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© KYODOTokyo to ask nightlife workers to take coronavirus tests
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Test the johns on the way in.
Is the metropolitan government going to pay for those tests?
What happens when those test results don't work with the current modelling that Japan has built up so far?
Is the metropolitan government going to pay for those tests?
I read that the test can cost 30,000 yen so unless the government supports the cost then I can't see many clubs making their staff take tests.
It makes sense if antibody tests are to be administered. In case of PRC test, Please be reminded of its 70% reliability. Its accuracy rate goes further down when it comes to testing people without symptoms. Suppose 3 out of 10 host club workers test (false) negative, those three virus carriers could be responsible for a local outbreak. A test result is a snapshot, and it doesn't give an immunity passport.
Also in yesterday's confirmed cases were 6 people who flew into Tokyo from Brazil and Peru, 5 of whom were NOT Japanses citizens.
I thought foreigners were banned....
link please
On NHK News (in Japanese). Yesterday 6 cases at Haneda airport, 5 are foreign
Dan Lavender
Temporarily close the non essential 'nightlife spots' there ya Koike and Nishimura ! problem solved...use your loaf!
Antibody tests would make less sense, because it would require at least one extra week of disease (with or without symptoms) to become positive. RT-PCR is not perfect but since it detect the virus it is particularly sensitive detecting people that are more contagious, if the test are repeated regularly as said then it is much less likely any positive would be missed, even without symptoms.
How can people get tested without showing symptoms?
Only asymptomatic politicians get tested no?
How about testing everyone?
This morning news, they said 12 hosts from Shinjuku were confirmed positive, all without symptoms.
Ichiro Endo
I think the attempt would be very effective. And I hope the involving workers at night clubs will take it positive way. government has been under control at present.
don't you mean the janes? these are host club workers with female clientele.
Follow up: during the morning discussion on TV, they were saying about a major policy shift. Apparently, they decided to go with fully reopening the economy, while doing more extensive testing, including periodically testing asymptomatic people who work in high risk environments
I see what you mean. Other than the question of viability (budget for testing, etc.), now I only would like to stress that a negative result never mean you're cleared. Diagnosis should be made in several ways and by medical professionals. I can't trust a 15-min test kit.
Hosts work in closed space and communicate one on one with other people and should get tested, according to Koike.
Teachers work in closed settings and communicate one on one with children and....?
Don't "ask".
Make it mandatory.
Close the bars and clubs? Perish the thought! Where else would the politicians and bureaucrats hold their meetings and negotiations?
Bugle Boy of Company B
As long as they're testing night workers for transmittable diseases...
Maybe it would be better if for the first testing they conduct both PCR and antibody tests so data can be gathered at the same time for those who had been previously infected.
Tokyo will continue to be a hotbed for the virus as impossible social distancing and not using masks allows it to thrive...
Aren't trains 3Cs as well, why not stop all the trains if social distancing cannot be practised in them.
Targeting only nightlife without any livelihood support gives those whose livelihood depend on it a feeling of being an easy target of the government.
Instead of giving a company like Dentsu however many billions of yen (Dentsu should have enough cash reserves to weather a crisis if they are being run responsibly), the government could've used that money to test most people in the country - or provide a comprehensive nationwide testing program.
If Japan seriously wants to host the Olympics next year, you'd think they want to show the rest of the world how seriously they are taking testing.
If 'test nightlife workers' is the best they can come up with, then just completely cancel the Olympics now.
David Van Cleef
Most likely nikkeijin, which are exempted in some cases.
Let me get this straight early on the govt WONT test people, & now they want to freely test workers in bars etc
Where on earth did the sudden capacity for testing come from...…...
Is asking the same as urging? I mean the police and city office staff were "urging" the public to stay home, right? Urging... no jail time or fine... so asking the nightlife workers is the same? Will Koike's government take care of the nightlife worker (quarantine in a designated accommodation, meals, medicine)?
Ask and order are very different.
Temporarily close the non essential 'nightlife spots' there ya Koike and Nishimura ! problem solved..
They're not non-essential spots for those who work there, and it doesn't solve the problem for them, it would cause more problems for them.
Alexandre T. Ishii
Pest on air to be tested and virus of no mercy to be vanished, from nursery to the old rested.
David Van Cleef
There's been excess capacity all along, but for various reasons the government chose not to use 100% of the limit of testing.
Tokyo: "We would like you to take a test, please. Of course, in order to do so we need you to stay at home for two weeks and present a fever of more than 38°C for five days, then fill out an application, hanko it, and pass it to a doctor after the first 32 clinics and hospitals reject you, and then he or she, will give you a document, which you must hanko in triplicate, which you can then take to whatever hospital, if any, will accept you. There, after several hours in a crowded waiting area, you will be directed to another waiting area. Then after a few more hours, you will be administered a test, after which we ask you to stay home for a few days while you await the results. It is unfortunate that during that month, and the weeks that may ensue as you await confirmation, and the weeks after that if it is confirmed you have Covid-19, you are not eligible for government assistance as it is your choice to get the test. Also, while awaiting test results, and if the test confirms positive, please refrain from telling others, as we wish to keep any suspicion of cases and the number of positive tests from the public -- they are starting to talk about cancelling the Olympics again, after all, and this is the utmost priority. Please understand and cooperate."
Hank standerford
Those club owners have no recourse but to stay open. The government will not give Night entertainment Owners a payout for staying closed. Bars and snacks are not on the authorized list.
LOL good indication how Japan values its immoral hedonistic underbelly more than its decent working citizens who can't get tested.
They already made way too many mask too. The local store had boxes and boxes. So wear a mask if you don't, lose your job and dignity.
YES, please.
Artemis Rogers
Straight up goof-ball discrimination from puritanical morons. Testing all fast food and restaurant workers would make 20 times more sense as I guarantee "entertainers" are being avoided right now.
Test the salarimen, THAT’S who you test.
DVC, I am actually aware of that, but my question still stands, I like many here & all over Japan are trying to make any sense possible about the ""strategies""...….the govt is ""thinking"" about....
And yes I know there isn't any, that I can discern yet anyway!
Now about to read another blurb on SELECTIVE testing, god knows what I am about to find out!!! Lets hope its something GOOD, but sadly unlikely, off I go now!
Henny Penny
Also in yesterday's confirmed cases were 6 people who flew into Tokyo from Brazil and Peru, 5 of whom were NOT Japanses citizens.
I thought foreigners were banned....
Foreign nationals with 特別永住者 status (99% Koreans) are treated as citizens for entry/exit purposes.