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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2014.China calls on Japan to end jet scrambles
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pfff....a big lie from Beijing again. I need to rewrite this sentence to "Japan demands China to end jet scrambles."
US State Department has a solid proof on China's lies .All other countries including Philippines, Vietnam and Japan should recognize this sick irresponsible behaviors from China. This is nothing new. No shame, no remorse from China.
Carry on, Japan.
Japan and concerned international audience respectfully ask China to stop their incursions into the Senkaku Islands, otherwise known as the Diaoyu/Diaoyutai Islands.
I call on China to stop provoking Japan.
The scramble aircraft are ordered to proceed to the MSL (Minimum Scramble Line) and warn the approaching aircraft that they are nearing the territorial limits of Japan. If this warning is ignored and a violation of Japanese air space occurs, the pilot is to order the offender to land at once. This warning, however, seems to lack the teeth of enforcement. If it is ignored, the JASDF pilot is limited to escorting the intruder through Japan's airspace in the absence of other orders. The Japanese pilot can attack only if the intruder makes a hostile move toward him or against Japan. This interpretation, however, is up to the pilot, it is a decision that is delegated to him.
Japan is playing defense but Chinese propaganda is trying to portray this as aggression in a zone that no other country recognizes.
To reduce the number of jet scrambles is to....well, it's pretty obvious and don't to be stated here.
I'd like to see China denied all future Olympics, World Championships, Asian Games, regional and world political/economic conferences until they can show that they are mature enough to join the rest of the countries at the "adult table".
Excellent posts above! From Globalwatcher to Farmboy.
Boy Next Door
There wouldn't be scrambling of jets by Japan if in the first place China didn't intrude into the former's teritory. Sighhh
How do you say 'logic' in Chinese?
There used to be one, but the CPC got rid of it during the cultural revolution. Instead, the word for logic that they have now takes into account the unique cultural heritage of the Chinese people; e.g., logic with Chinese characteristics.
Chinese military aircraft have never complied with Japan’s ADIZ in the East China Sea, calling it ‘illegal’. However, China requires all foreign aircraft who wish to enter the ADIZ to submit their flight plans and follow instructions given by the Chinese Air Force. China is treating the announced ADIZ airspace as much as 600 km away from the Chinese coast as its territorial airspace. It might produce gains in the South China Sea where China is dealing with weaker Southeast Asian countries, but it will not necessarily work in the East China Sea where China is dealing with Japan and U.S. that are well-armed major powers.
Japan's response: No.
And I would add: F off yourself
Sure... stop invading our air space and we'll stop intercepting you. How is China reporting this.... that they have been intercepting Japanese planes in their air space?
The mendacity of these Chinese losers knows no limits.
China's logic is about as sound as a bully grabbing your arm, hitting you with it and then telling you to "quit hitting yourself."
I'm starting to feel offended by China thinking that we the world are idiots who would believe the utter garbage that they come out with.
The problem of US which is well-armed major powers have no visibility about the deterrence for Japan or Philippines and Vietnam. Obama toured Asia with the slogan of forming Asia Pivot and promised regional leaders as East China Sea or South China Sea are not punching bags of bullying China.
When PRC got high noon with Philippines or Vietnam or Japan, US has become invisible smoke across the horizon. Last year, Japanese coast guarding ship was locked by radar of PRC navy ships. It is nothing different from clicking unloaded gun to head of the victim. US made a lot of noise for China aggression. So far there is no demonstration as reliable and dependable leadership or comrade. Many Asians do not trust US sugar coated words. It has failed to deliver for many times.
It is right moment for US for showing some physical action for deterrence for PRC. The slogan is " Do not mess with us or US." The action is US should block the PRC military air route.
John Galt
Good one, Farmboy.
If this were an interpersonal relationship, one could define the Chinese actions as passive/aggressive. Overtly calm, but brimming with hostility and possibly insult.
If Japan accepts the underlying Chinese premise, that China is entitled to fly over the islands without Japanese concern, then they are conceding control of the islands to China. This is not a negotiation, but an ultimatum.
And that would accomplish what?
Ting Zhao
Japanese is not so innocent!
China stop being such an A$$! Your fooling no one, go get bent!
Well for one thing it would remove the opportunity for the communists to do what they are doing right here in this instance. And by that I mean tossing out thinly veiled threats and ultimatums on the eve of the APEC summit - during which they have "promised" to be "good hosts". When PRC is given the right to hold international events its raises their already soaring god-complex to heretofore unseen heights.
Speed is correct in stating that PRC deserves to host nothing. But actually that isn't going near far enough. The real problem is that this belligerent loudmouth has a permanent seat on the UNSC. That's like asking a crook to sit on your Supreme Court. They should be stripped of that position asap. It will never happen of course, but it would be the logical course of action given the constant stream of threatening nationalist rhetoric spewing from the various propaganda organs of the CCP.
Kind of like Korea telling Japan to "calm down" over arresting its journalist for writing true (but inconvenient) things about its president. When Korea relives every sad every of WWII every day, just to make sure no one ever moves on and puts the war behind them.
Must be new problems bubbling under the surface at home in China.
Jerel E Rogers
Good Japan. Keep them reds on the run.
China called on Japan on Thursday to stop scrambling its jets against Chinese aircraft following a rise in the number of such operations, saying it was a source of flying safety concerns.
If Communist China is so concerned about safety may they should stop sending their insane pilots into Japanese airspace.
Or, if they won't respect Japanese airspace how about ordering their insane pilots to stop intentionally flying so close to Japanese planes!
But, we know that they won't do either because this latest silly demand is just Communist Propaganda at it's finest.
More childish bunk from Communist China.
Well it seems China has not changed their attitude at all. If Japan gives one inch we will soon see a small airport for military aircraft on Senkakus. It becomes increasingly clear that Chinas policy is to call the shots as they see fit and totally disregard every one else.
Fox Sora Winters
Stop giving them a reason to scramble then you buffoons. The JASDF is just doing its job: protecting Japan's airspace. Flying military jets into that airspace is an aggressive action that warrants the scrambling of jets. Well, it's no surprise that China is complaining about this. "We want to invade Japan, but they keep sending their superior aircraft to intercept our Russian-built rust buckets. It's so frustrating. We want Japan to stop making us look bad so we can conquer them!" That's basically what China is saying. Japan's response should be to erect a giant middle finger aimed at China, that's visible from China. It'd probably be cheaper than scrambling jets hundreds of times a month, but sends the same crystal clear message: eff off!
I too call on Japan to stop scrambling aircraft... Instead just paint them with radar and announce that they have X minutes to leave Japanese airspace and then launch.
At the end of the day China is just going to continue this endlessly because it costs Japan more to scramble their high tech Jets than it does for China to send out its Soviet era rust buckets. In effect Japan loses more money each time they scramble. If China doesn't desist then equalize the equation by shooting down their planes. One at a time if necessary. Ideally downing them in a way that doesn't kill the pilot would be best, but that is rarely practical.
In short, call China's bluff. They probably would only need to do it once.
Why does US not do anything? They say they are here to protect Japan, but I've never seen them protect Japan in action. They flew B-something when China set ADMZ, that's all I see in my entire life.
Douglas Macarthy
EASY don t buy made in China
Mistaken ways? The only mistake China made was create the air defend zone, they need to remove that mistake first.
Andre Hut
Just what we need, World War III over some uninhabited islands. Japan, China need to grow up and figure out a way to co-manage and share whatever resources are available. Its one world people, don't screw it up.
It is Just about time for Japan to start shooting down china Defense force when crossing over their space, this will never stop till this happens, China sees Japan as a Joke and continues to press test Japan, well the scores for defense are in and Japan loses as Japan is showing it will always pull away and allow a bully to continue its actions, isn't their one pilot in Japan air force who has the Balls to pull that tiger, isn't there one man or women who is willing to give his or her dignity and honor for the defense of Japan? Wake up Japan the time has come, you know your right and have international Law behind you, the US is stationed right here, what are you waiting for, the US has to defend your rights if any conflict breaks out, no matter who fires first as long as Japan is in the right, the US sees it has its radar, they know china is wrong, Pull the Trigger.... so why are you holding back AGAINST THIS HOT AIR BULLY..???? Have you Lost Face.......
PS this probably will not be posted as it shows a truth in which ever man and women in the free world wants to say:.....
China just got its face rubbed in it with Vietnam and Indian agreement over the South China Sea and so as expected they try and bash Japan. China uses Japan as a whipping boy to distract its people over Chinese lose of face or domestic problems. How about China stop invading the airspace of Japan and then Japan can agree to stop scrambling its jets as its defensive plans call for. China is beyond stupid on this point and China is showing its lack of logic in the whole argument.
Shooting down PRC plane is entirely not the business of Japan. Japan is still the pacifist nation according article 9 of constitution. That constitution was written by US general after WWII. JSDF role, man power and resource are still limited. US has many bases in Japan. However they are more likely tourists instead of defending for Japan security. Obama promised Asian nations US will not let Japan and other nations down. He talked touch. After his talk, there are more planes
As an ally and permanent tenant and former occupier of Japan, US is solely responsible for blocking air route or shooting down the PRC plane. Successive US presidents, defense secretary and JT posters talk touch. However they were just talk shows like Ellen. The more they threat PRC, The more planes and ships scrambled. It is obvious that US is not interested in defending for Japan or Vietnam or Philippines. As the leader of Asian pivot, US needs to show the initiative instead of unproductive talks.
Teach your pilots how to navigate so they avoid Japanese air zone.
Japan should charge China for the pilots time, the fuel, also the wear and tear on the aircraft used to show the Chinese pilots the way back to China. .
KariHarukaOCT. 31, 2014 - 09:45AM JST I'm starting to feel offended by China thinking that we the world are idiots who would believe the utter garbage that they come out with.
I agree, it's insulting, but their incessant garbage is for the domestic consumption who, like any rent-a-rabble, will believe any nationalistic nonsense that comes out of their unelected elitist committee. I'm struggling to find another example where an elite few ruled over so many unchallenged. That's the real problem, the guys running that circus have started believing they are omnipotent and that's when it gets dangerous!
Kazuaki Shimazaki
Unfortunately, this will not work, even if Japan is willing to change its interpretation of Article 84 of the SDF law to something more aggressive. The violators almost never actually penetrate Japanese airspace, which is basically Japanese territory pus twelve miles all around. You can't justify a shootdown based on the plane flying in your ADIZ, because that's legally considered international airspace.
The only proportionate and legal response Japan could make is to try and send its own patrol aircraft (P-3s) to conduct reconaissance just off the Chinese coast.
I think Shimazaki-san has it right. It wouldn't be a good idea for Japan to start shooting at Chinese planes. Just give Beijing something else to complain about. Far better to send some surveillance aircraft to fly just outside Chinese airspace and scan the countryside with radar. That sounds like a much better way to tweak the Chinese noses and get some information at the same time.
The complexity of the disputed isles is well beyond even the strategists in both China and Japan. Both countries are trying to visualize every scenario in order to make decisions on how to proceed. Neither country wants all out war but neither country can back down. Right now both countries are operating off of the book of "Disputed Territory 101", Don't let your adversary control said disputed territory. As the saying goes "possession is 9 tenths of the law". The only thing to do is continue to play the game and look for a weakness that can be exploited.
@Nathaw and Zenpun So you agree that the US should take down a PRC plane as an example.... Ok, good to know. Guess you won't be able to act surprised when it happens....
Shold of just brought your white flag and waived them.
A Realist
Maybe China should stop violating Japanese airspace and Japan wouldn't have to scramble any jets.
Just put some remote controlled rocket launchers on the islands and be done with it.
Andre HutOCT. 31, 2014 - 03:50PM JST Just what we need, World War III over some uninhabited islands. Japan, China need to grow up and figure out a way to co-manage and share whatever resources are available. Its one world people, don't screw it up.
It certainly is one world, the problem is though, China thinks its theirs!
Because nobody has attacked Japan. Routine defense of Japanese territory and challenging intrusions is a JSDF responsibility.
RE: OssanAmerica "Because nobody has attacked Japan. Routine defense of Japanese territory and challenging intrusions is a JSDF responsibility." An incursion into Japan's waters can be interpreted as an attack, an attack does not have to be a military action but can be in the form of economic, technological etc. The main question that the Japanese voters should be asking is " Why hasn't the Diet asked for US intervention when China is in Japan's waters considering the US receives a chunk of money for defense. Let the US used some of that vast superpower by doing what it gets paid to do.
Is that in the treaty? If so, the treaty has problems because I think it is difficult to define those words like attack, defense, challenging intrusions.
Japan pays US more than 4 Billion dollers a year, more than double Italy or Germany does.
comon really , no need to scramble jets if you just keep you recon flights away from Senkaku islands. what China fails to understand is the scrambles are a reaction to there actions