Japan Today

China media urge action against Japanese planes but not U.S.


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There is bound to be some sort of "accidental confontation" here shortly. Just hope it doesn't involve civilan planes

17 ( +17 / -0 )

Ha ha, this is all so predictable. That zone was never meant for Korea or the U.S., it was meant for Japan.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

LOL, only Japan get blamed? What about the US and SK? Also why is the Chinese media hyping it up so much, do they want something bad to happen that much?

20 ( +22 / -2 )

China, you are throwing a temper tantrum, and you need to stop. The "mounting internal pressures" are pressures you impose on yourself. Quit acting like an attention starved child and figure out your shiz. The best contribution you can make to the world would be to actually CONTRIBUTE to the betterment of the society. Socially, China, you are leaps and bounds behind the rest of the world. REGARDLESS of how big your economy is you have a lot to learn before you garner the respect of your neighbors.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

Two countries seriously lacking clear judgement led by arrogant and childish people trying to play the war game. Not good!

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

China media urge action against Japanese planes but not U.S.

Do we really need to remind you the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan? Shooting japanese planes is like shooting US planes. Same consequences...

18 ( +21 / -4 )

Ladies and Gentlemen, China is now officially in the WTF zone. (Okay, some would say this is long overdue and my personal opinion is that you are correct)

16 ( +17 / -1 )

Defense ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said Thursday that Japan established its ADIZ in 1969, so Tokyo had “no right to make irresponsible remarks” about China’s.

“If there are to be demands for a withdrawal, then we invite the Japanese side to first withdraw its air defense identification zone, and China may reconsider after 44 years,” he said.

How stupid are you China? Seriously this is your argument?

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Quibbling? Old-fashioned paper tiger imperialism.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

I liked China a lot better during the cultural revolution, when the bullying masses confined their hysterical demonstrations and political persecution to their mostly elderly compatriots. Now we're looking at jingoism and xenophobia on steroids. What a horrible country Asia's oldest civilization has become.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Crazy as it seems, this situation is going to have a very unfortunate end if a Japan Airlines or All-Nippon Airways airliner flying between Tokyo/Osaka and Taipei gets involved....

8 ( +9 / -1 )

this situation is going to have a very unfortunate end

That won't be the "end," Raymond, that will be the beginning!

12 ( +13 / -1 )

This is how wars start. Pride + Stupidity. But normally the proud and stupid are the last to pay the price or find themselves on the front line. Instead the proud and stupid create wild nationlism and send of the young and gullible to fight their wars.

One day we will learn. Or maybe not.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

"Defense ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said Thursday that Japan established its ADIZ in 1969, so Tokyo had “no right to make irresponsible remarks” about China’s."

Japan did not establish it's ADIZ in 1969, inherited the ADIZ that the United States set up. You'd think at least the Defense Ministry could get that right. The idea of "applying" it's unilateral ADIZ rules to Japan only is the product of a 12 year old mentality. Does China actually believe that other countries are now going to support China because the ADIZ will not apply to them?

13 ( +15 / -2 )

What China has done, is to pout like an infantile child and DEMAND by threat of force that people take their side.

China has shot down a civilian airliner before.

10 ( +12 / -2 )


Air zone 'not aimed at civilian flights'

Xing said: "There is no reason for the US to blame China for establishing such a zone, because Washington was the first ... to set up such a zone. It also strengthened its air defense zone system after the Sept 11 terrorist attacks.

What a hell are they talking about. Here we go again. They have no shame.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Enough is enough. I am sick of the media and netizens trying to inflame this situation, to make it worse, all for what?

I am sick of the media posting this as news, as it only aids to incite the haters and make the situation worse. Yesterdays article about the Chinese netizens wanting to shoot down Japanese planes was ludicrous.

Media from both sides is just making this situation worse and it wont get any better until one side just ignores the stupid rambles of idiots from both countries.

Why is peace so hard?

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

It doesn't matter what the Chinese state media tells. Their job is just to pour fuel into the Chinese patriotism fire. So not even really news worthy, unless it comes from the government.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

The Chinese media urge action against Japanese planes, I think they should take major action against US planes. Like that US spy plane that high the Chinese fighter jet and had to do an emergency landing in south China many years ago. That event kills a Chinese fighter pilot. So for un-manned US drones, China should just shoot them down. That will also please my neighbours in Okinawa.

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

Tiger_In_The_HermitageNov. 29, 2013 - 05:37PM JST

The Chinese media urge action against Japanese planes, I think they should take major action against US planes. Like that US spy plane that high the Chinese fighter jet and had to do an emergency landing in south China many years ago. That event kills a Chinese fighter pilot. So for un-manned US drones, China should just shoot them down. That will also please my neighbours in Okinawa.


I suppose the world should have taken much stronger action for the above obscenity back then.

There is only one word to describe what you are. Hypocrite.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Defense ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said Thursday that Japan established its ADIZ in 1969, so Tokyo had “no right to make irresponsible remarks” about China’s.

“If there are to be demands for a withdrawal, then we invite the Japanese side to first withdraw its air defense identification zone, and China may reconsider after 44 years,” he said.

This sort of statement is why the foreign ministry usually does the talking... Has the Chinese government lost control of the military??

On the article itself, the Chinese stated that the ADIZ was not directed at any one country, yet the stupid newspaper article suggests entirely the opposite.

The lack of coordination is laughable - can they tie their own shoelaces?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

history has shown that the media is responsible for inciting most conflicts

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Obviously,a majority of people on this planet donot want war.Let history buried. Leaders have the responsibility educating general public.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

history has shown that the media is responsible for inciting most conflicts

Like the 30 Years War? Or the Crusades? Big raspberry at ya, minello7, for the uninformed comment of the day.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

And there it is.

The REAL reason China set up that Zone. A deep seated desire for conflict with Japan.

I've said this before on these boards, and I'll say it again: The Chinese Communist Party will not be truly happy until they get an opportunity to punish Japan for WW2. That's what all of this is about.

The Communist Party, the father of all things poisonous in China, just can't give it up, can't move forward. They have never been a legitimate government of any sort - they have visited appalling atrocities on the people of China, have killed as many as 80 million people (give or take) in China through the years (scores more than japan ever did), and now are willing to put the lives of their citizens in peril again…..for what? Some stupid notion of national 'pride'? Revenge? Political leverage?

It is unbelievably irresponsible and pathetic. I can't wait to see them crumble and fall. A democratic revolution in China will be one of the great political and social events in history.

I mean, the mere fact that they have chosen to just ignore the US planes and Jump on Japan at the first opportunity is so transparent and pathetic it makes me nauseous.

Chinese people need to try and see how their Communist party is manipulating and coercing them into a dangerous game that is ultimately very, very detrimental to their country.

The Pro-Chinese posters who post here just aren't savvy enough to know this, unfortunately. It's a big, big shame.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

The Global Times newspaper, which often takes a nationalistic tone, said in an editorial Friday: “We should carry out timely countermeasures without hesitation against Japan when it challenges China’s newly declared ADIZ. If Tokyo flies its aircraft over the zone, we will be bound to send our plane to its ADIZ.”

Okay then, everyone let's go to The Global Times and protest if they give us an access.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Not really up on this... China last week, outta the blue, said "Hey! This airspace is ours!!!"???

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This is how wars start. Pride + Stupidity. But normally the proud and stupid are the last to pay the price or find themselves on the front line. Instead the proud and stupid create wild nationlism and send of the young and gullible to fight their wars. One day we will learn. Or maybe not.

Great post. The fact that this has got minus votes shows that they post here too. We're 100 percent right and you are 100 percent wrong. Shameful

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

anyone else wishing China will "break" into 50 different states? like the USA

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I almost hope that if I am flying through that area that I am confronted by Chinese aircraft. I would like to address their stupidity with the language and attitude I had as a Drill Instructor.

On a more serious note I wonder, given the Chinese media's stated demand of targeting only Japanese aircraft, what would happen if for example a flight of B-52s flew through the area escorted by USAF F-15s and JASDF F-2s.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Virtuoso: thank you for you comment, appreciated . Realising print wasn't about at that time,but I thought most people would have understood that. But just a little research will show how guilty or should I say irresponsible the media have been since the use of ink and paper began right up until today, with all its technologies.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The Chinese need to go back to their ancient wise books of Lao Tzu: "There is no greater calamity than lightly engaging in war. Lightly to engage in war is to risk the loss of our treasure."

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Due to the nature of the peace agreement between United States and Japan if China attacks a Japanese plane is very much the same as China attacking a US plane it won't be viewed in any differently.

And the result will be war!

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Bring it on China - you child.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

China and her childish behavior.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The Pro-Chinese posters who post here just aren't savvy enough to know this, unfortunately. It's a big, big shame.

Interestingly many unreasonable Pro - Japanese posters have encouraged PM to shoot down the PRC spy plane known as unmanned drone. They encouraged temperature to rise higher and uncontrollable. Just one month ago, Abe approved the new plan of shooting down the drone of PRC. Before that PRC was sending only unmanned drone. Latest news is they have sent the fighter jets. Abe was the first to announce proudly infront of camera.


That territory dispute existed since 1960s. Successive Japanese PM has never made hawkish tone in front of media and public. Abe has been hopeful that he will get more votes from his electorate. However if he does not or will not shoot down according his speech, will his constituents give him a hug or kick?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Interestingly many unreasonable Pro - Japanese posters have encouraged PM to shoot down the PRC spy plane known as unmanned drone.

If those "drones" are identified as having strike capabilities, Japan should shoot them down.

That territory dispute existed since 1960s. Successive Japanese PM has never made hawkish tone in front of media and public.

The territory dispute existed in the 70's to be exact further proving that Japan did in fact incorporate them under terra nullius in 1895. Those aren't "hawkish" by any means. It's simply an attitude change in Japan to become a "normal" nation and to remove themselves from the post war regime. Due to China's irrational behavior, the process has become much easier.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

My way of seeing it is that Japan and China are really in a Cold War game. So, if someone is worried about a real war just stay calm, nothing will happen.

Wars only begin when a society from one of the sides deteriorates or by severe sanctions or impositions.

The current situation is not totally chaotic and we have lots of other options before a war really begins.

Japan and allies just have to stay calm and wise as always.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Japan did in fact incorporate them under terra nullius in 1895.

Japan did in fact incorporate Taiwan back in 1895. Japan lost the war and signed treaty with Taiwan in 1951 with Taipei treaty. Japan should honor the treaty give back to Taiwan. As a loser of war, Japan could not bargain for leaving that rocky island. Germany has never bargained like Japan.

Those aren't "hawkish" by any means

If those are not hawkish by any means, It can be called as the most aggressive, provocative and nationalistic movement of pre WWII. If you review all of Ishihara and Abe speeches, most of them are militarily, military and military. In fact Japan is still the pacifist nation according the constitution. Therefore it is against the law for making the nationalistic movement.

It's simply an attitude change in Japan to become a "normal" nation and to remove themselves from the post war regime

Post war Japan back in 1970s and 1980s was the golden age of peace and prosperity of Normal Japan. There were no unemployment, debt ridden and corrupted government, highest suicide rate of the world and incredible poverty. Since 1991, Japan has been in pro long recession of lost decades. Japan has lost the confidence about dealing with natural disasters, economy and neighbors. That insecurity and frustration promoted Japanese right wing politicians for making the neighbors as their punching bags. Japan has lost the charm and normality. How sad?

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Abe is bad.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Now I've heard EVERYTHING.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

As I said before, this is a fight between China and Japan, both who think they are the superior Asians. Chinese think they are some inherently superior culture in Asia because they claim everything in Asia was originally from China. They are becoming arrogant and haughty because of their high economic growth on the backs of a huge unending supply of manual labor. Japanese are proud to say they are the most white Aryan like superior beings that have inherently superior national character and genes, and can't stand the ideal that China is rising taking influence away from Japan, while Japan stuck in its culture of unwillingness/inability to change and becoming increasingly irrelevant. They both can't stand to see each other . United States and South Korea should just step back and let China and Japan fight it out. This fight is none of our business.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Japan did in fact incorporate Taiwan back in 1895. Japan lost the war and signed treaty with Taiwan in 1951 with Taipei treaty. Japan should honor the treaty give back to Taiwan. As a loser of war, Japan could not bargain for leaving that rocky island. Germany has never bargained like Japan.

Sorry. Not part of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. This is confirmed also by ROC during the peace treaty negotaitons.

If those are not hawkish by any means, It can be called as the most aggressive, provocative and nationalistic movement of pre WWII. If you review all of Ishihara and Abe speeches, most of them are militarily, military and military. In fact Japan is still the pacifist nation according the constitution. Therefore it is against the law for making the nationalistic movement.

Compared to China, it's tame. Those comments are simply normal reactions when threatened.

Post war Japan back in 1970s and 1980s was the golden age of peace and prosperity of Normal Japan. There were no unemployment, debt ridden and corrupted government, highest suicide rate of the world and incredible poverty. Since 1991, Japan has been in pro long recession of lost decades. Japan has lost the confidence about dealing with natural disasters, economy and neighbors. That insecurity and frustration promoted Japanese right wing politicians for making the neighbors as their punching bags. Japan has lost the charm and normality. How sad?

Yes. From a developing nation to a developed one. Until China ever gets to this stage, they are in no position to critique for they have an inflated ego which it took just a couple days to put them back in place.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Hi, the cancer is growing. It is feeding and may start destroying. Is there any cirurgical treatment if you try to get off it, it may may also explode?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

chucky3176Nov. 29, 2013 - 09:11PM JST

United States and South Korea should just step back and let China and Japan fight it out. This fight is none of our >business.

Chucky, get a life ok? Unless you want the US to pull its troops out of South Korea and leave your country at the mercy of North Korea and China, South Korea needs to stop acting like a weasel and take a stand,

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The Global Times is a mouthpiece of the Chinese government, so you can bet what they print is what the Chinese government's position is. For South Koreans, it's extremely unappealing to back either China or Japan. China's aggressive expansionism is very bad and their support for North Korean government is disgusting. On the other hand, South Korea also has major territorial issues with Japan, and Japan has threatened on numerous occasions to put on economic sanctions against South Korea to make it collapse into ruin. It's very hard to back any one side on this. If God is fair, he would let China and Japan go at it, and then they both get tired after sapping their strengths, and it becomes a tie - neither wins. That would be the best outcome for Asia. If China wins, they'll never stop on their conquest of Asia. If Japan wins, that will only give more momentum for Abe's government to militarize the increasingly nationalistic Japan who glorifies their WWII military, who will then become more hardline and using more threatening words against South Korea.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )


Can you just leave the weasel S.K. out of this discussion? They are not only insignificant economically and globally, they are on a verge of becoming a de facto province of China anyways thanks to Ms. Paka so they might as well support China. At least you two have "blame Japan" rhetoric in common.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Well, if the Chinese are smart, and I think they are, they would not attack US and Korean airplanes, but only go after Japanese planes, and keep this battle tight and contained to limited areas. That's pretty smart in my opinion, and throws a monkey wrench on Japanese attempt to rally an alliance of multi nations. As long as American planes and lives are not involved in the fight, most ordinary Americans (other then the Japanese Americans and Japanophiles in this forum and elsewhere), won't give two hoots about a fight between two Oriental countries over some rocky island in the middle of nowhere. So even if the American government wants to get involved, there will be serious questions and second guessing as to why Americans have to go die for the Japanese nationalism.

-14 ( +3 / -16 )

Chinese think they are some inherently superior culture in Asia because they claim everything in Asia was originally from China.

Strange... I heard everything in Asia came from Korea...

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Strange... I heard everything in Asia came from Korea...

Yes, according to Chinese internet rumors, with many also spread by Japanese net users. What you heard is not what's necessarily true;

-12 ( +3 / -13 )

Greed, anger and stupidity!! These are the 3 evil poisons killing not onky China but all of humanity!!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Sounds like the JSDF should be sending some aircraft over the Senkakus by the weekend....

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I used to get annoyed at China's PR campaign, but now I just laugh at them. China are like a little child that goes ''Well he has one so I want it too!!!''. Even my 2 young daughters argue less than China does!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

After dragging its country back to the dark ages by sending intellectuals and free thinkers to farm labour camps for re-education, after starving its people to death, after killing its people with tanks, after forcing abortions on women about to give birth, after pushing Tibetans so far that they set themselves on fire in protest, after lining the pockets of government officials, now China looks outside of itself and prepares to start a military conflict with Japan.

If it comes to it, Japan must prepare to match live fire with live fire. If Japan doesn't, such inaction will only encourage China to use miltary force to take disputed areas from other Asian countries. It has already threatened the Philippines with military force if the Philippines continues its dispute and it already took Sansha. No action from Japan will in the longer term be a disaster for all those other countries in dispute because China will see itself as unstoppable.

Regardless of whether people believe Japan has played down its past or not, it has not committed any aggressive acts against its neighbours for 68 years. However, the time is coming when Japan must teach its children how to war. It's simply not possible to play the pacifist forever the way things are going.

An interesting analysis of China from the UK: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100247756/is-china-about-to-tell-the-west-game-over/

4 ( +4 / -0 )

it seems Chinese are brainwashed to believe that they need to punish Japan for WW2. But their brainwashing failure to teach them that targeting Japan is like attacking USA. China should rethink if it doesn't wanna encounter USA. How can China behave like this, while at the same time a key partner of the recently peace negotiations at UN. It sends bad signal and will reshape the character of future China. China wants to leapfrog to be a world super power while neglecting people who are dying from pollution. Pollution should be their priority not Japan.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It seems that Chinese media are making Chinese military implement a war and its government has been stupidly agitated since ADIZ is unilaterally claimed

0 ( +1 / -1 )

China is not going to shoot down airplanes flying between Japan and Taiwan. In my experience, these flights are all (no matter which airline) full of Taiwanese, who are, after all, according to China at least, Chinese. Will China shoot down airplanes full of Chinese?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It looks like there is no escaping China. It's a grudge fight after all, and no amount of appeasement will cool down China. If China is looking for a street fight, then Japan should give it to them. They should settle for limited but not protracted conventional warfare, no nuclear. Just like the way it was done in China vs Vietnam in the 70s.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I guess they figured, US and Korea did not have war crimes against China and keep denying them.

Is that reasonable?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

A saying from Lao Tzu which if read by the Chinese could be the only way to stop the war. It is wiser to use teachings from one's own respected history. Lao Tzu clearly denounces acts of violence as he is aware that no good can come from it. If China continues to act like a child then its days are numbered until the breakup of the Chinese Communist Party. Keep in mind that Lao Tzu was enlightened and ahead of his times.

"Where the princely man abides, the weak left hand is in honour. But he who uses weapons honours the stronger right. Weapons are instruments of ill omen; they are not the instruments of the princely man, who uses them only when he needs must. Peace and tranquillity are what he prizes. When he conquers, he is not elate. To be elate were to rejoice in the slaughter of human beings. And he who rejoices in the slaughter of human beings is not fit to work his will in the Empire."

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Pitty. China does not know the difference between ADIZ and a territory.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I guess they figured, US and Korea did not have war crimes against China and keep denying them.

Is that reasonable?

China has committed horrific crimes against its own people more recently than any crimes Japan committed against them. The Chinese people should be able to protest against their own government but China keeps denying them.

Is that reasonable?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Clearly the words of Lao Tzu will strike at the heart of the Chinese motherland and it is my wish that these sayings make it over there before it is too late. Simplicity is key and the greatest writer of wisdom and peace was Lao Tzu--especially from China without doubt. Confucious could also be included in this small elite group of enlightened souls.

Lao Tzu A certain military commander used to say: "I dare not act the host; I prefer to play the guest. * I dare not advance an inch; I prefer to retreat a foot."

*Footnote: According to Chinese etiquette, it is for the master of the house to make advances, and his guest follows suit. Thus "host" here means the one who takes the initiative and begins the attack; "guest," the one who acts on the defensive. The passage may be merely figurative, illustrating the conduct of those who practise Tao.

From the above it is clear that China is not retreating but advancing. What is the use of this wisdom from past ages if is not even used by the people of the land where this came from? Well China was not the China we know of nowadays so it needs to get back to its roots.

This saying is of the paradoxal nature but does apply to the issue of China in terms of what will happen to them if they act upon their pledge to attack. China is starting to act and trying to grasp and area of islands that it deems useful for resources. This is all coming out of greed and as Lao-Tzu wisely says the result will be loss.

"He who acts, destroys; he who grasps, loses. Therefore the Sage does not act, and so does not destroy; he does not grasp, and so he does not lose."

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Fly as normal a 1000 aircraft. A day.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I'm an American in the US with no roots in either China or Japan, so I think that I can give an opinion as an average American.

If the Chinese media and the CCP want to "take measures" against Japan and not the U.S., then they need to figure out quickly that you can't separate the two allies. If they attack Japan, they are attacking the United States. No ifs, ands, or buts. Japan is our ally and the Japanese are our friends. If the CCP thinks that they can change that by attacking Japanese airplanes, then they have seriously miscalculated because it will only push the US to stand even stronger with Japan and its military.

Japan is a democratic nation based upon the rule of law, not party corruption. Japan doesn't deny its people their basic human rights. China needs to understand that these things are very important to Americans. We're not going to side with a communist country that attacks or threatens a democratic one, especially when that country is one of our closest allies and friends.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

China is nothing. If they actually provoke Japan, Japanese pilots should drop every Chinese aircraft in that zone straight into the ocean. China needs to be put back in it's box where they belong.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

China is so blacked out and blind its going to be in for a rude awakening, not just by the US, Japan, and Korea, but the rest of the nations of the world. The CCP was so busy attempting to brainwash their own citizens into believing what only the CCP wants them to believe that the citizens are practically clueless to the rest of the world glaring right at them and expecting every other country to believe in the same stupidity.

That's all right. If we're fortunate Taiwan's ROC just might get back into mainland China again and clear out the CCP cronies.

As for the Chinese propaganda posters and gullible nationalists, You're going to learn the hard way that the world doesn't just go along with one nation's opinion. China's about to lose its SC status as well as a lot of other things.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Gee...all this shit while the "Secrecy Bill" passes through the Diet, Whada coincidence!

Remember what Taro Aso said about Wehrmacht!

Coming soon...Oaths of allegiance to the LDP

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Some very good posts here, China continues to show that it is still back in the Stone Age re international diplomacy and knowing how to get long with neighbors. they have no justifucation for their attempt to create an artificially huge 'defense' zone, they have nothing to defend in much of it, the Senkoku Islands are JAPANESE, let me repeat, they ARE Japanese already and always will be. China is intruding and interferring with a neighbor for only its own bombastic and propaganda purposes and is dangerously unsettling the region for its own ego.

Hatsoff said it very very well already: and i quote: from his post above:

"After dragging its country back to the dark ages by sending intellectuals and free thinkers to farm labour camps for re-education, after starving its people to death, after killing its people with tanks, after forcing abortions on women about to give birth, after pushing Tibetans so far that they set themselves on fire in protest, after lining the pockets of government officials, now China looks outside of itself and prepares to start a military conflict with Japan.

If it comes to it, Japan must prepare to match live fire with live fire. If Japan doesn't, such inaction will only encourage China to use miltary force to take disputed areas from other Asian countries. It has already threatened the Philippines with military force if the Philippines continues its dispute and it already took Sansha. No action from Japan will in the longer term be a disaster for all those other countries in dispute because China will see itself as unstoppable.

Regardless of whether people believe Japan has played down its past or not, it has not committed any aggressive acts against its neighbours for 68 years. However, the time is coming when Japan must teach its children how to war. It's simply not possible to play the pacifist forever the way things are going. "

i could not have said it better myself and I am glad to see how many intelligent and understanding people are posting now, instead of just propaganda repeats. thanks for all of them and i am sure Japan will stand up for itself and maintain its protection of its islands and the US will back them. That Chinese editorial was just silly trying to say that they were making reasonable responses and would defend this and that, but they are just way off base for China has nothing at all to defend in the area and is interferring with other countries' territory. That makes them the aggressor and no batter than HItler in his attempts to seize Europe.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Well China I declare that your country is my property, now get off my lawn!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Both sides need to let things cool down.

I suggest both sides have a blackout on news on the islands. Coverage by the news networks just inflames the issue further and is prone to exploitation.

Both sides block all civilian ships, all civilian airplanes except may be commercial airliners from entering an area may be 20 miles from the islands.

Let some smart diplomats find a solution that saves faces for both sides. Resolution of the issue can be postponed indefinitely. There islands are very small and uninhabited and have no valuable resources on land.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

No doubt one of the biggest reasons for this continual assault on all things Japanese by the Chinese government/nationalists is simply because of jealousy. Jealousy of Japan's past and continued successes economically and culturally.

Look at how popular Japanese culture is around the world. Japanese food and things like anime have never been more popular worldwide. Japanese brands like Toyota have survived the 'Japan bashing' era of the 80's/early 90's and continue to lead auto sales and have strong brand loyalty for their reliability and quality.

The Chi Comm nationalists see this with jealousy, envy, and spite, and despise the cruel fact that "their" culture isn't as beloved as Japan's internationally. This isn't meant as disrespect towards Chinese culture in general, but the plain cold truth.

So the nationalists seize on every little opportunity they have to spite all things Japanese, and nothing is more "effective" than the time honored "Japanese WW2 atrocity" card. Their is no substance to their animosity towards Japan, so they grasp at straws and hope to appeal to emotion.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I just want to tell everyone that more and more US media are now paying attention to this situation very closely. Keep up your good quality posts for global audience. We can make a difference.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Great job China, now look at this mess you did, you dont want to look weak and you dont know how to step back. Are you afraid of those Stratofortress? I bet you should, they can handle large quantities of cruise missiles.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


That link was interesting, but very, very sobering. I think we all like to think they are bluffing with a bit of hot air, but if they aren't, as the article suggests, and they are really preparing for war, it will be a terrible outcome. The worst possible for everyone.

But China will be absolutely on it's own, with the possible exception of it's crazy little brother North Korea. In the immediate region you will almost certainly have the US, Japan, The Phillipines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, possibly India and Russia in some kind of unity against Chinese aggression.

My guess is that it would almost certainly lead to the collapse of the Communist party, the regime in North Korea and lead to a huge amount of instability for years to come. Disastrous economic effects.

Let's hope sensible heads prevail here.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Hatsoff. Thanks for the link. WAKE UP stuff.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

China-ko has a nice ring to it!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

When will China realize that this tactic has failed and they will never own the right to these islands.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So . . . . have you heard anything from the anti-base peeps in Okinawa?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


As your usual post, you have defended Japan opportunistic land grabbing or stealing because of ROC and PRC civil war. Japan was lucky to hand over back in 1972.

Obviously you have not read the Taipei treaty signed with US witness i1951. Japan agree that to void shinmonosaki treaty which was signed in 1895 as a loser of war of WWII. When Japan won Japan grabbed Diaoyu and Taiwan. When Japan lost Japan Japan surrendered unconditionally. Full stop!

Besides that I am not a fan of China and not defending for PRC. If you research the homeless rate and suicide rate, Japan is still higher even the population is many times smaller than your beloved China. There is nothing to proud as nation as one of the depressed frail mentality and lacking social support. I have enjoyed Japan back in 1970s. and 1980s. I wish Japan get back the good old days.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Even though I am a 外人, if there is a war with China I will join up and fight. Land on the Senkaku Islands like it is Normandy. I wonder how many others, American, British, French are willing to fight for Japan...?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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