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© Thomson Reuters 2022.Japanese backing for military build-up likely to rise after China's missiles
By Tim Kelly and Nobuhiro Kubo TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Japan should not bring a chop stick to a Chinese gunfight, only thing I can say ,we have a deterrent for China,to deter from attacking our mainland,lots of Chinese feel humiliated by Pelosi,they should not feel bad,the only person out Pelosi in her place these days is AOC
mike kenny
Japan and all asia nations had better wake up to the chinese threat to the stability of the region!
Its not a matter of IF but WHEN china will try to force there will on tiawan!
People WAKE UP!
Nancy, Nancy what have you started?
Taiwan military is stronger than Japan,and they have a small population,it do not matter the size of the dog,the fight of the dog only thing matter
Is it just me, or do other people think that WWIII is just getting started?
And the next step is covert nuclear protection for Taiwan. Just like Israel. No confirmation, no denial. Or, perhaps a bit less demonstrative, a second carrier group from the US based in Taiwan. That should make Xi wonder about the probity of his bravado.
But, all war-mongering aside, the US should just sanction a whole lot of business with China and encourage the other G7 countries to join in. As a Canadian, I'm getting really tired of China's influence on my country's society and our Prime Minister's acceptance of that crime.
If you set up a reserve, foreigner’s battalion, I’ll sign up
Bellicose actions beget defensive responses. Just as Russia' actions forced Sweden and Finland into rushing to join NATO, China's actions are forcing Japan to upgrade their miliitary capability. Looks like China finally may have slapped the Heiwa-Boke out of the Japanese populace.
Nothing. It's more like Xi Xi what are you doing? Imitating Vlad?
They are still no NATO members. Membership requires agreement of all 30 member states parliaments.
Can you imagine agreement of Turkiye? I cannot.
Taiwan’s military service is 4 months. That’s summer camp.
The ROC Army decided to answer the PLA exercises by shooting flares from their howitzers.
Unfortunately, they got the range wrong and ended up setting a forest on fire. This is shown on Taiwanese news.
LOLOLOL. Like I said, go back to China.
Turkey lifts objections to Finland and Sweden’s Nato bid
Ankara had previously blocked the Nordic countries from joining the alliance over concerns about arms exports and terrorism
Peace between Japan and China is the ONLY path forward, anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool and a war monger.
But it is not an option to the Chinese public. A government can only hold back a public’s desire for war for so long. If Japan is weak militarily, it is far more likely that China would attack, as it would be enormously popular internally and offset any other internal issues.
People underestimate the importance of being vigilant. Peace is only attainable when the agents at play are at a balance of mutually assured destruction. Otherwise, just look what made European colonization of the world possible.
Japan Government likely to rightfully push for more military using this incident.
Please go tell that to China. Japan has welcomed talks with China, but they refuse.
Japan along with the rest of the world helped China rise economically and raise the living standards of the Chinese people. But China chose to put their profits into military expansion with the goal of undoing "a 100 years of humiliation".
When only one side is belligerent. it is disingenious to pretend that both parties need to calm down.
the top brass running these authoritarian nutcase countries are really out of touch with reality - probably because no one is willing or permitted to say anything against their narrative.
what a streisand moment for china, all because an old lady got on a plane
couple of warships in the malacca strait and china's industry grinds to a halt in weeks, the population starts starving in a couple of months. then the people will rise up against their disgrace of a government.
Turkiye's parliament Has NOT yet voted on SWE/FIN NATO membership and according to my usually reliable information will NOT vote on it any time soon. Btw that's also the reason why Stoltenberg has "lost his"voice"
Even with a massive increase in spending on conventional weapons, Japan will be unable to defend itself and it's interests against China. China is too big and powerful. So, Japan should acquire some short range defencisive nukes capable of hitting any target in China, that can be launched from submarines and ships. Also, build some air force, and naval bases of its own on the distance islands it wishes to protect. But, none of this will change anything unless the whole world stops trading with China, and educating it's youth.
Sometimes mankind is stupid...
( O_O )’’’
Um… the CCP (?)
Just like you could not imagine the US and India doing joint training in India yesterday until the link was posted?
If I were factually shown to be this wrong this often, I’d shut my yap and learn a thing or two.
But that’s just me....
Japan needs a force projection capability which it now lacks.
In other words, offensive capability. When advisory, specifically Chinese and North Korean targets can be held at risk this kind of weenie-wagging will be much reduced.
Japan also needs a larger air and naval force to supplement the very high quality but undermanned forces it has now.
“In other words”, Japan needs to get rid of Article 9.
Just throw away our tax money in a world recession for weapons that kill humans.
China has been known to play the long game.
One of the factors leading to the downfall of the Soviet administration was having to enter a costly arms race with the United States with its failing economy.
The one party oligopoly of China with its planned, guided capitalist market economy has demonstrated superior economic results vis a vis stagnant Japan with the failed ideas of Abenomics or New Capitalism supporting crony, zombie Japan Inc. corporations.
China could bankrupt Japan without firing a shot.
“ “In other words”, Japan needs to get rid of Article 9. “
Not that simple, see? :we all want bigger houses, more money and better cars; the problem is to get there.
… not easy to deal with communists who’ve been cheating the world for decades(!)
Japanese backing for military build-up likely to rise after China's missiles:
Even without China's missiles flying over Taiwan, Japan has been boosting its defense year after year.
Eschew from making use of such excuse to deliberately raising the military build-up further..
Both UK and US need to share there most advanced military technology with Japan, link arms, Japan has the means to make technical advancements if all work together.
It is time to accept there is no appeasing dictators, the Government of China is beyond redemption.
Xi Jinping word cannot be trusted, it is all or nothing.
Xi Jinping wants to secure the region waterways, shipping lanes. the East and South China Seas.
It is time now to bring matters to a head.
Firstly cancel debt owed to China. The Government of China is an antagonist, an adversary.
Don't negotiate with the crocodile to be eaten last.
All thanks to China. Yet just another problem Made in China. Thanks, China, we need this like a hole in the head.
Pelosi is no idiot. She knew what she was doing and accomplished what she wanted. To push Japan to militarization and to show the world, or the ordinary hick American farmers, how evil China is.
Japan must take care of its borders.
Remember, china's real weapon is the Silent Invasion.
Stop doing business with China and its "Companies"
RodneyToday 10:53 am JST
Japan is just going to follow the fine example being set by China, of building up their military. Are you saying China should not build up their forces?
China's property crisis and bad banks threatening to bring down the Chinese economy has no end in sight. They are failing in the capitalist endeavors and when they fall the sound will be heard around the globe.
Japan needs its own missiles capable of hitting anywhere in China, as China can already hit anywhere in Japan, and plenty of them. Japan should also be getting directed energy weapons to defend against incoming missiles. Beef up the ground forces to fight any invasion and have a few mid sized aircraft carriers for power projection within the region.
Article 9 needs to go without doubt.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Quite simply and clearly - that Japan has interfered with China and the Taiwan issue and made itself a target.
Japan should have remained neutral !
Any excuse for Japan to increase military spending.
The civil war between China and Taiwan has absolutely Flock all to do with any other country !
So Japan has an opinion and voices it's opinion and that apparently is enough for China to make Japan a target? That simply shows the world the depth of China's belligerence and the true threat China poses to everyone. it is called free speech and sovereign nations have that right and even China can not stop it, and free speech in no way justifies targeting for violence.
A war between independent Taiwan and China is everyone's business. We get that you do not understand or approve but your thoughts make no difference in the real world.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
What a ridiculous comment to make !
You think Chinese are going to starve ?
Complete utter nonsense !
This isn't the great leap forward
China is 9·597 million km2
Septim Dynasty
A Chinese blockade from straight of Taiwan or the northern South China Sea is good enough to permanently cripple Japan's economy and military.
Japan can't do anything without American help. It's unlikely that Americans will help as long as their long-term interests in ASEAN are assured to be equal with China. The US likely achieved a detente with China and Russia over ASEAN, and of course, ASEAN elites have an equal seat in the detente.
East Asia will be screwed after Taiwan returns to China.
Why would China attack Japan?
For the oil and gas it doesn’t have?
PM Kishida's promise to build-up Japanese military is fine and all...
they should focus on the enemy WITHIN ; chinazi spies and students who keep stealing, spying, buying up Japanese property near military bases and then reporting back to their masters back in beijing.
Japan, stop living in the past, you have nothing to do with Taiwan. It is Clearly a matter for China and Taiwan to sort out. Nancy, you've caused enough trouble, back to your knitting.
Chinese public want revenge for WWII and overwhelmingly supports war with Japan, even nuclear.
Chinese public believes Okinawa in its entirety to be historical part of China, or at minimum a subject state and should not be part of Japan, the same applies for Hokkaido.
If Taiwan falls, China will undoubtedly use it as a jump off point for further expansions.
You are talking nonsense!
Show me proof!
How may Chinese do you know?
When did you last meet one?
Thanks to the war mongers tour 2022 , while spending $90 million tax payers dollars … yeah the USA is all about peace . What a joke !
englisc aspyrgend
Good, the Japanese public is slowly waking up to the dangerous nature of the geopolitical region in which they live. They have had the luxury of living for 77 years in an area where there were no real threats to them. China’s and russia’s ramping belligerence has changed that and now they will have to adapt to the new reality.
Sadly and entirely due to the archaic colonialist, imperialist ambitions of russia and China the world is now a much more dangerous place than it has been or needs to be.
Strengthening the defense is always good, its just thinking about the mountain of internal problems Japan has, will be done at a great cost&be painful to the common people. Still sth must be improved right now even if little. I dont see the real grounds that China has an imminent desire to attack Japan in the near future. Fighting missiles was more to make US sweat a little and get somewhat nervous. Though i may be wrong.
Maybe Taiwan will have partial UN recognition as a sovereign country, like Kosovo. Maybe the Quad+ASEAN (or an Asian NATO) can station troops there like Kosovo.
China needs to rescind its ownership claim over Taiwan just as Japan and the Netherlands had to. Never hear PM Rutte saying that Taiwan is a renegade province of The Netherlands nor shooting missiles over it when another country reps visit it.
Kosovo should at least recognize Taiwan as sovereign since Taiwan recognises Kosovo as sovereign. Return the favour.
Wake up people. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would lead to a collapse of the global semiconductor chip supply chain and control of chip production by the CCP. TSMC alone account for half the global foundry production. And an estimated 90% of global production. We all depend on semiconductor chips for basically everything in everyday life, including iPhones and military chip production. Amazon would essentially be controlled by the CCP.
Chinese ownership of Taiwan would not impact Japan? Northern Taiwan/ Taipei are so close to Okinawa they are almost the same country. Taiwan sits between Japan's critical oil & gas/ LNG shipping lanes between Singapore/ Sulawesi and the Chinese will change the nautical map around Taiwan with the ability to delay and control Japan's incoming oil & gas/ LNG.
We cannot let economic pressures allow a nation to own the people of another sovereign nation.
If the price of telling China that they don't get to own Taiwan is the collapse of the semiconductor chain, then that's the price. We will build other supply lines.
Davers, of course it is far more humane to want to protect Taiwanese lives and Taiwanese democracy and sovereignty. Of course I agree. But since when did humanity be a reason for the world to act? Anyone going into Russia to protect Ukraine? Nope. Delays to/ or the suspension of energy imports into Japan would lead to Japanese lives at risk. The winter route for LNG into Japan goes through the South China Sea and past Taiwan.
Moving global semiconductor production out of Taiwan might sound good on paper - but has anyone else been able to capture that size of the market apart from the Taiwanese? No they havent been able to.
Even during WWII the Americans only acted when Big Oil came into the equation. Before then they watched hundreds of thousands of Europeans being killed by the nazis.
The harsh reality of our own history is that the big players only spring into action for economic reasons.
We live together or die apart.
If Democracy doesn't stand for democracy, democracy dies. We must stand by Taiwan.
Desert Tortoise
Why would China attack Japan?
For the oil and gas it doesn’t have?
Actually that is partly true. It is thought there are oil and gas deposits inside the Japanese EEZ in the southern Ryukyus. The Chinese also want the fisheries to make up for the ones they have already depleted. But primarily they want to control the first island chain so they have unimpeded access to blue water beyond. As it stands now the possession of those islands by unfriendly nations makes it possible for the PLAN to be denied access to the Pacific Ocean.
Desert Tortoise
Do you want to attempt to explain that? Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor brought the US into WWII. The Germans and Italians declared war on the US a few days later. The proximate cause of Japan's attack on the US was the US oil embargo of Japan. That hurt the oil industry to an extent but hurt Japan even more, and is in part the reason Japan sought to conquer places like the Dutch East Indies for their oil. I see no link to how the interests of "big oil" caused the US to enter WWII.
Desert Tortoise
Xi Jinping and the members of his faction within the CCP are their own worst enemies sometimes. There was no need to antagonize Japan with this tantrum they are throwing over the visit of the US Speaker of the House of Representatives to Taiwan. One might expect military maneuvers around Taiwan aimed at intimidating them and expressing anger, but why chuck missiles into Japan's EEZ? All they have accomplished is to further alienate the Japanese and give them even more reason to arm up.
Desert Tortoise, you just totally clarified my point in your response to me.
As I already said, the Americans finally got involved in WWII due to oil. The US embargoed oil to Japan, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, and bingo. My point was that global economics causes the big players to step into war and you just clarified that.
Davers, I think you completely misunderstand me. I am partly based in Taiwan and I will live there. I despise the current CCP. However, only a global economic impact will get the US, the UK, France etc to step in to this conflict. Our defence of democracy and humanity is not enough to get the big countries to risk the ire of their voters. Just look at Gaza or Myanmar.
Xi is just showing off again, sticking his butt into the air. The CCP is filling the Chinese media airways with bullcrap propaganda, and this is just an exercise of flaunting it. Look at me, I got some tough toyz! Dictators do this kind of stunt all the time. The lippy sassybrat Spanky Don invented crises at the Mexican border and Xi is being no better with this. He needs to shut his motormouth up, now!
Ah yes, Kosovo. The province that split from Serbia after the Clinton government illegally bombed Serbian cities for 4 months nonstop on behalf of Kosovo separatists.
By the same token, should the US not now bomb Kiev on behalf of the residents of Dombass? Our Western democratic leaders seem to have a lot of different ethical standards, depending on their preference...
xin xin
Not just Taiwan. The latest large-scale military drill by the China bully is outside Bohai and in the Yellow Sea, right on Japan's doorsteps. Japan has been pacifist too much too long, and invested in China too heavily. Time to turn around.
Desert Tortoise
Your original post implied the US only entered WWII to protect US oil interests. Oil was of course of major importance to the Allied war effort but the war was not fought to protect US oil reserves. The US had abundant reserves. For Japan however the US oil embargo was sort of the last straw that pushed them into war with the US. Japan knew they had a small window of time when they thought they could be successful before the US vastly greater manufacturing capacity would swamp them, which in the end it did.
Desert Tortoise
Protecting the Kosovars was a UN led operation under the command of a UN appointed General authorized by a UN Security Council resolution. The participants included not just NATO members (and it was not a NATO operation either as many NATO allies sat that war out) and ostensibly neutral nations like Austria and Switzerland. The reason for the UN intervention was the genocide of the Kosovars being carried out by the Serbs. Please be historically accurate and refrain from spreading falsehoods.
Having grown up during the 80s, I thought that the USA and USSR would never bury the hatchet and end the Cold War but that happened in late 1989. There is nothing people can't do if they put their minds to it. The same goes for China and Japan, even with their histories of rivalry.
It was yet another 'ethnic cleansing'/genocide that Milosevic was stirring up. it was causing a lot of problems and dangers (and a huge refugee crisis) for neighboring NATO nations and despite what TraitorTrump said, NATO is not a useless outdated alliance and as such they stick together. Yugoslavia was destroyed by that Serbian fascist pig and his genocides and abuses (although Tudjman of Croatia committed gross offenses in Bosnia too). Serbia's government treated the Kosovars like garbage and as such Serbia has no right or say in Kosovo or in Kosovar affairs. They forfeited that right.
I agree. But in the real world, the Biden government is selling US strategic oil reserves to China, reducing tariffs, opening up the energy grid to Chinese bidders, getting more dependent on Chinese parts and rare earths with their "green" agenda... shall I go on? All they while releasing a whole lot of hot air about standing up against China. We live in clownworld.
Alas, not only Canada.
Desert Tortoise
The bombing, like other Nato aggressions such as destruction of Libya, was carried out by the US, with Nato as a convenient cover to give it legitimacy. Or do you really think that a couple of token airplanes from Denmark or Switzerland made any difference?
Ah yes, I remember the talking points. However, have you ever looked at it instead of just repeating it? If there really was a "genocide" rather than a decades long low-level conflict, and all these nations were desperate to stop it, they could put boots on the ground, rather than bombing the civilian population in Serbia proper for 4 months. While that genocide, even if you believe in it, continued. The talking point contradicts itself.
Good advice!