Japan Today
The double-page advertisement ran by Takarajimasha Inc in the Nikkei's morning edition on Tuesday Image: KYODO

Publisher slams gov't handling of virus in 3 newspaper ads


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82 ( +84 / -2 )

Nice! Time to put the pressure on to get these Olympics cancelled. This is clearly a

canceltheolympics campaign, and I LOVE it!
64 ( +67 / -3 )

Hahahaha... How'd ya like THEM apples, oh useless ones?

Choke on it. Pass the darn medicine out already. Fly some adults in if you have to.

The USMC could do the whole place in 2 months.

38 ( +46 / -8 )

i feel we are close to the breaking point of this Suga nonsense. Surprised he has lasted this long, actually.

57 ( +59 / -2 )

Amen, moving at the pace of a sick snail this government can't even deliver or use the already purchased Vaccines sitting in freezers and running out of date, while other nations are crying and people are dying for lack of it.


44 ( +46 / -2 )

New York Times came out with an editorial about this. Not as good as the Washington Post piece but compelling and fully unveils what everyone knows. It’s about the money. Those of us who live here should comment on that article with “on the ground “ perspective.


35 ( +39 / -4 )

Mr. Suga MUST GO.

39 ( +42 / -3 )

Now imagine if we had a few hundred more citizens of Japan willing to pop their heads out of the sand! Revolution!!

35 ( +38 / -3 )

That’s in a news paper? If I’d written that here I’d have been moderated. Fantastic image that’s sums up the governments attitude towards the people, youth of Japan 70 yrs on, nothing has really changed sacrifice all to save their own face.

43 ( +45 / -2 )

As if that virus is big enough like a pest and can be hunt down and eliminate with bamboo stick.

-18 ( +8 / -26 )

The tiny amount of people who still want the Olympics has become a handful. Its over - only the brainless (and the corrupt like Coe and Bach) believe otherwise.

Time to announce the total cancellation, and begin to deal with the disaster.

29 ( +34 / -5 )

The policies don't work and actually seem to make things worse. I'm sure the companies making plastic dividers are happy, however this is not how air works. Reducing trains will cause overcrowded trains, most people would easily predict that.

30 ( +31 / -1 )

Good on them.

28 ( +30 / -2 )

What punishment will Japan's bureaucrats concoct for the publisher, I wonder.

39 ( +41 / -2 )

This is a good one. Except I’d change the bamboo spears to flaccid twigs

20 ( +21 / -1 )

and there are reports that people are finding it difficult to book shots.

Errr… no kidding… but only difficult for those that have actually been given the opportunity to do so. Has anyone here?

23 ( +24 / -1 )

@Alan. Perhaps the publisher should ensure that their books are in order and inventory documented; down to the last pencil. You do raise a good question: will the LDP respond and how? A Japanese company now put this out there and it was printed in widely circulated papers. Can’t put that genie back in the bottle.

30 ( +31 / -1 )

This is only a sign of the general feelings about the whole thing, being unprepared weeks after the pandemic entered the country is still worth criticizing, a year after? plainly unexcusable.

23 ( +28 / -5 )

The big red coronavirus smack bang in the middle of the light page totally resembles the Japanese flag. I imagine a few people won’t be able to forget this one.

20 ( +21 / -1 )

Nice! If only other Japanese people had that type of courage!

36 ( +37 / -1 )

This is a good one. Except I’d change the bamboo spears to flaccid twigs


8 ( +10 / -2 )

Errr… no kidding… but only difficult for those that have actually been given the opportunity to do so. Has anyone here?

I have a number of friends who are over 65, that actually received their paperwork to "apply" for the shot, but since there is no vaccine available to administer the shots, all they can do is apply and wait.

21 ( +22 / -1 )

The publisher has previously run ad campaigns on social and political issues, most recently one that highlighted how the Japanese public was diligently following virus measures.

Like the corrupt ruling elites throughout Japanese history, in this pandemic the LDP has relied too much on the diligence, self-sacrifice and patience of the good Japanese people to prop up their whole rotting edifice.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

I was wrong. I admit it. I am so happy to know that Japan is now understanding what is going on with the Suga Administration. Finally.

20 ( +23 / -3 )

We need an election Immediately.

The best thing Suga could do right now is hold a snap election.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Surprised the official secrets act hasn’t been used yet? Or maybe it has.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

Yes!!! Someone finally brewed the coffee - it's time to wake up Japan!

23 ( +25 / -2 )

Good on them. This level of government incompetence borders on the criminal.

As political theorist and God Father of modern Democracy said individuals enter into a compact with government and give up unlimited freedom for one reason and one reason only: protection of their life, liberty, and property (Thomas Jefferson - Father of American Democracy - didn’t think all men deserved to own property, so he changed it to “the pursuit of happiness”.).

When a government no longer protects these rights, the citizens may cast it aside and form a new government (elections.).

The Suga-Abe administration has done a terrible job of protecting our lives. More will die due to delayed vaccination.

It has asked us to give up liberties. To the public’s credit, many have. I have. But damnit, I want to go to a movie, a museum, have a beer with my yakiniku.

It has cost quite a few business owners their property.

I really hope the public holds the LDP to account (but I’m not holding my breath.).

17 ( +19 / -2 )

Yes finally!

What on earth has the government been doing for the last 18 months?

22 ( +23 / -1 )

MarkToday 07:18 am JST

Mr. Suga MUST GO.

It seems that Shinzo's stomach trouble has magically cleared up and he's aiming for a third go-around, with changing the Constitution his target again. Suga may be useless but at least he doesn't want to destroy democracy and human rights in Japan, nor start a war with China. As ever, people should be careful of what they wish for.

21 ( +23 / -2 )


I was wrong. I admit it. I am so happy to know that Japan is now understanding what is going on with the Suga Administration. Finally.

It is nice to hear this from someone on this website. You are correct "Japan" understands this. As someone who has nearly 25 years here and can speak and read I can assure you that Japan is not coming to this conclusion just now. This has been brewing for nearly a year now and when I hear some of the comments on some of the shows my wife is watching the Japanese commentators, including several physicians, are literally eviscerating the government.

I really like Japan and the people. I have worked in science and engineering during my whole term in Japan and I have worked with some extraordinarly talented people.

The reaction of the government to this pandemic has not surprised me at all. A completely relevant memory I have is in Kobe in 1995 when search and rescue dogs were quarantined at Kansai and when the JSDF were flying over Nagata ku but could do nothing without approval from Tokyo. This led to real deaths. The same is being repeated now again during this crisis.

Japan has many strong points and when things can be well planned and executed things go exceptionally well. However the weak point remains reaction to crisis. The advertisers have clearly pointed the arrow directly at the central government (where it should be pointed) as the government is full of dinosaurs who are appointed to their position not based on their skill but based on their connections (does the guy in charge of IT security who could not use a computer seem familiar?).

An overhaul of the government is needed such that competent people are put in the correct positions to solve these problems. In my opiinion and based on my long work experience here Japan has so many of these competent people.

It took a tremendous amount of guts for the company to publish these ads however as I said above this genie is not (finally) out of the bottle in a big way and hopefully it will give others courage to speak out as well.

Gutsy move Takarajimasha - really gutsy. I hope you come out of this OK

26 ( +32 / -6 )

Japan still lags most wealthy countries in its vaccination roll-out. Just 2.6% of its population has been inoculated

The article is incorrect and apologetic,Japan is not is not behind on most of the wealthy and developed countries with the vaccine but is lagging behind all of them.

27 ( +30 / -3 )

The ad is poor taste. No cure medicine is a world wide thing. I agree vaccination is slow in Japan. It can't be helped because we have to import vaccines from abroad.

-44 ( +4 / -48 )

> @Tokyo-Engr

New York Times came out with an editorial about this. Not as good as the Washington Post piece but compelling and fully unveils what everyone knows. 

What's the link for the WaPo piece? I searched but couldn't find it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

“The public should express more outrage about the toll of the coronavirus on individuals.” How exactly? Go out into the streets protesting? Can’t do that due to the virus. Post a comment like this one? Who cares. Write to my local MP? Yeah, right.

5 ( +7 / -2 )


Here you go:


The reason I feel so strongly about this is seeing my 80 year old Japanese in laws who I love dearly and who want to be vaccinated and are told their first shot is in June and second one in July but here we see precedence being given to these young and very healthy people for the sake of "games".

It just makes my blood boil (and I do not anger easily).

24 ( +26 / -2 )

Three major newspapers

A strong message !

18 ( +19 / -1 )

Many missteps by recent Japan's government are similar to wartime Japan just before defeat.

Unscientific, arrogant, oppressive, self-righteous and incompetent regime repeats failure, but nobody take responsibility, it continues to increase victim and burden to general public.

People who criticize or oppose to government are slandered as "unpatriotic" "anti-Japan".

25 ( +26 / -1 )

The public should express more outrage about the toll of the coronavirus on individuals, businesses and medical workers, Takarajimasha said in its news release.

and how is Takarajimasha helping? Could not the money that was spent on the ad be given to health care workers instead?

-33 ( +3 / -36 )

I have a number of friends who are over 65, that actually received their paperwork to "apply" for the shot, but since there is no vaccine available to administer the shots, all they can do is apply and wait.

Yeah my wife’s parents tried for the first round but weren’t able to get a spot. Was no method for applying for a second round though. Just email queries. And all municipalities seem to have completely different ways to do it. The whole thing is a complete mess.

I know two people in Japan who have received the vaccine, one being my wife and the other a client. That’s it. The other day an article said Suga hoped to increase the numbers to a million a day, around 3 times the current rate. Where are these 300,000 or so people a day? That doesn’t actually seem that bad a rate, not good either, but where are they?

23 ( +24 / -1 )

Despite all the failed shenanigans, the LDP oyajis will continue to rule this single party pseudo democratic nation just by bringing out the Korea card. Happened all the time....

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Personal experience here. My letter arrived at the end of April. I went to a clinic where I am registered to ask if I could be put on their vaccination list, and was handed a leaflet saying phone calls only, from 10 May onwards, but be prepared for switchboard overload. Keep trying, they said.

On 10 May at exactly 9:30 as it advised on the leaflet, I called... 'beep, beep, beep', busy. Same on the mobile. Endlessly. Wash and repeat. On the news we were advised that the phone companies were deliberately slowing traffic to avoid system overload.

So I walked around to a local hospital that always seems pretty quiet and asked if they could register me. They took my name and phone number and told me they would contact me. Yesterday I went round again with the letter and the insurance card. They made copies, and the nurse told me that between the 17th and the 21st they would contact me with an offer of a slot for my fist Pfizer jab between the 24th and the 28th.

Now that sounds as if I will be among the first recipients.

19 ( +20 / -1 )

Edit 'fist Pfizer jab' = first...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

280 sports doctors apply for 200 spots needed for Tokyo Olympics

Funny that no western media outlet ran the above story. I wonder why?

-21 ( +5 / -26 )

Japan’s mortality rate went DOWN last year. Businesses survived and kids thrived, unlike in America.

Vaccination is a little slow, perhaps by design, but it’s not like the morgues are filling up.

Sounds like a pretty good job to me. Am I missing something?

-29 ( +6 / -35 )

Why did the the government put the Olympic priority over the vaccine? Money before people?

21 ( +22 / -1 )

The publisher of this ad will be penalized and probably taken to prison for whatever reason.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

I think the Japanese is stronger than the English - 政治に殺される。I would translate this as “We are being killed by politics” and if I were writing it in Japanese, I would put the blame right on the politicians and say 「政治家に殺される!」or, we are being killed by the politicians.If we were to point fingers further and mentioned which politicians or political parties, we might be censored. Or perhaps that is the point, it is all the politicians and parties, and that is why it is styled as We are being killed by politics.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Good. I wish more publishers and news outlets have the balls to criticize the Japanese government instead of cow towing to the official government narrative. This isn’t China, although they seem to have handled the pandemic better, if Chinese state media is to be believed lol

8 ( +9 / -1 )

And the next headline will be:

"Takarajimasha offices raided by police president arrested under suspicion of ( insert trumped up charge)"

Isn't that usually how things go when someone or some company disturbs the status quo?

10 ( +15 / -5 )

They could have done some more work on ivermectin last year, which could have helped a fair bit...

Only if they ignored all the test results from Japan and the rest of the world that showed it was of no to very little use if anything.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

@Alfie Noakes

My words exactly. I don't want to get into tin foil hat territory, but Abe's recent reappearances in the media could mean Suga was just put in place for this practically unmanageable period and Shinzo will make a triumphant comeback.

12 ( +13 / -1 )


How can you possibly defend the Japanese government on this issue?

Their response to this crisis and handling of the vaccination program has been nothing short of disgraceful.

21 ( +21 / -0 )

Vaccination is a little slow, perhaps by design, but it’s not like the morgues are filling up.

It's not like there are a lot of morgues here, people get cremated pretty fast!

11 ( +14 / -3 )

@Haaa Nemui

My children's 90+ years old grandparents were sent the forms by the ward to be vaccinated.

Then a week later they were sent another letter telling them that it was all cancelled and to wait for new instructions as to when and where.

Since then nothing.

20 ( +22 / -2 )

An overhaul of the government is needed such that competent people are put in the correct positions to solve these problems. In my opiinion and based on my long work experience here Japan has so many of these competent people.

The bureaucrats are the ones formulating policy and the LDP politicians are like a CEO who signs without

reading the document that is why you can have a minister of cybersecurity that doesn't know what a memory

stick is and doesn't reflect on policy formulation. The situation has to be changed such that politician should

be formulating policy and the bureaucrats executing it. Diet members are called lawmakers when in reality they

are just rubber stampers for the bureaucrats, it is a very strange setup that the democratic party tried to change during their short reign in power last time and they were sabotaged big time by the bureaucrats who

weren't happy losing their power and influence. If you are asked to name just one policy involving the public and J-inc that favored the public I bet you, you won't be able to come up with one. The good thing to come out of this pandemic is that, it has revealed the tremendous contempt the bureaucrats have for the general tax

paying public and that they aren't as smart as the media has made them to be just because they are graduates

of Japan's highest institution. A good way to start would be to diversify the educational background, and schools that future career bureaucrats are recruited from.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Shinzo will make a triumphant comeback.

Yeah, and he'll probably win big on the constitutional reform ticket, much like BJohnson did with gEt bReXiT dOnE.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The USMC could do the whole place in 2 months.

Letting the USMC do it would be like admitting defeat. Japan would have to commit seppuku.

9 ( +11 / -2 )


Abe's recent reappearances in the media could mean Suga was just put in place for this practically unmanageable period and Shinzo will make a triumphant comeback.

Yes, was it really just coincidental that he resigned right in the middle of the pandemic? He's resigned before when the going gets tough (diarrhea as an excuse). After years of suffering he finally gets a miracle cure and makes a comeback. He's done it once, so he can do it again.

Every single news item about the government's approach to this pandemic is getting more and more unbelievable to the point it's no longer surprising, but expected, and yet still makes my blood boil.

Why is free testing not widely available?

Why are people left to die on their own with no access to hospital?

Why are vaccinations proceeding so slowly?

Do they really have a stockpile of vaccines but only insist on using qualified nurses who are already overworked?

Do they really have a stockpile of vaccines but are STILL waiting for development of their own local version of vaccines? (This is called our way or the highway - the highway being the road to death).

Why are they preparing vaccines for teenagers when the most vulnerable haven't even had theirs?

Why are they putting Olympics before the lives of the ordinary folks?

And why will the LDP be voted into power yet again in the next elections?

20 ( +21 / -1 )

But an addendum to the Olympic host city contract states that the I.O.C. is ultimately responsible for decisions when it comes to making “a significant change in the overall scope of the Games.”

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Good. Hopefully more and more people call the gov't out. Get it trending worldwide and hashtag the Tokyo Olympics and Suga each time.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Best news I heard all day!!

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Mr. Suga MUST GO.

Make sure the bathwater goes, too.

12 ( +13 / -1 )


Spot On! This is what I have been hearing around Tokyo for over 8 months now.

"Do they really have a stockpile of vaccines but are STILL waiting for development of their own local version of vaccines?."

15 ( +16 / -1 )

Try to phone the Setagaya ward jab reservation number and you get a busy signal. Try to reach their site online and you get: Sorry for the inconvenience. Service is temporarily unavailable. Thank you for your patience and please try again later.

July seems to be the earliest data available for a jab. I suppose the local union of jab dispensers gets a two-hour break to recuperate after every hour's work.

What's the point of even bothering?

Lazy idiots. Bakayaro!

12 ( +12 / -0 )

No need for bamboo sticks, just should have closed borders in early spring last year. But now, a lot more than bamboo sticks and newspaper ads are needed. In fact , neither the politics with their announcements nor that complaining ad publishers change the situation even for 100nm. It’s all and completely loud propaganda only, not impressing one single virus.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Just cancel the Olympics and give Japan the next available spot for a summer Olympics. Sometime in the 2030s I think. Either the virus will be gone or we will all be gone.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Who is the publisher? Kind of weird reporting it without naming the source of the ad.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

@Antiquesaving - I’m not at all surprised. With the age of the people in charge, and the amount of bureaucracy that is a must for everything here, there was no way this was gonna be easy.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

This needs to be turned in to posters, stickers and stuck on every jimin publicity poster.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Who is the publisher? Kind of weird reporting it without naming the source of the ad.

they did.

The full-page ad by magazine publisher Takarajimasha was a rare rebuke of the country's pandemic response by a private company. The Tokyo-based company said in a news release it was necessary to raise an alarm over the public's frustration with virus restrictions and the slow pace of vaccinations.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

EisenachToday  08:23 am JST

"Japan still lags most wealthy countries in its vaccination roll-out."

But Japan has the lowest death rate per capita amoung wealthy countries. No mention in the article. I wonder why?

Well, yeah, if you think the following are dirt poor:

Iceland, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Well done takarajimasha it’s about time. Thank you NCIS bakayaro is most appropriate. But J gov are also criminal and incompetent

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Something like a halberd needs to strike this virus situation, current medical treatment . . . because [not doing the right thing] is like murder.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I suppose the local union of jab dispensers gets a two-hour break to recuperate after every hour's work.

Actually the doctors are not the problem.

My friend is a doctor in our ward, he was requested to join the vaccination work, he accepted.

Since then all he has been told is to wait for the ward or whoever to call and tell him when to go start vaccinating.

He still hasn't heard back and he has called multiple times asking what is going on and all the replies have been the same "wait we will call you".

The system of booking is haphazard, with each city making things up as they go, some using online, App only, snail mail, phone and even fax, and not a combination of these just some or as some are reporting only one ( the town in Niigata where my wife's grandmother lives only offers phone appointment nothing else).

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Go to Travel and dithering over measures. The administration doesn't have the guts to take the necessary decisions.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

hopefully this gains some traction. Sleepy Suga needs to wake up his government

6 ( +6 / -0 )

But Japan has the lowest death rate per capita amoung wealthy countries. No mention in the article. I wonder why?

Well if you don't test and then don't autopsy anyone over 65, then you get low numbers all around.

Tokyo Metro 35 million people.

Tokyo Metro daily average for testing under 7,000, average daily number of positive cases just under 900.

Compare that to Ontario Canada population 14 million, average daily testing 50+ thousands, average daily positive results 3,000.

So something does seem right, the percentage of positive in Tokyo would be the highest in the world.

The reality is if Tokyo tested 50,000 daily the number of positive results would likely be 3,000 and up and with that the Olympics would be toast.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

This publisher really brave, because they are going to facing severe consequences including restricted access to sources in the future, even their families may find themselves in trouble for criticizing the rulers.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

This just in - Suga's COVID-19 Team (is there one?) will now refocus all their efforts on "perception" instead of results.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

@Antiquesaving...online, App only, snail mail, phone and even fax. Fax? Why not ox cart? Oh my lord we're doomed.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Why not ox cart? Oh my lord we're doomed.

I guess not much history of ox carts in Japan, but possibly they may add jinrikisha, plenty available in asakusa with no work no tourists.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

and how is Takarajimasha helping? Could not the money that was spent on the ad be given to health care workers instead?

Yes, the money could have been given to health workers instead of used in the ads.

Anyone with money can do that.

You actually think less of this person for spending the money to criticize the govt openly and loudly in the newspapers?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

The USMC could do the whole place in 2 months.

come to logistic cant get much better than the USMC, meanwhile Japan is still stuck on getting enough nurses doctors syringes and telephone lines

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The full-page ad by magazine publisher Takarajimasha

i smell some mandatory detention by J justice in relation to embarrassing the government.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Japan still lags most wealthy countries in its vaccination roll-out. 

Come on! Stop churning out this meaningless soundbite week after week, month after month! If Japan lags most wealthy countries, dozens of the 103 countries currently ahead of it are way wealthier can I could have imagined. I looked at the list of countries with less vaccinations and I can't see any I would describe as wealthy. Iran? Brunei? Eswatini? Japan is currently sandwiched between Belarus and Tunisia. Not that vaccination of the global population should be a race, but many who are trailing Japan are either tiny, or else suffering political instability or conflict. The nearest wealthy country, however that is defined, is New Zealand, at nearly double the rate of vaccination, but of course we also know that New Zealand has reported a total 26 deaths,.

Then again, the official Japan death rate has been calculated to be around a tenth of this estimation of total mortality, which puts it over 108,000:


7 ( +8 / -1 )

i smell some mandatory detention by J justice in relation to embarrassing the government.

There's even better methods, it is to use 医療保護入院 or 措置入院 system, and lock them up indefinitely in mental institutes. Don't even need the courts to do that, and can also prevent them from any contact with the outside world as well as limits access to lawyers, etc.

Even without the government, they would be ostracized by the society as there's tremendous loyalty to the politicians among the population, regardless if they agree with the policies or not.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Then again, the official Japan death rate has been calculated to be around a tenth of this estimation of total mortality, which puts it over 108,000:


Thank you for posting this link!!

It is remarkable but unsurprising if the covid mortality rate in Japan is actually more than 10 times higher than reported. Among the most severely under reported in the world it seems.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

are they trouble makers??

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

@mark...."Mr. Suga MUST GO" shouldn't that be urge him to go?.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The posting of advertisements citing the ineptitude of the central government is welcomed and applauded. However, legacy media companies, in addition to on-line and broadcast news should be reporting the abject failure of the Suga administration and the LDP Party to plan ahead and vaccinate the population.

Instead, the focus is on the absurd spectacle aka Olympics and the purposeful subjection of a sovereign nation to non-government, foreign entities aka IOC, institutions that insist on holding the games during a world-wide epidemic. There are no possible safety measures that can be emplaced to allow the games without endangering the citizens of Japan. Sebastian Coe, Bach, Coates are not Japanese government officials and the only power they wield is in the realm of commerce. Nor do they care one wit about 'the Japanese public' other than as consumers for their overly-hyped sporting circus.

One must take issue with those who cite countries such as New Zealand or similar examples, claiming their success in staving off the pandemic. NZ has less than five million people. No country with a similar population has been a light to all in dealing with the pandemic. Amongst the ten most populated countries, none have been an example for waging a campaign to contain the virus within a democratic means. There is China, which created the problem and Russia, neither are democratic states. Brazil and India are ongoing disasters.

The rate of vaccination world-wide is sluggish at best. New Zealand often citied as an example, has only fully vaccinated 1.8% of its population. Germany 9.4%. France 12%. Spain 13%. Italy 13%. To provide a few examples for not just comparison, but to illustrate the process of vaccination is somewhat flawed, no matter where - excepting perhaps the USA, which is at 25% and is exerting its power to corral sufficient doses vaccine.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing that can excuse the ineptitude of Suga and the current central government in dealing with the pandemic. The incredible failure to inoculate the public is tragic.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@ nippon glory

are they troublemakers??

You are correct. They are troublemakers and that's a good thing.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I already got my copy and will keep it as a remainder of this huge disappointment

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Yes, I agree it's poor taste making comparisons to WW2.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

It is remarkable but unsurprising if the covid mortality rate in Japan is actually more than 10 times higher than reported. Among the most severely under reported in the world it seems.

If this is true it is even more remarkable that Japan has negative excess mortality like Taiwan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yes, I agree it's poor taste making comparisons to WW2.

Actually very appropriate.

The attitude to hold the Olympics come hell or high water by the government regardless of what the people want or what is in the best interest of the people the no cancellation/surender seems very similar.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Nothing will change until the volunteers pull out. Without them, the Games are finished.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The Abe and Suga regime mishandle something - color me shocked!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I get the meaning but think it is in poor taste. These poor young women were forced to train with their lives on the line. Remember that the next time the question of the atomic bomb arises.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Yes, I agree it's poor taste making comparisons to WW2.

I'll tell you what's in poor taste. Letting people die a slow death with no access to hospitals while fit athletes and rich bureaucrats get their vaccinations. I bet the imperial family have had theirs already.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I get the meaning but think it is in poor taste. These poor young women were forced to train with their lives on the line. 

Yes and now those that are still around are elderly being neglected by the government again because of pride not willing to admit reality of the situation, not properly caring for them, not getting them vaccinated quickly and efficiently and steadfastly going head on to hold the Olympics even if it results more elderly dying.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Finally someone has the balls!!!

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Japan is going backwards due to the Oyajis that pretend to run the Country its time for a change..how about forced retirement for all politicians at 70 would be a start..

Well, just over 70, maybe 74 would be thinkable, but no country should have leader 78 or over. That would be just insane.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

What on earth has the government been doing for the last 18 months?

Good question! Hand-wringing at its best!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Now it's time for Japan Today to start its daily reporting on the vaccine rollout in Japan. Let's have up-to-date data, graphs, charts, and news of the progress in getting the people of Japan vaccinated and back to normal life.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well, just over 70, maybe 74 would be thinkable, but no country should have leader 78 or over. That would be just insane.

Some people are just terrible at any age.

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That is a very encouraging step in the right direction. We need everyone to 'protect' this private company now. Make no mistake, some octogenarian, angry Japanese official, somewhere in Tokyo, is thinking how to make them pay for this act. They are doing the unthinkable: openly criticising the government. B***s of steel !

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MarkMay 12  07:18 am JST

Mr. Suga MUST GO.

The role of a governing head of state is to tackle and meet the needs of all the people there. If that leader cannot or is negligent in these duties, then impeachment and removal is in order.

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