Japan Today

Yokohama's Chinatown restaurants start drive-thru service


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There are some fine restaurants around in Chuuka-gai.

If things improve by June , I will make sure to visit.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

1.5 million yen = about $14,000

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NCIS RerunsMay 14 08:32 am JSTIn scary times like these, some Yokohama residents refer to 中華街(Chuuka-gai, Chinatown) as 通過街 (Tsuuka-gai, town to be bypassed).

A couple of months ago a Chinese restaurant in Yokohama got hateful messages from some xenophobic boors, calling ethnic Chinese 'bacteria'. The mayor of the city and several residents gave support to that restaurant and stated that there is no room for hatred and that Yokohama is unique because of its Chinatown. business at that joint increased quite a bit.

I hope that trend will continue, nobody - no ethnic group is to blame for CoVid-19.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In scary times like these, some Yokohama residents refer to 中華街(Chuuka-gai, Chinatown) as 通過街 (Tsuuka-gai, town to be bypassed).

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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