A bag of rice left inside the front door of a house in Oshu, Iwate Prefecture, was apparently stolen by a bear, police said Saturday.
Police said claw marks on the front door indicate that a bear gained entry by opening the door while the resident was asleep between 9 p.m. Friday and 6 a.m. Saturday, broadcaster NTV reported. The resident noticed the damage to the door when he woke up in the morning and called the police.
The bag was taken out into the garden and the rice removed.
Police have urged citizens in the area to be vigilant against bears.
© Japan Today
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I wonder what kind of rice cookers bears have.
Desert Tortoise
When the rice expands in the moisture in its gut that bear is going to have one heck of a belly ache.
Taking rice without asking permission, that's really bad bear. Ask permission next time ok.
Saki Endo
He’ll just have to grin and bear it…
If a bear can't find a picnic basket to pinch I guess a bag of rice is the next best thing?
Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables on trees and on the ground all over Iwate so why a bag of rice??? this bear will be back with his Dudes, LOL
Asian black bears do a lot of damage to crops in Japan, including ripening rice fields so it is not a surprise that a bear would go after a bag of grain.
I usually lock my doors at night to foil bears and tv license scroungers…
thanks for the tip.
I'm pretty sure if anyone ever saw a wild bear roaming around, they wouldn't be trying to take selfies with it..........
or would they?
Bearly anything to get bothered over….
Wow a Japanese bear for sure!
Adam James
He should’ve just taken the bear minimum
Does a bear eat rice in the woods?
We once had a bear and her cubs come into our campground and steal a cured ham. Destroyed our steel cooler getting to it.
robert maes
The poor thing is hungry. If it was my rice I would be happy for the bear