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© Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Contaminated water still troubles Fukushima plant
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Incompetence and corruption still troubles Fukushima plant.
Incompetence and corruption still troubles Japan. It's very regrettable
...But yeah we got the Olympics so all is OK!
Cripes, I hope this doesn't impede the reopening of the other nuclear plants, we need electric power!
But then we've gone through the past three years without nuclear power...
Er... 'experimental' ice wall? After three years they are just starting to experiment with ideas? That's reassuring! I hope the ice wall doesn't melt when summer comes around.
And they will have developed the technology to remove the fuel by 2020? 2020 - the year when a whole bunch of visitors is destined to arrive for something special. What was it now?...
It doesn't sound confidence-inspiring at all, "Well, yer know, we'll kind of do a bit of this and we a bit of that and..."
Cary Kosonen
Mix the water with jelly sugar and put it in large containers under the ground?! if there is a hole in the container the jelly does not come out! it is more safe!
see: Youtube "How to make jelly" --
(But don't eat it!!)
Having seen what the engineers and firefighters did to negate the negative effects of this N Disaster. I cry, so many people worked so hard to keep me and my family safe. They are heroes, knowingly working in an unstable environments. To be in support of N-Power is wrong. Economic worries are nothing when you think of the loss of life the continued stress and loss of families. What is the most important thing in your life? The economy? Or your family? If you have to think about it , then get help you are sick.
Mike O'Brien
And all the money spent on importing extra coal, oil and natural gas has just had such a positive effect on the economy. Not to mention the extra sickness cause by burning more fossil fuels.
And how many of those vistors will be visiting Fukushima power station?
Clinton Meskanen
Troubles. TROUBLES?
Three year olds now loay inside and rarely see the sun :( Troubled?
"The situation is under control." -- Abe Shinzo
5mSv ? So can you also get a compensation for a unnecessary performed CT or Fluroscopy (up to 20 or 100mSv) ?
Freddie Krug
Use reverse osmosis to cleanup water.
Is the Ukraine trying to retrieve their melted core at Chernobyl???? No.... Well Imagine that...
According to David Hess, a nuclear analyst at the World Nuclear Association, a 2013 scientific study estimated that 160,000 early mortalities had been prevented by the use of nuclear power in Japan ( as opposed to burning fossil fuels ), and he says, "Put simply, nuclear power has saved many Japanese lives."
Incredible! Well, then, let's start 'em up! Another major earthquake or tsunami will never happen, either that or the nuke plants will be able to withstand them! Yea!
Mike O'Brien
Well 4 of the 7 operating reactors at the 2 Fukushima nuclear sites survived the earthquake and tsunami just fine. And all the operating reactors not in Fukushima survived the earthquake and tsunami just fine.
What was the major difference between the two Fukushima nuclear sites? Daini's reactors where a newer design. Kind of indicates that newer plants were designed better. So nuclear plants meeting newer safety and design criteria should be fine to start up.
Mike O'Brien
So if loss of outside power was the problem then it has nothing to do with the design or safety of the reactors themselves but with the design and safety of the backup power systems. that doesn't require any modifications to the reactors just to the power supply systems.