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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2014.China thanks Japan for Malaysia plane search aid
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Nenad Jovanović
Nice , just now to find what happened with that plane .
Thank you Japan.
Two thumba up for Japan!
That is exactly what Americans and the international community wants to see – neighbors help each other when needs rise rather dwelling on the hard feelings from the past.
No country can change its past, but it does have the abilities to reshape its future.
Working on peace and building the trust with its neighboring countries will not only help Japan deescalate the tensions resulted from territorial disputes, but also set up the foundations for future geopolitical and economic cooperation.
A war fueled by hatred and nationalistic zests goes nowhere except disruption and destruction. Japan simply can’t afford to lose another war, big or small.
I think that Japan, a country with 69 years of amazing accomplishments will be able to choose its correct path.
That is correct and Japan as a democratic nation and good member of the international community has already reshaped itself for the last 69 years. Asians nations today gladly accept Japanese "military" assistance. The few nations that persist in dwelling in the past need to take a good look at themselves and get a clue how they look in the eyes of the world. It's rather pathetic that China does not thank Japan directly.
Well, there might be some hope for China after all. Good for China to acknowledge the effort! I think China realizes, had they start to criticize Japan in some way or form about whatever in THIS particular crisis where 13 nations had lost people, this could have turned out to have been a very bad PR move on China's part and everyone would have came hard on China. I'm just glad China thought this out through before screaming something negative about Japan without thinking it through first.
Mr Japan
hope chinese people look positive to my country. we respect and help each others. hope my country have a good tie and relationship with china.
This is some positive news for a change regarding relations in this part of the world. Let's look at it that way.
Nice to see an exchange between the countries that isn't filled with vitriol. Godspeed to the investigators from all countries.
Would it have hurt the Chinese government that much to publicly and directly thank Japan for their efforts?
Media always acts like its 2 entire countries versus each other. Words between politicians and a couple minor protests doesn't represent the opinions of entire countries. I remember going to the Middle East thinking that any American would be an open target. I found so many people that loved the U.S. and U.S. culture.
China must show gratitude with sincerity and intregrity!
Sound familiar?
@Dadude Good post. I generally find those who regurgitate what the media tells them about a country usually haven't been there ( often giving a resounding 'Wouldn't want to!' if pressed with a why). Others are the type of travellers who spend their time searching out the negatives and convincing themselves of how their particular country is superior. Pretty sad.
Good for China to thank Japan's help. Did Japan thank China for tsunami relief aid 3 years ago?
That reminds me of my first trip to China. I had this image of police in the streets, communist signs everywhere, people careful of what they said, and hatred of westerners. None of these ended up being true. My image of the country changed significantly after visiting. This isn't to say it doesn't have problems, but the problems it does have were not exactly as I had imagined them.
David Foley
Thank god. Its nice to read something and not feel angry for once. Its too bad it takes a tragedy. Lets hope everyone warms up a bit.
China has a navy, army and air force so why do we not hear of them searching that area themselves instead of Japan sending aircraft and resources. Next week china and Japan will be back at it over those stupid islands. I still say the uber lords of the shadow spy world know where that plane is or went down but won't release the info because it will compromise their surveillance operations.
That's great, but I do notice that Australia has hardly been mentioned thought it was 3rd to have aircraft searching. All you here is America China Malasia & Vietnam.
Daniel Neagari
Yes we did.... here you go, read it
Appreciate the comment by China. Let's hope the two countries can build on this in other areas too.
@wildwest "That's great, but I do notice that Australia has hardly been mentioned thought it was 3rd to have aircraft searching. All you here is America China Malasia & Vietnam." Australia has been mentioned in the majority of media outlets in China, as has Japan and the other counties involved. I think around 9 or 10 countries in total now.
StrangerlandMar. 13, 2014 - 02:46PM JST "That reminds me of my first trip to China. I had this image of police in the streets, communist signs everywhere, people careful of what they said, and hatred of westerners. None of these ended up being true. My image of the country changed significantly after visiting. This isn't to say it doesn't have problems, but the problems it does have were not exactly as I had imagined them."
So very true. My first time to China was the same. Now to have lived and worked in China for some years gives a different perspective again. The large majority of the people I have been involved with are great, and have a well balanced view on things as well as the Japan China relationship, for which the majority of comments are positive. As always, there are the minority with a different view, but those are generally people that lack experience in a lot of areas. I have found China a terrific place to work and live. I have been treated very well, and the Chinese people are very respectful and helpful. That includes the general public as well as the authorities. That sentiment is not only displayed to me as a foreigner, as my wife is Chinese and she receives the same treatment. She has also lived in Australia so she understands both sides of the coin.
CGB Spender
Wait what? I need to go mark this in my calendar!
China and Japan have often helped each other out. After the earthquake, China sent a team of people over here to help with the Fukushima problem as far as I recall. Or maybe it was to help clean up, I can't remember.
It would be nice if the countries could focus on working together instead of fighting all the time.
I'm sure they did but being blown out of the water by the United States in comparison and not even being in the top 20 assisting countries, I don't think they got it very quickly.
So, China sends Malaysia a satellite picture of seeing the plane. China admits to having satellites. Wonder what else could they have.
Louis Tan
Hungry for any sign of a gesture any little thing that China does even indirectly is taken and bloated up in Japan. Like a puffer fish ( fugu ).
Japan and China are certainly closer than the press described.
There is no nation can cut off the relationships between Japanese and Chinese, buried in the genes, weaved in culture and sustained through marriage.
Actually China was number 5 in top 10 donors to Japan following the 2011 earthquake/tsunami (at a little over 9 million dollars).