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© 2015 AFPBlooming row over cherry blossoms splits China, S Korea, Japan
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As usual, China and South Korea exhibiting their insecurities.
They are trees. There's no human merits about them. This is so stupid. Who cares where they are born, it's nice that humans developed love towards them. I like hanami tradition. They became one of Japan symbols because there, people developed a particular devotion towards them.
I go with the prevailing winds in correspondance to the land mass West of us and would have to state either Europe or China as the origins.
Remember this was said by the head of the China Cherry Industry Association.
I would have found the comment somewhat disconcerting and quite counterproductive it had been from the Chinese or Korean government, but fortunately it wasn't. This man's role is precisely to be partial toward China's cherry tree industry and promote their cherry tree varieties.
Is it me, or is it a slow day in news today?
Austin Huang
Waiting for another idiot to claim that it came from D.C.....
beautifully said, good day !
Any flipping chance China or Korea has to state their supposed superiority or historical birthright over Japan. I just gets petty and really makes Japan look like the adult.
There's more than enough sakura to go around, can't people just stop the whining and just enjoy them as they are, for Gods' sakes....
So sorry China and Korea. Japan embraced the Sakura, it is now globally recognized, ya missed the boat!
And sweetie in the front, please put the cell phone in a pocket, nothing needs so close attention on your phone during exersize. We have become overly reliant on these devicees to a point of becoming socially bankrupt.
Geez, is there anything the chinese are not claiming?
I guess he should address his comments to the record number of Chinese who have come to Japan this month to enjoy Cherry Blossom season. There were so many Chinese wanting to come to Japan that the Japanese embassy in Beijing ran out of visa applications.
Himalayan mountains not part of China until Ming Dynasty. If true, then cherry trees are Tibetan.
Ali Khan
oh no, you mean a politicize cherry blossoms? do not nationalize trees please, let it be universal
Cortes Elijah
Another stupid performance by communist China. It doesn't matter where SAKURA comes from, what matters is the culture and love around it which is celebrated by Japan. You ask anyone what country do they think of when you mention Sakura and they will claim Japan. China is really lowering it's appeal to me. All I hear these days from China is immature crying, I cannot remember the last time I heard a good thing from China.
If. Cherry tree is from himalayan region its from NEPAL.. So cherry tree neither belongs to japan, china nor korean. Put it in mind....
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
Sensato makes a good point. This guy's job is to promote Chinese cherry blossoms so of course he'd say something like this. He's pumping up the home brand. And of course, another good point several have made is it's here in Japan where the cherry blossom viewing picnic and culture is a truly big deal. Maybe they do the same thing in China. I don't know. But again, it is a big cultural thing here in Japan and that's all that really matters. The Japanese invented the Japanese way of celebrating the transient beauty of cherry blossoms and they've done a better job of spreading that image around the world than the Chinese have. Good luck to this guy trying to change that, but I'll keep doing hanami the way I've already learned and that's good enough for me.
I'd love it if Japan had just replied "so what?"
Well to set some facts straight the Cherry tree actually came from the Himalayan mountains but they were the 8 pedal Yamazakura type we still see in some parts of Japan. The 5 pedal Somei Yoshino was a mutation that occured in Japan which we see today. All the 5 pedal Somei Yoshino type including the ones in Washington DC originated from a single tree.
Cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms.
No matter where you are, they look pretty in full bloom.
Way to dampen the beauty of a beautiful tree with ugly politics.
Ariwara no Narihira compiled Tanka books, Kokinwakashu in the year 905, in which he sings about sakura,
Yononaka ni taete sakura no nakariseba haru no kokoro wa nodoke karamashi
Ah, who cares .. let's just enjoy the beauty of them!
Ron Barnes
What a waste. All parties should celebrate the fact that the celebrations are a wonderful one every where its celebrated. The blossoms are beautiful, don't spoil it by squabbling over its origins.
this is very Childish! it's like Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia debate about where do coconut trees originated! I bet majority of Japanese, Chinese and Koreans don't care where Cherry Blossoms originated... only the Nationalist Right wingers make a big deal over this... I say bring these Nationalists of these countries in a room with knives and lock them there for one whole day, while the rest of Japanese, Chinese, Korean people are enjoying hanami, who ever comes out alive in that room can officialy claim where the cherry blossoms came from.
Is there nothing that these 3 countries won't have childish spats about? Can't wait for the nexr spat about sushi or noodles or somesuch.
Who cares?!!! Does it matter??
Put these three in a pen!
lol... Koreans don't care where this cherry tree came from. lol... In fact, some Koreans even wanted to chop down cherry trees in South Korea and replace them with the Rose of Sharon flowers because the cherry trees reminded them of Japan's colonial period.
I think it's either sensitive Japanese nationalistic newspapers that are over reacting, or it's the western media like the AFP which are fanning the flames in Asia to gain readership.
Is there nothing these three 'children' won't argue about? What's next? Who invented the wheel? Gees!
It seems like China is always playing these games, "we invented X". Yeah, well Chinese fireworks suck, Peking opera has nowhere near the depth of Kabuki, and I'm guessing cherry blossom viewing in China never really caught on.
pin pointing the birthplace of cherry trees is kike claiming which natuon was the first to have grass. Cherry tress flourished in europe more so than the orient, however the japanese did embrace the trees, plant them vigorously and beautifully along most of their river banks, and they promoted the plant like no one else. therefore it is a japanese tradition and more akin to their culture as an integral part of who they are. It is definity a steong historical part of Japan.
Has the Prime Minister weighed in on this?
Agree with others. Who care's where the trees are from. It's how the traditions around them are celebrated that really matters.
Bartholomew Harte
Boulderdash!!!- Everyone knows Cherry trees are as American as Apple Pie! Was it not George Washington ,Father of the U.S. who chopped one down? ? Really folks,, get over the who what when where or why ,pull out the blankets & the wine and Enjoy !
Its so pathetic that these 3 nations which have so much to gain by working closely spend all their time squabbling like kindergarten kids over their favourite toy and whose Dad is cooler...
Big Meh..
Some random Chinese industry group represents all Chinese now? All one billion?
Who decided to write this article and why?
It smells to me like an attempt to whip up anti-Chinese sentiment. And its working. Most of you seem to be fiddles just dying to get played.
Yes, yes. The next Chinese person you meet, be sure to inform them how insecure they are, cause they all are. Tell them the truth about cherry blossoms and tell them they need to get over it. Tell them to grow up, as you surely have!
Dennis Bauer
@Austin Huang i am waiting for it is Obama's fault post ;)
If current world cherry yield map is an indicator, probable origination is west of the Black Sea. Or somewhere around Turkey.
Anyway, none of the above.
How sad that it's come to the point where they need to quibble over things as small (albeit, very beautiful) as flowers. Sadder still some posters, directly or indirectly, need to try and verify claims as well. Who cares if sakura originated in China, Japan, or Korea? They are appreciated in all three, even by those with pollen allergies. They are a sign of spring, new life, and beauty, and shouldn't be fought over. It's nearly as stupid as using the flowers to try and recruit soldiers by teaching them the 'fleeting nature of life', but still.
Pathetic the lengths ANY of these three nations or nationalists will use to try and assert some air of superiority.
"Way to dampen the beauty of a beautiful tree with ugly politics. "
Only if you allow it to. I never knew the Chinese Cherry Industry has such sway over the emotions of supposed adults. To me this "claim" means absolutely nothing and it really should not matter to anyone. Slow news day.
I"m thinking the same thing here. I've never even heard about this issue in Korea, so why does this "issue" even comes popping out of nowhere? It's as if somebody really wants to stoke the fire. I don't know which Korean said it was a Korean origin, but he or she doesn't represent all 50 million people, so please Japanese media, stop claiming that all of Korea is crying over this when most people in Korea don't care. Now if you want to discuss Dokdo/Takeshima and who it belongs to, that's a different story. But a cherry tree? Oh please..
Who decided to write this article and why?
It smells to me like an attempt to whip up anti-Chinese sentiment. And its working. Most of you seem to be fiddles just dying to get played.
Yes, yes. The next Chinese person you meet, be sure to inform them how insecure they are, cause they all are. Tell them the truth about cherry blossoms and tell them they need to get over it. Tell them to grow up, as you surely have!
'“As Chinese people, we have a responsibility to let more people know this history,” he added.'
Yes, it would be grossly irresponsible to let people continue their lives in ignorance about the origin of a tree. Let's get something straight here, the only people who give a toss are those as childish and petty as you are.
Elizabeth Heath
FFS! A super trivial first world issue. They are trees, no one can claim ownership to them.
Apparently some people did.
Seriously though, some real news would be nice. Or at least something positive.
Um, no. Sorry but nobody is getting excited about it except the odd few with a chip on their shoulders. Apparently you belong.
Well, they're gaudy, of no practical use and they start to fall apart after a week or so. Maybe there's something in this....
Fox Sora Winters
The fact that something so trivial is newsworthy, let alone that it is capable of causing a row, just makes me want to head-desk so hard I split the planet in two. Who cares? Countless millions are suffering because of famine, poverty, disease, natural disasters, tyrannical dictators and more, and yet China, South Korea and Japan have nothing better to do than to argue over some flipping cherry blossoms. Nice to see they've got their sodding priorities right.
Now children, please stop squabbling so you can all share and enjoy your toys.
So true. You know it's "Spring" when Koreans get all bent out of shape when the Cherry blossoms in DC.
Fox Sora Winters, it seems to me Japan cares a lot about this issue, so many publications have printed about this story, stoking their nationalist readers.
Slow news day? It's as if South Korea is about to invade Japan, according to Japanese media. But it's actually all about how Korea is stealing the Japanese tree. That's pretty sad.
harvey pekar
Christ, can't these people just let it go for one day?
Obama should stand up to the Chines bully and support Japanese allies on this one. any day now we will read that the State Legislature in say (South Carolina) has decided to rename all the 5 petal cherry trees in the US "Korean" cherry trees. and the the Tea Party will claim that it is the failure to allow cherry trees to grow wild in the US that has destroyed US agriculture. In the meantime i will just lie on my groundsheet and blanket with my mini BBQ and a few bottles of wine and enjoy them.
CGB Spender
Hahaha, it was only a matter of time until China starts to claim to be the origin of Sakura. What is next? Samurai? Sushi? Kimono? They are so full of themselves, they don't notice where the limit are. And of course South Korea chimes in due to their huge inferiority complex towards Japan.
This is really beyond ridiculous. OK, everything was invented in China... lets just admit it and get over with.
It's not newsworthy anywhere else, only among the Cherry Tree enthusiasts of China and the avid readership of JT. The truth is probably that the cherry tree originated somewhere in outer space and its DNA arrived here when a meteor struck millions of years before there was a Japan or a China. The first trees were cultivated by a little known dinosaur called a hanamisaurus that died out after drinking too much alcohol, working too hard and failing to procreate. Do the Chinese really have to open their mouths on this? Sakura is a symbol of Japan, not of China. No one should give a toss where the trees originated.
I couldn't agree more, let's just add a few other historical topics to this list;
The Tiannmen Square protests and massacre
The Cultural Revolution
The Dali Lama
The Falun GongAyameM
I just rolled my eyes so hard that I could see my brain.... Seriously, China? You also invented the sweat shops but you're not publicly claiming invention of those.
I'm more concerned with where you can enjoy them without choking on pollution and dust, which rules out China straightaway.
This is so pathetic haha!!!
And as a Canuck I know there are lots of cherry trees growing there, I DEMAND to know how Canada fits into this, I DEMAND an answer!!!! Too funny!
Another example of China's fantasy world that they live in, rather amazing really... Japan loves the Cherry Trees and Hanami is a special time of national love and interest. That is their right. If the Chinese want to love their cherry trees in equal fashion no one is going to object, but please China, please just stop being so silly. It is embarassing.
Steve Yochim
wow... sucks to be China and SK.... there's only the QUICK and the DEAD in the PR campaign. They got beat to the punch.
Brian Wheway
Does it really matter where the cherry tree originate?
And who really care? Enjoy them while you can them do not last long. However the Chinese love coming to Japan for the cherry blossom viewing.
Well said! A point re-enforced by the fact that applie pie is from England and taken to the US by settlers. The most American of dishes is form England. The most Japanese of trees is from China.
Most Japanese don't care about the birthplace of cherry trees. Wherever it came from, we will never stop enjoying the time-honored cherry blossom viewing parties and giving the trees to other countries as a gesture of goodwill.
This is funny because all over Asia, cherry blossom viewing has always been associated with Japan. Nothing that China or South Korea says will change this. The only fear for China is there might be a news report of the Chinese parents allowing their children to shit or urinate whilst the family views cherry blossom and this makes it to news around the world. Such a piece of news will then stick in people's mind for sure! Already when I drop my cellphone on a plane aisle, I immediately sanitize it with alcohol paper, knowing PRC Chinese parents allow their children to shit on the aisle.
Blooming row over cherry blossoms splits China, S Korea, Japan
Oh boy, here we go again.
Japan's two adolescent neighbors always try and pick a fight over the darnedest things. What's next, the origins of Natto or Sushi?
The tree originated From an East Africa country(kenya)..I think many dindnt know that,follow the history.****
Ian Robertson
As many have said - how totally infantile. I'm sure the many locals and visitors to each of these three countries couldn't care less where the beautiful trees originated, they are happy to enjoy the gorgeous blooms every year. They are so uplifting, especially on a day of clear blue skies, like today in Tokyo.
Who cares where it's from? It's the country that embraced it first is what makes it significant for that particular country which would be Japan. This is China & South Korea's passive aggressiveness at it's worst.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
I never have seen a sakura trees in China.
CGB Spender
Commenters who write that it's irrelevant from where cherry blossoms originate... you are right but it's not about their origin here. This is just yet another mud throw from China trying to claim a cultural good that originated in Japan. This is of course their nation's way of catering to their nationalist populace.
Exactly. But the problem is: They lack the mentality that is needed for this.
'Commenters who write that it's irrelevant from where cherry blossoms originate... you are right but it's not about their origin here. This is just yet another mud throw from China trying to claim a cultural good that originated in Japan. This is of course their nation's way of catering to their nationalist populace.'
So, it doesn't matter where these trees originated as long as people recognise it's a 'cultural good that originated in Japan' and certainly not in China. Quite the argument.
Hate to bother you with this pathetic information but Koreans already have. Here is a list of items that Koreans claim it originated for the Peninsula.
You got from cherry blossoms, natto ,sushi, all the way to claim that the word Nihon originated from Korea.
Hye Ryung Herion Oh
No koreans deny that cherry blossoms symbolize japan. But cherry blossoms in three countries are different. That is natural because three countries have different natural environment.
SamuraiBlue, are you serious? Really? Quoting Japanese wiki which are edited by nationalist Japanese who spend all their time making up facts and figures and convinced that whatever they write, is the truth? Come on now. That's pretty immature.. lol.
Black Sabbath
The custom of having a cherry chip on one's shoulder certainly originated in Korea....
Wow, Chinese people surely love their history...maybe I need some Chinese people to teach me about the history of Tiananmen Square
There is nature and then there is nurture -but does one really need both to make a claim?
fig japan
He cited a Japanese monograph on cherry blossoms which stated that the flower originated in the Himalayan mountains of China and did not arrive in Japan until the Tang dynasty more than 1,100 years ago.
interesting. i would point out though that the usuzumi sakura in gifu is over 1,500 years old and the jindaizakura in yamanashi is 1,800 - 2000 years old.
All the hundreds of thousands of Somei Yoshino cherry trees were mode from ONE cherry tree in Somei, Toshima, Tokyo by cloning over the centuries. So, each of the Somei Yoshino cherry tree has identical DNA. In this sense, Japan "made" Somei Yoshino cherry tree. I do not know where cherry in general originated.
Jason Campbell
Japan had them first. Enjoy them. End of discussion.
Koreans can't stand that every spring cherry trees bloom everywhere and it's almost an indirect PR of Japan which truly embraced it's beauty & symbolism. The full bloom of cherry trees in Washington DC would be prime example. Visitors enjoy & love the cherry trees in the capitol which was a gift from Japan. The only country that would be irked by this kind of event would be Korea and thus in comes their big brother China to set things straight. Cherry trees never held any significance for them and most likely never will. Funny how the trees do more talking for Japan then the other two that say "We had them first!".
if you get annoyed because somebody claims the rights to a TREE over you then you seriously need to get a life
im sure cherry blossoms were around long before man could walk upright.
Good grief all the China and Korea hate and pro-Japan chest thumping. What's the use of complaining about China or Korea if you're going to do the exact behavior you are supposedly deriding?
Shuhei Stowe
I agree with somepart of opinion. Sakura have many species over 600 and some of them are resemble each other. Because they can make mutation easily by taching between other species. Somei-yoshino is born in Japan because this has a character of a Oshima-zakura, the endemic species of Japan. Moreover, the endemic species of Korea,"Taquet's sakura" have no influence with "Somei-yoshino". It seems that Korean emvy the famous of Japanese culture and they can't distinguish those of differences. This maybe why most Korean are athirst for the origin of "Sakura" of Japan and trying to plant Somei-yoshino near their Taquet's Sakura.
I actually looked this up. Seems like there's several Japanese botany publications from a 1939 Japanese botany publication as well as 1989 agricultural report from Tsukuba University on plants that describes yoshino being brought from Jejudo Island. With recent DNA tests show Jejudo king's cherry DNA markers showing up on yoshino which isn't surprising since yoshino is a hybrid. It may also be true that these flowers can be traced to Tibet just like all humanity can be traced back to Africa. Enjoy the friggin flowers and leave the nationalism out.
An intelligent person that has confidence and is not egotistical is quite often the most quiet person in a debate or conversation. Take the high road Japan and enjoy the Cherry Blossoms.
This is why I caught that Chinese guy taking a crap under a cherry tree at the University of Washington! It felt like home.
Kobe White Bar Owner
This is just Blooming silly, its nature!
The glorious, righteous nation of China demands that Japan follow the correct path, be mindful of their historical responsibilities and accept that Cherry blossoms first bloomed in the middle kingdom. If not, look at what happened to Tibet as an example of what China can do.
"the tree’s true home" is irrelevant to its beauty.
"Who cares where it's from? It's the country that embraced it first is what makes it significant for that particular country which would be Japan. This is China & South Korea's passive aggressiveness at it's worst."
He did say that it flourished in Japan and thereby giving Japan credit, didn't he?