Japan Today

Japan to keep hospital beds for severely ill; use hotels for mild coronavirus cases


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What non hospital staff will be willing to cater to these guests knowing what they know now about COVID-19.

None since that will be done by medical staff. Which exactly is unknow.

Medical staff will be deployed at the hotels to take quarantine measures, disinfect toilets, provide food and other support, Kyodo reported

What people with mild symptoms are willing to isolate themselves in a mid-price range hotel for an indefinite amount of time for the sake of the nation? Will there jobs waiting?

Hotel, as far as politician avoid listening for a few p..., is for people sharing house (family, friend, other Internet cafe customer, ...) which for most of them should be happy to not infect their family/friend/get free housing/... . Single housed people are to isolate at home.

No employer has legal right to fire an employee during illness leave. If they do not renew contract, fire after they come back, ... point and shame (+contact your union to see the possibility of still going for lawsuit, it is not so easy to get ride of employee, even if that will not save your job you can possibly get enough money to substain yourself until you find a new one, where luckily your boss will not be an utter a... ) . Effectiveness unknow but less worse than trying it after being fired for infecting your coworker and having to deal with civil lawsuit. + Do you think the situation is better for non tested symptomatic people ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

sometimes, the easy choice is not best choice, using hotels for mild symptom patients, what happens when the patients become seriously ill, when every second is critical ,

do you have time to move them to the hospital ? when is not single numbers but 1000s like New York,

hotels are for quarantine purposes, not for semi-hospital , unless they bring needed equipment to the hotels which is unlikely.

This why these critical decisions have to be made by the experts, not politicians or bureaucrats who knows nothing about patient care.

@Filmore, I understand.

I am not sure why people are downvoting about expressing doubts on the use of hotels. How do we know that they have learned from the mistakes made with the "Diamond Princess"?

How are the former workers on the Diamond Princess doing?


You assume that will happen, but I question whether that will actually happen. No, I assume that if they can get it wrong they will. But I still think it's an improvement over the current situation.

If they do need beds then yes acquiring hotels seem logical in theory. Think a step ahead. We will need the beds.


What people with mild symptoms are willing to isolate themselves in a mid-price range hotel for an indefinite amount of time for the sake of the nation? Will there jobs waiting? Can they eat and drink anything or as much as they want? Will they be able to hang out with the other people housed in the hotel? What non hospital staff will be willing to cater to these guests knowing what they know now about COVID-19.

How will they get people to obey the quarantine short of police or martial law?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

On NHK news last night they kept using the word ‘contain’. Japan is well past the containment stage and is doing nothing to delay the virus. They have jumped straight into the mitigate stage, which suspiciously looks like they are going for the herd immunity approach, which essentially means they are willing to gamble with the lives of the population.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Until last year Abenomics, this year Abenomasks...

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

sometimes, the easy choice is not best choice, using hotels for mild symptom patients, what happens when the patients become seriously ill, when every second is critical ,

do you have time to move them to the hospital ? when is not single numbers but 1000s like New York,

hotels are for quarantine purposes, not for semi-hospital , unless they bring needed equipment to the hotels which is unlikely.

This why these critical decisions have to be made by the experts, not politicians or bureaucrats who knows nothing about patient care.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Only who need ventilators had to be hospitalized

the rest can be treated at hotels , Avigan is useful for this group

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Very good plan

2 ( +2 / -0 )

They should use Tokyo Dome for patients with mild symptoms. Quarantine them all together. And when it's nearly full, use another big sports stadium, and so on. The should NOT be sending patients home and asking them to be in the same spaces as their families. That's just asking for trouble.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I'd like to know how and where these cases arise. I mean, sure, some people aren't sure, but if we're all wearing masks, washing hands, etc, then where are these cases coming from?

Masks aren't 100% effective. People don't wash their hands 100% properly. And this virus is particularly contagious.

Without that info, we're all just sitting ducks.

That info is out there. And we are all sort of sitting ducks, that's why they are trying to flatten the curve, rather than contain the virus. They've accepted that containment isn't a possibility, so now we're on to risk management.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


+1 for converting the athlete village in an emergency hospital. The room are supposedly bigger than normal apartment, the place should be more or less empty but they should already have a bunch of the disposable athlete bed and since they were going to renovate everything in between the Olympic and the time the owners got, once more will train them.

Moreover, the owner should be less eager to get their place for the autumn, thus that will solve the problem of keeping it available for the Olympic next year.

1 ( +1 / -0 )



In the UK a number of the Nightingale hospitals are being made across the country.

If I'm not mistaken, that's the Gurkhas doing the work. Brits always feel safer when the Gurkhas are involved in stuff!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

“KHAGHRU KAGH” - coughing guy with covid holding the hand rail on the Yamanote Line tomorrow.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Athletes village? Good idea, but that would depreciate the value. Come on, we all know money is more important than lives right now.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I'd like to know how and where these cases arise. I mean, sure, some people aren't sure, but if we're all wearing masks, washing hands, etc, then where are these cases coming from? Without that info, we're all just sitting ducks.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This plan will produce many deads, since the coronavirus symptom can turn for the worse in matter of hours.

Listen to Chris Cuomo, the CNN anchor and the brother of New York governor, talking about his experience of living with the coronavirus.


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Declare a state of emergency now or else. 

Over 300 newly infected cases today Friday,a new record. Abe says we’re not there yet.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

JimizoToday 08:26 pm JST

Unfortunately there isn't an kind of scientific proof that hot or hot and humid (mushi atsui) weather will slow down the spreading or counter the virus itself. That is why in the virus spreads also in countries arounf the world where it is hot (and humid) at the moment.

Erm, yes. That’s why I wrote ‘obviously not a great plan’.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@JimizoToday 08:26 pm JST

Unfortunately there isn't an kind of scientific proof that hot or hot and humid (mushi atsui) weather will slow down the spreading or counter the virus itself. That is why in the virus spreads also in countries arounf the world where it is hot (and humid) at the moment.

The only proven methods which really slows down the virus is to isolate further spreading by isolating people, keep well enough physical distance (1.5 meters at minimum) wear in public spaces masks and take good hygiene into account as well.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


You assume that will happen, but I question whether that will actually happen.

No, I assume that if they can get it wrong they will. But I still think it's an improvement over the current situation.

If they do need beds then yes acquiring hotels seem logical in theory.

Think a step ahead. We will need the beds.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


You assume that will happen, but I question whether that will actually happen. No, I assume that if they can get it wrong they will. But I still think it's an improvement over the current situation.

If they do need beds then yes acquiring hotels seem logical in theory. Think a step ahead. We will need the beds.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Declare a state of emergency now or else. I just went past a “live house” putting on an event - they had the front door open and a household fan on a chair pointing inwards.... sure that will make all the difference! Didn’t put off the queue of youngster though, fubar.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

When my hotel starts coughing then I will start worrying...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

My Japanese coworker thinks the government were banking on holding on until the warming weather and rising humidity slow this virus down.

Obviously not a great plan, but it does sound plausible given their love of doing sod all.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

A few posters are raising concerns about sterilization and worrying about the hotels being a source for infecting others, but I'm not sure I understand the concern. If a hotel is designated as a quarantine hotel, ALL of the "guests" will already be infected. That's why they're in there. Then is just a matter of any staff that are there to serve food, clean etc needling to be properly trained and equipped. No different to a hospital setting. Once things improve and the hotel is no longer needed for quarantine, it would be deep cleaned and fully sterilized before opening door to regular customers.

You assume that will happen, but I question whether that will actually happen. Where, How and When will the training be conducted? Who will conduct training for these low wage women, minority or elderly room cleaners?

They were suppose to follow a careful quarantine protocols when the COVID-19 infected cruise ship arrived, but a Japanese medical professional exposed the truth about that.

If they do need beds then yes acquiring hotels seem logical in theory. With the incompetence by this administration, I suspect that it will simply concentrate the infection improving the chances of another hotspot.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

What other countries took a few days to decide it has taken Japan 2 months to decide. Japanese Bureaucrats don't like to be told what to do as they think they are smarter than everybody else and will drag their legs when instructed to as they are used to fomulating policy and the ruling party just rubber stamping. Until control is wrested from bureaucrats change will be at snail pace. The democratic party during their short rein tried wresting control from bureaucrats and where sabotaged big time.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

A few posters are raising concerns about sterilization and worrying about the hotels being a source for infecting others, but I'm not sure I understand the concern. If a hotel is designated as a quarantine hotel, ALL of the "guests" will already be infected. That's why they're in there. Then is just a matter of any staff that are there to serve food, clean etc needling to be properly trained and equipped. No different to a hospital setting. Once things improve and the hotel is no longer needed for quarantine, it would be deep cleaned and fully sterilized before opening door to regular customers.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Tokyo has a ton of hospitals and the hotels are most likely empty because of the Olympics

6 ( +8 / -2 )

It's also a relief to the hotel industry suffering mass tourist cancellation.

You're obviously not thinking like a Japanese businessman. I doubt they get any takers, the "image" of housing infected people, oh my. Can't scrub that away, but who knows.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Does the prime-minister knows that the situation is critical ???.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Will the government be footing the bill from the hotels and treatment? Or, will people be left at the mercy their health insurance claims?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


Ok, the Nightingale hospitals sound like a great idea too. I say prepare both. Anyone that tests positive but asymptomatic or very mild symptoms goes into hotels for quarantine. Moderate/Severe patients straight to the Nightingale hospitals. Regular hospitals for all the regular non-covid related illnesses.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

They did such a good job on the cruise ship. How could using hotels possibly go wrong?

-7 ( +3 / -10 )


In London a large conference centers was converted by the army into a 4,000 bed hospital in 10 days. Better idea than hotels.

I think the idea is to use the hotels for a asymptomatic or very mild symptom cases. For those patients its all about keeping them away from the public for 14 days (i.e. quarantine). They don't need treatment of any sort. If people think they're going to be forced to sleep on a cot in a large room with 4000 other people we're going to have a situation where people don't want to get tested!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Local municipalities will pay for the hotels rooms, with costs to be funded by a fiscal 2020 supplementary budget,

It's also a relief to the hotel industry suffering mass tourist cancellation.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Why are hotel rooms any more difficult to clean than a hotel? The carpets can be washed and fumigated. While at first thought the idea is a bit repulsive, I'll bet that the rooms will be left cleaner after being used as a hospital than after a regular guest leaves. How often are normal hotel rooms spray cleaned and how often are carpets cleaned?

11 ( +11 / -0 )

but experts are worried about the rise in the percentage of cases that can't be traced.

Well this is partly what testing is for. It helps you trace the route of infection. I guess testing might be useful after all...

7 ( +7 / -0 )

This is a great move that should have been done sooner. Their policy of hospitalizing all confirmed cases I'm sure has been a major driver of the lack of testing. Quarantining instead of hospitalizing removes a major barrier to testing.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Tokyo Big Sight or Makuhari Messe would be better than hotels. Easier to disinfect afterwards

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The asymptomatic spread of the disease is why large scale testing is needed and why the UK Government is being criticised. Indicative of how widespread it can be, saw on BBC last night the medical reporter had been given a test device designed to see if you have developed immunity, ie have had the virus, so he could demonstrate its use publicly. To his and his colleagues shock he tested positive, he had had the disease without knowing. Which also meant he probably spread it.

No Business, the rooms will be thoroughly disinfected before guests arrive and anyway the virus doesn’t have a long enough survival time on surfaces to still be infectious by the time the Olympics roll around.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Imagine staying in a hotel which you know has been used to house those with the virus? No thanks!

A bit childish and ignorant. Anyone who knows anything about this virus knows it can’t survive for too long in the air or on surfaces ( I read 3 days ). I’d be happy to stay in one.

Perhaps you are worried about the hotel being haunted by it?

13 ( +18 / -5 )

Good idea, other countries have been doing this. Time to start building field hospitals and ordering in ventilators.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Imagine staying in a hotel which you know has been used to house those with the virus? No thanks!

-10 ( +8 / -18 )

Until now Japan has been hospitalizing all coronavirus patients, regardless of whether they are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.

This is technically true, but very misleading.

Japan has been hospitalising all those who test positive for Coronavirus - but does not test everyone who shows mild symptoms.

Many reports have stated people going to hospitals with mild symptoms and being sent home, or misdiagnosed as influenza, hay fever, and bronchitis. Only after 14 days of symptoms, or a second or third trip to hospital will they be given a test.

It’s also impossible to say all asymptomatic people have been hospitalised, as by the very definition of he word there are many people out there who don’t know they have the virus.

A very misleading statement that should at least state the seriously low levels of testing that have been done so far, and the huge numbers of asymptomatic people as well as those with mild symptoms who have absolutely not been hospitalised.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

So abe is weakening on using the olympic village now after about 2 months, he is an utter useless selfish Pr!ck, he should have been using it from the day the diamond princess docked with sick people. Combined with stopping entry from anyone coming from China or other infected areas might just about have stopped the spread of this virus.

There's lot of vacant space for makeshift hospital rooms in Olympic village.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't people already signed a contract to buy those rooms?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

There's lot of vacant space for makeshift hospital rooms in Olympic village.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

Not sure if hotels are well suited - difficult to sterilize, keep clean, ....

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

If by declaring a National Emergency that will allow the government/municipalities to "force" people to stay inside and not congregate, then by all means do it right now. But if Japan's loose laws are such they even under a National Emergency they could only "suggest" or "advise" people to not congregate then don't bother.

Using the tons of now empty hotels is a good idea. If not there's always stadiums and parks like other countries are doing.

Bjorn TomentionToday  04:48 pm JST

Too Late Now abe your precious economy is going down the gurgler because of your selfishness !

Every county's economy is going down the toilet. And if any one government is to blame for holding it back from the world, it's China and no one else.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

So abe is weakening on using the olympic village now after about 2 months, he is an utter useless selfish Pr!ck, he should have been using it from the day the diamond princess docked with sick people. Combined with stopping entry from anyone coming from China or other infected areas might just about have stopped the spread of this virus.

Too Late Now abe your precious economy is going down the gurgler because of your selfishness !

-7 ( +10 / -17 )

Rainyday - Ain't no medicine for stupid.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I agree with this plan. Testing might finally become a priority now. I expect the numbers will rapidly increase.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Sounds like a good plan.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Kyodo reported on Friday that several people who attended a live music event in central Tokyo's Shibuya district, on March 20, including a performer, had tested positive.

This is why we need an emergency declaration. Its beyond idiotic that live music events are still being staged in the centre of Tokyo (or at least were as recently as March 20). This stupidity needs to be completely stamped out now and that is not going to happen until we see decisive action at the top.

20 ( +20 / -0 )

While I am in total agreement with Son and Mikitani, seeing as both have businesses that benefit from people staying home, shopping online, and relying on IT/telecom to communicate, rather than gathering, perhaps they won't be taken as seriously as if the heads of Toyota, Panasonic, etc., or the Keidanren, came out with the same.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Sensible plan.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

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