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© KYODOGov't says 98.6% of households received virus relief cash handouts
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I got two persons' worth, and handed over one. I was really hoping my partner would offer some of hers towards the rent or something, but no.
Mine all went on rent, which I always pay in full anyway. Rent uses up a huge chunk of my pension.
As others have said, thank you Japan. Made life a little easier.
Sven Asai
The head of my household gave me generous 10% of my part, so I’m very sorry, that I cannot strengthen the economy as planned....rofl
Johnny B Good
spent it all on tools, use them everyday.
I think it is called "Subsidy Program for Sustaining Businesses” (持続化給付金). Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The link below has some information, although it says the application itself is only available in Japanese.
Really would like an English link to this information
Vanessa Carlisle
If you ask me, saving the money is not the smart thing to do. The result of government handouts will be a devaluation of the yen. Hopefully it won't get out hand, but it could. My idea is that you should invest the money in something productive and/or long lasting. Mine went into crop planters and a lot of canned food, rice and flour. In a crisis, these will be better than money in the bank during hyper-inflation. I think some folks need to study about the Great Depression, particularly the German experience. Spend the money while can. Spend it on something smart.
Bugle Boy of Company B
I hope you’re not blaming anyone but yourself. Why didn’t you renew your residency?
Other places talk about univeralincome as there is that much money in this 2020 world.
Got my application in fairly late, at the beginning of this month. Ward Office says it should be with me between Sept 1 and Sept 10.
Ah, the smell of freshly printed, toilet paper textured Monopoly dosh!
I likes.
Mine got spent on my hospital tests and appointments.
Yes, there will be lines drawn for government assistance, and winners and losers (non-winners?) depending on where the line is. This happens for every single type of welfare. Sometimes provision is limited, the classic example is places in public childcare, so you can qualify the same as recipients but still get no assistance.
I got some assistance for my company for a Covid-19 drop in sales, but it was capped and a much larger company would not have got more. In that sense, my company is a "winner" and bigger ones are less so.
The truth is out, there.
She'll have got a one-off million yen. That's it.
That sucks. If you have a business can't you apply for separate assistance? In my area, I heard a lady who runs a small bar as a hobby got a payout, even though she didn't even really need it (her husband works full time).
I'm not sure on the conditions, though.
Thanks so much
Heather Hopkins Clement
Not me. Paid personal and corporate taxes as a business owner in Japan since 2015, but my residency expired on 4/19--just days short of the cut-off date, so I got NOTHING.
My business is still closed and I’m still paying rent. The payment covered just over one months rent.
my partner and I have kept the ¥200000 in a special account that we keep for preparation if one of us is seriously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and suddenly passes away. We also have a will and grave plots. Most serious cases involve total isolation and either recovery no time for last minute preparations.
Grandp Lightfoot
Just Me!!
When we pay our taxes to the government is it referred to as "cash handouts"? Just asking.
Well I got this cash and the local tax demand on the same day! Wonderful! A quick in and out so to speak.
We got it. I don't know if we spent it, because we don't have a household budget and just buy things as and when we feel like it. We bought a couple of aircons, and I've set up multiroom audio in my place with smart lighting. I guess that all came in at close to the money we received, but we would probably have bought it all anyway. The aircons were a "need", not a "want".
If someone has not tightened their belt in the face of Covid-based uncertainties, I would still say that qualifies as effectively spending the money. Consumer spending would definitely have fallen more without it.
John Beara
I need more. will be out of job in 3 weeks. thx in advance.
Came in on a Monday, and went out on Tuesday in the form of resident tax.
Not much impact...
City bureaucrats can thank government bureaucrats for the payment!
I got my ¥100,000 one day and my city tax the next. Oddly and coincidentally, I'm sure, the city tax was almost ¥100,000. So basically I got it from the national gov't and gave it to the city gov't. I should have taken a 10% Dentsu-esque handler's fee.
The pandemic stimulus package totalled roughly 114 trillion yen. Payments to households 4 trillion. In the crisis the people get the trickle down leftovers yet again.
City and town halls have access to far higher rates of banking interest than us hoi polloi- It really isn't in their interests to dole this money out swiftly.
Huge waste of money. Giving away the future.
Bjorn Tomention
So about the same % as the recovery rate of those who actually got infected by this virus, 98.6% of those who contracted this virus recover.
You could always make your own masks that are just as effective, at a fraction of the cost, which can be washed, remade and reused. It's really not that difficult, just not 'convenient'.
Beats funding the governments and institutions that, in hand with the business world, hiked the prices and paranoia to increase THEIR revenue in this clear recession.
Rubber bands, cotton handkerchiefs, bandanas, tissues- all available and easy to assemble,.
I received mine 2 months ago and only this week I got a 葉書 in the post that it was successfully transferred to my account... what gives?
Unlike, most of the commenters here I spent mine on Go-to-travel campaign in order to contribute to higher rankings in coronavirus infection numbers.
It was so slow arriving and I know people who still haven't received it.
It should have been means tested, the gov knows how much we all earn.
Lots of posters here brag how they saved it, pathetic if you ask me, why not donate the money to the needy, nah that would be too nice, greed is good being the mantra
"Thank you, Sir. May have another?"
Chinese-made products such as masks ('supported' by China's friend, the WHO)?
Tom Jj
I bought Bitcoin with mine, and it's already grown.
Bugle Boy of Company B
I donated 99,000 of mine to the national lottery fund.
A good portion would be spent on Chinese made products, so China was also paid.
Some people are all heart.
None for the unemployed or out of work...
Mine went into paying for the ridiculous renewal fees for my apartment. You want to just, you know, stay here? Great, we'll do nothing at all and charge you a month's rent for it.
You can eliminate that problem by buying a "manshon" or a house. But then you'll be saddled with a 30 year mortgage and be taking a chance on having your property's value plummet after you buy it due to any number of causes... maybe better to pay the fee.
The remaining 1.4% mainly consists of those who did not need 100,000 because of their richness or prides.
Mine went to pay for my daughter's apartment rent. She was planning to move to a cheaper apartment after graduating in March, but who wants to go apartment shopping in this environment?
It's ridiculous that basically the whole country received this, and it wasn't at least means tested vs previous year's income, etc.
Mine went into paying for the ridiculous renewal fees for my apartment. You want to just, you know, stay here? Great, we'll do nothing at all and charge you a month's rent for it.
At least this time, I'm not the one who has to cover it.
Erik Morales
This is great news! thanks Abe!
Of course people that don't need it will save it. It should have only been offered to people in need (lost income due to covid), then more could have been offered to those people And it would have been pumped back into the economy.
Thank you Japan!
The remaining 1.4% probably represent all the foreign residents still stuck outside the country.
No, the 1.4% represents people who have not turned in their application or the homeless.
We spent ours before we received it, though it was mainly stuff for the house.
So Abe’s stimulus worked.
that person
Larry Lacky
mine also went straight to savings. if your job hasn’t been affected and you don’t live a debt ridden life, I don’t see what’s so unbelievable about being able to save an extra chunk of cash.
i don’t think this is the best system. I realize it simplifies the process for the government, but I’m sure some people in need can’t access they’re money depending on their relationship with the “head in the household”.
For those who think they have saved their money.. it's anyways going to go into the extra expenses you incur because of Covid ....
Just look at the masks... We get packs of 5 or 7 now .. prices 300 to 400 yen... So you effectively spend 60 yen per mask.. 6000 yen per 100.. which is about 5000 yen extra compared to normal times.
Same goes to alcohol gel Sanitizers and the like..we had those in 100 yen shops.. it's no longer the case...
And every time, you fall sick with the slightest cold...and visit a doc fearing the worst, you spend a little extra on the x-ray, blood test and antibiotics.
Whether you like it or are giving back to the economy and spending that money.
The money is actually meant for those who are struggling with their daily living cost and coping with the outbreak. It really isn't meant for savings. I planned out mine carefully how to use daily but this amount really isn't that much. But is better than nothing.
Most of the people I know including foreigners and Japanese used the 100,000yen as it was intended to by the Government. Some used it as a necessity and some as a luxury. I guess people who put it aside in savings ( some commented above ) didn’t really face financial difficulties yet! But sooner or later you’ll also use up that money on something... can’t take it to your graves!
Larry Lacky
yeah, right. So, you don’t have any bills nor do you pay taxes? Laughable comment! I simply disbelieve what you wrote
The remaining 1.4% probably represent all the foreign residents still stuck outside the country.
I got Osakas business grant first, then the grant from the Japanese government. And the personal 100,000 came last Friday, much later than I thought.
Mine had already gone before I received it...
Mine arrived and is also in savings. Would have to have a screw loose to start splurging in this situation. You get enough tax from me Abe, you are not getting this back.