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China to investigate anti-Japan TV drama over crotch grenade scene


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Chinese jingoism meets Chinese prudishness. Should be interesting.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

I dont understand why anti-Japanese thing is so strong in China.

Those who support PRC claims says that Anti-Japanese thing occur because of two reasons:

1- World War II incidents

2-Supposed "lack" of apology from the Japanese government.

However, other Asians also suffered from WWII problems too, but they dont have problem with Japan anymore. On the contrary, all Asians with exception of China and Korea(North and South) have good relations with Japan.

8 ( +18 / -10 )

On Chinese cable TV there are usually one or two channels that exclusively show dramas about Mao's Communist forces (!) fighting the Japanese. They are boring and no-one watches them.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I'm no fan of state-controlled media. But if a state is going to control their media, a show that mixes sexual titilation and suicie bombing targeting members of a real-world rival nation is probably something they should not endorse in the current world climate.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Mitsuo MatsuyamaMAY. 22, 2015 - 04:39PM JST I dont understand why anti-Japanese thing is so strong in China. Those who support PRC claims says that Anti-Japanese thing occur because of two reasons: 1- World War II incidents 2-Supposed "lack" of apology from the Japanese government. However, other Asians also suffered from WWII problems too, but they dont have problem with Japan anymore. On the contrary, all Asians with exception of China and Korea(North and South) have good relations with Japan.

If it were only this simple. There are many historical, social and political reasons why attitudes variety between Asian nations on Japan's wartime aggression. What it boils down to is that Japan treated some nations (China, Korea etc.) far more harshly than they did others (Taiwan, Singapore) during and since the war.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Mitsuo Matsuyama: "I dont understand why anti-Japanese thing is so strong in China."

That's because you don't WANT to understand. You've been given the reasons a million times, and you refuse to acknowledge them, and so the cycle continues.

"Those who support PRC claims..."

PRC claims?? What are you talking about? Those who can answer your question? because I can assure you that just because anyone who is not a right-wing nationalist can answer your question certainly does NOT mean they 'support PRC claims' (whatever that means).

Anyway, I have zero doubt that this is being considered 'vulgar' only because of where the grenade was found (or supposedly hidden), and not because it was used to kill Japanese. It wouldn't be the first movie/show to suggest such things. Tarentino's Machete uses it in its opening scene to show the naked women pull out a pistol and catch our hero unawares. I'm sure it's been done in Japanese manga a million times over, two, as they have far more vulgar and disgusting (or just plain outlandish) things, like in Battle Royale, for example.

In any case, it's just plain old stupid -- not something Japanese should be getting upset about unless they want to ban their own anti-Korean or other similar comics/shows.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

My goodness, this is the sort of logic I'd expect to see from a U.S. TV network - graphic violence ok, but no references to female genitalia please!!

Is this China's secret agenda, to become more American than the USA?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Japan was the only country that has suffered 2 atomic bomb attacks, hundreds of thousands of Japanese were instant killed, and hundreds of thousands had suffered radiation contamination. For sure, there are Japanese that do not like, hate the North Americans because of this, but, it is clear that this is a past event, will never be forgotten, it is registered in the History. I am a fortunate Japanese descendant, my father suffered the war when he was a child, he decided to come, alone, to Brazil in 1958 and here we have people from all parts of the world, from Africa, Europe, Asia, natives - there are no ethnic conflicts. Japanese, Chinese and Korean live in peace, as Jews and Arabs, white and black - there are mixed marriages. Tolerance, acceptance, emotional intelligence are fundamental for building a better world. During the war it is clear that the worst of several individuals came up. To keep peace, it is necessary to incentive people to contribute with their best, not their worst.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

It's like a scene straight off Metal Gear Solid V:


(the vagina bomb)

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"In the scene, a woman visits her boyfriend, a Communist seized by Japanese soldiers, in jail... He puts his hand under her dress to find a grenade, which she then detonates, killing everyone in the cell."

So she kills a Chinese Communist! No wonder China's media watchdog is upset!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Japan was the only country that has suffered 2 atomic bomb attacks, hundreds of thousands of Japanese were instant killed, and hundreds of thousands had suffered radiation contamination.

yes, and don't forget, neighboring countries suffered heavily before that, experiments carried out on living souls, etc. the world already forgive, yet japan still think they were somehow not true or fabricated.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

SmithJapan - I m looking foward to understand more about this sentiment that those pro-PRC want to spread around the world; however, their arguments are the same that other Asians have too.

If others decided to move on, why China didnt wanna to move on?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The Chinese who fought Imperial Japan was mostly the Nationalist Chinese of the KMT under Chiang Kai Shek. The Nationalist Chinese were US Allies during WWII, Chased off the mainland by the Communists, Taiwan does not make Anti-Japan setient or a fixation on WWII a poltical or diplomatic tool, The Communists did not defeat the KMT until 3 years after WWII ended, They are not thnothinones wgho defeated Japan, yet they take the credit for it and ingrain this into their children. Korea was part of the Japanese Empire from 1910 till 1945 when WWII ended. Over 240,000 Koreans served in theJapanese military during WWII, and some were s brutal towards Allied POWs that over a thousand were tred and convicted as class B and C War Criminals. Yet South Korea pretends that it was nothing more than a "victim" in WWI just like all the other Asian nations, What this all adds up to is that all the Nations that fought Imperial Japan in WWII not just in Asia but the US, Australia, UK, even Russia, do not harp on Japan's 70 year old WWII history. Yet he two natuons which are not as quaified to be harping on that issue are the ones making it an official issue. Add to that the fact that South Korea in 1965 and China in 1972 accepted Japan's apologies and benefits putting WWII history to rest, and are now denying these facts to pursue an anti-Japan agenda looks ridiculous in the eyes of the entire world incuding the Chinese viewers of these silly propaganda TV shows,

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Soldiers knew how to defuse grenades.....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

In any case, it's just plain old stupid -- not something Japanese should be getting upset about unless they want to ban their own anti-Korean or other similar comics/shows.

I don't think the Japanese ARE getting upset. The article seems to say it's the Chinese viewers that are upset.

SmithJapan - I m looking foward to understand more about this sentiment that those pro-PRC want to spread around the world; however, their arguments are the same that other Asians have too.

If others decided to move on, why China didnt wanna to move on?

If I were to guess, I would say it is because of two things: Japan's leaders implying that the Nanking Massacre was blown all out of proportion compared to what they say "really" happened, and the standard policy that exists worldwide which states when you have something you can use to dig at a former or current adversary, you use it as often and as loudly as you can. When a fighting war is inadvisable, the war on words takes its place.

Korea was part of the Japanese Empire from 1910 till 1945 when WWII ended. Over 240,000 Koreans served in theJapanese military during WWII, and some were s brutal towards Allied POWs that over a thousand were tred and convicted as class B and C War Criminals.

This is very true. Korea had already been a Japanese territory since before the start of World War ONE. All that outrage over the "war criminals" (some of them were scapegoats) whose names are in the rolls at the Yasukuni Shrine? There are a bunch of Koreans whose names are in those rolls as well because they gave their lives in the service of the Emperor of Japan. The Korean members of the IJA and IJN were not reluctant participants forced to do so at bayonet-point. Korea may have a right to complain about being annexed, but once they were, they assimilated like any other country so assimilated would.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I have seen screen grab of the scene and I immediately laugh cause the grenade the man pull out from under the woman's short dress is one of those old version which has a long wooden stick (I guess world war 2 era one), not small modern day version with a cap. Viewers in China are all poking fun at it online asking how the woman can hide such big grenade under her dress.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

We all know that the Chinese viewers that were upset was because they were prudes. If that bomb was stuffed elsewhere, then there'd be less outcries, well, inside China at least.

Some people here like to spin this story, implying that "the Chinese public doesn't want to get brainwashed by their government anymore, and actually believe that the Japanese did no wrong during WW2 in their country". HA!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

wow, the Chinese version of suicide bombing. ....

damn, but please respect the females.. no need to go that far.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


The Chinese who fought Imperial Japan was mostly the Nationalist Chinese of the KMT under Chiang Kai Shek.

Yeah, and they were so brilliant on the battlefield that the communists managed to boot them off the mainland just 3 years later. Come on. I think its time to admit that BOTH sides are chock full of BS propaganda. Both the KMT and the communists contributed significantly to attacks on the IJA.

@Makoto Shimizu

So, how many in your family died in the atomic bombings? How many in fire bombings? How many were kidnapped raped, or tortured to death? For how many years did America brutally occupy Japan?

Now turn it around and make it about Japan in China and Korea and you might start to get a clue why they won't let it go in the face of the Japanese government whitewashing the history and Japanese people who are ignorant of the past and do as you do and ALWAYS point out how Japan suffered too! Its infuriating that you BEGIN with the atomic bombings but say NOTHING about how Japan totally brutalized and colonized Korea and China. And it takes extra nerve since I seriously doubt you lost any family to an A-bomb! Yet you sit there and pontificate about letting bygones be bygones! You sir are clear example of why this never dies, even as you plea for it to die.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

He puts his hand under her dress to find a grenade, which she then detonates,

Upon reading that, I assumed she had the grenade in her garter. Since its an unknown, I declare that anyone who assumed she hid it in her body has the obscenity in their own mind, and should report to re-education camp to be "cleansed".

Or we could just admit that in war-time both men and women can and have made special use of their body openings and its not obscene, its just the way of the world. Recall Christopher Walken's character in Pulp Fiction and where hid the watch. That man had a sheety time!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Stopping copycatters.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Mizuame: On Chinese cable TV there are usually one or two channels that exclusively show dramas about Mao's Communist forces (!) fighting the Japanese. They are boring and no-one watches them.

Not anymore.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wouldn't it be hypocritical for Japan to bother complaining about this? There are Japanese movies with women who have alligator mouths, laser beams, and other weapons in their crotch. I even saw a movie where the girl bends over, cries "hasukashiiii" , and the a machine gun emerges from her butt.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Actually, I think this is rather clever, and realistic. Hiding things in places people would hesitate to look at is a common and likely ploy.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Japan was the only country that has suffered 2 atomic bomb attacks, hundreds of thousands of Japanese were instant killed, and hundreds of thousands had suffered radiation contamination.

That doesn't make Japan less of an aggressor. If Japan hadn't start that war, no atomic bombs would have fallen. Also Japan killed not hundreds of thousands but millions in China. I'm not sure why you're looking for pity.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Living MemoryMay. 22, 2015 - 11:59PM JST @OssanAmerica "The Chinese who fought Imperial Japan was mostly the Nationalist Chinese of the KMT under Chiang Kai Shek." Yeah, and they were so brilliant on the battlefield that the communists managed to boot them off the mainland just 3 >years later.

Yup. The KMT troops tired and worn from fighting the IJA were no match for the backstabbing communist troops who sat back and let them take the beating.

Come on. I think its time to admit that BOTH sides are chock full of BS propaganda. Both the KMT and the >communists contributed significantly to attacks on the IJA.

That's CCP propaganda. The proof is in the fact that Taiwan is not fixated on WWII and does not make hating Japan official government policy. Same with all the other REAL WWII Allied nations.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Maybe some people might get upset over something like this on TV, but I am SHOCKED !!! I never knew that Japanese girls kept hand grenades in their knickers. Is this something that had its origins in tradition? ....... like a girls version of the Samurai? Anyway I do not think this is true because they do not have censorship in China. Do you know why? Because there are no censorable people in China to do that job.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


The proof is in the fact that Taiwan is not fixated on WWII and does not make hating Japan official government policy.

Desperation can make for strange bedfellows. In other words, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Japan got stomped for having too many enemies and far too few friends. So Taiwan does not make the same mistake? You read too much into that. The Taiwanese are not pro-Japan for being saints. Take the heat off their backs delivered by China away, and watch how fast Taiwanese anti-Japan sentiments start to grow. And the spark will be the Senkakus, which Taiwan also claims separately.

All Chinese have very good reason to have a grudge against Japan. Chinese anti-Japan TV shows and government rhetoric are a great match for Japanese denials, whitewashing of history, and constant and persist changing of the subject to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The KMT troops tired and worn from fighting the IJA were no match for the backstabbing communist troops who sat back and let them take the beating.

You don't like the commies. I get it. But while Chiang Kai-shek kept trying to fight everyone toe to toe on clear battlefields, Mao was smart enough to use guerilla tactics. Both had a serious impact on Japanese forces. You paint far too simple a picture, and like I say, I suspect its just hatred. So you subscribe to the propaganda of one side and ridicule the other.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

tv silliness on China's part to stir up .. but the real point is who would be silly enough to place a Chinese made hand grenade anywhere near their crotch!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

China should export some of these entertainment gems to USA and Europe.

Great dramas and great truths.

Then the world could enjoy more of what China has to offer.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Living MemoryMay. 23, 2015 - 10:40AM JST

Sorry but Taiwan does not make anti-Japan sentiment a political and diplomatic tool as China does Even you would have to admit that this is a fact. As for "hatred", you want us to believe that every person of Chinese nationality or background is supposed to hate Japan . I'm just pointing out that Taiwan does not.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

There are plenty of people who watch dramas about fighting the japanese. They are they to remind us to never forget about the cruelty of the japanese and they should continue making them to keep our hatred alive. What happened with the Jews in Germany is so well known worldwide yet what they Japanese did to countries like China and Korea don't have the same recognition. What makes it worse is that their prime minister goes to the graves of their soldiers who slaughtered millions to praise them for doing such a good job. Its a pity the US didn't drop a few more atomic bombs on japan

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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