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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2013.Asian airlines to give flight plans to China after air zone created
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Kenji Villareal
****I am so much upset by the attitudes of China to its neighbors. I think they are acting like this just to demonstrate their growing power to claim that they are the most powerful country in the world.
Mirai Hayashi
I think they are doing this more over fear of being shot down for flying over the disputed airspace. Korean Air are probably especially careful because of their airliner being shot down over Soviet airspace in the 80's
The commercial airlines have no choice. They are unarmed sitting ducks. Not only is the memory of flight KAL007 as well as KAL902 shot down by the Soviets still not distant memory but China has a precedent as well:
"The Cathay Pacific Douglas DC-4 shootdown happened on 23 July 1954, when a Cathay Pacific Airways C-54 Skymaster[4] airliner was shot down by fighter planes of the People's Republic of China. The event occurred off the coast of Hainan Island, where the plane was en route from Bangkok to Hong Kong, killing 10 of 19 passengers and crew on board.
Wow, simple as that. China says this is now their airspace and everyone complies. Sure, the commercial airlines have no choice and have to safeguard their passengers, but apart from Japan and the USA the response is muted. Having commercial airlines log flight plans with China as a matter of course basically cedes control and authority to them.
Are they pulling a similar move over the Spratleys
Asian Airlines is just protecting its customers. Frankly no-one would want to fly on an airline that didn't take all possible precautions.
That being said, China is being an ass.
hatsoff, so is that mean Japanese civilian aircrafts with hundreds of passengers on board at a time, won't alert the Chinese? If so, remind me never to take Japanese airlines. I prefer not to take any chances with my life.
To avoid potential loss of life and accidental shooting down the passenger jet. I think it is good that the airlines are at least letting China and know that they may fly through their newly claimed space.
However, let the record stand here on this forum, that I do not support China's claim. I just think it's a good idea that the airlines let them know so that nobody gets hurt or hopefully nobody gets hurt.
chucky3176 Nov. 26, 2013 - 09:52AM JST If so, remind me never to take Japanese airlines. I prefer not to take any chances with my life.
Maybe you rather take Korean Airlines that take shortcut through Siberia and watch out for the Russian MIG's.
Considering that South Korea has had two airplanes shot down by fighter planes and Japan has zero, I would feel considerably safer flying in a Japanese one.
That civilian airliners take every precaution is reasonable and something I would expect. However, also hope that the Japanese military exercises its right to fly over its airspace without "informing" aggressive thugs from other countries who make illegal demands.
Mirai Hayashi
I don't think any of these airline companies are acknowledging that China owns this airspace. If anything, I think they are acknowledging that the Chinese government are a bit crazy and are capable of taking violent action if "their" space is violated. Its just precautionary measures. No airline company wants to be a victim of this dispute.
Other nations wants japan n china settle it peacefully thats y not many official remarks are said to avoid complicating the situation. If china makes the same move with the south china sea, I think all hell will break lose, the asean countries who is already siding with japan will stand up as the fight is brought up to them as well. China ambitions has gone too far, they should accept what they have, big land less sea, thats the fact. I know they wish they are like australia having both land and sea area, but stop being greedy.
If china dreams to one day control the whole east asia, that day will be prove to be a nightmare, dead pigs will fill in the rivers, poison smoke fill the air, poison in the food and death to freedom.
Seems like china is also acting like north korea, making a fuss of something to take attention away from domestic troubles.
I wonder what China will ask to the UA, Delta, AA? Many flights are heading to the South East Asia and Philippines. Did they know many of these pilots are ex US military pilots?
Its good for commercial airlines to stay out of politics and keep to international rules and regulations, this is for the safety of passengers.
Its also good to see China standing up for itself as its been looted, raped, invaded and intruded for the past few hundred years. We have not been too much of a friendly neighbour. Did anyone hear the news about Philipine coast guard shot and killed fisherman in Taiwanese waters? These neighbours arent too friendly.....
@ hayashi: Hello World: when did the world see China taken 'violent' actions against its neighbor? China for the last 150yrs has always been the victim of brutal invasion and colonization. Japan aggression on China from 1931 ending1945 killed 37 millions Chinese people, these were human beings, like you and me - the World must not forget where this issue came from at first. In 1892 Japan invaded China sovereignty Liu-Qiu isles by force (now Okinawa) from then Qing dynasty government. Less than 2 yrs later in 1894 Japan invaded Taiwan again by force and kept 60 yrs. This all ended in 1945 after the 2 Atomic bombs. In the 1945 the two agreements(san francisco and potstam) demanded Japan return the Korean peninsular, Taiwan, and the Liu-Qiu isles which includes the Diao-yu (senkaku) isles. Of course, all above mentioned regions were returned by Japan except the US kept the Liu-qiu isles and Diao-yu and in 1970's given to Japan under administrative control. USA is the source of this territorial issues. So if the World and people has good honesty, just and soil, there should be return all these areas back to China. Thanks USA for such world leader acts, so hypocritical and mafia like.
CGB Spender
China usurps air space unilaterally, then makes airlines to require stating their flight plans through the zone. Hmm, terrorists and kidnappers use the same tactics. What other choice does Asian Airlines have ... Flight around the zone or risk being shot down by China?!
It's not a gesture of support for China. The airlines have no other choice, a shootdown (even if it ends up being all on China) is still going to bring any one of these airlines to the point of financial ruin.
Mariam Tebourbi
if it were me I would just avoid flying over this stupid ADIZ. I would take shortcuts or roundabout routes.
China supported the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. I think that is rather violent.
This move makes sense. The airline is just trying to protect their passengers and take routes that are free from danger. This in no way is a sign of support for China's reckless move.
Japan have it own ADIZ, if you don't know , pls google it. you will find how close Japanese ADIZ to China. that would probobaly make you all a little bit happy?
Mirai Hayashi
Please read my comments carefully before you comment. I said "CAPABLE" of violent action.
Mirai - agreed. I'm not talking about the airlines protesting. I agree they have to put passengers first, and rightly so. I'm talking national leadership level.
Watch, Japan will do the same thing, and airlines would then have to supply flight plans to both countries.
lostrune2Nov. 26, 2013 - 07:17PM JST
Senkakus have been under Japanese ADIZ since 1972.