Japan Today

China starts publishing daily Japanese war crimes 'confession'


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Having been written under great duress, with extensive "coaching," these so-called "confessions" are almost useless as documents of historical fact, and in many cases were probably not even written by their signers--or if so, were written out based on "suggestions" from their captors. Another pointless, ham-handed, hypocritical attempt by China to put itself in the right on every issue, notwithstanding their own ongoing transgressions.

24 ( +36 / -12 )

Suggested reading: "Kill Anything That Moves" by Nick Terse.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Regarding Japan’s attitudes towards China, let’s not forget the tens of billions in loan assistance which Japan has provided to China over the decades, and which China has eagerly taken to finance its development. It seems odd that China conveniently forgot past aggressions from Japan when such money was flowing its way. China’s continuing problems with its neighbors go far beyond its relations with Japan.

25 ( +31 / -6 )

And to the PRC, we say, "So?" Maybe you should have thought about joining the KMT in fighting the Japanese? Not just a token effort, either.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Confessions written under duress by Japanese POWs still in Communist Chinese detention 9 years after WWII ended. These are not confessions submitted to the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal in 1945. These are "documents" from the same courts who prosecuted any Chinese who was suspected of having supported the KMT rather than the CCP.

11 ( +17 / -6 )


Using the past in order to deliberately sway ugly world public opinion against all things Japan.

I'm not saying the past should never be studied, nor am I saying Japan is free of sins of the past.

But, there's a time and place for that, and a right way to do it.

19 ( +24 / -5 )

Most of them can be considered fabricated and interpreted to suit their own purpose.

18 ( +22 / -4 )

A big middle finger to you China. Grow up!

17 ( +22 / -5 )

If these confessions are real, then I am Primus. And as far as confessions go, China should confess exactly how many died during the Great Leap Forward and Tianamen Square

9 ( +12 / -3 )

as a japanese, im feel shamed by the cruel wrongdoing of my ancestors. Gomennasai!

-4 ( +12 / -16 )

Pathetic. Using the past in order to deliberately sway ugly world public opinion against all things Japan. I'm not saying the past should never be studied, nor am I saying Japan is free of sins of the past. But, there's a time and place for that, and a right way to do it.

As opposed to Abe's special panel that investigated the "comfort women" and concluded -- shockingly -- that there was no proof that the Japanese military was involved. Sorry, but Japan complaining about this is simply the pot calling the kettle black. IMO both countries are equally guilty of dredging up the past, and re-writing it where necessary, to serve their political objectives.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

China is dead in the water. Why do we even have to talk about it?

Chinese economic performance continues to degrade, with the middle-income trap taking hold. Since nearly one billion Chinese citizens never benefited much from the boom (their income being less than $3500 in comparable purchasing power to an American), there is a massive number of citizens who desire political change and who regard themselves as having been marginalized and victimized by coastal elites, mostly Han Chinese.

Now add to this the fact that Japan has secured the right to go to war with China on the open sea in the vaunted Air-Sea Battle scenario that we drew up nearly ten years ago. Consequently, Japan with its superior technology in air and sea battle, not only has the right to come to the aid of its allies, but has the military might, strategy and resolve to destroy the PLA on land and sea. China, however, cannot attack Japan itself but only Japanese forces in the East Sea and in the South Sea.

This is a brilliant chess move. Why? Japan is free to protect the Philippines and every other of its allies from Chinese ships and planes that open fire on Japanese allies. They are now covered by Japanese air and sea power. All that China can do is battle the Japanese on the open sea and in the air over water, not over Japanese territory, since this would involve the US coming to the aid of Japan. Japan is thus free to militarize for a dramatic confrontation with and victory over China, where the samurai spirit will destroy all of the PLAN and PLAAF, scheduled for the Battle of the Senkakus in 2017.

The brilliance of this strategy, as you should now understand, is that China cannot "ever" attack the Japanese homeland, not even the Senkakus, without the US declaring war on China, ensuring China's faster devolution into new nations for its various colonies and dissolution into the Yellow River Federation, the Yangtze People's Republic and the Oriental Pearl for its Han citizens. You know this is in the works already, with PLA officers and provincial governors, administrators and business men already laying the groundwork for these three new Han countries, comparable to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan as they were prior to PRC belligerence.

Consequently, at the beginning of the war, Japan will immediately sink the Laoning as proof that the PRC's military might is just so much fluff. It will be done by one man alone with shoulder-weaponry, showing how easy the aircraft carrier was sunk by one man. Yes, it's political theater; but it sells across the globe. The Chinese citizenry will itself doubt the PLA's ability as a bulwark against invasion and occupation. Caught in this new paradigm of dealing with Japan strictly in the proscribed Air-Sea Battle (note battle, not war), China will restrict its weakened forces to combating with and succumbing to the Japanese Imperial Forces on the open sea and in the air.

As this is all coming about, China will feel a no-fly zone over its northern and western borders while knowing that its ships are being blockaded by Japan's ships and allies, with the US interdicting food and fuel ships headed for China as well, without actually doing so as part of Japan's war effort, at least not until Japan is actually attacked. The effect will be the same, however, with no food or fuel entering China.

China starves in 21 to 23 days with fuel being allocated strictly to the military-industrial complex. Riots begin from the slums in the cities. Revolution comes from the countryside to the cities. Civil war breaks out inside the PRC while the remnants of the PLAN and PLAAF are used against the Chinese citizenry. It's the end of the PRC and the beginning of global peace and prosperity under the PAX Americana...with Asia re-balanced into small and better managed countries.

Whether the PRC dissolves peacefully before 2017, as the Soviet Union did when faced with similar internal circumstances and external pressures or whether the Air-Sea Battle is required (to accomplish Tibet's freedom, Inner Mongolia's reunification with Outer Mongolia, East Turkmenistan's independence, Manchuria's liberty, Macau and Hong Kong's return to independent status and Taiwan's return to the United Nations), there can be no peace for the Han in China, not ever.

Just admit it. China is dead in the water. Why do we even have to talk about it?

1 ( +7 / -6 )

And let the brainwashing roll.

6 ( +9 / -3 )


Yes, all well and good. But don't China's nukes worry you just a bit?

You believe and defeated, desperate and vengeful regime wouldn't like to go out with a bang, so to speak, and take half of Japan with it?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Without denying the fact that horrendous things were done to the Chinese, this is clearly propaganda but will be of most importance to the 10 cent crowd here and China's other party members.

Chinese people have of course been cruelly abused and murdered in more recent times - in every decade after the war, actually.

So will China also release documents showing what Mao's followers did to its own people in the 1940s and 50s? In the Great Leap Forward? In the re-education (labour) camps? In prisons? In Tibet? Mongolia? Tiananmen Square?

The 10-cent crowd should be concerned more with China's post-war history and current actions against its own people rather than harking back to something that ended 70 years ago in the defeat of the perpetrators.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

lachance wrote:

Just admit it. China is dead in the water. Why do we even have to talk about it?

You just spent long 8 paragraphs "talking about it!"

5 ( +9 / -4 )

"....8 long paragraphs..."

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The incarceration by the CCP of Japanese POWs as well as Chinese accused of supporting and collaborating with the KMT after 1945 is generally considered "brainwashing" with prisoners ultimately confessing to whatever they were told they must confess and babbling about the greatness of Mao Tse Tung,

jerseyboyJul. 04, 2014 - 08:47AM JST Sorry, but Japan complaining about this is simply the pot calling the kettle black.

Where is the article does it say that Japan complained about it?

2 ( +8 / -6 )

So what you're saying is that historic documents are historic? China, you're drunk

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@Reckless-that is a good point.

Also, what right do the Japanese have to complain when the Chinese bring up their own history? Nanking.Manchuria,Taiwan,Korea etc are all well documented and it is well known that atrocities were carried out. Japanese politicians are infamous for denying these events and they are responsible for passing laws which affect all people living in Japan.

Haven't we all seen soldiers of the Imperial Army, swords in hand,decapitating people............?

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Just because these documents comes from the PRC doesn't mean that they are not true. These doesn't seem to be any inconstant with other records of the time from more reliable sources. Japanese War Crimes trials were not only done by the American but also the British, Australians, Dutch, and Soviets among others. You also can not compare what a government does to it's own people to what another government did to a foreign population. Most people resent foreign countries dictating to them. That may be one of the reasons why there is no equal rights for women in Japan even though it is written into the constitution.

3 ( +8 / -6 )

he also confessed that he “cruelly killed 235 Chinese peasants seeking refuge in a village near Lujiayu (cutting open the bellies of pregnant women among them)

While written in the first-person, it doesn't really sound like it was written by the first-person.

Sorry to the many victims of great suffering, but these days it's frankly impossible to distinguish between war-propaganda and fact, and the stuff that the Chinese come up with 70 years after the fact seems suspiciously over-the-top.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The Imperial Japanese state sure was brutal.

Good thing they're gone and none of this "evidence" is in any way relevant to the foreign policy of modern Japan.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

ka_chanJul. 04, 2014 - 09:29AM JST Just because these documents comes from the PRC doesn't mean that they are not true. These doesn't seem to be >any inconstant with other records of the time from more reliable sources. Japanese War Crimes trials were not only >done by the American but also the British, Australians, Dutch, and Soviets among others

The victorious Allies (which included the Republic of China) conducted the International Military Tribunal for the Far East between 1946-1948, ie; 1-3 years after WWII ended. This confession is from a POW who was held in custody and wrote this "confession" 9 years after WWII ended.

6 ( +9 / -4 )

why do we need to talk about the past? it happened during the war and a lot of cruel things happened during those time. what matters most are the present atrocity committed by the chinese government among its neighbors in asia. the bullying and the teritorial issues that the chinese government ignore. let us forget the past and concentrate on the present and move on to the future. instead of acusing one another in thier war crimes atrocities, and bullying smaller, weaker and uncapable neighbors, let us help one another building a better peaceful future for our children.....

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I can't trust any thing to be real or true from CCP, especially confessions. In any case, breeding hatred will only come back to haunt then in the end. I guess any one could start publishing and publicising CCPs trail of abuse up to and including currently.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

However, some of the sentences were very long and contained multiple clauses, possibly indicating it had gone through several drafts.

I was waiting for the autopsy of the documents and questioning the credibility of the confessions which is the theme of the Japanese government when it wants to discredit someone or a report that is negative to Japan. But if anyone should know about forced confessions and having the accused sign confessions that have been written by the prosecutors it would be the Japanese. This happens on a daily basis throughout the kobans and police stations across this country.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I am in no way condoning China's actions,however,I think that Japanese need to get a correct history lesson.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

I know of at least one American missionary couple (man, wife) who were beheaded by China even before WWII. Others I have read about. China has been exceptionally cruel in recent history, especially the already mentioned "cultural revolution" of the '60s, etc.

Maybe some research should be done and published on communist China's mass killings. Whew. Communism.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The Tokyo Tribunal was not the only set of trials. His status doesn't matter. A POW or Prisoner, a prisoner is a prisoner. Hideki Tojo was not a free man, especially during the tribunal although he was getting pressure from the US and Japan to confess. As of injustices, there are always injustices. Gen. Hisao Tani who was convicted for the Nanking Massacre was sick during most of the time while Prince Asaka and Isamu Cho, who were in charge, were never tried. Some of parts of the confessions released by the PRC may not be true but that also doesn't mean the other parts are false. I would take issue about the germ warfare part since that was probably run by Unit 731. I also wonder if you think the Tokyo Tribunal were a farce from the "victorious Allies" comment. BTW, the Japanese Imperial Army had a deserter problem with the Chinese Communists, many crossed over to Mao's side believing in the propaganda. Historians can check the facts. There is more documentation left than the Japanese Government is comfortable.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


It will be done by one man alone with shoulder-weaponry, showing how easy the aircraft carrier was sunk by one man.

What is this weapon that you mention?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is childish muckraking. Grow up China, show a bit of couth - if you are capable of it.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

These confessions, if they even are such things, are questionable at best. Being written nine years after the end of the war by someone held in prison, being subjected to who knows what. It doesn't take as much as you might think to break the Human mind an get someone to say anything you want them to. The suggestion of this first "confession" having been put through several drafts is an indication of this. The previous drafts probably didn't have the information that the Chinese wanted. And why are they releasing this now? Why not at the time, when it was relevant? This is a PR ploy, a move to try and deface Japan and paint them as barbarians. Notice that China still doesn't own up to what it did during the Cultural Revolution, The Great Leap Forward, and Tiananmen Square? More than ten million Chinese were killed by their own government, far in excess of what Japan did during the occupation, and just as atrocious as the events in the supposed confession. Notice also that China doesn't talk about its invasion of Tibet or East Turkminestan. I'm sure that the Tibetans and Uyghars would like to see China confessing its own atrocities. Perhaps if they were honest about their own past instead of dredging up Japan's, the international community might take China more seriously.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Denying historical atrocities, stirring up land grabs for bird toilet rocks, refusing to make proper apologies that are not taken back by the next idiot politician

Well said.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

People question the validity of the confessions. But these are nothing new. For the past 8 or 9 years, anyone could view confessions of WWII Japanese soldiers on YouTube. These are all in Japanese for a Japanese audience, but the videos (or some videos of old films) were made in Japan not under durress. I can searh them by 戦争 and 謝罪. I can't put links here on JT. Some videos show Japanese returning to China to apologize directly to people they victimized (eg 731). At least the Chinese appearing in the video were very kind and forgiving.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Abe and the Japanese government have brought this upon themselves after all their deep reflection and self-serving review of history by their so-called NON-biased experts!

It would serve Japan best at this fragile time in Japanese foreign diplomacy to say nothing unless you are willing to take on the mountains of documents which were produced between 1945 and 1951 by the allied war crimes trials of the United States, the United Kingdom, China, the Soviet Union, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, the Netherlands and the Philippines.

Not only will Abe have to have his experts tasked with reviewing official court records and confessions of convicted Japanese soldiers from all the above listed tribunals, and in half-a-dozen languages, but more frightening will be the testimony you will have to discredit of the living survivors in countries across Asia and beyond. This time there will be collaborating records to support their testimony unlike your assertion of the comfort women whose truthfulness and integrity you called into question.

This is one can of worms Abe and his experts should leave well-enough alone as it will not only infuriate the Koreans and Chinese but a whole lot of other nations whose citizens and military personnel suffered at the hands of the Japanese Imperial war machine. Japan will bring upon itself great shame and humiliation if it meddles in this affair with consequences that far out reach Asia.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Yes and this is a sign to the stupld west governments "CIA" that don't believe in god, but yet are risking the world and there family members lives when this is so clear.

If i was Japan i would be making nuclear weapons ASAP and not listen 2 America for 1 second.

China does stuff like this just proves how wars will start, as they are 100% brainwashing their people with there gov run media, with reports they want them to see "war" and war crimes to justified what they want 2 do. This is 100% going 2 be the world biggest mistake if they let this Communist country build up mass weapons, even after being busted time and time again lying about not building weapons only to become true not long after, why they are mass murdering 1,000s of their own people & making them go missing.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

If a Chinese family moves next to you in the US you are liable to be happy about that and welcome them.

Reckless@Tell that to my friend in Seattle. While he was away on vacation a Chinese neighbor across the street arranged to cut off the tops of all the trees in my friend's front yard, so as to gain an unimpeded view of Lake Washington, thereby raising the value of the house he was planning to put on the market.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

@ Mr. Perfect. I must point out that you are deflecting. The point made by some posters here is that these Japanese POW confessions were likely coerced and edited (if not totally written) by the captors.

This point of course being unsupported by any actual evidence, and entirely supposition on the part of the people making it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

As usual, they always have something to say about everyone’s and everything’s but nothing about them. The world biggest copycat, sure you can come up something a bit original and different to talk about rather keep living in the past. We all know what happened 70 years ago and no one proud about that, yes it was horrible and sad. However, stop using the same excuses to stir up craps. Japan has made a large contribution to your economy, so give them some credit instead and stop whinging about the past. I little monster is as sleep and let it be unless you are looking for trouble. What China doing now is exactly what Japan did 70 years ago as an invader and an aggressor to their neighbours, so stop contradicting yourself.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

You obviously don't know Japan at all.

I beg to differ--I've lived and worked here for the past 15 years and have studied the country and its culture for more than 30. I'm perfectly aware of the issue of coerced confessions in the Japanese criminal justice system, but that wasn't the subject of my comments, and has nothing to do with the legitimacy (or lack thereof) of the so-called confessions being made public by the Chinese government.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

You deserve it china , well done japan , now china is jealous of japan, being so small country japan is a big name in the world .

3 ( +5 / -2 )

We all know what happened 70 years ago and no one proud about that, yes it was horrible and sad. However, stop using the same excuses to stir up craps.

Actually, it likely would be left to sleep if Japanese politicians didn't feel the need to keep trying to whitewash history, and visit Yasukuni. There was a period of about five years of relative quiet from China, as the prime minister kept changing and politicians weren't going on about China. It's only when the Japanese politicians started trying to whitewash history again that the protests came from China and Korea.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

We need to talk about the past, so that we do not repeat the same mistakes in the future.

The Japanese have strong revisionist tendencies (ever seen a history schoolbook here?) and will be prone to repeat their own past mistakes.. Their own politicians constantly offend other nations with their denials and blame so who is to do it for them,except those foreigners that remember?

As an academic exercise contrast the German state and the Japanese state and their attitudes.

Contrast the old citizens of Japan (anti-war/conflict) with politicians in their fifties, and again compare attitudes.

There is a dangerous disconnect in Japan and it is getting worse..........

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Oh the desperation. I'm more concerned with China's current wrong than Japan's past wrong.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Where is the article does it say that Japan complained about it?

Ossan -- you're right. I should have more properly stated the Japanophile posters like yourself. Feel better now?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


I think Japanese do not realize how well Chinese are treated and welcomed in the US without discrimination.....

Made me laugh... you are a good sport.... I am still grinning for it is so funny...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Typical Chinese Government arrogant hypocrisy - October 7th, 1950 they invaded Tibet and between now and then, they have tortured and killed 430,000 + Tibetans! Japan, don't lower yourself to the level of the Chinese Government and get in a "But you did" debate....It's beneath you Japan!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The Chinese have done the same...and worse...to their own countrymen! The past is passed. Get over it!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

"(cutting open the bellies of pregnant women among them)”. This happens NOW on daily basis currently in China - harvesting body parts from live prisoners for sale! They even dig & sell dead bodies & sell them for up to 40k to have ghost weddings!

China's hypocrisy concerning crimes to humanity is breath taking!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This was only done now to divert attention away from recent protests in Hong Kong, nothing more

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Sad to say, but the very first question that popped to mind upon reading the first paragraph was whether these so-called “confessions” were legitimate or not.

China unfortunately has an indelible notoriety for not only turning a blind eye to blatant forgery -- ahem, flattering imitation -- but also encouraging it at the State level, particularly if such forgeries will further a particular Party position.

Certainly, this doesn't automatically discredit legitimate Chinese concerns about Japanese nationalists wishing to recast Japanese history in a ridiculously favorably hue, but a given argument or position does not magically become more "correct" through the generous application of exaggeration and sometimes outright lying.

China does itself and many of the legitimate causes it claims to champion a great disservice with this irritating and counterproductive predisposition towards hyper-melodrama in all of its international dealings.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Please also publish Chinese Government daily present aggression in Tibet and ASEAN Countries.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

China needs its 'enemies' to keep society cohesive, that's all I can see the point of this constant evil project onto Japan. I hope at the Olympics, which really I don't support, that the Japanese Emperor himself stands up --checks that the world's media is switched on and filming and says 'Look, we really are very sorry, deep from my very essence, we are sorry, now FFS, can we move on?'

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Wow - and here I was thinking we were living in 2014...

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The document, which is littered with descriptions of “Japanese imperialists”, appeared to have been written by someone with native-level command of Japanese, said one Japanese journalist who saw it.

Because only Japanese people can write good Japanese?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I apply "脑羞成怒"(anguish out of being disturbed and shamed) to most of the negative responses in this column.

Will it not be another 44 more days of "脑羞成怒"?

If all these are fabricated and misinterpreted names and figures, let the whole world judge on these Confessions and not you alone!

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

I think these things really happened.

It just became more difficult with spy satellites and nukes.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


@ Mr. Perfect. I must point out that you are deflecting. The point made by some posters here is that these Japanese POW confessions were likely coerced and edited (if not totally written) by the captors.

Strangerland, the quote above was not made by me or used by me. It must be from another poster.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

During the Great War (WWII) there were many crimes committed against people both in Asia, Europe and Africa, there are many tales of atrocities committed by the Nazi's in Germany as they incinerated, gassed and starved their way into the annals of history. There are many books about the Jewish Holocaust, but who really mentions the Gypsies and Pols, and the 20 million others that perished in the Death and Concentration camps? Everyone beats up on Germany for its war crimes, but who really talks about Japan and Italy for their contribution to the war effort; it is to be remembered that Japan allied itself with Nazi Germany. If you sleep with dogs; you will get fleas. Many talk of Tiananmen Square and the Cultural Revolution, but what of Sharpsville and Soweto in South Africa when Apartheid Troops were gunning down high school students protesting the Pass Laws and Segregation. When the Apartheid movement in the US was gaining strength, Regan opposed sanctions based on the need to fight communism. The struggles of Black South Africans for justice and equality is secondary to the struggle against the Red Plague. Better dead than Red? We do need to know the whole story without the censorship, on all sides of the border, so that future generations will not make the same mistakes as the previous generations.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


but who really talks about Japan and Italy for their contribution to the war effort....

Well, mostly Chinese and South Korean government but there is also a good share of other people around the world that talks about it.

Many talk of Tiananmen Square and the Cultural Revolution, but what of Sharpsville and Soweto in South Africa when Apartheid Troops were gunning down high school students protesting the Pass Laws and Segregation. When the Apartheid movement in the US was gaining strength, Regan opposed sanctions based on the need to fight communism. The struggles of Black South Africans for justice and equality is secondary to the struggle against the Red Plague...

If you know about it it must be because it is documented and it is of public knowledge.

Don't get confused, one thing is "denying the past"... other very different thing is "using the past" for its own benefit.

Why the past is not forgotten... people bring up only the past they can use in front of it...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Remember that Chinese believe WHITE history. It seems that the Chinese and the European Imperialists were having a big party, and the evil Japanese came and ruined the big party. Unfortunately, there is a photographic record of the last 50 years of colonialism, as it is quaintly called, and the pictures are not pretty. You can google them on google images, if you have the stomach.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Kristianna Thomas

During the Great War (WWII) there were many crimes committed against people both in Asia, Europe and Africa, there are many tales of atrocities committed by the Nazi's in Germany as they incinerated, gassed and starved their way into the annals of history. There are many books about the Jewish Holocaust, but who really mentions the Gypsies and Pols, and the 20 million others that perished in the Death and Concentration camps? Everyone beats up on Germany for its war crimes, but who really talks about Japan and Italy for their contribution to the war effort; it is to be remembered that Japan allied itself with Nazi Germany. If you sleep with dogs; you will get fleas. Many talk of Tiananmen Square and the Cultural Revolution, but what of Sharpsville and Soweto in South Africa when Apartheid Troops were gunning down high school students protesting the Pass Laws and Segregation. When the Apartheid movement in the US was gaining strength, Regan opposed sanctions based on the need to fight communism. The struggles of Black South Africans for justice and equality is secondary to the struggle against the Red Plague. Better dead than Red? We do need to know the whole story without the censorship, on all sides of the border, so that future generations will not make the same mistakes as the previous generations.

And you're mostly speaking of the last century. This has been going on since the beginning of civilization. Egyptians, Hittites, etc

FYI, World War 1 is "The Great War" historically speaking.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Nobel peace president Obama and its military cohorts must be happy to see all these arguments. See my tactic of using their stupidity of face saving is effective! America is still great in controlling them. Soon will have some skirmish.....wait a minute! We don't want a war between my great economic partner and my lapdog !

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

For god's sake this is bordering on the insane... it's purile and merely the Chinese trying to score points again. Knock it off! War's been over for more than two generations. Get a bloody life!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

RecklessJul. 04, 2014 - 10:25AM JST I think Japanese do not realize how well Chinese are treated and welcomed in the US without discrimination. There >may be some of course by idiots, but Chinese are successful as business leaders, doctors and lawyers and >politicians. If a Chinese family moves next to you in the US you are liable to be happy about that and welcome them. I >see in California some schools teach Chinese in elementary school. Where is Japan in this? Denying historical >atrocities, stirring up land grabs for bird toilet rocks, refusing to make proper apologies that are not taken back by the >next idiot politician. The 21st century will be the century of China, India and the US. Sorry Japan, pride does not equal >power.

Good grief this is really a load of nonsense. We consider WWII over. China is still COMMUNIST china, RED China to us. Korea and Vietnam are fresher in our memories.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

This is just propaganda to justify an eventual war between China and Japan that is obviously coming, which will probably drag in the United States, the Soviet Union, and most likely the both Korea's.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It may look a little strange but they need to keep doing this forever as long as CCP exists, they have reasons. CCP needs to maintain "righteous CCP vs bad Japan" storyline as the PRC Genesis so that to keep justify CCP single party dictatorship in China. Actually Japan had mostly been fighting with KMT but party authority is more important than the facts, it's communism. Anyway it's not just history to them but the ground of CCP. authority which is today's problem such as recent huge demonstration in Hong Kong and bad figure in Gini coefficient.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The cruelty is a way of the Chinese. "Ways that are dark:The truth about China"Ralph Townsend, G.P. Putnam, 1933. The witness was educated for years in China.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

an eventual war between China and Japan that is obviously coming, which will probably drag in the United States, the Soviet Union, and most likely the both Korea's.

Its going to be quite some war if it drags the Soviet Union out of retirement!

Reading our own history of Unit 731 some of these stories don't seem so far fetched.

Some complain that the POWs were held for years after the war. Well, the Tokyo Tribunal hung POWs by the neck, and as far as I know, after all these years, they are still dead! Many more received long prison sentences. This is pretty much standard stuff done to war criminals anywhere. They are not just sent home and their crimes forgotten.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Any "confession" in war time are usually understated.

Victims of torture are commonly ridiculed statements likely to dismissed with rationalization.

Just as this statement.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Your people deserve better than this self-limiting victim complex, China.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Confessions in quotes, eh?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

It is about time that these sort of heinous war crimes are revealed to the public. The more the better. Otherwise history will repeat itself.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Even now people deny history. They even deny confessions from the criminals. How ridiculous can you get? Then they try to equate Tiananmen with the WW2 atrocities. Then they say China must move on when Japanese leaders of different shades and colors continue to cling on to history. Their version of history. Shakespeare should be alive and write a good play of all these ironies!!!

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Another day, another yawnsome missive from everyone's favourite totalitarian regime.

China yawn

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Perhaps Japan should start to publish accounts of Tibetan killings and the stories of Tibetan exiles. It always amazes me how China can gloss over its more recent atrocities and yet take issue with the distant past of Japan.

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@natasap There are a lot of people like you who have no concept and understanding of the massive scale of atrocities committed by the imperial army in China in WW2. That's the real problem. 20 million+ lives in China were lost due to the imperial army invasion.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

let's see...nearly 70 years ago....yeah. Don't care very muich

3 ( +2 / -0 )

Sorry decible not buying it and neither is the world. This "issue" is made up, fake, not indicative to today's reality...it’s created for consumption by the CCP as a meal for the Chinese masses. Why? Because China is falling flat right now, get ready for the Chinese bubble to pop, and the last thing that the CCP wants is an active and angry Chinese population without some outside target to aim their hate at.

So really, one doesn't just get to have good relations for years and then suddenly "remember" the "massive scale of atrocities" and then act like they occurred five years ago.

The rhetoric from China is beyond stupid but like all propaganda it’s meant for a target audience. That's why it is plain to see for those outside of China and why it seems clear as air for Chinese (not Beijing air of course). Japan is being used as the foil in increasingly hostile bit of rhetoric created by the Chinese government as means to let off some steam that is building, naturally, in a population that is increasingly aware that they are living under a totalitarian dictatorship.

And please spare us the history lecture. The US had troops in China, the West were well aware of the actions of the Chinese and blood debt was paid by the Japanese with their complete destruction and occupation by Allied forces. Unlike China the West doesn’t need to rehash the past and has learned that a much more advantageous relationship is one of friendship with Japan. Too bad China can’t understand the power of forgiveness.

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@notasap You and PM Abe alike can blow your own horn and twist historical facts as to who were the villians in WW2. However, your personal view and PM Abe 's views are only small minority views even in Japan and they are not accepted by the normal world communities.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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