Japan Today

China warns Japan against stationing workers on disputed isles


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Asked if Japan might station government workers on the islands, Suga said: “That is one option”.

"amakudari" or municipal workers? what job will be assigned to them? Peaceful solution through dialogue or all options are opened from Japan side?

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

This war of words is not beneficial for Japan or China.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

“If the Japanese side recklessly makes provocative moves, it will have to accept the consequences.”

Realistically what is PRC going to do? Start shooting? I don't think so. Nobody in the international community would support that sort of action and PRC would be an even bigger pariah than they already are if they pursued a course of violence. I'd call the commies bluff on this one.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

U.S. gave administrative rights to Japan after the return of Okinawa with U.S. protection. The biggest challenge may not be convincing China that U.S. will give its full support to longtime ally Japan in the escalating dispute over Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea. There is a perception in Japan that the U.S. commitment is ambiguous. It’s better that U.S. sends a clear, explicit message now than have to respond to something worse later. The problem is, do U.S. and Japan agree on what ‘being there’ means? Does that mean submarines? Surface warships? Helicopters with Marines on the ground? The Americans need to understand what the Japanese expect of them, because failure to do those things could cause big problems.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

The bellicose Spokesman Hong is back again bellowing more high sounding but ultimately meaningless rhetoric like an unhinged lunatic.

“The Chinese government has an unshakeable resolve and determination to protect the country’s territorial sovereignty and will not tolerate any provocative acts of escalation over China’s sovereignty,” he told a daily news briefing.

No one is threatening Chinese territorial sovereignty, Mr Hong, and the only nation committing provocative acts is yours. Nobody other than your captive audience at home is buying into your belligerent and hysterical whining.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

“If the Japanese side recklessly makes provocative moves, it will have to accept the consequences.”

Japan building on, or putting personnel on an island that they administer is not "reckless". What is reckless is attempting to take the island by force using such development by Japan as an excuse. The United States has already told China that it will not idly stand by should China choose to do so. China had better start thinking up ways to explain to their masses how Japan has built on the islands and that is OK with the Chinese government. Or be prepared to accept the consequences. I wholeheartedly support Japan building on the islands as the only means to get China to cease their program of harassment and "slow-take-over".

10 ( +19 / -9 )

China takes such a strong stance that the Senkaku Islands belong to them. Then why do they ding dong ditch all the time?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

I really wish Japan would do that, and we all can kiss good bye mother earth, no more China, Japan or USA.

Neither Japan or China will back off, you guys wishes for some very tough action from USA, I pray to GOD that he grant you all your WISHES.

Nuclear Winter will be the news buzz words.

JUST DO IT JAPAN, I can't wait for it.

-21 ( +3 / -24 )

China has no right to interfere in the domestic affairs of Japan.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Abe never learned his idiot mistakes.

-19 ( +5 / -24 )

Chucky138Sep. 11, 2013 - 08:41AM JST I really wish Japan would do that, and we all can kiss good bye mother earth, no more China, Japan or USA.

No, China will back down. China is not prepared for a conflict with the United States, much less a nuclear war. Keep dreaming.

7 ( +16 / -9 )


China will never back down, Just get your big brother USA to do it and we shall see.

Japan just do it don't be like No Action Talk Only.

-19 ( +3 / -22 )

Pu a big 7-eleven on it

4 ( +6 / -2 )

To China: Taiwan does not want to be part of you. Tibet does not want to be part of you. Okinawa does not want to be part of you.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

How about the Japanese hire an American construction company to do work on the islands. What would Beijing do then?

12 ( +14 / -2 )

East China Sea is just a name of sea, it doesn't mean everything in it belong to China. Why not Japan try for a name change like "West Nippon Sea".

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The Chinese government has an unshakeable resolve and determination to protect the countrys territorial sovereignty and will not tolerate any provocative acts of escalation over Chinas sovereignty.

The Japan and the US have had unrestricted control of the Senkakus for decades.

There has been no resolve or determination whatsoever.

Empty words.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Watcha gonna do China? Go ahead, make my day.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Maybe the China from 1800's will back down, after all the country was carve up by Britain, Europe, USA and Japan.

it has suffer humiliation as a country which it cannot rule it self but dictated by Britain, Europe, USA and Japan.

Not this time around, China would rather perish then be humiliate as a country again.

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

China on Tuesday said it would not tolerate provocation after Japan’s top government spokesman said the country might station government workers on disputed islands in the East China Sea to defend its sovereignty.

goodness, I wonder what poor sod gets that job. Theres a “window seat" position if ever I heard one. "Please go and sit on this island and watch out for the Chinese, bring a bento, there is no convini."

Way to deal with all the oyajis who are no longer useful but they cant fire perhaps?

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

PRC will probably not back down but I don't see them going into battle over them either.

Announce to the world beforehand Japan's plan and that it will be covered live on TV. Have two JMSDF destroyers parked at the island along with the media crew during construction. Have them televise everything live if and when PRC encroaches Japan's territorial waters. Show that JMSDF is doing everything by the book in warning PRC ships and if the PRC targets their targeting radar or shoots a warning shot it will be broadcasted through out the world live. That should keep the PRC at bay.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Just do it Japan, and we will all be a "Big Happy Nuclear Winter Family"

China did not back down even when USA threatened to use Nuclear weapons during the Korean which China has none

No one like wars all suffer.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

I feel it would be a posative step in the process of establishing ownership by having some people and infrastructure. Based in Chinas move in the Philippines it may clear the air of ambiguity, further economic or protest action is enevitable but to Chinas disadvantage also.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japan pushes and China shoves back.

Japan unilaterally changed the status quote of the Islands by nationalized them, China sends Coast Guard ships to disputes Japan's actions.

If Japan sends personnel to occupy those islands, China will react again. And that will probably send their own people onto the islands.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

(China) has suffer humiliation as a country .... Not this time around, China would rather perish then be humiliate as a country again.

PRC humiliates itself whenever it releases a "statement" like the one in the article above. Acting like someone with the authority to boss its neighbors around ... but all along just the fat kid from the playground, now grown into a fat adult and looking to settle old scores.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

JUST DO IT JAPAN, you won't regret it as there will be nothing left to regret after all said and done.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

A barking dog never bites.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

China would rather perish then be humiliate as a country again.

What?! The are currently, and repeatedly humiliating themselves right now with all this childness...flying planes, sending boats, and sending threats.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Two words for China... SHUT UP!!!!!!!

6 ( +10 / -4 )

There's probably nothing China can do just like when it couldn't prevent Japan from nationalizing the Island, however animosity toward Japan and hate for everything Japanese will become worse to a point never seen before in China. So is all this chaos and calamity worth for something that may or may not pan out in the future? For me I think cooperation and compromise is the only way for prospering together in this World.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Both these countries have way more to gain working together, no one (i hope) is silly enough to believe that this is about these useless rocks in the ocean, its about resources and access to the pacific.

This being said, Japan at this point clearly has the better claim, much like, and perhaps some Japanese people won't like this, Korea has a far better claim to those other islands.

We could go on and on for ever about what was once the "property" of some other country but its more or less pointless, how far do you go, 50, 100, 500, 1000 years??

Japan is clearly administering that area currently and has done for the better part of a century.

China itself has in the past clearly shown them as part of Japan..

As far as I'm aware there is no record of the Japanese family making tax payments to China either.

China is growing and learning and an important part of the future of the world in the decisions they make in human rights, pollution and politics but just because your the biggest on the block doesn't make you boss in a just world.

As a side note Chucky138, have you ever visited Japan, its a pretty nice place on balance.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

If Japan back out on this, it will shows Japan weakness. And China will surely take advantage on this, and will be a lot worse, mark my word.

2 ( +6 / -4 )


Yes I have been to Japan many time in the 70's and early 80's.

I really enjoy my stay and appreciate the hospitality my host has shower me with, peoples has different view all the time.

doesn't mean we can't get along, a true friend will tell you what you don't want to hear and not what you want to hear.

I can vent my displeasure just like any other users here do to, we can agree to disagree, right no need for name calling.

Both governments should work together and not squabble, let's hope cooler heads will prevail.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

No worries...if conflict breaks out between Japan & China, I'm sure the UN will call in Putin to settle the issue.

Don't count on Washington to help out...

Wait, am I on the wrong thread?


-2 ( +4 / -6 )

All this Japanese provocation will not end well. The bully can only push so far before the victim has to defend himself.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

There is too much drama with Communist Chinese Government. The best solution is building naval base on furthest Island of Senkaku Island chain. Communist leaders are talking too much. I believe Japan will be benefited from not doing direct business with South Korea and Communist China. These two countries will always try to insult Japanese peoples. South Korea Government and Communist Chinese Government do not have civilized manner. They are using Japan as tool for to cover up their incompetent and corruption within Government from their peoples.

If you asked any foreigners who visited Japan, S.Korea and Communist China about who is most polite, helpful, kind and friendly peoples and then they will say 100% Japanese peoples are helpful, kind, polite, honest and friendly. Even my friend Chinese say Japanese peoples are very polite and friendly. He wanted to visit Japan again.

Communist Chinese Government and South Korea Government should come clean and honest about using past as their domestic political game. If they want to stay in the shadow of past and then it's their choice and the world knows they have shameless face.

Actually, South Korean Government and Communist Chinese Government are jealous about Japanese wealth in technology and intellectual property. If they want their country men and women to win Noble prize and made high quality goods like Japan and then they need to work hard like Japanese peoples and give freedom to their own peoples instead of jealous and hatred toward Japanese peoples.

Japanese Companies should find business opportunity in other country instead of investing in hostile environment. Communist Chinese Government thinks its weak point of Japan and they will always encourage Communist nationalists to attack Japanese business and property in China. Ordinary Chinese peoples are not hostile to Japanese peoples but Communist Chinese Government is using past and dispute Islands as their propaganda tool and encouraging Chinese peoples to hate Japanese peoples.

South Korea Government and Communist Chinese Government can not be engage in civilized manner. Japanese Government must use hard-line with both countries.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Open a Lawsons there. Special Senkaku ice cream!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

the US is still being very bc with Syria. China instead of supporting resolutions against the barbarian Syrian regime, they opposed every efforts through the Security Council. in not supporting peaceful means from the other side, looks like they are trying to create another war scenario around this side of the world.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japan should build something useful on the islands, like a search and rescue station .

2 ( +5 / -3 )

“If the Japanese side recklessly makes provocative moves, it will have to accept the consequences.”

This words from China should be think again by themselves, if they are not doing the same in nearby ASEAN countries. China already build up administrative stations in those islands own by the ASEAN countries and now they are accusing Japan even if it is not yet happening. Chinese Government really is crazy.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

China, teapots and kettles...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Both governments should work together and not squabble, let's hope cooler heads will prevail.

JUST DO IT JAPAN, you won't regret it as there will be nothing left to regret after all said and done.

Just weird how two different comments come from the same poster.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Easy to sort this lot out, just use the Senkaku islands for Tepco to store the water from fukushima on, then see if china stil wants them.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Japan in turn should tell the Chinese to abandon Hong Kong. Fair trade.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

go japan ........go and do it..no need to give any attention to china..the set of craps.....****

0 ( +5 / -5 )

And what are you going to do, China? Raising your provocations until other countries get involved? Fine with us! We know you're itching to start a war with Japan but you know that would spell your own downfall. We also know that you keep up the tension to feed patriotism-fueled hate to your population as a means to keep them in check. In doing so, you're the barking dog without much bite that you always have been.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

On Tuesday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the government was “considering it as an option”, when asked if Japan would station officials on the islands, but did not elaborate.

Don't worry about it! the US won't allow it as an option!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

"If the Japanese side recklessly makes provocative moves, it will have to accept the consequences"

Starting to sound more and more like N Korea. Sharing the same speech script, I suppose.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It is clear from the remarks made by China it has no intention of conceding the islands which belong to Japan. Thus talks on the matter are pointless. Just go ahead Japan and do what you want with your islands and let China huff and puff and get it's uneducated "rent a rabble" to protest. Geez who cares!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

This is a dead horse that is not going anywhere, it's just stinking up the place. But China keeps beating the stuffing out of it just to see if anything will happen. The US doesn't care what Japan does on it's own land, but they will defend Japan no matter what. The UN will look at this and throw it out of court. China sold the land in the late 1800's. Case closed. I think Japan should set this land aside for the US military as their training ground for the US Marines. Then everyone is happy. The people in Okinawa don't have to deal with as many US troops, the people on the main island don't have to worry about getting a base. Lastly, China can stop beating this dead horse, because to attack the islands would be a direct attack on the US. See! Everyone is happy!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

They are very useful strategically when thinking of defending Taiwan apparently.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Just build a Koban on it and let the highly tuned fit looking key stone cops look after it.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Just build a Koban on it and let the highly tuned fit looking key stone cops look after it.

The sight of all those measuring tapes and endless police report forms is sure to cow the Chinese.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

They are very useful strategically when thinking of defending Taiwan apparently.

Or, if you put yourself in China's shoes, they are very useful for attacking Taiwan. It's been predicted that China wants to settle old scores and achieve full national reunification no later than 2021, the 100th anniversary of the establishment of China's Communist Party. So their current behavior is beginning to make a lot of sense.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Has anyone thought about why China is picking on Japan while knowing that Japan has a powerful Navy and airforce backed by the US? It almost feels like China is acting like Tony Soprano right after he got out from the hospital and beat the crap out of the biggest meanest goon in the room just to show who's boss. I still think its the PLA that's really behind this and they really want to start a skirmish with the SDF and showcase their own military modernization. And I think they realize that they cannot cede the disputed islands because the legitimacy of the islands by all accounts really belong to Taiwan. And if China ceded the islands, it would indirectly provide a precedent for legitimizing Taiwan as a normal nation which China will never do.

At the end of the day, I think this isn't about Japan at all. Its about Taiwan.

Second, if you haven't noticed, everytime China gives a warning such as this, they have followed through with substantial actions. So its clear that China doesn't bluff. It almost feels like they are giving you all the signals on the red line that would lead to war. And I think a large faction within the CCP and PLA do want a war against Japan or even a small skirmish with the US. Everything and everyone they are provoking are backed by the US if anyone has noticed. US is the common denominator in this. China is wacking the dogs in the pacifics that answer to US.

You've got to have absolute confidence in yourself to pick on someone like Japan. Everyone is talking about China is doing this to manipulate its own people and press but they can do that in a variety of ways, let alone jeopardizing the stability one of the biggest trading relationship between two economic powers. I just get the feeling that there is something much bigger behind these chess moves.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

China should get over its insecurity complex.. What a laughable nation.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This feud is getting so old and boring. Either take the islands by force China or just STFU. And taking it by force is the only way Japan will ever relinquish them. So let's get ready to rumble!!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

For China supporters: everyone in this region knows who the sea/land grabber is. Let's defend your point of view of China's 9 dash line claim. Don't talk, just see the line by yourself and give a logical explanation. If you can't, be quiet!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Highball7... wow! Where did you get all of that? Taiwan was a colony of China's long ago. They just don't want to let go, so I can see their claim on Taiwan. But the Senkaku islands have belonged to Japan for more than 100 years. China sold them... dead horse and China.. whack whack "Maybe Japan will give them back if we scare them enough." News flash Highball7 and China. Sine the 'Divine Wind' washed away the Chinese fleet in the days of old, Japan has not been afraid China. So I don't get what in the world you are talking about. I also don't understand what you mean by 'China doesn't bluff.' That is all they do. I'm sure the military leaders know that if they start a war with the Japanese, they will lose. Look at the news from the US, Americans are so tired of fighting for other people that they don't even want to help those who have been gassed. Sounds like what happened after WWI right. Think about what would happen if China attacked Japan and in doing so indirectly attacked US soldiers and sailors. It would be like kicking a beehive, nothing good would come of it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Diaoyu/Senkaku belonged to no one at this point. Japan was given the administrative rights to these islands by the US. Not sovereignty rights!

Which means Japan never had any internationally recognized rights to these disputed islands, ever.

So that bears the question, who owned the islands originally which in turn gave the US an opportunity to give away their administrative rights to Japan?

IF Japan owned it with absolute legitimacy, then US wouldn't have to assign the administrative rights to Japan, would it?

Its is absolutely clear that is the Nationalist or Republic of China, aka Taiwan is a legitimate claimant of this disputed islands. The only point is Taiwan is too weak to do anything as it needs to watch its back against China.

If China relinquish the rights to claim these islands while somehow Taiwan continued with the effort and somehow acquire the sovereignty rights of these islands, then it would mean that Taiwan is a normalized nation with its own sovereignty rights. I don't know, its an assumption by me because I think the only thing China really cares about is to unify China by "procuring" Taiwan in any shape or form.

By giving away its contest on these disputed islands, China will also set up a precedent and could pave way for Taiwan's independence (even though I think Taiwan is already independent). These islands are meaningless compare to China's big picture. At least that's what I think.

China won't initiate attack on Japan. But it might bait Japan enough to cause a military action. Its not stupid enough to attack US soldiers and sailors. That will never happen.

When I said China doesn't bluff, if you look at its historical stance, it never bluffed when it drew a red line on any matter. Its just the way they CCP is. Before the brink of war or a real conflict, they will setup a warning mechanism by articles or diplomacy and let everyone know where the red line is. Much like Obama saying using chemical weapons is a red line that no one should cross. If one side unilaterally cross that line, China will act, bank on it. IT has the resources to sustain its own with any long term ramifications.

If China starts a war with Japan, especially if that's a prolong war, China will absolutely win. No question about it. You are grossly underestimating the PLA which is quite dangerous. This current Chinese military is no joke. Especially on striking Japan where Tokyo is only about 1000 miles or 1600km away from China. They have cruise missiles with range of 1500-2000km launching from their warship or coastline. That means the entire Japanese territory is within short/medium striking distance from China. The PLA don't even need to mobilize their army and can simply saturate the entire JMSDF and JASDF by air and missile attack. You can't really counter-strike if you don't have functional air base or runways or naval ports or navies can you? And Japan doesn't have the heavy industry to re-militarize at the current stage. So all its supplies are dependent upon imports. How do you effectively fight a war against an opponent that has unlimited amount of resources at this stage with the backing of many of its own neighbors such as Russia, NK, Vietnam, Pakistan and the entire Central Asia all landlocked connected to China?

Its a no win situation for anyone if war breaks out and no one can predict how severe the conflict will develop. Once bullets starts flying, all bets are off. China is big enough to take many setbacks. Japan is not and cannot take another one. So at the end of the day, each side will re-evaluate and I'm almost positive that Japan will realize they are in a no-win situation and back off just enough to declare that there is a dispute and end this silly conflict.

Remember, there is actually a dispute here and Japan is the only one saying there isn't. That is the chip that will bring everyone back on the table. When bullets and missiles starts flying, I will bet the Japanese populace will think MUCH differently than a few anon posters opining on boards like this. Its easy to talk behind the screen sipping on Chai Tea. When the SDF enlist you to fight against China if that ever happens, tell me how you will feel then.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

CGB SpenderSep. 11, 2013 - 01:30PM JST

And what are you going to do, China?

Exactly. Japan has no idea what China wants to do with the islands. That is the problem.

Why not resolve the issue by international laws? Any civilized country is glad to give up the sovereignty of a barren uninhibited island if another proves its sovereignty rights. Has "rule of law" ever occurred to Chinese? Whichever first established "effective control" of the island owns the island. Japan established effective control over Senkakus by 1895. What China should do is to prove its effective control, if any, before 1895, rather than sending armed boats to the islands.

Does China want a war? What happens if China loses? The enemy may occupy a couple of port cities closing port access by Chinese and call for a truce, keeping that situation for ever and ever. They should know the risks.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

sigh *

China, just give it up. No one is buying your arguments. If you had a solid one you could bring it up in the ICJ. as it stands you are not, so you have little credibility. Just pack up and go home

3 ( +4 / -1 )

it seems the china-gov is determined to occupy senkaku, and they are preparing for war, and there is nothing that can be done to avoid it in the long run, short of letting the sick bullies have their way. only international pressure is restraining them. the other thing that will restrain them, and would benefit the whole region, is a military deterrent, to show them that there's a lot of fire power from japan & allies. the chine-gov is like a wild rabid dog, liars, uncivilized, no ethics, no morals.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Diaoyu/Senkaku belonged to no one at this point. Japan was given the administrative rights to these islands by the US. Not sovereignty rights!

You ought to read the Okinawa Reversion agreement again. U.S. did in fact give sovereignty back to Japan but after China claim, U.S. recognized the "administrative" portion of what was given back to Japan.

The perfect time to take those islands were long past gone for China when very few Japanese even cared. Now it's spotlighted where Japan not only have the support among the their populance (SDF budget increased without any opposition, Yonaguni base to be completed since the passage of the city council just a couple month ago), U.S. military realignment focusing on Asia with Japan being their central key partner, and support from SE Asian nations, all China can do is bark. More barking=more momentum in favor of Japan.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

"Does China want a war? What happens if China loses? The enemy may occupy a couple of port cities closing port access by Chinese and call for a truce, keeping that situation for ever and ever. They should know the risks."

You obviously don't understand,,,,, wiith invention of nuclear weapon, the idea that China can be physically occupied is pretty over That doesn't mean the China won't pay a price for the war though.

However have to tell you, there is really a very large segment of Chinese population who are very keen on settling the old scores. The action like this will definitely be perceived as a provocation and justification.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oh yea, SERIOUS WARNING, showing your big muscles to your neighbour ugh!

Do something about Syria, not Japan, fool!

You should "Love Thy Neighbour".

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Revisiting the issue of “administrative” rights and “sovereignty” again, the big question here is how come the US did not say right out that the islands belong to Japan? Japan being an ally of the US, wouldn’t it be logical to see the US would back up Japan without any hesitation and say the islands definitely belong to Japan instead of using treaty as a support. Abe went to Europe and more to seek supports but he got none and I didn’t see Xi in urgent need to go around trying to find supports. Of course the only thing that Abe can do is to drum up support internally by smearing and bad-mouthing China. “U.S. military realignment focusing on Asia with Japan being their central key partner, and support from SE Asian nations,” I find that is changing in the opposite direction. I see China and US are getting better with each other and so are most of the Asian nations, even Vietnam is now friendlier with China. Philippines would have been more subdue towards China if Japan was not their largest trading partner but that is changing too. From what I can see China has never just “barked,” it always follows with actions. The question here is why didn’t Japan send someone to station on the islands long ago which could be the most effective way to gain more control? Sovereignty is open to question here because Japan does not have the effective control so that sending someone there will be considered to be a provocative and offensive move.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The provocation is only coming from Beijing.....it's building a remote post in Philippine territorial waters and now wants to expand its rights to waters 400+ miles from its coasts.......it's nothing more than a land grab......this is a fight that needs to happen; and we can only pray that Japan has more new warships ready to be revealed..

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I see China and US are getting better with each other and so are most of the Asian nations, even Vietnam is now friendlier with China. Philippines would have been more subdue towards China if Japan was not their largest trading partner but that is changing too.

What fantasy world are you living in?

China has two choices. Take the islands by force or initiate judicial proceedings. Since none of those options are viable to succeed, all they can do is encroach on territorial waters, send the live feed of this showing the islands, and make believe their brainwashed citizens that China is in control of these islands. If and when Japan stations government workers in the island and create a harbor for their fishermen、it's over. China can bark and state "provocation", but nobody is listening. Of course, this will result in another uncivilized China riots part deux but that's about it.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

In that case we’re all living the fantasy world because everyday news is all pointing to that direction. Are you disputing that China and the US are getting closer in their relationships? There are more and more military contacts and direct investments between them which were almost unthinkable in the past. China has boosted its ties with Asian nations in a big way too if you read the news. China is no longer China of the past, it has evolved economically and militarily and that can’t be said about Japan. And, you are wrong in saying that “China has two choices. Take the islands by force or initiate judicial proceedings,” in fact China has no intention to pursue those two choices at all. There is a third alternative that China is trying to get at that is to re-shelve the issue and I think Abe is also trying to get to that too. Think about this, Abe is sitting on a burning seat, “data from Jetro, published in August, showed that Japan's exports to China during the first half of the year fell to the lowest level in four years. Jetro predicts that Japanese exports to China will continue to decline.” Japan is dropping out in the largest market in the world. So, I don’t think there will be anyone stationed on those islands in the foreseeable future.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It was just a month ago that China said they were going to move Mobile Drilling Platforms into the 12 Nautical Mile Zone of the Senkaku Islands and start drilling.

But they planned to do that without Japan's Permission since Japan Administratively controls the Islands.

Besides, the option to place workers on the islands is solely up to Japan.

They purchased them - They own them.

How about China offer a Bid for the islands?

They're so frothing at the mouth for the islands...Open those Wallets!

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

The Chinese communists wont "tolerate" Japan putting personnel on Japanese islands.

Of course, the same people have no problem brutalizing Tibet, occupying Vietnamese and Philippine islands, and claiming Indian lands.

I hope Abe puts some personnel on the Senkakus asap; otherwise we will wake up one morning with a Chinese presence there.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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