the trend is now up. Like in thread above regarding the US, you are not connecting a current surge in cases with a future surge in death rates.

I never said that there was no surge, I said that a single point meant nothing, and I'm not wrong by saying that, I also said, that even if there was a surge, it is clearly not following the same type of increase that we are seeing in the number of infection.

Calling this a "sharp increase" is just fear mongering, the increase is way less sharp than the first wave, and it is not following at all the really sharp increase in confirmed infections.

you continue to downplay the virus and ignore the emerging evidence.

This is the thing with people like yourself. Anything that isn't panic inducing commentary, or that criticizes panic is somehow "downplay". It is basically imposible to have a good discussion about this when every time someone isn't calling for drastic measures is somehow "downplaying".

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Number of in-patients in Tokyo have increased by 40 % between July 13. and 21. Number of seriously ill is still low but has increased by 100% in the same period.


The medical system could collapse in less than a month at this rate if nothing is done and people continue careless behavior.

I suspect the situation has never been in control in Japan but rather masked by extremely low levels of testing and fuelled by a hasty and uncoordinated re-opening.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

TomToday 06:55 pm JST

Number of in-patients in Tokyo have increased by 40 % between July 13. and 21. Number of seriously ill is still low but has increased by 100% in the same period.


The medical system could collapse in less than a month at this rate if nothing is done and people continue careless behavior.

I suspect the situation has never been in control in Japan but rather masked by extremely low levels of testing and fuelled by a hasty and uncoordinated re-opening.

Have you actually read the article the link you have provided;

Yamaguchi pointed out the number of hospitalized COVID-19 inpatients was 949 on July 21, more than 1.4 times the **651 on July 13. The number of seriously ill patients more than doubled to 14 over the same period.**

959 hospitalized with 14 seriously ill patients!?

This so called pandemic has been going on for the past 5-6months and this is something to be worried about?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

What’s scary within the latest observed increase, is that this was not the result of targeted testing of the high-risk group (read Golden Gai) as in the past.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Hospitals are not being overrun

Quite the opposite. Many smaller clinics and private hospitals are on the brink of collapse, because people are too scared of getting infected there. The only way to solve this issue is to face the reality of the problem face on. Admit there is a bigger issue than is being reported, and focus all efforts on solving it. Empty hospitals is not normal.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Getting scary out there. Stay safe and stay home.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I also noticed that in the early days that JR stations were providing alcohol at the barriers-no more!

Have you noticed that convenience stores don't provide alcohol despite people of all walks of life using them.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I recently needed emergent care (Kidney stones) and had to call about 4 different hospitals before I found one that would let me come in because they were not taking new patients due to Corona. REALLY painful, but not life-threatening. It made me wonder “What if it were critical? Would I be able to get treated?”

It’s not just the infected and the sick but also people needing but unable to get treatment or too scared to seek treatment that is making this a public health issue.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

Wear mask, wash hands, use sanitizer and keep social distance as much as possible.

Wear Mask is prevention Number One.

I would like to know whether the medical personels who get infected are not doing what you are preaching ?

7 ( +7 / -0 )


Maybe if they did something like... say... decide not to spend BILLIONS of dollars on fighter jets Japan doesn't need, they could afford to help the nation through this crisis and manage it effectively, but nope.

Hardly anybody is dying of Covid-19 in Japan. On the other hand, Japan ceases to exist without defense.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Can we talk about a second wave now or it is too early ? Graph of daily cases looks like a second wave to be.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I said positive rates will be 7% this week, and yesterday it was already at 6.7%


Either way, with this 4 day weekend, the testing will go down, so the reported cases will go down as well.

So I can see the government declare complete and total victory over the coronavirus after this 4 day break citing the lower reported numbers. The government is just trying to look for an excuse to push forward the next phase of Go To Campaign, and I'm certain they will take advantage of the 4 day weekend numbers to do so.

There is a high probability of further reopening announcements (including canceling the delay of loosening event attendance numbers restrictions) and Go To Campaign phase 2 announcements next week after this 4 day weekend.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It's going to be a long and drawn out ... people can (as far as it is currently known) have the virus in their system for up to a month, before symptoms start to show and through-out all that time, they're busily unknowingly passing on the virus.

It's also mutating... which is troubling too.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Is the place to comme and argue and prove nothing

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Very sensible posts @JaneM2.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

It's amazing that no opposition parties, no newspapers have been bashing the stupid Go To campaign. It's a healthy sign of democracy.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I have no idea, how these 336 people in Tokyo behaved during their daily life, but my opinion is, as long as you follow the upper explained basic personal prevention rule, the possibility that you can get infected is probably Zero

I think I’ll take it under advisement, sport.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's amazing that no opposition parties, no newspapers have been bashing the stupid Go To campaign. It's a healthy sign of democracy.

Because it is an oligarchy. The same families ruled Japan for hundreds of years. Everything is just for show, and the media is pretty much state-owned and deeply intertwined with the ruling families. The education system simply don't support a democracy.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Here we go, as said before, Tokyo should close down for 2 weeks, the government must come up with a plan in that time frame or Japan INC will be closed for 2 years.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Then you still have respiratory droplets flying around.

Many foreigners still don't realize this but the point of wearing masks is to minimize these droplets flying around.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

graham deshato just jump up and down or get on a trampoline, that will dislodge the kidney stones.

Sad that I see a lot of white people walking around with no masks. Thanks for giving us a bad name.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

How do you magically know what "most foreigners" think?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Its not magic, I said many =)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Err maybe that comment isn't intended for me then. Sorry lol

1 ( +2 / -1 )

JaneM2 is on fine form this evening.

I agree completely with all of your points.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Still hope they will let tourists in soon again

Corona is everywhere in the World so who cares if you get ill in Japan or anywhere else ... I'd like to be able to do pretty much whatever I like to do again withouth any restrictions.

People that are especially endangered or just scared could always protect themselves as good as they can like workig from home and doing their shopping online .. I get all my food and drinks sent as I don't want to wear a mask as long as I am not ill .... should definietly be possible for most people at least in the first world countries.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


It's amazing that no opposition parties, no newspapers have been bashing the stupid Go To campaign. It's a healthy sign of democracy.

You'd better check facts before talking nonsense.

Political parties such as CPJ and CDP, for example, oppose Go To campaign.



Major news papers such as Nikkei, shows that 80% of Japanese people are against the campaign and critical of the campaign saying that it will not help economy much.


Some business organizations openly oppose campaign.


Some local governments, such as Okayama Prefecture, redefines the campaign for their own goals, discouraging trans-prefecture traveling and encouraging intra-prefecture traveling.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

Well there's your answer Ashley, if I understood you correctly. You don't want to wear masks they don't want to stay home.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

But as you said what is good for doctors is good enough for you so I hope you don't meet a doctor who travels.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Late Flint , what do you want? Shut down everything and lock everybody at home for a month? Is it solves the virus problem in your opinion? This will be the same as influenza virus, and come and go every year, so you can stay at home for the rest of your life if you so afraid.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

@Ashley Shiba

Myself, my son and myself are not wearing face shields and paper mask


I have been sending him to school in a face shield.

This is only a comment section, but changing your story day-by-day doesn't help support your opinion.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The government just encouraged and promoted this virus to grow leaps and bounds and I put this all on Abe's and his cronies heads for this idiotic campaign.

This one was really ill-advised. They aren't just encouraging people to travel they are actually giving the impression that all is well now if they decide to go through with this.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

my friend and her whole family tested positive for coronavirus. The reason was tracing. One of their guest was positive for the virus and they had her for a party. Anyway, to cut the story short...there was no visible symptoms. No fever, no shortness of breath, no chest pains. They were quarantined for 14 days. She said, the panic is hyped.

And yes, we know a whole family near our place who are all being quarantined right now, its now on their 2nd week. They are all healthy looking with no apparent symptoms. They remain in contact thru emails and phones.

In my opinion, this coronavirus has mutated into less virulent form but it spreads faster and easier. The lack of visible symptom is well alarming. But then it became just a common cold just like most corona virus has become.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

good that weather is not that outing friendly. Way easier to "stay home" and not "go to get some trouble".

be safe everyone!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

This economy is long time gone. Not only in Japan but for each and every country, so don't hide behind the "saving economy".

If we don't try to save the economy and it crashes completely more people will die.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Tom Doley:

Is anyone here, apart from the apologists, surprised?

Seems like increased testing is leading to increased cases.

Just proves that all the propaganda by Jgov is fake, you know the 'Japan model' or world class etiquette, culture, virus beating cuisine, and non-spitting language.

No surprise at all. In fact, Japan model has been working very well.

Japan has been increasing number of testing for sure. And increasing number of testing does increase number of positive results, of course. Japan model never claims that the number of positive results reflects the number of actually infected. In fact, they say repeatedly actual number of infected are higher than number of positive results: 10 to 20 times higher, perhaps even more.


The numbers of patients with severe illness or deaths remain extremely small - a proof of Japan model success.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

There were 900 cases nationwide today, as a regular person I have no idea if the was expected after reopening, is a problem or isn't

What I dislike is the hypocrisy of so called experts who bask in the publicity of statements such as

"400,000 deaths expected"

Yet, now we are experiencing an increase in cases as was expected when they supported opening the economy, they have nothing to say. Could it be their dramatic predictions of carnage were wrong?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

90% of people positive for the virus shows no signs or exhibit mild symptoms. And the so called experts are wanting to shutdown the whole economy that lead to millions of people losing their jobs and livelihood which resulted to extreme poverty, lack of medical care due to misallocation of funds and personnel, increase crime rate due to loss of jobs, instability. All in the name of fighting an unseen virus that is being labeled as the next spanish flu. WHO is trying simply to get more relevant. They have been trying hard to create a pandemic with HIV, SARS, MERS and now they got their so called Covid,

Guess what? The Covid has been in Japan and around the world since early Oct of last year. Don't become victims of fear.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Damn! It's hard being right most of the time :) but I TOLD YOU SO!!!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Sorry not buying the bs anymore

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

“Yesterday in Ginza I witnessed a packed restaurant of salary men elbow to elbow eating and drinking like Corona meant beer”.

It does. People have been buying into the panic for too long

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

“t, now we are experiencing an increase in cases as was expected when they supported opening the economy, they have nothing to say. Could it be their dramatic predictions of carnage were wrong?”

Very likely

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Let's face the facts. There was a spike of "influenza like symptoms but tested negative for the flu" as of November 2019 around the world. The signs and symptoms was very similar to Covid-19. How did it spread? well it all began in Wuhan, IN Oct of 2019, there was a military world games attended by 110 countries. These military personnel went home with the virus and started spreading it. People in Wuhan has been travelling all around the world. In November of 2019, there has been spikes of influenza like symptoms similar to covid-19 but because there were no test for the virus by then, it went ignored and just counted as flu.

Well, Japan has millions of Chinese visitors every month. Thousands of Japanese has been visiting China as well.

The implication is this: the virus has been here since OCt and we were living our lives the way we always do until the fear took out our common sense because of the so called experts GROUP THINK. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

The press was told by the finance ministry the economy must go on and well that should mean Japan's economy must be a little fragile. Tokyo alone spend hundreds of millions just for the olympics they have no money so i think they are trying to work out how to keep the economy running and tactically fight the virus on their hotspot, but i think it's not working, they will continue until the hospitals became like horror movies and dozens of people start to die only by that they will close all but non essential services then when the situation normalizes they will open again, then close again...sincerely i don't think the government are that wrong but they are acting very slow, they should act faster, take decisions faster otherwise it will be more and more difficult to control the spread

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

In my opinion, this coronavirus has mutated into less virulent form but it spreads faster and easier. The lack of visible symptom is well alarming. But then it became just a common cold just like most corona virus has become

You are being a little simplistic, the scientists that analyzed the virus had discovered that it has mutated yes but there are dozens of them not just one (the one that only causes cold like symptoms). There are still people without conditions being hospitalized in extreme conditions, so i assume they got a very aggressive mutation or a less fatal mutation that didn't go well with something in his body

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

About 50,000 died in the US because of Covid...and about 80,000 died because of flu in 2017, The US experts said 1.7 M people are going to die..then the numbers didn't add up so they changed into very deadly to deadly to..symptomless. Yes. we should be very afraid of a symptomless virus that does nothing to 90% of infected people and cause less than 1% death. But of course, FEAR is a factor that can be used to prime up the TV ratings, make the media important, make the government more relevant and give them more control. It is not about the virus, it is to test the extent of government power among its constituents. We had the communism, but when the threat failed, the govt came up with terrorism, and then global warming, now the COVID.

It is not about the virus. It is about control and power.

BTW, the CDC in the US is now considering Covid as non-epidemic.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

The implication is this: the virus has been here since OCt and we were living our lives the way we always do until the fear took out our common sense because of the so called experts GROUP THINK. There is nothing to fear but fear itself

I am 65 with ashtma, had a heart surgery two years ago, tell me i'll be ok if i got the virus. There are more than 600.000 deaths and i'll saw how some of them died, tell me i should have no fear of the virus and fear to die like them

6 ( +9 / -3 )

We all die, one way or the other. But there is foolishness in believing something to be worse than what really is. 90% symptomless, 99% survival rate; it is what really is. FEAR.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

About 50,000 died in the US because of Covid

Before the next 90,000 died

It is not about the virus. It is about control and power.

Sounds ominous. This implies that Trump is exaggerating the virus to seize more 'control and power'. In fact he's doing the opposite, and he's losing 'control and power' as a result, which shatters your conspiracy.

So who gets 'control and power' from this?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

About 50,000 died in the US because of Covid..

Are you reading news from may? It’s July mate.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

About 50,000 died in the US because of Covid...and about 80,000 died because of flu in 2017,

Im all for not panic mongering but I'm also not in favor of watering it down.

Quick check at worldometer places US covid19 deaths at 146000

Other sources places flu deaths at 2016 - 34000; 2017- 61000; 2018- 34000. And these were all skyhigh estimates not actual counts

3 ( +4 / -1 )

She needs two masks. One for each face. Same for that useless person called PM. Can't remember his name because I haven't seen him for such a long time. Hiding in the bunker too?

LOL, I'm dying of laughter here. Best comment I've read in a long time.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I don't know anymore. Locking down is a big problem because eventually when we open up, the cases will rise again.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The problem is that people are too reckless! Unnecessary socialization, sanitation at restaurants and knowingly going to super crowded places. People think that wearing a mask will make them 100% safe. A mask has somewhat become a blessing and a curse! Restaurants need to space out customers properly, use alcohol based cleaning materials to sanitize eating utensils as well as tables and chairs. I’ve seen people at the drink buffet area with used glasses / cups to refill drinks thus putting their saliva on the machines! Of course we need to attend important social meetings but we should keep the number of people to a minimum say 1-3 and avoid unnecessary parties! The biggest problem yet is that people who feel a bit sick still go out exposing others to the virus! These are the selfish acts of people which will ensure the growth and spread of the corona virus!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Locking down is a big problem because eventually when we open up, the cases will rise again.

Um, yeah.

Have you looked out at the world? Countries that controlled the virus, and have opened up gradually, have learned to live with the virus, tracing new infections and suppressing them.

Countries that opened up before the virus was brought under control are a mess of infections and death.

Yes, cases will rise. But there is a difference between a rise of a few dozen cases, and a few thousands of cases.

I'll take the former thanks.

Although I do understand many people feel the old have lived long enough and are expendable, therefore the young don't need to concern theirselves with them.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

again 90% of infected people symptomless, 99% recovers, and the 1% have complications and mortality. But the mortality rate is often associated with other underlying factors such as diabetes and obesity. Yes, a person who is infected and have uncontrolled blood sugar usually increases their morbidity by 37%. Others have cancer, weak immune response, suffering from various illness and so on.

Lets face the facts, this virus is no more deadlier than a common flu. It simply like fat people because the virus likes the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 which is available in much abundance in the lungs of fat people.

People who die, dies and people survive survives. Life goes on. Those who wants lock down, no one is forcing you to go out. By all means go and lock yourselves. But we know you will not be happy because other people are living their lives the way it is and so you want them to suffer as well. So you want is to lock up ourselves to share your misery.

The virus was here before we became humans, and it still here , Another deadlier mutation will occur again and again and again. Nature kills humanity, humanity destroys nature, Its a give and take, We all die, might as well live productive lives.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

But in a disconcerting revelation, Koike said Thursday’s figures do not include results from the targeted testing of a high-risk demographic, unlike with an earlier resurgence from weeks back that stemmed largely from group testing conducted on host club employees in Tokyo’s Kabukicho red-light district — arguably the epicenter of Tokyo infections.

Found this little bit of info on the website of another newspaper from Japan. Did they make that up or did kyodo just forget to include it in their article?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

So the figure should be much higher then, by around 30% if it's about the same as previous reports and iirc

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Obviously even total lockdowns were not enough to kill the virus

When was there a lockdown in Japan? I must have missed that. There was a lot of urging, requesting and asking, with no penalties or repercussions apart from being shamed in the newspaper (ie slap on the wrist). I think our definition of a lockdown differs.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

A flu virus marker will never go away... Cos that what those test show... A protein genetic marker released by antibodies from a wide range of viruses including common cold.... Nobody testing here for the actual virus... They testing for a genetic marker... You guys need to do due diligence.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

These kinds of news are exactly what the hateful people are actually overjoyed to read about, just to prove some twisted point of theirs.

For many months now these people vehemently disagreed with how Tokyo and Japan seemed to have the virus under control. It was almost as if they wanted coronavirus to spread, and spread rapidly.

I hope they are happy now. I for one take no joy in other people's miseries, whether in Japan, the United States, Australia, or any other country coming to grips with the second wave of this miserable disease.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Span having no new Covid deaths is NOT true. Italy has 15 and Spain 2 new deaths according to WHO. Providing false information to support your argument won’t convince a lot of people

Ok, two deaths, but after many days of none. The point is that I was answering someone who said that he didn't know of any countries where lockdowns had been effective other than New Zealand, bit I could point to two major economies where they had been highly effective.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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