Many people across are already looking for ways to help in the flood-devastated areas of southwest Japan, and with the long holiday weekend coming up, many volunteers are expected to show up to lend a hand.
However, prefectural authorities are urging the general public to wait until they can work out where volunteers can be most effectively used. They are asking people not to go to the affected regions until granted permission because there is still danger from landslides and also because police, firefighters and the Japan Self-Defense Forces are still searching for missing people..
According to the West Nippon Expressway Company, at least seven expressway sections including those in Hiroshima and Okayama prefectures remain severely damaged with little chance of repair anytime soon. Local roads are also closed due to destruction caused by landslides. This makes it hard for supplies to reach the area.
Officials in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, reported Tuesday that many first aid emergency supply resources were left piled up near a bridge in a flooded region, consequently becoming a hindrance for Self-Defense Force personnel.
Previous cases of natural disaster in Japan also saw the good intentions of individuals willing to help out resulting in chaos due to traffic congestion, lack of accommodation and toilet facilities for volunteers. Therefore, officials are emphasizing that it is crucial to wait.
The Japan National Council of Social Welfare said to check their website about information on volunteering to be updated soon.
© Japan Today
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Any successful war needs logistics, planning and a supply line. Same with relief work.
Interesting analogy, but goodlucktoyou sir anyways.
if they could end the volunteer-tourism and instead have an agency that sets up areas with porto potties and other logistics then all that goodwill wouldn't go to waste, like it did after Fukushima
Gregg Love
Japan needs mandatory youth conscription for disaster relief efforts. There are a whole lot more coming down the pike. One to two years of national service immediately following the end of formal schooling whether it be Junior high or university, male and females.
Toasted Heretic
Fair enough. But it's heartwarming to see so many people wanting to get involved.