Japan Today

Coast guard on lookout for 1,000 Chinese fishing boats


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Some guts to go on a fishing trip with a typhoon coming.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

This is where it could get very ugly.... if any of these fishermen come to an early demise.... well I worry.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

That is a whole lot of ships heading over there. This does not look good. The only outcome of this is a bad one.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

All it takes is one crazy fishing boat captain, and this could soon escalate out of control.

The Chinese seem determined to make matters worse...

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Japan should break out the 50cals and sink any boat entering their waters illegally.

-16 ( +11 / -27 )

This is a real test for J-politicians.

Absolutely the Chinese boats will enter the area.

Noda cannot do anything but watching the Chinese boats fishing in the area. Once full of fish, they will leave.

Then Noda cabinet will make a big noise again.

But Chinese will come again because they know they will be left alone fishing there.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

@tokyokawasaki and I think the Chinese government is waiting for Japan to make one mistake that justifies China for taking hard action. I hope Japan stays calm, let the Chinese do stupid things, the rest of the world knows China is the aggressor anyway.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

Stupid stupid stupid.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Well said Probie ...

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Chinese fishermen will attack as seen before.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Didn't something like this happen in the gulf of Tonken?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

No need to fire the first shot.

JCG will pick the fishermen one by one as they enter the EEZ and start fishing. Yes they may miss a couple and PRC Ocean Surveillance ships may lodge protest and may even ram a couple of JCG ships but as long as PRC does not brings in PLAN war ship, Japan is just going to do what they had been doing year in and year out.

The next stage is when PLAN war ships actually starts shooting.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

On Sept 18th, 1931 there was the Mukden Incident..... might the Chinese blow up one of their own fishing vessels and claim it was fired at by a Japanese Ship. 81 years later to the day.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

chinese will do the same as they did with Vietnam's Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

China is obviously and blatantly deliberately provoking Japan. They are seeking an excuse to resort to military action.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Well, the LDP talked tough about dealing with China. Well, here is a good chance to let them show themselves how they can be 'tough' and deal with this.

Or will they just going be like typical Japanese politicians, all talk but no action?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Regardless what your political view on who "owns" these rocks--- both sides are being idiots. Japan provoked the matter with the nationalization of the island (buying them from the private owners), and China is not only allowing the protests but is actually encouraging them. There were apparently air raid sirens in Shanghai... What purpose would this serve other than to panic the populace? I don't see a good end to this...

3 ( +8 / -5 )

This is getting out of hand. the pictures of the "demonstrations" in China over the weekend were scary. People looked really worked up and lots of damage to property and punches flying vs. Chinese cops.

Here we just had the black vans playing old patriotic "music" driving up to the Chinese Embassy. Barriers in road. Bit of a silly stand off and then they went home for shochu and cigarettes.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The invasion has begun.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

They are not going for the Senkaku, they will be taking Okinawa!

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Regardless what your political view on who "owns" these rocks--- both sides are being idiots

Sorry, I disagree with this in as much as who ever owns them rightfully has the right and obligation to defend their territory, and the one who does not own them rightfully has the obligation to step aside.

So, before they knew there were riches there, who owned them is the real question.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I think Ishihara should head to the Senkaku islands and defend the islands himself.

20 ( +24 / -5 )


China is obviously and blatantly deliberately provoking Japan. They are seeking an excuse to resort to military action.

Yes and of course Japan is completely innocent.

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Yes and of course Japan is completely innocent.

In this case, they are. Or at least nothing as extreme as what China is doing at the moment.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

In this case, they are. Or at least nothing as extreme as what China is doing at the moment.

Ishihara and his nationalist goons started this whole thing. Now Japan is going to burn. Sorry but Japan is not making this situation any better. They should just let Ishihara apologize or something. Damn children are running these countries, I swear.

-1 ( +9 / -11 )

violent protest alone is stupidity. now fishing with typhoon coming - what are they teaching their people ?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I wonder how Audi feel about the staff at one of its Chinese dealerships holding a banner that says


And now we have 1,000 fishing boats sailing towards the islands. We know China could stop the demonstrations any time they want, but not 1,000 boats on the open seas. This will turn ugly.

The general population here in Japan remains peaceful. However, there have been people posting on this forum sneering at Japan and calling it a colony of the US, likening it to a puppy dog, likening it to a whining child calling for mommy (the US) when it hits a spot of trouble....

....keep heaping your humiliations on Japan, keep sneering and spewing your vitriol, while all the time accepting the hospitality it offers you. And watch how China keeps heaping insults on Japan, burning its stores, dressing pigs up in the Japanese flag...and then ask yourselves:

How much longer will this country's peace will last? If Japan does nothing it will be seen as weak and ineffective (cue the sneering). If it reacts it will be accused of nationalism (cue the sneering). If the US does nothing to protect it then Japan will see no reason not to ditch the constitution that prevents them from rearming and strengthening their military.

Is that what everyone wants, a violent lurch to the right?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

what are they teaching their people ?

Rabid nationalism.

fishing with typhoon coming

Yeah. It'd be a real shame if any of the protesters boats sank...

8 ( +11 / -3 )

So sink the "fishing" ships and send the bill for the shells used to sink them to the CCP.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

China is obviously and blatantly deliberately provoking Japan. They are seeking an excuse to resort to military action.

Who cast the first stone? Ishihara? How about we send HIM there to deal with the fishing boats? Akll in favour say "I".

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Well, Ishihara successfully forced issue. That said, it a damn good thing that the national govt. has taken control of the situation, and now Ishihara can't cause any more trouble here.

That said, Japan's response is the proper one: They claim the islets and so cannot tolerate any infringement on their sovereign claims. At this time, the flotilla of Chinese boats will not likely pick a fight with Japan.

For now.

However, if, or rather when, China wishes to stir the pot, they now have a very easy way to ratchet up tensions with Japan. You can expect to see such a turn of events when China's economy slows down or hits a severe bump. It always goes like that. Y'know, distract the people with some nationalist fervor...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Put a bounty on Chinese ships that enter Japanese territorial waters and engage in illegal activities. There are plenty of ex US military that can use the money.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Well, this time the typhoon will take care of the fishing armada, but if they try that again, it is iffy situation for the Japanese coast guard. How do they want to deal with a swarm like that.

The Chinese government is course totally irresponsible in playing the nationalist card like this.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Thomas Andersson:

" Ishihara and his nationalist goons started this whole thing. "

No he didn´t. The situation has existed for a long time regardless of Ishihara. Read up on it.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

I really hope the typhoon will encourage some or most of them to turn around and head back to China. It will allow everyone involved to cool down a bit and think about things more logically. However, they may not have a choice (due to pride, pressure or duty). Let's hope that this will end peacfully with both sides realizing the damage that this dispute can cause to themselves.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I really hope the typhoon will encourage some or most of them to turn around and head back to China

Kamikaze strikes again!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

This is a real test for J-politicians as well as Obama.

Chinese givernement is testing how much Japan and the US will react to this provoke.

When any one of the fishermen gets hurt, it justifies another provoke now at this time with naval battleships taking over the island.

We can remind of the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962.

Without America's biting a bullet risking a war, this conflict will not be resolved because Japan alone can not be a match to China.

My prediction is loss of the Isand to China and a new world order will be established.

Then, the situation becomes so similar to the time of 1930 in Europe before WW II. But at this time, Japan is old China and China is old Japan.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Is Japan really going to go to war with China? Does anyone really think it will happen?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

No he didn´t. The situation has existed for a long time regardless of Ishihara. Read up on it.

No kidding, but it's the nationalization of the islands that tipped this event over.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

OssanAmericaSep. 18, 2012 - 10:55AM JST

China is obviously and blatantly deliberately provoking Japan. They are seeking an excuse to resort to military action.

@Ossan, I agree. I wonder what is a role of US in this.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

If any of those fishing boats get into trouble or start sinking it will be the Japanese Coast Guard which will have to rescue them.

This is where it gets interesting. If there are indeed 1,000 of them and they start capsizing, will the JPN Coast Guard be able to rescue all or most of them? Are they obliged to in the first place?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Chinese provoked Japan by insisting that Senkaku is part of their inherent territory (such as Tibet,) and started talking about their plan to take over the islands. They have also suggested that Okinawa is their's too. I think something ugly will happen since knowing this, Japanese will not back down this time especially when LDP government come to exist.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

No kidding, but it's the nationalization of the islands that tipped this event over.



2 ( +4 / -2 )

I hear Japan offered to give the islands back, if only China would take Ishihara too. China turned down the deal.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Nessie, we could only wish!!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Chinese provoked Japan by insisting that Senkaku is part of their inherent territory (such as Tibet,) and started talking about their plan to take over the islands. They have also suggested that Okinawa is their's too. I think something ugly will happen since knowing this, Japanese will not back down this time especially when LDP government come to exist.

Just say no to appeasement. Peace in out time? I think not.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I think Ishihara should head to the Senkaku islands and defend the islands himself.

lol, I have to agree with Thomas Anderson here. How hard would it be to just explain things to the Chinese?? We have this crazy right-wing politician who loves to stir up controversy. We only bought the damn islands because we didn't want them falling into this nutcase's hands.

Really the best thing Japan could/should have done is just had the balls to stand up to Ishihara. If he refused to step in line, impeach him for treason or whatever. Sure the problem has been around for decades, but Ishihara is directly responsible for it boiling over. He should be held accountable.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Well if the Chinese media said there are 1,000 ships (exactly) heading toward the Senkaku islands, then it MUST be true!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@ rogoteye

The Senkaku boat incident is ancient history. Do you think all those people in China are rioting right now over something that happened 2 years ago? They rioted over it then, made the criminal boat captain a hero, and quickly moved on.

The recent collapse of ever-fragile relations between Japan and China is all thanks to Ishihara. If he didn't start talking about buying the islands, it wouldn't be in the news.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This is a guerrilla armada hellbent for confrontation. I'm afraid they just might find some.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


China is obviously and blatantly deliberately provoking Japan. They are seeking an excuse to resort to military action.

Do you really think so...? Or do you think that Japan might be trying to over-extend their territorial waters just a bit, considering all these disputed islands (and there are many of them, with many other countries, like 6 other countries Japan is involved in some type of dispute over islands...?) are more than 1000 Nautical Miles from Tokyo! They are NOT near Japan.

Believe me, I am by NO means any FAN of China, but you have to look at the big picture and absolutely take Japan's Aggressive History into consideration... Let these token islands go... No big loss for Japan, maybe they should make a one-time deal with china, and get a contract in black-and-white concerning exactly what belongs to who...

Use Common-Sense... Pick and Choose your Fights Japan, this isn't an issue you really want to do battle over... It's coming up on the anniversary that you started your 15 year invasion and occupation... Please...

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

if any one of those 1000 fishing boats sinks, it will be like pouring gasoline into a bonfire and the situation will get out of control. given the quality and reliability of those fishing boats, vast majority of which are made in china, i'd say it's almost a certainty. ishihara got his wish. the question is, now what? what can the ordinary japanese do to prepare for this impending disaster? stock up rice and water?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think the Chinese boats look real pretty out there in the water with all them colorful flags.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

A lot of back and forth going on and finger pointing . Bottom line is USA is not antagonizing the situation by openly taking a side. The joint draft that USA signed with japan will do USA's talking if any china war ship or plane assaults any Japanese military vessel.

The way china has been intimidating whenever is sees a advantage to only itself, shows it's mentality of it's own leaders. China is always telling other countries to remain calm and keep open dialog in resolving any dispute. What are they displaying here ??? Open dialog " we'll use any measure "

They've bullied Vietnam , cambodia , philippenes now they are kicking a hornets nest here. Anyone who believes that the USA will sit quietly on the sidelines is obtuse. This location is key for them in the Asian Pacific. They'll do anything to keep the agreement they have with Japan, including defending islands that they themselves turned back over to Japan ( not china )

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Use Common-Sense... Pick and Choose your Fights Japan, this isn't an issue you really want to do battle over... It's coming up on the anniversary that you started your 15 year invasion and occupation... Please...

Look at a map of the Senkaku Islands and its surrounding areas. By taking the Senkaku Islands, the Chinese can build an airfield like they did at Woody Island. The Senkaku islands become a springboard for attacks both on Taiwan and US bases in Okinawa. The lesson from WWII is that appeasement doesn't work. If you give the Chinese an inch, they'll take a mile.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

China is always telling other countries to remain calm and keep open dialog in resolving any dispute. What are they displaying here ??? Open dialog " we'll use any measure "

To the contrary, China has demonstrated high degree of patience and tolerance. It seems that you guy never know what happened outside Japan. China has repetitively warmed Japan of the serious consequence if Japan goes ahead the purchase of the islands.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Japan, blood is on your hands. If one or more fishing boats are shot at, then all bets are off when it comes to China's military measures/retaliation.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Japan, blood is on your hands. If one or more fishing boats are shot at, then all bets are off when it comes to China's military measures/retaliation.

Not as bad as the blood China has on its own hand towards its own people. Funny how a generation makes people selectively forget things... oh wait thats right, China destroyed all the books and murdered the educated during their happy little revolution.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

CV Huan

Obviously you represent one of the many individuals torching and destroying property and businesses Japan invested in ( which employed Chinese ) really smart. Increase your poverty level by destroying jobs and opportunities alike.

The Chinese government has already shown they can't control their own people. I think china's issues at home will be on itself or need to be focused on a future uprising.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

If I'm not mistaken, the "private OWNER" was a full blood Japanese. since when does a government need permission from a foreign government to purchase land from its own citizens?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

fishing boat frigate formation.....biggest loser of all ==> pity the fishes around the disputed islands

0 ( +0 / -0 )

How utterly ridiculous. Looks like a poor man's regatta.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Well, governor, Ishihara, now's the time to make good your word. You were going to protect these islands, remember? That's why you set this little stack of dominoes into motion.

Now let's see you lead. Get your tin hat on, and get your dad's old sword off the living room wall and get over there. Or was this just a grubby little property deal to stuff your pockets with?

Get over there in person, Mr. Ishihara. You started this. Let's see how brave you are when you're blinking at a thousand boats full of pissed-off Chinese.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I hear Japan offered to give the islands back, if only China would take Ishihara too. China turned down the deal.

Nessie, I know you're just joking around, and you probably didn't mean anything by it, but in using the word "back", people are playing into China's deceptive framing of history. At no point were these islands ever inhabited by Chinese people. There's no "giving back" because that would imply previous ownership by China.

Either the Japanese family's ownership of the islands is legitimate, or the historical use of the islands as a fishing outpost by Okinawans is legitimate, or the islands were terra nullius and thus either country has a claim.

Japan cannot give these islands "back" to China any more than the USA can give the Sea of Tranquility on the moon "back" to China: these places have never been Chinese, and were historically inhabited by no person or nation.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

To the contrary, China has demonstrated high degree of patience and tolerance.


That has to be the funniest comment on here in a long while!

8 ( +9 / -1 )

The "Kamikaze wind" has saved Japan in the past!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

"China has repetitively warmed Japan of the serious consequence if Japan goes ahead the purchase of the islands."

Hate to rain on the parade, but Japan purchased the islands...from the owners...who were...JAPANESE.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

What will happen if China takes the islands through miltary force? Will Japan reclaim them or declare war and would the USA back Japan?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What gives with all these thumbs up for the rabid rantings of warmongering fools !?

Ishihara is taking this country down a dark path, it will probably never return from.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

efisher it's more than obvious "you guy" dont read enough foreign news or have travelled at all.

What's the last country to go with any UN sanction trying to be imposed ???? Give you a clue starts with the letter C and it's not Canada.

What country is always telling N and S Korea to remain calm during outbursts of confrontation ?? See above for same clue.

What country let's their own people be used as slave labour? Doesn't stem the flow of human trafficking ??

Do you see Japanese people in china town burning down businesses ? Hurling objects at the embassy here ? Destroying Chinese made products or businesses china might have invested in here ??

Nope !

Probie have to agree with you, very funny ! You guy you !

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The China aggressor stroy has been used so many times by those who are trying to push Japan into the brink of war with China. Those who will benefit most from this is America. Just like when it torpedoed the South Korea ship with North Korea Torpedo. The NK had nothing to gain but the Americas get to stay in Okinawa to protect the us and the SK's. Big conspiracy happening.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Think this is all about the military faction in China trying to gain support for soon-to-be decided positions in the CCP Central Committee. Senkakus is just a pretext. Best ignored by Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So much to look forward to when autumn approaches, for those who love seafood:) No fighting, no talking, just please go fishing!

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I tend to agree with your comment. In a big picture view, the Japanese 'own' these islands whilst having no real geographical or historical claim to them whatsoever. Or, to put it more succinctly, their claim is much, much weaker than that of Taiwan or China. Despite the fact that China is behaving like the petulant diplomatic child it is, I feel that the Japanese government needs to either negotiate a mutually satisfactory solution, perhaps one of sharing, or, give them back to China outright. China's pathetic behaviour makes this latter solution particularly unpallateable right now, but I believe it to be the right thing to do. They certainly aren't worth fighting a war over.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Will the divine wind come to Japan's aid again?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Read up on the Battle of the Paracel Islands. After the Paracels fell into Chinese hands, did that placate the Chinese? Has peace been achieved in the South China Sea? Appeasement doesn't work. It only encourages China to take more territory.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

At no point were these islands ever inhabited by Chinese people. There's no "giving back" because that would imply previous ownership by China.

To add to that, the earliest mentions of the islands are in Japanese manuscripts, the unofficial claim of the islands as Japanese has existed since at least the 15th century, the official (annexation) claim since around 1800, Japanese factories were built on the island in 1900, the islands were occupied by Americans during WWII before being returned decades later...

And suddenly, when the US is returning the islands, in 1972, a year after it is announced that there are potentially oil and gas deposits in the area, now we suddenly get a claim of ownership from China? At least, I haven't found any Chinese claims for the islands prior to that. Sure, there are claims of back history, just like the Japanese have, but there are no active claims on the islands themselves, as in "These are Chinese islands", until 1968 (some have even pointed out the PRC's own "People's Daily" often referred to the islands as Taiwanese).

If you never bother to tell people a given plot of land is yours, and you ignore it entirely, and you do nothing when other people claim it as theirs (and your own people refer to it as belonging to others), or when they build a factory and hundreds of foreign people start living there, or when it gets formally captured by a different government, or when that government mentions that it will eventually return ownership of the islands to someone other than yourself, until you find out there is gas and oil there...you really aren't going to have much of a case. In pretty much every country, possession is 9/10's of the law. China has never even had possession to begin with.

Similarly, I can't see how the excuse for the current rioting is anything other than silly (if serious) or blatantly transparent (if inciting), that somehow purchasing the island by the government, from a citizen of that country (nowhere else in the world would this even be an issue) is a provocation meriting rioting or a response along the lines of sending 1000 boats to foreign waters (which, being that there has never been such a large mass of ships simultaneously traveling in convoy towards the same area for the purposes of fishing, can rather easily be seen as a provocation).

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Japan's response is the proper one: They claim the islets and so cannot tolerate any infringement on their sovereign claims.

How proper is it when Japan's claim is a serious violation of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender and the Potsdam Agreement which says:

"The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we (China, Russia, UK and US) determine."

Remember, Japan received two nukes for defying the Potsdam Declaration?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

This is just insane.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sorry, I disagree with this in as much as who ever owns them rightfully has the right and obligation to defend their territory, and the one who does not own them rightfully has the obligation to step aside.

So from which side are you talking? Are the islands China's or Japan's? China and it's 1.something BILLION people say they are theirs and Japan with it's 120 plus MILLION say it's theirs.

Let the UN decide.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

People think about this, while the Chinese Gov allows all these fishing boats to go off to Senkaku, lets the populace protest in the streets, it keeps the focus on an old enemy rather than on the fact that China has some serious internal problems that killing off a few hundred million of them would alleviate.

Seriously think about it. If the Chinese government WANTED to stop the protesters they very well could have, and quite easily too. The government has to be liking what they see and only paying lip service to Japanese complaints.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

**What country let's their own people be used as slave labour? Doesn't stem the flow of human trafficking ??

Do you see Japanese people in china town burning down businesses ? Hurling objects at the embassy here ? Destroying Chinese made products or businesses china might have invested in here ?? **

Japan for the slave labour and human trafficking!! Do I win a cookie?

No, you're right, I don't see any Japanese doing any of the above but even if they did, the media here wouldn't cover it. And Chinese made products? Not all that many here because most Japanese turn their nose up at them out of xenophobia.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Let the UN decide.

Problem is, the UN is fairly toothless in enforcing rulings - especially when it comes to these two nations. They both have a history of ignoring recommendations and rulings they don't like. Not saying I have any better ideas though. I reckon the chest puffing from both sides will calm down - they sure are a fiery mob these East Asians though and as a neutral it is interesting to watch!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is a very good game of " Go "...............thousands of UNARMED fishing boats. You can't sink them, you don't have enough naval vessels to tow them. Some will get through and no matter what J Gov. does, it'll look bad.

Your move................................

0 ( +0 / -0 )

House Atreides

Appeasement doesn't work. It only encourages China to take more territory.

I don't think it is 'appeasement', I think it is the georgraphically and historically right thing to do, and should have been done long ago. It only looks like appeasement at times like these.


To add to that, the earliest mentions of the islands are in Japanese manuscripts, the unofficial claim of the islands as Japanese has existed since at least the 15th century, the official (annexation) claim since around 1800,

The writing I have read suggests the opposite is true. Here is a quote from History Today;

In contrast Japans argument largely ignored the historical position put forward in Chinese accounts. Claiming that the uninhabited islands were not occupied by any power, or terra nullius, Japan annexed the islands in 1895 shortly after its victory in the Sino-Japanese War. Japan claimed that the islands were discovered in 1884 by Fukuoka merchant Koga Tatsushiro, who then applied to lease the land from the Japanese state. At the time, however, the interior ministry noted that it was still unclear as to whether the islands belonged to Japan, especially as there was detailed knowledge of the islands in Chinese and Ryukyuan writings, making Kogas claims of discovery difficult to substantiate.

Even a Japanese map made 100 years before, in 1785, shows the islands with their Chinese name and shaded as Chinese territory.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"The Chinese seem determined to make matters worse..." China has warned Japan on this one but Japan went along anyway. So who is making thing worse first?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

If Japnese coastguard fire first, war will starts and Japan will not like the consequence.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

If the Chinese want to get Taiwan back they need to at least get this tiny island back or they lose face

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The Chinese unlike the Japanese are very undisiplined and appear very resentful of past wrongs committed by Japan.It is without a doubt that, at some point, blood will be shed.Conflict between China and Japan will get ugly and force the USA to get involved,then what? It would be preferable that both China and Japan negotiate now a solution before violence starts !!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Before the shooting starts talk first. The way it looks like is shoot first talk later. This should be settled diplomatically. Looks crazy out there. If it comes to blows could be bad for the rest of the World too.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If the Chinese want to get Taiwan back they need to at least get this tiny island back or they lose face

If the Chinese get the Senkaku Islands, they will build an airfield there. Fifth generation Chinese fighter aircraft would be no more than 12 minutes from US bases in Okinawa and less than half that time from Taiwan. Just look at what the Chinese did to Woody Island. Or how about Mischief Reef? First the Chinese said they only wanted to build a shelter for fishermen on Mischief Reef. Now they have a full blown military facility there. Do you think fisherman from the Philippines will be welcomed at this so called "shelter for fishermen."

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Do you think if a huge typhoon sinks those ships, will Japan be blamed for it?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

well, the chinese are being stupid and blowing the issue out of proportion.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

If the Chinese want to get Taiwan back they need to at least get this tiny island back or they lose face

There is no "back". They can get these islands, by fair means or foul, but they can't get them "back".

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The writing I have read suggests the opposite is true. Here is a quote from History Today;

Well, I admit to mis-typing 1800 instead of 1900. however, there is little change to what I posted, certainly nothing as dramatic as the complete opposite (and there are maps from both sides with the islands on them from the 15th century). However, my main point still remains: that both sides can quote history, but only one side has laid official claims to the islands for over a century, and the other has completely ignored the islands (including various parties making references to ownership and building and populating) up until they were found to have gas and oil in the 1970's. Then, suddenly, there's an official claim.

If Japnese coastguard fire first, war will starts and Japan will not like the consequence.

It would be very surprising for the Japanese to fire first. To the point that I would actually not be surprised to hear of them taking heavy fire prior to even firing warning shots.

There is a rather heavy emphasis on the "Self-Defense" portion of the SDF. It isn't just lip-service, like it would be back in the States. The concept of "pre-emptive strike" isn't quite as tolerated or easily dismissed.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

mongolians, manchurians, etc. can use the chinese logic to claim the whole of the PRC Empire ? (W

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

That is what happens when Japanese apologies are conceived as Tatemae, (a fake), rather than Honne, (a true expression), and keep distorting history and keep denying that things did not happen.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

No typhoons scheduled for that part of the South China sea for another year.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

cabadajeSep. 18, 2012 - 09:23PM JST

that both sides can quote history, but only one side has laid official claims to the islands for over a century, and the other has completely ignored the islands (including various parties making references to ownership and building and populating) up until they were found to have gas and oil in the 1970's. Then, suddenly, there's an official claim.

It gets more interesting when you read the documents the US had from the time when they administered the islands before the formal treaties were signed. The US flat out asked China if the islands were part of Taiwan and they said no, and they had until 1959 to say otherwise. If they want to blame anyone, they should blame Mao for being a lazy fat ideological idiot.

And it's not that they claimed the island after the gas report, they did so six months (about the time it takes to present the proper paperwork) after the report, which was released once US officials had begun the process of releasing the islands into Japanese care. That's pretty much a blatant land grab.

The best thing they can do is send their own ships to the area, preferably the oil tankers being rerouted to there before heading back to Iran. Have a few of those ships there and some tiny fishing trollies can't do a thing without being crushed to pieces. Only idiots would go through with it, and I doubt even they are stupid enough to do that.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

This is why China did not do anything until gas was discovered in the area:

An unfair Shimonoseki treay was forced upon China, thus surrendering Taiwan, (with the Diaoyu-Dao or Diaoyu-Tai islands). They remained under Japan's control until 1945. In the meantime, while Japan had control of it, they sold them to some Japanese families without China's permission. When Japan lost the war, the US kept control of them as if they were part of Okinawa. They should have returned them back to China in the treaty of San Francisco, (where Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores).

China was in no position to fight a war against the US when they were negotiating diplomatic relations with the US with the condition that the US would not recognize Taiwan. Specially after the mass casualties in the Korean war. Only when the islands were released back to Japan as part of Okinawa Prefecture, did China see the opportunity to reaffirm its claim to it.

They had enough in their plates at that time to worry about something that was not an immediate priority. Now that the time is right, they are taking care of business.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

"Now that the time is right, they are taking care of business."

I see. Step by step. The rest of Okinawa island chains should be reverted to the great motherland as the Ryukyu Autonomous Region of China ? And, Koreans have a much longer, uninterrupted history as a much more faithful tributary vassal of China, aren't they? So, even more qualified to be new Autonomous Region of China ?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

An unfair Shimonoseki treay was forced upon China, thus surrendering Taiwan, (with the Diaoyu-Dao or Diaoyu-Tai islands).

False. They were never part of the Shimonseki Treaty.

Secondly, ROC had plenty of opportunity to voice their claim to the islands after Japan's surrender for they had an embassy in Washington. Not only that,

"After the Republic of China (ROC) government relocated to Taiwan in 1949, the United States continued to recognize the ROC as the sole legal government of China. In the aftermath of the Korean War, given the continued strategic importance of the Taiwan Strait during the Cold War era, the ROC and the United States signed the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty in 1954 to consolidate their military alliance. This action established the ROC as part of the collective security system in the East Asian and Pacific region. "

Not a single word about their claim of Senkaku which basically proves Japan did in fact incorporate the islands under terra nullius.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Kuomintang's ROC also didn't say anything about Senkaku before the oil/gas deposits report, did they ?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

and, where is this 1,000-ship fleet now ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Mary Marylander: they are destroyed by a divine wind.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The situation is getting worse by the day...

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Indeed, and I wonder if the temporary closing of Japanese factories in China would do any good to it.

.I do think that it is a good idea for Japanese companies to look for other Asian nations in relation to foreign production, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam offer better, more stabil political climates.

The situation is getting worse by the day..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

and, Southeast Asia as a whole is Japanophilic (with the exception of some ethnic chinese communities there).

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Unbelievable that the nationalists are still pretending to act tough. Well all I can say is, good luck, Japan.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Send Japanese Navy ships to Islands and station Soldiers on all Senkaku Island chain. Don't look at Yankee face for help and Japan must stand on its own two feet.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

after Chinese media reported a flotilla of around 1,000 Chinese fishing boats was sailing toward them.

Click on the photo for an enlarged version. I count around 30 of them....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Don't back down Japan. Make China fire the first shot and then watch the world hate them.

I hope civil unrest from this ends up uprooting the corrupt commie government. Its time the country gets split up into 10 different minor states.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"China is obviously and blatantly deliberately provoking Japan. They are seeking an excuse to resort to military action."

The your conclusion does not follow from your assertion. And your assertion is wrong.

Japan changed the status quo by moving to purchase the islets from private holders. Japan did this to head off Ishihara's attempt to provoke China by having Tokyo prefecture buy the islets. Ishihara started this, and the national govt. wisely chose to put an end to it, by wresting control of the situation from his hands.

China is responding to the change in the status quo. Their, response thus far is entirely measured. Thus far, stern words and some street protests.

China does not seek military action with Japan or the US until China thinks China is ready.

China is not ready.

China will be ready when it has a real naval force that can project its power. Y'know, with carriers. China is building that kind of force now, but is years away from being able to take on Taiwan, let alone the US and Japan.

Conclusion, that you and 11 others think China wants to take on Japan and the US and Taiwan shows that yo simply do not know what you are talking about.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Thomas AndersonSep. 18, 2012 - 11:45AM JST OssanAmerica "China is obviously and blatantly deliberately provoking Japan. They are seeking an excuse to resort to military action. Yes and of course Japan is completely innocent.

Japan has made an effort to diffuse the situation by pre-empting Ishihara from building on the islands. In contrast, China is doing nothing but escating the issue. So in comprison, yes, Japan is innocent.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Japan changed the status quo by moving to purchase the islets from private holders. Japan did this to head off Ishihara's attempt to provoke China by having Tokyo prefecture buy the islets. Ishihara started this, and the national govt. wisely chose to put an end to it, by wresting control of the situation from his hands.

False. It was the owner who requested the change of status quo for it was his intention to sell the land before the lease expires with the central government. Since, at that time, central government had no interest in purchasing the lands, he asked Tokyo prefecture. Even during the time when Ishihara announced his intentions, he publicly stated on numerous occasions that he wished the central government should be purchasing this.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Thomas AndersonSep. 18, 2012 - 11:38PM JST Unbelievable that the nationalists are still pretending to act tough. Well all I can say is, good luck, Japan.

Of course the small insignificant J-natinalists are no match for the massibe Chinese hordes, where everyone is a nationalist. That's why China is considered the biggest threat to peace ion the region by all Asian nations and not Japan.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Violent burning and pillaging in 100 cities is simply "some street protests"? No, its brainwashed masses being fed by a blood-hungry expansionist commie government to go into a frenzy. The behavior of the last week by the stupid Chinese government has been astounding. I don't know how that Chinese foreign press guy Hong can stand there on stage and keep a straight face.

Also status quo...what if the private Japanese owners had built some facilities on the islands? Would that have been fine with the commies?

Japan should have sat down with some Chinese officers and explained the situation calmly beforehand though, as it was old Blinky that kicked up this fiasco.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I am also under the impression that the Japanese are playing a superb game of bluff here. Ever wondered why an area supposedly rich in natural resources has no full-time naval or heavy duty coast guard presence? What if the Japanese are fooling the Chinese into armed conflict in the middle of....the sea? They would use any Chinese invasion to their benefit globally and you cannot fit more than 50 Chinese soldiers on that island anyway. Maybe there are no natural resources with rich deposits and any conflict would be so far away from Japanese civilians. Could be one of the best games of political bluff ever.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

JTDanManSep. 19, 2012 - 12:24AM JST

"China is obviously and blatantly deliberately provoking Japan. They are seeking an excuse to resort to military action."

The your conclusion does not follow from your assertion. And your assertion is wrong.

Japan changed the status quo by moving to purchase the islets from private holders. Japan did this to head off >Ishihara's attempt to provoke China by having Tokyo prefecture buy the islets. Ishihara started this, and the national >govt. wisely chose to put an end to it, by wresting control of the situation from his hands.

That's correct. Japan tried to diffuse the tensions by pre-empting Ishihara from building on the islands.

China is responding to the change in the status quo. Their, response thus far is entirely measured. Thus far, stern >words and some street protests.

Nonsense. China had every opportuinity to ease the tewbsions once Ishiharas plams were stopped. But they continue to ecate the matter towards armed conflict on a daily basis. "Stern words and somestreet protts:" are an absurd understatement. Weare taling of injuuries, damages to Japanese businesses and the Japanese embassy. The Chinese crowds broght up on the Patriotic Education program are out of control.

China does not seek military action with Japan or the US until China thinks China is ready. China is not ready.

No some PLANaby admirals think they are ready. And the current approach , 1,000 fisjing boats, multiple Maritke Suirvelliance Ships, are all designed to not be military, but is still a confrontation which, because of he sheer numbers may require military involvment to stop. China intends to use that as an excuse to claim that Japan has raised this into a militatry conflict.

China will be ready when it has a real naval force that can project its power. Y'know, with carriers. China is building >that kind of force now, but is years away from being able to take on Taiwan, let alone the US and Japan. Conclusion, that you and 11 others think China wants to take on Japan and the US and Taiwan shows that yo >simply do not know what you are talking about.

Conclusion is that it is you who are relying on backroom estimates, assesements and predictions without taling into account current real-time events.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

How many of those Chinese boats will breakdown before they get anywhere near the Senkaku's? Chinese "patrol" boats will be busy picking all those heros up and towing their tubs back to China.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

China is using this opportunity to get "closer" to Taiwan, Japan is just a smoke-screen

1 ( +2 / -1 )

So the Chinese military come in the form of fishing boats huh? Their main technique is to ram Japanese ships. I guess we can call them suicide boat crashers.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I would love to see how the Chinese government reacts when some of their 1000 rusty fishing hulks start sinking in Japanese waters, and the Japan Coast Guard has to pluck their sorry asses out of the water. That would be political victory for Japan without a single shot fired.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

but, anyway, very innovative, thought-provoking type of maritime strategy

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Ch1n4SailorSep. 18, 2012 - 02:12PM JST

"@OssanAmerica China is obviously and blatantly deliberately provoking Japan. They are seeking an excuse to resort to military action".

Do you really think so...?

"China's national defense minister warned Tuesday that Beijing reserves the right to take further action against Japan in the ongoing dispute over uninhabited islands in the East China Sea."

"Liang told Panetta that China was "resolutely opposed" to the islands' inclusion within the terms of the U.S.-Japan mutual defense treaty, the agreement signed in 1951 as the U.S. helped the island nation rebuild after World War II."


Looks to me like CHINA thinks so.

Or do you think that Japan might be trying to over-extend their territorial waters just a bit, considering all these dispu

ted islands (and there are many of them, with many other countries, like 6 other countries Japan is involved in some type of dispute over islands...?) are more than 1000 Nautical Miles from Tokyo! They are NOT near Japan.

Believe me, I am by NO means any FAN of China, but you have to look at the big picture and absolutely take Japan's Aggressive History into consideration... Let these token islands go... No big loss for Japan, maybe they should make a one-time deal with china, and get a contract in black-and-white concerning exactly what belongs to who...

Use Common-Sense... Pick and Choose your Fights Japan, this isn't an issue you really want to do battle over... It's coming up on the anniversary that you started your 15 year invasion and occupation... Please...

1 ( +1 / -0 )


You maintain that China is escalating. You have not made that case.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Or do you think that Japan might be trying to over-extend their territorial waters just a bit, considering all these dispu

ted islands (and there are many of them, with many other countries, like 6 other countries Japan is involved in some type of dispute over islands...?) are more than 1000 Nautical Miles from Tokyo! They are NOT near Japan.

and how close is Guam to the U.S.?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You are all wrong and Japan is bigger than Tokyo! As for distance there are the Ryukyu island chain a part of Japan. The people there do not want to be part of the PRC. We do not want to be part of Taiwan. Hopefully the fishing boats will return to Red China before getting into trouble. They are being used by their government for an act of aggression.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

JTDanManSep. 19, 2012 - 01:44AM JST Ossan, You maintain that China is escalating. You have not made that case.

"China's national defense minister warned Tuesday that Beijing reserves the right to take further action against Japan in the ongoing dispute over uninhabited islands in the East China Sea."

I don;t need to make a case, China is saying that they are.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Hassan, these islands were never taken from China. That's why Japan was able to keep them after WWII ended. Chinese ma[ps from the 1960s show these islands as Japanese territory. China didn't make a claim until 1970 after the possibility of oil/gas deposits in the area were discovered. China goal is not just natural resources, it is part of an aggressive military asnd territorial expansion program to take control of the East and South China Seas. China is in sinilar territorialnb disputes with Phiollipnes, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc. Chinese territorial expansion is the top rtipic at ASEAN. It is also he top pripority of the United States in the Pacific region to the extent that 60% of US nval forces are being moved to the Pacific. This is not some isolated China-Japan dispute as China and it' supports would have you believe.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Gee, I wonder if you happen to know how many times China has made that comment in the past year, the past decade, and since 1971?

'Cause I do.

Once again, You maintain that China is escalating. You have not made that case.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Besides, "reserving the right to take further action" is not escalating.

It is reserving the right to escalate.

You maintain that China is escalating. Your belief that China stating the obvious, that it reserving the right to escalate, does not make your case.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Save it. Like most posters here, you were totally clueless on the events that lead up to the purchase of islands by the central government for the status quo was not going to happen so it was either Tokyo that buys it or the central government.

China, with their control of the media, escalated the situation by sponsoring and allowing these recent mobs while giving the green light to these fishermen vessels to go there. (If you think they're truly "fishermen",then there is no point in debating with you).

1 ( +4 / -3 )

JTdanman, Read the article. Is it China sending a 1000 fishing boats? Or Japan? Which one is esacalating the issue? Let's let common sense make "the case" for you.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


I notice you do respond to my question about how many times China has comments in the past that you first said gives evidence that China escalates.

Ok, I'll take that as on concession on your part that China's comments here do not constitute escalation.

Rather, your raise another issue: the flotilla allegedly heading toward Japan.

I will respond in a similar fashion to this as I did before: how many times in the past year, decade and since 1971 have Chinese "fishing boats" violated Japan's claimed territory around Senkaku islands.

I wonder if you know the answer...

1 ( +1 / -0 )


"I notice you do NOT respond to my question..." Sorry about that.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I wonder if you know the answer...

I can't stand the suspense. Oh please tell us JTDanMan!!!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

If Chinese want to island back after the invasion - they should do the same with Tibet - But the Typical Chinese character of two immoral unethical faces, this will never happen. I also bet the Chinese government are funding and supporting this protest. The sooner Japanese Manufacturers move to other countries the better AND watch the Chinese economy that is funded secretly by printing money CRASH!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Time to relase the sea mines and pass the popcorn.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

JTDanManSep. 19, 2012 - 04:15AM JST "Ossan, I notice you do respond to my question about how many times China has comments in the past that you first said gives evidence that China escalates."

I notice that you did not answer the question as to WHICH COUNTRY is sending 1000 fishing boats? That will tell you which country is ESCALATING the issue. I will take silience onn that question as an admission that it is China that is escalating the issue.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


First, it appears that China is not sending a flotilla of any size to the Senkaku.

"Naha, Okinawa Pref., Sept. 18 (Jiji Press)--Information that a large number of Chinese fishing boats are heading for the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture is false, the chief of a Japan Coast Guard office in the southern prefecture said Tuesday.


So, China is not "escalating."

Even if a flotilla had been sent, that would still not be "escalating." It would not be "escalating" because many times in past decades, Chinese fishing boats have gone into the waters Japan claims around the Senkaku islets.

This is the dance we've seen many times before.

And, like I wrote: I wonder if you know how many times this dance has occured. Apparently, you do not.

It seems to me that is kind, uhm, -- what do you call those things that come in useful when forming an opinion about something...? Oh yeah,


Kinda of like the fact that according to Hiroshi Majima, who heads the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters in Naha, told Okinawa Lieutenant Governor Yoshiyuki Uehara visiting the office that talk of the fishing season's start and the departures of Chinese boats from their ports may have been misunderstood.

Which contradicts the kind of 'fact" that you repeated with no basis, that China had sent the flotilla. And that was enough evidence for you that China is rearing and ready to invade every country from Indonesia, to Japan.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

One must respect the fact that they belonged to the Chinese people and land for centuries.

That's not much of a "fact", given that no Chinese person has ever lived or built a structure on any of these islands. Unlike Okinawan and Japanese fishermen.

Peace be with you, brother, and to friends here. Goodnight.

Don't spend your 5 mao all in one place, brother.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

First, it appears that China is not sending a flotilla of any size to the Senkaku... ...Even if a flotilla had been sent, that would still not be "escalating." It would not be "escalating" because many times in past decades, Chinese fishing boats have gone into the waters Japan claims around the Senkaku islets.

Actually, yes, saber-rattling is considered escalation. When you announce that you are sending 1000 ships to a disputed area, that is considered escalation, regardless of whether you actually do it or not.

If no one pays attention to you, and your riots, and threats, and the claims of your group regarding genocide (nuclear, no less) go unanswered, so you then claim that 1000 members of your group are going to that land, yes, that is considered escalation. It is a claim of invasion, peaceful invasion, true, but invasion nonetheless. In all honesty, it is also a somewhat embarrassing move for China to have made; they may think it is a cunning plan, to coyly refer to the regular fishing traffic as a 1000 ship fleet, but to the first-world military strategists, all you are really doing is referring to civilians as soldiers and putting them in the line of fire. At best, it is a rather childish attempt to impress others, along the lines of the Iraqi War Minister claiming the Americans were running away while in the background U.S. tanks were rolling up the street. At worst, it is a possible attempt at creating a human shield of innocent civilians.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

OssanAmerica, brother, it doesn't matter who gave the islands to japan. One must respect the fact that they belonged to the Chinese people and land for centuries.

Except for the part about them never belonging to the Chinese people. Even if we ignore that historically, both China and Japan can provide the same sort of evidence of ownership, China has all but abandoned the property while Japan has actively and repeatedly worked the property over the last hundred years. In most countries, a dispute such as this would end with China having abandoned the property and relinquised all responsible (and claim) to it.

I do not like China one bit, but come on, brother, must you blindly defend Japan all the time with useless details?

Hey, c'mon now, be nice to China. Don't bite the hand that signs your paychecks.

The islands are morally Chinese territory, period.

"Morally" Chinese territory? China utterly ignored the islands until gas was found. How is abandonment moral?

If I were you, I would stand back a bit and look at the bigger picture and not jump to conclusions that China is always the evil one.

China isn't evil, and no one here has said that it is. However, China is the aggressor, and it is acting in a dangerously childish fashion while doing so.

Peace be with you, brother, and to friends here. Goodnight.

This is, perhaps, the most ironically poignant sentence ever, right here. A plea for peace, under the guise of deception.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

As for distance there are the Ryukyu island chain a part of Japan. The people there do not want to be part of the PRC. We do not want to be part of Taiwan.

You also didn't want to be part of Japan so what's your point?? Oh right, bashing China. If it isn't China its the US, right?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Are they going to look out or did they take enough amo

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It took China 75 years to claim Senkaku/Daiyou after Japan took control of the islands in 1895. Was China asleep for all those years? Where were the Chinese goverment claims in 1900, 1010, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, and finally in 1970? If you lost something, like Chinese say Daiyou "have been the inherent territory of China since ancient times", would you wait 75 years to claim like the Chinese? Sounds like Chinese lost memory of ancient times.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

China really is acting like idiots on this. They're testing there newfound economic "super-power" and trying to see if it bought them military "might makes right" too. I don't think the rest of the world will agree with their methods.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It'd be funny if they got lost and went to the wrong island.

The weather started getting rough, the thousand boats were tossed...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

i think when japan blames other country,they should also think why many countries hate japanese so much japan people also should figure out why ,and as i know many countries speak on the media not speak good about japan for this issue,and also acctually they have worese impreesion about japan more than china,actually speaking i am not prefer to china or prefer to japan,when japan depend on USA too much,it would also cause big trouble for them also.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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