Japan Today

China sends patrol ship to disputed waters


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-2 ( +4 / -6 )

warming up for cold winter ahead, no worries.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Wow, right after Ishihara suggests Japan build a base there and strengthen their claim to the islands! go figure! (he says, with an "I told you so" tone). And of course Japan can, and will, do nothing about it save that, as is also the norm, the rating of people who approve of the US military presence will suddenly increase.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

This is serious stuff. What can Japan do short of taking a provocative action that will only inflame the standoff and sour relations between the countries?

Not a lot.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Mine for rare earths in other countries, switch production of goods to Vietnam or India, do something - anything - to break the economic stranglehold China enjoys maliciously exploiting. It's bad for the stability of the region.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

I hate China for this! Why can't they be normal and play fair. After all they only started to claim Senkaku as their own after 1969 after ESCAP(Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) found massive oil deposit underneath and around the island!

5 ( +12 / -7 )

China sucks with a bad attitude.

I think they should go back to their huge damn and take a swim.

Those islands are Japans.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Whoever lives there owns the islands. Of nobody lives there it's obviously part of the US (but we will give you some whisky if necessary).

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

If not Of, my pig thumb's fault.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I am inclined to think that the islands are Chinese because I don't think that imperial Japan can go around planting its flag on "terra nullis" and have Chinese agree that that act makes the islands Japanese. From a Chinese point of view it probably just makes the Japanese greedy. That international law allows "terra nullis" claiming is more of a product of the fact that a lot of imperialists (Westerners) wrote the international laws in support of their frequent claiming.

The other source of Japan's claim on the Islands is a treaty with China in which it ceded Taiwan and associated Islands but that treaty was from a Chinese point of view, made under duress, and may not have included the senkaku's.

On the other hand, possession is important, and Japan has possessed the islands for a considerable lenght of time. They should have put people on them a long time ago and kept them there.

The scariest part for me is that so few out of China can see any sense in their point of view, when it seems to me that the Chinese have a point. There does not seem to be any dialogue, just sabre rattling, and that is really scary.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

timtak: "The scariest part for me is that so few out of China can see any sense in their point of view, when it seems to me that the Chinese have a point."

Agreed. Regardless of who thinks the territory belongs to whom, there is a constant knee-jerk reaction whenever an article mentions China. Heck, even when it DOESN'T mention China people try to bring in China as a way they feel elevates Japan's actions. This is not, of course, limited to China/Japan issues or said nations, but since this is a Japan news site and China is a close neighbour, along with bitter feelings towards each other and in regards to rivalries, more often than not on news threads here people jump in an automatically talk about how bad China is when in many cases both are engaged in the same questionable activities. When China heads towards disputed islands many Japanese lash out and it creates an uproar. When Japan turns around and does the same (or tries to) towards Senkaku or the other islands under dispute Japanese cheer it on and say they have a right to be there, etc. (ie. exactly what the Chinese are doing).

No good will come of any of this, and sadly while this is the one island dispute where I think Japan has a bit of an edge, they'll lose it whenever the bombast and sabre-rattling is pushed enough that China simply goes in with navy and takes it over. Unless at that time Japan has a presence there, and even then, they'll be helpless and have to give them up for good. No one is going to risk war with China (which would result in WW) over a few uninhabited rocks between the two nations.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

it seems that china finally decided to start a war against japan and taiwan. both those countries dont have a strength to fight with such a large country china. its time to make a military alliance between japan and taiwan.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I don't think there is any doubt about the ridiculousness of Beijing's claims on territorial waters. Asian nations giving in to these claims because China is the big bad stronger bully does not make it right and will continue to cause unrest and escalation of distrust. China sending warships to the Sengaku is a ploy to test the waters; their way to show they are 'grown up' now. Grown up diplomacy is not in their agenda. Japan and Korea could give up claims to the islands, but that won't satisfy China. What they are after is hegemony in Asia. Is China now trying to get its piece of the cake that powerful nations got centuries ago and retained until after WW2? History repeating itself?

China claims it all.

The greed that eventually leads to destruction of a nation that cannot even now provide for most of its population.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I can't help but thinking that we're in for another long Cold War style stand-off in the future, though centered around East Asia. We can only hope that, like the European based original, no actual conflict results from it. Neither China nor the West will win from actual conflict. I just hope the leaders of all these countries keep this in mind before they get too high up on their patriotic horse.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The other source of Japan's claim on the Islands is a treaty with China in which it ceded Taiwan and associated >Islands but that treaty was from a Chinese point of view, made under duress, and may not have included the >senkaku's

The Senkakus were never part of he Treaty of Shimonoseki terminating the Sino-Japanese War of 1884/85 because they were never considered pat of China (Ching/Qing) to start with. They were already Japanese territory when China handed over Taiwan. In other words, they were never taken by force and hence remained Japanese after WWII when many other terriotories that had been taken by force were returned.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Diaoyu (Senkaku) is definitely belonging to Taiwan! Even Japanese ancient map (before JP occupied Ryukyu islands) showed Senkaku was part of Taiwan, not part of Ryukyu.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

China seems like it wants war, china had better be careful, many countries may just give them one

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

China should grow up and stop acting like a beligerent teenager. If the nations that it has territorial disputes with all stood up at the same time and called china out it would be in the sh!t, specialy if everyone else stopped trading with it.

Grow up China act like a world leader not a world loser.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The Americans have their bases on Japan but what are they doing in Japan's behalf?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

China is facing growing unrest amongst its own population. Perhaps it is flying the nationalist flag to try and rally its people. It won't work. Japan and other Asian countries need to band together to counter this bullying. Perhaps the TPP is a good idea for Japan after all - a trade agreement that could encourage less dependence on 'The Middle Kingdom.'

Japanese companies should openly speculate on whether it should relocate some of its manufacturing out of China. This would create concern among the Chinese population at rising unemployment (already, graduates are finding it hard to get jobs) and force the Chinese government to focus on domestic issues, rather than international provocation. Korea's not best pleased with them either at the moment. There is a lot other countries could do here in partnership with Japan - incentives for Japanese help in developing its infrastructure, for example. All Asian countries need to create win-win situations between themselves.

United they stand, divided they fall.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

warnerbroDec. 14, 2011 - 10:07PM JST The Americans have their bases on Japan but what are they doing in Japan's behalf?

We told China that if they try to take the Senkakus by force they will be answering to he United States. Good enough?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@OssanAmerica... right , what is USA doing in Japan's behalf? You know what? Plain business. Japan will be buying the latest F Fighters from US. Hehehe Just like the movie "The Last Samurai". Funny though but this disputes scenarios seem like a business thing for US. hehehe You know WAR is number 1 USA source of income.

Go ahead....deploy all ships around disputed islands and hope they all freeze to death.

@IronChef.... WW III ... Right and wiped the whole mankind. Loss-Loss scenario. har...har...har..har...

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Records of these islands date back to as early as the 15th century. Chinese records. The Japanese central government formally annexed the islands on January 14, 1895. Why not SHARE them and their resources?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I don't see alot of merit in these "China Should Grow Up" claims. Very few western nations, nor Japan, can claim too much of a moral high ground regarding empire building! The one thing which struck me when this issue first came to light was just how far away the Islands are from Japan. Okinawa is close, but then how long has Okinawa been Japanese?? An old liberal Japanese gaffer I once talked to compared it to the Falklands War i.e. an old colonial power trying to keep control of something 1000's of miles away from them.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The one thing which struck me when this issue first came to light was just how far away the Islands are from Japan [...] An old liberal Japanese gaffer I once talked to compared it to the Falklands War i.e. an old colonial power trying to keep control of something 1000's of miles away from them

True, the Falklands is ridiculously close to Argentina for British territory (and Malta is so close to Spain). But the reality is proximity has little to do with sovereignty. Otherwise the USA would have to give up Hawaii, Guam and Saipan.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They are owned by an individual land owner who is not allowed to actually live or even land there, by Japanese law, I heard.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sorry, should have said Gibralta, not Malta

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Back on topic please.

A relatively tense time indeed. Just recently, a Chinese fishing boat captain intruded South Korean waters and during the apprehension process by the South Korean Coast Guard, the Chinese captain attacked two SK officers, killing one and gravely wounding the other. China is becoming a major and consistent source of tension especially in territorial matters.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The islands belong to Okinawa and at this time it is a part of Japan. War will happen when one or more countries makes a mistake. The Chinese are gearing their population for war with propaganda. Either the Americans will support Japan or not. If they do not support Japan then article 9 has to go and with that the Americans. Time to rearm and add the dreaded deterrent force. Why would they risk their cities for Japanese cities? This is a crossroads in history. There is a lot more at stake than a few small islands.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

China should really be sending it's ships to stop those illegal Chinese fisherman from entering Korean, Japanese, Filipino, and Vietnamese waters just to name a few. Growing China is causing a lot of fiction with all of these nations when it comes to China's claims.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

China, explode, implode or perhaps both, time will tell, clearly China isnt going to be goin down slow, the commies simply cant control the situation for the long term, nor can anyone else, it will hit the fan one way or another, question is simply trying to predict when.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

YuriOtani @ according to whom? Your history teacher by chance?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

bajhista65Dec. 14, 2011 - 11:13PM JST @OssanAmerica... right , what is USA doing in Japan's behalf? You know what? Plain business. Japan will be >buying the latest F Fighters from US. Hehehe Just like the movie "The Last Samurai". Funny though but this disputes >scenarios seem like a business thing for US. hehehe You know WAR is number 1 USA source of income. Go ahead....deploy all ships around disputed islands and hope they all freeze to death.

Japan buys US planes because they are proven and built better than any copycat flying garbage that China can build. Not that anyone with half a brtain would buy Chinese military good anyway. They can't even build their own aircraft carrier. Of course they don't have any pilots that can land on them either so I guess that's ok.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

afterthequakeDec. 14, 2011 - 11:32PM JST The one thing which struck me when this issue first came to light was just how far away the Islands are from Japan. >Okinawa is close, but then how long has Okinawa been Japanese??

Racially (genetically) the people of Okinawa are closest to the original inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago, the Jomon people. The only other group that can say the same are the Ainu in the north. Okinawa was known as the Ryukyu Kingdom an independent state which paid tribute to the Chinese Dynasties as all asian countries did back then. Racially, culturally and linguistically the Okinawans are much closer to the mainland Japanese than to China, with whom they have had cultural relatioms for a very long time. Okinawa became part of Japan in the late 1800s when it came under pressure from the west, including the United States to open up trade and was squeezed between Japan and Ching (Qing dynasty/China). The United States has always recognized Okinawa as Japanese, in fact it is a prefecture (like a state).

0 ( +2 / -2 )

yourock, What do you know about Okinawa schools during the American occupation? I see the patrol ship as an agent provoker for the Chinese government. For political purposes the Chinese government has piled the dry wood and vegetation high. All it will take is a single spark (incident) and it will be all out war.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

China, seriously, is like a spiled kid who wants everything. I wonder if they will ever change,

1 ( +3 / -2 )

china should use these sailors in a more positive way, holding up wobbly school buildings in chengdu

2 ( +2 / -0 )

China's long term position is the recovery of Taiwan.

China's claims on the Senkakus and the Sth China Sea appear to be an encirclement of Taiwan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Biggest mistake ever was letting the Chinese build all of our cheap stuff.....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

OssanAmericaDec. 14, 2011 - 09:06PM JST The Senkakus were never part of he Treaty of Shimonoseki terminating the Sino-Japanese War of 1884/85 because they were never considered pat of China (Ching/Qing) to start with. They were already Japanese territory when China handed over Taiwan. In other words, they were never taken by force and hence remained Japanese after WWII when many other terriotories that had been taken by force were returned.

In 1951, Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed by Japan and the Allied Powers (excluding both the ROC and the PRC) stated that, "Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Paracels". Article Four of the separate peace treaty signed between Japan and the ROC in 1952 declared that all agreements between Japan and China before 1941 were null and void. As stated above, it is reasonable to take the mean that Diaoyu Islands should be returned to China because the Diaoyu Islands are one part of Taiwan. However, Japanese have maintained that the islands should not be included in these treaties.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Basically, many of these anti-China folks here think that China should become obedient like a slave to the so called, "international community", sacrificing its national interests and compromising its territorial integrity. Is that right? Is that what you are implying? Keeping China in a cage. After all the atrocities Japan has done to China, you guys still want to treat China like dirt to step on. You folks always object when China tries to uphold and defend its national security and national interests at any degree. In your eyes, when will China ever be allowed to stand up for itself as a country? This world is not Japan's world or your world to dictate.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

sfjp330Dec. 15, 2011 - 06:56AM JST In 1951, Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed by Japan and the Allied Powers (excluding both the ROC >and the PRC) stated that, "Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Paracels".

The Senkakus are not part of Formosa(Taiwan) or the Paracels.

Article Four of the separate peace treaty signed between Japan and the ROC in 1952 declared that all agreements >between Japan and China before 1941 were null and void.

The Senkakus never became Japanese territory by any agreement between Japan and China.

As stated above, it is reasonable to take the mean that Diaoyu Islands should be returned to China because the >Diaoyu Islands are one part of Taiwan. However, Japanese have maintained that the islands should not be >included in these treaties.

The Senkakus were never part of Taiwan. Furthermore they were never taken from China (Qing/Ching) by force as they were Terra Nullius when Japan followed proper Internationally accepted procedure to incorpoirate them in early 1884. For these reasons the victorius allied powers did not include them in territories to be returned to their previous owners.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

CHuanDec. 15, 2011 - 07:00AM JST Basically, many of these anti-China folks here think that China should become obedient like a slave to the so >called, "international community", sacrificing its national interests and compromising its territorial integrity. Is that >right? Is that what you are implying? Keeping China in a cage. After all the atrocities Japan has done to China, you >guys still want to treat China like dirt to step on. You folks always object when China tries to uphold and defend its >national security and national interests at any degree. In your eyes, when will China ever be allowed to stand up for >itself as a country? This world is not Japan's world or your world to dictate.

Most of us understand that you have a big chip on your shoulder. And we would like nothing more than to see China develop into an advanced country that values both individual rights and peace and is a benefit to it's Asian neighbors and the rest of the world. But foaming-at-the-mouth nationalism, perpetualy using WWII as an excuse to bully all of your Asian neighbors is not winning you any friends or respect..

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


I think people here are not against China but they are against China's attitude "to prepare for combat" They are worried about a war sparking in the region. If for many people, war is just a word, I'll tell you their concern, if there will be war - "people will die" because these countries are fighting for islands of money. Is it really ok to start another war? That's the concern here. Everyone here is for the prosperity of China, and that includes me. But the attitude of combat because China has bigger guns now is not what the region needs right now. Being the bigger and older brother here in Asia, China should set an example of humility and use its influence to achieve peace, not war. It should use its power for peaceful purposes and not to scare small counties with its power.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

In your eyes, when will China ever be allowed to stand up for itself as a country? This world is not Japan's world or your world to dictate.

When China stops acting like a damn child, that when China will be accepted by the world.

"Dictate?" It's not a matter of "Dictating" anything. It's a matter of being more civilized than what China is showing the world now. So now they are sending patrols to disputed waters? Children....

3 ( +3 / -0 )

OssanAmericaDec. 15, 2011 - 07:17AM JST. The Senkakus never became Japanese territory by any agreement between Japan and China.

If Japan has definite ownership without doubt, why did Japan offer to explore resources jointly with China? Sounds like a big concession by Japan if you ask me. If Japan owns it, they didn't need to ask China. It shows Japan has a weak claim and they know it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Good. Looks like China is ready.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

China is not as stupid as they want the world to think they are, if they were so stupid they would have invaded HONG KONG and made it a carbon copy of Beijing, right?? So hopefully they will learn from this and also be able to respect the people of Taiwan too, and not mess with Japan, South Korea etc..

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

CHuan, where do you get your material? Senkakus belonged to the Ryukyu Kingdom before they were annexed by Japan. Thus they are part of Japan. There have never been any Chinese living on those islands while Japanese lived there for at least 40 years. About our cousins in China, I bear them no ill will. However there talk of war and payback makes me nervous. Did you know I am part Chinese? Some of my ancestors came from China. It is my deepest wish we can live in peace with China. The resources around these islands belong to the people of Okinawa. To the leaders of China please stop sending ships into the disputed zones.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Chuan, China's behavior is the problem, not Chinese people or culture. And no one is suggesting that China become a slave to anyone. You sound like you work for the propaganda ministry. Give this a rest mate.

China has two choices for the future and I think they are pretty clear.

Cooperation: Working in partnership with the rest of Asia and the Pacific region entities to make the region prosper while addressing the many regional and global issues impacting all participants.

Bullying: China can carry on the current policy of trying to toss her weight around and intimidate other countries to bend to her will.

Now. Choosing #1 will lead to prosperity for China and create a positive leadership role in Asia that will be of historic importance to all concerned. It will empower Asia to help solve some of the global problems. And raise up all people in the region.

Choosing #2 will lead to an inevitable "taking of sides" across Asia with the US emerging as the dominant leader and military protector. This will be followed by limitations on cooperation, a likely cold war and the potential for real war.

So, what kind of idiot leadership chooses option #2 when option #1 is so clearly beneficial to everyone.

Answer? The current Chinese leadership. So that my friend is where the problem rests today.

4 ( +7 / -2 )

So, what kind of idiot leadership chooses option #2 when option #1 is so clearly beneficial to everyone.

Obviously, China doesn't get it.

Good post tkoind, thubs up for the post/

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Diaoyu belongs to China

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

sfjp330Dec. 15, 2011 - 07:46AM JST OssanAmericaDec. 15, 2011 - 07:17AM JST. The Senkakus never became Japanese territory by any agreement >between Japan and China. "If Japan has definite ownership without doubt, why did Japan offer to explore resources jointly with China? Sounds like a big concession by Japan if you ask me. If Japan owns it, they didn't need to ask China. It shows Japan has a weak claim and they know it."

You are confusing the issue of the Senkaku Islands with the entire East China Sea.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

OssanAmericaDec. 15, 2011 - 09:59AM JST. You are confusing the issue of the Senkaku Islands with the entire East China Sea.

Really? The Senkaku Island is important for strategic and political reasons, as claims of ownership are used to bolster claims to the wider surrounding sea areas and its resources.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The Senkakus were never part of Taiwan. Furthermore they were never taken from China (Qing/Ching) by force as they were Terra Nullius when Japan followed proper Internationally accepted procedure to incorpoirate them in early 1884.

OssanAmerica, were do you get your data from? According to wikipedia the island were not taken by Japan until 1895, because Japanese diplomats were afraid to arouse Chinese anger, thus implicitly admitting that they knew China had knowledge of and interest in the Islands.

Here the wiki text:

In 1885, the Japanese Governor of Okinawa Prefecture, Nishimura Sutezo, petitioned the Meiji government asking that it take formal control of the islands.[5] However, Inoue Kaoru, the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, commented that the islands lay near to the border area with the Qing empire and that they had been given Chinese names. He also cited an article in a Chinese newspaper that had previously claimed that Japan was occupying islands off China's coast. Inoue was concerned that if Japan proceeded to erect a landmark stating its claim to the islands, it would make the Qing empire suspicious.[5] Following Inoue's advice, Yamagata Aritomo, the Minister of the Interior turned down the request to incorporate the islands, insisting that this matter should not be "revealed to the news media".


CHuan, where do you get your material?

where do you get yours from? I couldn't find any material indicating the the islands ever were part of the Ryukyu kingdom.

To the leaders of China please stop sending ships into the disputed zones.

If you admit that they are disputed zones then you should say the same to Japanese leaders.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It's a patrol ship. No one is up to anything. So, let them swim in circles until they feel better.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The east sea gas fields will begin drilling at the time Noda steps in Beijiang and he will be blasting by all the Japanese oppositions and even his own party! By the way, why does China has to 'share' a single drop of gas with Japan that holds nothing legitimacy but rhetoric against china? Next time, China should let the Japanese defense moinister understood something known as 'W88' also exist in China available to deliver if things turns 'hot talks'!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If japan dared to drill the seabed without Chinese goverbment'a approval, the 'W88' will be sent like a christmas gift!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@Elbuda MexicanoDec:

(Taiwan, ROC) is elder brother to (China, PRC) in Chinese Family. We don't need others to discuss what we should do. Diaoyu (Senkaku) is purly our family business. Suppose someone hate today's Communist China, please complain to JP because JP's intrusion to China made Communist grew up , you also could complain to the US because ROC didn't get support from the US, WWII old friend, to fight Communist during civil war from 1945 - 1949.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

made in china ....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

sfjp330Dec. 15, 2011 - 10:26AM JST OssanAmericaDec. 15, 2011 - 09:59AM JST. You are confusing the issue of the Senkaku Islands with the entire East >China Sea. "Really? The Senkaku Island is important for strategic and political reasons, as claims of ownership are used to bolster claims to the wider surrounding sea areas and its resources."

Yes really. Japan is not "sharing" exploration rights on the islands. They are doing so with China in seabed areas where the borders are next to each other.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

bam_booDec. 15, 2011 - 11:25AM JST The Senkakus were never part of Taiwan. Furthermore they were never taken from China (Qing/Ching) by force as >they were Terra Nullius when Japan followed proper Internationally accepted procedure to incorpoirate them in >early 1884. "OssanAmerica, were do you get your data from? According to wikipedia the island were not taken by Japan until 1895, because Japanese diplomats were afraid to arouse Chinese anger, thus implicitly admitting that they knew China had knowledge of and interest in the Islands"

My mistake, the Senkakus were incorporated into Japan as Terra Nullius in January of 1885. The Treaty of Shimonoseki and the hadover by Ching to Japan of territories did npt take place until April of 1885. The Senkakus were not included in them because Ching did not consider them to be their to start with and they were not taken as part of the Sino-Japanese War. Arouse Chinese anger? Nobody, not the US, England or Japan cared about the "anger" of the sick man of Asia at the time.

"Japan claims the islands as official Japanese territory in 1895. From 1885 on, surveys of the Senkaku Islands had been thoroughly made by the Government of Japan through the agencies of Okinawa Prefecture and by way of other methods. Through these surveys, it was confirmed that the Senkaku Islands had been uninhabited and showed no trace of having been under the control of China. Based on this confirmation, the Government of Japan made a Cabinet Decision on 14 January 1895 to erect a marker on the Islands to formally incorporate the Senkaku Islands into the territory of Japan. Since then, the Senkaku Islands have continuously remained as an integral part of the Nansei Shoto Islands which are the territory of Japan. These islands were neither part of Taiwan nor part of the Pescadores Islands which were ceded to Japan from the Qing Dynasty of China in accordance with Article II of the Treaty of Shimonoseki which came into effect in May of 1895. Accordingly, the Senkaku Islands are not included in the territory which Japan renounced under Article II of the San Francisco Peace Treaty"


0 ( +1 / -1 )

just-a-guyDec. 15, 2011 - 12:45PM JST If japan dared to drill the seabed without Chinese goverbment'a approval, the 'W88' will be sent like a christmas gift!

I am sure they would appreciate receiving a watch phone very much. Merry Christmas. http://www.chinatronic.com/products.php/W88

0 ( +1 / -1 )

In Japanese politics, they've discovered that reinvigorating Japanese nationalism at China's expense is an effective way of containing the growing popularity of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan and a lot easier than tackling economic reform. China-bashing is simply a winning formula in Japanese domestic politics. That's part of why Japan has now expressed a clear interest in Taiwan's security, pushed the envelope on territorial disputes with China, and aligned its position on North Korea's nuclear program more closely with U.S. A China-Japan conflict could disrupt the balance of alliances in Northeast Asia. Korea and Taiwan, might side with China in a conflict, while Japan would look to the U.S. The U.S. might be called on to defend not only its staunch ally but also the interests of Western oil companies. Thus far the relative calm of the Senkaku dispute, in contrast to the Spratlys may be attributed in part to the presence of U.S. forces nearby.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

sfjp330, If China weren't so overboard with nationalism the rest of Asia including Japan wouldn't have to be. China wrote the book in using nationalism to direct the people's concerns away from the government so it;s pretty funny that you accuse Japan of it. China bashing is a winning formula not just in Japan but all of Asia and even the United States because of China's territorial and miliytary expansionist agenda. And Japan has always expressed interest in Tariwan's defense for decades, after all a China-controlled Tasiwan would vut off the oil supply to Japan, anmd Japan has always been aligned with the United States on the issue of North Korea. Japan actually served cobertl;y inn the Korean W#ar under US supervision when the Chinese were killing Americans and other UN troops. China would never start a real conflict with Japan because that would cause the US-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty to kick in and China would be be starting a war with the United States. Only North Korra would side with China, as there is zero chancxe of South Korea and Taiwan siding with China as they both see it as a threat. But you are right, the Senkakus are calm because China doesn't dare start a shotting war with the U.S.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Kurumazaka, it doesn't matter if anybody is unhappy with Just-A-Guy's choice of words.

That's what makes Freedom of Speech so beautiful. I'm struggling to find the word that describes the little brain midgit that sits on top of a giants shoulders. Forgive me, I know there's a word for that.

Personally I don't appreciate Japan selling whoof tickets with American lives. It's as if Japanese people in their minds have American lives as dedicated resources towards your interest.

The worst of Japanese ultra-nationalists have no idea what the next war will be like. Don't be so old fashion. If you get into a war with China you'll get nuclear war. Nuclear war is certainly not winnable if it's in full scale. Japan is a nation that can be obliterated unfortunately. Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki, Hiroshima. That's game over in just 4 hits.

Pretty scary stuff.

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That article inflamed many posters. Some posters inflamed more and more like pouring gasoline into the gas explosion of barbecue stove. Paroling ship does not mean they occupied the islands. They just flexed muscle and show the world as " We are not a sick man of Asia." Not only China, many disputed nations patrolled that sea lanes too. The more we criticize and china, the more they will be stubborn and sensitive. It will be counter productive. I dislike the sensitivity of China I also dislike ultra nationalism from both nations. According the history, China was a loser and victim of war time bully Japan. Their memory of humiliation is understandable. However things have changed now!

Their school history lessons were very colorful about Japanese imperial army. Mainland Chinese have to realize that war crimes were nothing to do with Japanese people of both old and new generations. They have to move on to the future and not revisiting the tragic memory of past. China soccer team has just hired Japanese Coach. China has to learn a lot from Japan. It is not only soccer skills but also technology, polite manner, friendly gesture and conservation of environment. Japan also has to behave as friendly neighbor for settling the territory dispute with sensible and fair way. If it is possible, Japan needs to review the international outcry about whaling and fishing too.

I do not think, China wish to risk the success of economic development of more than three decades. For Japan, China is a huge market for rice bowls. Hatred and confrontation will promote body bags, blood shed and nuclear catastrophe. Heal the old wounds like Norman and Saxon of ancient England.

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The worst of Japanese ultra-nationalists have no idea what the next war will be like. Don't be so old fashion. If you >get into a war with China you'll get nuclear war. Nuclear war is certainly not winnable if it's in full scale. Japan is a >nation that can be obliterated unfortunately. Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki, Hiroshima. That's game over in just 4 hits. Pretty scary stuff.

Japanese ultra-nationalists are a limited bunch and even those in power hardly run the country with most driving around in black trucks and looked up as an annoyance by most Japanese people. The unltrra nationaslism in China is a far more serious issue because it comes from the PLA leaders as well as being used to control the masses, such that it very much can and does influence CCP government policy. No comparison. Talking about China's nuclear capability is pointless because of M.A.D.China knows that if it ever used any nuclear weaon on Japan the favor would be returned twicefold by the United States. In other words, China is also a country that can be obliterated and knows that a nuclwear war is unwinnable.

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