Police said Sunday that a 13-year-old boy who remained unconscious in hospital had sand in his throat and stomach. The boy, a second year student at Shiroyama Junior High in Utsunomiya, was playing games with five friends in the sand at a nearby Elementary School.
The game involved four of them sitting in holes they dug about 70 cm deep, and the other two covered them up to their necks in sand. The objective was to get out of the hole as quickly as possible, and then take turns to cover up the next people. The boy was the last out of the hole and was apparently covered in sand by the others.
Emergency personnel from the fire department responded to the emergency call and on arrival began removing the sand from the boy’s throat. Police said it was highly likely the ingested sand caused breathing difficulties.
© Japan Today
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they were burying him alive. I'm sure! if they were stopping at their necks, how would he get sand in his mouth. not possible. seems these kids got out of hand and tried to bury their friend alive. in the states we call this "attempted murder" but in japan they call it play.
Boys will be boys. This sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Dont expect the kid in the coma to recover either. By the time the rescue folks got on the scene, some time had elapsed since he stopped breathing.
It sounds like this is on a par with the 'shove a whole bread roll into your mouth and choke on it' incident a few weeks ago. Young males who really should know better trying to go one up on their mates and things eventually getting out of hand. What are junior high school kids doing playing in a sand pit, anyway? Shouldn't they be playing video games or standing on street corners looking surly?
I hope the lad survives and suffers no permanent damage. And that his mates have learned a sobering lesson.
I was wondering when this story would come out in Japan Today. I was watching the news Saturday night. I think there is more to this story. Why would you play this game at this time of the year. What kind of game is this anyway ? Maybe the other kids did something bad to this child ? Maybe they held this child in the sand for a long time ?
"What kind of game is this anyway ?".
It was the stupid kind of games kids play all over the world. On top of that input the "batsu" (punishment) games which are commonly played in Japan and it's easy to see this kind of outcome.
Dennis Bauer
it sounds like bullying to me and they just say it was playing too escape any punishment.
I agree. No one is so stupid as to play a dumb game like they said. Its so pathetic. Just a weak attempt and bullying or maybe you can call it attempted murder.
"What kind of game is this anyway ?".
It was the stupid kind of games kids play all over the world. On top of that input the "batsu" (punishment) games which are commonly played in Japan and it's easy to see this kind of outcome. To: Betting ---Yes, I say this again !!! "What kind of game is this anyway." I never smoothered my friends using sand when I was 13 years old. Hahaha !!! What kind of games did you play when your were a child ? Sorry when I was thirteen years old. I was talking to girls getting their phone number.
Aren't they alittle bit to old to play in the sand box ?
Elbuda Mexicano
Boys will be boys, in this case, stupid boys will be extremely stupid.
When I first heard this on the news, I immediately thought bullying, but I'm sure the police have a good reason to believe it isn't. Perhaps the other boys were covered in sand too, and crying for their buddy, I don't know. If they played this game before, don't ya think the parents would wonder why their kids are coming home with sand all over their clothes? Bullying or just a stupid game, hope he recovers.
Very sad. Boys can be pretty dumb.
Sand does have some fiber and nutritional value.
Foz: You're about as funny as a dose. As for the accident. Poor boy, get well!
This sounds like a typical stupid teenage boy thing to do. According to the news initially 4 boys were sitting in the sand pit and then as they got out it was eventually 5 boys kicking sand vs one in the pit. They would have thought it was a laugh to bury him, not realising that the boy was in trouble. I don't think it's typical bullying, more a case of a kid who was lower in the heirarchy of a group of friends- most teenage friendships aren't equal, there are always the leaders and followers.
It wasnt a sand pit. It was firm sand under horizontal bars in the elementary school playground. They dug a big hole - wide enough for a few kids to sit in and the 'mates' covered them in sand... I hope the boy recovers.
I have only one question where in god's name are the parents
That is one of the many idiotic games here in Japan. There’s the other one that you dig a hole and tell your friends to go inside then burry them with sands that is so brown that it’s actually a dirt.
in the same book as the "pull the chair away when someone sits". Just as dangerous and many kids are paralysed by this stunt every year.
isn't it common sense to not let someone bury you like that?
Boys will try anything if they can get away with it. The boy was lucky he didn't die.
There is a lot of speculation on this thread. So many people seem sure of what really happened. I am satisfied not to know until more information is gathered or maybe I will never know. On the other hand I have seen people speculate on JT and turn out to be correct.
When I was about this boys age I had a friend and one of us would climb a tree as high as we could and the other would cut it down. I am not kidding. They were about 30 foot trees and we could only get about 3/4 of the way up the tree at best. It is very important to note that there were a lot of other trees around so it cushioned the fall. It was still crazy boy stuff. But we were not trying to murder each other. It was exhilarating. We only did it the one occasion but in many trees. I have to say it again it was incredible, exciting, a rush and even thrilling. I think we cut a wedge in the tree and then cut it from the other side. I can't really recall very well because I am old now and have forgotten much of the fun of my youth. I do recall that it seemed like we had a lot of control in the direction the tree fell. It was dangerous but at least we got a thrill. Being buried doesn't seem so much of a rush as a challenge. I also remember many of my friends tying each other up and seeing how long it took to escape so that is similar.