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© KYODOCluster response team sent to virus-hit Kitakyushu
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Get used to plastic sheets, face masks and spikes in numbers it's the best of a bad situation.
That's a rash conclusion that ignores many other factors, such as Greenland's sparse population and relative isolation. There is some evidence that warmer weather and possibly humidity inhibits it's transmission, but it isn't yet conclusive.
Of course this is all a long way from April killing the virus like Trum claimed.
Mirai Hayashi
BTW, Greenland which is arguably one of the coldest countries in the world, reported a grand total 13 cases of which 11 have recovered. If this virus really does thrive in colder climates, then we would have seen much higher numbers, if not the whole continent (population of roughly 56,000 people) being infected.
Don’t include me that group. I’m going with studies from scientists, not with what politicians say, and particularly not Trump’s demented gibberish.
You have been dismissing this idea pretty heavily. Why would you post “OMFG” and “LMAO” at suggestions the warmer weather could be a contributing factor in the drop in cases?
This is very dismissive and unhelpful.
Mirai Hayashi
I never said conclusively weather has no affect. I said that its unlikely because warmer countries are being affected, and numbers are spiking in the warmer states in the US (like CA) . You're ones who keep repeating Trump's stupid rhetoric and keep bring up the warmer weather stuff, and I keep saying we don't know that for sure.
Reading around, I read the effects of weather are not fully understood yet.
What authority are you using to flatly dismiss the idea of weather affecting the spread of this virus?
Mirai Hayashi
I am not the one who's saying covid19 is no big deal. Until we know for sure that there are no long term effects, maybe we should treat it as if it is a big deal, and trying harder not to get infected!
What makes you think a proper lockdown won't work.
OMFG...and you think its because its warmer?? LMAO What do you think we've been doing for the last month?
I would suggest you stop denying facts and relying too much on wishful thinking and fantasies.
Yeah, thank you for that word here's something that sound more logical: People tend to go out more and cluster up when the weather is warmer. That means that its more likely to get worse if we aren't more careful....let's see whose theory turns out to be right at the end of June....If I am wrong, I will happily admit it!
uh-huh . obviously yes.
don't really understand the question but if you somehow re-phrase it i will reply sure.
Really? No infection, no death, you going to take credit for that?
I take it you are one of the "Pre-existing Conditioners too"
What is your solution? Other than a lockdown?
Either do you, so why would you jump to the conclusion the effects are severe?
There is no proof that it wont .
Facts we know
spring numbers were higher than now .
Southern hemisphere countries are seeing increases as it cools.
I would suggest, try and be more optimistic!
@Mirai Hayashi
If limited to your constrains yes there is no proof the warm weather will have much effect on how sars-cov-2.
The warm weather is more to do with death and cytokin storm. Namely complex infections.
If I have to get infected with sars-cov-2 I would prefer that my body only handles that one particular pathogen in June or July.
Mirai Hayashi
You don't know the long term effects of covid19 can do to you later in life, especially if you experienced pneumonia. So not dying although is a good thing, does not mean you are completely fine forever...we just don't know!
Age of Asparagus
Whatever. I'm not going to keep following the numbers. NOT gonna get in the habit of tracking every frickin person who gets the flu. The Earth would be better with 6 billion less people, right? Oh, overpopulation suddenly is not a concern anymore? If the sky isn't falling, then the ground must be lava. It's always somethin'.
Infections and deaths two different things. So the theory, so far, still holds
Mirai Hayashi
People like you have been spouting out that warm weather is going to cure everything. THERE IS NO PROOF OF THAT! As a matter of fact evidence tends to suggest that warm weather has very little affect in its ability propagate. Warm countries are still seeing spikes, and our numbers are better, but its still going up. If you don't like facts, then you shouldn't reading the news. Go curl up with a nice fiction book and live in la la land, but denying facts won't make them go away.
we have little details above where the 'cluster' is.
I agree with the resident.
In some states in the US up to 65% of cases are in care homes for the elderly.
And in Japn there was no hesitation in identifying "live houses" as the source of clusters here in Sendai and in Osaka.
The location of the clusters is crucial information.
Manupulation is a very bad word in my dictionary, human lives are concerned here. PLEASE MAKE SURE before anything happens to human lives. U have families too. What if a member of yr family gets Corana V ???.When dead, no more papers are needed. YEN, I meant.
These nmbers really are NOT that concerning. Nothing that wasn't expected after the SOE was lifted. As for the Tokyo numbers - still below 70 for the rolling 7 days. Any new infection is concerning but we have little details above where the 'cluster' is. That would be more useful to know. @Mirai Hayashi: You love ANY bad news new, don't you? But refuse to elaborate on your plans other than a full lockdown.
Mirai Hayashi
Tokyo is at 15 was 10 on Tuesday and 11's that warm weather theory going?
Now if they had actually tested people who were in contact with those who had tested positive as well!
Talking about "contact tracing" here is just that...TALK!
Benjamin Weinmann
Now if only they tested people with symptoms not in clustered areas.