Japan Today

Chinese wartime forced laborers sue Japanese firms


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I have some Chinese neibors living in a danchi house near Tokyo. They are working in Japan. They are very good people. I don't want to judge Chinese people from their government's hostile attitude to Japan.

14 ( +19 / -5 )

Impossible to take China seriously.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

So what the Communist government of China is saying is, "Yeah, we know we signed an agreement way back in the 70's, but so sorry! We lied."

12 ( +16 / -4 )

Chinese Communist government is always looking for some sort of excuse for this anti-human rights cause. So they brainwash the uneducated and blame everything on the Japanese.

Hideki Tojo might be responsible for the death of 5 million people, but that number is the total of all war deaths, not just the Chinese, but Koreans, Americans, British and his own people.

Yes, that is a huge number. I don't know why the Chinese Communist government never talks about their founding father Mao Zedong who makes Joseph Stalin look like a saint. Mao is responsible for the death between 30-60 million people. That is 10 times more than Hitler or Tojo.

My favorite Chinese propaganda was when a Chinese student told me how Shinzo Abe is building up the Japanese military defense force so they can invade China??? Are you kidding me?? They were unsuccessful to conquer China 70 years ago even thought their technology is far advance to the Chinese, and they plan to invade a country who has more money than Japan today??

This is the Communist Chinese for you, instead of having a repeat of the Tiananmen Square almost 30 years ago. They are blaming the Japanese so the people can start trashing on the Japanese instead of their own government.

People's Republic of China might be the 2nd wealthiest nation in the world, but they will never be civilized.

Who can the Chinese sue?? Most of these people who committed the crime are either dead or 100 years old

8 ( +13 / -5 )

People, this has got to stop. As much as it was wrong, it happened in every country during the warS. If you keep digging into the past, how can we build a positive future of our children. Drop it already and move on. And yes, my family suffered in wars too. They have moved on.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Just when I thought they couldn't any more annoying....

I don't know what J government is thinking, giving them financial assistance every year

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Japanese Govt and Mitsubishi have to investigate how old these people suing and which year they began to work in labor camp. If they were in child labor camp in 1945, ..... count and compute, Mitsubishi and Japan. If one is 81 now, he was in forced labor when he was 11 in 1945.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

toshiko that is exactly my point!!

I know why the Communist Chinese government is doing this. It's pretty simple, instead of having people turning against their own government. By blaming everything on the Japanese, they can have their own people turning on them.

They don't want another Tiananmen Square so the Communist government is pointing their fingers on the Japanese. As you know, ordinary Chinese people are still living under slave labor, while the rich and the government gets super rich, they blame everything on the Japanese.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I'm pretty sure that the Chinese have a hat from which they just pick random bits of paper and whatever is written on the chosen bit of paper is how they will blame the Japanese on that day.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Dear Sons of Mao,

I'm sorry for the atrocities my ancestors have caused your ancestors.

I don't have any excuses for the actions of my dead ancestors whom I never met.

Please forgive me for what my ancestors have done.

I'll be your best friend.

OK, now we are officially friends.

Yours Truly,


5 ( +9 / -4 )


For the apologists among you look at it this way; someone breaks into your home while your out and kills all your family. They are later arrested, made to pay a fine and put in prison for some years. When they get out they go around telling the public it never happened and they were forced into it, and they don't regret it. You ask for apologies for your attitude and to show sincere remorse, they say 'f@* you! I already paid you".

How about looking at it this way:

Someone breaks into your house and kills all your family a long time ago, and is punished, paying not just with time in prison, but with their money. You don't think they've made enough amends so you decide to sue them again... but they are dead. What do you do... oh, you chase their offspring who had nothing to do with the crime, but you don't care, you just want what you think is the right amount of compensation. But it's never enough. Nothing will ever be enough. Your heart is cold and you have become bitter and twisted, your mind becoming warped as you think only of this, ignoring the more important things happening around you. People start thinking you are crazy, babbling and incoherent... before long everyone believes you have gone insane, so they shy away from you, afraid of what you will do in your madness...

Imperial Japan is gone, in its place a peaceful country with people who just want to get on with their lives, not be continually reminded of what some of their ancestors did in the name of the Emperor. China now needs to shut up and go away, before they become another lunatic state like North Korea.

I have a feeling the Commies in power have pushed these people forward to advance their agenda of keeping WW2 alive.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

I could see this backfiring badly on the Chinese.

If Mitsubishi has a presence in China they will likely be looking for the doors right about now. That means workers without positions as a result of the relocation.

They are not in China, then they have an unenforceable case.

And this will be forefront of the minds of the other Japanese companies doing business in China as well - with the slowdown in China, and American companies slowly re-shoring back to the USA due to rising costs, adding Japan to the list of countries seeking to exit China would be a far greater worry to the Chinese than the Japanese.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

A Beijing court accepted a lawsuit on Wednesday demanding compensation for Chinese citizens made by the Japanese to work as forced laborers during World War Two

I can see that China is so serious about building ties with Japan. I mean, friends sue each other all the time. What's that? Friends don't sue each other every five seconds? China's actions aren't those of a country seeking to improve ties with its neighbour? Well I'll be a son of a gun.

“However, we believe that according to a joint declaration between Japan and China, the (right) to make these claims does not exist,” he told reporters.

The Japanese government insists that the issue of war reparations was settled by the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty, which formally ended the war, and by later bilateral treaties.

It says all wartime compensation issues concerning China were settled by a 1972 joint statement establishing diplomatic ties.

Well there you have it really. China has no right to make claims. The issue of war reparations was settled 63 years ago, and compensation issues were settled 42 years ago. End of story. But not for China. They're getting very good at dragging up the past when it suits them (i.e. when it makes them look like innocent victims and paints Japan as evil wrongdoers), and they're getting very good at going back on their word. Just like any government really. I expect that there will be another headline tomorrow featuring China being pathetic, and that WWII will inevitably be a factor once more. China is so predictable. Change the effing tune.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Ghost rider

One difference, the Jewish did not have an unified representative to sign a treaty with the Germans while PRC AND KOREA did stating any and all past issues occurred during the war is settled and final.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Stay on topic please. Germany is not relevant to this discussion.

@igloobuyer - When the CCP (and Mao) waived reparations in 1972 on behalf of their nation and its citizens, it ended any responsibility Japan had towards China in this respect. The CCP can't return 40 years later for another bite of the apple, and any Chinese citizens wishing recompense should be seeking it from their own government.

In civilized nations, we've gotten past the idea of eternal blood feuds, perpetual vengeance, and blaming the sins of the fathers on their children as you are advocating (which is pure backward feudal nonsense). All nations who were in conflict with Japan during the Pacific War have signed off on reparations treaties, and sought to build positive relations with democratic Japan which benefits everyone - rather than continually stoking animosity as CCP China and the Koreas are doing despite accepting reparations agreements with Japan.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Ok. For all the fools who still ignorantly state japanese refuses to acknowledge history....here ya go.


You're welcome.

Maybe if china stopped beating a dead horse right wing fools in Japan wouldn't say dumb crap.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The Japanese government insists that the issue of war reparations was settled by the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty

I'm no lawyer so I'm asking if past agreements covered claims by individuals against companies.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

This will become a good opportunity for Japan to stop huge finantial assistance to China.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

The legal system in China is a joke. 'Beijing law courts' will deliver any verdict the CCP orders them to.

I'm surprised the CCP could only find 37 people to 'lodge claims' - and just how many of that small number are the 'academics, lawyers, and family members' mentioned, who were not even alive when the forced labour allegedly occurred?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

igloobuyerFeb. 27, 2014 - 12:49PM JST

Again ask, with WHO did all this begin?

I do not understand what you mean by your question. I have to say I cannot understand what China wants out of this. It sounds to me that China is shouting like "Do not invest a penny in China for we will confiscate all your money for whatever compensation of WW2."

China and Japan agreed in the joint communique in 1972 that China waives all the reparation claims of WW2 against Japan. That is how the investment from Japan to China restarted.

Is it so that China wants to cut off all the economic ties with Japan? What does China want?

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Zichi, we aren't convinced that these 37 people are indeed private citizens... it just comes as another round of anti-Japan rhetoric reaches new heights of insanity.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

SabrageFeb. 27, 2014 - 09:09AM JST

I'm no lawyer so I'm asking if past agreements covered claims by individuals against companies.

There is related US court presedent that the individual claims against Japan and Japanese companies for compensation for forced labor during WW2 by American POWs were barred by San Francisco Peace Treaty. http://www.gwu.edu/~memory/data/judicial/POWs_and_Forced_Labor_US/ClassAction/Sept212000Decision.pdf

Second, the court addresses the preclusive effect of the 1951 Treaty of Peace with Japan on a subset of the actions before the court, namely, those brought by plaintiffs who were United States or allied soldiers in World War II captured by Japanese forces and held as prisoners of war. The court concludes that the 1951 treaty constitutes a waiver of such claims. page 3

Here is another analysis in 2010. http://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1004&context=ilr

Japan continues to refuse to settle the claims of, or even apologize to, the victims of its wartime atrocities. Page 95

The appellate court further noted that the 1951 Peace Treaty included a waiver of claims by American nationals against Japan and its nationals, page 106

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Again ask, with WHO did all this begin?

So glad you asked. It began with two unprovoked Chinese invasions of Japan, under a Mongolian flag. I haven't heard any Chinese apologies for this. Not even one.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

mulan2Feb. 28, 2014 - 12:57PM JST

You need to get the basic facts straight.

On May 15, 1972, the US returned the administrative rights of Okinawa including Senkakus to Japan. Peoples Republic of China protested against the US, but the US turned down the protest by China.

In September, 1972, China and Japan issued the Joint Communique of 1972. During the talk, Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka asked Chinese Premier Zhou his opinion about Senkakus. Zhou said he did not want to talk about Senkakus. So, no agreement was made on Senkakus. The Joint Communique does not have any word about Senkakus.

Now, Chinese communist party says there was an agreement on Senkaku in 1972. Where is it? How can anyone reach an agreement without talking about it?

mulan2, what "condition" exactly are you talking about, if it exists?

2 ( +3 / -1 )


I am confused Chinese is a nationality, Jewish is a faith following the matrimonial line.

Have you been to Germany and Japan and spoken with Jewish people that live and grew up there?

My family has Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Islamic and agnostic members, nevert mind that we are a mix of Europeans, Asians, African, etc. We all get along as we focus on what we got in common and not shared histories.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The act of Japanese military aggression in China in the 1930's and 1940's is deeply imprinted in their hearts so that any unilateral action to change it is not going to pay off. (The Japanese decision to change the word "invasion" to "advance" and to call forced labor simply a "mobilization"). Any distortions by Japan alone can not change the fact.

1 ( +9 / -8 )


Start firing chinese labors, deport them. Stop buying made in China products.

Exactly !

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Chinese courts come under the control of the ruling Communist Party and the suit is almost certain to be won by the plaintiffs

This tells you ALL you need to know. For all those questioning (rightfully) certain Japanese politicians' plans to review past apologies. you must surely also question China's disregard of the 1972 agreement.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Isn't it a little bit too late?

Even for criminal offenses there's a statute of limitations

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Skeeter27FEB. 27, 2014 - 12:45PM JST Isn't it a little bit too late? Even for criminal offenses there's a statute of limitations


//excellent! This is 37 people sueing Mitsubishi that has been cooperating to Chinese Govt's plan to economic growth Mitsubishi and Mitsubishi depending Chinese Govt can use statute of limitation to finish this law suit. Hope they are reading your comment.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

These 37 people are suing Mitsubishi which has been working with Chinese Govt. It is obvious that the attorneys and scholors trying to extort Mitsubishi could not find old laborers that they had to include themselves and families in lawsuit against Mitsubishi. Embarrassment for Chinese Govt.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I'm going to sue Chinese firms for all the harm they've done to people through the manufacture of crappy products.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

At this rate , one day Chinese citizens will sue the whole world for cheap labour which Chinese workers are providing now.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The Japanese leaders of the earl part of the 20th century made the conscious and deliberate decision to viciously attack and subjugate the entire Asian continent under a brutal regime

That's funny, because I don't recall Japan subjugating Russia, or India for that matter. Did you forget that both of those countries are Asian as well? Japan invaded China and Korea, and the pacific islands. That is about as far as they got. Japan has made apologies and reparations for the past. No more is necessary. China has no right to demand more. The San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1951 (which China signed) settled the reparations issue, and the compensation issues were settled by a joint statement in 1972 which began diplomatic ties. Now, China is going back on both of these treaties. Says a lot doesn't it?

I expect that there will be another headline tomorrow featuring China being pathetic, and that WWII will inevitably be a factor once more. China is so predictable. Change the effing tune

I must be psychic, because the next day, China passes into law a National Holiday to remember Japan's defeat. Sure, rub it in why don't you. Why not establish rememberance days for Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well while you're at it, really rub that salt into the wound.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Michael Phillip UdemFeb. 28, 2014 - 08:57PM JST

Why is it that Germany can take responsibility and yet Japan and of the Japanese people feel the atrocities never happened.

This is a typical straw man argument.

Japanese government says forced labor of POWs did happen. But China waived their compensation claim in 1972. http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/china/joint72.html

5 The Government of the People's Republic of China declares that in the interest of the friendship between the Chinese and the Japanese peoples, it renounces its demand for war reparation from Japan.

Did Jewish people "renounced" their compensation claim against Germany?

And today Japan claims jurisdiction over an Island they conquered from China even if Japan ultimately relinquished it after their unconditional surrender.

China can get Senkakus by bringing the case to International Court of Justice. Japan is happy to give the islands to China, if China can ever prove their effective control of the islands before 1895.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I have no doubt about Communist Chinese Government will be frozen Mitsubishi Company's assets in China soon. With Communist China, history will never change if they were in upper hand but they will fabricate history of Tibet.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Mitsubishi has been helping Economic growth of China, Unlike GM or Ford, it does not have too much asset. It is not same as Japan Inc. advanced in USA. These 37 people just want to get paid by Mitsubishi. Only 37, so lawyers and academics had to include families of old old person who claimed they were slave laborers.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why does the Chinese government continually digs up the past? Didn't the war end almost 70 years ago? Not yesterday? Didn't China lose the war? Also lost a war in 1894 against Japan too? I agree the Chinese government has a rock stuck up its ass!

0 ( +7 / -7 )

The 37 people who have lodged the suit include lawyers and academics as well as forced laborers and their families, according to Chinese media reports.


This is a lawsuit by 37 people against Mitsubishi. If only laborers, it might work but lawyers, academics and family are sueing together. Chinese Govt is not plaintiff and Japanese Govt is not defendant.

Mitsubishi China Motors', Mitsubishi Elevators, Mitsubishi Manufacturers and Supplies, Mitsubishi Materials, Electric City Mitsubishi and some of Mitsubishi branches in China, Chinese Govt and Mitsubishi are very friendly. ''

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Just to remember, US and Jewish organisation sued German companies for the same reason successful 10 years ago.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Samurai Blue The Germans still get bashed. http://www.jewishpress.com/tv/video-picks/eu-mp-calling-martin-schulz-undemocratic-fascist/2014/02/13/

0 ( +0 / -0 )

igloobuyerFeb. 27, 2014 - 12:49PM JST

This is what you get when you invade another country and brutally kill millions of people.

Japan has no recourse, whether they have paid money or apologised a thousand times.

Again ask, with WHO did all this begin?

igloobuyerFeb. 27, 2014 - 02:15PM JST

I thought it was obvious; The Japanese leaders of the earl part of the 20th century made the conscious and deliberate decision to viciously attack and subjugate the entire Asian continent under a brutal regime.

Ok. Now, I understand what you wanted to say.

But if you ask the historical question as to who first invaded another country, the 4,000 years of history of China is filled with such events. One might say China has the bloodiest history in the world.

Once the war is over, the losing side said sorry and paid compensation in the form of economic aid, what will happen? You said apology or compensation is irrelevant. Then what?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Gosh, I hope the Japanese in Hiroshima & Nagasaki never sue The United States for dropping the Atomic Bombs.

Lord knows, there's plenty of "Evidence" to support that claim if it ever came before the "International Court of Jistice" at the U.N. (..wink wink..)

0 ( +1 / -1 )


My uncle a son of a french that was forced to fight for germany on the Russian front (spend 1yr in a Russian camp) married an orthodox Jewish lady from the Rothschild family.

How come they and their families can get along? Simple answer because we see each other as people and NOT as members of a country 70+yrs ago.

Now what boggles the mind is why some Chinese, Korean and Japanese can't do they same?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Not true for the mainland Chinese I know including my 3 shrfu, I often visit the henan province for extra studies.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@it"S ME,

The Chinese government officials are appointed by superiors rather than elected by the citizens, and they only need to work for the interests of their superiors. The objective is to not to find the truth but what’s right for you. Your superior is always right in China.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So you say there is a gap between the average Chinese and their government.

Sounds exactly like Japan. ;)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

They already resolved this by treaty but China is saying that its word is meaningless. Well we knew that. There are far more worthy countries to invest in than China, and Japan corporations I hope are considering relocating. Pick a democracy this time

0 ( +0 / -0 )

My godness. The chinese government is a pain in the ass! I think they deserve an accurate and nice kick in that place. Yes... you know the place I am talking about.

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

Start firing Chinese labors, deport them. Stop buying made in China products. If you can not find any alternative in the same store, complain to the manager and leave. The Chinese suck of money from us so they can treat us bad....this has to stop.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

A BBC article today mentioned an important point to remember; yes, China is being somewhat belligerent towards Japan about WWII. Yes, it was a long time ago, and 'apologies; have been made. But the problem is Japan "has allowed the construction of a narrative of victimhood" to build over the years.

What often appears to be missing is: "How did we get here?"


-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Communist China strikes another blow against sensibility and reality with this latest move.

Nothing happens in Communist China without the CPC's okay.

This is just more propaganda brought to you by the distorted.

Treaties and diplomacy mean nothing when you are waging a war of propaganda.

Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

zichiFeb. 27, 2014 - 09:59PM JST From some comments its clear people didn't read the post because its 37 private citizens which has filed the law suit and has nothing to do with the Chinese gov't?

Nothing in China passes the smell test without being approved by the CPC.

If the CPC didn't want these suits to go through they would never have come up.

Laws are passed and struck down by orders of the CPC and this is just another example of this.

Where were these law suits during Mao's reign?

Answer, Mao didn't want them, while the new propaganda machine needs them.

As I said before, nothing passes the smell test unless it is approved by the CPC.

The CPC needs this new stink to use as propaganda.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It"S ME Mar. 01, 2014 - 08:05AM JST How come they and their families can get along? Simple answer because we see each other as people and NOT as members of a country 70+yrs ago.

China is a society that went directly from feudalism to communism. Chinese are still highly influenced by the rules and philosophy played in wartime. These rules are still valuable in politics and military today, but they create negative side effects in business.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I agree that China should move on,however,they seem to be looking for acknowledgment of history,which Japan can't/won't do because of their tainted version? I think it is up to Japan to make things right for it' s future.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Yeah China is flogging a dead horse. But Japan encourages this rhetoric when it continually denies its past atrocities.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Why is it that Germany can take responsibility and yet Japan and of the Japanese people feel the atrocities never happened? Student textbooks teaching lies or avoiding the subject just makes me feel the country has no repentance. If I were China, I’d see the action of Japan equivalent to spitting in their face. To that extent the meager money simply thrown at China without admission of guilt, yet another slap in the face.

As a Chinese Jew, I can “see” both sides and not even the Nazis went only beheading contests publicized in National Japanese newspapers. Japan has payed less than 10% compared to Germany and Japan raped China even before the Great War if I recall correctly. Even today Chinese scholars are unable to visit Japan via diplomatic means to discover in greater details due to past instances where radicals would assassinate said scholars.

And today Japan claims jurisdiction over an Island they conquered from China even if Japan ultimately relinquished it after their unconditional surrender. China will not back down, Japan want the United States out, and if Japan develops nuclear munitions considering the military discrepancy (think M.A.D.) it will be a disaster.

Well, on another note if Japan’s population growth maintains its pace, the country will be nonfunctional in around 50 years I believe. I say: “Just deserts.” Seriously, taking advantage of the cold war just so they can deny their sins.

“Manifest Destiny” So beautiful, yet so evil.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

At least the Japanese corporations do not have to pay anything unless they have factories in China and idf the do have them there then they are plain stupid and greedy.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Why are history books even written? It seems like now they are just being printed for future generations to maintain the level of hatred their grandparents had.

This lawsuit is absurd, but it's a counter to Japan's absurd actions which was a counter to blah, blah, blah. It goes on and on and on.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

SecularBeastFEB. 27, 2014 - 02:38PM JST @igloobuyer - When the CCP (and Mao) waived reparations in 1972 on behalf of their nation and its citizens, it ended any responsibility Japan had towards China in this respect. The CCP can't return 40 years later for another bite of the apple, and any Chinese citizens wishing recompense should be seeking it from their own government. In civilized nations, we've gotten past the idea of eternal blood feuds, perpetual vengeance, and blaming the sins of the fathers on their children as you are advocating (which is pure backward feudal nonsense). All nations who were in conflict with Japan during the Pacific War have signed off on reparations treaties, and sought to build positive relations with democratic Japan which benefits everyone - rather than continually stoking animosity as CCP China and the Koreas are doing despite accepting reparations agreements with Japan.

Are you serious? Blood feud?!? Japan invaded them! How is it a 'blood-feud'?

You make it sound like some political disagreement or something. Japan with provocation invaded China and killed millions of their men, women and children. You think they are coming back to 'bite a little more from the apple'? Where is the humanity?! Sickening attitude, you can do better than that.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Only one word in what you guys wrote, Chinese government needs to be replaced with Chinese people. We tried to forget everything and get along with Japan. But these criminals recall our memory again and again.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Going by logic of they commentators here ...didn't nuclear bombs were used 60 years back why every year japanese people do horse and pony show to play victimhood when they were the main aggressors in ww2 ? history is remembered for certain reasons you cannot remember your victimhood forever and deny others ?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Yes, 1972 communique between Japan and China did announced the war repatriation, but it also listed other conditions which Japan violated by "nationalization" of Senkakus and circle China with allies.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Ghost rider

The Germans still get bashed.

Yes, and it will continue, and Japan will face increased demands as the years go on. This is what you get when you invade another country and brutally kill millions of people. Japan has no recourse, whether they have paid money or apologised a thousand times.

Again ask, with WHO did all this begin?

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

CH3CHOFEB. 27, 2014 - 01:41PM JST igloobuyerFeb. 27, 2014 - 12:49PM JST

Again ask, with WHO did all this begin?

I thought it was obvious; The Japanese leaders of the earl part of the 20th century made the conscious and deliberate decision to viciously attack and subjugate the entire Asian continent under a brutal regime. They failed (thank god) and now 70 years later the repercussion of this fatal decision are with them. All nations, yes, including China for their actions, must accept responsibility for their past actions and their repercussions. Japanese today are suffering from the actions of their forefathers, but that doesn't make them any less responsible for making full and total amends with their Asian nations - not when they say so, but when their victims say so.

Is it so that China wants to cut off all the economic ties with Japan? What does China want?

What China 'wants' is multifaceted, but mostly they want to see a more remorseful and accepting Japan because of what their people (many alive today) suffered under Japanese aggression.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

How about looking at it this way: Someone breaks into your house and kills all your family a long time ago, and is punished, paying not just with time in prison, but with their money. You don't think they've made enough amends so you decide to sue them again... but they are dead. What do you do... oh, you chase their offspring who had nothing to do with the crime, but you don't care, you just want what you think is the right amount of compensation. But it's never enough. Nothing will ever be enough. Your heart is cold and you have become bitter and twisted, your mind becoming warped as you think only of this, ignoring the more important things happening around you. People start thinking you are crazy, babbling and incoherent... before long everyone believes you have gone insane, so they shy away from you, afraid of what you will do in your madness...

Imperial Japan is gone, in its place a peaceful country with people who just want to get on with their lives, not be continually reminded of what some of their ancestors did in the name of the Emperor. China now needs to shut up and go away, before they become another lunatic state like North Korea.

you twisted the message in my analogy which was that the perpertrator took back the apology and denied the crime which many leaders in Japan are doing. You're saying the victim is asking for more just for the hell of it which is plainly not true.

@CajunH2OFeb. 27, 2014 - 04:25PM JST

Ok. For all the fools who still ignorantly state japanese refuses to acknowledge history....here ya go. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listofwarapologystatementsissuedby_Japan

Don:t think anyone disputes Japan made 'apologies'.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Slavery, 2014 time to pay up! Or the Government can dene it actually happened. Japan has a huge problem with its neighbours of its own making, denial of wrong doing has made matters worse.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

As I see it, they're both wrong. China and Japan are like a couple of spoilt brats : "That's MY toy !" "No ! It's MINE..."

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

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