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© 2012 AFPChina plans 80 books on Japan war trials
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14 war criminals and 2,466,000 other lives lost n the war.
Who does China think is going to buy the full set of 80 volumes -- or find the time to read it for that matter? They could have saved a lot of trees with one or two volumes that set out to specifically debunk Japan's denials.
In what language? Chinese? That would have no effect whatsoever in Japan, and would become a tool to incite the Chinese public. By the way, Radhabinod Pal, the Indian judge on the panel, and the only judge on the panel with any training in international law, doubted the legality of the Tokyo Tribunal. Will the Chinese include his opinions?
PRC was never part of Tokyo trial how much "relevant" documents do they possess in the first place?
gokai_wo_manekuOct. 28, 2012 - 04:07PM JST
Utter hogwash, he studied mathmatics and constitutional law, and worked at the university of Calcutta before sitting on the Tokyo Tribunal.
Also none of the judges had experience of criminal international law because before Nuremburg, the idea in international law for holding individuals responsible for acts of state had never existed
Especially after Tiananmen Sq incident as a scapegoat,Japan has appeared in their text books. The Jiang Zemin Administration enacted the "patriotism educational implementation guideline" in 1994, and promoted the thorough anti-Japanese education from 1995 which would be "the 50th anniversary of an anti-Japanese war victory." Directions were taken out with the meeting in which the diplomatic authorities, such as an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary who resides "that a history issue is emphasized from beginning to end, and saying it moreover while continuing telling Japan the Taiwan and other problems thoroughly must be continued forever", and at foreign countries, were gathered in August, 1998.
Anti-Japan sentiment increases by Jiang Zemin's anti-Japanese policy in China,since then.
I hate any government which uses a history as a weapon. Especially a lot of fabrication versions or selective information or sometimes even a fake as a tactful deception to confuse or brain wash their people.
A history must be learned to avoid for not repeating the same mistakes again but not creating a new same mistake again in future.
China makes even more difficult Japan to apologize,if that were what they want. Even though Japan did that for many occasions. I do not believe any more that China is sincerely looking for an apology for the historical issue. They need an evil Japan to control their people and Japan is very useful tool as a scapegoat for Chinese communist Government. Also they use it as a political weapon whenever they need to use it to take an advantage of Japan.
The meeting in 1998 is the hard evidence of it. Now I see the manifestation of it.
move on already, China...isn't it enough that you show bogus Mao WW2 dramas daily on tv? it's not like your hands are clean either with what you are doing in Tibet and Xinjiang, let alone to all your citizens you are stealing land and money from, while living lavish lifestyles.
This is getting better and better. China is looking more and more ridiculous with each passing day. I'm really enjoying the show.
Radhabinod Pal concluded "I would hold that every one of the accused must be found not guilty of every one of the charges in the indictment and should be acquitted on all those charges."
Judge Pal's typewritten book-length opposition to the decision was formally prohibited from publication by the Occupation forces. US banned it until 1952. China will not publish it!
@Dog Yes, yes, we can all read Wikipedia. But why don't you sit down and read some of his actual writings? I presume they were originally written in English, although I have only read them in Japanese.
I think that the Chinese should forget the trials and just concentrate on the history, because the trials were biased and have a bad press in Japan. The Chinese have many good points to make but by hanging them on the half-truths spouted at the trials they will not succeed in winning understanding for their cause. It is as if these Asian neighbours have to keep using Western association to give authenticity to their historical and territorial claims. Both sides need to towards an Asian understanding.
gokai_wo_manekuOct. 28, 2012 - 05:54PM JST
It's got nothing to do with Wikipedia. You made a claim that Radhabinod Pal was the only judge on the panel with any training in international law and I called you up on that being BS. He had no training in international law, studied mathmatics and constitutional law, and sat for year as a high court judge before taking up a vice chancellorship at Calcutta university.
This is not Yasukuni, which makes the same BS claim that you did (, in Japanese, 'Of all the eleven judges sitting on the bench, each representing his country, Dr. Pal was by far the most outstanding not only in his erudition of international law but in his resolution to achieve justice of law')
The really frightening part is that no one calls Yasukuni up on it and gets them to change the wording on his monument. Just like you, they don't like to complicate history with facts such as that he probably was the least experienced of the 11 judges in terms of on job training.
Maybe the fact that you and Yasukuni just change the facts without any reference to reality is justification enough for China to publish all the documentation of the Tokyo war crime trials.
gokai_wo_manekuOct. 28, 2012 - 05:54PM JST
You should read some of the opinions expressed on Pal's abilities as a judge, they were not very flattering. You probably won't be able to read them in Japanese,
Nehru. Indian PM 'The Indian Judge on that Commission, Justice Pal, wrote a strong dissentient judgment. That judgment gave expression to many opinions and theories with which the Government of India could not associate itself.'
The trail should have also included the Japanese emperor since he knew and approved of the war and Japanese aggression and crimes against Asians and bombing of pearl harbor...The emperor was the head of the state and the head of state is responsible for the actions of his or her generals and leaders..
The bombing of pearl harbor was not part of the trial. In hind sight, pearl harbor attack was completely legitimate since the US government financed and provided various human resources to the Flying Tiger squadron which fought against the Japanese Imperial Army in China.
The US was technically at war against the Japan before a single bomb had been dropped on the harbor.
so what you were implying that the Japanese invasion into China was justified. Again, you provide the best logic ;)
That was the logic of most European nations whether you like it not.
Who occupied the Shanghai Bund?
Not just Japan that is for sure and who owned Hong Kong for most of the 20th century?
What I was trying to tell you is that China is publishing the history of ww2, the imperialistic Japan.
Japan has Lost the Goodwill among the Chinese ppl as they have started boycotting Japanese products. Now, Japan is starting to lose goodwill among the world's population. There is something Japan can learn from this error in diplomacy.
Japan bombed Pearl Harbor without first declaring war!!! This is cowardly and Japan should be ashamed...In the end, Japan lost face and lost the war..The best picture I have seen of Japan's defeat was a newspaper picture of the Emperor and General McAuthor.. The General was over 6'3" tall and the emperor was only 5'4" tall..The General wanted the Japanese (who never have seen a picture of the emperor before) to feel inferior and etc..
The Japanese right wingers are giving Chinese right wingers the ammunition to build up their military and vis versa.. unfortunately, history has shown that military build up between two enemies will lead to war and lost of lives...
Small books with small pages& big print? Will they then write about what the ARE DOING IN Mongolia India Tibet to nane a few places or the act of killing there own people? I'm beginning to despise the Chinese Govenment and its not even my country they are enflaming hatred against. Surly they can see there is no point other than to shift focus away from there leaders embezzlement, theft of there own peoples assets, murder, and afflent deborchery while so many of thier own are still suffering in poverty- Just disgusting! We civilsed people rember the war dead for reasosn other than glorification of military leaders, like to remind us that war is pointless in this day and age.
Chamkun: "I hate any government which uses a history as a weapon."
Fair enough, but what you should hate just as much, if not FAR more, is when a government does its best to not only ignore history, but to utterly deny it in the hopes that everyone will forget it, and so they can repeat it. In this case, China is using it 'as a weapon' for that very reason. And it's funny you talk about 'subjectivity' and 'bias' in terms of referring to history, because no one does that as well as Japan, tens of pages when they're the victim, not one page whatsoever when it comes to the sex-slave issue (at least in junior high texts). If that's not subjective publishing, I don't know what is.
SamuraiBlue: "Who occupied the Shanghai Bund?"
You seem awfully intent on deflecting from the fact that Japan colonized and raped much of Asia, killing more than 10 million, using a special chemical weapons group to inject acids into people that weren't vivisected while alive yet, engage in sexual slavery, butchering hundreds in sword games, etc. THAT is part of the reason for the trials, and hopefully the Chinese will shed some light, via factual documents, on acts that Japan constantly denies and desperately attempts to cover up. Much as you try to deflect, I don't recall the British in HK doing anything even remotely as bad as, say, the Rape of Nanjing or sexual slavery, so your comparisons don't fly at all.
Japan didn't need to varius provacation by the US leading up to the Hull note took care of that.
hi, I always think, why they don't transfer the 14 criminals to another location close to their families? imagine Germany leaders visiting Hitler every year... too easy to solve this problem and avoid damages with Korea and China.
Smithy you know as much as I do that Japan was not the first.
waltery: "Will they then write about what the ARE DOING IN Mongolia India Tibet to nane a few places or the act of killing there own people?"
Hopefully someday they will; doesn't change what happened at the Tokyo trials, and doesn't mean that have to publish things in the order you specify, just so you despise them a little less.
"Surly they can see there is no point other than to shift focus away from there leaders embezzlement, theft of there own peoples assets, murder, and afflent deborchery while so many of thier own are still suffering in poverty- Just disgusting!"
Same can be said about Japan shifting the focus of their failures after the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster from 3/11, not to mention the scandals you point out. Instead the island issue unites the people and helps all those but the people still suffering in shelters forget while the government tries to buy islands instead of putting money and focus on domestic issues.
SamuraiBlue: "Smithy you know as much as I do that Japan was not the first."
Ah, so that makes it right, then? And anyway, not the first, but definitely the worst (at least in Asia). But keep on deflecting and saying it was not Japan's fault but the fault of people who 'did it first'.
Ishihara had better get cracking and wrote some more books about how the rape of Nanjing never happened.
China, put the past to rest. Japan made you a rich country to which you can now enjoy the luxuries of the world. Show some graditude.
I am just following your example.LoL
SamuraiBlue: "I am just following your example.LoL"
Another sad attempt to avoid the truth and deflect from the facts. No, what you're doing is not practicing what you preach, then making up excuses to avoid admitting it. You have not even once acknowledged that the acts Japan committed during its colonial reign were wrong and bad. You can't even bring yourself to do that much, which is truly sad.
No wonder China wants the truth to be told here. So long as they have the documents to prove what they say and back it all up instead of making it up, then all the power to them.
a book of exaggeration.
Cripes, I meant to say Ishihara had better start cracking and write some more books about how the rape of Nanjing never happened, lol.
smith - I thought he's always busy writing about how Roppongi is being overrun by Africans who don't speak English, lol.
Smithy read my first posting of this thread. PRC was not part of the tribunal they do not have any original documents.
Any book PRC writes concerning the Tokyo Tribunal stating in first tense would be laughed at.
Isao Hoshi
So, why not Chinese Government sues Japan with the International Court of Justice? The Chinese government has never indicated or planned a law suit against Japan at the International Court. The readers must think of the reasons!
Oh China... what are you trying to gain from this? Then was war. You dont hear the Russians apologizing for what they did to the East German women.
Isao Hoshi: "So, why not Chinese Government sues Japan with the International Court of Justice? The Chinese government has never indicated or planned a law suit against Japan at the International Court. "
Japan would just flat out reject going to the ICJ, which is non-binding anyway, so why bother? They'd say Chinese claims are false and not of it ever happened, much like they do most times issues of their atrocities are brought up. Look at SamuraiBlue for example, the man can't even admit Japan did anything wrong, but instead blames various nations across the world for what Japan did -- and he's not even Japanese!!
SamuraiBlue: "Any book PRC writes concerning the Tokyo Tribunal stating in first tense would be laughed at."
Well, laughed at nervously by those who cannot admit the truth, sure. But if they provide documentation what will you say then? Ah, you'll blame everyone else before you just decide to ignore the issue completely and pretend it doesn't exist.
Quote, hkitagawa, "hi, I always think, why they don't transfer the 14 criminals to another location close to their families? imagine Germany leaders visiting Hitler every year..."
***** Always worth remembering that the 14 war criminals are not in Yasukuni. No-one is buried there.
Their names are written in the records there of people who died for the future peace of Japan, regardless of how they lived or died.
Having their names moved would be the answer here, and with that I agree..
PRC was not on the bench so they have no idea what was discussed behind closed doors. Imitating as if they were is not going to fool anyone and as I said before only going to be laughed at.
Jay Que
In turn those in the non Communist free world should hold trials in abstentia, to press for reparations for the victims of Communism ("eh?" as they intone, rhetorically, in Canada...)
Nanda, the issue is that they won't remove the names. So simple to do but nope. Which is why so many don't believe they Japan is sorry for everything they did during the war.
The war of information already started long ago in Japan, Asahi Shimbun, NHK, are the right arm of rpc in japan.
Thomas Anderson
You can't find more blatantly state-controlled mass media than NHK and Asahi. They report almost nothing that is not approved by the Japanese bureaucrats and administrators who strictly control the political reality in Japan.
SamuraiBlueOct. 28, 2012 - 08:50PM JST
Of course they do. The Chinese judge on the Tokyo war tribunal, Xiang Zhejun, was alive and well on the Chinese mainland teaching at Shanghai College of Finance and Economics until 1965 and didn't die until 1987.
You don't think he told the PRC authorities everything they wanted to know?
China should stick to their own affairs. Sure china can start a war. If we have to die. I have to say that more chinese will die. Bringin issues that happened 75 years ago is pity. What we learned about history is that we have to defend ourselves since noone will really help us. Shintaro ishihara is right. Look how obama is not defending israel. We need to arm our teeths. If we have to stop those Chinese maniacs
I wonder if they are also planning new books on the annexation of Tibet?
Hmm.... maybe their enthusiasm for that topic is more limited.
SamuraiBlue: (via Dog) "Of course they do. The Chinese judge on the Tokyo war tribunal, Xiang Zhejun, was alive and well on the Chinese mainland teaching at Shanghai College of Finance and Economics until 1965 and didn't die until 1987."
Oops! Guess it's pretty clear who's making things up and who's not, eh, Samurai? So what was that again about none of them being in the closed door meetings? :)
WilliB: "I wonder if they are also planning new books on the annexation of Tibet? Hmm.... maybe their enthusiasm for that topic is more limited."
Or maybe that's just a different topic altogether?
Mei Ju-ao?
Nobody is going to believe what a proven communist spy convicted by their own nation(ROC) says.
overchan: "Bringin issues that happened 75 years ago is pity."
Forgetting and denying them is the bigger pity, my friend, and the bigger shame. Are you suggesting Japan should close down the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Okinawa Peace Park and simply 'let the past be the past' and stop talking about the atomic bombings being horrendous crimes? I bet you don't think Japan should do that at all, and nor do I. But of course if China or South Korea bring up issues of the past related to Japan's atrocities you and others on here always suggest China or South Korea (or others) simply forget about it and 'move on'. The hypocrisy is pretty astounding.
"What we learned about history is that we have to defend ourselves since noone will really help us."
This doesn't even make sense. The US is here to help Japan, and if you were taught such a victim mentality when Japan was the aggressor in history then the education system has done you extremely wrong, and the proof of the harm that could have in society is in your statements. As for 'noone will really help us'... ummm... the US is here for that express purpose, my friend.
Your comments doesnt add anything but your own point of view quoting almost all comments in JT.
Trying to use things that happened 75 years ago just because those politicians were born in china. They would be doing the opposite or far worse if they were born Japanese. The rethoric of chinese politicians sickens me. They should walk alone in midnight in tibet.
What's the difference between Samurai Blue not being Japanese or Chinese and with an opinion, and you (smithinjapan) who is half-Korean (and not Japanese or Chinese) with your one-sided opinions? Although, maybe if we only opened this debate up to Japanese or Chinese then we wouldn't have to read your almost hysterical anti-Japanese Korean rhetoric.
SamuraiBlue: You said no Chinese were present for the meetings, and were clearly handed your butt on a plate by Dog. Now you're back-tracking. If he was there as a judge, he could have well provided China with documents, such as minutes, from the meetings. Ah, but we should believe you and not a judge who was there, right?
Moderator: If we have to ask you again to stop being impolite to other posters, you will be suspended from the discusion board.
@Dog I'm flattered! My English is good enough to be mistaken for a foreigner! You made my day! Anyway, Pal wrote several papers on international law when he was young. His name was not drawn out of a hat to go to Tokyo, he had a reputation. I can't put my hands on them now, but they are in Japanese and I'm sure in English too somewhere.
Pal called a spade a spade. The legal foundation of the Tokyo Trial did not matter because it was nothing but political theater. The US was about to send a ton of money to Japan for rehabillitation, and they had to sell the US public on the idea that Japan the former evil enemy was actually good but the leaders were bad. Kill off the leaders, and Japan is OK and we can send lots of money. The US wanted Japan to become a model for capitalism and democracy for the rest of Asia. GHQ only cared about that. It was political theater, with a deadly outcome for some.
Somehow I dont believe this is about war criminals. There is a another agenda at work here. I guess the books and many postings at discussionsboards are meant to try to control public opinion, convince light minded people that this is the true version of the ww II. So far the media staff in China has fought a hopeless battle about public opinion. Very few are buying in to the stories. Chinese guys, if you just admit that the real issue is about resources and power you dont have to print 80, maybe just 2. Heck you can send me one if you like.
overchan: "Your comments doesnt add anything but your own point of view quoting almost all comments in JT."
As your comments don't add up to anything but your own point of view, quoting almost all your comments on JT. You like Ishihara, one of the most disgusting politicians this nation has produced, but are supposedly disgusted by Chinese politicians? Utter hypocrisy. Ishihara is responsible for the WORST foreign relations Japan has seen practically since WWII, single-handedly I might add, but somehow you praise a man who is very much like China's politicians while condemning China and its government. China does indeed deserve to be chided for its government, as does Japan in many cases. It's not a one-way street.
"They should walk alone in midnight in tibet."
And Ishihara should take a stroll by his lonesome in downtown Beijing at midnight. See how that works?
"They would be doing the opposite or far worse if they were born Japanese."
They would be doing worse if born Japanese? Well, I agree with you there.
"Trying to use things that happened 75 years ago just because those politicians were born in china. "
Once again, don't you think Japan should stop holding ceremonies on the anniversaries of the atomic bombings or accusing the US of war crimes, demanding they come and pay respects at the ceremonies, etc.? I mean, the past is the past, right? How dare they bring it up and try to use something that happened so long ago, right? (even though I'm being sarcastic, my guess is you won't notice how hypocritical people here can be on such issues. But like I said, the government of Japan LOVES to play the victim while denying any aggression). Until both sides admit what they have done, TRULY atone for it, and work on better relations this tit-for-tat two-way rubbish will continue to ruin relations.
overchan: What I'm trying to say is that it's not one-sided. China should be allowed to publish this if they choose, so long as they can back it up in some way if they want it to be taken seriously. And NO ONE should forget history and move on, be they Japanese, Chinese, or South Korean. What they should do is own up to their histories, try to learn from them, and move on with that history as a means of growth.
You know. As I love to possess things. I would love that my country had some ICBMS to go on with my life.
US will never defend us just like you said before
SamuraiBlueOct. 28, 2012 - 09:23PM JST
What is with people like you and gokaiwomaneku, you lack the ability to discuss or are not used to people challenging your BS?
I pointed out to you that the attendant Chinese judge on the Tokyo war tribunal continued to live and teach in the PRC after the event, showing the BS of your statement that the PRC had nobody there to verify what went on behind closed doors, and you just go off on another tangent with a totally unfounded character assasination of the judge.
You remind me of the Japanese Nagoya professor who challenged the statistics of the Nanking massacre with the retort that the Japanese should know the real death figures because it was about Japan. Then he was totally flattened when the presenter pointed out that Nanking was in China and not in Japan. He then changed the topic to the A bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
People like you and gokaiwomaneku are the reason that the Japanese national discourse on any topic is at such a low level. People just spout out mistruths as facts and nobody challenges them, everyone just accepts it sheepishly as fact.. Well Sunshine, this is JT and if you want to claim something as fact, you better be sure that's it true, or you and gokaiwomaneku end up looking stupid.
If you want to play by the old BS rules of passing of opinions as truths, with no solid basis, you'd better head on back over to Channel 2.
overchan: "You know. As I love to possess things. I would love that my country had some ICBMS to go on with my life."
I think it's sad that you want Japan, the only nation who has suffered from and you'd think learned from, nuclear attacks.
"US will never defend us just like you said before"
The US will not start a war based on the Senkakus, so long as it stayed limited to that and there was no breakout of war between Japan and China. If it became more than a skirmish there and China attempted to invade, the US would most certainly step in and help. But they would wait until it was out of, or near out of, hand because once the US joined that would be the end for all of us. Russia would rush to the aid of China, who would probably attack Taiwan once war started, and North Korea would likely attack the South. Wishing for war, as Ishihara has stated flat out he would not mind, is truly, truly sad -- and all because of a few rocks and inflated egos in Japan and China? Tanaka and other Japanese politicians are correct in stating Ishihara is a 'reckless old man' -- being 80 years old and a radical who wants war, he doesn't have a lot to lose. We do, though, and people should be trying to make peace, not asking for nuclear weapons and wishing for war.
Dog: "You remind me of the Japanese Nagoya professor who challenged the statistics of the Nanking massacre with the retort that the Japanese should know the real death figures because it was about Japan. Then he was totally flattened when the presenter pointed out that Nanking was in China and not in Japan. He then changed the topic to the A bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
which part had been proven wrong (or right for that matter)?
ROC had exiled Mei Ju-ao, the only one that had been on the bench of the Tokyo Tribunal, as a communist spy and had died in Bejing.
Your comparison would make sense if Beijing was occupied and annexed by Japan.
Since it is not (which is precisely the point, it blows up in your face.
Or where you suggesting that the Chinese leadership is planning to end its illegal occupation and oppression of Tibet? In that case, please tell us more.
Japan should to wise up of this propanganda rpc. Step by step, rpc is trying to convince the international community that Japan still must pay for war crimes, the next step is to attack and annex islands senkaku.Isso clearly is a war strategy !
gokai_wo_manekuOct. 28, 2012 - 09:33PM JST
No he didn't as much as some Japanese writers would like others to believe by changing the dates of his publications. The classic example of this is that some Japanese writers like to claim that Pal's 'Crimes In International Relations' was published in 1935, when it actually was first published in 1955. It's easy enough to google.
Pal in 1935 had just finished his doctorate which was..... wait for it... on the relationship of Hindu Philosophy of Law in Vedic and Post-Vedic Times.
Please don't source me A. F. M. Shamsur Rahman's 'JUDGMENT OF JUSTICE RADHABINOD PAL', which is full of complete inaccuracies and coincidently he received a Japanese educational grant to write
WilliB: "Your comparison would make sense if Beijing was occupied and annexed by Japan."
Actually, it's constantly bringing up Tibet as a means of deflecting from the issues at hand that doesn't make a lot of sense. China was annexed in the past, was it not, by Japan? And Ishihara is a radical nationalist who denies much of what happened, and is very belligerent when it comes to China, so it makes sense just fine, despite Japan no longer colonizing China.
"Since it is not (which is precisely the point, it blows up in your face."
Sorry, my friend, but it does not. China is printing these documents into volumes based on history and the tribunals after the time they were ravaged by Japan -- so once again it's a perfectly relevant comparison to say that a man who denies much of what happened at that time take a walk over there in response to overchan's comment.
"Or where you suggesting that the Chinese leadership is planning to end its illegal occupation and oppression of Tibet?"
Never said that at all, although I have pointed out numerous times how Tibet is irrelevant to the topic of China printing up a history of the tribunals. Hopefully some day they will, though probably not for a long time and not out of good will but necessity if they do.
But here's a question for you in response to constantly bringing up Tibet as some kind of reason why China should not be allowed to print up what they are going to: was Tibet annexed by Japan at the time of the tribunals that they are going to print the volumes about? no? Then how is it at all relevant to the discussion? YES, China needs to acknowledge, atone for, and make amends for its past, but that does not mean they cannot print things on other topics, nor does it mean Japan is exempt from truly atoning and trying to make amends. Peace isn't a one way street any more than war is, and both parties need to grow up. Suggesting China is the only irresponsible nation of the two while people like Ishihara try to actualize fantasies of war and stir up the whole situation to begin with is... well... just irresponsible in and of itself.
Thomas Anderson
The entire world thinks that way with or without China.
Thomas Anderson
Hahahaha wow... how he got to be a professor is beyond me.
issa1: "Step by step, rpc is trying to convince the international community that Japan still must pay for war crimes, the next step is to attack and annex islands senkaku."
First, save perhaps some brainwashed Chinese citizens who have never set foot outside the country, no one really buys into PRC propaganda any more than, say, someone believes the words of a TEPCO exec when they say all is well (but 'precarious'!). And it won't come to war unless we let warmongers get into office in Japan (a possibility becoming more and more real each day, sadly). I doubt printing these books is a pretext to an invasion of the Senkaku islands.
SamuraiBlueOct. 28, 2012 - 09:54PM JST
For God's sake man, he never went anywhere to be exiled and branded a communist spy.
One more time, try and understand, when he had fiinished being a judge on the Tokyo war tribunal, after many years serving in several of Chiang Kai Shek's government bureaus, including the ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs, he went back to teaching at Shanghai College of Finance and Economics
Thomas Anderson: "Hahahaha wow... how he got to be a professor is beyond me."
There are people in all walks in Japan who seem to get there without the proper qualifications. I mean look at politicians in particular; so long as they have a past as celebrities or something that will draw in votes, they can become mayors or anything else that'll promote sales and/or votes. I mean, since when does being an Olympic Judo champion fill the requirements of being a politician?
"The entire world thinks that way with or without China."
Agree with you there, too, but sadly many Japanese do not think they have to pay for their war crimes, or believe the money they threw at SK and China along with a rather cold apology (which some try to rescind or just deny, I might add) is enough and those nations should 'forget it already'. It's rather said. China is of course no saint, as everyone with a head on their shoulders knows, but as I've said repeatedly the idea that they should not be allowed their own opinion and/or to print what they choose, so long as they can back it up if they want it taken seriously, is ludicrous and hypocritical, as is the notion that what's happening in the world is all China's fault and Japan is somehow a victim.
Dog has gone above and beyond in proving that China very well has reason to possess the documents they claim to, and that they were present at the trials, under a JUDGE no less. Let them print what they want. If you don't want to read them, don't, but don't deflect and suggest China has no right because of their own past.
The world is looking forward to the undistorted version of the justice of the Tokyo trials through the mouth of a country which is known for its truthful recording of history.
Dog: "One more time, try and understand, when he had fiinished being a judge on the Tokyo war tribunal, after many years serving in several of Chiang Kai Shek's government bureaus, including the ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs, he went back to teaching at Shanghai College of Finance and Economics"
Thanks for the further info on the man. Seems some on here are intent on making up history, which is somewhat ironic given the same people suggest China would be making up history with what they print. It's simply amazing that you can point this out time and time again but people refuse to see or acknowledge it -- or wait, that's a big part of the problem in regards to Japan, isn't it? and part of the reason why things are headed the way they are.
Like it or not, Japan is just as bad, if not worse, as China when it comes to falsifying history, white-washing and brainwashing, lying, denying, and just plain being wrong about the facts. It's a shame that, as one poster put it, face-saving is such a big part of the culture in both nations -- if they were more like Germany and truly atoned for their pasts it would solve most of their woes and usher in true cooperation and progress. Instead we've got two children in the school yard fighting over who gets to play with the rocks, and subsequently all kinds of other childish squabbles.
Try reading history more objectively as I had suggested to Smithy. Here is a post within the Japanese Wiki;
He was exiled as a communist spy by the ROC government.
presto345Oct. 28, 2012 - 10:25PM JST
Yasukuni Publications Presents 'The Struggle For The Great East Asian Prosperity Zone. August 6th 1945 to August 9th 1945.'
After decades of Japanese goodwill to her Asian neighbors - Japan freeing Formosa from cruel Manchu occupation in 1895. Japan liberating Korea in 1901 ,with the approval of the League Of Nations, and giving hundreds of thousands of Korean women the opportunity to work for the great and good Imperial army. Japan fighting a defensive war in China in 1937-45 under extreme provocation from Chinese bandits and communists – Japan was cruelly attacked by the United States with two inhuman nuclear weapons that killed 300,000 women and children. Japan, being a lover of world peace, and for the sake of world harmony decided to give in to the unreasonable demands of the white barbarian bullies and stopped trying to liberate their Asian neighbors. The end.
SamuraiBlue: "Try reading history more objectively as I had suggested to Smithy. Here is a post within the Japanese Wiki;"
You do know that Wiki is not a definitive source of information and that people can edit it as the choose, right? There's a reason why, despite it being in an excellent source for GENERAL information, that it is not a valid source for making research documents or what have you. The page you quote from is an unprotected page that can be edited by anyone. In fact, I could go on that page right now and completely change what's written, then quote it to you and say you're wrong, just to point out how invalid citing such a source can be. Can you please provide us with proof other than pages where would-be 'historians' can blather on about anything they choose without any regard for the facts?
I'm quite sure the documents China has, probably from the aforementioned judge, are quite a bit more believable than the made up history on a wiki. Dog has given the facts time and again, and quite objectively, I might add, save for his comments upon your person. I'm not sure why you would use wiki and others blogs to suggest he's wrong on this issue.
If you can provide legitimate proof of what you say is true, then please do so and I'll read that.
Dog: "Yasukuni Publications Presents 'The Struggle For The Great East Asian Prosperity Zone. August 6th 1945 to August 9th 1945.'"
I think you summarized popular opinion among many politicians and right wingers quite well. A good read, thanks!
Dog Which parts of the Yasukuni Publications do you agree or disagree with?
SamuraiBlueOct. 28, 2012 - 10:30PM JST
Wiki sucks big time at anytime, but your Wiki source beats all in the sucking league.
Your Wiki source said he died in 1973 and I know for a fact, I remember the news on TV in Hong Kong, he died in 1987. They couldn't even get the year he died correct.
If this wasn't so symptomatic of all that's wrong with debate in Japan, it would be funny
Nobody is going to listen to what yousay when you don't even have the fundamental facts strieght.
ROC was the only party representing mainland China and Mei Ju-ao was the one asigned by ROC to represent them on the bench. ROC and PRC was in middle of a bitter civil war during the period of Tribunal and as you stated yourself he was teaching in Shanghai after thewards. Now how did he, a representative of ROC, find himself in Shanghai if he was not a convicted spy exiled from his government at the height of a bloody civil war, hmmmm?
SamuraiBlueOct. 28, 2012 - 10:54PM JST
Because he was one of the famous untouchables.
He might not have been that well known in Japan - so unknown that your great source couldn't even get the year he died correct - but he was internationally famous enough to be left alone until the Cultural Revolution in the 60's, when Mao put all restraint, national and international, aside, to purge the Chinese elites.
timtakOct. 28, 2012 - 10:52PM JST
That's a difficult one. I think I'll go back to pulling holes in SamuraiBlue's argument; that's much easier.
all because of a few rocks
Anyone who cares to think for a moment on the subject can see that it has nothing to do with "a few rocks". The rocks are but a means to an end - inflicting damage and humiliation on Japan.
The communist chinese feel that they are owed some kind of payback for historical beatings they suffered at the hands of the Japanese. There is no point denying that the Japanese crossed the line more than a few times in dealing with the civilian populations of their Asian neighbors. But it is worth remembering that these incidents happened in another era where war was far more brutal and devastating than it is today. To judge the actions of fifty or a hundred years ago by the standards of modern Western democracies is ridiculous. More lives were lost in single battles during WWII than were lost in the entire Gulf War II campaign. Atrocities abounded on all sides in an era where governments actually believed that the purpose of war was killing the enemy - as many and as quickly as possible - and destroying their ability and will to fight back.
Reparations for crimes on the scale that were seen in WW II are just not possible. Nobody can turn back the clock or erase the brutality that human beings inflicted on one another. There were no innocent parties. However :
Japan has done a lot for china. For decades Japan was the single biggest donor to china and over the years the Japanese have given billions of dollars in foreign aid and "loans" that will never be repaid. These loans have been used (or should have been used - we will never know how much was squirreled away by corrupt officials) to build infrastructure directly benefiting the average chinese citizen. See link for some of the projects Japan has contributed to
In addition, the Japanese have issued apology after apology to china for their actions in WWII (1972, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2001 and on and on). None of these apologies has ever been quite good enough for the chinese however. To my knowledge Japan has also apologized to South Korea, Myanmar, Australia and the United States. Yet interestingly, when Barack Obama offered an apology ( in 2010) for the nuclear strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki it was seen as weakness by most Americans and the move was widely criticized in the media. My own personal feeling is that any more apologies (by anyone) for the events of WWII will be just so much wasted breath.
Furthermore, Japan has worked in good faith with the communist government of china to clean up sites left contaminated by the Japanese following WWII. The financial outlay has been significant.
"The disposal cost for a single chemical-weapon canister is calculated at several thousand dollars. The Cabinet Office responsible for processing abandoned chemical weapons estimated that the project had cost approximately 2.6 billion US dollars (219 billion yen) so far.125 Even the simple administrative costs required Japan to spend approximately 5.1 million dollars between 1992 and 1998 in funding various research visits to China. The budget for weapons disposal for fiscal year 2000 already stood at $30 million.126 Since then, costs have continued to spiral out of control and this makes every decision subject to political wrangling and controversy. It is estimated that the total cost for Japanese destruction assistance could exceed 1 trillion yen (approximately $9 billion)."
The above quote is taken from the following link and I post it not to pat the Japanese on the back for cleaning up their own mess but to show that their apologies have not been simply empty words. They have backed up their words with their actions and their wallets. How has china responded to this you may ask yourself? Well, in 2010 when the chinese fishing trawler incident occurred near the Senkakus, clean up workers from Japan were arrested and detained in china as "spies".
One could go one, but really what is the point? china will never get over the humiliation they suffered by being soundly defeated at the hands of the Japanese. No amount of reparations, no properly worded apology, no hand of friendship will ever suffice. Contrast this with the Japanese attitude to the humiliating defeat they suffered at the hands of the Americans. The Japanese sucked it up, learned to work with their occupiers, became a useful economic partner that played by the modern rules of international decency and within a few short decades turned themselves from a broken wreck into the most powerful economy in the world.
Its not hard to see which is the civilized country here and which is the petulant crybaby.
So don't be fooled by those apologists for china on this site who will try to tell you that its all about "a few rocks" or a "senile old warmonger in Tokyo". Nothing could be further from the truth.
hidingoutOct. 28, 2012 - 11:14PM JST
I thought Japan lost the war? Oh well you learn something new everyday
I thought Japan lost the war? Oh well you learn something new everyday
Won the battle, lost the war. As you well know.
Don't even care about a turned coat's date of death is right or wrong and I do not think peope "OUTSIDE" of communist China cared either.
The only thing that matters is that he was a turned coat, prejudice against Japan making him unfit to sit on the bench and anything he said will be biased.
SamuraiBlueOct. 28, 2012 - 11:33PM JST
Why should you. Why let a little detail such as facts get in the way?
Again you're going off on a tangent. I asked how can you stand by a source and the claims of that source, when that source is obviously flawed and wriiten by someone of sub par knowledge that they can't even get the year he died correct?
And we're not talking about a year or two, but 14 years difference between fact and the author's claim.
SamuraiBlue: "Talk about white washing history."
Says the guy quoting a wiki that ANYONE can edit. Guess what, I just went on the page and edited the document to say it was all wrong. So now does that make you wrong because it's on wiki? Seriously, I asked you rather politely to give us more sources for proof of what you say, but so far you have chosen to ignore my request because I'm guessing you have nothing beyond the wiki you read, just like you fail to address what dog pointed out -- that the page cannot even get the man's date of death correct. Now, if that's not editing and altering history then nothing is. Seriously, the page you decided to cite makes Chinese white-washing look like jet black.
"The only thing that matters is that he was a turned coat"
Ah, back tracking again. After all the things you said mattered suddenly this is all that does. But you see, here's the thing -- at the time of the trials he was not the turncoat you declared he would become later, nor would any documents recorded at that time be the result of a turncoat.
"prejudice against Japan..."
All I'm seeing is prejudice against China from a man that cannot admit Japan's atrocities were a bad thing.
hidingout: "Won the battle, lost the war. As you well know."
Yeah, they 'won the battle' raping and killing a bunch of unarmed people in Nanjing by mowing them down by machine guns. How very, very brave and courageous! Or by using women as sex-slaves! how manly! No, sorry, Japan lost on all fronts, and should be fully repentant for their war crimes. But since they never have been, you get China doing what they're doing now in response.
"...china will never get over the humiliation they suffered by being soundly defeated at the hands of the Japanese..."
And people scoff when you tell them they brought what eventually happened on themselves. Wonders never cease.
Dragging up history to make your personal point about a people or race is a double-edged sword. The US has done much of the same in The Philippines, Vietnam, Iraq, and, to be sure, other places. You are on shaky ground as an American to try to make this point. This is not in defense of the actions of any nation at war or in occupation of another nation but a warning to let the past lie in its own grave and not be resurrected like a zombie to torture future generations.
That 10 year old Japanese girl you pass on the street every day had nothing to do with war. She deserves a life free of it. As an American who feels superior because the US defeated Japan, you should teach her about peace by your words and actions and not by lecturing her on things she is not responsible for.
History can be a great tool for understanding. It can also be used as a powerful weapon to continue to make any nation pay for the sins of their ancestors. Politicians from all nations use past as a means of propaganda and manipulation (re the subject of this article and the Yasukuni Shrine). Surely, you do not want to be associated with them or their methods of control.
So, evil is judged by degree? That means the US has been less evil than these other nations. Interesting perspective that is probably lost on those "fewer" people who suffered as a result of America's evil.
As for the rest of your comment, we do not necessarily disagree. History should be taught. That is what I meant by being a tool for understanding. However, it is mostly used as a mechanism of control by politicians and others, like is being done in Japan, China, and the US. You do not teach children the past to manipulate them, to beat them over the head with it. That is as bad as hiding from it. In Japan, the Japanese hide from it while the US and others will not allow them to escape it. The poor Japanese child has no basis for understanding it or moving on from it. As with most problems suffered by the Japanese people, the pathetic government bears the greatest responsibility.
Robert Dykes
Sounds fine. History and the truth should never be covers up. I am perfectly happy wrh this since china will also be publishing history book on tiennamen square, forced abortions, the lack of human rights, child and border line slave labornp0, and of course the secret billions that the leading COMUNIST party is hiding. If you print all that then I have no problem what facts you want to Prnt. But for a growing nation you are acting like a child. Spoiled rich kid.
Simple: if Japan recorded and educated its young properly, China wouldn't need to take up this job. Germany didn't constantly ask the Jews to forget about history, they have never denied the holocaust, they built a holocaust museum in Berlin instead of placing hitler's name in their church and put some candles around it. Yes, they made a mistake more than "regrettable" and yes they are brave enough to take it up. I think a country with samurai tradition should not lack of such kind of courage.
cocky attitude from the cruel government, which slaughtered a lot of Chinese people during the reform protest in late 80s; killed, tortured Falun Dafa practicioners in recent years. Grow a pair, Mao, Deng or whoever
This is about the horrendous war crimes committed, not the wars. Why should an airing of history be shunned? China isn't the only nation with the records, so they can't get away with inaccuracies and distortions. There is of course the political dimension behind the impetus - the annexation of the Diaoyus/Senkakus from China was the precursor to the nightmares of WW2, and since Japan paints itself as the victim of Chinese aggression in this dispute, China is likely replaying the historic narrative to get its side of the story out there, since there's extreme bias in most of the mainstream media which are after all in the hands of a few.
DogOCT. 28, 2012 - 10:45PM JST
Wow. I actually never were exposed to this kind of "whitewashing" of history, only heard about it. Now I know.
Of course the Japanese are encouraged to whitewash their history - they have plenty of supporters who defy their war victims from putting it all on record simply because they are "Chinese".
ShuamiOct. 29, 2012 - 02:40AM JST
Just curious if the Japanese high school text books sound like that?!
Kobuta Chan
With Communist China, the show will go on for years.
Radhabinod Pal, the Indian judge on the panel doubted the legality of the Tokyo Tribunal.
The Japanese never invaded India. The countries that were invaded have a wholly different attitude toward the Japanese, that's for sure.
There is no question Japan committed terrible Nazi like atrocities in China and Korea and they deserved to be acknowledged. But, does anyone find it a tad ironic that the Chinese government keeps making hay of this issue considering how many millions of its own citizens they've killed? +35,000,000 of its own people from 1945-1987. Like Japan and its atrocity, China needs to step up and tell the truth to its own people.
This has nothing to do with facts, this is all about justifying war in the eyes of their people. They will whip them up and set the stage for a mass draft/volunteer/consrciption push to swell their ranks. But what the PRC does not get, if they do go to war they will need ships to fight that war. But all they have are rustballs with big fat targets on them.
The PRC has a long history of covering up their own atrocities that will never change.
Yeah, they 'won the battle' raping and killing a bunch of unarmed people in Nanjing by mowing them down by machine guns. How very, very brave and courageous! Or by using women as sex-slaves! how manly!
You must have misread my post .... again. I mentioned nothing about "brave, courageous or manly". But since you brought it up, I'm sure there were many Japanese soldiers who did fight with courage and bravery. I understand that china apologists would like to pretend that incidents like Nanking make up the total of the war, but we all know that isn't the case.
No, sorry, Japan lost on all fronts, and should be fully repentant for their war crimes. But since they never have been, you get China doing what they're doing now in response.
Japan has been "repentant" enough for anyone with a lick of common sense. Or do I have to type out the full texts of their many apologies? As to the second part of this statement, am I to understand that you approve of vengeance as a guiding principle of foreign policy? The international community had the opportunity to punish Japan for their crimes in the immediate aftermath of WW II, and did so with extreme prejudice. It sure sounds like you favor extra-judicial vigilante justice over and above that. Talk about an indefensible argument.
And people scoff when you tell them they brought what eventually happened on themselves. Wonders never cease.
You'll have to be a little more clear with your pronouns if you want me to reply to this. It sounds like you are suggesting that I said communist chine somehow deserved what happened to them during WW II. If so, I'll have to ask you in the strongest terms possible at this overly-moderated site to please refrain from constantly mischaracterizing my posts and putting words in my mouth.
Look, the bottom line here is that communist china isn't capable of telling the truth about anything. If you doubt that all you need to do is look at the ridiculous public pronouncements made by their state controlled media this month regarding the Senkaku islands. I don't dispute for a minute their "right" to publish as many books as they like on the topic of WW II. It is doubtful that anyone outside of their country will bother reading, but I'm certain they will provide excellent propaganda for the indoctrination of another generation of communists and haters of Japan.
Outstanding...! I can't wait....!
Readers, please stay on topic.
As I said before and I will say again, the publication of these books has nothing to do with history and everything to do with justifying a war.
As usual the "usual suspects" here try and make it seem that these new books are nothing more than an unplanned event.
This is classic war propaganda and nothing else. It reminds me of the actions the US took prior to the 2nd invasion of Iraq.
But what the PRC does not seem to understand is that Japan is not Iraq and they are not the US.
The PRC is stroking the flames of war and their supporters here have their rose colored blinder on.
Screaming that other countries have committed atrocities doesn't make Japan any less evil for what they did. Two wrongs don't make a right and I personally would support anyone, Japanese, Tibetean, British... Who wants to write a book about any nation and their wrong doing. Justing otherwise is just pathetic and a red herring. The topic is China writing books about what Japan did. Period. Other comparisons to other nations don't matter.
And you give in to that utter stupidity?
Says the pot to the kettle. Japan's atrocities across the Pacific Rim were horrendous, I doubt anybody would negate that - The POW camps in the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore etc were shocking and, I believe, just over 40% of POWs in the hands of the Japanese died, while it was roughly 5%-6% at the hands of the Americans. The Bataan Death March, The Death Railroad, Unit 731 and Shiro Ishii's biochemical weapons, vivisections, frostbite experiments, gas chamber experiments etc all show the worst of mankind; the most shocking aspect is the US government, in exchange for all the data collected by Ishii, what wasn't burned at least in Harbin, China, was collected by the US and Ishii wasn't at the tribunals!!! So, yes, what Japan did was horrendous. Furthermore, the distortion of the truth and outright lies by politicians, in addition to flat out leaving things out of Nihon Shi A & B textbooks, as well as Seikai Shi A&B are shocking. Read for yourself what isn't even mentioned. Japanese education on the matter breeds ignorance and stupidity, and many Japanese sit around with question marks on their heads when China and Korea bring up the Kyokasho Mondai...It's worse than the atrocities it committed by lying about the events. I'd love to see the US say it didn't bomb Hiroshima or Nagasaki. I wonder how the Hibakusha would feel then? Maybe they'd understand now how the Koreans and Chinese feel. You don't see Germany lying about the Holocaust do you?
And China thinks it's sh*t don't stink? Tienanmen square, Tibet, forced abortions, and probably more propaganda than all other countries. Yeah, China's closet is clean, and all it is attempting to gain out of these books is more hysterical nationalism to suit the government's ulterior motives...which scares me more than the thoughts/ideals of the Japanese Uyoku.
@Dog So you're getting close! 1955 vs 1935? How to reconcile? Now do more homework and find out when lectures that the publications were based on were actually given.
So you do not think that this latest move by the PRC is not going to inflame it's people?
If the PRC is truely trying to act responsible and seeking a diplomatic resolution for the tension with Japan it would not publish these books about 80 year old atrocities. But if they are trying to fan the flames of war this latest move will certainly accomplish this end.
If you have not figured out already the PRC can tell anyone within their nation to publish or not to publish anything.
The PRC is heading off to war and their own destruction, but they do not care.
Taro: ". The US has done much of the same in The Philippines, Vietnam, Iraq, and, to be sure, other places. You are on shaky ground as an American to try to make this point."
First, I never said the US hasn't, in fact I said in some cases they have, though not to the same extent as atrocities committed by Imperial Japan. Second, I'm not American. So, how's that foot taste, Taro?
JoeBiggs: "The PRC is heading off to war and their own destruction, but they do not care."
Exact same can be said of Japan, and it would be exactly right.
JoeBiggs: "This has nothing to do with facts, this is all about justifying war in the eyes of their people. They will whip them up and set the stage for a mass draft/volunteer/consrciption push to swell their ranks. But what the PRC does not get, if they do go to war they will need ships to fight that war. But all they have are rustballs with big fat targets on them."
I wonder if it's lost on you that you constantly try to justify or forget Japan's actions, before and in war, exactly as you claim the "evil PRC" is doing? China has every right to print books based on the relevant documents, and Japan has no right to protest and/or proclaim it's propaganda when they engage in the same type of behavior day in and day out. Why do you guys demand everyone forget Japan's atrocities while at the same time demanding the world pay respect to Japan as a victim?
gokai_wo_manekuOct. 29, 2012 - 09:33AM JST
While unless he was some fortune teller who could predict the future, I don't see how he could have been lecturing in 1935 on the contents of 'Crimes In International Relations' because nearly all of the book is concerned with the rights and wrongs of the Tokyo War Crimes tribunal.
I had to read it at university.
Why do you guys demand everyone forget Japan's atrocities while at the same time demanding the world pay respect to Japan as a victim?
Please point out one instance where Joe (or anyone on this site for that matter) has said anything even remotely similar to what you just posted. The constant mischaracterization is getting really tired. And I hope it hasn't escaped the notice of the community that when you get called on it (as I did above) its crickets from you.
So tell me again how you think that by publishing these books will help to defuse the issue which you believe that the PRC is trying to do?
Also I could swear that the war ended almost 70 years ago and Japan apologized almost 100 times for the war. Now this is not mentioning the 100's of Billions of Dollars (not yen, dollars) it has paid China and Korea. But that little fact seems to have evaded your logic as usual.
Your logic is amazing, on the one hand you praise the PRC for wanting war and on the other you damn Japan for trying to not go to war.
A better friend the PRC could not find.
Doesn't the onus of proof lie with those who make such accusations? How did those Western "researchers" conduct population census and research in China from 1945-1987 to arrive at this figure of 35 million Chinese killed in China? Did they send thousands of demographers to comb the huge territorial expanse of the country to calculate the millions of deaths? If they had obtained the figures from Chinese sources, can they please publish and account for these sources? How did the Chinese government HIDE these millions of dead bodies, since even the much lower number of dead at the hands of Japanese imperial forces could not escape eye witness accounts and documentation?
Your logic is equally amazing. China publishing historic records which can be scrutinized by counter parties = wanting war.
Germany coming clean about the atrocities committed by the Nazis during WW2 = GOOD Jewish people building Holocaust Memorials to document and commemorate their suffering = GOOD Japan avoiding accountability and paying tribute to Class A war criminals convicted for WW2 atrocities = GOOD Chinese people building WW2 Memorials and documenting war crimes committed against them and their historic suffering = BAD
Japan already apologized for its actions in WWII. Now it needs to teach its people about history or else it will look like their apologies are not sincere.
We are likely past Japan ever being seen as sincere in regards to its many WWII atrocities.
Sady Japan has been more intent on covering up history, hoping others will forget than dealing with its past, as I have said many a time Japan will but actually is NOW reaping what it has long long sown.
China, Japan both play loose & free with history, which is worse depends on any given moment is all, but one thing is undeniable(athough many will deny) & thats that Japan has left itself open to all these because of its inability to face its own history.
All we will see is losers in this, there are no winners
**So you do not think that this latest move by the PRC is not going to inflame it's people?
If the PRC is truely trying to act responsible and seeking a diplomatic resolution for the tension with Japan it would not publish these books about 80 year old atrocities. But if they are trying to fan the flames of war this latest move will certainly accomplish this end.
If you have not figured out already the PRC can tell anyone within their nation to publish or not to publish anything.
The PRC is heading off to war and their own destruction, but they do not care.**
Where have I said anything about my feelings on with regards to China and not trying to inflame or inflame people? Read what is written. Not liking black doesn't mean I love white.
Why would China want to seek diplomatic relations with Japan? Chine doesn't need Japan. Japan however, needs China and you can look at the sales of major Japanese companies over the past few months and see what a hit this has been on their companies and on the Japanese economy. Why would anyone want to be "friends" with a person who constantly cries foul while ignoring what they've done to others? China isn't throwing itself a pity party over any of this while Japan is always milking the atomic bombs. China has a write to write whatever they like. Just as the Japanese do. They can both sit and throw their toys out of the pram and behave like children but I don't support stating that China can't write books about what Japan did in the past.
If anyone is heading off to destruction and war it would be Japan. You need to remember that this was all stirred up because of Ishihara. You've also got to remember that Japan NEEDS China for their companies. As it is, Japan is doing itself in more and more and any idiot just needs to look at the economy to agree.
This has nothing to do with colors and everything to do withfanning the flames of war.
You are sitting on a cloud and do not understand that all nations need each other. China needs Japan more than you think and will ever understand.
Propaganda makes people think that the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth, sad but by your own words prove that.
Japan is not trying to start a war, the PRC is. Don't you understand what war entails? I am always amazed how the people of the PRC side are so willing to go to war not knowing what comes with it.
There is an old adage,"war is hell" it's not because war is fun or easy.
If there will be a war it will be fought on the open seas and propaganda will not save your fleets from going to the bottom.
Sad when life means so little to you people.
This has nothing to do with Ishihara and everything to do with the PRC's actions beginning with their actions of August 17th of this year..
Again, you do not understand business, no one needs anyone. Everyone needs everyone. But if your nation is dead set on traveling down that road then it is your nation that will lose out.
Japan has one things that the PRC does not, a name brand. No one wants to buy a Panoramasonic or Soni tv they want the real thing. The PRC and it's ill facted logic will fall as flat as it's Geely cars brand.
I don´t know how you come up with that weird comparison. The "Chinese people" where never the "Jews of Asia". China was once a dominant empire in the region, then collapsed and was colonized by stronger power, and now is on a historical rebound to become a superpower once again. Alas, they are using their new-found power to bully their neighbours... not a good omen. But "Jews of Asia"? That is just far out there.
And again, how do you come up with that? The Eurozone is a mess, and there is simply is now way for Germany to bail out all the other PIIG countries lining up after Greece. It simply does not work. The ESM is a ponzi scheme that can not possible work. Remember when Klaus Regling came to China, hat in hand last year to beg them to pay into the ESM? The Chinese had the good sense to refuse. Smart money is fleeing the Eurozone and going to safe havens like Japan... why do you think the Euro is so cheap, and the Yen getting stronger all the time?
Can you provide the proof that backs up your allegations?
Sorry to say, we Chinese have been the target of hatred for many centuries, including even today.
I meant the past two centuries in particular, from the invasion and colonization by the 8 nations, the Opium War, Japan's invasion and colonization, the pogroms in SE Asia, the San Francisco Exclusion Act, etc. The Chinese have been painted as some Red Monster hell bent on usurping power, wars and invasions like an East Asian Hitler. Today, China has given up much more territory to its neighbors, Mongolia, Russia, Central Asian nations, etc. its boundaries have shrunken considerably from the time of the Qing Dynasty, yet it is portrayed as an aggressor to justify "containment" of China.
Please explain what is this "willingness to go to war", and how China's behavior, acts and deeds, are more warlike than Japan or the US? BOTH Japan and China sent naval ships to the disputed islands, why is it that only China is the aggressor? The US and Japan conducted countless military exercises off China's coast, so why is China conducting its own military exercises in its own seas and in the vicinity of the Pacific "warlike"?
To simple, if the PRC publishes these books "now", now is the key, how will it be received by the people?
This is clear, the PRC is trying to keep the people whipped up, you can try and claim it is not, but facts tell a different story.
"Dispatch hundreds of fishing boats to fight a maritime guerrilla war, says Maj. Gen. Luo Yuan. Turn the uninhabited outcroppings into a bombing range. Rip up World War II peace agreements and seize back the territory, now controlled by Japan but long claimed by China"
Come on, it was 70-odd years ago... can't they just drop it for Cliff's sake? This is getting old quickly.
The map doesn't lie, neither do inconvenient facts such as Geography and History. 1.5 billion Chinese people disagree with you, and you, to them are the aggressor seizing their territory. China and Taiwan never gave up sovereignty of the islands throughout the past decades, as even the US stated unambiguously, via Congress or envoys like Armitage. The Chinese kept a low-key approach to maintain peace, as long as Japan didn't change the status quo. China will not allow their historic territory, their immediate coastal seas and islands, which were annexed by Japan during its fascist phase, be annexed again by Japan who only has ADMINISTRATION of the islands under international law, as that is all that the US has transferred to Japan, NOT sovereignty.
Of the two nations, which actually DID plot, plan, and carry out an invasion against the other? The test of the pudding is in the tasting - Asia had a taste of what Rightwing Neo-fascist Japanese are capable of. Words are cheap bluster by both sides, but HISTORY matters because those who forget what happened are doomed to repeat it. So I'd take History and historic behavior, from the many historic invasions of the Continent by Japan, against Korea, China, etc. any day over third party interpretation of what some PLA general said in a lecture in Shenzhen.
I can't see any good coming out of this. Not good for China; not good for Japan. Not good for ROK, or any other country.
Except America, of course. China and Japan's ongoing bitterness only helps the US maintain its position as the peace keeper in East and North East Asia. Which, I suppose, is not really sustainable for ever, so, not really in the long term interests of the US either. Unless, of course, Japan dumps Art. 9 and starts participating in upholding the peace.
And, what makes you think that an unfettered Japan would dump its treaty with America?
You really need to study the history of he country you hate so much, especially from about 1920 right up to
Only then will you understand the significance of the positions and opinions held by top Chinese PLA officers to the futuire of China and the world. If you support the CCP as you cleary do, even harping on Japanese Rightwoing Neo-fascism is nonsense since the currenmt Chinese government displays all the signs of a rightwing neo-fasdcvist government, not just towards other countries but even to it;s own people. You should not confuse pride in your ethnic backgroud with what is right and wrong. I grew up with many Chinese frimnds but they were all from Hong Kong or Taiwan, or whose families had fled the mainland when the Communists topok over, and they all hated the CCP with a passion."Dispatch hundreds of fishing boats to fight a maritime guerrilla war, says Maj. Gen. Luo Yuan. Turn the uninhabited outcroppings into a bombing range. Rip up World War II peace agreements and seize back the territory, now controlled by Japan but long claimed by China.
"A nation without a martial spirit is a nation without hope," Luo declared at an academic forum this month in the southern city of Shenzhen while officials in Beijing continued to urge negotiations."
History can not be washed like Clothes. Books may be useful for future reference as new generation. If Japanese are unhappy about the publication, they can research and make correction as their own. There is no big deal about renewing about past. Otherwise, Archaeologists will not spend fortune for digging ground of ancient civilization. It is their money they burned for. New generation have curiosity about the past.
Japan can not live with hostile neighbors forever. PRC also can not act like spoiled two years old forever. It is time for building trust and friendship instead of barking each other.
80 books huh? Ain't nobody got time for that!!
**Okay you have a Japanese husband and you claim to not take side, but the facts are you are taking sides in something you have little or no knowledge of.
Tell me something, how can anyone make you do what you do not want to do? I never allow myself to get mad, I is the magic word here, I. No one can make me feel what I do not wish to feel, I make up my own mind. So how can Ishihara make you mad, you make yourself mad.**
A classic reply if there ever was on. You still don't get it do you? I have little knowledge of what? The fact that I think people should be allowed to write books?
Yes, you can make up your own mind - just like I'm making up mine. No idea where all your "mad" comments are coming from. You make yourself mad... classic.
I never said you can or can not have an opinion I have always said that your opinions are skewed to a PRC slant.
You I am not saying someone should not write a book what I have been saying the PRC is writing these books to keep their people in an anti Japanese frenzy.
They (the PRC) claim to be the victim in all this, but if they are the victims why are they always throwing fuel on the fire? Do you actually believe that these books being written right now will help to defuse the problem or will it cause more?
My mad comments? tmarie, I am not mad, I am actually very calm while I type. I was trained not to get mad, it's a waste of time and energy. My comments are based on facts and not mad drivel. Read them and see what I have written.
Every point that is brought defending the PRC I counter them with reality.
Isao Hoshi
China brings 80 books of the Worldd War II regarding the Senkaku Islands dispute. So what? Then why don't they sue Japan with the International Court of Justice? I will tell you why. Because China is such a cowward country, yet they know they would lose the sue in the international arena. They are just making a noise and testing the world community how much they could brainwash the world. That's what the Communist China is all about!
JoeBigsOCT. 31, 2012 - 10:44AM JST
Opinion is different from thesis of Post graduate students. For example someone can be paid for his opinion not really structured and valid evidence about his point of view. Unlike paid market research of opinion for goods and service, PHD students have to pay the education institution for submitting their own research. they have to pay for their hard work! There is no bias, no exaggeration and have to be accurate with including date of the events for history. For example, trialing new medicine for 100 patients. I wish China historical books will be accurate and unbiased too.
Opinion should be two side of story as I mentioned. For example medicine side effect and positive improvement for patient. If someone said everything is perfect, it is unnatural. Chamkum and Yosum are not pointlessly arguing each other. They refer everything according their research. They respect each other opinion. At the end they said they will try to digest other research although they may not completely agree. If one side is dominating everything, there is no fair discussion at all.
As to the question of these books, why would the PRC be publishing them now during these bad times unless they were playing out a strategem?
All these books do is make it seem in their people's eyes that they (the PRC) is a victim today when infact the PRC is the aggressor who is seeking a Casus belli against Japan.
Folks complain when a Governor who is not involved with the DPJ makes a statement, but the same folks see nothing wrong with the PRC sending warships and spyships within Japanese territory.
What is wrong with that picture?
This is not a sterile world, with every opinion comes some sort of bias, so too is this with all books. Some books are based on unfettered works of truth and logic while other have nothing but pure opinion and lack fact or realisim. But, this is my opinion and your's maybe different than mine. The books I think are full of dung you may think are fantastics works.
Opinions are just that opinions.
The facts stand, the Japanese are the rightful owners of the islands the ROC and the PRC wish that they were. This is not an opinion, this is a fact.
BTW the world is not fair, if it were we would all be eating and drinking the same meals, but we are not.
Exactly, if we are expected to pass a test to be able to post our opinions who will give that test and who will grade the person worthy enough to post? In my honest opinion not many people would be able to pass that test if their threshold/bar is raised byond most common people's abilities.
JoeBigsOCT. 31, 2012 - 12:55PM JST
Sound strange. Every nation has war memorial park and record of their war time suffering. I agree there may be some exaggeration from individual nation. If we all forget to past, Archaeologist will no need to research the ancient historical facts. Can we tell all people not to write the book about their past? There will be someone has to be a Villain for their history.
That dispute existed for many decades now. There is always spy ships in disputed territory. However war ships is questionable. I am not a folk to make one side fit all judgement. Everyone or every nation has to compromise or accomodate each other. Germany is not barking with any neighbors like Japan. It is good for stability and co-operation.
I am not sure about Japanese War time adventure written by China. However Tora, Tora, Tora movie made by US is motion picture master piece. Although I am not sure about accuracy, I still want to watch again and again. What wrongs with that good work. It is not only entertaining but also historical reference.
It is more emotional and endless debate for domination. Where is the space for accommodating someone for discussion?
Jim Junichi Murata
Will the CCP eventually go on a mission to get even with the Kuomintang also?
Okkkaaayyy. So they made a choice to relapse the past irrelevant to the island dispute in a way to renew culture war? I don't have a problem with Chinese doing research, but why does it have to be now?? And what's the point in doing so since there's plenty of credible work made by Chinese, Japanese, and Western scholars already out there?
China is somehow stuck in the 19th century with the bitterness of the past wars and continue with irrational revenge mentality. The Chinese goverment still are clueless on future directions of their country with chips on their shoulder. The international community will continue to be cautious of of their goverment's irrational behavior to the neighboring countries. If China wants to become a responsible international country that is respected, they have to change directions to move forward.
The name calling is funny. Neo-Nazis in Japan, China.... probably there are Neo-Nazis in every country. To the Victor may belong the spoils but it is also true that the Victors become more like the vanquished.. The "conservative" movement in most countries are a reflection of the return of fascism. The Christian-right of the US is not that much different than the Taiban; both are fundamentalist who will go beyond the law to do what they think is right. China is becoming fascist and so is Japan. It is almost like we are back in 1920 except today, China is much more powerful than Japan. One the interesting question is how did Japan which had one of the best records on human right at the end of WWI become the of the worlds most infamous societies in the 1930-40s. What happened during the 1920's at the end of Taisho?
An interesting note: the Imperial Government Disclosure Act passed by the US Congress on December 6,2000; made all US held records public. It is worth noting that unlike the Nazi trails, there were multiple Japanese War Crime trials in multiple locations conducted by the Americans, British, Dutch, French, Filipinos, and Chinese. The Soviets captured the bulk of evidence regrading Unit 731, and did to trails. They also handed those records to the PRC. So if China was to publish the evidence that they have it would be tremendous. Since Japan did withhold document from the US occupying forces, there is also the possibility that that there can be new trials with compensation demands against Japan. The case of Comfort Women has never been trialed as a war crime but this is also possible in all countries where this took place; all Japanese occupied countries. Just because some things happened a long time ago, doesn't mean it can not be brought to trial. I don't think there is a statute of limitation on mass murder.
It's their version of the bible.
It is rather ignorant of people to tell China to just "get over it", they suffered horribly under the IJA, some folk who lived through the atrocities are still alive.
Besides, there are other groups of people who still go on about atrocities they suffered in the past, if they can, why can't China?
War is terrible and should never happen again in East Asia (look at the new Korean War Movie "My Way"). Why are both Chinese and Japanese governments moving then towards war again on the issue of the Senkaku islands? It is far better to work again on the common East Asia modern history handbooks with historians of the 3 countries (Japan, Korea and China), and perhaps also with some US historians! And then move on to the 21st century!
why is this fairgame for trolling?
I bet if these 80books were abt hitlers jaunts or the holocaust, peeps would be very different
china all way speak about other people bad thing ...but never said about they own mistake. [culture revolution never spake it or let there people speak to].
china this day do same as japan before ww2 doing.
a imperialist empire that rule by group of people who invade other country for they own pocket money. and rule they empire with iron fit.
a voice from minor country that got invade by both china and japan in past thousand years. (I'm oversea china BTW my clan came from shantou early 20thcentury)
(and japan invasion my country too!!)
(and suffer a civil war cause by my local country communist party that back by red communist china!! a lot country hatred china because this reason. )(south korea not like cause china help north korea invade south)(vietnam not like then sine before ww2 and till this day)
(but It can't be help that many country don't like china , when main economic aid came from western and japan.)
so it not what they did in last world war that influence our relation.
but it what they do after war that make us what we are this days.....
Khanin, nowadays people are a lot smarter than before, there is no way to hide the truth any more. You have to keep an open mind. You talked about economic aids mainly came from Western countries and Japan; remember that China just opened up only a few decades ago, at that time China couldn’t even feed its own people. The streets were full bicycles instead of cars and the people were all dressed the same. It just got better only recently and now other countries are blaming China for their own problems. I believe now China also makes a lot of contributions to the poorer countries.
I am sure who got involved before he died 10 years ago tole me he felt awful. But you Asianhometown, you must know that was not intentionally did not declare. The direct order from Tokyo was not using out sourcing typeset then, so some one who spent over 50 ours with his single finger to type and also Tokyo clearly ordered to deliver the deceleration of war on specific time to the embassy in DC that was a before the attack time. Also after JPN ambassador got there for the meeting, they were waited because the attack had already begun. Totally, the declaration was 50 mins late. That is shame on Japan that we accept. BUT DO not use the selective information as if Japan did not have any intention to do so. Your kind of opinion is a typical Chinese deception that makes the situation worse. The comment you said is one of the good example to prove what I said earlier. Also besides that, The pearl has nothing to do with what China is doing in this article. How is it related?
PS. Sorry!!! I meant, 50 hours not 50 ours above mu posting. Because of this situation, I am sure everyone felt being Shamed. Admiral Yamamoto was a one of them he repeatedly the arrangement of declaration.I still feel bad about it. Because many of them believed Bushido that never kill some one unarmed in their battle and always introduce the name first before a battle. I have no excuse for the historical incident and that was shamed of Japan. But also historically it is clear now that the declaration with the 14 parts was delivered while the situation was going on in 50 minis late but that was never noticed widely because sneaky attack sounds more evil for the news then and better to make the US united. But that was not like 911.
I can see y the Chinese govt is doing this. China has already offered to solve the dispute by sharing the control of the island with Japan and restore the situation to previous peace. So this action maybe pressuring Japan govt into takeing the offer. What really upset me is that people beyond these two countries keep making partial comments and stroking anger of the citizens of Japanese and Chinese. Kids defend their family, that's normal. Neighbors stroke anger or provide weapons so they can fight, that's not normal. If one really want to help solve the dispute, say something objective and rational. Anyone say anything provoking is only adding fuel to their anger. After all, the Japanese and Chinese all want to solve this as soon as possible. Seems that others don't.
Advice for the Japanese: you are rational and strong people, even the Chinese have to admit that. So do what you are good at and be an adult in this dispute. For the Chinese: same thing. Your country has grown too fast, and the citizens may not ready for the big name. It's still a communist country so it's wrong for people treat you the same way as they treat the other countries. Neither the China nor Japan is benefiting from this, so stop saying any provoking things to each other (if they are really Japanese or Chinese). Governments and their media all say partial things to their people so they can defend them. That's normal. From what I hear, before this dispute the Japanese and Chinese actually admire each other's culture. Hating each other is not helping this dispute. For people do not belong to these two countries, Just back off ok? It's already too complicated enough for the two governments to handle. Unless you really don't want them to solve it.
Blair Nishio
I'm both and I think Japan should make a full apology and find some crazy way to make up for this if they do not want these books to be made. China has every right in the world to be pissed off, as far as they know the japanese are the bringers of hell to them and their generation should know what Japan did to them.