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© KYODOAo (碧), Rin (凛) most popular baby names in Japan in 2024
TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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You probably only needed 100 babies with that name to win.
NCIS Reruns
Not a single Hiroshi. What's the world coming to?
Japanese first names (as well as those in other countries) that can be both male or female are annoying. But I guess I'm just old fashioned.
I have students with 18 of the 20 names on the list just need a すい for a bingo
Sorry typo
I have students with 19 of the 20 names on the list just need a すい for a bingo
Finally getting the recognition I deserve - in a no. 7 on the boys list.
Bad Haircut
The readings for some of those kanji are baffling. Furigana is a friend to these poor kids.
An indicator of the kinds of people who reproduce!
Our first grandchild (grandson) was named Asahi (no. 6 on the chart), but with vastly different Kanji characters. 旦燈 Everyone reads it as Tanto. LOL.
Asahi...! What a beautiful and brilliant name for a grandchild! Google translates it as 燈燈 (dēng dēng), however...