Japan Today

Boycott of violent Japanese video game urged in U.S.


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The gamemaker's are probably all rapists.

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The game makers are probably all single grown men with serious relationship issues. Honestly, I don't think they'd have the cajones to rape anyone, much less ask someone out on a proper date - hence the creation of this horrendous game. It's "empowerment" for the pathetic asses.

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Not playing, unless it's re-titled Fate/Tender assault

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The company’s website says its products are not available for sale outside of Japan.

Well, that says a lot about Japan!

Perhaps some company should do a follow-up game whereby the player is a woman with a big hunting knife chasing rapists. Maybe the video could be called Spittin' On Ya Grave.

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Perhaps some company should do a follow-up game whereby the player is a woman with a big hunting knife chasing rapists. Maybe the video could be called Spittin' On Ya Grave.

No, that would be "School Days"

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Boycott of violent Japanese video game urged in U.S.

It would be nice if it would be urged in Japan.

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It would be nice if it would be urged in Japan.

What's sold in Akiba, stays with basement dwellers.

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The company’s website says its products are not available for sale outside of Japan.

Well, that says a lot about Japan!

That it is a country home to a company that does not officially export the game?

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As an avid videogamer, I say the people who made this should be tied up by their controllers and left in a shifty part of town someplace for society's worst to judge.

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These boycotts are going to result in more people playing this game than if they had ignored it. There were like 2 copies at Amazon. Now the thing is going to be on the torrent sites and will be a cult hit with thousands of man-boys with low self-esteem getting their jollies fantasizing about raping women who in real life could probably kick their asses.

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This is just beyond tasteless. Japan has reached a new low for allowing this kind of game to be sold.

And where are all the j-woman!? Shouldn't they all be protesting the making and distribution of such a game!?


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These boycotts are going to result in more people playing this game than if they had ignored it. There were like 2 copies at Amazon. Now the thing is going to be on the torrent sites and will be a cult hit with thousands of man-boys with low self-esteem getting their jollies fantasizing about raping women who in real life could probably kick their asses.

Good point! Boycotting a game because it's too violent never really works, examples are the Grand Theft Auto series and even the unreleased Thrill Kill which thanks to outcry has become a sought after beta version bootleg on the internet. Don't take this as defending the subject matter of the game but making a big stink about something often has the reverse effect. The game developer will likely ignore this and go about business. They are most likely not loosing any sales other than a couple weirdos looking for a shocking game, not including the vast majority which would just download it sooner than buy it.

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erm its a video game its not real life. I'm assuming that you have to be over a certain age to play this game, and if that's the case then what's the fuss? Personally I'm not into violent video games or movies but if adults want to watch/ play those kind of things then it's a free country. The tenuous rantings on this board equating the individuals who play these kind of games with real life actual rapists is absurd nonsense. Yes its reprehensible subject matter for a game but if you're an adult and thats what you are into and as long as no real person is being injured in the process, whats the problem. The makers of the game are obeying the (in my opinion rather dubious,) laws of this country so calling for them to be stoned to death seems rather pathetic. There's a hotline for any pixellated character who feels they have been the victim of a sex crime its 0800 - its not real!

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This is news now?

I read about this in the newspaper last month.

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And where are all the j-woman!? Shouldn't they all be protesting the making and distribution of such a game!?

Japanese women recognize fighting the wind when they see it.

will be a cult hit with thousands of man-boys with low self-esteem getting their jollies fantasizing about raping women who in real life could probably kick their asses.

Unfortunately the reality of rape fantasy is not that simple. And really, that is what this is about, fantasy. Men do not need video games to dream them up. Its those who act on the fantasies in inappropriate and illegal ways that are the problem, and those people are generally just plain stupid. Rape fantasies can be entertained plenty with a willing partner, you just have to get the relationship going.

Well, that says a lot about Japan!

What it says to me about Japan is that the Japanese are, in general, strong willed enough to allow this sort of thing with probably a more positive influence than a negative one.

But the game probably should be banned in America because far too many Americans are too weak minded as to keep their fantasies and reality separate. Now, I am not saying that violence does not happen here, but it happens far less. Thus, few here are worried about the game.

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I agree with what one person posted above; it would be even nicer to see it boycotted in Japan. Instead, this won't even come CLOSE to being in the news.

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I fear the boycotters are merely calling attention to a despicable product and company.

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Wonderful! How about a game where we can stalk girls who want to go to school and throw acid on their faces?

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How about a game where we can stalk girls who want to go to school and throw acid on their faces?

No market.

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watch a standard western cartoon like 'happy tree friends' in you tube and then tell me what is violence o.k..since the target segments is young generations like video game.

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Good. I was hoping that this story would get some traction after it was reported last week. Let's hope that advocacy in the US and other countries shines a light on this dirty little secret.

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Ironic, by this logic they should have banned Grand Theft Auto for sale in Japan for murdering prostitutes for your money back after the deed. Dirty Americans and their rape simulators.

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inside the minds of many Japanese men or boys. I bet they still live with their Mother...

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Ironic, by this logic they should have banned Grand Theft Auto for sale in Japan for murdering prostitutes for your money back after the deed. Dirty Americans and their rape simulators.

They disabled that function in the Japanese version of the game, along with cutting S&M scenes and the controversial full monty stripper scene.

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Quinn and the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault called on all video game distributors in the U.S. to refrain from selling Rapelay.

What do they have against rap?

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And what if the shoe were on the other foot?

Japan has always been rather sensitive about how it is viewed in other countries. As such, there have been cases of both the media in Japan and the Japanese government whinning incessantly in response to portrayals of Japan and Japanese that are less than flattering. Remember the spat over Karel Von Wolfren's book many years ago, or how Japan got the Hungarian comedy programme canned because of the female "Japanese" character stereotype?

All this whinning came from a country in which comedians still appear on TV in "blackface" and with big (foreign) noses. So what is the solution?

I was wondering what the Japanese reaction to this software issue would be if the subject matter featured an obviously foreign characther that stalks and rapes a Japanese mother and her two daughters.

Anyway, the issue at hand is that such "fantasy" software portrays (sexual) violence against women and children as being acceptable. I find the whole idea repugnant in the extreme. Moreover, hiding behind "cultural excuses" just makes the whole thing that much more disgusting.

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they've created a free ad campaign on this video game. the more people gets curious the more people will buy. good job anti violence advocates!

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Glad to see America, home of Manhunt and the Grand Theft Auto franchise, is getting so angry about an inappropriate video game...

True, it's rapelay is sick game idea but gta is just as bad for different reasons... and if it keeps them from doing it in real life, who cares?

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huddersboy -- apt name, since you seem to think like a boy, and not a man. Respectfully, real men do not need to play video games that are insulting to women -- using them as nothing more than objects for rape. And real men do not even condone the playing of the games for the concern that it makes that kind of thinking acceptable. The fact that "no real person is injured" is complete hogwash. I honestly pity your wife/girlfriend and daughters if that is truly your mind set. No wonder women here in Japan cannot have any form of real equality. Men like you, and these gamemakers, think it is acceptable to portray them as "prey" for their twisted amusement.

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And real men do not even condone the playing of the games for the concern that it makes that kind of thinking acceptable. The fact that "no real person is injured" is complete hogwash

Oh come on, is it REALLY that different from music or movies using similar themes? Nobody seems to kick up a fuss about those forms and I would like to know exactly how far this game goes - is it simply people arguing about a concept without ever even playing it? Has anyone thought about the possibility that it's maybe not as bad as the article indicates?

But anyway, I hear their next game is a grope simulator - you can choose 2 levels: Saikyo line and Chuo line

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No rape games in America! We want nothing but first & third shooter games where the gamer has unlimited amoe ... Wait a minute... what about grand theft auto? Oh wait! That's not rape! The player pays a hooker for sex, then kills her for her money! (No joke, that is the theme... )

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So many games like this in Japan.

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People comparing this to GTA do not understand the difference. GTA is an action game, the rape game is a simulation, that trys to make the game realistic so the player actually feels they are raping.

This is dedicated to a sick section of Japanese society, a case recently was where a man wanted to marry a 2D character from a love sim game. Some peole in Japan get so caught up in these games that the link between fantasy and reality is blurred.

GTA and similar games do not try to have that realistic edge that Japanese sim games have. You have to know about the different genres to make a comparison, and i do know the difference.

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I'm a woman and I have played GTA - I think that baseball-batting a hooker to death to get your money back is pretty funny, not because I think it's acceptable in real life, but for the same reason the creators probably made the game: it's so outrageously and obviously wrong that it's hilarious. Though a sick sense of humor, I do however recognize that it's not something I should do on the street, which is a reason a lot of games are restricted from children under a certain age.

I admit that titles like "Battle Raper" do make me a bit uncomfortable, but considering that in the US it's acceptable to actually murder any number of fellow human beings in a video game, I do find it strange that what is in reality a lesser crime should cause so much more of a furor.

Maybe the problem is that we think of it as a game, when what it really is is pornography. We still associate anything called a "game" with children and to an extent with innocence, but games are increasingly being made solely for adults. I've seen stranger and more violent themes than this in domestic (Western) adult material and I don't see such publicized protests about it, but the fact that it is being called a "game" makes people look at it from the wrong angle. That I can understand.

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Rape fantasies can be entertained plenty with a willing partner, you just have to get the relationship going.

yes, well, ahem...

But the game probably should be banned in America because far too many Americans are too weak minded as to keep their fantasies and reality separate.


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shouganaika: drivel

Yes. It was intended as a poke in the ribs. I get sick of all the scapegoating of Japan. Payback time arrived.

yes, well, ahem...

Well, it needed to be said. All the boycotts and all the indignation that can be mustered will not make the fantasies go away. There are ways to deal with them appropriately. Failure do deal with them will net you things like a rape rate 16 times greater than those who will deal with them. What I say might not always be comfortable, but it is certainly aimed at the greater good.

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i feel sorry for all you who make comments but don't play this awesome game. if you do you know that the mother and daughters dress very promiscuous. they wear much make-up too.

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Sick sick sick.

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Have any of you even played GTA? I have played all of them and didn't even bother with prostitutes because it is not what the game is all about! It is just an action game with violent scenes in it. There is nothing immoral about it, whereas this game is just wrong!

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There is nothing immoral about it

There is nothing immoral about violence? Yeah, I think a lot of Americans probably agree with you. With all the violence in America, it sure makes sense to think they think so. But, NEWSFLASH, needless violence is immoral! And killing is more immoral than rape in my opinion. Yet games about killing are at all the game shops in at the eye level of children. No, no hypocrisy there!

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Is not almost every Porn game in japan, disrespecting to females? I guess those advocates should read some Ero Guro to be realy upset

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Shame on the US. Shame!

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Wow...Doombird has the most sensible comment in here.

Herefornow - kinda sad...

If you are a gamer, you know what GTA is and know not to compare it. No need to feed the ignorant. Everyone else can stand on their morale high ground...whatever that may be.

Moderator, might want to get everyone on point about just this product and not comparing it to other games, though it does bring up laughable comments.

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The boycott is the greatest word-of-mouth advertisement for the game. It did wonders for GTA.

Expect increased sales soon.

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Why does anyone need to play games where they rape someone? And how does it become ok for a society to create games around something so cleary deplorable from societal and moral standards?

Look I support free speech. And I don't like the idea of restricting free speech. But one has to ask what kind of people dream up such a terrible thing? And what kind of low thinking people then want to play such a game? Why don't their friends and families condemn support for such activities?

Are we trying to desensitize our society to accept rape, random murder and mahem as ok? Are we saying that we have slipped so far that these things are now playthings for us?

We look back at the Romans and gladiators as barbaric and inhumane. But what will future generations think of our violent society that allows young people to play at imaginary rape and rampant murder?

At some point we as a society must say we are not ok with this kind of thinking. While I don't think banning it is the answer, I do think that social pressure and consumer boybotts are effective ways of teaching companies a lesson that such products are not acceptable and therefore will not be profitable.

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As for all the posts saying that violence is immoral. Stunning is all I can say.

I get killing monsters or fighting ancient wars or event the battle between two characters. But I don't understand how it is a good thing to go on killing sprees and take out innocent people on the street. Or to jack a car and kill the owner. These activities are not fun and games. They are real life horrors that many people experience daily in the world. And should be respected for the terrible things they are. Not played with by infantile and morally bankrupt people who do not understand or see the socialization and desensitization that these games bring into society.

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This is so embarrassing...but it's real and accepted in this country,just keep it here,don't let the world see the "real" Japan,isn't that what Japan is good at ?! Bit of a slip up there Japan !

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I'm for free speech, but I personally don't care for this content. With that said, I still think it's necessary for people to speak up against this game because as long as there are people making, selling, and buying controversial entertainment (and there will always be), the "general public" will always be against it. And as long as the "general public" is always against it, the people buying it will know somewhere in their minds that the content of what they are buying is morally and widely unaccepted. As a result, most buyers will certainly be discreet, and more importantly, will not become desensitized to rape. We have already become desensitized to general violence thanks to the media (and that includes movies, games AND the news), I think people are just trying to prevent the desensitization of another violent crime.

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tkoind2 because the gaming world is a reflection of the real world, as long as there is war, violence, rape, crime in the world, there will also be those who will try to make money of, of it. how about if people focus on the real problems and not the syptoms

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I get killing monsters or fighting ancient wars or event the battle between two characters. But I don't understand how it is a good thing to go on killing sprees and take out innocent people on the street.

What is a monster exactly? Does a monster have to do something bad to get killed or just not be human? And FYI, wars are not moral either. They are decidedly immoral. At least one side was clearly wrong to start killing people. That is every war, ever. And every war, innocent people die, even non-combatants. And why does war continue to exist? One reason is people like you, thinking it can be moral, even the side that fired the first shot.

I doubt this game is trying to call any rape a just or moral rape, or rape that just could not be avoided. But it is totally disgusting the "nice" contexts in which people will place war and killing in other games and histories.

As I have been pointing out, the Japanese of today have nothing to be ashamed of on the score of violence compared to Americans. If this group seeks to ban sales in America, that is ok. But if they ever start slamming Japan for the game or violence, it will be a very bad joke.

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I was wondering what the Japanese reaction to this software issue would be if the subject matter featured an obviously foreign characther that stalks and rapes a Japanese mother and her two daughters.

Something like: "beware of those foreigners: they're out to rape you"?

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its just a video game.. calm down disillusioned americans...

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Has anyone thought about the possibility that it's maybe not as bad as the article indicates?

" . . . a video game in which players stalk and rape a mother and her two daughters."

So, what precisely is being lost in translation here? Is there a "funny" way of viewing or portraying the rape of a mother and her two daughters?

I dispise Grand Theft Auto as much as I dispise any game in which the goal is to create as-close-to-reality situations in which the player is encouraged to have fun in the violent abuse and murder of ordinary people.

The type of person who would create such a game is a person I would not want living anywhere near my family. The type of person who would play such a game is also someone I would want no where near my wife or daughter. If in the pursuit of freedom of speech we willingly decide to toss out the responsiblity that comes with the exercise thereof, we have no one to cry to but ourselves when things go south and real crimes follow on the heel of games that send the message that, "Rape is fun."

There are many here who claim that violent video games do not increase violenct behavior in players. While some research does support this, it isn't strictly true. The argument in its entirety is that violent video games aren't the sole contributing factor in increased violence, but do possess a causal link. That causal link is also mitigated by other factors, such as societal and cultural influences, parental involvement in a child's upbringing, and how socially interactive players are outside of their video gaming.

When these additional factors, ones that are being wrestled with even now in Japanese society, including increased social isolation, the breakdown of healthy parent-child interactions, and seeming inexplicable violent outbursts, are applied to the type of people who might purchase a rape fantasy game in Japan, it horrifies me, particularly when we have men meeting on the Internet to form train "Groping Teams" and there are prominent members of the leading political party claming that rape, gang rape in particular, is a sign of healthy male libido. That this politician was drummed out of politics by public outcry is reasuring, but the fact that he felt it was something he could say without fear of reprisal is not.

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As violent as it is, batting hookers to death is not the goal of GTA. Just a perq.

And I do think they removed the hooking from the Japanese version, along with the kinkier scenes. Strange that they should tone down the violence in GTA but do nothing about a game whose aim is rape. I guess the target markets are different.

More about censored games in Japan:


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LFRAgain -- spot on. Anything that even suggests that rape is somehow acceptable and is actually part of "good sport" for men is just sick and dangerous. It has absolutely no redeeming social value, so should not be protected by "free speach".

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IchyaWarFare -- Where exactly in my post did I even mention GTA? What is sad is your willingness to condone the dehumanizing of women so "gamers" like you can get your jollies. Truly sad.

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LFRAgain at 04:41 PM JST - 24th February

Spot on. I agree with you.

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they should make a game about groping girls in the Japanese train...........then the girls MIGHT ( or might not ) fight back .

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Firstly before I read this, i had no idea this game existed, so thanks for advertising it so widely JT. I'm sure the US government will keep people from googling and downloading it since its already plastered everywhere on the net.

Secondly if someone really wants this game they are the kind that are not going to buy it from a shop and face the embarrassment of looking the shop attendent in the face while handing over their cash. Instead they'll download it illegally where they can't be judged.

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This game is pretty old news. Isn't it a bit late to be kicking up a stink about it, America?

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Hypocrisy I say. If the game was about raping Afghan or Iraqi 'terrorist' women by soldiers it'd be acceptable I'd bet.

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lllusion can be illusion.this company is very famous for his porn products

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Hypocrisy I say. If the game was about raping Afghan or Iraqi 'terrorist' women by soldiers it'd be acceptable I'd bet.

...Or perhaps a game wherein one large western country invades and ruins an smaller middle eastern one?

The USA has it's morals slightly confused when it allows children to play soldier in video games, burning with a flame thrower, shooting in the face, etc, etc. Yet at the first sign of sex they get very worried about the effect it might have on their children.

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People are sick.

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WOW...what a bunch of crap. It's a computer game!! I don't get how people can stick their heads in the sand over the violence of war or forget that more than half the planet is starving a slow death, yet get their panties in a bunch over a damn perv game.

If you don't approve, then make sure 'your' kids don't play it!! Simple, right? If 'your' morals find this abhorrent, then it's your right to pass that along to 'your' kids, leave mine to me please!!


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Yep, the do-gooders run amok. Alcohol, guns, "violent" games, goofy art. Somebody always wants to ban something to save us from ourselves.

Of course as most people aren't willing to accept responsibility for their own actions perhaps this is a rational response? Gotta blame somebody or something, after all.

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If the game was about raping Afghan or Iraqi 'terrorist' women by soldiers it'd be acceptable I'd bet.

Not likely.

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Protectionism in disguise.

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I don't know what we can realistically do about this because rape (and murder) has been around since ... well, since people have been around. Probably what we can really do, those of us who care, is make sure there's support for victims and their families. We can also make sure people who commit these crimes are caught and prosecuted. What I'm currently advocating is tougher punishments for pedophiles. That's what I can realistically do. Can we stop the rapists, murderers and pedophiles before they get started? I'm not sure we'll ever agree on an answer to that question. I personally don't think so.

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A little poison, indeed! Human beings are highly impressionable creatures (shouldn't we know) and every experience feeds the mind and shapes behavior, whether some would like to admit it or not. A game that turns the stalking and rape of a mother and her children into a source of personal amusement is anything but nurturing for the human soul. This is the sort of game no one in their right mind plays in front of their parents, their boss, their children - because it is shameful. The need and curiosity to play a game like this arises from the darkest and bestial far corners of the human mind, where the difference between man and beast blurs. Ideally, humans should respect women and children and protect the weaker in their society. A game that goes against this principle is thus abhorrent and deviant. In a world where rape is a weapon of war and in a country such as Japan where women are second class citizens and reduced to sexual objects by Media and society itself, it is only natural such a game appears, because the criminal mind will always find loopholes to perform questionable deeds; what is NOT natural is to support such a game, market it and defend it.

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A lot of people shrug this off with a 'well, sensible people know the right and wrong of their actions and that a video game is just that - a pretend world of unreality'. Well, if you've ever had a look through some youtube videos of combat in Iraq you'd know that we are producing a culture that can seem a little less than sensitive to violence. This is isn't a knock again our troops - I support them 100%. But I recall one real video that was taken through a night vision lense. A group of Iraqis - suspected insurgents were hiding around a vehicle. A helicopter gunship was called in, given the green light to hose them all down and the comment by the young soldier observing was something 'oh dude you waisted them all - that was so cool' and he started laughing. When you read account by soldiers of past wars they might have been insensitive to killing to a degree, particularly during battle. But rarely do you hear them laughing and treating it like a video game.

The point is that de-sensitizing a generation through acceptance of random and horrific violence, whether it be in games or real life, cannot possibly be a good thing or have positive results. Those of us of an older generation grew up with violence on tv (no games until well into the teen years and then they were relatively primitive), but it was more like Bugs Bunny droping an anvil on Elmer Fudd's head - a far cry different than beating the elderly with bats, killing prostitutes and now apparently raping women. And these kids will lead the free world some day? You can say it has no effect, but I'll bet that clinical psychologists would disagree.

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Sorry, quite obviously previous soldiers would not have treated it like a video game as they had none - but you know what I meant.

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a video game in which players stalk and rape a mother and her two daughters.

After Luigi died, Mario turned to drugs and booze. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened.

On a serious note, aside from the moral objection, I would have a real problem buying something like this out of embarrassment. "Price check on the rape game on aisle 3!" Not cool.


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Japan cannot afford this bad PR with exports already slumping.

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...Or perhaps a game wherein one large western country invades and ruins an smaller middle eastern one? The USA has it's morals slightly confused when it allows children to play soldier in video games, burning with a flame thrower, shooting in the face, etc, etc. Yet at the first sign of sex they get very worried about the effect it might have on their children.

I'm confused. So, should the US ban war games? Should they ban weapons in war games? How about we have games in which the marines hold hands while dancing in a circle and hand out flowers and bead necklaces to peace loving terrorists?

By the way, stalking and raping are not sex.

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See people like those that are seeking to ban this game are unwittingly giving the real criminals who regardless of whether this game exists or not would rape and kill anyway, an excuse. They could say "I was brainwashed by the evil videogame online. It's not my fault, pity me." Don't give them the excuse. My favorite game is Resident Evil 4 where the main character, if you're thorough kills 1008 enemies (the game keeps track of your kills as well as the times you die) and while I've had the odd boss or 2 that I've wanted to kill- who hasn't- I didn't because I know right from wrong, fantasy from reality. I've had to deal with the the consequences of my actions all my life. Video games in no way have blurred that or skewed my perspective. I don't deserve a cookie, it's just very common sense. While this game isn't my cup of tea, I don't see how it could cause someone who OTHERWISE would never rape someone to commit such a horrible act to a real person.

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I like how Christine Quinn said the game is available on other websites. LOL! Hurricane force winds whip up from squillions of ppl rushing to their computers. Banning/boycotting this game is going to up its sales. Meanwhile, just because a girl wears a short skirt, etc., lot of makeup, whatever, doesn't mean she's asking for it.

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ANOT SUSAGAMI: Resident Evil 4 is an acyion game. This game about rape is a simulation, which with graphics these days and a storylline is supposed to make the act seem as real as possible.

It cannot be compared to game slike GTA. You have to know the differneces in genre to understand. Japanese sim games try to be realistic to make the player feel truley involved, a benign sim is DEnsha De GO the train driving sim.

I suggest peeple learn more about Japanes simulation games and the differnece between action games before comnapring the two and justifying this piece of filth game.

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So Resident Evil 4 doesn't simulate killing? It was voted one of the best games ever for it's realism. I understand that they are different genres but the arguement remains the same. What needs to happen is people need to own up to thier actions, and stop blaming others for thier failure to follow the law. When that finally happens, people will realise that rape and murder existed before video games, and without video games, they will still exist.

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ANOT SUSAGAMI: I suggest playing a Japanese sim game and you will undrstand my previous post about why this game is vile. You do not understand the genres as your post illustrates.

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ANOT SUSAGAMI: I suggest playing a Japanese sim game and you will undrstand my previous post about why this game is vile. You do not understand the genres as your post illustrates.

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As someone who came to Japan in part for the video games, I laugh at your post. I've played all kinds of games from sims to action to rpgs. I've played some of the best and the worst from every genre. I understand the aprehension you and others feel about such a game. I also know that video games are not to blame for the ills of society. Hold the rapists and murderers accountable, don't pawn off an ounce of the blame on video games, a sequence of 1s and 0s.

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ANOT SUSAGAMI: I've been dealing in video games for 18 years, and i know what i am talking about. Many of the sim games here depict underage girls undressing etc. These sim games are made to feel real so the user can interact with the charecter on screen. There are a large amount of Japanese OTaku who actually are strongly influenced by these games. I should know i have met some. Thousands recently held a petition for teh law to allow them to marry 2d sim anime characters.

Please don't preach to me about knowledge of gaming. I've been playing since the seventies and have many hundreds or over atrhousand emails a year asking my advice about gaming. Simulated rape cannot be compared with games such as GTA. Japanese porn and sims like this will encourage some to perform these acts, it is a stimuli and many of these users are Oytaku, with no real friends and lack social interaction.

Indeed this game and the other similar games portraying pre teens in a sexual nature should be banned, it encourages women to be treated as 2nd class and as sexual objects from pre teen upwards.

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You are definatly right, any video game that simulates actions is in support of these actions!!! with rape being a terrible issue in this world, why would anyone do anything to promote the fetish for this?? this game may not cause all players to go out and rape women, yet it certainly promotes them to view this as an amusing topic and gives them a vice to express their obvious views of women as sex objects...which is extremely unhealthy as it causes these ideals to grow even further.

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Well now, that piques my interest. You work in games? Then you should at least understand my stance if you don't agree with it. As far as the marrying the 2-D characters, I'll admit, it's weird, but what's the harm to me or anyone else? This same to each his own attitude is what fuels my point. Again, this game is NOT my type of game, but I would be a hypocrite to say ban this game, and then say let me make the choices in my life. What is the name of your website? I'm interested in seeing your work.

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I'm confused. So, should the US ban war games? Should they ban weapons in war games? How about we have games in which the marines hold hands while dancing in a circle and hand out flowers and bead necklaces to peace loving terrorists?

It can be argued that there are legitimate grounds for war. You can argue legitimate grounds for rape only if you live in Saudi Arabia or some such country.

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i think rape sims are for savages, but the government banning it is censorship, but if amazon decides not to carry it, its a business decision and they have a right to choose about what they carry or not.

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"you can argue legitimate grounds for rape only if you live in saudi arabia"...hmm yeah i guess people who have screwed ideas about gender could argue legitimate reasons, i guess if they think women deserve it because they are not serving their husbands well enough, which is soo wrong. Human rights should not be a second priority to culture!!! It's a crime to have child porn so why is it not a crime to gain pleasure by pretending to rape a child as this game advocates??? "Each to their own" is so irrelevant in this case, because even if it doesn't cause real rapes to occur, it is detremental to the psychological healing of rape victims.

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Yawmin- 100% agree. Jali001- What? How is this game going to be detrimental to rape victims? Are rape victims buying this? I don't think so. The game is insensitive to women definitely, and just for that it's a game I can't see myself playing. Who, however gave me the right to tell fans of the game, "you can't play it because this game doesn't sit well with MY morals?"

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Anotsu and yawmin have the next best posts in here. jali001 and Thenewfront are on some weird high moral ground that I just can't see. Am I gonna but it? No. But I am not gonna just talk about it so I can spread word for its sales. There are plenty more of these games, you guys have been here forever and you just want to raise a stink about it now...weak. Go to Akibahara and protest, see how long that lasts. I will watch the news and wait to hear about it, but there is no point, right?

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I got a question...how about, WHAT HAPPENED TO THINKING OF THIS EARLIER?!

We all know despite the gaming industry patenting laws there are ways to still get this game. They could have nipped this in the bud SO LONG AGO.... I had a friend back in college who loved to play this game... I still shake my head at it in disgust.

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I'm glad to hear that actions are being taken to at least try preventing -- Rape and sexual harrassment are common enough - It's not something that needs to be agitated

"I also know that video games are not to blame for the ills of society." - Video games aren't the cause of societies problems, sure - But it is society (full of ills) that makes video games -- having these sort of outlets for fetishes like rape - would likely contribute to the gamer having a stronger desire and interest, and that desire might cause them to pursue such things IRL - even if they hadn't really been interested before, they might find an aspect they liked (the bondage or maybe the underage girls) - and continue to search for similar stuff - they might find more things they like within the genre and grow to like other things about it - until they've developed a fetish for it - they might grow tired of it and move on to more extreme things

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So video games might exacerbate an existing fetish? Besides the fact that your point relies on much speculation, therefore in itself flawed, there's a problem with your scenario. You say that someone might get into this even though they might not be interested in it? I don't think so. Your arguement that someone, after playing this game, would be more likely to try this stuff IRL is how I can connect this issue to other games of other genres. As stated before I have played Resident Evil 4, and I am in no way more prone to violence than someone who has not played the game. Your statement gives idiots who don't follow the law an excuse. I guess if a rapist says he played this game prior to commiting the crime, you would blame him less? Would you say he's a poor guy, defenseless against the evil game? Or would you, like I would hang the blame completely on him, remembering that there must be hundreds who played the same game and DIDN'T commit a crime?

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Anotsu- Again nice post.

@ Lillacy - I LOVE me some Gears of War 2. I love being able to come behind someone with the Lancer and using that chainsaw bayonet. I think it is influencing me to try it out. I think LillacyDeFleurs wants to help me out, because society is influencing him. He found out that he likes to help out and now wants to be the first test. This is so l33t.

Is this game really gonna make me do that? Please...get real. Next, since Anotsu likes RE, he is gonna make the T-virus and infect all of Japan so Mila can come save us.

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