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© 2013 AFPChasm grows between Japan, neighbors: study
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Those "neighbors" are only China and South Korea, two countries that teach anti-Japanese sentiment in schools and uses it as an official political and diplomatic tool. We expect that from a one-party authoritarian dictatorship like China, but South Korea is utterly pathetic, in denial of it's own past involvement in WWII and playing the "victim card" ever since WWII ended.
And this is how propaganda works. Are there any other countries around the world aside from both Koreas and China who teach people to hate another nation since they go to kindegarten?
What do you expect? When generations of children are not properly educated about their own history and the part their predecessors played in it, how does anyone expect the response to be any different!
Particularly when you have educators tell you that, and this is something I have personally heard on a number of occasions, "Japan has a long and rich history, we don't have the time to spend teaching about only one little part (WWII) of it. And besides that part isn't all that important for the children to learn about anyway."
When teachers think like that, how are children supposed to learn themselves?
Yubaru, I have done nothing wrong and anyone in the government today has done nothing wrong. It has to stop somewhere and Japan has apologized enough. Very soon there will be no one alive from that time.
It happens everywhere around the world that the latest history is being tought in schools in a hurried and 'busy' part of schoolyear (before exams).
Product of a sole government issued history textbook which grossly exaggerates the misdeeds of Japan.
I read an article in a magazine some time ago where historians from both China and Korea stated that their "role" is to find evidence to support their respective governments position as opposed to collecting many historic materials as you can to come up with then come up with a narrative.
Nobody has made the claim that you have done anything wrong, but if you don't learn about your own history you are doomed to repeat it!
You dont understand nor accept your own history to comment like you do here. That's not right, nor wrong, just IS.
I understand and agree. It takes some countries an awful long time to finally be introspective and accept their own failings and weakness, if ever.
A Realist
Those "neighbors" number 2, China and Korea (if you count South and North Korea as 1); Japan seems to get along fine with its other neighbors who probably realize that WWII was over long ago. Not so China and Korea who both love playing the victim and whose governments need to have Japan for a whipping boy as a political tool to foment nationalism for purposes of their own, mainly to have someone to blame for their own failures. Envy and jealousy plays a big part too. With the South Korean and Chinese economies slowing, expect the hysterical anti-Japanese propaganda that is a feature of those countries to increase.
Well, right wing elements (Abe amongst others) are determined to rewrite history by omitting the parts where Japan was the bad cat and right wing elements in neighbouring countries are seizing on this and visits to Yasukuni to push their own anti-Japanese stance.
In spite of the strong words, there is no "chasm" between Japan and its neighbours.
I don't see why Japan Today has to try to develop one by feeding fuel to the fire.
That a survey was conducted is stated, yet we are not told on how many people it was conducted, what their situation was, and exactly what questions were asked.
Are the French still angry at Germans?
Really, what is this thing with East Asians?
Anyway, A Realist got it pat, this anti-Japanese sentiment has more to do with socio-economic envy than anything else.
We all know that Japanese textbooks fail to properly educate new generations of Japanese about their past. They do not provide detailed accounts of Japanese colonial rule, especially about Korea. The Japanese avoided or downplayed most of the controversial aspects of the wartime and attempted to soften describing Japan’s aggression. Nonetheless, Japanese textbooks do offer a clear message that wars in Pacific Asia was made of Japan’s imperial expansion and the decision to go to war with the U.S. was a disastrous mistake that resulted in terrible cost on Japan and its civilian population. The Japanese textbook avoided some of the controversial wartime atrocities with very little details. There is almost complete absence of accounts of Japanese colonial rule in Korea.
In the neighboring countris of Korea, China and Taiwan, their textbooks offered very different accounts of this wartime period. The South Korean students has focused almost entirely on the oppressive experience of Koreans under Japanese colonial rule and Korean resistance. The Chinese textbook downplays the Mao's civil war in favor of national unity against Japan with graphic descriptions of Japanese atrocities.
just correct your 'neighbours'. Japan's neighbours are china, S & N koreas, russia, taiwan. None of these countires or region feel japan doing enough in terms of apologizing. if possible, ur neighbours wish japan move to somewere.
"But Stokes said that the attitudes were clearly influenced by a series of incidents including Japan’s approval of controversial textbooks and statements questioning the facts behind “comfort women.”
Ossan: "Those "neighbors" are only China and South Korea, two countries that teach anti-Japanese sentiment in schools and uses it as an official political and diplomatic tool. We expect that from a one-party authoritarian dictatorship like China, but South Korea is utterly pathetic, in denial of it's own past involvement in WWII and playing the "victim card" ever since WWII ended."
What's pathetic is that you seem to think Japan is innocent in all this when in fact if you substitute 'China' and 'South Korea' in your rant with 'Japan' you would be spot on. Japan is no more innocent and just as guilty as the parties you mention, so stop playing the victim card. They are ALL acting childish, and the longer people like yourself claim everything under the sun is the fault of Japan's neighbours (and it's not just China and SK, they are just the most vocal because.... wait for it.... they suffered the most under Japan's colonial rule, which it completely white-washes in its texts after denying it as much as possible) and Japan is the innocent victim and all that, the worse relations will get. You don't become friendlier with neighbours by claiming THEY are 100% in the wrong while you try to rescind apologies former PMs made and try to downplay your atrocities, suggesting they helped things.
I'm willing to beg that during the 90's before the advent of the Internet, both numbers were much much lower. Of course in due time, the Japanese population started to question the validity of their claims and/or simply came to a conclusion their is no point in this apology business for these two will always come up with something new( I.e. In case of Korea, Ensign flag and Yasukuni)
Exactly. Japan is certainly not innocent here, but still, SKorea and China complaining about revisionism is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is nothing, absolutely nothing Japan could say or do that will make SKorea or China "forgive" them. It's a trump card that they like to use for their own political purposes.
I'm willing to bet that that before the advent of the internet many of the people were in happy ignorance of the complexity of the issues and problems as well.
Mirai Hayashi
These countries need to get their panties out of a bunch and stop passing their hatred onto their younger generations. The leadership from Empirical Japan no longer exists, and this generation should not have to bear the responsibilities for the war crimes committed by the previous ones
Peace Please
Every year on August 6th and 9th, the Japanese reminds the world that they are victims of war. The Japanese want to you to believe they are the victims of wars they started all over the pacific. The Imperial Japanese Army slaughtered more than 10 million people in the pacific during WW2. The Nazis were angels compared to the Japanese during WW2. The Germans made peace with the world because they are sincere in their apologies. The Japanese thumb their noses at the world in their apologies because they don't care. They worship their dead war criminals, no need to say more.
Mitch Cohen
How many apologies do Koreans and Chinese need? ONE - as long as past crimes are not constantly being downplayed or questioned, not only by extremist groups but by high profile politicians including the current Japanese PM.
Jews suffered more under Nazi regime (Japanese tried to destroy Korean and Chinese culture and turn it into a Japanese empire, while Nazis tried to eliminate the Jewish race), but why do the Jews no longer ask for apologies? The answer is obvious when you tried to recall the last time a German chancellor tried to question the Nazi atrocities, or pay respect to Nazi war criminals.
True. This explains the almost instant apologies by PM's and the voting population that supported their actions. Fortunately for Japan, the population is simply fed up. Hence, in this upcoming election, you won't hear opposition parties' candidates using "LDP has destroyed the relations with Korea and China" platform for a normal voting public would be like "so what?" With the recent TICAD conference, it was reported that Abe met with heads of state of over 70 countries nit to mention that fact that he has another trip to SE Asia. Let's hope the trend of avoiding SK and China will continue.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
First, I do agree that most of this is China and Korea's fault. IMHO, they have to get used to the fact that you never quite get everything you want in any negotiation unless the other side is completely powerless. They already got money, both of them, and they also got a Japan that gave way to them a LOT MORE than the relative national power balance for most of the 1952-2010 period really deserved.
(I can see what would happen to the Senkaku and Takeshima island disputes if Japan had a "normal nation" mentality, and China and Korea won't like it.)
Heck, maybe if Japan took a non compromising attitude from the start, this would never have happened because the Chinese and Koreans will be sure that their approach will get them nowhere. It is the hope that the Japanese "liberals" sprinkle on them that helps them continue.
Finally, Yubaru, the idea that history teaches is a common one, but I join the dubious. First, a lot of history's supposed lessons are really basic, and I'll be disappointed if it really needs history to teach. Second, in a single event there can be multiple interpretations. For example, Japan seems to have concluded from WWII that invading others is a bad idea, that there is little point in maintaining a serious defense and that harmony is important. China and Korea did not make Conclusion 1, they clearly are working on Defense to include offensive abilities, and their education seems geared to prolong the hate. These contradictory lessons can't all be right.
Do you actually believe this? The "conclusion" that you believe here was forced upon Japan by the situation at the time. I hardly think that there was a collective belief in this, other than they lost.
Japan never really had to consider this as the US was the arbitrator of all that happened here and allowed Japan to build up it's economy and rebuild the country, and leave defense issues, which were pretty damn serious following WWII and into the 60's at least, to the US.
China and Korea were going their their own internal convulsions at the time, and didnt have the time nor energy to think about or even care about what Japan was doing. Japan wasn't a threat to either, the US made sure of that. Not to mention that both countries economies were a mess as well.
Honest reflection upon one's past is one way to ensure a peaceful future.
Mitch Cohen
True. Nobody in their right minds would look at a newborn Japanese baby and accuse him of war crimes. However, the problem is if that baby grows up to be an adult and denies war cries of previous generations and insult the dead victims.
You can't change the past or bring back the dead, but don't try to whitewash history.
Accusations about Koreans playing victim is laughable, when the mainstream view of the world is that the Japanese are playing victims of WW2.
Just because the handful of people who are in charge of textbook content decide not to go into depth about an embarrassing time in their history doesn't mean that the entire nation should be hated generation after generation. All of the wonderful Japanese people that I know had absolutely nothing to do with the war and many were born after it, but that doesn't stop them from being loathed by neighbouring countries citizens due to education (read: brainwashing) at a young age. It doesn't matter how many times Japan apologizes, or even if the man at the top denies events that happened during the war (which he doesn't have any place to voice his opinion on as he wasn't involved), these nations will never be happy. What do they want, the Japanese people to riot in the streets and demand to have more information about sex slaves in their textbooks? For the claim that history will repeat itself if they aren't properly taught about it: well they aren't being taught enough about it in school according to others, but they haven't gone and waged another war and enslaved thousands of women as sex slaves yet, so I don't think this is something we need to worry about anytime soon.
A complaint coming from Korea and China is a joke considering their culture and disregard for life of their own citizens. Just look at building codes in both countries and the corruption that passes and then people die. The BS culture of pilot training in both China and Korea. Train crashed in China of their so called high tech high speed rail. Funny how Japan doesn't have these problems on the same or even 10% the scale per capita. Life is cheap in both countries so they can both shut the hell up about Japan.
Nearly 68 years have gone by since the war ended and both these sad excuses for countries pretending to be 1st world nations by stealing and copying Japan Inc. in order to just keep up. This is lame at best all the while stirring up crap like this to distract its own people from the corruption in its own country. The people of China and Korea must be stupider than a bag of rocks if they keep falling for this BS every year and that's why I have no respect for either country as the people are just as much the problem as is their government. You can't call yourself a first world nation if you're a brain washed zombie joining in the chant. You are simply a pawn of the corruption in your respective country and deserve no respect from other countries until you challenge your own government FIRST and get your own house in order.
No. The mainstream view is that Korea was a willing participant of the Japanese campaign much like Austria was to Germany. Hence, Korea was never accepted as part of the Allied despite their plea. Therefore, Korea as a nation don't get to jump on the other side of the fence.
Mitch Cohen
Care to provide some source? I can provide you with any number of sources supporting the mainstream view of Japan as the aggressors of WW2, who are now playing victims. In fact, just google "Japan's denial of history" and see if anyone outside Japan agrees with your view.
You seem to have particular interest in labelling the victims of comfort women (as young as 13-15) as willing prostitutes. The US Congress, European Union, Canadian Parliament, and the United Nations all seem to be in strong disagreement.
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Thomas Anderson
All of East Asia need to grow up already.
OK, the Japanese committed some crimes during the WW2, but if one checks History from yesterday back, one will see every person and every Country has committed some sort of crime. OK, from today on let us all behave ourselves so this jargon about some country in the past has committed some sort of crime.
Mitch Cohen
Nigelboy, I meant source to support your claim that the mainstream view is that Korea was a willing belligerent party now trying to play victim. Because to me that sounds like a Japanese ultra-nationalist view.
There are hundreds of sources regarding the mainstream view of Japan as the aggressors of WW2 who are now playing victim. In fact they are so common it's a waste of time to post them all individually.
And it looks like all of the Korean and Chinese people who are just going about their business are not exempt from being loathed by you. If you can't see that it goes both ways, that's called bias.
I thought I did. Did Korea, after the war, petitioned the Allieds to be part of them. Yes. Were they accepted? No. Did Koreans apply in large numbers to be enlisted with IJA? Yes. Were Korean soldiers indicted for war crimes? Yes.
And the final question. Are Koreans playing the victim? Hell yes.
I hear Japanese people spewing hate towards S Koreans and Chinese all the time. Even in schools. It occurs on both sides
Your statement here here is inaccurate, even if you are speaking in generalities. Referring to countries is one thing, but individuals is off the mark..
Japan's colonial rule of Korea for most of the first half of last century has left some very deep scars that will never heal. You cannot really blame the Koreans for feeling how they do and having idiots like Ishihara and Hashimoto stirring up the fire doesn't help. And now, Japan has Abe wanting to denounce the seriousness of Japan's forced imperial rule in Southeast Asia. Of course the Koreans are gonna be peeved. Yes, Japan has apologized, paid compensation and signed treaties, but that will never change what Japan did. Countries should move on and get over it, but the Japanese seem to want to forget it ever happened. It is very easy for the aggressor to forget, but impossible for the victims.
Will the issue ever die? Both sides are right, in some ways. Interesting that I can live in NA and walk around rarely feeling any guilt about my European forefathers decimating entire nations. Though there are times when I do feel it. The Japanese were terrible, but I'm not sure they did quite as much evil. Then again it's only been 70-odd years since WWII. I wonder if JapanToday will still be publishing stories like this in another 500 years or so?
Mitch Cohen
Further on this issue - yes the average Japanese citizen is innocent, but so is the average Korean/Chinese citizen. The Japanese Prime Minister himself is hellbent on trying to revise past history, but who voted him into power? The top official represents his country, and his opinions matter. As long as he remains in power he has the support of the ordinary people of Japan that you are trying to defend.
Yes it would matter if Japan apologised without reservations and without constantly trying to downplay their war crimes. In fact, that is exactly what we are calling for. However you can't guarantee that the future generations will not try to revise past apologies (as is happening now), which is why the Germans made it part of their constitution.
Unless Japan shows true contrition (i.e. no attempt to deny or downplay their crimes), they have no one to blame but themselves for bad relations with China and Korea.
Mitch Cohen
Interesting point of view MeanRingo. I believe this issue will die down one day, as events lose relevance over time. The reason why it is still of relevance today is that there are still victims who are alive, for example the comfort women who are now in their late 80s or older, still labelled 'willing prostitutes' by leading Japanese politicians.
I believe the source of this article is the following:-
and the prime source for the survey is;-
It's interesting to see how the survey gets opinionated as it flows downstream.
I think that everyone should look at prime sources to form their own conclusions.
Thomas Anderson
Well it's not very surprising that all the Asian and Oceania countries DO NOT think that Japan has apologized enough... while only Japan thinks that itself has apologized enough... It just goes to show how out of touch the Japanese education really is with the rest of the world...
They don't care for the Japanese in Singapore either. I've witnessed clerks gleefully playing dumb Japanese customers over the years. I've been told from locals that part of it is WWII, but the other part is when Japan pulled way ahead of it's neighbors in the 70s - 90s they really threw their weight around.
It's understandable many Japanese people get angry about these headlines, Japan's historical education is offensive. Japan was the biggest aggressor in WWII, killing 30 million people. In its textbooks, children aren't taught the full horrific extent of what happened, the human experiments, the comfort women and the Nanjing massacre, all of which are INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTED HISTORICAL FACT. Abe's denial that 'what constitutes an invasion has yet to be academically defined' is just postmodernist rhetoric. It has nothing to do with history, and everything to do with the rose tinted spectacles of neo-nationalist Japan. Whilst anti-Japanese propaganda is a big issue, a bigger issue is not teaching your country's children about the horrific acts of aggression that decimated Asia in WWII. Furthermore by not even teaching this history, these editors dishonor the memories of Japan's victims and also unfairly tarnish previous apologies and government admissions. Japan's history textbooks are no longer academic sources. The idea of changing the word 'invasion' to 'foray' only highlights this. Forays don't kill 30 million people, invasions do.
Japan's philosophy is often one of establishing harmony. Its music and its people often demonstrate this beautifully. If Japan wants harmony in Asia, the government has to stop hurting its neighbours by threatening to make a hip nationalist remix of history because the facts are unsightly. The Japanese government could easily begin this harmonization by publicly apologizing to the few remaining comfort women before they die and ensuring that their plight is DOCUMENTED PROPERLY in history textbooks. That would be a very honourable move that would display the grace and humility I have come to know as characteristic of most Japanese people.
True. One could easily spin the survey and have a headline " What's wrong with China and Korea?". Same type of result was also displayed by BBC in which Japan was among the top.
Sinocentrism and jidaishugi in play here where China believes they are the center of the earth while Korea has been a long loyal servant to them. To put it simply, these two believe China is the great father, Korea is the eldest son, and Japan being the younger son. This old habit was never subscribed by Japan but the other two simply cannot quit for centuries old habit are hard to break.
Bob Sneider
its definitely japan that needs to initiate some effort to solve this issue.
Thomas Anderson
looooool, and you think Japan is the center of the universe... And yes, there WAS a time when Japan looked up to China and thought that China was the center of the world. Japan has imported much of China's culture. That only transitioned to the West recently.
Obviously the opposing sides have their own view on the many issues. Debating the issues with the same arguments is almost meaningless now. What's important is that all sides come together and dialogue toward a solution. Concessions must be given and new approaches devised. Asia is too small a neigbhocorhood to have its powerhouses at each other's throats.
Thomas Anderson
Which is the minority opinion of all nations excluding China and Korea in which mostly answered, enough apology, no need for apology or simply did not answer.
That is why as early as the end of the Edo period many wanted Datsua Nyuou(脱亜入欧) in which Fukuzawa emphasized the point of leaving the Asian thought process strongly more then Nyuou or adoptation of European thought method.
Letsberealistic, let's be realistic ^0-
If they apologised (again), fixed their admittedly terrible textbooks, admitted all past atrocities, did everything Korea and China demanded - that goodwill would last a few weeks.
Then they'd just find something else to whinge about. No doubt territorial disputes would be next on their list.
Cue Japanese product boycotts, riots in the streets, burning of flags. Nothing would change.
It's naïve to presume China and Korea actually want peace with Japan. They don't.
You do not need to offer several apologies, all you need is one sincere apology without amendment.
David Elson
That's very true. I don't think that current Japanese people (state) need to be forced to pay additional compensation nor apologise further... but ignoring your history or changing your history books to include ahistorical info to paint yourself as the victim is not the way forward.
Quite so... ending permission for the anti-korea/foreigner demonstrations would also be beneficial to mend ties with your neighbours.
Move on Japan! You've apologised enough, you've paid your compo... but there is no need to go back on your word and re-write the history or shame your forefather's dead victims by denying these crimes occurred.
Imagine how influential Japan would be, if instead of being divided; China, Korea and Japan were able to put aside their differences and work together?
House Atreides
China and Korea are the same countries that invaded Japan in 1274 and 1281. Japan hasn't had good relations with those countries since.
The very same countries that Japan had good relations with during the Edo period. Look up the Red Seal ship routes.
Thomas Anderson
No, that was Mongol-ruled Korea and China. It is interesting that China and Korea had never attempted to invade Japan... while Japan had attempted to invade both Korea and China a couple of times before WWI&II.
Perhaps you need to do some reading on the events that lead up to the annexation as well as Korea's exact role in WW2 as determined by the Allieds.
Protection from Soviets during the early periods but U.S. was more concerned about their position as the top dog in the universe.
You are right, I am being pretty pessimistic here. I don't think Chinese or Koreans are non-humans, and on an individual level I do not think they are beyond reasoning, but I do sincerely believe the respective governments have no real desire to become buddies with Japan, regardless of what Japan says or does - quite simply because they like to keep Japan in the role as evil bogeyman, as it keeps the citizens focused away from their own internal problems.
That doesn't mean I agree with Abe's statements, or Yasukuni, or textbook revision. Japan should be honest about it's past - but they shouldn't be doing it for SK or China's sake. Reform has to come from within, not just because another country told them to do so. So the more Korea and China complain about this, the more the Japanese government are going to stubbornly ignore them - and honestly I can kind of understand how they feel.
Sue Jones
Germany has built a huge Holocaust memorial right next to the Brandenburg Gate in downtown Berlin, and denying the Holocaust is illegal, as is the selling or any use of the swastica . German kids are all taught about the horrors of the Third Reich. Compensation has been paid, and stolen artifacts are being repatiated to their owners or descendants when possible. Compare that to Japan and it's easy to see why attitudes towards Japan and Germany are so different......
Mitch Cohen
I've heard this ad nauseam. But what about the current Japanese government and their nationalistic agenda? Isn't the nationalist rhetoric by the likes of Abe a way to win support?
It goes both ways, and if you can't see that you probably don't want to.
This is a fairly recent phenomenon. China and Korea have been doing it for over 60 years. Perhaps change should start with them, no?
Mitch Cohen
I don't believe so. This is a Korean perspective so take it with a grain of salt, but I believe the ball is in Japan's court over this matter. Japanese government, while apologising numerous times for their past atrocities, has undone all of their good work since 2007 when Abe was last in power. Research shows anti-Japanese sentiments have risen dramatically since then, and many of Abe's inflammatory remarks ("no evidence of coercion for the comfort women", "definition of invasion is not clear" etc) have made headlines in China and Korea.
As someone born in the 1980s I'm not a victim and do not personally believe in further reparations. However, until Japan changes its tendencies to either downplay or gloss over their past atrocities, Japan will remain to be viewed in a negative light, which is a huge diplomatic and economic loss for Japan.
It is pride that is holding Japan back, as they have nothing to lose by admitting guilt and moving forward, and everything to gain, including the respect of many.
I agree with that, but I don't think trying to force them to apologise is going to do any good. Unfortunately I don't have any answers as to how to get Japan to own up to its history; all I know is I think Korean and Chinese protests are counter-productive, and harden Japan's stance.
Japan accuses it's neighbors of wanting to keep tensions alive? Duh? Have you ever noticed how there is still extreme racial tensions within the US that should have died years ago? Anyone who gets a crutch like that would be a fool to let it go, especially in today's world of whomever is offended first wins.
You can never apologize enough for people who take advantage of such things. Japan let the camel's head under the tent, and it's only going to stay the same or get worse. I certainly don't think we should forget anything that happened, but as one commenter already pointed out, most people who took part/suffered in this time period aren't even alive anymore. You have to be willing to forgive when you demand apologies, and I don't think either China nor Korea want to stop holding this over Japan's head anytime soon.
Mitch Cohen
That is speculation. Neither of us know the answer, but I think that had Japan not upped their nationalistic rhetoric since 2007, much of the current anti-Japan sentiments in China and Korea could've been prevented.
Many posters here are living or have lived in Japan, and to some, all you hear about Korea is why they are angry with Japan etc etc. That can be misleading, because most Koreans (like most Japanese) are only interested in going about their daily businesses and do not harbour the sort of deep resentment that people accuse Koreans of.
Don't misunderstand these polls. I've been to China many times (not S. Korea yet), and I have the definite impression that for 99.9% of Chinese, these historical issues don't matter at all. Just like 99.9% of Japanese don't care about the islands, which you could just give to China if they want them so bad as far as I'm concerned. The problem is the elite and a few hotheads of these countries ruining everything for the rest of us ordinary people.
Japan brought this on herself. Where I'm from, the longer it takes to get an apology, the longer it takes for it to be accepted. 1993!!!!? That is a little late. Denying it for 48+ yrs is the issue. Being stubborn has a price.
So, around 2040 is about the time Korea and China might accept the apology. I just hope it doesn't become an issue that continues for thousands of years like other disagreements around the world.
The best way to get over this is to show real contrition - perhaps a national holiday for the survivors, fund "never again" museums in the Korea and China and to have Japanese people travel to those places, interact with the kindness and warmness that we've all experienced with our good Japanese friends. Building trust and understanding 1 person at a time works. Now if my government, USA, could learn that lesson that most people are taught in kindergarten, much of the world would be a happier place.
While it is true that the Japanese soldier behaved very horribly during war, the true nature of the resentment towards Japan is a convenient weapon of those countries to justify their bad behavior. When China wants a new piece of land, they say: Hey, Japan did this, or Japan treated us bad. But of course, they forget to mention that they have behave very horribly toward the Tibet people after forcibly taking over their country. Japanese behavior during the war was bad - we know, but that basically happened a long time ago. A lot of Japanese people knows and they feel bad about it. But China and Korea have their own agenda... and that is what is important to them.
Every gov't in their respective country has agendas for their own benefits. There is no need to argue this. China obviously does, so does the Koreas, and Japan.
One of the Chinese/Korean/Asian victims argument is the victims suffered under Japan's invasion were not sympathized enough by the rest of the world much like how the Jews were portraited under Nazi rule. I think the victims don't see any difference between the Facism of Japan as a whole in comparison with the political ideology such as Nazism.
Part of that is the fault of the western media who honestly didn't care about China or Korea. And Hollywood didn't help much either. And I think through all these years gave rise to a pent up anger that Japan simply got away with the biggest murder in modern world history without PROPER reciprocity and retribution.
I personally think there is some truth to that. That Japan really got away with one. Germany was basically divided and its entire female population were raped and decimated by the Russians and the Allied forces.
Japan however got away clean. No one had split Japan in two or three and your women, a small portion of them only suffered at your own public policy. I think the Chinese and Koreans didn't like that. They felt you people should suffer as much or greater than what Germany did because your crimes against humanity was far worse in numbers than the death of those Jews, Gypsies, Pows and mainly French and Russian civilians combined.
Coupled with the fact that Japan probably grew more confident and bolder in the fact that they became an economic power and enabled them to get rid of that pesky stigma, the rape of not just China but basically the entire Asia. Filipino women died en mass as well as Malaysians. Its not just the Chinese and Koreans. Since this is not about western powers, no one cared about the actual statistics because at the time, asians were unworthy of such verification efforts.
And after 70 years, all of you people under normal circumstance should have forgiven each other and look toward cooperation in the future. But then Japan has these pesky politicians that just refuse to quit nudging some of these sensitive issues. We just witness one by the Major of Osaka, as well as Abe, Aso and the rest of the cronies, and we heard lot and clear from the Governor of Tokyo for a decade. "We" meaning everyone, not just the Asians but foreigners that had worked or reside in Japan as well. It was loud and clear.
And some of you posters just want the actual victims (yes, some of them are still alive, which Japan is waiting on their expiration) and their descendants to just move on when you people elected these politicians to nudge and pour salt on old wounds.
Forget everything else, what are your people's problems? Do you posters have any shame? Are you so blind that you can't see the obvious motives behind these politicians elected by "you"? Can you imagine US voting for a Jew hater or a Nazi apologist and constantly piss on the victims and slowly, methodically, modify and eventually erases that part of history? Some of us still feel bad about the Japanese internment camps and thought you people were victimized. That part of history is taught. Why can't you people elect a gov't that would show those folks some dignity?
Kazuaki Shimazaki
@Mitch Cohen
That's at least as speculative as the proposal that Korea and China will never forgive Japan because it is not in their interest to do so, except it is a weaker argument because it is against human nature, and also because they are already getting most of this (official statements usually acknowledge it to some extent), but they aren't happy until they force Japan to push a stake through the human right of freedom of speech.
As for Germany, I'll point out that Europe as a whole finds it very much in their interest to forgive Germany due to the necessities of the Cold War. Thus it is very easy for Germany to do a dogeza compared to Japan. Korea has a much lesser interest at best and China, none at all.
Yet, they want his tax money to pay for certain Korean women who claim they were victims, among others.
While acknowledging that's indeed the majority opinion, I feel obliged for fairness to ask - would anybody but Japan have any interest in challenging the claims of the "comfort women"?
A lot of Japan's "right" criticize the current Japanese history curriculum as "masochistic" and not in the interests of Japan (even as it is considered too soft-soaping by C&K). With the world's majority opinion, most people dismiss this with a snort, but Abe's election, to me anyway, is proof they might be onto something here.
Why do people choose Abe? Not Abenomics I suspect - a lot of economists are against the concept, so at best it looks like a 50-50 gamble. He resigned over sickness last time, so he isn't very robust. He's controversial internationally, surely not a plus even for a conservative. Patriotic education sounds ambiguous to most.
So, what's his big draw? That he's (relatively) serious on Defense! If I think Defense is a good idea, realistically I have to pick him! (OK, I guess I can pick Ishihara but his party is too fringe and even if that works it only proves my point).
Why are there no other reasonably powerful parties that are manned by non-nutjobs and interested in Defence? Hmm, could it be an effect of Japan's educational program producing overly pacifistic people who make it into all the political parties?
@Nancy in Japan JUL. 12, 2013 - 08:44PM JST I actually think the biggest mistake is the Tokyo Trials. Didn't we learn from the Treaty of Versailles that affixing blame by diktat doesn't come out well. Did they really think that turning it from a line in a treaty to a court that if not quite kangaroo is manned entirely by the Victor Powers, using laws that weren't even there when the acts were conducted ... etc, is really fundamentally different?
What they should have done is treat it as a simple Win-Loss. We won, so we take X reparations, Y Land and so on. Then the treaty is signed and bygones are bygones.
As for Right and Wrong, let the historians do it. Perhaps I am overly optimistic, but if the Rights and Wrongs were determined by civilian historians as an academic exercise rather than having its basis established by a court, whatever the joint historical consensus will likely be much more palatable to the right wing. It is not the content, but the process.
In a sense it doesn't matter what Japan does or says, they have to worry more about message delivery because there is the fear that China and Korea governments and certain pressure groups will withhold, twist and lie to there own people so the original message never gets through. Seem to be only certain countries with a "problem"... ...ah maybe the other countries dont need that politics.
Must be really annoying for those in K and C when Japan gets such positive reviews in worldwide opinion polls of countries and more countries jump easily to help Japan when they had their tsunami.
A techtonic shift, one might say.
When I read comments from japanese nationalists here it makes me sick to the stomach. Is it really japan's neighbours who are not able to move forward or Japan? Stop justifying acts against humanity.. it's astonishing that people online think it's ok to justify aggression and human suffering in the name of maintaining Japan's peaceful image because they are sitting behind a computer screen.
Yes, Japan has been peaceful thanks to the American imposed constitution. peace had to be imposed on it because it was the agressor. And I hope it stays that way (the constitution).
And its not just china, korea and Taiwan that have bad relations with Japan but many countries in southeast Asia. However many southeast Asian states get aid and investment from Japan and because they are relatively weak states (except singapore) need good relations with it. I would not say they like Japan. They are playing it smart. Especially since Japan is buying their support by upping the anti with China.
seraphineJul. 13, 2013 - 07:48AM JST Is it really japan's neighbours who are not able to move forward or Japan?
Many people overstate Japan’s influence in Asia, which has declined ever since. The one-dimensional image of Japan in the region is a problem because Japan’s economic performance has progressively worsened since the early 90's, while China’s economy has grown rapidly. Problem is Japan did not intensify its effort to increase Japan’s soft power until the country’s hard power was in relative decline. Seen from this perspective, Japan’s soft power is based more on its dwindling economy and a lack of other viable policies. Japan’s economic problem is likely to continue and its politicians look incompetent and it's becoming harder to justify its relevance as a model to any international community. Japan’s problem is that its future importance is declining across the board.
Didn't know it was that easy. Perhaps U.S. and other militarily strong nations can start "imposing peace" to the rest if the world.
No. It's just China and Korea and it will always will be. In their desperate attempt to always include words like "Asian neighbors" in their statements as if the rest of the Asian nations have the same viewpoint, it's always been just those two with the brother up north in NK sometime joining hands.
What I would like to know is why no apology is demanded from Europe? Have Chinese forgotten what Europeans did to China, and for much much longer than the Japanese? Or have Chinese accepted White History, the story about how Europeans were so kind to spread civilization around the world to countries like China and India that had no civilization? Oh yes, and opium. And the blood worldwide bloodbath. What Japan did was a great evil to China, but only a fraction of what Europe did to the world. Yes, they only aim resentment at Japanese. I don't understand.
Manu Datta
It is not lack of apologies it is abundance of denial and typical Japanese underhanded apologies which infuriates neighbors.
The chasm is widening due to Japan's media which is printing nothing but anti-Korean material. Latest example? The Japanese news reported that the Japanese entertainer Kimura Kaera who claimed that a Korean company in Korea was illegally using her name and her pictures to sell their products in Korea. The reports cited that Kimura tried numerously to stop the South Koreans from illegally using her label but the Koreans ignored her. But after investigating further, it turns out that the "South Korean" company named "ANAP" was in reality, a Japanese brand, with a manufacturing facility in Korea. Another surprise was that this company and Kimura had a legal contract. Neither Kimura and the Japanese media reported this very little important fact. Not to mention, 99.99 percent of South Koreans have never even heard of this entertainer before, so I really wonder how effective it would have been if, ANAP used her to market in Korea. Ludicrous, but to this day the Japanese media refuses to tell the truth.
So current President of S. Korea Park's father, also a former President of S. Korea, was trained by the Japanese army and served in the Japanese Kwandung Army, famous for its atrosities in China. I wonder if he served in the Kwandung Army in China. For some reason, there is no information about this on the internet. I wonder if S. Korea will apologize to China. Anyway, we can't judge Japanese history until you correctly judge European Imperialism, which Japanese Imperialism copied. They were cut from the same cloth.
Most of the childish tantrums are coming from Japan now a days. I can assure you, many Koreans now view Japan as increasingly becoming irrelevant. The attitude now is, "we don't care anymore, let them speak/do whatever they want, but I will never like them". This may be a shocking reversal of fact for many Japanese to accept, but most of them do not realize how irrelevant they have become in Asia. In Korea, the Japanese related issues are being printed less and less in the media, other than the stories on Abe and his crazy crew's comedy hours, and the reports of all the anti-Korean protests in Japan. But that's just about it. Just scan the Korean media, see how many stories about Japan comes up. They are far less than the number of stories about evil Korea that come up in Japanese media, as the anti Korean propaganda by Japanese media gets shriller everyday. Up to ten years ago, it used to be that Japan ignored Korea, now it's completely the other way. For Koreans, Japan is looked upon as a perfect example how not to run a country.
Nigelboy, And its not just china, korea and Taiwan that have bad relations with Japan but many countries in southeast Asia
No. It's just China and Korea and it will always will be. In their desperate attempt to always include words like "Asian neighbors" in their statements as if the rest of the Asian nations have the same viewpoint, it's always been just those two with the brother up north in NK sometime joining hands.That's because Japan did the most in humane damages to those two.
Americans, especially veterans have a different pov against Japan for your treatment on our POWs in the Philippines. That's heavily taught and discussed in our high school and universities.
So depending on who the victims were, all of us have different grievances against Japan.
That feeling is not lost even at the highest levels in our gov't. President G.W. Bush had harsh personal feelings against Japan, so did senior Bush. But they set aside their personal feelings for the greater good for both countries.
My guess is for what you people had done to the Chinese and Korean, especially against their women and children, they will never get over it with your constant "actions" to try to white wash that past.
Just get over it. You people are who you are. Yes, its you people, not just the politicians because you voluntarily elected those folks. The Chinese and Koreans have every right to use that against you if you are stupid enough to bring this on yourselves. Stop blaming others for your own problems. Japan need this far right movement to unit your own pride as much as the Chinese and Koreans do.
The only difference is you people got blood on your hands against theirs. Those prominent political family and conglomerate still do. You guys got away with murder with minimal retribution. Props to you for your efforts, the Germans wished they could've done that but since they killed the Jews and Europeans, no chance they get away with it. You're lucky at the time of the war, Asians including Japanese are considered as inferior so no one particularly cared that much to get things right for the victims during that prejudicial time.
You apologists had your arguments, the rest of the world had theirs. Let's just move on. This debate had been done to death. With the way Japan is progressing, its only a matter of time that Japan will have no choice in the not-so-near future to self implode. Let's see what happens then, and what type of attitude you still hold truth.
Your argument sound very hallow when resident Korean trolls like yourself comes to this site to post 15 post on a daily basis to spite Japan. LoL
Kazuaki Shimazaki
It is C&K. Even if you consider a "Nanking-denier" for example, someone who cannot move forward from the past, if you compare the percentages of people who advocate Nanking denial in Japan vs C&Ks that retain a grudge for WWII, you'll see who is really having the most trouble.
Hah? I have heard of Japanese right wingers that deny Nanking or comfort women (in the sex slave sense - I don't think I hear many who deny comfort women). I have yet to hear any that says if true it is all fine and dandy. Even Hashimoto only says prostitutes.
This is the main reason I actually think Japanese revisionist historic views are pretty harmless and C&K are making mountains out of molehills. The important thing is that you think the Rape of Nanking is a bad idea, so you won't do it. Whether the Rape of Nanking happened is, at this point, but an academic exercise + historical curiosity unless you are trying to get money (compensation) out of it.
That may be why Japanese education produces more pacifistic citizens. They (as a whole) have the right values in them, even if the history book doesn't spend as much dwell on Nanking as their neighbors would like.
I actually replied about this to Yubaru earlier before the mod snipped it for being off-topic but ever since the Korean War, America was probably feeling sorry they stuffed the Article 9 clause in there in the first place. At that point, they could probably have thrown off that clause, but the Japanese people just weren't very interested...
They don't need to like Japan. They just need to move on. At least they don't seem as interested in constantly putting WWII in the microwave and pressing "Reheat" using their educational policies.
They don't accept it. They still go on with "Unequal Treaties" and all that. Still, it is politically more acceptable (in the international sense) to focus on Japan.
But then, we can also consider for one that the Europeans never sent enough troops to conquer as big a swath of China as Japan did, and there's a factor there too.
They did. Thus, when the PRC got into power, they got their hands onto some nukes at a relatively early stage (compared to their economic development). The PLA is their conclusion from the embarassment of being conquered by the Wokou to the East.
Probably, you (Japan) were indeed next. However, you guys should have been a bit smarter about it. Instead of making a full-bore drive into China after the Battle of Shanghai, stop and let the Chinese be the troublemaker. Every time they cause trouble, "punish" them and grab another small piece.
It appears your argument is basically saying that "individuals" will have their own personal reasons. No kidding. The feeling is not only mutual but universal for U.S, China nor Korea's citizens have the exclusive right to have animosity against another nation. But what I'm referring here is a collective animosity among citizens that extends to their own respective governments.
As I indicated earlier, it appears that many Japanese population are fed up with those two as well with very little opposition on Abe's almost deliberate avoidance to meet the head of the states of those two. This is a welcoming change for there is no sense in meeting with nations that continuously brings the past.
Only 4 percent of Chinese view Japan in a positive light? Truly alarming.
Thomas Anderson
Ironically the more these nationalists deny history in order to protect Japan's "image", the less and less people will respect Japan... and Japan's image worsens.
You mean less and less people from China and Korea. Don't worry. The feeling has been mutual. More and more they complain, c&K's image worsens among Japanese. As for the rest on how they view Japan, you have PEW and BBC results for that.
Thomas Anderson
Ah yes, having 10 times the amount of your country's population hate you is no problem... at all.
Ah yes... Japan went down to 4th place in that BBC poll... probably due to the rise of Japanese nationalism. Change in positive went down by -7 points, change in negative went up by 6 points. That's pretty significant, don't you think?
Yes. China has a lot of people under Communust regime. So?
Yes. Again, thanks to C&K who gave even more unfavorable results.
Thomas Anderson
Maybe you're aware of this thing called economy? How you're expecting to win against a country that is 10 times bigger than yours is beyond me... We're experiencing a little deja vu here... Japan fought against America which had 10 times the amount of industrial power than the Imperial Japan... and lost. Badly.
Um, no. 2 out of 21 countries only count for 9% of the total results. China and SK cannot suddenly give even more unfavorable views since 2012. Expect Japan to go down even further when people like Hashimoto, Abe and you come up and try to deny their history.
Because the world is not just China, perhaps?? Since when does a population size determine the winner and a loser? Strange logic.
Well. They did.
Japan does not need China nor Korea. It would be to our advantage to not import anything from these economical predator states. Japan can be neutral in the Korean civil war. Withdraw diplomatic relations with Korea and kick the US military out of Japan. I am sick of all three of them bullying Japan.
Thomas Anderson
Okay, and are you aware of how economically important China is to Japan? (And to the rest of the world?) If say, Japan and China both completely stopped trading with each other, then guess who will be the bigger loser? Oh... Japan.
Having more population means having more industrial power. The Chinese economy in the future will be 10 times bigger than the Japanese economy, even bigger than the US economy. Perhaps it would help to move out of the 2chan nationalism worldview once in a while.
Yes. And it still doesn't explain why Japan's positive ratings went down by 7 points and negative ratings went up by 6 points. It was clearly due to rise of Japanese nationalism.
How so? As another article mentioned in the business section today, Japan is not trade dependent (% of GDP) while China's rise has been fueled by public infrastructure spending and capital spending which the bubble is bursting. Your simple calculation of China having 10 times the population ergo in the future 10 times the economy is merely preschool arithmetic with no consideration of how nations have eventually have to deal with the social effects of the rise which in China's case is income inequality that even the higher bureaucrats within the CCP has been preparing to get out of China.
Somebody mention about "projecting" just a day ago.
A shame. A united East Asia would make everyone tremble. Rationality is not common sense in Asian politics. I wouldn't expect the Japanese to admit its crimes in the same way I wouldn't expect fat Kim Jongy to let go of its nuclear ambitions and the Chinese pirates to stick to fishing in their own oceans.
Some comment writers create new words that are not Japanese.
Fake Samurai..... wrote;That is why as early as the end of the Edo period many wanted Datsua Nyuou(脱亜入欧) in which Fukuzawa emphasized the point of leaving the Asian thought process strongly more then Nyuou or adoptation of European thought method. The end of the Edp, Jp-i ( Crushing foreign invador/ people from BoCho (Yamaguchi Prefecture now) crushed Shogunate forces. There was no such phrasex of Datsua Nyuou(脱亜入欧) in 1azpanese. Ajia, Oushu were words after Taisho era when Geography was established to schools. Boxhin war slogzn was Joi/
Obviously not in the Taisho-era.
Well said @KnowBetter.
Scott Johnson
It does not matter how much one has apologized for an action if their later actions prove they have no remorse and they just try to forget it ever happened. Or worse, tell a completely different story that negates the need for that apology.
You cannot hold today's Japanese responsible for WWII, but you can hold them responsible for their own ignorance and twisting of the story. Japan has gone from apology to insistence that they did East Asian Countries a huge service by invading them and brutalizing the populace. Its infuriating and all of Japan's neighbors are right to be infuriated.