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© 2014 AFPChinese ships return to disputed waters after Obama Tokyo visit
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© 2014 AFP
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I think it's about time the 7th fleet conducted exercises around these islands.
John Galt
Well, that didn't take long.
As bullies only understand one thing, so China will also; a shot across the bow.
I think it's about time the 7th fleet conducted exercizes around these islands.
So, what's the problem? Actions speak louder than words.
Crimson and Clover
Really? Territorial waters only extend 22.2 km!
I sure hope there is no war over these insignificant islands. That would be sheer madness. Who really wants them? Nobody wants to live there. Who can truly make use of the resources supposedly under the sea around them?
Its like kids fighting over a random stone in a sandbox. Even a clear determination of who really owns them does not dispel the stupidity and greed of both sides.
They just can't resist playing onigokko.
LmAO Japanese politicians visit the shrine and China send to Naval boats. I guess this is the chinese way of sauing "Ok I can help you get there and stay there with a couple of bombs"!
SOS Obama, he's still in Asia !
Hell yeah. Or maybe Japan can build a weather station, or something on one of them. China isn't going to back down, so what is the point in trying to placate them?
Peter Nozawa Thurwachter
I think Obama just found his post presidential career as China repellent.
Also@ crimson clover, the water gets really deep around the senkakus, thus if china could make a submarine base there, they could slip boomers into the ocean and achieve nuclear strike capability against the US from unknown areas in the ocean. They can't currently do this because their ports are so shallow, the US can keep tabs on all submarine traffic through satellites.
If China wants to dial down the tension, they should just leave the islands the hell alone. If they want to negotiate, then negotiate. These ships are doing nothing but rise up the tension.
In Korea, Mr. Obama did some backpeddaling on his China containment policy. He said his intention was not to contain China but to engage. I suspected this would happen, and I think Ishihara got the ball rolling, that is, to draw the US into something it doesnt want. Its clearly a difficult issue now for the US; they must show solidarity with Japan, but not offend China. He makes one statement with Abe that the US will defend the Senkakus, but says he doesnt want to contain China. I think they should of never openly used the "containment" word. Senator McCain had attacked Obama during the campaign on his lack of tact. I think Obama has excelled in many areas, but the handeling of Asia is a unique situation and cannot be dealt with so easily. I dont know who is coaching Mr. Obama concerning his foriegn policy in Asia, but seems they dont understand the game. Even the drinking of sake with Abe was a time to "float" ideas and get to know the other. I admire the visit to Asia, but understanding is most important. Its an area where Nixon and Kissinger excelled at.
You think Obama will agree to that now that Abe is celebrating his historic win over him and Aso is so eager to point out that he has no control over policy making in his own country?
And haven't Obama, US commander in Asia-Pacific and US commander in Japan all hinted that the US will not go to war with China if a war breaks out between Japan and China over the Senkakus?
That would be a provocation which could be escalated into a war. You think the US will allow that? And even if the US allows it, the facilities will most certainly be bombed down by China anyway.
I take it as a sign that the Chinese are not in any way affected by what Obama said about the US's security treaty with Japan recently.
The truth is as long as the US doesn't rescind the Potsdam Declaration (conditions of surrender for Japan) it co-drafted with China which says Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we (US, UK, China and Russia) determine, there will be no basis for the US to go to war with China over the Senkakus. But the US will never say it out clearly since doing so means it will lose Japan as a protectorate.
No they haven't. Two US Secretaries of State, Two US Secretaries of Defense and now the President of the United States has stated that the US defense of Japan includes the Senkakus.
"Hell yeah. Or maybe Japan can build a weather station, or something on one of them."
No it's not a provocation to build anything on territory that a country administers. As for China "bombing it", it will invoke article 5 of the US-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty. China will be starting a war with the United States.
"The vessels entered 22 kilometers into Japan’s territorial waters off one of the Senkaku islands
The Chinese are very much affected. Otherwise we would be seeing Chinese PLA Navy ships and PLA AF planes over the Senkakus. China is afraid of antagonizing the United States,
John Galt
I think the installation of a "weather" station there would be a good idea, with a missile self-defense system.
Just build a retirement house for Ishihara on the island and let him deal with the floating Chinese vessels. After all, he was the one who prodded the nest.
Time for Japan to put a monitoring station on one of the Senkaku islands.
I think they should open a military base there and then lease it to the US for 99 years.
Is this a joke for asking US which has 30% of adult surviving with food coupons, struggling Unemployed army and never ending raising debt ceiling limit in Congress for leasing Senkaku from Japan?
The biggest mistake of US was giving administration rights to Japan. It should be given to Russia as trustee instead of Japan.
There should not be any surprise for Chinese move. Under Xi’s admin, China’s Japan policy may not change so easily. Like Abe, Xi himself is enthusiastic nationalist as well, and he needs to use “ those rocks” as a theme to rally his suppor and , wring leaning Japan fits the bill almost perfectly.
The interesting is that the medias' coverages of friendly handshakes between Masuzoe and his hosts are still lingering, yet, Chinese Coast Guard ships again sailed into territorial waters of disputed Senkaku Islands,Japanese Govt had a muted response. (The US forewarned Japan for not escalating the issue).
Wouldn't it be easier if Japan just gave up its false claim on the islands and return them to their rightful owner Taiwan? That would make (nearly) everyone happy. Japan has hundreds of islands. The Japanese claim is based on its better understanding of (Western) international law at the time. China just thought it was always theirs. It's as simple as that. Move on.
Time to remind Guru29 his argument about the Potsdam declaration is invalid because commie republic didn't exist and his favorite quote from the Joint Communique actually is:
Thus, irrelevant to the issue of the Senkakus.