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© KYODOCOVID patients again rising in Japan; experts warn of 10th wave
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This comes in great part from the government leaving everything to the population and not making a much greater effort in promoting the measures that interrupt transmission. Unfortunately Japan is not alone in this mishandling of the problem, and the risks that are continuously being found from covid reinfections are not even taken into account in the small amount of information released to the public as part of those efforts. As frequently is the case the government choose to react instead of prevent.
Herb McDonald
Get a booster and stop the spread!
It IS flu season, after all. We're just gonna have to learn to live with COVID and not panic, treating it as another flu variant.
JT, thanks for reminding me to get my booster. I'm 60 and REALLY do not want to catch flu.
The country became a sad place to live,pre Covid we always had a 10% 15% of masked people but now even after the pandemic turned into endemic more than half of the population keep the mask.
It is flu season but then again such news will make them only more weary.
Actually Influenza B is hurting my family right now and has been going around my area. The symptoms seem worse than when we had COVID
It seems to me those who wear masks Especially kids, get sick far more frequently than those who don't
Flu shot maybe. Another covid "vaccine" probably not.
Elvis is here
Watching the passengers get of the cruiser and get into random taxis will stay in my memory banks for ever.
Mothers, fathers, siblings, relatives, colleagues, neighbours became critically ill because of C19. Sone didn't pull through
Before the deniers come here to boast, they should reflect on how they exasperated the situation and at what cost
Of course your choice to make, but a booster for covid lowers more of long lasting health problems. Is like choosing to wear only safety boots but not a safety helmet while working in a construction site.
Bill Lewis
I expect it will grow even higher in April when they start charging for the boosters.
Gene Hennigh
Covid booster hurt no one. Even if you don't believe that Covid is a problem a shot won't be so bad.
Anything that makes an effective preventive measure more difficult to get ends up reflected in a higher incidence of the preventable disease.
There is nothing sad about preventing serious health risks, specially because the pandemic is not over and covid has not turned to endemic yet. Sad would be to see a lot of the population having serious and even permanent health problems because of lack of use of preventable measures.
I got the flu shot this year and got the flu. I’ve had 5 Covid shots and got Covid. The flu was worse than Covid. I’m done with shots but if it makes you feel safer by all means, get it.
Agreed. I got mine and my flu shot.
It's not just to protect me, but also those around me, such as older people and those with existing health issues, who would suffer greatly if infected. In my opinion, it's the right thing to do as a member of society.
But for some reason, JT seems to be a haven for anti-vaxxers.
I see what you did there.
This just in: cold & flu increase in the winter. Be aware.
Same. I got the flu shot years ago in my 20s and then got the flu right away. Nearly killed me. Never got the shot again before or since and never had the flu again. Finally, late in the game took Covid shots after immense social pressure and because had to travel overseas, and got terribly sick, Covid like symptoms and heart palpitations for months afterward. Never had Covid before that or since. If people wish to get the flu shot/Covid and believe it is for you, then that's fine. I will take my chances.
Your body ,your choice ,personally i thinks its done and no need to continue to give money to pfizer et al
And notice Kyodo News the only outlet that has time to file something on this non-story. That speaks volumes
Makes me happy we live in a seaside location and not a crowded inner city and we don't need to take the daily commuter trains. Still, we are taking extra care again. We kept the plastic screen in the teaching room and the young pupils are wearing masks again.
Elvis is here
A young family member has just been diagnosed with C19 so today's birthday party has been cancelled.
Indeed. You might want to reinstall them. Cases are rising.
Elvis is here
No. Mine has one, too as my fans have pointed out many times. It's something to do with the computer system.
When we get to this stage of the conversation we start to see the wee barns.
Australia has stopped publishing data on covid infections and deaths, because the number continued to rise for both. Rather than give helpful information to keep the situation under control, they have decided to do nothing about it and instead accept growing numbers of dead.
The number of places giving booster shots has reduced and basically the situation, even through the summer months, has worsened.
Governments around the world have given up on protecting their populations and find it more convenient to hide information and ignore the growing pile of dead people who should have, and could have been saved.
At least Japan is still keeping people informed.
Stay home and isolate when sick with either. Wear face masks in enclosed public places like shops and malls. Get Flu vaccination and covid booster shots. Disinfect often when shopping (take your own) after touching things others have handled.
Germs, bacteria and viruses dont take holidays, so when you drop your guard, thats when your most vulnerable yourself and most likely to pass on such things to those close to you.
Influenza B is rife in my office. Several people down.
Had my FluMist in early November, but who knows, just hoping to get through the next couple of weeks and escape it!
The Covid-19 solution is very simple yet hard to implement. Yes shots and boosters works but for a short time. The only long term solution we have is to stop completely experimenting and killing bats.Only then they will stop killing us.
Long Covid is a Real Issue affecting 10+% of those infected world wide (650million).
In many cases they have debilitating problems including circulatory, neurological, deep fatigue, immune, gastro intestinal amongst others.
2ndary+ infections can cause more complications in a minor % as opposed to the expected decrease in volatility of symptoms. Genetics it seems plays a major role in initial susceptibility and further.
A lot to learn yet.
A link to an interesting article with further links.
Estimating the heritability of SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 severity | Nature Communications
You're correct that vaccines do not "prevent" anything. But they do help to prevent both infection and transmission. Getting vaccinated isn't a great burden to me, and it will help both myself and others, so I do it.
Here are a couple of links from the many that are out there. (Some will dispute the findings, but whatever.)
Getting vaccinated reduces individuals' risk of both getting COVID-19 and giving it to someone else, said Emily R. Smith, an epidemiologist and assistant professor at The George Washington University's Milkin Institute School of Public Health.
"Vaccines provide significant protection from 'getting it' – infection – and 'spreading it' – transmission – even against the delta variant."
A study of covid-19 transmission within English households using data gathered in early 2021 found that even a single dose of a covid-19 vaccine reduced the likelihood of household transmission by 40-50%. This was supported by a study of household transmission among Scottish healthcare workers conducted between December 2020 and March 2021.
Paranoia is a serious illness. You should seek help fast.
The Prime Minister's website has the official vaxxine statistics from the period of Sept 20 to Feb 6 and the number of over 65s who have been vaxxinated is at 52%.
There are no statistics for under 65s but if you take the overall country wide rate of 21% that is listed, it's easy to extrapolate around a 9.5% vaxxination rate or 8.5 million out of the 89 million under 65s in the country.
Call it what you want. A lack of confidence in the protection offered by the vaxxine, not worried about coronavirus, knowing people who were harmed by the vaxxine or just acting on basic self-preservation... either way, the results speak for themselves.
Each of those people heard the advice of the government, the so-called experts and the propaganda machine that has long run out of steam and decided they'd rather take their chances on doing nothing.
Yes, masks do also count as nothing.
Follow science..
Take vaccine..
Don't be a fool..
Flu can kill.
Those cycles are here for ever. Do what you consider the best for you according to your age and health risks.
For young and healthy, flu vaccines do not make any difference
If you have had a couple of vaccinations Covid is just like the flu. It’s only those with underlying health issues and immune system problems who are at risk of severe symptoms. I had Covid a couple of months ago. It was done and dusted in a week. I’ve had cases of the flu that knocked me around more and lasted much longer.
I hadn't noticed.
Except It won't
The results do absolutely nothing to contradict the scientific evidence, masks reduce transmission vaccines are safe and effective and covid is a serious disease with many consequences. Do you also believe that healthy lifestyles being unpopular refute them as as being something much better for the people? or lots of smokers now prove smoking is not bad for your health?
Obviously lots of people making bad decisions for their health is nothing new, nor it proves their decisions are correct.
Yes they do, and that is why there is an specific effort to vaccinate perfectly healthy children for example, they do help reducing risks very importantly. You confuse not having specially high risk with having no risk, they are not the same thing.
You've posted links from 2021. I hope I don't sound Offensive / Vulgar, but how does one somehow miss the two-a-half years information that has come to light regarding the inefficacy of the Covid vaccines in stopping transmission?
Spoiler: they don't.
At the start of the pandemic Japan's government and most other Asian nations' governments promoted measures in contrast to what the WHO was advising. Japan's medical authorities advised the general public to wear masks, as opposed to the WHO, which was in cahoots with China, pretending the crisis was not at an advanced stage.
The WHO was even praising China's Covid measures:
WHO Praises China as Country That Deserves 'Gratitude and Respect'
To be honest, no links will be good enough for those who have already made up their mind that vaccines are "bad" or "morally wrong" or "dangerous" or whatever. Even if it were the world's foremost expert presenting research from just this morning, such people would still not believe it.
My stance is that vaccination is well worth it - both for me, and for others - and so I will do it.
If others don't want to get vaccinated, that's up to them: Japan is a free country and nothing is forcing them, so I don't understand all the vitriol. But it's been like this since 2019/2020, and I don't expect it to stop anytime soon.
Not understanding the science behind the recommendations of the experts may lead people to get the wrong idea that they are unsupported, but the experts do not have paranoia, the warnings are perfectly valid and anybody with the interest to follow the science can easily confirm this.
Actually, it was the opposite, the same as every other medical institution of the world in a country with mask defficiences, the same link that disproves this claim can be put again without any problem.
How is the WHO position on China (and the multiple criticisms it directed at the country management of the pandemic) related to covid patients rising in Japan?
Vaccines do reduce transmission, that means it is still better to do it than not for this purpose, specially because it brings other benefits a well.