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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Construction begins at Fukushima plant for water release
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You say it is totally safe but yet you still release it far out to sea?
Scientists say the impact of long-term, low-dose exposure to not only tritium but also other isotopes on the environment and humans are still unknown and that a release is premature
This paragraph clearly explains the lunacy of releasing this water. What are they going to do if/when this water irradiates the whole east coast and destroys the fishing and tourism industries? Furthermore, what will they do if/when the millions of people who live, work and eat seafood from the east coast start to develop cancers at an unprecedented rate? A deep bow and an apology is just not gonna cut it! There are alternatives. This is just madness!
Quasi-approval from the IAEA, good enough for TEPCO and the J-Gov, but still have to explain safety to stakeholders, i.e. people. Science is not necessary, just understanding.
Derek Grebe
So failing for 11 years isn't enough.
They're going ahead with the "just flush it" strategy, like we always knew they would once the Olympics were out of the way.
But of course, the concrete-construction boys want their slice before the problem gets cheaper.
No matter how big the problem, there's always one more layer of kickbacks to pass around under the table.
There are hundreds of square kilometers around the plant and above sea level that can never be lived on again. The water can be permanently stored there in tanks that last longer than five years. Tritium has a half-life of 30-40 years the water can be stored until it loses its radioactivity and then released into the sea
It is also possible to remove tritium from water but TEPCO and the J-Gov are ignoring it because it is expensive.
Taki, people are not want to sign up for Tepco suicide pact
John Noun
Appalling behaviour.
No good news here!
JGOV and their lackeys too cheap to pay for safer disposal. ! Very disappointing!
Japan inc is broke.
Sadly they had to take the cheapest option while ensuring some construction company leeches some tax dollars on the building project.
Only thing will stop this is public reprimand by Biden too the Prime Minister of Japan,
The water contains ‘radioactive particles’ which are being released into the environment -not ‘just’ water!