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© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.China orders vendors to stop selling 'Tokyo Big Bang' fireworks
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Surprisingly sensitive move by the Chinese government. Although trivial but good to hear. Normal people in any countries don't want war.
"The truth hurts."
Wow. That's unexpected. Interesting.
Agreed, This was both unexpected and pleasantly surprising. I could be cynical and accuse the Chinese of manufacturing propaganda, however this has the ring of sincerity to it.
Perhaps (just perhaps) China is attempting to soften its hard-line approach, so that it can engage in productive discussion without having to rely on intimidation.
A very small gesture, but a decent one. My only fear is the fact that this is in the media make the things more sought out by those who are 'patriotic', like Yang. 'Tis a shame he was allowed to make them in the first place. The government should have him change them all to "Tokyo: Apologies".
Just what does naming them "Tokyo Apologies" mean smith? Did you miss the part of the article that stated; "authorities have passed on the message that “China is a peace-loving country and we should not do something damaging to the China-Japan friendship,” ?? For once we see an effort by the Chinese government to de-escalate the issue and seems there are those that just can't put down the hate flag.
It will end up in 'a real big bang anyway' for Tokyo
@cabadaje China repeatedly asked JP to discuss the issue, it is JP that refuses to talk. Get it right.
What a surprise! A welcome one, nonetheless~
OssanAmerica: "Just what does naming them "Tokyo Apologies" mean smith?"
Check your hatred at the door, bud -- it means "Apologies to Tokyo", as in, Yang and Co. should never have been so insensitive as to name a firework "Tokyo Big Bang" and should be forced to sell any remaining products with an apology. Read the post before you post, Ossan, don't read into what is not there.
"For once we see an effort by the Chinese government to de-escalate the issue and seems there are those that just can't put down the hate flag."
Since you missed my entire post but the last line, which you misinterpreted (ahem, 'hate flag'), let me post it again: "A very small gesture, but a decent one. My only fear is the fact that this is in the media make the things more sought out by those who are 'patriotic', like Yang. 'Tis a shame he was allowed to make them in the first place."
How's that foot tasting?
Ossan: Oh, and you also misquoted me. I said it should be, "Tokyo: Apologies", not "Tokyo Apologies". Big, big difference as what comes after the colon indicates what's being said to that which comes before. For example, were you to right "Smith: Apologies" in your next post for misreading and jumping to conclusions when it came to mine, that would be different than without the colon. :)
Kimokekahuna Hawaii
Now Japan needs to make gesture in return.. what do you suggest.. What would they take to heart.. that costs nothing in money, land or human lives..
i don't find that name derog at all...
in fact it sounds like a music group
Kimokekahuna: "Now Japan needs to make gesture in return.."
If they want to be as immature, yes. But one would hope they take the high road and do not act as immature.
well I read this article like this: Yang who is an entrepeneur and probably not that interested in politics anyway, just thought the name would sell. I cant read where Tokyo Big Bang means a negative sense. I like fireworks. Somebody took it the wrong way and demanded them off the shelves. And dont worry Hawaii-Japan has gyoza and wonton.
right /= write lol
"Just what does naming them "Tokyo Apologies" mean smith?"
It means, with the colon I put in there (and you forgot), "Apologies to Tokyo". Why would I say it's a good measure by China, and that this man "should be forced to" rename it as anything other than that?
"Did you miss the part of the article that stated; "authorities have passed on the message that “China is a peace-loving country and we should not do something damaging to the China-Japan friendship,” ??"
Did you miss my whole comment? I praised the Chinese government for this move, even saying it was only a small thing but a good one. I also chided the man named Yang, said it was a shame he was allowed to make them in the first place, and put quotation marks around 'patriotism' to emphasize the stupidity of his actions based on any sort of love of nation.
"For once we see an effort by the Chinese government to de-escalate the issue and seems there are those that just can't put down the hate flag."
Given that you seem to have not read my comment at all but instead only read INTO it what you wanted, I'd say you're pointing at the wrong people when you say "there are those that just can't put down the hate flag".
illsayit: "well I read this article like this: Yang who is an entrepeneur and probably not that interested in politics anyway, just thought the name would sell."
The only problem with that is Yang's self-proclaimed 'patriotism' as part of the reason for the name, and his hope that national interests haven't been affected.
I did get it right. China is the only one who is obsessing solely over the island issue, much as you did when you read my comment. Japan has offered, and the rest of the world is encouraging China, to discuss all the peripheral issues that the island issue has caused, even though these other issues have no direct correlation to the islands at all. In other words, Japan is willing to discuss the economy, trade, resources, etc, etc, any of a dozen different issues that were created by the islands issue.
China has refused to discuss any issue other than the islands. That is not productive at all. If anything, it is making the unrelated issues worse.
@Kimokekahuna Hawaii
Ehh...let's not get carried away. This is a pleasant surprise from China. It is both standard and expected from any other country.
"China is a peace loving country" nearly made me fall off my chair. . . or out from under the kotatsu least.
“China is a peace-loving country and we should not do something damaging to the China-Japan friendship,”
Oh please, the PRC is a Capitalist controlled nation that smells or dare I say, sees the writting on the wall.
The PRC elite are worried that their money flow may be damaged and are starting to do damage control.
Just a matter of time before they start reining in their water internet army here.
People with names like "Tiger this' and "Smith that" will start talking about peace and loving Japan.
But as I have always said, the PRC and their supporters are the most dangerous things to world peace and should never be trusted.
Love and kisses to all my friends, valentines day is near and want to toss out some love to the Tigers and Smith's out there.LOL
JoeBigs: "Love and kisses to all my friends, valentines day is near and want to toss out some love to the Tigers and Smith's out there.LOL"
As with Ossan, and no surprise, you miss that I have said it was good of China to do this, and childish of people like Yang to do what he did in the first place under the guise of 'patriotism'. You bringing in the hate simply serves to undermine any argument you have against China, Japan, or anyone else. Just because you don't like what one nation says or does, and criticize certain points, does not mean you are 100% in favour of what the other does.
"But as I have always said, the PRC and their supporters are the most dangerous things to world peace and should never be trusted."
To the paranoid, yes.
Appreciate the love, though, and wish you a Happy Lunar New Year.
Er... you discover the principle ? Like in my town, we burn the carnival king (his doll), and sometimes people have burnt dolls bearing a mask and the name of some political leaders that they hate. Well, they do that in wartime. The Chinese, they do it with fireworks.
Stop selling Peking Duck ?
JoeBigs: "It's been so bad lately that I have not been able to do my daily 3 km walk due to the krude and krape that the PRC has sent our way!"
You act like it was something intentional. Natural wind-patterns blow things in that direction, and while China is to blame for poor emissions regulations, it's not like a radar lock on the nation.
"I wish that I could get my lawyers to sue the entire nation of the PRC for the havok they are causing my daily walks!"
You going to sue Japan for planting a bunch of cedars and making pollen unbearable? for TEPCO putting radiation in the air and ground? for all the bad things you're already breathing in?
"But, I know that they would most likely blame Japan for the misery that they are causing me and the rest of the world."
Yeah, ahem, because no one else is misdirecting their personal anger here.
"Smith, I hope you have a fantastic V day.....Hope you and yours enjoy it to the fullest.....Oh btw, the PRC is still the greatest threat to world peace."
Wish you a good one too, though there are still a few days left beforehand. As to being a threat to world peace, that takes more than one party, and is FAR more complicated.
cos that makes no sense. You draw some dots and join em up? Pick anywhere and anything and anytime and make your line of debate connect.
Smith-you have no sense of anything beyond yourself, seriously. Yang, who YOU say is self-proclaimed, because you happen to be sitting next to the guy and know for sure that there is no other pressure whatsoever on him that would bring out that sort of statement in him. The whole loss of monies and negative return on some goods that he was trying to sell, has no meaning whatsoever to him of course! He must be rolling in the bucks that he could ignore a little bit of a loss on some fireworks at what one would suspect is one of the best seasons for fireworks, and probably a time when he invested a lot thinking there would be a return? You smith, need to stop assuming that your command of the english language is the one and only way of it. Stop correcting others interpretations, just cause it doesnt function with yours and let the words work for themselves.
Why Japanese will be angry with the Chinese if they have fireworks called Tokyo Big bang? I think people are mature here. It depends on their own interpretation of the bang. By the way, Tokyo big bangs sounds weird lol...
Well maybe PRC understood that the radar incident is something they cant dodge, thus loosing face internationally (well at least from their point of view). They then desperately need a new initiative to try to build a better image during the conflict. Here we are, the name of a fire cracker has been changed. I seriously doubt that this will change their plan for the region. But still, one small step for man...
It seems awfully duplicitous of the Chinese Communist Party to say that banning fireworks with the name "Tokyo Big Bang" is an example of how peace loving PRC is, whilst constantly sending ships into Japanese territorial waters and locking radars on them.
They need to make gestures where they count - not where they are largely immaterial.
What about rename our island Senkaku for (大和島)“yamatoisland”?
What do North Korea and China have in common? The thought of Tokyo in a sea of flames cheers them up immensely.
In fact, come to think of it, China was probably planning to send truckloads of these big babies to NK, if they haven't already.
Yeah, to hell with the Ainu and the Okinawans and the mixed-race people. Japan=Yamoto, right?
Back on topic please.
Chinese ordered to stop selling the said firecrackers BUT they cannot issue an order to stop their ship making provocative act near the disputed island !
I see on the photo a package of rocket fireworks with "dong jin da bao zha" ( "the big explosion of Tokyo" ) printed on it, and a drawing that looks like the Tower of Tokyo in fire. What would that be ?
You can read Chinese ? And you can say Chinese don't understand it ?
Somebody is really a lot of people. All Chinese media call that the "anti-Japanese fireworks".
Well, two can play at that game: "Beijing Big Bang" You even get alliteration.
Big Thanks for Big Bangs removal. Chinese love peace.
lol, they are only asking to remove it because it's adding more to the air pollution.
It is a very nice gesture and done on their own. Big things are made up of small things and thus it is a start. Nifee deebiru 謝謝
"China is a peace-loving country." Hilarious, that's what I hear about Japan on a daily basis. In fact I've never heard the word "peace" so much as in Japan. Now, why don't these two supposedly peace-loving countries shake hands and get on with being peaceful?
China is a peace-loving country and we should not do something damaging to the China-Japan friendship
It is propaganda only. Propaganda people, and I will come back to haunt.. In the future China can turn around and say " see, look what we did! We are not be escalators, Japan is! " any personwho gets sucked into this construction really is a bit of a turkey.
... And it will come back...
Sorry, not "I" !!!
thank you cos. SO I wonder if it is the media or yang who dribbled the negative slant. doesnt really matter cause I can tell you this much Tony, you can keep your stupid pandas. feed them your self.if you think pandas are a sign of peace loving, you need to study some more
Tony Ew
@illsayitFeb. 11, 2013 - 05:22AM JST
Please don't be upset with the Pandas! I am saying serious stuff here. Remember China's Ping Pong Diplomacy with US? Same thing here. Put two pandas on Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands and make into a tourist destination! One call Senkaku, the other called Diaoyu, Okay?
I am all for peace and I DON'T CARE how we get there except through war!
Smith, "Tokyo:apologies" or "Tokyo apologies" makes no difference.
"It means, with the colon I put in there (and you forgot), "Apologies to Tokyo". Why would I say it's a good measure by China, and that this man "should be forced to" rename it as anything other than that?"
Then why didn't you say "Apologies to Tokyo" instead of a sentence structure that could easily be interpreted to mean Tokyo should apologize? Because that's not what you meant and wouldn't be in keeping with your long standing agenda anyway.
When China establishes a constitution that makes the use of military force to settle diplomatic issues illegal and gets rid of it's nuclear weapons and all offensive military capability, I will actually believe that it is a "peaceful country".
Why banned the fun, it's festive time, let people have the fun. Tokyo will be most likely destroyed by natural disaster, not firecrackers.
Tony EwFeb. 11, 2013 - 05:40AM JST
Sankaku/Diaoyu and Panda business?,
Great idea, but who will take care of Pandas? Chinese caretakers or Japanese caretakers? Take a turn?
It sounds like a monkey business to me.
I agree with Tardistraveler. This is a pattern in PRC propaganda. They allowed the violent anti-Japanese demonstrations to continue for exactly as long as they wished, and have fanned the flames in the media ever since, but then they ban the sale of a little firecracker just so The Ministry of Truth can say, "See. Peaceful, harmonious China."
@conchobar, to be more exact, they allowed the riots to continue until they began attacking a local CCP headquarters (was it Senzhen?). How would "CCP Big Bang" sell?
Intimidation means threat of using forceful measure. Abe threaten PRC for not mess with us. We wil use warning shots first. Later on we will make real shots. Panetta declared we will fight for Japan if there is a real conflict.
Therefore Japan and US are intimidating PRC. Not the other way around.
I think it has been pretty well established that the problem here is that China does not seem to realize exactly what the rest of the world sees as intimidation and aggression. To China, all non-military vessels are non-aggressive, so they see no problem with intentionally sending into confrontation civilian fishing boats, then civilian planes, followed by government research ships, followed by government research planes. To the rest of the world, that is a clear escalation up towards military. Sure enough, the next step in the Chinese repertoire was to send in military ships and military planes. The next predicted step was aggressive confrontation. China did that as well. It doesn't think it did (or pretends not to, anyway). It doesn't acknowledge that pointing a gun at someone is considered much, much more serious than yelling at them. But it is.
China is, undeniably, unquestionably, and most importantly, fully and immediately precedented (as in, they have actually done it, in the current political scene), in regards to intimidation and aggressive conflict. Japan has not only not used aggression to solve their current conflicts (not for the past 70 years), Japan is even considered by some to be somewhat below the curve in terms of how intimidating a country should be. Most Americans rank Japanese intimidation somewhere below Canada.
Tony Ew
Chinese commentators had acknowledged China is not good at PR. Japan PR is one of cloaked peaceful front while actually stealthy aggression and intimidation. Eight Japanese fighter jets chasing one Chinese miserably small propeller plane! Japanese intimidation tactics includes the radar lock incident happened with the Chinese frigate within easy range of dozens upon dozens of Japanese anti ship missiles from planes, land, and ships nearby! The Chinese frigate captain rightfully make the radar lock to warn Japan to buzz off and stop further intimidation! It's easy to see Japan don't have peaceful intentions!
The 70 years of peaceful coexistence Japan have with others is not normal. It is just a 'caged peace' with America keeping a close eye on Japanese behaviour! You let Abe change the Constitution and you will see Japan becoming a menace to smaller nations nearby pretty soon, especially with nukes from plutonium for dirty bombs.
As long as China do not send any military asset into the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands area, there is zero reason to say China is not peaceful. It is just a move to asset sovereignty in a peaceful way, how can that be a problem?
Chinese military ships pass through the area to the Western Pacific to conduct naval exercises. Hmm, I never heard of that as aggressive. By your logic US Japan military exercise is aggressive as well. Great!
Most Americans means who live and work in Japan or rest of Americans? It is debatable that Not all Americans share the fondness of Japan as residents of Japan or someone making the living in Japan.
It lacks the credibility. Fishing boats and exploring ships are there for more than two centuries of disputed nations. Recently surveillance ships and planes have been discovered. Once again whether they are in their routine in their EEZ or not is questionable. PRC is pretty closer to that Islets. Although ownership issue is debatable, they have freedom of navigation as Japan.
I think it has been pretty well established that the problem here is that JT posters do not seem to realize exactly what the rest of the world see as intimidation and aggression.
That territory dispute existed since 1960s. That year is 2013. Even JT posters have been posted for hundred of debates. So far there is no real military confrontation. It is hard to believe PRC can be refrained so long if it is making intimidation and aggression toward other. After all it is nuclear armed state and more than 1.3 billions people.
I didn't say anything about whether Americans are fond of the Japanese or not. I am talking about how intimidating Americans consider Japanese to be. The answer is: Not much.
Not sure to what you are referring to here.
Certainly. They've been there, fishing. The ship that openly confronted the JSDF was a rarity. Today, it is the reverse. Rather, it was, as fishing ships are more of a peripheral concern at the moment.
It isn't where they are as much as what they are doing. You don't refer to the stalker following you as aggressive because he's sitting in the restaurant down the block. You call him aggressive because he keeps making unwanted passes at you.
Well-established? It hasn't even been brought to the table?
Most people would round up to the '70's, being that the first time China said word one about the islands was in '68, shortly after the discovery of possible natural resources there.
Well, that's the point of disagreement. I would say that yes, there has indeed been a military confrontation, two of them in fact. When the two cowboys draw and aim their guns at each other, that is a confrontation.
Again, this sort of comment, so flippantly thrown out to the discussion floor, this is the sort of comment that makes people consider China to be a risk. To say that "We aren't aggressive! We haven't nuked anyone, have we?" speaks of an utter lack of proportion.
To the rest of the world, confrontations do not require nuclear weapons. Imminent deadly force is quite enough by itself to be considered aggressive. Heck, overly dynamic or enthusiastic response is considered somewhat aggressive. It's like the previously mentioned China's new balance thing; your sister can't eat her cookie, then claim that it is only fair that you share yours with her 50/50. You can't demand ownership of an island, and then claim that it is only fair to negotiate who it belongs to. You can't set nuclear weapons as the new standard for aggression, and then claim pointing a lesser weapon at someone isn't confrontation.
Well-established interpretation of intimidation and aggression could be researched in Abe and Ishihara speech.
Abe said that Japan will not surrender single inches of territory. It will defend if there will be other nation invaded. It is universal recognition of general nationalist sentiment. It is less intimidation or aggression as rest of the world see.
Ishihara said that he wanted to settle the unfinished business with China. Japan can say No to other. Everything of mine is mine. Yours is mine too. It is more intimidating and aggression. It is unlike half by half cookie business. Cookie can be replaced with other snack easily. Ultra nationalism and provocation from senior politician is more intimidating. However there is no physical aggression.
Of course. You can find any sort of meaning in anything you like if you look hard enough.
Thing is, you don't have to research at all to find it for China. It's right there, out in the open. There is no "could" about it. Hell, the Panetta had to outright tell China to stop threatening everyone, and you know how much politicians hate straight talk.
It's also common sense and expected of every single sovereign nation on the planet. You will not be able to find a single nation with the philosophy of "Please, take! We don't need so much land! Soldiers? Heck, yeah, come on over!"
If you accuse Japan of being aggressive and provocative because it is saying what you would say if someone told you they were taking over your backyard and you need to shut up about it, then you are pretty saying the entire world is being aggressive and intimidating against China. And that would bring us solidly back to my original point, which was that China does not seem to understand what the rest of the world is talking about when they talk about intimidation and aggression.
We can throw quotes from politicians at each other all day. It's meaningless. Politicians talk. Talk is cheap. Actions count. Behavior counts. China speaking the way it does makes China look childish, but that's all. China locking on to ships with weapon systems makes China look dangerous. Behavior trumps talk any day of the week. And yes, locking on is physical aggression. That you did not successfully complete throwing the punch does not relieve you of actually throwing a punch.
Obviously, neither China nor Japan is willing to compromise on the islands. Fine. The islands will still be there tomorrow, and frankly, they don't really affect the rest of the world in any significant way. So Japan is willing to work with China to repair all the problems the island dispute has caused. And there are a lot of them, not the least of which is the economy, that are affecting both sides. It isn't a matter of China compromising on anything, but rather of both countries helping each other back up. But if China is not willing to work with Japan to fix those problems, if China is unwilling to leave the island issue unresolved, they are going to get worse.
The problem works both ways, as well. In the same way, they see no conflict in that China can count its allies who agree with their definition on the fingers of one hand (and still have a few left over), and yet be bemused at how the rest of the world seems to be taking offense at a simple warning (that would have been referred to as an act of war under different situations), similarly will China be perplexed at how its actions in stopping the sales of these fireworks are not seen as iron-clad evidence of peace-loving nature.
If you read my post again, I did not potray Abe as making intimidation or aggression. What I means is rest of the world see it is just general nationalist sentiment. It is less intimidating and rest of the world does not see anything wrong with it.
The problem of you rush to interpret other post as blaming Abe or bashing Abe. Not all smaller nation have luxury like Japan to express their national pride. Pls ask Geogerians who was invaded and bullied by Russia. What can they express their pride to Russia? The answer is NO. Pls ask Iragis or Palastinanians who was treated by US and Isreal as same way of Geogerians? What can they say US and Isreal to expression of disgust? The answer is NO.
Not all nations got a same treatments. It is just propaganda mouthpiece of Super Powers for mainpulating small nations for their interest.
It is doubtful whether self proclaming GURU of China has been there? Have they have single knowledge of power distribution between municiple district, township level and state level? Unlike Japan their PR is very weak. Their nation is run by technocrafts. They are not open, mancho and touch talk like J polictians. It is hard to know what they have in their mind.
If that ban news is not included in JT, no one will notice their goodwill gesture.
Many JT posters blamed Chinese authority for backing of nationalist movememt for riots. There are not informed many humanized gesture and good will of civic society of Chineses too. There are always good guys and bad guys in every society.
Therefore concluding it is first step of softening toward from China is wrong. Someone living in Tokyo do not know about the Japanese travellers appreciation of local hospitality and humanity. In the eyes of JT posters, there are full of negative news.
Countless similar stories are not available in main stream Japanese media everyday.
I neither said you did nor thought you did.
Then I misunderstood you. I thought you meant "nationalism" in a negative, jingoism, sort of way. My bad.
I can say with complete honesty that I have never, not in any post that I have written, ever referred to Abe in any way, shape, or form. I care about Abe about as much as I care about any other individual politician, which is not much at all. I couldn't tell you what his policies are, what his personal feelings are, or even what his behavior is about (although I gather from what others have said that he is a conservative of some stripe?). Behaviors of individuals rarely interest me.
Hmm...apparently misunderstood you before, but I am still not seeing where you are going with this. I thought you were comparing one act to another act in toto, but you are talking about, I'm not sure, degrees of intensity maybe? In which case, it would be a matter of comparing the intensity of a verbal threat to that of a potentially violent confrontation?
I am still sincerely not understanding what your point is. Are you saying that Japan is or isn't being aggressive and/or intimidating? Or that Japan is or isn't justified in feeling threatened?
Would my answer make any difference?
Incidentally, I don't proclaim myself a guru (or even a GURU) of China. Many people who disagree with me have (ironically), but my focus has always been on behaviour.
I am in global marketing and negotiation, so yes, I do have some experience dealing with government elements in China (far more than to my liking, in terms of business dealings).
And I fully agree that trying to figure out what people are thinking is very complex one-on-one, extremely difficult second-hand, and damn near impossible removed from the situation, as we are here. However, behavior itself tends to remain a good indicator of how things are going to move. People can say anything, they can think anything, but their behavior tends to remain consistent. Heck, even their inconsistent behavior tells us something.
If that ban news is not included in JT, no one will notice their goodwill gesture.
Many JT posters blamed Chinese authority for backing of nationalist movememt for riots. There are not informed many humanized gesture and good will of civic society of Chineses too. There are always good guys and bad guys in every society.
The thing of it isn't that we aren't informed of it. China actually does a very good job of telling the world about its accomplishments. The problem is that we aren't sure how much to believe it.
And yet, that story was published in a Japanese news site, and I remember reading it here on JT as well. Frankly, I don't know of anyone who doubted it.
It isn't the Chinese people we have a problem with.
Of course not. Countless similar stories involving Japanese people being kind to Chinese people aren't reported as well. That has more to do with the newspapers desire for circulation than any nationalist feeling for or against China. Feel Good stories are okay as occasional palate cleansers, but they don't sell papers.
Japan has victim mentality. In fact they have no tolerance with many neighbors. Whether intimidating or aggression can be made for individual interpretation, they are so spoiled for minor things. Comparing with other part of the world, they are free as birds. They can sleep well. Their kids have not lost the leg or arm or lives. In my opinion, they are far from being bullied or manipulated or butchered. Refer to
Japan isn't justified in feeling threatened. It has been safe. It will be safe. It is their conclusion. My point is other smaller and poorer nations have no luxury to be assertive or making noise. Who will defend for them? Who will confront for them if being bullied? Even not all Ally nations get same treatment like Israel, Saudi and Japan.
If PRC authority allow them to sell fireworks, it will be bashed by Guru as provocation, intimidation, uncivilized manner, aggressive toward friendly neighbors.
PRC banned selling big ban Tokyo fireworks. However it has not been cheered. Instead they got insincere praise from
Perhaps (just perhaps) China is attempting to soften its hard-line approach, so that it can engage in productive discussion without having to rely on intimidation.
What is the meaning of productive discussion?
If there is no compromise between them, the most successful one was leave the discussion to future generation as both side agreed before. Intimidation is very imaginative illustration of PRC. They have no drone, air craft carrier and surgical strike capabilities.
They have nuclear arsenal however it is useless for surgical strikes. Therefore PRC is toothless tiger which can roar only. Roaring make too much noise however it is not life threatening as biting by tiger.