Japan Today

Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day


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The report, which did not say whether the planes intruded into Japan’s airspace, could not be immediately confirmed by Japan’s Defense Ministry.

cream of the crop.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

What the Chinese government says:

"We have always upheld the same stance on issues related to the Diaoyu Islands: to appropriately solve, manage and control the relevant issues through bilateral dialogue and negotiations."

What the Chinese government does:

Chinese military planes, mostly fighter jets, made more than 40 flights close to Tokyo-controlled islands at the center of a territorial dispute on a single day this week, a press report said Saturday.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Japan is no match for China. Abe is bellicose and belligerent; he recently said japan did not invade asian countries in ww2 era. LOL. good one abe san. Other asian countries are rising, and guess what, they will soon reject japan. This Diaoyu case will not end, both china and japan will just keep bugging each other. War is looming, unfortunately. Arigato gosaimasu abe san.

-21 ( +7 / -28 )

Japan needs to build on those islands NOW.

16 ( +23 / -7 )

mano2012 - is that just your opinion or are you basing it on facts and stats? Miltary skill is debatable, but what you say about other Asian countries seems so obviously way off. Japan just signed a fishing agreement with Taiwan to allow fishermen into the waters around the Senkakus. Japan is building stronger ties with Myanmar on an almost daily basis. Japan has had meetings with other Asian countries threatened by China. Exactly what are you basing this 'other countries will soon reject Japan' stuff on - old World War 2 sentiment perhaps?

7 ( +11 / -4 )

For a reality check on Diaoyu/Sensaku case, one sane site for pro-japan readers should visit: http://emsnews.wordpress.com/

the lady writer is over 60 yrs old and she is very knowledgeable about world affairs.. and she regularly writes about japan, mostly negative viewpoints.. but my suggestion for most readers here is to read her articles as a reality check.

-18 ( +3 / -21 )

@hatsoff japan is looking at short-term gains, whereas i look at longer terms.. and japan is going down, not just its aging population, but asian countries are rising and they still dont forget about japanese atrocities in the past/ww2, and now abe said: no way! no invasion in ww2 era. LOL.

-23 ( +3 / -26 )

China has already won unfortunately. Chinese ships sails in and out as they please with no consequences. This means that Japan does not have control of the islands and surrounding areas. No matter how tough Abe and his cabinets threat and yell they are powerless to stop China.

Mr Abe needs to stop being provocative. His latest statement of invasion and etc have not only angered S Korea and China, according to New York Times Obama told Abe to quiet down. His statements clearly is not helping and only making Japan look like the aggressor if Abe thinks that the US will come and help him defend these tiny islands so far away from Japan he better think twice. Obama and the American people are sick of war and will not start WWIII over some small islands. .

-18 ( +6 / -24 )

@mano2012 Abe is bellicose and belligerent?

perhaps you missed this: Chinese military planes, mostly fighter jets, made more than 40 flights...

Japan needs to reopen the old bonito processing plant on the islands and get on with business!

13 ( +15 / -2 )

mano2012, aside from China and South Korea, nobody in Asia is protesting get a grip of reality. Asia is not China nad SK alone.

And invasion of other countries, annexation, annihalation was a way of life until world war II. It was nothing out of ordinary. Japan just did what the rest of the world has been doing.

Before WWII, the whole of Asia is controlled by France, Britain, Portugal, Spain, UNited States, Germany, and even Russia. Japan expelled all these forces and simply took over the lands controlled by these so called allies.

Japan did wrong but so the rest of the world. Now Japan changed its way. Lets move on.

12 ( +18 / -6 )

@mikihouse ur logic is flawed. 2 negatives dont make it positive. like a shopper at a cornerstore buying a can of soup and the cashier gave back a wrong change (More money). the buyer thought:mmm.. if it was the opposite that the cashier short-changed me, he doesnt care, So, in this case, even though i know he is giving me backmore money, it is Mine! 2 wrongs dont make it right.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Japanese government refuses to acknowledge that their is a dispute over the islands and won't negotiate and China believes the Islands belong to them so what do you recommend China do? Just sit back and do nothing? China is excreting three right over the islands and such they believe they have the right to come and go as they please.

NO country in the world including the US recognizes the Islands as part of Japan. US recognizes Japan's Adminstration of the island but not the ownership.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

@hatsoff japan is looking at short-term gains, whereas i look at longer terms

Well then your statement that Asian countries will SOON reject Japan is contradictory then. Sorry, but what you said earlier just sounds like the same old WW2 sentiment to me. The world has moved on. China needs to do the same (but it went backwards for so long under Mao I understand how its handicapped itself and finds moving on difficult).

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Hatsoff. How do u expect China and Korea to move on when Japanese right wing politicians continue to stoke the fire by claiming that the atrocities never happened or when Mr Abe claims that Japan never invaded Korea or China or young Korean and Asian women were never forcefully made to have sex with 100plus soldiers per day and these women willingly and volunteered. Yes China and Korea wants to move on but when Japanese right wingers continue to deny history or try to change history then these counties have no option other than to protest and etc

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

That's really smart. To allow Japan to have A bomb. U think S Korea will just sit by and watch. S Korea will get one, China will increase their inventory, Taiwan will get some and the whole North Asia will be blown to pcs. Talking tough is one thing but reality of war is something else.

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

"Chinese military planes, mostly fighter jets, made more than 40 flights close to Tokyo-controlled islands at the center of a territorial dispute on a single day this week, a press report said Saturday."

Gee, now what is that phrase I am looking for to discribe the PRC's action, oh yeah, provocation of war.

The PRC keeps points a finger at Japan claiming that it is the aggressor but it forgets when you point at someone and make silly claims three fingers are point back at you.

The PRC is the greatest threat to world peace.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

AsianhometownApr. 28, 2013 - 08:22AM JST Japanese government refuses to acknowledge that their is a dispute over the islands and won't negotiate and China believes the Islands belong to them so what do you recommend China do?

The only dispute here is the one the PRC is making and what they are trying to make is an excuse to go to war.

Funny thing is their moves are no different than the one good ole Saddam made back in 90 when he thought he had the right to invade another nation.

You see how well that worked out for him.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

mano2012Apr. 28, 2013 - 08:00AM JST For a reality check on Diaoyu/Sensaku case, one sane site for pro-japan readers should visit: http://emsnews.wordpress.com/

You cite a blog to back up your arguement?LOL

12 ( +13 / -1 )

mano2012Apr. 28, 2013 - 07:38AM JST Japan is no match for China.

Have you anything to support this belief?

Tell me something which is more important, the quality of your forces and equipment or the quantity of your force and equipment?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Haha. If you think Chinese miitary is on the same level as Iraq then you better do some studying.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )


Abe and his right wing nuts can white wash all they want and Japanese can deny all their crimes on WW2 and China can also do whatever they want.

Let see who got A-bombed again this time.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

@OssanAmericaApr. 28, 2013 - 07:48AM JST

Japan needs to build on those islands NOW.

Nooo, don't do that. The seagulls may just stain all over the buildings. Too much trouble for maintenance. Not even safe for sunbathing.

BTW China do just about the right ratio. You play back the 40 flights in a day, it looks like a streaming video. I hope Japan also disclose how many submarines were having fun playing hide and seek, that is if their technology can detect the Chinese diesel electric subs. Did the AWACS detect the newest Chinese stealth frigate?

Seriously, I had explained before, these 40 flights are necessary to protect the eight maritime surveillance ships from being harmed by the 9 nationalist boats. China is very scared of them you know!

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

...and the Chinese have the nerve to say the US and SK are the fault for NK to making those stupid threats? Seems like China and NK are reading the same play book....A Step by Step Plan to Getting Your Ass Kicked., written by Saddam Hussein

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@AsianhometownApr. 28, 2013 - 08:12AM JST

China has already won unfortunately. Chinese ships sails in and out as they please with no consequences. This means that Japan does not have control of the islands and surrounding areas. No matter how tough Abe and his cabinets threat and yell they are powerless to stop China.

Mr Abe needs to stop being provocative. His latest statement of invasion and etc have not only angered S Korea and China, according to New York Times Obama told Abe to quiet down. His statements clearly is not helping and only making Japan look like the aggressor if Abe thinks that the US will come and help him defend these tiny islands so far away from Japan he better think twice. Obama and the American people are sick of war and will not start WWIII over some small islands. .

More and more Americans are reading about Japan's attempt to lure US into war using the Security Treaty as cover. We make sure all US Congressmen/Senators get bombarded with emails against blind support for Japan. Americans are not going to get AmBUSHED again.This is one great way to make sure Abe mischief is kept in check. He looks 'clean' but he ain't going to fool anybody anymore.

China should increase more flights if there is more adventurism from the Japanese side.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Japan needs to build on those islands NOW.

Not just build on, they need to get JSDF personnel stationed down there. China has been playing the same game with India for a couple of years - and then on April 15th they decided to just set up a base 6 miles inside Indian territory at Ladakh. That situation is just about hitting the boiling point right now.

Only a matter of time before China decides to do the same in the Senkakus.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Actually, that might just be the ticket. Preferably a regularly manned installation. It isn't cheap but then neither is constantly scrambling fighters against China's intrusions. Once they do that, their claim is immensely strengthened to the point China cannot easily act.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

@hokkaidoguyApr. 28, 2013 - 10:24AM JST

Japan needs to build on those islands NOW.

Not just build on, they need to get JSDF personnel stationed down there. China has been playing the same game with India for a couple of years - and then on April 15th they decided to just set up a base 6 miles inside Indian territory at Ladakh. That situation is just about hitting the boiling point right now.

Only a matter of time before China decides to do the same in the Senkakus.

Please get the facts straight before smearing China. Read link below and you will understand India start the problem, disturbing the status quo. As usual, China REACT just like the Senkaku/Diaoyu Island nationalist boats 'sight seeing', why can't Japan rein in her nationalists first and this incident would not have happened?


-14 ( +2 / -16 )

@Tony Ew

" We make sure all US Congressmen/Senators get bombarded with emails against blind support for Japan. "

LOL, I'm sure that will change their minds. Did you know that the senators have two emails minimum ? One for actual use and the other one that anyone can send emails to, that their secretaries read ?

You are the typical Chinese that get worked up over nothing, that's why people have bad images toward your home country aside from corruption, poor humanitarian, rude behaviors among others

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Territorial issues and verbal attacks by China on Japan are encouraging Abe and the Japanese people to rethink about our peace constititution and rearm to counter against the threats.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


Around 1900, Japanese entrepreneur Koga Tatsushiro constructed a bonito processing plant on the islands with 200 workers.

Japan needs to rebuild on these islands! .

Tony Ew - No seagulls in the picture, link above.

marcelito - How has doing nothing solved the problem?

US says these islands are included in the defense agreement. Then they should be included in joint exercises. Japan's SDF and USFJ should hold some drills that include these islands. Let's see if China will send planes in the middle of a joint exercise. Or if Chinese boats will try to prevent a landing on the islands by joint forces.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

@Hide SuzukiApr. 28, 2013 - 11:01AM JST

@Tony Ew

" We make sure all US Congressmen/Senators get bombarded with emails against blind support for Japan. "

LOL, I'm sure that will change their minds. Did you know that the senators have two emails minimum ? One for actual use and the other one that anyone can send emails to, that their secretaries read ?

You are the typical Chinese that get worked up over nothing, that's why people have bad images toward your home country aside from corruption, poor humanitarian, rude behaviors among others

Americans are too busy with American Idols and NBA. But they will wake up to what is brewing in Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, very easy when CNN get into the act. I am ready to be interviewed, even stand in front of the Japanese Embassy to get attention and expose Abe masterpiece. I'll also round up a few Japanese contacts I know and see if they are interested. Will see if this gets to be white hot. Still think I am from PRC?

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

@oldsannoApr. 28, 2013 - 11:10AM JST


Around 1900, Japanese entrepreneur Koga Tatsushiro constructed a bonito processing plant on the islands with 200 workers.

Japan needs to rebuild on these islands! .

Tony Ew - No seagulls in the picture, link above.

Clever indeed! Hope it is not photoshopped. Anyway US used the islands for bombing practises, (getting permission from Taiwan!, research it yourself) a while back and the sea gulls may have being scared on that day the photo was taken.

Now the seagulls are b a a a c k!, like the Chinese maritime surveillance ships!

Tell your buddy Abe to be nice to China and China won't REACT in the way that you find offensive.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Give China another 5 years and Japan will not be so aggressive again. The more they try to forget history, the more we will remember her past horrors. They can scream and shout about the Diaoyus but China will not attack as it is not in her interest. All she needs to do is continuing to tickle Japan until Japan falls from the chair. All of us in other parts of Asia are waiting for the day unless and until Japan admits her history once and for all and stop rewriting history!

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

They can scream and shout about the Diaoyus but China will not attack as it is not in her interest.

Given what the Chinese did at Damansky Island, I wouldn't put it past the Chinese.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

China's territorial ambitions will be derailed by.....DPRK!!!!!! When the DPRK fire their artillery/missiles at South Korea/Guam/Japan, the US/Japan/South Korea/UN hits back, expect millions of refugees to flood China who will then call o for help. Expect plenty of kowtowing to US/Japan for the needed aid. The Middle Kingdom will then regret not taking actions sooner against DPRK instead of showing their arrogance against those countries whom she has territorial ambitions with.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

@Asian2013Apr. 28, 2013 - 11:43AM JST

Give China another 5 years and Japan will not be so aggressive again. The more they try to forget history, the more we will remember her past horrors. They can scream and shout about the Diaoyus but China will not attack as it is not in her interest. All she needs to do is continuing to tickle Japan until Japan falls from the chair. All of us in other parts of Asia are waiting for the day unless and until Japan admits her history once and for all and stop rewriting history!

No need 5 years. The tipping point is just about now! China newly commissioned stealth frigate is able to take on Japanese navy. More coming online perhaps a dozen by end of year. This explains why Japan was brazen enough to try to intimidate China late last year with the radar lock incident because Japan's destroyer was only about 2 km away from Chinese destroyer in Japan's home turf with dozens of ships and land based missiles to entrap Chinese 3-4 ships near the Senkakus/Diaoyu Islands. Sneaky military scheme exposed! Japan got no more tricks up her sleeve except trying to hoodwink the public, esp inattentive Americans.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Communist China employs same tactics as Sun Tzu wrote in" the art of war", by disturbing direct and indirect attacks to weaken the resolve of adversary; thus creating anxiety even breaking down the resolve of Japan. China is invited to present the case at ICJ with Japan if peace is the primary concern and not others ill motives. Japan must stand firm not to be disturbed by China's ploy. Remember Tibet, anyone....

3 ( +6 / -3 )

No more bilateral dialogue and negotiations, Lock, Load and fire, Japan has the right if they cross into Japans Airspace, you have to remember no matter how all you perceive if Japan can take out china or not, you must remember the US has to defend Japan and they are already in a Lock load mode, Do you believe the US does not have them on their radar? You believe the US doesn’t know when China cross into Japans Airspace? It's going to take one person shooting first, in this case Japan has the legal authority to take out any and every plane and ship in Japans territory, and all you out there that continue to mention WWII, that is over and a Mistake Japan apologized for and it is time to move forward. If any of you believe the US cannot handle China and or Take China out, Please do not try, You will not like the outcome! China has to start to respect its neighbors and respect the laws! Many People in the US have stopped buying Made in China because of their ways. I personally am one of them people!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

AsianhometownApr. 28, 2013 - 08:48AM JST Haha. If you think Chinese miitary is on the same level as Iraq then you better do some studying.

LOL, think before you make comments, Saddam Hussien military was made up of "state of the art" Soviet equipment.

PRC Navy filled with second hand antiquated Soviet 1980's "state of the art" ships refitted more than anyone knows.

Survey says, same.....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Summary: China wants Japanese territory

Military Situation: China has lots of older, cheaper aircraft and ships, but nothing that can compete with Japan militarily. Japan has a small fleet of high tech aircraft and ships, but they're spread thin and expensive to maintain.

China's solution: Constantly buzz the area, forcing Japan to spend huge amounts every time and move their high tech fleets out of defensive positions. If Japan doesn't respond, then declare victory and move in. If Japan does respond, then leave and come back again later. Continue until Japan is out of money.

Japan's solution: Play the game China wants.

My solution: Build a small, inexpensive low-tech military installation on the island. A couple of AA guns, and a couple of long-rang low-tech cannons. Wait until something is indisputibly in Japanese water/airspace , issue a warning, and then shoot it down. Continue until China gets the message or runs out of ships/aircraft.

Sure my solution will cause a short-term diplomatic stink and raise the tensions temporarily, but how can China possibly respond? Full-scale invasion? That simply wouldn't work, their older fleet simply wouldn't stand up to the Japanese defences. Complain to the international courts? They have no case. More saber rattling? Well that's where we are right now.

Draw a line Japan and shoot down anything that crosses it. At some point this is what is going to happen anyway, so rather have it happen on an isolated island in the middle of nowhere than over Tokyo.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@ Hokkaidoguy

Something wrong with your commens. Those information you posted are totally incorrect. I do not mind reading reasonable information those of yours are total fabrication. You need to get a hold of yourself.

This sort of Tit for tat between China and Japan eventually will landed in a major conflict. It seems to be reaching a point of no return.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

"Other asian countries are rising, and guess what, they will soon reject japan"

I think otherwise. Indeed, China is root cause of the problem for peace in Asia. They used forces to occupy the Paracel Islands from Vietnam. They invaded Spratly Islands and caused the high tensions in the South China Sea. The anti-China is everywhere in South East Asia countries: The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Vietnam. China is NOT welcome in Asia. Period. China occupied Vietnam for one thousand years (as they currently occupy Tibet). They killed millions Vietnamese people, they raped women etc, but it is history. We don't hate Chinese people. An old chapter was closed, and a new chapter is opened. I wonder why China hates Japan. The ones who committed crimes in China during WW II were long gone. They died or were hang (REF. "Tokyo Trials by Allies). Today's Japan is a country who loves peace after the US dropped atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, but Japanese people (like Vietnamese people) do not hate the US. Com'on, China, you say something as you pretend to love peace, but you did something else: you occupied the Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands, killed the fishermen in the sea. Please refer the links below for more details.

ASEAN urges China to discuss South China Sea issue http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/asean-urges-china-to-discuss-south-china/652926.html

Philippines Sues China over South China Sea Spat http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xx0wa5_philippines-sues-china-over-south-china-sea-spat_news

The Philippines accused China of 'bullying' http://ph.news.yahoo.com/philippines-accused-china-bullying-082008356.html

Vietnam accuses China of attack on fishermen in South China Sea http://in.news.yahoo.com/vietnam-accuses-china-attack-fishermen-south-china-sea-090732935.html

7 ( +10 / -3 )

CHINA is the trouble maker in ASIA today,CHINA is a thief, Only solution to stop a thief is to cut-off his hands. ASIAN nations will someday come together to cut-off CHINA'S hands. CHINA ALREADY occufied some islands in Vietnam,Philippines,and Land in India,and Tibet.his next target is the asean nations. Japan should not let the thief China to land in shinkaku islands or else the thief china will again take this island. Only thing China could not land in shinkakus ,because he knows Japan will kiss his ass and be anihilated infront of the world. Look what happened to Vietnam and the philippines he already occufied some islands because these countries has no match to China's military power. Asean countries must slowly but surely modernised their miltary arsenal to be prepared for military conflict that is coming.Asean countries plus Japan must unite to counteract China's agresiveness in the region.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

correction to junsan, "Japan will kick his ass, instead of kiss his ass ".Thanks, Junsan

0 ( +2 / -2 )

What else would one expect from China other than bullying while keeping their rhetoric (read: lies) the same. Anyone with open eyes has long figured out that China cannot be trusted. In reality they'd do whatever they please to feed their expansive gluttony. But of course such an obviously belligerent super power needs to be kept in check. Otherwise the world would soon start to look very bad. Abe is the first PM in a while who does a rather good job. There will always be haters who are unhappy with any PM that isn't an underdog for China.

In anyway China continues with its course to make itself look bad in the view of other nations. It's time the world starts to abandon that country and looks for alternatives.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

This is what backwards and forwards aggression gets you -- more aggression. Now, Ossan, Japan does not need to BUILD on the islands now, they need to take the high road, drop the ultra-right nonsense, and start trying to mend fences. It'll take a while to move forward, but it's a whole lot better than what seems to be coming.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

"Another said: “If such a show of force continues, it is feared it could lead to a situation where the (Japanese) air defense force may not be able to cope.”"

Well said. There's always the US to hide behind, though. Or, you could make them stop -- not through threats or provocation, but by making amends. Until Ishihara started all this Japan had plans to jointly process oil in the areas in question, and I think they can go back to that, especially since they have no qualms of saying Taiwan can fish in the area without threat. China is being extremely childish, but it's a childish RESPONSE to childish politicians here. They should both step out of the sand box, shake hands, and figure out a way to make things work.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Until Ishihara started all this

I know Ishihara is the favorite whipping boy of a lot of you, but at least make an attempt to get the timelines right. In 2006, the Chinese started to send activists to the islands. In 2010 one of them rammed a coast guard vessel, and the captain was arrested - which led to violent demonstrations in China and that whole rare earth element blockade thing. All of that happened well before Ishihara was approached by the family to purchase the islands.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@ Hatsoff

In my opinion most countries have moved on with certain proviso, both China and South Korea did. If they have not both Countries would have no diplomatic relation with Japan, no Business dealing, trade and cultural exchanges. These have continued for 30 odd years between China and Japan. Now pardon me if what I am about to comment is wrong the issue in this article is not concerning the atrocious deeds carried out by the Japanese military in the WWII but of the right of ownership of the disputed islands and this dispute is between China and Japan and not related to any other Asian countries as such the rest of the Asian Countries are not duly concern. If the issue arise with South Korea or even Russia with Japan I am sure most posters here barracking for China will not be that vocal except for the Japanese nationals.

If I may also bring in another point that is if any issue of world war incidence related to crime nature surfaced and at the expense of a particular Asian country or countries that affect its or their National dignity and international standing I am sure they would not hesitate to object to Japan, that is the "with priviso" I initially mentioned.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

@Tony Ew - Apr. 28, 2013 - 11:54AM JST

Tipping point, schmipping point. Doesn't matter how good the tech China has, if the military people operating it are micro-managed by civilian PRC drones from head office.


If it comes to an offshore navy/air force skirmish over the islands, China doesn't stand a chance of any success and the PRC knows it. The need for the constant sabre-rattling by the PRC is a mask for their impotence.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Now, Ossan, Japan does not need to BUILD on the islands now, they need to take the high road, drop the ultra-right nonsense, and start trying to mend fences.

And how has India's peaceful approach worked out? They just lost 10km of their territory in the Ladakh region to the Chinese. A Vietnamese fishing boat got shot full of holes after the crew showed the Chinese they were unarmed. Peace doesn't work with China. The only way to counter what the Philippines has dubbed a "creeping invasion" is to have an adequate military force to thwart any Chinese aggression. General Martin E. Dempsey has the right idea: "The best way to avoid war is to prepare for it."

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@ TonyNguyen

There are some points you made that are correct-about the Japanese people and about the ASEAN Nations joint statement to discussed with China. The rest are incorrect and subjective. The comments regarding the Spratly and Paracel Islands were incorrect and they did not concur with history and as to Vietnamese loving the Americans is subjective, maybe Vietnamese in US do but I can tell you most Vietnamese nationals in Vietnam don't. With regards to your comment that China had conflict with most ASEAN nations also incorrect China currently only has conflict with Vietnam and Philippines and this is also with certain islands claimed by both Vietnam and Philippines.

You mentioned China occupied Vietnam for thousand years, my reading of the history was that thousand years ago there was no country by the name of Vietnam. At some stage the land now called Vietnam was once under China rule but has for hundred years now been independent. There may be war between China and Vietnam and many people died on both sides, in war you either killed or be killed but innocent live should not be the target by military.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

I believe it's China's politicial gesture to show to the US Gen Martin Dempsey who're visiting JP and talking about military cooperation. China is talking to the US " what you're doing in JP is not good for the situation...", right now the ball is in the side of the US. OK, let's see how the US hit the ball back~

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@ Oldsano

" Around 1900 Japanese entrepreneur Koga Tatsushiro constructed a bonito processing plant on the Island with 200 workers"

United State Congress Report Services in its delivery of a report to the US Congress noted that the Diaoyu Islands/Senkaku was granted by the Empress Dowager Cixi under official imperial Seal to her Chief Minister of the Court, Sheng XuanHuan in 1893. Just wondering whether Koga Tatsushiro did obtain a leasehold from Sheng XuanHuan and also did he abtain permission to build a bonito and housed 200 workers in this Island.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Senkaku was granted by the Empress Dowager Cixi under official imperial Seal to her Chief Minister of the Court, Sheng XuanHuan in 1893

Sheng Xuanhuai, I think you'll find.

That document has been around since the 40s, and pretty much everyone (Chinese scholars, Taiwanese scholars) agrees it's as fake. No date, the style is wrong, one copy only with no references in the archives.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Sooner or later, US has to decide to face up to the reality to keep Asia in peace. Asia is a serious hot spot and could explode any time.

The TPP is a part of geo political strategy against China. The conflict between China/US will not be unavoidable.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

It's interesting reading the views of the pro-Chinese position here. I assume they are written by Chinese people, because they are almost identical in nature and look to be very much informed by an internal propaganda agenda that that the Chinese State media is feeding to it's people. What China says domestically seems to be the exact opposite of what it says internationally, and is very much in keeping with it's aggressive and belligerent actions on the Senkakus. China is involved in a game of smoke and mirrors at the moment, but the aggressive position of the pro-chinese posters here gives away the game. China, and the Chinese people want to punish the Japanese. They want payback for the past. It seems that simple to me. It's childish, it's vengeful, it speaks volumes of the current Chinese mentality. It worries me that China are becoming so powerful, so quickly, because I don't believe they are mature enough as a nation to wield the power. They are too.....eager to assert themselves. The dark shadow of the Mao years are still evident.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

HokkaidoGuy: "I know Ishihara is the favorite whipping boy of a lot of you, but at least make an attempt to get the timelines right."

The current situation and hostilities began last April when Ishihara talked about buying the islands. It's fact.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Tamarama: "It's interesting reading the views of the pro-Chinese position here. I assume they are written by Chinese people..."

Part of the problem is the lack of facts that people make assumptions on, and yet here you are doing just that. There are non-Chinese people on here not so much defending China as saying it's not a one-way street and both parties in this island dispute are two sides of the same coin.

"China, and the Chinese people want to punish the Japanese. They want payback for the past. It seems that simple to me. It's childish, it's vengeful, it speaks volumes of the current Chinese mentality."

Wow, and wasn't CH3CHO trying to chide me on generalizations the other day?

"It worries me that China are becoming so powerful, so quickly, because I don't believe they are mature enough as a nation to wield the power."

Japan obviously isn't either. They are both acting like children. The most apparent proof that Japan is the same as what you speak of is that they have to hide behind papa USA.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

I do not know what japan can do about the island situation. China has actually controlled the island since last year by sending ships and airplants every day. There is no turn back now. We all know that China will do what she says. Not like japan who is only saying but no action. China has learned fron US of A, strength is every thing. I can see that most japanese are still living in 19 or 20 centeries when Chinese have no say about her own terms, Now, or just 5 years ago, the situation has been changed. China has felt that she is strength enough to say somethings and ask what belong to her. All issues that have been put aside 20 or 30 years ago can be re-put on the table now, icluding the islands in the South China seas. Chinese have a say "10 years is not too late for a justice". It seems that the day has comes and China will get all that belong to her back, no matter what.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Tony EwApr. 28, 2013 - 09:45AM JST Seriously, I had explained before, these 40 flights are necessary to protect the eight maritime surveillance ships from >being harmed by the 9 nationalist boats. China is very scared of them you know!

You have obviously never looked at a photograph of the Chinese Maritime Surveillance vessels and the small local craft chartered by nationalists to take them out there. It is IMPOSSIBLE for the latter to harm the Chinese ships which are much bigger.

AsianhometownApr. 28, 2013 - 08:12AM JST China has already won unfortunately. Chinese ships sails in and out as they please with no consequences. This >means that Japan does not have control of the islands and surrounding areas.

No it is China that has lost. They can not take control of the Senkakus without using military force. In which xase they will face he US Navy. Something China is afraid to do. All China can do is keep burning fuel in this childish game of harassment.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Here is a comment about the somewhat systematically looking pro-chinese comments. Propaganda can work as we all know. Some of these fairly well visited discussionboards on internet could make a difference on peoples attitudes. However I think that in this case the ship for the pro-china comments sailed a long time ago. They simply doesnt make any sense anymore. From a position of systems theory the development of the pro-china arguments can be understood as - when the high strong efforts of rationality fails towards the discussion community the arguments will only be evaluated internally and the consequence for this is that any kind of self-suppoting argument is perceived as legitimate. Ergo - many strange viewpoints and arguments are present in the pro-china comments and if you don't start listening and maybe even accepting other commentators viewpoint you may soon be talking to the birds in a park.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

davidakeApr. 28, 2013 - 08:59PM JST I do not know what japan can do about the island situation. China has actually controlled the island since last year by >sending ships and airplants every day. There is no turn back now.

I have not seen China land on the Senkaku Islands. Nor have I seen Chinese Maritime Surveillance Ships or Chinese Coast Guard ships conducting checks on Japanese fishing boats. In fact I have nor seen any Chinese ships or aircraft remain in Japanese waters or airspace long enough to be considered anything other than a limited intrusion. So where do you get this notion that China "controls" the islands?

We all know that China will do what she says. Not like japan who is only saying but no action. China has learned fron >US of A, strength is every thing. I can see that most japanese are still living in 19 or 20 centeries when Chinese have >no say about her own terms, Now, or just 5 years ago, the situation has been changed. China has felt that she is >strength enough to say somethings and ask what belong to her. All issues that have been put aside 20 or 30 years >ago can be re-put on the table now, icluding the islands in the South China seas. Chinese have a say "10 years is not >too late for a justice". It seems that the day has comes and China will get all that belong to her back, no matter what.

If you are attempting to gain some sympathy for China's acts of belligerence and continued military and territorial expansion agenda, at the expense of her smaller Asian neighbors, I suggest you forget it. No one believes the "Peaceful Rise" lie that China sold the world for the last decade anymore, and use of military force will being China into conflict with the entire world with dire consequences for everyone.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

smithinjapanApr. 28, 2013 - 08:29PM JST Japan obviously isn't either. They are both acting like children. The most apparent proof that Japan is the same as >what you speak of is that they have to hide behind papa USA.

Japan is acting in a mature manner while China is acting like an aggressive bully. That is obvious to the entire world smith. China is doing the same to many other Asian countries. And give your "hide behind the US" line a rest please. South Korea is hiding behind the US. Nato is hiding behind the US. Any country that isa US ally is "hiding behind" the US by your puerile argument.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

"Japan is acting in a mature manner while China is acting like an aggressive bully.

LOL. oh yeah like that mature abe who said: japan did not invade asian countries in ww2 time. Abe/japan is belligerent and bellicose. Ppl all over the world read the same news, and their comments at yahoo boards summarized the avg world opinions. Japan is going down in its economy, aging population and also in the mind of ppl over the world, it is a dying society.. Last year, the foreign minister of jp went to europe to garner support in regards to this diaoyu case.. and the major EU powers said: sorry japan, no can do! sayonara abe san :)

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

History teaches us that nations respect only strong nations. When all Asians nations will be strong, they will respect each other. Who respected Korea and China hundred years ago.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The key is the so-called Japanese airspace defined by the air force unilaterally & 'flew near'. Surprising indeed the piece of news was cooked up as if these Su-27 Su-30 were above Japan sky ?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

mano2012Apr. 28, 2013 - 11:52PM JST "Japan is acting in a mature manner while China is acting like an aggressive bully. LOL. oh yeah like that mature abe who said: japan did not invade asian countries in ww2 time. Abe/japan is belligerent >and bellicose

That must be why AEAN considers China to be the biggest threat in Asia. And the Philippines, a former victim of Japanese WWII aggression, supports the re-militarization of Japan to counter China. Best catch up with reality.



1 ( +5 / -4 )

@ossan duh! logic 101 LOL the philippines is a weak country! Of Course, it will try to temporarily Align with powerful countries like the US: trying to get help from the US military, and Of course saying it likes japn to re-arm. LOl. of course! China is working well with Asean countries, it has some territorial issues with vietnam and the philippines.

The bigger picture is: why major EU countries Rejected japan?! when jp fm visited eu to get support, he got rejected! WHY? Because those eu countries have Their Law departments that looked at the history and big picture of the diaoyu case and CONCLUDED that jp is in the Wrong side!

dont tell me about the philippines. lol. when a hijacker took over a bus and killed many HK tourists, their incompetent police could handle such a simple case.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

"Japan fails to win support on Senkakus issue from Europe's 'Big 3' October 20, 2012


Despite his announcements of achievements, Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba failed to win clear support from France, Britain and Germany for Japan’s sovereignty claims to the Senkaku Islands during his European tour."

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

China is working well with Asean countries

LOL. keep dreaming

Japan fails to win support on Senkakus issue from Europe's 'Big 3'

So what? Europe has no power or benefits over Pacific, of course they would want to steer clear off the big mess war seeking PRC, and keep selling oldass tech to China. Why not?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@blackrock. u just made my day! lol u concluded that trades rule, right?! tell me, will asean countries ignore that huge 1.3b market in china? and those millions of tourists from china?? the fact of the matter is, Majority majorirty of asean countries are trading quite well with china... like they say in new york: "forget about it!" forget about the philippines or vietnam :)

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Back on topic please.

I hope the Communist Chinese Fighter plane will crash onto the sea. Communist Chinese leaders are nothing difference from their cousin Kim Jong-un of North Korea. What Communist Chinese leaders wanted from that kind of provocation? Are they want to go to war with Japan and US or just they have suffering OCD. Japanese Government should build Navy and Air base on one of Islands.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Build a church on it. Or a school. Man, it'd be legit hilarious watching the Chinese try to justify attacking it.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

lol u concluded that trades rule, right? Majority majorirty of asean countries are trading quite well with china

What nonsense! China floods asean countries with cheap junk products. They have started boycotting made in PRC products for a while now. Also go talk to your PRC gov to stop poisoning your all poor people. What sicko of government is that?

The reason Europe hasn't joined the dispute is that they consider China one trash site to dispose of industrial waste, cheap labor, plus they would have no benefits from the dispute. Try to attack their factories like what you people did to Japanese factories and see what happens?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Japan Action 1: Nationalize the disputed islands,

China Response 1: sends unarmed patrol boats/planes to patrol islands

Japan Action 2: sends armed Jet Fighters against unarmed Chinese boats/planes

China Responds 2:escort and patrol with armed Jet Fighters

...etc into the future.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Time for a blockade.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

mano2012Apr. 29, 2013 - 01:38AM JST @ossan duh! logic 101 LOL the philippines is a weak country! Of Course, it will try to temporarily Align with powerful >countries like the US: trying to get help from the US military, and Of course saying it likes japn to re-arm. LOl. of >course!

And why would a "weak country" align itself with the United States or would like Japan to rearm, unless it was being threatened by a "Stronger country"? Do you not see any fault with a stronger country threatening a weaker one?

China is working well with Asean countries, it has some territorial issues with vietnam and the philippines.

Not at all. Cambodia is the only country it works well with because of money China gives them.

The bigger picture is: why major EU countries Rejected japan?! when jp fm visited eu to get support, he got rejected! >WHY? Because those eu countries have Their Law departments that looked at the history and big picture of the diaoyu case and CONCLUDED that jp is in the Wrong side!

The EU is not the ICJ, were China has refused to take ANY of it's territorial claims against Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. And what country support's China's alleged claim besides China?

dont tell me about the philippines. lol. when a hijacker took over a bus and killed many HK tourists, their incompetent >police could handle such a simple case.

So that somehow justifies China's aggressive bullying of the Philippines and taking their territory?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Kobuta ChanApr. 29, 2013 - 02:47AM JST

I hope the Communist Chinese Fighter plane will crash onto the sea.

Therein lies one fake evidence of civility. Bad for your kami if you talk like that. I hope you and your 'comrades' make civil discussions and not let the devil poison your heart. Just do something like give me negative votes, that is more polite.

What if China make 80 flights that day? Will you hope for China to get nuked?

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

iWorldApr. 29, 2013 - 04:45AM JST

China Action 1. In the first decade of the 21st Century China's PLA Navy announces a plan to develop a blue water navy and to replace the United States as the dominant strategic power in the western pacific. In order to gain access to the Pacific China must break the "First Island Chain". To do so it must conduct a territorial expansion program and take control of islands presently controlled by smaller Asian nations.

China Action 2: China forms the government owned East China Sea Fisheries Research Agency, the declared purpose to gather marine fisheries related data. The Agency signs up thousands of Chinese fishing vessels, paying them the equivalent of USD 10,000.- each to place onboard a GPS/Real Time Communications system which combines inputting fisheries data with communications with the Agency. The Agency gives orders for when and how many fishing vessels shall leave their Chinese port for an assigned destination. The 2010 JCG vessel ramming incident was part of one of these government ordered missions.

Japan Action 3: The Tokyo Governor Ishihara starts a movement to purchase 3 of the five Senkaku Islands and possibly build on them. The DPJ Japanese Government pre-empts Ishihara by purchasing those 3 islands to prevent any development and cause a conflict with China. The J-govt has always owned one of the islands and the other is owned by a J-national.

China Action 4: China uses the J-govt's purchase as an excuse to start an all out offensive designed to force Japan into giving up the Senkaku Islands, fabricating claims of previous ownership, that the islands were taken in war which they were not, and flooding the media and internet with their claim. Yet, China to date still has not attempted to file a claim at the ICJ regarding the Senkakus or any of the other "disputes" it has with it's Asian neighbors.

China Action 5: China resorts to a harassment strategy of sending in para-military "Maritime Surveillance Agency" ships and planes for short intrusions into Japanese waters and airspace, forcing Japan to scramble fighters to intercept and challenge them in accordance with internationally accepted protocol. Chinese Naval vessel locks fire control radar on a Japanese MSDF vessel and when charged adamantly deny it, only to admit to it later.

US Action 6: The US Secretary of State, US Secretary of Defense and Chief of Staff have told China in no uncertain terms that an attempt to take the Senkakus with military force will be answered by the United States.

China,...your move.

China Response 1: sends unarmed patrol boats/planes to patrol islands

Japan Action 2: sends armed Jet Fighters against unarmed Chinese boats/planes

China Responds 2:escort and patrol with armed Jet Fighters

...etc into the future.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

""Japan is acting in a mature manner while China is acting like an aggressive bully. " "China,...your move."

lol. japan is the one who is behaving like a child. everytime it whines, it goes to (literally) daddy in washington.

what japan should do is say: "this is a matter btw japan and china, and that we are not interested in dragging the usa"

-7 ( +0 / -7 )


Part of the problem is the lack of facts that people make assumptions on, and yet here you are doing just that. There are non-Chinese people on here not so much defending China as saying it's not a one-way street and both parties in this island dispute are two sides of the same coin

Actually, I worded my statement incorrectly. I should have said 'The Chinese posters', because I was really referring to the identical nature of their posts. People like yourself, who tend to be blatantly anti-Japanese, are excluded from this because your agenda is entirely different. My apologies.

Wow, and wasn't CH3CHO trying to chide me on generalizations the other day?

Dunno, was he? Sometimes generalisations are made because they are, well, generally accurate.

Japan obviously isn't either. They are both acting like children. The most apparent proof that Japan is the same as what you speak of is that they have to hide behind papa USA.

I don't see the logic. Regardless of arguments pertaining to geography, or maps, or history, Japan legally owns and administers those islands. Those islands are Japanese territory. They have every right to protect that, and to object to repeated foreign incursions. They don't have to hand them over just because the other side says so. Nothing immature about that at all. And as for the second part of your comment, well, that shows a very flimsy understanding of the post WW2 Japanese State, and the way it was constructed by the US. Because, let's be honest, Smith, if Japan were to respond to this conflict with China by building up it's armed forces so that it wasn't as reliant on the US, people like you would be the first to be jumping up and down about the rise in Japanese nationalism, and the fact that there will be a repeat of horrors past etc etc. In lieu of that, they have every right to call on the major alliance they have when they need it. Part of why that arrangement was created in the first place by the US was to deal with the potential threat of China, after all. Which seems to indicate a fair amount of foresight, right now I'd suggest.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Japan needs to build a military installation on one of the island or move American military there

3 ( +4 / -1 )

the reason ishihara and abe have been belligerent is because both always wanted to cry going to daddy in washington, literally. lol.

i read abe's bio he studied in calif.. so abe san if you happen to read japantoday and saw this msg :) may i ask you to do the following:

announce that: we japan can take on china! therefore, we are not interested in dragging usa into this, that is no need to invoke article 9 or whatever we are ready!

but alas, as i said in my first post above in this thread that japan is no match for china.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

the reason ishihara and abe have been belligerent is because both always wanted to cry going to daddy in washington, literally. lol.

i read abe's bio he studied in calif.. so abe san if you happen to read japantoday and saw this msg :) may i ask you to do the following:

announce that: we japan can take on china! therefore, we are not interested in dragging usa into this, that is no need to invoke article 9 or whatever we are ready! but alas, as i said in my first post above in this thread that japan is no match for china.

But Americans WANT to kick the crap out of China. It's not up to Japan if we help or not,even though I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Americans love to see you guys cower in fear when we are mentioned.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

But Americans WANT to kick the crap out of China. It's not up to Japan if we help or not,even though I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Americans love to see you guys cower in fear when we are mentioned.

The world has changed. After 9/11 attack, Rumsfeld said in a cabinet meeting that "we need a good target", that is, Afghanistan is not enough.. so the admin then concocted the fake WMD story about Sadam Husein in order to invade Iraq.

But the US was ordered out of Subic bay and Clarke airfield in the Philippines, and Vietnam won the war.. not to mention Korean war in the 50's.

Northeast asian countries (except japan) have been correct in stating that the US should not be there. Japan is just a pawn, and the Diaoyu case, either intentionally was created by ishihara or a concoction in conjunction with the US, shows japan is being used And how eventually the backlash against the US.

China has been correct all along that the US should leave west Pacific.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

"The center of world science, for instance, was in France in 1740, before it moved to Germany, then Britain, and, later, America, carrying with it, in each case, a major dimension of global leadership."


It is now shifting to China.

Just like UK is now "gone".. time will tell that this century it is shifting to China from theUS, and just like previous leadership.. ppl will adopt the predominant "culture" as we have witnessed more and more ppl are learning chinese language and eating chinese food.. and in a 1-2 decades chinese digital entertainment and "culture" will affect other parts of the world.. and the usa's influence will decrease accordingly.

If japan is smart enough, it should start aligning itself with china.. look towards the 2040-50 where japan's star will have waned much and will be under china's wings.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

mano2012Apr. 29, 2013 - 06:42AM JST ""Japan is acting in a mature manner while China is acting like an aggressive bully. " "China,...your move."

lol. japan is the one who is behaving like a child. everytime it whines, it goes to (literally) daddy in washington. what japan should do is say: "this is a matter btw japan and china, and that we are not interested in dragging the usa"

Nice try, but this is REALLYU between the United States and Fascist China.



1 ( +3 / -2 )

China thinks it's winning by her tactics to win Senkaku . She doesn't know she's building up public, international opinion against herself though constant harrassment of Japan. Go ahead and bully.

China will ultimately lose this game.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Is China going to send Japan a fuel bill for all these flights?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

It's good for a change to see you acknowledge, even if euphemistically, Japanese 'aggression', do you honestly believe it's strictly out of a sense of morals they are doing as such? They are PAID, one way or the other, to agree with Japan. If they were against Japan, Panasonic's battery manufacturing companies in the Philippines might be pulled out, among other outsourcing.

"the article quoted another Filipino diplomats as saying that, like other Asian countries, the Philippines is not as worried about Japan's militarism 'history, 'because of World War II, Japan has proved it is a democratic, responsible members of the international community'. "

Don't know why anyone with common sense would bring up Panasonic, a public company, would even think about threating to pull out.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

smithinjapanApr. 29, 2013 - 02:29PM JST "Ossan: "And the Philippines, a former victim of Japanese WWII aggression, supports the re-militarization of Japan to counter China."

It's good for a change to see you acknowledge, even if euphemistically, Japanese 'aggression', do you honestly >believe it's strictly out of a sense of morals they are doing as such?

For a change? Show me one example of my NOT recognizing Japan's aggression in WWII? Even Japanese school textbooks state that Japan conducted a war of aggression.

They are PAID, one way or the other, to agree with Japan. If they were against Japan, Panasonic's battery >manufacturing companies in the Philippines might be pulled out, among other outsourcing.

Oh and the fact that they have had an ongoing territorial dispute with China which has bullied them as a weaker nation has nothing to do with it, right? And all of Asia, from Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines to Australia all want the US Military presence not as a counter balance to the Chines threat but because the United States PAID THEM ALL OFF right? Please comment when you have an actual argument.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

China just doesn't know how to handle the situation except for repeatedly getting close to the islands. They have no diplomacy skills so they can't solve it any other way. They are lost.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The problem will never end if both of them never cooperate... Well maybe Japan have already tried to cooperate, now it's China.....

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Until the Chinese land one soldier or sailor on the Senkakus, the US can't regard planes in the air and ships in the water as an invasion we have to repel. The Chinese know this, and they're playing fast and loose with the bulldog on the leash. If I were the Japanese, I'd fake a Chinese invasion so that the US would be forced to intercede.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

lachanceApr. 30, 2013 - 07:18AM JST Until the Chinese land one soldier or sailor on the Senkakus, the US can't regard planes in the air and ships in the >water as an invasion we have to repel. The Chinese know this, and they're playing fast and loose with the bulldog on >the leash. If I were the Japanese, I'd fake a Chinese invasion so that the US would be forced to intercede.

You're absolutely right in that China is deliberately continuing "intrusions" as opposed to anything that could appear as an invasion. While many things can be faked I don't think an invasion can. The way things are going it's more likely that the PLA Navy may accidentally trigger an incident, either intentionally or unintentionally, that could draw US intervention.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

OssanAmerica Apr. 30, 2013 - 07:36AM JST The way things are going it's more likely that the PLA Navy may accidentally trigger an incident, either intentionally or unintentionally, that could draw US intervention.

Draw US intervention? Are you kidding? U.S. does not need to be baby sit Japan over minor skirmish U.S. will definitely do not want to be involved. Japan's military is strong enough. They can handle the problem on their own. Only time U.S. will get involved is if there is a full scale escalation in the East China Seas that affects national security and the U.S. bases.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Tony Ew

"I am ready to be interviewed, even stand in front of the Japanese Embassy to get attention and expose Abe masterpiece. Still think I am from PRC? "

Yes. Your non-logical logic, your attitude of getting worked up over nothing, saying PRC instead of China, they all indicate that you are Chinese or Chinese American LOL

Good luck to you, most people in the world doesn't care about territory disputes between Japan, China and Korea, especially when lunatics try to spread their biased opinions. But you are different !!! The entire planet is awaiting your great speech, like Martin Luther King's !!!!!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Interesting but a bit to fantastic dream from mano. It is true that Chinas influence on the world scene has been growing for some time. And dont forget this is of course only because others let China grow. The somewhat strange thing is why China is behaving like a nutcase towards it neighbors. It doesnt take much effort to make a parallel to other aggressors in history. We have seen several fast rising powers with a sadly immature leadership who always needed to pick fights with its neighbors and then piss of the rest of the world and become destroyed all the way back to the stoneage level. If mano is in any way representative to Chinese It is sad that China seem to learn nothing from history. Take the high road and let others learn from your example instead.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The Chinese Government has WARNED Japan not to scramble their F-15s fighters to deter Chinese planes and now they took their own words in actions!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The distance between China to Senkaku is 310KM and the distance from Naha to Senkaku is 410km. And the JASDF in Naha has about 8-12 F-15s. If compare with China's 40 sorties a day, there is a ratio of 5:1. This training of long range combat patrols might quickly made those JASDF aging F-15s wear outs either the planes or their pilots! An attrition war that without firing a shot!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@SuperLibApr. 30, 2013 - 02:31AM JST

China just doesn't know how to handle the situation except for repeatedly getting close to the islands. They have no diplomacy skills so they can't solve it any other way. They are lost.

No sir, here is a way to look at it. China is not lost. What China is doing is BEING FORCED to patrol the disputed islands due to Ishihara scheme to develop the islands for tourism. Now that patrolling the islands is China's STARTING POSITION in the big game of chess as the STARTING NEGOTIATING POINT.

For a parallel illustration, just think of the ASEAN summits last year, with Hillary pushing for GROUP bargaining position against China. The game plan was to have 'group purchasing power' against China, using the GROUP AS THE STARTING POINT TO NEGOTIATE.

In other words, be it China or Japan or other disputants in SCS, they are ALL jostling to have an INITIAL advantageous position BEFORE they start to negotiate!

Don't take China's patrolling around Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands at face value. It is all negotiation. If China actually dare to land on the islands that is another story, which means a 'land grab', but I don't see that happening.

Japan is well advised to not rile up China any further with nationalists sight seeing around the islands or they may be 80 flights in a day to further inflame the situation. It is well within Japan's govt to ban such boat tours in the name of national security, around the disputed islands, why don't they?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

sfjp330Apr. 30, 2013 - 07:56AM JST "OssanAmerica Apr. 30, 2013 - 07:36AM JST The way things are going it's more likely that the PLA Navy may accidentally trigger an incident, either intentionally or unintentionally, that could draw US intervention. Draw US intervention? Are you kidding? U.S. does not need to be baby sit Japan over minor skirmish U.S. will >definitely do not want to be involved.

No I;'m not kidding. Read the statements made by the US Sec of State and Sec of Defense. Do you think they are liars? Do you somehow know more about what the US military will or will not do than the US military itself?

Japan's military is strong enough. They can handle the problem on their own. Only time U.S. will get involved is if >there is a full scale escalation in the East China Seas that affects national security and the U.S. bases.

Any conflict with a third party affects US national security and the US bases.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

OssanAmericaMay. 01, 2013 - 04:06AM JST No I;'m not kidding. Read the statements made by the US Sec of State and Sec of Defense. Do you think they are liars?

OssanJapan.... Japan has taken too much comfort to wishful thinking and a indulged a faith in a U.S. willingness to risk war that is unrealistic in Article 5. This is understandable, because as we know Japan resists change, and two entire generations of Japanese military and foreign affairs bureaucrats have been steeped in this doctrine. But it no longer reflects reality, or a realistic way forward for Japan. The U.S. and China have basically become strategic partners, and this contact, Article 5 is a dead letter. The U.S. will do the necessary to avoid conflict with China and they will pressure Japan to negotiate.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

China is doing it's best to pollute the environment! They can't help it.

The US should just permanently park a carrier fleet around the Senkaku Islands. They could deal with the Chinese incursions while Japan's coast guard deals with the Japanese nationalists trying to land on the islands.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

sfjp330May. 01, 2013 - 04:43AM JST "OssanAmericaMay. 01, 2013 - 04:06AM JST No I;'m not kidding. Read the statements made by the US Sec of State and Sec of Defense. Do you think they are liars?"


No, it's OssanAmerica. Or shall I all you sfNK330?

Japan has taken too much comfort to wishful thinking and a indulged a faith in a U.S. willingness to >risk war that is >unrealistic in Article 5. This is understandable, because as we know Japan resists change, and two entire generations >of Japanese military and foreign affairs bureaucrats have been steeped in this doctrine. But it no longer reflects reality, >or a realistic way forward for Japan.

I can assure you that it is China that is afraid of "risking war" with United States. How else can you explain the continuous intrusions and harassment using para-military vessels and planes., rather than the Chinese PLA Navy which could be interpreted by Japan and the US as an "invasion"? Why haven't the Chinese military landed on "their" ancient sovereign territory. As for changes in Japan they are happening, mostly because of China's aggressive behavior providing the impetus fror PM Abe and his agenda.

The U.S. and China have basically become strategic partners, and this contact, Article 5 is a dead letter. The U.S. will >do the necessary to avoid conflict with China and they will pressure Japan to negotiate.

The above is near psychotic in it's removal from reality. The Chinese PLAN trains with the USN as the designated enemy and they have openly declared their intent to build a blue water navy and to replace the US as the dominant strategic power in the Pacific. Where do you get this nonsense about "strategic partners"? The US has had many years to "pressure Japan to negotiate" as you suggest, yet they have only affirmed over and over again to China that they will defend the Senkakus. So on what basis do you make such a statement other than pure fantasy?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


I can assure you that it is China that is afraid of "risking war" with United States

Funny you don't say ALL countries, US, Japan etc are afraid of risking war with each other. Perhaps you will be happier if war finally arrive?

I located a massive Chinese Shuimen Air Base 380 km about 12 min flight time to Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Unless Japan have a closer air base than Okinawa, Japan have a disadvantage in countering the Chinese 'intrusions'

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Tony EwMay. 02, 2013 - 03:45AM JST @OssanAmerica "I can assure you that it is China that is afraid of "risking war" with United States"

Funny you don't say ALL countries, US, Japan etc are afraid of risking war with each other. Perhaps you will be >happier if war finally arrive?

I don't it's funny at all Tony Eww. Why should I mention ALL the countries that are afraid of starting a war with the United States? Which countries other than China are currently pushing an issue such that it may result in a conflict with the United States?

I located a massive Chinese Shuimen Air Base 380 km about 12 min flight time to Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Unless >Japan have a closer air base than Okinawa, Japan have a disadvantage in countering the Chinese 'intrusions'

As you yourself stated "Perhaps you will be happier if war finally arrive?"

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Maybe the oil is only a small part of the issue? China's newest cruise missiles could hit bases in Okinawa in about 4 minutes if launched from an oil drilling platform at the disputed islands.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Tony EW,

Don't ever think the americans are sleeping! Also I got news for you we don't boast about what we have, keep watching American Idol, and Jeremy Lin LOL, read, and watch, but you will HEAR LATER! Again we don't care about your stealth frigate can't be too much if you are talking about it. LOL Keep you eyes on the sparrow!!

No need 5 years. The tipping point is just about now! China newly commissioned stealth frigate is able to take on Japanese navy. More coming online perhaps a dozen by end of year. This explains why Japan was brazen enough to try to intimidate China late last year with the radar lock incident because Japan's destroyer was only about 2 km away from Chinese destroyer in Japan's home turf with dozens of ships and land based missiles to entrap Chinese 3-4 ships near the Senkakus/Diaoyu Islands. Sneaky military scheme exposed! Japan got no more tricks up her sleeve except trying to hoodwink the public, esp inattentive Americans.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Tony Ew,

Also you have a carrier right, LOL a recommission oil rig!! With no support ships to protect it. Think again thats a sitting duck in the water, oops forgot not a sitting duck on water that would be on someone table for dinner. About the oil rig carrier supposedly carrier you call that new technology? What has china ever made that they have not stolen or last for a week. First clean up your environment, water, air etc. If I were Japan why worry about China, I say just keep the factories open there, the smog and pollution will kill them, all they see is capitalism but want to remain communism. Confused, abused and definitely corrupt!!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Tony EwMay. 02, 2013 - 03:45AM JST @OssanAmerica "I can assure you that it is China that is afraid of "risking war" with United States"

Funny you don't say ALL countries, US, Japan etc are afraid of risking war with each other. Perhaps you will be >happier if war finally arrive?

Neither Japan nor the U.S. is sending ships and planes into Chinese or Chinese administered territory. Only China is doing that but being careful not to trigger the Japan-US Mutual Defense Treaty. Therefore it is indeed China that is afraid of "risking war" with the United States.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@Vermillion BrentMay. 03, 2013 - 01:30AM JST

Maybe the oil is only a small part of the issue? China's newest cruise missiles could hit bases in Okinawa in about 4 minutes if launched from an oil drilling platform at the disputed islands.

Wow, I didn't think about that! So THAT gas rig could store hidden cruise missiles. Japan should be very frightened, just like Pearl Harbor surprise attack!


-7 ( +0 / -7 )

@OssanAmericaMay. 03, 2013 - 07:47AM JST

Tony EwMay. 02, 2013 - 03:45AM JST @OssanAmerica "I can assure you that it is China that is afraid of "risking war" with United States" Funny you don't say ALL countries, US, Japan etc are afraid of risking war with each other. Perhaps you will be >happier if war finally arrive?

Neither Japan nor the U.S. is sending ships and planes into Chinese or Chinese administered territory. Only China is doing that but being careful not to trigger the Japan-US Mutual Defense Treaty. Therefore it is indeed China that is afraid of "risking war" with the United States.

Don't be silly. China is masterful, pushing the envelope and all Japan can do is to scramble her jets to wave off the Chinese and take pictures at the opposing Chinese maritime surveillance ships.

ALL countries try to avoid war, what makes you think US or Japan is any different? US and Japan must be worried about the stealth cruise missiles hidden under the chunxiao gas field. Vermillion Brent post must be an eye opener isn't it? LIke Pearl Harbor if it comes to that, only this time it will hit Okinawa. Substitute Hawaii with Okinawa and you see the Pearl Harbors all over Okinawa! With only 4 min to target, you think US/Japan have a chance to defend her bases? Call up Guam? Too far away. Very very expensive and US/Japan knows it is better not to give China the excuse to do PreEmption as any sign of offense will trigger the cruise missiles to fly FIRST!

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Tony EwMay. 03, 2013 - 10:15AM JST @OssanAmericaMay. 03, 2013 - 07:47AM JST "Tony EwMay. 02, 2013 - 03:45AM JST @OssanAmerica "I can assure you that it is China that is afraid of "risking war" with United States" Funny you don't say ALL countries, US, Japan etc are afraid of risking war with each other. Perhaps you will be >happier if war finally arrive? "Neither Japan nor the U.S. is sending ships and planes into Chinese or Chinese administered territory. Only China is doing that but being careful not to trigger the Japan-US Mutual Defense Treaty. Therefore it is indeed China that is afraid of "risking war" with the United States." Don't be silly. China is masterful, pushing the envelope and all Japan can do is to scramble her jets to wave off the >Chinese and take pictures at the opposing Chinese maritime surveillance ships.

Not being silly at all. Only if you agree with me that China s afraid of starting a war with the US and is deliberately avoiding triggering it, would your description of "masterful" be accurate.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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