Japan Today

Yamanashi uses toilet paper messages to help suicidal youth


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Authorities in central Japan are trying an unusual new approach to tackle the country's longstanding suicide problem: printing messages of support on toilet paper.

One of the leading causes of suicide is "deaths of despair" caused by excessive regressive taxation and declining income opportunities, all of which are the case in Japan's one party, neo-liberal oligarchy that provides lavish corporate welfare and socialism for the rich and few opportunities for the rest of the population.

Instead of using the public treasury to print messages on toilet paper, maybe the despairing residents of Yamanashi would have appreciated more than minimum wage jobs and paying residence taxes from meager take home pay to fund schemes like this.


4 ( +19 / -15 )

Oh, well said!

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Humans are the only animals that commit suicide and that’s what

separates us from other animals.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Suicide is a serious problem in Japan, and not just with the younger generation. To me, this makes light of the seriousness of the issue, and just tries to come across as if they are "doing something".

Who in the world takes the time to read the toilet paper before using it? I mean really, they probably spent hundreds of millions of yen to come up with this "brilliant" idea, and all that happens in the end, is it gets flushed down the toilet.

2 ( +13 / -11 )

It may seem somewhat ineffective but every effort to prevent suicides is valid, suicide is not the solution, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel...

Fight people !!...

がんばれ日本 !!!!....

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

This is really insulting to those desperate young people. The message is like: You are worthless than a piece of toilet paper!

Bad idea!

-12 ( +7 / -19 )

Humans are the only animals that commit suicide and that’s what separates us from other animals.

Not true really, as there are cases and animals, that choose to die or "self-destruct" for the good of the group or for any other number of reasons. There is ZERO way to know if it is "suicide" by dictionary definition, but they do lose their lives by their own actions.

One of the most well known and famous cases is regarding the dolphin named Kathy, I believe, who was the star of the "Flipper" TV series. She took her own life.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Hopefully this will have a positive effect, but I think the most important problem is that it became necessary in the first place. An appropriate, accessible, free of prejudice mental healthy system is necessary in Japan to help people deal with anxiety and other common problems in an easy way so they do not become more serious, but the culture that puts a lot of value in "gaman" and the stigma of mental problems as something untreatable that makes people unstable and better avoided is doing a lot of damage.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Good but what they need to do is to REACH OUT with an extended arm to those who are in trouble especially the youth, kids hit Cold Blooded Brick Walls whenever they need help, from the parents to the teachers and the classroom to the help centers, I have seen kids in trouble and parents are either unaware, ignoring them or just can't help them.

Reach out to those in need in the early stages is key to saving them, and in many cases all they need is someone to listen with an open mind and heart , and please DO NOT send them to the so called psychiatric council, it never works.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Case in point:


As reported here as well and widely reported.

Coronavirus effects on disproportionately female service workers was severe but the LDP response was bailing out ànd subsidizing landlords of customer facing businesses, requesting 'aelf-reliance' from the population and enacting GoTo subsidies in the pandemic.

This toilet paper messaging is the same theater of the absurb socialism for the rich response that caused misery and suicide during the Japanese pandemic response.

Remove the parasitic LDP bureaucracy and have a more socially responsible government and there would likely be a drop in the rate of suicide.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Maybe they could try hiring professional counselor as suicide prevention call receiver instead of using money on toilet paper. When it comes to those phone counseling services, all I hear from people who tried to call there was "the line was too busy it didn't go through", "the counselor sounded so annoyed and lazy", "the counselor told me to just suck it up" probably because it's covered by volunteers who never really had professional training and they are usually old people who doesn't have job and trying to kill time. Japan should seriously consider where to put money.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

There aren so many othe ways to speak to suicidal teenagers. Toilet paper is filthy manner to speak to them. Toilet paper is ready to be used up and thrown away into a smelly toilet bowl. They need to be approached in a way that respects them. A message written on toilet paper disrespects them.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Who in the world takes the time to read the toilet paper before using it? I mean really, they probably spent hundreds of millions of yen to come up with this "brilliant" idea, and all that happens in the end, is it gets flushed down the toilet.

Most students who are depressed spend time in bathroom, because it is the one place in the school were no one will bother them. Thats why. They are trying to reach the student where they maybe hiding by themselves.

Try to do some thinking.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Place posters around the schools. The toilet roll is not a bad idea, however. Provide counselors at the schools.

One of the leading causes of suicide is "deaths of despair" caused by excessive regressive taxation and declining income opportunities,

Does not apply to schoolchildren.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"So pathetic, why am I taking advice from...toilet paper?"

unintended consequence of this idea
-4 ( +2 / -6 )

...but really, how about providing better funding for mental health initiatives ?

6 ( +6 / -0 )


This country needs a spiritual awaking.

I disagree.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

People need to be able to express themselves, and talk about their issues with people who will listen. This is toilet paper.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Little messages on toilet paper are just another failure to address the real problems behind such a high youth suicide rate. The youth are not commiting suicide because their toilet paper is not colored with messages on it. They are committing suicide because of the ridiculous amount of pressure to perform and conform in schools. Any student is not a scholar and sees the world a little differently is bullied and ostricized by the school system. "The nail that stand up must be hammered down." Of course this pressure leads to a lack of self-confidence, depression and suicide. It's all about setting the kids up for an adult life of 'live to work' which continues the suicide cycle. I worked in private and public Jr/Sr high schools in Japan for nearly twenty years and had nothing but pity for the kids having to live such a performance based lifestyle. Things like sports teachers screaming at kids because they were not good at table tennis. Like really? Who gives a fat rat's about your table tennis performance. "Children should be taught how to think not what to think."

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Not a practical way of addressing the problem. Japan seriously needs to provide more employment opportunities for young people and change the labor law. The minimum wage needs to be lifted to 2000 yen an hour and stop taxing heavily on low income earners. Some of the mandatory payments health insurance pension etc are ridiculous relative to the income people are earning.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Humans are the only animals that commit suicide and that’s what

separates us from other animals.


1 ( +3 / -2 )

One of the leading causes of suicide is "deaths of despair" caused by excessive regressive taxation and declining income opportunities, all of which are the case in Japan's one party, neo-liberal oligarchy that provides lavish corporate welfare and socialism for the rich and few opportunities for the rest of the population.

Instead of using the public treasury to print messages on toilet paper, maybe the despairing residents of Yamanashi would have appreciated more than minimum wage jobs and paying residence taxes from meager take home pay to fund schemes like this.


-11 ( +2 / -13 )

All the research shows talking about it suicide does not cause suicides. If the person is thinking about it, it is about buying time, and the biggest predictor for suicide is "NO HOPE". Many health care workers also ask patients to make a list of people they can call, to talk about things, the UK have similar things, posters, cards in places, and information on who to call, even its just for a few minutes. That's all it takes to save a life, and for them to see there is hope I will say one thing about patients who are depressed, or wish to self harm, and that is they often do bathroom or toilets, and cry and hold their heads in their hands and are looking for a way out of their problems. It's a way of offering a door out of their darkness. There is help......you just gotta get the person to call. And if this is such a bad idea what would you replace it with?

Awa no GaijinToday  07:15 am JST

This might not actually be a good thing.

Having the opposite affect on suicide prevention.

*-9**( +2 / -11 )*

4 ( +4 / -0 )

No, it’s something else and still unknown, something that’s different from economic reasons like low wages, overtime work and such. If that was the case, all poorer countries would be emptied from mass suicides, but they aren’t obviously. In contrary, they have growing populations and / or populations that are much happier, with people more optimistic and with many newborn children and dancing or celebrating all day long, although daily life is much harder and working much more exhausting and dangerous there and there are no even welfare systems or psychological help around for many thousands of square kilometers in those countries or the whole continent. So we surely can nearly completely exclude economic reasons for suicidal thoughts here in Japan.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

External events and forces can contribute but nocause suicide.

They could contribute enough to be a deciding factor though.

Suicide is caused by unhealthy thought patterns and a lack of awareness that the voice in your head telling you to kill yourself is not you (it's the conditioned mind/Ego/inner critic).

You can't make a generalization like that.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

every effort to prevent suicides is valid

No, it is the result, not the effort that counts!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

A lot of critics, not many solutions proposed.

If the initiative can save one life, that’s better than nothing. It also saves the family members, friends from despair after such a loss by suicide

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Half of you in the comments are spot on. Free time + money, with a side of proper mental health support. That's what people here need. Younger people are taking their own lives when they realize what adult life is going to be. The image of never having fun again. If they have other social issues at the time, it would be very hard to keep a positive outlook.

Also, reading something inspiring, then wiping your ass with it. Smart. Perfect symbolism.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Also, reading something inspiring, then wiping your ass with it. Smart. Perfect symbolism.

Excellent point

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

"MeiyouwentiToday 07:33 am JST

Humans are the only animals that commit suicide and that’s what

separates us from other animals."

That and the mindless cannibalistic competition that is WAR, and, in many ways, suicide.

Maybe a better way would be to address the person as a thinking person and ask, "Why do you want to end you, NOW? Is the 'reason' clear in your mind and have you thought about it. Think about it and measure it against all of the potential in you that you have yet to see, that you will throw away as worthless. Please do not disrespect yourself to such a degree. If you are this thoughtful and sensitive, we NEED you to be here with us, to guide us..."

1 ( +1 / -0 )

FredrikToday  12:23 pm JST

every effort to prevent suicides is valid

No, it is the result, not the effort that counts!

-1( +2 / -3 )

you need to put in the effort before there are any results. To you, it’s just a postcard somewhere, but that took time and effort, then you wait for the result. It’s called assessment, planning, implementation and then evaluating the results, to see if it was effective.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

One of the leading causes of suicide is "deaths of despair" caused by excessive regressive taxation and declining income opportunities,

Does not apply to schoolchildren.

Single mothers forced by desperation into night jobs, living children alone sometimes with no support. Bullied at school due to poverty. Economic precarity as a factor in domestic violence.

Right. Nothing to do with schoolchildren. Brilliant deduction.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The suicide phenomenon is a symptom of an ill society. This problem cannot be cured using toilet paper. A much more radical solution is needed. Capitalism has reached a dead end – it is about time to transform into a socialist society.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

TokyoLivingToday  07:46 am JST

It may seem somewhat ineffective but every effort to prevent suicides is valid, suicide is not the solution, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel...

Fight people !!...

がんばれ日本 !!!!....

Suicide is not the answer to personal problems. Many of them are resulting from mental health issues which don't get enough attention. Suicide is a shocker, and it hurts the people it leaves behind. Any outreach to prevent suicide is a good and valid way to go. We have to work against it in any way we can.

didouToday  01:04 pm JST

A lot of critics, not many solutions proposed.

If the initiative can save one life, that’s better than nothing. It also saves the family members, friends from despair after such a loss by suicide

This woman I dated during college lost her fight against an emotional illness on Christmas Eve, 2016. Even now esp. during the holiday season it hits me like a rock and I cry for her. She was sick since she was 14 and her suicide only further hammers it in that then, and now - I could not do a damn thing to ease her emotional pain. I am helpless.

BofingtonToday  01:11 pm JST

Half of you in the comments are spot on. Free time + money, with a side of proper mental health support. That's what people here need. Younger people are taking their own lives when they realize what adult life is going to be. The image of never having fun again. If they have other social issues at the time, it would be very hard to keep a positive outlook.

People who do it feel they have zero hope. They need to feel and understand that there is and that they're not machines but individual people.

DisillusionedToday  09:57 am JST

Little messages on toilet paper are just another failure to address the real problems behind such a high youth suicide rate. The youth are not commiting suicide because their toilet paper is not colored with messages on it. They are committing suicide because of the ridiculous amount of pressure to perform and conform in schools. Any student is not a scholar and sees the world a little differently is bullied and ostricized by the school system. "The nail that stand up must be hammered down." Of course this pressure leads to a lack of self-confidence, depression and suicide. It's all about setting the kids up for an adult life of 'live to work' which continues the suicide cycle. I worked in private and public Jr/Sr high schools in Japan for nearly twenty years and had nothing but pity for the kids having to live such a performance based lifestyle. Things like sports teachers screaming at kids because they were not good at table tennis. Like really? Who gives a fat rat's about your table tennis performance. "Children should be taught how to think not what to think."

Exactly. It stunts individual development, and it tells kids that being different isn't good. But 'different' people are the ones who changed the world, made it a better place. They need not to be stifled but buoyed and encouraged. That leads to hope and achievement and confidence.

Just like the pollution TV ad with the crying Native American, people start suicide. People can stop it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It's not the only cause but it is the overriding cause since how else are you going to commit suicide without believing a voice in your head telling you to?

believing the voice in the head is the problem.

No its not. At least not for me. I used to be suicidal when I was younger and I NEVER heard a voice

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Some people MAY very well hear these voices- I agree with you on that. But to say EVERYONE who commits suicide or is thinking about it hears a voice- I have to disagree. There is not a 1 size fits all. If that were true, suicide prevention would be much easier and more straightforward

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


you can provide evidence and data that poverty in single-parent families causes suicides. Children from well-off families also commit suicide.

Japan does not have the highest rates.

The general suicide rate has decreased but the rate for children increased. During the covid pandemic, child suicides increased.

"Suicide is complex, involving layers of risk factors, including biological, psychological, and environmental ones, not just poverty."

If you suspect a child may be feeling suicidal or struggling to cope, Dr. Tanaka of the National Center for Child Health and Development says it is important to avoid rushing the process. She recommends following four key principles:

T - Tell them that you care and are concerned for their wellbeing.

A - Ask directly if they are thinking about suicide.

L - Listen to and recognize their feelings.

K - Keep them safe, and seek professional help.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Japan reported 368 cases of suicide among students in 2021 with most cases, around 58 percent, having no clear motive mentioned.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Oh wow they really outdid themselves this time. Instead of creating a better school and work life balance, providing more accessible resources for those struggling, and encouraging people to talk about their problems, they instead hatched a plan that literally goes down the toilet. Amazing. Truly. The levels of lunacy keep reaching new heights.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

The general suicide rate has decreased but the rate for children increased. During the covid pandemic, child suicides increased.

Along with economic privation and anomie, unaddressed by the LDP focused on bailing out businesses.

"Suicide is complex, involving layers of risk factors, including biological, psychological, and environmental ones, not just poverty."

Rich people commit suicide too and biochemical imbalances factor in.

News at 11.

The factors though that can be addressed by the political will to assist the unfortunate, not with virtue signaling toilet paper and help lines, are the economic conditions of the populace.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


you were unable to provide any data on child suicides and poverty?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Instead of clicking the first link from LDP whitewasher NHK, look at the the clear links between poverty-low self-esteem-suicidal ideation that cannot be solved by lazy bureaucratic solutions like motivational phrases on toilet paper and posters.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I was a mental health counselor for six years. I treated many young women and men who were suicidal. I can honestly say that this idea is probably one of the most horrific and unbelievably ridiculous attempts to help somebody who is suicidal that I've ever heard. It's horrific because it took a panel of government officials to come up with this... as this was the best they could think to do with spending taxpayer's money. And it's ridiculous because the last thing somebody who is suicidal is going to do is jump into a public restroom (or wherever else they are planning to disperse these things) and read toilet paper. I'm in awe of the illogical decisions and behavior of the leaders of Japan, but this one... this is offensive and wrong on so many levels... I can't even. I just can't.

However, I don't want to just complain. As a former counselor, I can say with complete confidence that the way to help people who are suicidal are the followings things: Somebody to listen, somebody to take time to intervene if noticing the signs of suicide and not being afraid to do something, and most of all, not shaming or blaming somebody for feeling suicidal, but rather, accepting the person's feelings and then helping the person realize why they are suicidal and then try to cope and if lucky enough, even solve the problems that are causing the feelings of suicide.

Frankl, who wrote "Man's Search for Meaning," is somebody who I think we can all learn from. He said (and I am paraphrasing a big bunch here), that a person can deal with anything in their life, if they first know why that thing exists in their life. I would also add that a person can deal with anything in their life if they first know why they exist on this planet at all. That was always my first question to my patients when I met them: Why are you here on this planet? What is the reason for your existence? And the way to avoid not leaving this earth pre-maturely via suicide is by having a reason in this life to make you want to stay alive and see that reason realized.

I promise you, that little two cents of counselor advice is worth more than all of the toilet paper the government here will ever print. And that advice was free. If they want to spend money to help fight depression, hire an actual counselor or two who went to school and has real world experience treating depressed and suicidal people and put them in a position where they can be easily reached and talked to and will not judge the people talking to them but rather, take their feelings seriously and do everything possible to help them stay alive.

If you think this is not reasonable, well, I'd ask you to take a look at the artist Kyohei Sakaguchi... this guy is super famous, world renowned, and if you go to his twitter, he has his cell phone number listed there for anybody who might want to kill themselves... they can call him anytime and he'll talk to them. He's talked to over 30,000 people since posting his number... and this guy isn't charging anybody anything.

See Japan government officials? It's not so hard... just have a heart and not be concerned about the money, and you can save all of Japan.

If only though, right?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I am not a mental health expert except for my own.

However, I am a long-term mental health scientific examiner (otherwise known as a Buddhist mediator and mindfulness practitioner) and I only know of a handful of mental health 'experts' who have studied the mind and understand it. Every other health expert relies on inaccurate books and university lectures that while helpful really lack the awareness of how the human mind works.

What people who are suicidal need is coaching in how to recognise that voice or thought you hear in your head telling you horrible things is NOT you. It is the algorithmic mental mechanism known as continued mind/Ego/the internal critic, or whatever you want to call it. It's just a program in your head that was once designed to protect you but has gone too far and is now causing you harm. Learn to be still, be present in the moment, notice the thoughts and begin to see that something, that is not you, is talking to you. Do not own that voice, do not believe it, notice how it lies about you, let it go and breathe.

What an absolutely beautiful and wonderful perspective to have on this matter! Thanks for sharing this POV.

I would add that I think mental health experts who have years of experience working directly with mentally ill people can offer some valuable insight and coping mechanisms to give suicidal people and help prevent suicidal ideation from taking over the mind, similar to how you are suggesting is the case.

Also, you bringing this up proves my point even further... there are so many positive ways to combat suicide than... printing up half-hearted messages with cute anime style drawings on toilet paper. There needs to be really serious thought given to helping the mentally sick. I mean, I wonder if the government officials even had a single actual mental health counselor in the meeting or (being this is Japan) many many meetings that were held to determine that toilet paper was the best answer to Yamanashi's problem with suicidal people? Like.. did they even have a single counselor on staff who has been in the trenches of depression and fighting those battles with the afflicted? Me thinks not.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

For the vast majority of humans, it is not possible to think without language in your head.

You are one of those people that likes to make a lot of generalizations. Many of us are able to think very quickly without voices in our heads.

You might not call it a 'voice'; you might call it 'thinking'. Have you spent much time doing meditation?

Yes I have. You’re obviously a new poster here. You would know that I am in martial artist and have said so many occasions. Most martial artists meditate

You might learn to notice that something is 'talking to you'.

Then you were meditating incorrectly. The concept behind meditation is to attain tranquility and peace of mind. If somebody’s talking to you while you’re meditating you’re doing it wrong.

Maybe we change the language because some people are not aware that someone/something is talking to them; they think they're talking to themselves.

Change the language all you want. It does not change the fact that you are fundamentally incorrect. People do not kill themselves because they hear voices. If they do that, and they need psychiatric help not suicide prevention

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I am not a mental health expert except for my own.

Funny. Your posts say otherwise

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Not clever. Someone could use the t.p. and think, 'I'm a skid mark on the earth too' and instead of dissuading, encouraging a potential suicide victim.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I have always said that mental illness would be a topic of interest here years ago. Regardless of the medium. Providing help or providing a number for some one in need of help in a dark moment helps regardless of how it is communicated. Most often these people don't know who to call or perhaps they want someone to talk to and putting it on toilet paper whether they are in tears or on their rear at least they have a number to call.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I disagree.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


... this is offensive and wrong on so many levels... the way to help people who are suicidal are the followings things: Somebody to listen, somebody to take time to intervene if noticing the signs of suicide

The inscription is


followed by a phone number.

I take the semantic meaning to be - "If you have feelings of self hatred phone ###...###".

It never explicitly says "end it all" anywhere. 大嫌い is hate, not suicide or kill. So the article is somewhat misleading, I think.

At the other end of that phone number is a person waiting "to take time to intervene" - just as you suggested.

I don't think a politician came up with this. I think it was a person who wanted to help people who need someone to talk to. By placing in a toilet like this, a reader doesn't have to be concerned about being observed by others. They can simply tear off a piece and take it home on a whim, which they might be embarrassed to do if it was outside in a public place.

じぶんのことが大嫌いだという = X who says they hate Xself

where X could be any of you/he/she/they

By sticking "comma you" on the end it becomes disambiguated.

じぶんのことが大嫌いだという、あなた = You who say you hate yourself

It's not an accusative "YOU!", it is functional.

A direct translation to English is kind of awkward - I could see how it could be interpreted as a suggestion to hate yourself or an accusation that you hate yourself. But in Japanese I believe the nuance is much softer gentle hook towards those who do need to talk.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You say you had suicidal 'thoughts', but where did those 'thoughts' come from? Did you consciously makethem? Why would anyone purposefully think to kill themselves? Wouldn't you want to think more pleasant things if the thinking were in your control? 

Results came from a conscious decision that I made that didn’t have anything to do with her voice is

I don't want to sound patronising; this is something I have examined for most of my life. I think it's something you may want to investigate for yourself. Many people do not recognise that a lot of their thoughts are not coming from themselves, and that's part of the problem.

Unlike you I’ve also examined the whole concept of suicide for a long time because I was suicidal in my youth so it’s no different. I do not attribute the thoughts of suicide to an external force. I am very much aware that it is a part of me. And when you learn to figure that out then you can improve yourself which means you’re no longer have these thoughts

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You might want to look at this. I'm not being critical by the way, I think it's fascinating tat you believe you do not have a 'voice' or inner monologue. The reason, as I suggested, is probably something like this:

"Another possible theory why some people are unable to experience internal dialogue is the concept of poor introspection. Referring to the ability for a person to examine their own mental processes and thoughts, this theory posits that everyone is capable of producing internal speech, but some are much more conscious and aware of the process than ¹¹

My problem with what you’re saying is that this internal voice or internal monologue whatever you wanna call it is a foreign thing. It is not. It is very much a part of who we are. And I do believe that it is important to examine oneself honestly to be able to overcome these suicidal thoughts.

I think what we can both agree on, is that writing note some toilet paper is not very helpful

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There has to be a better way to help then this.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Unlike you I’ve also examined the whole

Sorry about that mistype I meant to say like you

0 ( +0 / -0 )

All I can say is, and this could save your life and many others; pay closer attention to the voice/dialogue/thinking in the head.

Look if you're hearing voices in your head, you need to see a shrink. Seriously.

Meditation is best.

Yes. I have been meditating for more than 30 years. Almost on a daily basis.

You will begin to notice it saying you as if it were someone talking to you, not you talking to yourself.

No offense my friend, but that just sounds mental. Maybe we can agree to disagree.

Have you tried listening to Eckart Tolle? He is someone that most people can relate to.

I will look him up on Youtube when I have time. I think I owe you that at least.


Right back at you bro.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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